#protect little mina forever :(
loveyjeongie · 11 months
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m upset so here is me writing out how I feel but also comforting myself with a short thing bc I can relate to baby mina. also I wrote this half asleep and running on no sleep for 24+ hours so I apologize if there are any mistakes <3
|little!mina, cg!2yeon|
word count: 941
warnings: mina is autistic, talk abt nightmares, hair pulling as a way to regulate emotions, just a little sad with a happy ending bc we all need that rn and I want to sleep peacefully with mommies 2yeon too :(
Everyone was laid on the couch watching a movie that was quickly coming to an end. Mina rested against jeongyeons chest, her thumb in her mouth, a habit that she always had when she was sleepy. Nayeon opposite of them, with mina’s legs resting over her lap whilst her fingers drew soft loving circles around the soft spot of her calves, the credits began to roll on the tv in front of them and she spoke through a whisper, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Hey love bug, I think it’s time for bed yeah? Why don’t you come with me, i’ll help you brush your teeth!” Standing up, nayeon gently picked up mina as she shifted around in her arms with a few whines.
“mina don wan sleepies mama, mina wan mama stay wit her” her arms tightened around the back of nayeons neck as a form of expressing that she was being firm.
“Oh baby… you have to get some sleep, otherwise how will you have energy to play tomorrow?” they walked into the bathroom, she switched on the light and sat the little down on the sink’s marble countertop. But when she tried to back away mina’s grip was still tighter than ever, like she was determined to stay that close with her mama forever.
“saids mina don wan sleepies!” fussing around in her arms, she began to kick her feet while letting out a few more frustrated whines. “mina wan mama! sleepies bad sleepies hurt mina!”
At this point, jeongyeon was also standing in the doorway after being called over to help nayeon calm the upset little. Mina started to feel anxious, like there were ants crawling under her skin and her brain was on fire. Moving a hand away from her grasp on her mama, she grabbed a fistful of her hair and began tugging on it roughly in an attempt to sooth herself. “no sleepies! no sleepies! bad!” she began to yell as the overwhelming feeling of having to sleep and relive a common nightmare of hers she had the night before brought her to tears and soon she was sobbing vigorously against nayeons chest.
Mina was starting to hurt herself and pull strands out of her scalp with every other tug. Jeongyeon quickly stepped forward from the doorway to grab the little girls hand, and held it in hers as she gave it gentle kisses.
“mina baby, what’s scaring you about sleeping? have you had a bad dream?”
Through choked sobs she tried to stutter out a few words that neither caregiver could make out. The lack of understanding of what she was trying to say upset mina even further, causing her to take her other hand and ball the hair on the opposite side of her scalp in her fist as well.
Nayeon began to worry heavily, and took mina back out to the living room where she sat back down on the couch and rocked the both of them back and forth trying to calm down the sobs that were shaking the girls body.
“Sweetheart, mama and mommy aren’t going anywhere and the bad dreams can’t hurt you I promise.”
“Your mama’s right peanut, we’re always here when you sleep and you need us. Would you like to come to bed with your mommies tonight instead? Would that help the bad dreams go away?”
The rocking movements and gentle tone they used with her helped calm her jumbled mind slightly and after a few minutes minas sobs turned into occasional sniffles and small hiccups. One fist still in her hair, she grabbed the hem of nayeons shirt and brought it closer, a way that mina often grounds herself. She loved the sweet scents and soft textures that her mamas clothes always had. They made her feel like she was laying on a warm cloud.
Taking a while to respond, nayeon grabbed the hand still in minas hair and interlaced it with hers,
“Okay, cmon my sweet girl you can come to bed with mama tonight.”
The three of them entered the bedroom and as jeongyeon fixed up the bed for them all to sleep in, nayeon quickly changed mina into her favorite blue pajamas, and slipped a pull up on the small girl so that she didn’t have any accidents during the night. She was still fussy, but was only mumbling a few words such as “mama” “mommy” and “bobo”, for her paci that sat on the bedside table. Jeongyeon took mina from nayeon arms so that she could get undressed as well, and laid down in the middle of the bed, the little crawling on top of her chest and placing her ear to her heart. The boom of their heartbeats made her feel safer, closer even, so they always let her rest there whenever she wants. Nayeon climbed into the bed and under the blankets on the other side of mina, grabbing the blue penguin themed paci from the nightstand and sliding it past her lips.
She fussed slightly, prompting jeongyeon to rock her side to side.
“We love you peanut, and your mommies will never let anything hurt you, if you have any bad dreams you’ll wake up and both of us will be here to protect you from them, okay?”
mina closed her eyes slowly and hummed in response.
“Goodnight my sweet girl, i love you.”
nayeon pulled the comforter over them, and let out a sigh.
On the brink of sleep, and finally feeling safe again in the arms of her mommies, she mumbled barely audibly before stilling for the night.
“no bad nite mamas, mina wuvs u too”
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Take A Chance On Me Series Masterlist
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!Reader, Reader POV
Summary: When you decided to work with Butcher and his merry band of supe hunters to take down Homelander, you never expected to be saddled with a sullen, grumpy, jerk like Soldier Boy when the job was done. The more you’re around him the more you hate him, but you can’t help but wonder, is he really as big a jerk as you think? Reader is a supe with plant powers. This takes place in an AU about a month after the end of The Boys Season 3, in which Butcher has let Soldier Boy continue to work with him on his team. (I'm real bad at summaries, please forgive me!)
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers (Eventual), Little bit of Grumpy vs. Sunshine, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Protective Ben/ Soldier Boy
Chapter 1: Are You Always Like This?
Chapter 2: What A Great Freakin' Way To Start The Day
Chapter 3: Please Remember To Take Your Happy Pills
Chapter 4: You Want to Live Where?
Chapter 5: We Got Us An IKEA Virgin
Chapter 6: Best Friends Forever
Chapter 7: It’s Not A Date
Chapter 8: It's Still Not A Date
Chapter 9: Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
Chapter 10: COMING SOON!
{One Shots}
Open Mic Night
Last Updated: 09/09/2024
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(Photos on Mood Board From Pinterest)
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The idea that only Ulmo or Nienna care about Middle-earth and do anything to help Eruhini is a strange misconception because Tolkien pretty clearly shows that at least Manwë is watching very closely what's going on and sometimes even interferes? It's just that the Valar mostly seem to work through the elements they represent, which if you think about it is pretty neat.
Like there are various instances where the wind acts up suddenly, causing storms or rising in just the right moment (as in ROTK, clearing the air for the Rohirrim and speeding Aragorn's journey as he sails for Minas Tirith)
And even more obviously, the Eagles. Tolkien specifically says that the Eagles are Manwë's advocates in Middle-earth, providing miraculous aid when all else fails. Without the Eagles, Beren and Lúthien's quest would have failed and Huor would not have got to Gondolin (which then would have prevented Eärendil's success or even meant he was never born). They give crucial aid to Gandalf more than once. The Eagles also help Fingon to save Maedhros, because Manwë "would not wholly abandon the Noldor". Tolkien recognises that the Eagles are "deus ex machina", and in this case, the meaning is quite literal.
Then there are the Istari, envoys of the Valar: while there is proof of only Gandalf's success, even just the efforts of one of the Wizards was enough to bring down Sauron.
As for Ulmo, you could argue that he is responsible for the whole Eärendil and Elwing arc - and that it was a job between him and Manwë. It's Manwë's Eagles that bring Huor to Gondolin, and Ulmo later sends Huor's son Tuor into the hidden city. Tuor and Eärendil both get sea-longing in their hearts. During the flight of the survivors of Gondolin, Eagles are again present and bring up the body of Glorfindel, making you wonder whether they would have interfered more in the Balrog fight if Glorfindel had not stepped up to protect the refugees - and Eärendil, the fated saviour of Middle-earth. Also, Ulmo rescues Elwing when she casts herself into the sea, turning her into a bird so that she can fly to find Eärendil. Water and air and birds keep showing up in the stories of Eärendil and Elwing and if that's not proof of Manwë and Ulmo's plotting, I don't know what is. I mean, it's even said in the first pages of the Silmarillion that they are fast friends and closely allied from the beginning! Eärendil becoming a star also in a weird way even combines the elements of Ulmo, Manwë, and Varda: bearing the Silmaril, Eärendil sails an immortal ship in the sea of heaven and stars, forever as a sign of hope to the Children of Ilúvatar.
