Autumn Leaffay
80 posts
Coming back from the dead to combine my history geek with Hetalia for headcanons and short stories
Last active 4 hours ago
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autumnleaffay · 19 hours ago
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Who of us??
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autumnleaffay · 2 days ago
About every hetalian got sufin. But we're loving it!
Also Käärijä 💕💕💕
Who approved this ad campaign
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autumnleaffay · 2 days ago
Iceland banned beer from 1915 to 1989 (to some extent). This was directed at Denmark in real life and Hetalia.
Iceland: Denmark, you have got to go. I love you to bits, but you gotta go.
Denmark: hah! Make me!
Iceland: I'm banning beer.
Denmark on a flight back to Denmark: that son of a bitch... He did make me...
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autumnleaffay · 5 days ago
Where are you from? (I love your posts!)
Thank you!
And... Ähm... Ja...
Moin, from North Germany 😅🫣
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autumnleaffay · 5 days ago
*happy Esc fan noises*
Sweden finally sent a Swedish song again!!! And it's a banger!
This year's going to be so much fun!
(Personally Erika is still my number 1, but who can say no to Kaj?)
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autumnleaffay · 8 days ago
The eternal debate!
I've missed the actual date but! It's fastelavnsboller/Semla/laskiaispulla (and all the other names) time. Also there's a special day for it! (Bolludaugur, Fastelavn, Fettisdag)
Anyways! There is different versions of the Bun, the biggest divide however is between the almonds filling and the yam filling.
Every year, the Nordics will eat the buns together, enjoy the different traditions of the day (beating a barrel with candy for Denmark, hitting parents with a wand for Iceland, you get it).
But one thing that will always happen is Norway and Sweden fighting over which version is the correct one.
Sweden is pro Almond
Norway is team raspberry yam
Finland doesn't care
Denmark prefers his version
Iceland just stares at his family in disbelief. Why do they fight over this every single year?! (He has a clear winner tho, but will never say it, so the debate will never settle)
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autumnleaffay · 8 days ago
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autumnleaffay · 11 days ago
to me, hws norway has two genders:
- pretty ethereal fairytale princess
- old, weathered sailor who was once lost at sea for months
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autumnleaffay · 12 days ago
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foolin around with some acrylic pens i found :)
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autumnleaffay · 12 days ago
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a big puppy
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autumnleaffay · 15 days ago
I've seen a ton of headcanons about Norway being part Fae, and I think it's very interesting and everything, but I can't help but imagine Norway occasionally deciding he wants to kidnap a human (as Fae are known to do) to keep as a pet.
He just walks into the house with a human and he and Iceland argue about it as if Norway picked up a stray cat or something.
Iceland: Norway, what the hell is that?
Norway: it's a human.
Iceland: seriously? Where did you get him? How did you trick him into giving you his name?
Norway: I just asked. It was a little too easy.
Iceland: it doesn't matter. You're not keeping him. Go put him back where you found him.
Norway: oh come on. I can't just leave him.
Human: no, I'd actually like that please. That would be... Great.
Iceland: I'm sure he'll be fine on his own. He has his own house and job, I'm sure he'd hate to leave them. We can't just make him live with us.
Human: actually not a super great job. My boss is a piece of shit. Also, house is a very generous word. Sorry, you're saying I wouldn't have to pay rent? I might... Reconsider.
Norway: see? He wants to stay.
Iceland: you'll have to feed him and take care of him, and we both know how that ends up. Either I'll end up having to take care of it, or it'll end up like the last two humans you had.
Human: sorry, what? Uhm... Actually, I'm alright.
Norway: whatever...
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autumnleaffay · 18 days ago
APH Germany is sitting in his house, screaming.
He went through this shit once before, it's a literal childhood trauma.
It's happening again.
(sorry for being so open about this, but this is terrifying.)
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autumnleaffay · 21 days ago
The Kvikk way into his heart
Denmark was practically buzzing in this seat. The flight attendant gave him a quick glance but went back to the safety demonstrations, probably thinking that he was simply scared of flying.
But Denmark wasn't scared of flying, he existed long before the dream of flying gave the humans the will to make it reality. He was simply excited to visit Norway.
This turnaround Norway has decided against living in Oslo or it's surrounding areas, instead he chose a living place further north, in a small town named Røra.
Every few years the personified nations will have to move around, in order to avoid detection by the people living around them. Denmark himself is currently living in Skive, a relatively small 20k city in Midtjylland. Still a lot more than the barely 500 people in Røra.
Norway had always loved the quiet places, secluded and alone. He only ever needed his family to be happy and Sweden was just a car ride away, Finland and Iceland reachable by plane. Same goes for Denmark himself.
Denmark hadn't told Norway about his visit. Maybe the more northern nation would get angry, but than can easily be changed.
The plane couldn't land quickly enough for him. Excitement buzzing through his body.
Denmark was rushing from the Trondheim airport to it's conjoined train station asfast as possible.
Normally he would have grabbed some alcohol from the duty free, after all it was cheaper there than in the rest of the country, but there was no time. He didn't wanted to miss the first train out.
