autumnleaffay · 2 months
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his legs are longer than my life
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autumnleaffay · 2 months
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REVERIE OF THE NORTH: We Were Tasked With Slaying the Demon Prince!
[Character Breakdown/Lore]
ROTN: We Were Tasked With Slaying the Demon Prince takes place in a medieval/fairytale/fantasy setting. Magic is ever present, beasts and creatures roam the forests, and while peace is happily maintained in the northern kingdoms, a new threat looms over the horizon. Word has spread of ferocious, terrifying armies of dark beings attacking kingdoms and leaving civilians fleeing their homes. The only kingdoms with enough time and resources to assemble a plan are the ones high up, the ones who haven’t been affected… yet. The Kingdoms of Frost, Shadows, Mystery, Isolation, and Life must band together and find the root of the issue. Good thing the princes from each kingdom are childhood best friends!
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Character Descriptions!
-> Tino! Prince from the Kingdom of Frost! But, he has the most sunny and cheery disposition. His warm nature is so strong, that’s why he rules the coldest area, as only he could melt the ice away (all according to Berwald!) He is very anxious, cautious when things go awry, maybe a bit fearful at times. He’s gentle, soft, on the shyer side (not as shy as Emil, no one is as shy as Emil) and generally a very positive energy! He can also be quite the fierce warrior! Never judge a book!
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-> Berwald! Prince from the Kingdom of Shadows! While they all live in the north and experience the darkness in some capacity, Berwald’s kingdom is the furthest north, bottom half connected to Tino’s. Berwald is silent, brooding, sturdy, strong. His face is unreadable to most. He is endearingly awkward, and somehow, his comedic timing is perfect, despite not trying or understanding when he says something funny… most times.
-> Berwald has had a crush on Tino since they’ve been kids. His love has never faltered, if anything, as he matured, it only got stronger. Tino very much reciprocates his feelings, but it’s one of those things where they don’t say anything in case they were just misreading each other (they never are and the other three are just waiting for them to do something about it before they take it into their chaotic hands)
-> Berwald asked Lukas to help him with transformation magic in order to transform himself into a weapon Tino could use. Berwald came upon a down Tino one night two months before the current story takes place. When asked what was wrong, Tino voiced that he didn’t feel strong enough to keep up with everyone. He was short, soft, his hands barely held callouses! He felt as if he was holding everyone back. Berwald grumbled lowly. He couldn’t stand that the strongest person he knew felt inferior just because of things like looks and perceptions. He wondered if he could do something to show Tino how he saw him, have Tino see himself through his eyes. Taking this extremely seriously, he began working on his transformation magic to become something useful for his dear Tino. He chose a sword, a weapon Tino is highly proficient with, to show him and the people around them how skillful and capable Tino truly is. He also made a vow of loyalty, meaning no one can use Berwald as a sword except for Tino. And this way, Berwald would always be by his side, looking out for him. Only recently did the magic stick and when the story starts, Tino does not know of Berwald’s new ability yet!
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-> Lukas! Prince from the Kingdom of Mystery! Lukas is an extremely talented sorcerer. His magic comes from his bloodline, the royals of his kingdom/his family members all have magic in some capacity. He was appointed as a fellow leader at 20 because of his powerful magic. This made him the youngest of the rulers from where he comes from! His specialty is nature and healing magic.
-> Lukas’ brother is Emil. Emil also has magic, very powerful magic just like his brother. But his magic is dark, forbidden, hence why he was given his own “kingdom.” A neighboring island, land that is part of the Kingdom of Mystery. Lukas visits his brother often despite being advised not to.
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-> Emil! Prince from the Kingdom of Isolation. Emil’s kingdom is small but mighty! He is quiet, avoidant, mostly locked in his castle to make sure he never reveals his magic to others. Spending most days indoors has led Emil to become incredibly creative. Not even the other princes know of his magic, despite their strong bonds. Only his brother Lukas knows. He is blunt, cold, but deep down, he is warm, fiery, and passionate. He is the youngest! (17, turning 18 soon) He gets embarrassed very easily!