What about the other Valar? If we keep in mind that they chiefly work through the elements they represent, their abilities to interfere are limited (and this is a self-imposed limitation clearly). Yavanna's creation of the Ents proves to be a pretty great one in The Two Towers, although you can argue to what degree she is influencing the events. More obviously In Shelob's lair, Sam calls for Varda, and the light of the phial of Galadriel comes alive in his hand and smites the great spider, helping Sam to defeat the monster. Also, during Sam and Frodo's desperate march through the hellscape that is Mordor, Sam yearns for a little bit of light and water to hearten him - and lo and behold, he gets these exact things as if Varda and Ulmo personally delivered.
In other words, the Valar are a lot more active in Middle-earth than they get credit for, and they work in subtle and indirect ways because only then can they make sure they don't accidentally kill a lot of the Children.
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culiehua · 3 months
Imagine: our beloved shadowhunters in a vampire diaries S4x22/23 type of scenario where the veil between the living and the dead falls and chaos ensues
angry dead people are back for unifinished business with the mcs, you name it, they face it
(hint hint it's terrible)
magnus & co. are looking for a way to bring it back up but it's difficult enough without the now corporeal walking dead terrorists
the veil separates the living and the ghosts of those who are not ready to move on but also other supernatural whatnots
meaning that demons frequently infiltrate the other side bc it's a parallel dimensional death realm but usually rarely find weaknesses in the veil to cross over (and be killed by "stupid hot people")
but the whole thing is gone so demons are flooding everywhere and it is not that great
because the dead can now become tangible again (if they want to that is), they do that, e.g. Valentine and his posse go for Clary, and there are just so many
(we'll get back to them)
Meanwhile in London, Yanluo has crawled his way into Cirenworth because demons can hold grudges forever and he still has quite the bone to pick with Wenyu, Yiwen and Elias' blood (i.e. Jem holds the #1 spot in his deathnote (yes yanluo has a deathnote in canon myth even though it works a bit differently))
and why give up such ample opportunity for petty revenge?
nobody at the Carstairs home knows what is going on however (Tessa is with Magnus in New York)
so Mina is ripped out of her cradle in the middle of the night and held hostage until Jem hears her cry
listen. my chinese violin man has seen some shit
in his long (but not as long as it could have been) life he has spent more time flirting with his death than most and seems practically unflappable atp
but this is a nightmare he's never been able to completely get over (because watching your parents die while being tortured is traumatic™)
so jem is restrained and absolutely terrified to his core bc this cannot be happening again
fate has a really fucked up sense of humor, he thinks
history repeating itself was not on his bingo card and he is not sure if it's him or his sweet sweet baby girl that is going to croak. After all that effort to stay alive
and he prays to the angel it's him. Anyone but little love Mina, and he wonders, distantly, if his mother had felt the same way when she died
(The anguish and agony forever carved into his memory and onto her face tell him she would have)
Yanluo's ready to strike and poison him again but instead get's flung to the other side of the hall
(no minas were harmed in this scene)
things are moving too fast for him to see but in his injury induced haze he swears he hallucinates the image of his mother reaching for him before passing out
when he wakes up again it's to a destroyed foyer and his crying baby in his Kit's arms who looks a lot worse for wear
so the fight had been real. he definitely didn't imagine that
But he soon comes to the realization that he must have imagined his mother in someone else's stead, coming to protect him. How pathetic of him. He'd have to thank them later.
He hasn't spotted the unsheathed Jian coverd in ichor on the left side of the room yet.
For a couple of minutes he takes deep breaths. It was over.
He's as calm as he could get under his circumstamces
But it's Kit's disgruntled throwaway comment that shatters all semblance of peace he's found
"What the heck? Wenyu never told me she could fight like that!"
(amidst it all, young brown eyes and golden ones meet over Kit's shoulder)
Back in New York, a desperate redheaded girl was surprised to see another pair of green eyes joining the chaos and helping her fight off Valentine
and maybe, though she'll never admit it to anyone but herself, a long standing heavy weight was now off her shoulders after this day
(and if she felt lighter than she has in a long time, nobody had to know.)
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deukeuniverse · 1 year
A!TWICE Reaction to finding out O!S/O is Pregnant
Request By: Anon!
Pairing: Alpha!TWICE x Omega!S/O (Gender Neutral)
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Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: Pregnancy
Summary: Alpha TWICE finds out Omega reader is pregnant
A/N: Sorry this took forever, life got in the way but I'm gonna be mass posting my remaining requests and fixing my masterlist huhu
"You're pregnant?! That's great!"
Absolutely enthusiastic about it! Nayeon will help you through it, she'll do her very best for her pup. Anything you want, you get. I feel like she'll be all starry eyed when she sees your baby bump, wanting to keep touching it and listening and feeling her mate's pup.
"Let me help you with those."
She's going to be more protective of both you and the pup. The type to keep you in bed and bring everything to you. She's going to take very good care of her s/o during this time. Will be very careful and attentive.
"I'll try my best!"
She's also very excited! Will help you with all the pains and stuff and is also going to be protective. I think she'll be very very happy and will try her best to help by researching and stuff like that. She'll make mistakes sometimes but she's trying so don't be too mad!
"OMG! You're pregnant?! I'll go tell the others right now!"
She'll be excited and go to immediately tell the others! I feel like Sana will be sensitive to your needs and will accommodate you. She'll support you in every way she can and will always be by your side. I also think she's not gonna leave you alone.
"I heard about this thing online, maybe it can help?"
Leader mode activated. While Jihyo is very excited about it, she's also nervous. She'll start reading and researching, doing everything she can to help you through it. Will be with you through it all being supportive and helpful.
"What do you need?"
She's going to be more protective like Jeongyeon. Mina will also be nervous about it, but she'll be happy more than anything. She'll be there for you and get whatever you need and want. She's going to spoil you as a thank you for carrying her pup.
"I'm here if you need anything."
Dahyun would be very excited! She'll be helping you and feeding you and doing everything. I have a feeling she would be a great partner to have when you're feeling low, since she loves to see you smile. Will do her best to keep you happy!
"You're pregnant! That's great news!"
Chaeyoung would be a little nervous about it! Fear not, she will still be happy about it! Her priority will be you and the pup, so she will try her best to be home more often. She's going to take very good care of you and won't let you get in harms way.
"I want to ask the unnies, just to make sure."
She's going to be very nervous and will need constant help from the other girls. She doesn't want to mess it up so she will seek help and advise from them. She will be very helpful afterwards and will try to mostly manage by herself.
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system-of-a-feather · 20 days
You know, as a fused whole, it is interesting looking back at the memories that are encoded explicitly from multiple perspectives as multiple parts understanding and interpreting the experiences individually.
One of the childhood memories we do remember was a really generalized episode as a kid, we're not even really sure what was the cause of it because honestly, we ended up in the situation a lot that I think it really blurred together, but we were deeply sad, deeply scared, and deeply feeling abandoned - something had made us as a young kid realize we really don't have anyone who cares or is looking out for us and that there wasn't anyone who actually loved us. We'd be balling hysterically clinging onto our bear that would sing one song, to which the lyrics - paraphrased to not give it away - directly said "I love you and have always loved you since I saw you, I want to be with you forever and I'll always be here to love you" and having it sing to us over and over - enough so that my entire family eventually got sick and tired of hearing it.
And we have four different perspectives of that memory.