He hadn't even noticed that his phone was still in airplane mode until he checked up his ticket for the train.
3 missed calls from Norway. The other nation has of course felt his presence upon entering the country.
Denmark opens the joint chat.
From Norway: Dan, why?
From Norway: Could you answer your phone?
From Norway: I have checked the flight schedules. I know that your not on the flight to Oslo at 13:50, or the one to Bergen at 14:00. Which leaves the 13:35 to Trondheim. Also the most logical, considering my current location.
From Norway: If you don't answer soon I'll just go hiking and you won't find me.
From Norway: Dan
From Denmark: Forgot to turn of flight mode!
From Denmark: I'll make it up to you! Promise!
The Regional train 70 was continuing on its way up north. A good infrastructure, Norway was very proud of his achievements and Denmark understood that.
To long had Norway been controlled and suppressed by him and Sweden alike. But now he stood tall, taller than his former controlling powers do.
Oil, Money, the strongest Retirement Fund, the Nobel Peace price and so much more.
Denmark loves the Trøndelag Region. The massive fjord, the mountains, the reginal dialect.
Norway's personality seems to change depending on the part where he lived. Olso made him both more open and uptight, rushing to be on time. Bergen gave him that dry humour. Stavanger made him reserved.
And Trøndelag? They made him the best of all worlds. The adventurous hiker, the outgoing person when the right moment called, the reserved one in the next, the humour, Sneaky.
The train reached Røra Station. Denmark was the only one to get off, he didn't care. He already had his goal in mind.
Brunpris was not close to the train station and even further away than Norway's current residents. But he won't be needing a lot of time there.
He made his way to the chocolate aisle without looking at any other produce.
15 nok a piece. How many would become suspicious? He had a 200 nok bill in his pocket. 13? That would leave him with 5 nok, but the number was off putting.
The cashier had given him a slightly confused look, but did not say a word. Perfectly Norwegian fashion.
Denmark excited the Store and made his way up the road again. Norway's home was further away, tugged neatly into the nature of his land.
The house was simple, only two rooms, and open kitchen and living room. An additional shed for wood and Norway's skis, currently stored up due to the early autumn weather. Soon the snow will fall again. Soon his Norway will disappear into the mountains for hours, days, just to ski up and down his mountains.
Taped to the door was a note, written in the old runes. A smile spread over Denmark's face, he loved the way they had their own little world when using the old runes. He placed the luggage at the backside of the house, not like it will get taken here in Norway and headed out forward the forest.
Nature was calm, but mighty, a perfect picture of his loved one. The further you walk into it the harder the terrain gets, the the deeper you get in his heart, the rougher he becomes. Within the thickness of the moss and woodland still lies beauty, he will cherish you and protect you.
The trees become closer together, sometimes he will hug you an not let go, even when it's hard to breathe. It's midday but the sun barely cast it's light through the trees, he has been hurt so often during the past, by others and by the ones he loves.
It feels like you are the only soul here, but see there are animals all around you and if you listen closely, even the the nisse and trolls will hush around.
He looks ethereal, the hair in it's soft waves, the clip still placed in his hair. The eyes closed, face looking up into non existing sunlight.
Old, but still young.
Broken, but still hole.
Controlled for so long, but always been free.
He kneeled down before his lover, his heart, his dearest, his kærlighed.
Norway looked down at Denmark, who smiled up at him.
"Hei.", he said, his voice soft.
Denmark's smile grew wider: "Hej!"
With a swift movement he reached into his jacket and pulled out his surprise.
"Kvikk Lunsj?"
The excited giggle woke up the forest.
The base for this is the Norwegians absolute love for chocolate and especially for Kvikk lunsj!
Kvikk lunsj, mean quick lunch/snack and is a chocolate bar perfect for hiking and out doors. That's one of the reasons, why Norwegians love it, they associate it with the outdoors and nature.
Important note! Kvikk lunsj is not KitKat! Don't compare it! (If you do, Kvikk lunsj is better, trust me)
Also I decided on the number 9 because it's considered a lucky number for wealth in Norwegian folklore.
Links, if you want to read about the Norwegians and their chocolate yourselves!
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autumnleaffay · 21 days ago
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No, but how did Nor know that Denmark would appear exactly in 10 sec? Does he have some inner Denmark radar? Some annoyancemeter that gets extremely high when Denmark is nearby? Can he feel his presence on some subconscious level? SOULMATES???
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Gosh, when your soulmate is Denmark...
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autumnleaffay · 21 days ago
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autumnleaffay · 21 days ago
Which Nordic has the most inhumane cooking? (Why do I feel like it's Denmark)
Inhumane cooking? 😭
Ngl, if we rank the Nordics and their food/cuisine I actually think Denmark tops the list 🙏
Denmark is probably best at sweets and baked food while Sweden is better at dishes (it also helps that he's good at marketing) - his only flaw is that he puts dill on fucking everything 😔
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autumnleaffay · 23 days ago
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very important
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