There's the "not me I didn't exist but I know of it" that is just very "oh that's interesting" in the perspective.
Then there's the young child part that remembers the deep sadness, loneliness, fear, and hurt that they were feeling.
Then there was Aderis' perspective, which I think relates a lot more to probably the first time we ended up in this situation and likely had our dad going berserk, because there was an intense level of worry and concern for the little child and then there was an intense anger followed by deep hatred and resolution. It was beyond clear, the world wasn't safe for that child and the only person who would protect them, was me and by god would I do whatever I had to in order to make sure this child never felt completely alone.
And then there was the bear's perspective, Mina's perspective - seeing a little kid, deeply alone, deeply scared, deeply isolated and unloved, a poor and perfect child who needed someone to care and love them, and the soft warm affection provided.
I can just rotate between the four perspectives, moving my eyes from one part to the next as they addressed and felt the situation. It's a nonspecific memory, an amalgamation of probably numerous similar events blurred together into a single instance, but it was such a formative memory for some of our parts and each having their own strong emotions and feelings about the situation.
It's honestly something interesting to just think and look at.
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Back On My Next Generation Shenanigans
Angeline "Andi" Jocelyn Herondale: The first Clary and Jace child. She has curly blond hair, freckles, and green eyes. She's very charming, but she's also been going through this life long crisis that the Shadowhunter's are in a never ending battle with the demons that will never end through the generations, only ending when the demons win; she's a bit of a natural pessimist. She thinks a lot about society and such, looking into the mundane forms of government, hoping it would be better then the Shadowhunter ones and was just like these all kind of suck, society sucks, I should make up my own form of government. She fights demons with knives, like a strange amount of knives; she'll hold like seven at once and slice away, she'll throw them and then pull some more out of nowhere. Thanks to this existential dread for her and the future generations thing, she ends up coming up with theories on how to just kill all demons forever, doing all kinds of research and experiments. With this, things get kind of messy. She also is kind of thinking about starting a coup, to overthrow the Shadowhunter form of government and implant a better one, which also gets kind of messy. Like I said, she's very charming, so she forms a whole group of people. Honestly, since she's so ambitious and willing to do many things to fulfil those ambitions, I think she might end up as a sort of antagonist, which should give an interesting dynamic with her family and friends. I can also see Shadowhunter's being like 'is it really surprising considering her grandfather' even tho she has a completely different set of ideals.
Jasper Robert Herondale: The second clace child. He has curly red hair, freckles, and black eyes. Much to surely everyone's surprise, he's a very quiet person, and to nobody's surprise, he would rather die then share even a hint of his true feelings. He gives big gentle giant vibes; man's just over here looming in the corner freaking people out, but the people who know him are just like 'nah, he's fine, he's just happy to be here'. He's the only one that got the tall genes, standing tall over all his other short siblings. He fights demons with a sledgehammer. When he was little he got kidnapped, but instead of pulling a Mina, he actually got traumatized. It was a mundane that kidnapped him, which is why it took a while to find him because nobody thought it was just some random mundane that took him. The mundane was going to sell him and some other kids to some rich buyer, but when the Shadowhunter's stormed the area to get Jasper they freaked out and started killing the kids as some sort of last minute cover up, not wanting to be caught with ties to the market cause then they'll just be assassinated in prison. But his parents got to Jasper before they could kill him, now the last survivor. This resulted in Jasper having a bit of a savior complex, feeling like he needs to save everyone since he feels like all those kids died because of him and he couldn't do anything about it, him, a Shadowhunter in training. It didn't help that he was naturally protective to begin with, now it was just twice as intense. This complex should lead to interesting thing when Andi goes all rouge.
Samuel Lucian Herondale: The third clace child. He has curly blond hair, freckles, and green eyes. He's the artist of his siblings, often drawing made up, disturbing looking creatures, along with other strange looking things. He's got this ever growing, hard to understand imagination, and it makes him come across as a bit strange and awkward, but he does have a lot of cool comics he's drawn but never published, though he wants to. The way he ends up fighting demons is sort of unusual; turns out, some of those creepy looking creatures he draws he can make come to life to fight alongside him, his parents angel blood coming through. Though he does have a weapon as well, that being a seraph blade. Despite it being angel power, and despite everyone literally knowing his parents whole Angel deal, Shadowhunter's are still side eyeing him for how demonic his creatures look. They're literally pulling out his family tree like 'oh wow Tessa the warlock is your great great great great grandma I bet that's those demon powers' or whatever. He's basically gaslit into thinking he's a demon, despite his parents being like 'it's probably just our angel powers but even if it's demon powers that's okay too'. But Samuel was already insecure, and this just fed into it. But ironically enough, he can't hate this power, making friends with the little creatures he makes; he just hates himself. I think out of all the Herondale kids he understands the most of why Andi went rouge.
Marigold "Mae" Celina Herondale: The youngest clace child. She has curly red hair, freckles, and gold eyes; kinda looks fox like now that I think about it. She's very quick witted, can talk on and on for hours and never run out of quips. Super competitive as well; whatever she gets into she will work herself to the bone to be the best. Although when she gets competitive, it just feels fun to her really, something to get passionate about, but then most people end up taking it wrong and get all heated about it or feel overwhelmed or something of that like, and she doesn't know how to correct it, especially in the moment. She fights demons with dual machete's. Mae often struggles with that connecting to people thing, but then there was the time when she actually connected with a demon more than a person. It was some random demon that could talk, and they were fighting but they both got sort of competitive about it and one thing led to another and now she and this demon are sort of besties. This led to her having a bit of a crisis of her befriending this demon so easily when she can't do the same with people, wondering what that makes her and if she's even worthy of being a Shadowhunter. Then there's the whole sneaking around to see her demon friend and worrying about when it came down to it what side would she be on. Honestly, she's more worried about what Andi will do to her and her demon friend then the Clave.
Noelle Rebecca Lightwood: Simon and Isabelle's first child. She has black hair and brown eyes. She's very much a poised, calm person. She's an introvert to the point where people think she's rude, but really she just can't handle socializing for very long, making her words seem clipped in dismissive, which she always ends up feeling guilty about. But she has a bunch of random, niche interests, that if you get her going on one of those she'll talk your ear off. She fights demons with a bow and arrow; Alec taught her. She's a bit of a glass child really, as her two siblings prove to be a bit of a handful, and she's seen as the 'easy to handle one'. Simon and Isabelle of course don't do this on purpose, they just have their hands full with the other two, and Noelle ends up festering in this. This leads to her physically unable to ask for help, not knowing how or if it's even allowed. She has all these insecurities and feelings she desperately needs help sorting out, and other people are always like 'wow your so put together and independent', making her feel this expectation and driving her into further isolation so people don't know she's not put together or think she's too needy.
George Maxwell Lightwood: The middle sizzy child, who definitely thought his name was inspired by 'George Lucas' before they told him about George Lovelace. He has brown hair and blue eyes; Will's eyes live on once again. He tends to feel things very deeply, doesn't know how to take things causally. Everything makes him feel these intense emotions, and people tell him he needs to 'calm down', or even think he's faking it, but that's just how he feels. He's also big into movies; he remembers every detail of every movie he's ever seen, researching the background of the movies as well. He has a multitude of screenplays he has written that he thinks aren't good enough to go on to become an actual movie. But his ability to feel things deeply assist him in writing these screenplays, able to insert such feeling in his characters and the presentation of situations. He fights demons with a seraph blade. George secretly doesn't really want to be a Shadowhunter; he wants to go off and make movies and such. But he feels guilty about it, what with feeling like if he takes irf he's betraying all of humanity. And there's also the stigma of his dad, Simon, being originally a mundane. People would say things like it was in his 'blood' to be a mundane, and that attitude would also go to his siblings, so he keeps quiet.
Lorelei Maryse Lightwood: The last sizzy child. She has brown hair and dark brown gold eyes. She's very much a free spirit, always running off and getting into shit, always disappearing and coming back after some strange misadventure. She just could never find it in herself to stay in one place. Girl will literally be missing for like a week and show up with jar of blood or whatever and is like 'I can explain'. She's a drummer, a very good one, hoping from band to band because she always seems to get involved in the shittiest bands who she insists 'have potential' but then they always end up falling through. That's how she gets into a lot of her misadventures really; she gives people the benefit of the doubt way too much, she looks for and finds people's best selves, which while sweet, can get her involved with bad people. She fights demons with this spiky baseball bat. Like I said, this trusting nature of hers gets her into trouble, but the biggest trouble she's gotten in is when she accidently got involved with some small that worships the demons and think they should take over the world. Now she knows way too much about this strange, ridiculously over funded cult, and is trying very hard to stop them while not telling anyone she has ties to such a treason. Worse yet, she ends up falling in love with someone in this organization, which makes things all the more complicated.
Eleanor Jia Penhallow: Helen and Aline's first child. She has black hair, freckles, and blue eyes. This was a planned adoption, a Shadowhunter orphan whose parents died fighting demons, now in need of a home. She's a bit of an actress, being able to disguise as different people as well as characters of her own creation. She really throws herself into these roles, using it to find out information and such, a bit of a spy in her own right really, pulling information for the Clave and for her allies. She's quick and able to read situations and people quickly, adding to her ability to act in difficult situations. This also leads her to know more then she probably wants to know, even of her friends, which can make her feel like she's being intrusive even when she's just looking at them. She fights demons with a double edged blade. A lot of the time she has trouble pulling herself out of said roles, sometimes feeling like she doesn't have a true personality and that even when she's not in a role and she supposedly 'herself' that it's not really her, that she's still acting. This leads to a bit of an identity complex, not really sure who she really is at a 'default', if the way she is is just another role or if it's natural, because she doesn't know.
Edmund Liam Penhallow: Heline's next child. He has curly black hair and brown eyes. This was more of an accidental adoption, a Shadowhunter abused by his parents that ran away to the Los Angeles institute at the age of only 9, of whom Helen and Aline get very attached to. He's very cautious and observant. He likes research; he knows every bit of Shadowhunter history and Mundane history, he knows how to fight with weapons he doesn't even wield, he learns about random things that one would think would never come up in a situation but when it does he's ready to info dump much to everyone's bafflement; guy's just a bundle of knowledge about basically everything. He fights demons with this hammer and nail thing, both using the hammer to hit the demons and for hitting the nails at a long distance at the demons. His parents were very much not careful with him. They put runes on him too young, they threw him in front of demons too young saying that was his training, and so on. The final straw that caused him to run away was when they had somehow got it in their head that he had the potential to talk to ghosts. His parents had heard of the Herondale's connection to ghosts, and one time they saw Edmund muttering to himself so they were like 'clearly he has the potential to talk to ghosts as well'. Edmund tried to correct this, as he very much could not talk to ghosts, but they just threw him into some sort of morgue for 'training', refusing to let him out until he made some sort of connection to a ghost. He tried to lie, say he did, but his parents saw through the lie every time. Two weeks passed before he gave into hunger and began eating the only thing edible in that room; the dead bodies. Another week passed, and at that point he thought his parents weren't ever going to let him out, but then they did. It was then that he ran away, the taste of dead people never truly leaving his mouth. Honestly, the way he saw it, his parents jumped the gun a lot on him, doing things to him without properly understanding, being so reckless with him. So this sort of fed into his obsessive 'I must know every detail before doing anything' thing he does, as he doesn't want to be like them, and he thinks this will prevent people from being hurt. I also think the whole eating dead people thing definitely led to an eating disorder of some kind, unable to eat a lot of foods without tasting dead people.
Andrew "Andres" Blackthorn Rosales: Eldest kiearktina child, born from Cristina and Mark. He has curly black hair and golden eyes. He adores the forest life, wants to explore every part of it. Though, the forest didn't naturally like him back at first, as he didn't have that natural connection to it like the Fae. But he learned the ways of the forest, able to navigate it like no one else, and now the forest likes him back. He wants to travel the world and explore all sorts of different terrains, map them out, understand them all. The guy has crazy survivalist skills he's both learned about and discovered through trial and error, and he can and will go on rants about them at any given moment. He fights demons with this mysterious sword the forest gave him as a gift that definitely won't lead to any sort of plot line don't worry about it. The Fae disapprove of his entire existence, looking at him in a sort of 'what is he even doing here'. He's only partially Fae, and they don't consider that to be enough, even though Andres feels more connected to the Fae then he does with Shadowhunter's. They don't even really consider him to be Kieran's son, despite the many, many times Kieran has made it very clear he is. They pick on him and do cruel tricks on him a lot, nothing to permanently damage him physically, since he does have that amount of protection from Kieran's name, but it does take it's toll on him mentally. His parents know what's going on, but he never tells him who did it.
Juniper "Junie" Kingson Rosales: Youngest kiearktina child, born from Cristina and Kieran. She has curly blue hair and silver eyes. She's very much attracted to the city life, lowkey hating the forest life, not vibing in their cottage core lifestyle; very much the opposite of her brother. Girl is super into architecture, learns about the different styles from all over the world, she's obsessed. She has doodles of her own architecture, and she wants to make them a reality someday. She fights demons with a three balled flail. She isn't considered to be a true heir, as Cristina is considered a consort. But that's good for her because she didn't want to be the heir anyway; life in the fOrESt? Forever? No thank you. Give her that industrialization. But there does need to be an heir, and Kieran very much does not want to have a child with some other Fae woman just to have one, so as time wears on it's looking like an illegitimate heir is looking better than no heir. That would skip over her brother and to her, because even though Kieran of course sees them both equally as his children, she has Kieran's blood in her, so the Fae would consider her first. Of course, Kieran has siblings it would go to first, but even the slight possibility of it ever going to her puts her on edge. She feels it in the other Fae's eyes, that they hate her, but they'll take her as a last resort. She feels it in the way they talk to her, like they want to hurt her so bad, but don't just in case she does end up ruling over them. As such, being around most Fae make her uncomfortable, and would rather be with the Shadowhunter's.
Benjamin "Benji" Livia Blackthorn: The only blackstairs child; I'd imagine after raising all of his siblings, Julian might opt to spend all his energy into one kid rather then several. He has curly brown hair, freckles, and blue green eyes. He has a love for making weapons, not just weapons that already exist, but ones he thinks up himself. He'll experiment with new ideas and even fashion to better suit the individual person. He's very passionate about it, leading him to come off as very intense. He'll go out and actively seek out demons to test his prototype weapons on alone. It's a very dangerous thing that Emma and Julian have desperately tried to stop, but Benji is incredibly stubborn and tenacious, a consequence of having Emma and Julian's genes. But when he's fighting with other people, he's less likely to just test something he hasn't before, as he doesn't want to put other people at risk, so when he fights demons with other people he switches between a multitude of weapons he's tested before that were successful. People are very wary of Benji's weapons because they're breaking tradition; he's mixing metals that have never been mixed. People call it a disgrace to the Angel's gifts, saying he's basically spitting in the Angel's face; so as you can imagine, Benji isn't very popular. There was this one time when he was younger that he was told some kids were going to meet up, so he met up with them without telling his parents because he didn't think it would take that long, only for to be locked in a closet in their house for like a day before Emma and Julian found him. The kid wasn't trying to kill him, the kid was planning to let him out after a few days, but he didn't tell Benji that. It was a very traumatizing event, and he became rather claustrophobic and suspicious of people who are nice to him after that.
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tetsunabouquet · 25 days
Can you write a headacanons of Carstairs Fam? Where they have one more child beside Mina and Kit? 🤍
-Considering Mina as kidnapped when she was young, I imagine Jem would be even more vigilant when they have their third child. -Which is also why shortly after their third child as born, they adopted a puppy of a big breed so it could grow up into their guard dog. -Their guard dog acts like the dorky side-kick to Irene whenever Ty is coming over. It was very amusing to watch Irene teach their dog some basic hunting skills with an expression that seemed to say, 'Just how stupid are you?' -Kit remains protective older brother towards the two. Precisely because his father failed him, Kit's fearful of all things that could go wrong and just wants them to grow up happy. -Their third child is obviously yet another nod to the people they lost. They decided that it would be named Henry if it were a boy, and Charlotte if it were a girl because they really were like parents to Will, Tessa and Jem. -Both Kit and Jem have allowed Mina to do their hair and paint their nails, with Tessa just watching on incredibly amused. If there is one perk about the advancement of beauty products and hair accesoires in the modern era, its certainly this if you ask Tessa. She made plenty of pictures to ensure she remembers these moments forever. -Tessa became quite the photo-taker. Because her first family already died of old age, she knows the heartbreak what's going to await her once they died of old age, so she tries very hard to enjoy the moments whilst they last and prepare herself for once Jem and the kids are gone. -With Kit being a Herondale, he ended up being recruited for his school's soccer team even though he doesn't really cares for the sport. He honestly sees it as a way to have more time to socialize and learn how to be more like a British teenager. Somewhere, a certain Ashdown boy is incredibly jealous, but Kit remains unaware. -Kit always plays soccer with the Lightwood-Bane boys whenever they're coming over. -Mina as an older sister and middle child would generally be the one to explain what Kit, Tessa and Jem think whenever they try to tiptoe around their fears temming from their various traumas in a language the little one can understand. She really takes after Tessa's mature and wise nature and understands why they can sometimes act overprotective or seem to fear things like interacting with the Fair folk. -Because Mina was so young, she doesn't remember being kidnapped and has no reaction outside for the strange urge to start crying when someone brings it up. Kit is very grateful that she doesn't remember it. -Speaking of memories, something Kit would frankly like to forget are the lyrics to Baby Shark. He had to sing it so often to Mina and the baby, that he can sing the entire song even years later. He really hopes Jem was right that all children's songs blurr together through the sands of time. -Whilst Kit and their youngest isn't too musically inclined, Jem was happy to take notice that Mina enjoyed listening to the violin, and learnt her to play when she was old enough. -The Herongraystairs family have attended many a violin performance at the local music theater showcases where young talent would perform. One time, Jem could have sworn he saw the fleeting ghost of Will watching Mina's performance from the back of the theater. -Obviously that wasn't the only time where Will's spirit has been spying on the Herongraystairs family, as he watches over them all the time.
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failuretothrivehere · 1 month
On Friday of last week (8/16), I decided to watch Kaiju No. 8.
As of Sunday evening (8/18), I've now seen the 1st season 3x all the way through. Also read the manga past where the anime stops while not sleeping. And now I've got to scream about it just a little cuz the hyperfixation hooked deep and pretty sure I'm gonna love it forever.
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This man, Kafka Hibino, is my hero.
MC of a shonen manga/anime who is over 30 and is on point characterization-wise for someone in their 30s who doesn't take themselves too seriously? Yes, please and thank you, I NEED him, I MUST HAVE him, he is PERFECTION. Where has he been all my life?
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You've got this kickass woman, Mina Ashiro, who I WISH I could be like? Who makes being competent and capable look achievable even when you're carrying around fear and doubt and loneliness? I bow at her feet.
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These two wonderful kids, Reno Ichikawa and Kikoru Shinomiya, who are growing and learning and actually respect and value those older than them and want to HELP and PROTECT them? God, my heart. It's so wonderful. I adore them. And this part of them wasn't prompted by the usual anime trope of 'you are my teacher and so over time I've learned to care for and appreciate you'.
They threw in kaiju and awesome advanced tech and weapons and my kink trope 'I have a thing living inside me that could/can/will destroy me and others, I'm fighting to control it, yet others don't see me as human anymore'.
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Welp...this anime/manga owned me before I ever pushed play episode 1. I just didn't know it yet. If a dragon(s) somehow get(s) included, it will own me in my next life too. (The wyvern kaijus don't count, I'm weird like that.)
The OP and ED songs are also playing on repeat in my head and on my spotify. They are awesome.
...I think I'm done screaming now. :D
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adabird · 2 months
MHA GIRLS - Preferences + Head-cannons!
(English is NOT my first language, please bear with me 🙏)
❗️Disclaimer❗️- This following material is not for minors, there will be ⚠️(nsfw) or progressive moments. Please be aware of what you are reading, MDI!
-You are responsible for your own internet consumption!!
Mina Ashido-
TOUCH- Literally anything on your body
(anything on you she can touch)
Mina is a very touchy person, so once she gets an s/o, she started to get a little less touchy with others, but more with you. However, that doesn’t mean she’ll stop being touchy. You’re definitely the layed back type of person, so when you know she’s just being herself you’re fine with it.. Well, until she starts to call the other kids in your class cute nicknames. The same nicknames ‘reserved’ for you. If, and when you start to get jealous, she’ll find it really cute. Attractive even. I think she would love the way your face would change. She would love to watch you from the corner of her eye, watching as you puff out your chest, and blow up your cheeks with an exasperated expression. If, and when you decide to turn around and walk away she’ll end up following you, wrapping her arms around you tell you how cute you are, she definitely knips at your ears, and when you go back to the dorm she’ll continue to whisper and make sure your face is as red as Midoriyas..
Kyouka Jiro-
( I can’t remember how American’s refer to playing the guitar - whoops) -isn’t it shredding??
AHHH. Okay, she’s my favorite. I feel like the way she would start intimacy is by inviting you over to her dorm, only for her to start shredding on the guitar. Of course she would look really hot, which would end up with her teasing you, only pecking you which would agitate you. So of course when you lean away from her hiding your head in the pillows, refusing to make eye contact until she would pull you from behind and trap you in a hug. I feel like she would kind for be like Mina, but behind doors? Anyways she loves slowly flirting with you, watching as you get the type of blush that crawls from the base of your neck, up to your cheeks. She also loves when ever you lean over, to place her hands at your sides, and manovorimg the both of you so you sit on her lap. IF you end up making out, she loves to caress’s and hold your love handles telling you how sexy and hot you are. TRUST by the end of the night you will forever love your ‘love handles’.
Ururaka Ochaco-
She loves any kind of butt. BIG, SMALL, UNEVEN. She will always be an ass caresser.. Like whenever you two feel alone, or safe with the people that know your relationship, she’ll be all up your back bro. Like feeling your ass ALWAYS. As a joke she takes her two hands together and jab them upwards in your crack, she loves the way you squeal and turn around. Whenever you two are together, she’ll insist you take the stairs just to check you out and slap your badokadonk..
Momo Yayorozu-
Momo is an odd bird when it comes to what, and who she is attracted to. She really likes, no, LOVES your hands, she loves every nic and scar you have gained over your years of life. She also loves how they cup her face when you two kiss. And I definitely think she has a thing for lips too. She always “slowly” slides you her cupcake chap stick before, and after date nights. She really just loves touch, and affirmations. She makes sure, each, and every morning that you two are getting ready to say sweet and kind things to yourself. Things like “I love my body, I love my voice, and quirk, I am smart, know how to work under pressure. I am protected and loved the people around me”. (So sweet)
Yasuhiro Hagakure-
Hagakure definitely comments on your hair. Always in the loving way, never to make you uncomfortable. She likes to go entirely invisible, and grab your hair, she loves to pull on it too. She definitely prefers that you don’t shave, but she won’t say that to your face, solely because she wants you to make decisions about your body on your own! She loves short, long, medium, messy, straight, curly, hair anytime even body hair, leg, armpit, arm. She loves that you can embrace your natural beauty. If you ever feel insecure, by the end of the day, you sure as hell won’t be. She’s also a great friend if you aren’t dating!
She really enjoys watching your mouth when you talk, I think she would also have a thing for teeth. She loves your voice, and will sit down in front of you resting her head on her hand just to stare, just to admire you. She also loves your cherry lip gloss + chapstick. Whenever you lean in to kiss her she loves taking one big gulp of air before putting her ALL. into that kiss. She also loves any type of teeth. Crooked, Sharp, Fangs, Straight, Assorted, Braces. You name it. She always loves you no matter what!
Toga Himiko-
NECKS. ahhhhh.
Toga is a total neck girlie. She loves when you place your perfume on your pulse points. She always dips her head into your neck whenever she’s bored. She also loves to graze her fangs slowly across your throat, she loves the feeling of all your goose bumps, she definitely takes a mental note of how you enjoy when she takes deep breathes inhaling your scent. She really just loves to love all up on you.
@takeomurasaki I kind of blended the two ideas on accident, but I will still be making the one you suggested!! I hope you like it!
I GOT WAYYY TOO COMFORTABLE WITH THIS ONE. If anyone wants me to do a steamy one with the MHA BOYS LET ME KNOW!
Thank you for reading, again if there’s anyone or any kind of subject you want me to write about go ahead and ask me!
-Onie out!
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
I do love the way that the vampires kind of haunt the edges of the novel in London. Like, obviously not forever, we will see direct vampire encounters again (and are beginning to, even now), but...
In his castle, Dracula was a person. A terrible person, but a person. He spoke, he interacted directly with Jonathan, we got to know some things about him and his mentality. He is undoubtedly still a monster, but like several others have commented, the supernatural aspects are kind of bonus to him being an abusive, sadistic asshole. You could remove those aspects and still keep the essence of his character/the horror in that segment.
But as soon as he starts traveling to London, he begins to slip further and further out of the narrative. On the Demeter, he was an unseen (but still undoubtedly present) menace. He begins to show powers we didn't necessarily even know he had, like the mist, and it culminates with him manipulating the very weather into a giant storm before changing shape.
But then in England, he continues this descent out of the narrative. In Whitby Lucy and Mina see him once... by the time we are in London, the most anyone sees is a bat once or twice. No one even remotely connects that to Dracula except Renfield. Van Helsing comes closest but he just knows of the concept of a vampire, not anything about Dracula as a person/individual. Yet all the while, Dracula's presence is choking the narrative. He's killing Lucy, he's twisting good intentions and convenient illnesses, his mere presence is driving Renfield into an obsessive mania.
Dracula in London truly is a supernatural menace. Unseen, unknown, and all the more terrifying for it. He doesn't keep a journal, but more than that – no one interacts directly with him so we don't hear any words out of his mouth at all. (Not really counting Thomas Bilder here since it's very brief and we only hear of it later through the news. But even if you do count it, that's one brief encounter in how much time? And by a stranger who doesn't know the significance.) And one of the ways he has corrupted Lucy is by doing the same thing to her.
As her illness progressed, she stopped writing in her journal. She stopped writing letters. For as much as this whole arc was about saving her, most of the time she was "onscreen" it was asleep or in narration that summed up what people did. She had very little voice for a while there. It was only when she had just received transfusions, or was protected by the garlic flowers that we heard from her - only when Dracula's influence was being actively denied. This culminates in her final memorandum where she sees him at the window and doesn't let him in... only to fall victim to his worst attack yet. She tells us about that, but it's nearly the last we hear from her. She barely speaks the next day, and some of her few words are repeated and twisted by her vampire self. Lucy fights Dracula right to the end, as shown by her thanking/final request to Van Helsing, but then she dies.
We know she's a vampire now, but it's been several days and we don't see her. Instead we hear of the "bloofer lady"... now Lucy has completed her transformation, she too is unseen and distanced. We are learning about her deeds through newspaper articles now. I know it's only logical given the format, but I also just think it's really cool how immediately after she becomes a vampire Lucy also gains this same sense of distance/mystery. We don't know why she is hunting children, why she's leaving them alive, if she is in contact with Dracula, if any part of her is left or if she has become something completely different... we can make guesses but the story doesn't tell us yet.
Of course, this doesn't last. And that's because of Jonathan and Van Helsing. Jonathan, who knows the person Count Dracula, immediately recognizes him on the street which is the impetus for the gang all sharing information and which will eventually lead to more proper encounters. And Van Helsing, who knows the monster Lucy has become, is going to force an encounter there as well. But without the people who know what to look for, the vampires in London would remain complete terrifying mysteries on the peripheral of the story (no matter how much they affect it).
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice’s 10th member twerking just like her unnies
A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, tysm! I was blushing picturing the situation lmaooo I hope this sweet anon that gave me this idea likes it! xoxo :)
The request: Loe, it's me again . I've been seeing mina and now jihyo twerking on my fyp and onces are going crazy about it 😆. I would like to (request) see how the twice members will react when their innocent maknae do it like who will stop her or who will hype her up more 😆😂 . Love your work, please continue spreading happiness ☺️ ❤️
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
Once upon a lively concert night, TWICE's members were preparing to take the stage. The excitement filled the air as fans eagerly awaited their favourite K-pop group's performance. Among the nine talented and vibrant girls stood Y/N, the youngest member known for her innocence and charm. Little did her unnies know that tonight, their maknae had a mischievous plan up her sleeve. As the pulsating beats of the music echoed throughout the venue, the concert began. TWICE members appeared one by one, capturing the hearts of their adoring fans. The crowd erupted in cheers as TWICE's honey stepped forward, her eyes sparkling with determination. Unbeknownst to her unnies, she was about to surprise them all.
Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo, also known as the 3Mix or the moms of TWICE, had always been protective of their lovely maknae. To them, the girl was the embodiment of youth and purity. They cherished her like a little sister, shielding her from the harsh realities of the world. However, as the night progressed, the three moms sensed a change in the atmosphere. Y/N's solo performance began, and the stage transformed into a vibrant playground of colours and lights. The crowd's enthusiasm reached new heights as she gracefully moved to the rhythm. Suddenly, the music shifted, and a catchy beat filled the stadium. To the shock and delight of the audience, Y/N transitioned into a twerking routine that she had secretly practised for weeks. Her body swayed with confidence and precision, mesmerizing the spectators. The fans went wild, their cheers growing louder by the second (I mean- I'd die if I saw Sharon twerking live lol).
The first one to react was Nayeon that looked wide-eyed while whispering to the rest of 3mix, that was surprised to the point of becoming speechless for a little.
Nayeon - Is that... our child?
Jeongyeon - I can't believe it. Our innocent maknae... twerking?
Jihyo - She's really grown up, hasn't she? But this is so unexpected!
In a moment of collective agreement, the three moms rushed forward, arms outstretched, ready to shield their baby from the crowd's prying eyes. But before they could reach her, Y/N playfully dodged their grasp, giggling mischievously. She looked back at them with a twinkle in her eyes, silently asking for their approval while still laughing.
Y/N -  Unnies, relax! It's just a bit of fun!
Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo exchanged glances, realizing that they couldn't hold back their youngest forever. Their initial instinct to protect her began to fade away as they saw the radiant joy on the kid's face. They decided to let her be, but not without a playful cover-up for a moment.
 Nayeon started acting stern, playfully covering Y/N. Jeongyeon and Jihyo soon joined while smirking and trying not to laugh right away. 
Nayeon - Alright, missy! You better behave yourself!
Jeongyeon - We can't have our sugar twerking up a storm without warning us!
Jihyo - That's right! Our little lovebug is all grown up now!
The crowd erupted in laughter, witnessing the endearing exchange between the three moms and their maknae. It was a lighthearted reminder that Y/N would always be their precious little sister, no matter how much she grew. After their playful interlude, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo stepped aside, allowing their precious dongsang to shine on her own. The other TWICE members, who had been watching the scene unfold, joined in with full enthusiasm. Sana, Momo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu surrounded Y/N, forming a circle of hype women (lol this would be so much fun).
Sana - Darling, you're amazing! Show them what you've got! 
Momo - Our sunshine is a force to be reckoned with!
Mina - You're adorable, baby.
Dahyun - Go, bae! We've got your back!
Chaeyoung - You've got this, maknae! Let your confidence shine!
Tzuyu - We're proud of you, babygirl. Dance like nobody's watching!
Together, they cheered Y/N on, hyping her up with cheers and applause. The stage transformed into a celebration of freedom and self-expression. The girl's innocence blended seamlessly with her newfound confidence, creating a captivating performance that left the audience in awe. As Y/N twerked her way through the routine, her unnies admired her growth from a distance. They saw how she fearlessly embraced her individuality, embodying the spirit of youth and exploration. Although they still found it hard to accept that their maknae was no longer a child, they realized that this was a part of her journey as an artist and as a person. That realization made Nayeon start to whisper to Jeongyeon and Jihyo, making them nod with motherly smiles.
Nayeon - Look at her go. Our kiddo is truly amazing.
Jeongyeon - She's becoming the person she's meant to be. We have to support her.
Jihyo - We've done a great job raising her. It's time to let her spread her wings.
The concert ended with thunderous applause, and Y/N's surprise twerking routine became a highlight of the night. The members gathered backstage, their hearts filled with pride and love for their maknae. They embraced their pride and joy, showering her with words of encouragement and admiration.
Nayeon - Baby, that was incredible! You've grown so much, and we couldn't be prouder of you.
Jeongyeon - You're not the little maknae that we first met anymore. You're a strong, talented woman.
Jihyo - Keep shining, sweetie. We'll always be here to support you, no matter what.
Y/N smiled, feeling the warmth of her unnies' love. She realized that her growth didn't mean leaving her past behind but embracing it as she stepped into the future. With newfound confidence, she thanked her unnies and the rest of TWICE for their unwavering support. And so, with hearts united and spirits lifted, TWICE continued to spread happiness through their music, each member shining in their own unique way. Their bond as a group grew stronger, and their love for Y/N as the mischievous maknae deepened, accepting her growth and celebrating it with open hearts. Together, they embarked on a journey filled with music, friendship, and endless possibilities and this made the unnies have only one thought:
We are proud of our dear maknae.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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anime-simp-0 · 2 years
what i think each MHA 1A student would do in a quirkless society
midoriya: nurse. oh my god i saw a fanart of nurse deku forever ago and it was fine asf. but anyways. i think he would still have the desire to help people and save them, but not wanna go running head first into buildings. so, he decides to use his head and hands instead. i could also see emt since it’s still a little dangerous for his adrenaline junkie ass without almost burning alive.
bakugo: i can’t explain why but quirkless AU bakugo to me is always a firefighter 🤷. i think he is a junkie when it comes to danger and saving people is just engrained in him so, even without a quirk, he would still wanna do something whether military or police service.
todoroki: i’m gonna say family business. but he runs it the exact opposite of his old man just to piss him off.
kirishima: public service of some kind. i’m stuck between police officer or a firefighter cuz i could see both. on one hand, i could see him running head fire into fires with bakugo being each others partners and saving each other left and right since he’s the only one that can put up with him. but i can also see him as the police officer of an area. like the one that everyone loves and treats with respect. so much so that even the gangsters and drug dealers are like “hey sir, how’s your day been” because kiri wasn’t disrespect even when arresting them.
denki: i'm gonna say electronical engineer. he might act stupid but he managed to pass the UA written exam just like the other members of UA so clearly there is a brain up there. Having said that, electronics were something he always thought were cool and he started messing around with them as a kid and it stuck.
sero: i feel like he would LEGALLY sell marijuana. like he would have a license to and would sell edible snacks as well as marijuana straight. he just gives me hippie-ish "the world is less shitty when your high" vibes so he sells good quality weed so people get blissed.
iida: i think his family business would be something tech based instead of heroing. i still think they would make bank from it tho. and the family business would make him feel obligated to follow it.
aoyama: model. enough said.
uraraka: probably join the family construction company “temporarily” but then always come up with an excuse to why she needs to stay. “well, __ is gonna be on a 1 week vacation so, i’ll put in my notice after they’re back” “well, now it’s close to *insert holiday* so i better stay and help get the projects done faster” and on and on.
momo: design. whether fashion, interior design, architecture. something with design tho. she likes being able to create things from scratch. enjoys watching what she can turn things into.
jirou: musician. specifically vocalist and guitarist for a indie rock / alternative rock band.
ojiro: i feel like he would totally have a therapy office where you talk about your feelings while doing yoga 😂. his reason is it helps align your body and your mind.
tsu: i feel like she would be one of those people that study plants and creatures in their native habitats. but she would exclusively work with ponds, rivers and streams and has a deep love and interest/fascination with frogs.
mina: model. i think she would start as a model for a fitness brand and would gradually move over to being a diverse model as her career grows.
hagakure: kindergarden teacher for some reason. i can't explain why. it just seems right in my brain.
satou: baker. like come on.
tokoyami: musician. specifically guitarist for a rock / metal band. it just… fits.
koda: something to do with animals. whether that’s working at a zoo or traveling the world studying animals.
shouji: cop. he's really good at spacial awareness and protecting his partners. plus he has really fast reflexes.
mineta: he died <3
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ibtk · 8 months
Book Review: Blood City Rollers by V.P. Anderson and Tatiana Hill (2024)
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(Full disclosure: I received a free e-ARC for review though Netgalley.)
-- 3.5 stars --
"Friends come and go. But teammates are forever ... Especially if most of them are undead."
Romanian tween Mina is under immense pressure from her parents to qualify for the Olympics. But, when she wipes out in a most spectacular fashion during a competition, her dreams are shattered - along with her arm. Mina's identity has been wrapped up in ice skating for as long as she can remember; who is she without it?
Mina has precious little time for self-reflection before she's kidnapped and conscripted into the Vamps - just one of many teams competing in the Blood City Paranormal Roller Derby. Each team is comprised of one human jammer, who plays alongside her extra-human teammates. Led by their hundreds-year-old captain Val, the Vamps are - you guessed it - vampires. With ghost judges looking on, they go up against all manner of supernatural foes, from witches to werewolves.
But this seemingly fun game has a much darker underbelly - the teams are literally playing for their lives, since getting dropped from the ranking makes you a nomad without union protection. Can Mina learn to trust her teammates and play nice with others, after a lifetime spent viewing other athletes as competitors?
BLOOD CITY ROLLERS is a fun middle-grade graphic novel about vampires, roller derby, self-confidence, and letting go - with a sapphic romance thrown in for good measure. (This is an all-girls' team, after all!) Think: ROLLERGIRLS meets BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER with a dash of VIKINGS. (What can I say, Val is giving strong teenage Lagertha vibes.) Overall I enjoyed it but it did start to drag a little in the middle - I feel like it could have been ~30 pages shorter. The messages sometimes feel a bit heavy-handed but are admittedly age-appropriate (at 45 years young, I'm not quite in the target audience lol).
I was surprised to find that the story ended with a cliffhanger - I'll definitely be checking out the next book in the series.
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
The ending of Dracula SUCKS because it’s both laughably anticlimactic and the peak of the novel’s racism. The biggest plot twist of Dracula is that Dracula is not a good book.
In the climax, because Dracula is asleep(tm) in his coffin, Stoker decides he has to throw in some mini bosses for the gang to fight instead— Dracula’s carriage drivers, a bunch of Romani people.
It’s one of the many areas where Stoker makes the racist subtext explicit text?
We get a “climax” where the heavily armed white heroes violently attack this caravan of sorta-armed Romani people and it’s framed as noble and heroic. (we’re supposed to Assume the driver are inherently guilty/okay to attack because they’re Romani, and other Romani people were helping Dracula in the castle chapters, and we all know Those People can’t be trusted!! etc etc) It's nearly “B*rth of a Nation” level racism.
Also not to roast Quincey— but I do love how this squad of white people armed with GUNS could barely defeat this ragtag little group of barely-armed carriage drivers, and even lost one of their members trying to do it. Stoker’s trying to frame them as noble underdogs but they come across as overpowered hyper-violent incompetent idiots who couldn’t manage a clean attack even when everything was on their side. XD
The entire novel is essentially a fantasy version of “B*rth of a Nation”-style tropes? It’s “the evil foreign race preying on our innocent white woman.” This is made extremely explicit in the scene when Mina compares her predicament to the predicaments of women in war zones who are killed by their husbands in order to prevent the foreign enemy from having sex with them. In the narrative, murdering your wife like this is framed as Good. Mina believes she should be killed like this before a Foreign Man Takes her in order to preserve her purity, and the narrative agrees with her. She is a “good English woman” because she believes she’s better dead than corrupted by a foreigner, and if she is corrupted by the foreigner her soul will be damned forever.
After all, the foreigners are evil! Either your wife is a Mina, a Good Wife who is assaulted by the poor evil foreigner, and whose purity can only be regained if you violently take revenge. … or your wife is a Lucie, a Misled Child who says she’s happy now but it’s because Her Mind isn’t Her Own Anymore and shes going to hell and she’s so poisoned by the foreigner that she needs to be put down like a rabid dog to protect the white English race.
I’ve seen people make comments about how bad it is that adaptations tend to make Dracula somewhat genuinely seductive/lovable to Mina compared to the book, which baffles me? It frustrates me that a lot of analysis is treating Dracula like a real person, rather than a character who was written in a specific way for a specific reason.
Yes it is bad that Dracula-the-person sexually assaults the other characters. But the reason Dracula-the-Character is written that way is because Stoker is writing him as a metaphor for Evil Foreign Races Preying on Our White Women. The reason book- Dracula is written so unsympathetically isn’t because Stoker is making a progressive point about sexual assault, but because he’s using Dracula as a deeply regressive symbol of the evil Foreigners having sex with white women who must be exterminated to preserve the purity of white English children.
Honestly I feel like the reason most adaptations make the Count genuinely alluring/seductive/sympathetic is because there’s really…not much to his character in the original novel, outside of being the archetypal Evil Foreigner who is Evil because Foreign, which is both offensive and also really shallow/uninteresting. Later adaptations are more interested with portraying Dracula as more tragic or sympathetic or at least more genuinely seductive because...well at least that's SOMETHING to add to this nothing character.
There’s a lot of potential in some of the concepts and aesthetics and plot points of Dracula, but most of the “deeper thematic elements” of the book are bigoted, shallow, or both.
It makes sense that adaptations have decided to attempt to give the characters depth, nuance, and interest that they didn’t have in the original novel? Or to take the aesthetics but flat-out reject all of Stoker's takes and argue with him about every single thematic element? and I am completely on board with vampire reimaginings that continuing to spit on Bram Stoker’s legacy. I hope people continue to make him roll in his grave. XD.
And again, I'm kinda surprised there were so many people during the Dracula Daily readalong acting as if the book portraying Dracula as purely evil is somehow more progressive than later adaptations portraying him as tragically sympathetic or seductive, when "questioning why the author chose to write Dracula as the monster" is kinda like "baby's first Dracula criticism." I mean that, in even in Hotel Transylvania (the recent kid's cartoon) part of the central plot is that Dracula's family is hunted down because bigoted people assume vampires are monstrous predators incapable of love. And it's not because Hotel Transylvania is a deep challenging movie, but because "let's question Why we've decided to invent this entire class of foreign predatory monsters it's okay to kill without remorse" is such a normal milquetoast uncontroversial mainstream critique of Dracula that you'll even find it in Adam Sandler children's movies. XD.
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nj-6-girl · 2 months
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The founder
When the famous producer Jung sooyeon decided to start her own entertainment company with better environment for young trainees, she found a lot of opposition from many people, even from people who she thought were her friends. But she wasn't surprised, she knew this would happen in a male dominated industry. But that didn't stop her but motivated her more to realize her dream. In recent interview with Forbes magazine she stated that some days she couldn't afford meals and sold her car for a bike to make ends meet. At first the small company had a few trainees that sooyeon personally selected them and among them were the future six membres of newjeans. For the girls, sooyeon was like a mother to them she would always nag if they had their meals and would take them out to eat even if she had little to no money to spend, she would always smile when she sees them enjoy their food. In all of the press conference the founder always said that she may founded Ador, but the girls were the one to built it and be successful without newjeans there will be no Ador of today.
Her relationship with micha
When sooyeon first met Micha, of course when first cought her attention was her visual she wouldn't deny that, she remembered clearly thinking she is only thirteen and looks this pretty what will happen when she grows up. But she was painfully timid that she was worried about her, but surprisingly that seemed to change and she noticed unlike before when Micha performed with the trainees she seemed to shine even if she danced in the back of the group you can't help but look at her. Now Micha like to tease her by quoting the things she says, meanwhile sooyeon always keeps Micha favorite sweets in her office.
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The group manager
If sooyeon was the mother and the girls literally call her " eomma" then kim hanbin is their "appa", he is one of the few people he believed in sooyeon and her vision. When he accepted to be the manager of the girls he didn't think that he will grow white hairs earlier than it should. With every minute with them he felt like he aged a century yet he truly loves them, he is protective over each one of them. He doesn't mind knocking some bastard down if it means they are safe. And it is the same thing for Micha he honestly doesn't have a favorite, all six of them are his daughters.
Her Dream team
Her manager
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When the girls started getting busy, hanbin found it best if each girl has her own team who she gets along with and can pick themselves. So Micha picked her pretty unnie who gave her free candies and was her mentor throughout her whole journey, jeong saebi. Saebi truly has the patience of a saint, if Micha was managing herself she would've run for her life a long time ago, she can be handful at times but she is thankful for saebi for sticking with her and believing in her. Saebi knew Micha like the back of her hand and see her like a daughter, bunnies can't get enough of their interactions.
Personal stylist
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When ye hea first come to the company, she was really shy. But as soon she was assigned to Micha all hell break loose, they became chaotic duo. Micha can be quiet picky of what she wants to wear. But together the came out with some iconic looks. Hea said that she loved dressing her up first because she has a great figure that anything looks good on her, especially now that became older and can try more daring looks.
Main makeup artist
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Han mina is the closest to age to Micha in all her dream team, fun fact Micha was the one to ask for her after she watched videos of her work on Instagram and really liked her style. Mina didn't even imagine once in her life to have an opportunity like this therefore she is forever grateful for Micha.
Main hairstylist
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Min seojun came later in the group, at first he didn't know how to fit in among the group, but it was easier than he thought. The group accepted him and tried to make him participate in everything they did together. To be honest he judged Micha falsely before meeting her. He thought that she was that arrogant rich celebrity he had to work for. But after meeting her all of those judgements went down the drain. She was just a mischievous little girl who just wanted to act her age and play around with the people she loves.
Main bodyguards
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The handsome oppas as bunnies call them, park minho is a fun guy to be around despite his huge built, he reminds Micha of a giant teddy bear he shares her love for sweets and always jokes around with her, but he takes his job in protecting her seriously, whether jongdae is a more on the quiet side and Micha took it her life mission to crack him. When saebi told him good luck, he didn't take it seriously I mean how hard it would be to protect a little 16 year old, it was his big mistake underestimating her. If he even take his eyes off of her one minute he wouldn't know where she wandered off. People sometimes jock that he had to take care of Micha and minho. Even though jongdae doesn't know how to show his love but he truly cares from Micha and wouldn't change her for the world till the point that he named his daughter after her.
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