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-> Matthias! Prince from the Kingdom of Life! Just like his people, Matthias is outgoing, boisterous, and incredibly resilient! He is full of jokes, sometimes at others’ expenses, but he generally means well! He can be pretty demanding or bossy, even arrogant, but sometimes his outlandish ideas turn out to be the best course of action in the end! Much like Tino, he is optimistic and smiley, but his warm disposition is much more vigorous, while Tino’s is calming and comforting.
-> Matthias became a leader of the Kingdom of Life after executing the prior royal family for their unjust actions and plans (with the other kingdoms’ armies by his side as backup.) The Kingdom of Life was once a tyrannical government, now it is under better management with Matthias as its head.
-> Matthias actually formed the plan for takeover with Lukas. Matthias was once a guard for the former royal family, but had grown up close to the other princes since they were the only ones who saw him for who he really was. One night, when he felt all hope was lost, Matthias ran into the forest aimlessly. Coincidentally, he ran into Lukas, who he spilled his troubles to. And Lukas decided then and there, Matthias’ situation called for some healing magic first and foremost. He used magic to rid Matthias of his physical burdens, transforming him into who he truly was, how the rest of the princes saw him, how he wanted to see himself. With that taken care of, the Mystery Prince assured Matthias they’d form a plan to stage a coup.
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Character Height Chart!
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Character Age Chart!
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Bonus! Pajamas!
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autumnleaffay · 2 months
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REVERIE OF THE NORTH: We Were Tasked With Slaying the Demon Prince!
[Chapter One (Fanfic preview!)]
Hi everyone! So! This has been sitting in my document files for a very long time (going on like two months) so I’m posting it here first to kinda gauge if people like it! Kinda like a test run! I haven’t started working on the second chapter yet, but I do have guidelines for what happens in each chapter to aid me! Once I write a couple chapters, I’ll be posting this on AO3! As always, my fanfics are very silly and lighthearted, maybe a little out of character, so if that’s not your vibe, I completely get it! :D
Glittering sunlight poured into the garden, showering each flower and leaf with warmth they would otherwise not receive in the wild. This garden was a sanctuary for plant life in the coldest kingdom, and while this kingdom was indeed the coldest, it was by no means unforgiving. Other plants could survive just fine in their natural habitats, but these flowers were special. They weren’t native to the kingdom of Frost. Imported from the kingdom of Shadows, Tino requested these special blossoms to take care of and shower with his affections. He poured his heart and soul into taking care of these plants, priding himself on how long he’d been able to keep them alive. He had done such a spectacular job, that they started growing in more places on their own! This only furthered his determination. He wanted a garden full of them.
The prince knelt in the grass, the only grass not frozen over and covered in snow at this time. In his castle, Tino had a large courtyard-garden at the center. Protected by glass high above, it served as a sort of greenhouse. The young man was pruning his precious garden, devoted to making it the best habitat it could be. His hands had been lightly covered in dirt from his work, his pale-colored pants dyed with grass stains at his knees and shins. He gathered the overgrown roots and dead leaves in a homely wickered basket next to himself. He'd use them for compost later.
Tino jumped as he heard a familiar low voice. Head spinning in the direction of the comment, he found exactly who he expected.
“Berwald! How long have you been standing there?” He chuckled softly, body relaxing after the initial shock. The stoic prince standing in the garden’s entrance looked on with fondness, usual scowl blissful at the moment. “You like the flowers? I’m so surprised they’ve multiplied this much! They must like me!” Tino joked, dimples ever present as he smiled. Berwald nodded, stepping further into the little sanctuary. He offered a gloved hand to the shorter male who went to eagerly take it before stopping himself. As if reading his mind, Berwald kept his hand out still.
“Gloves’r meant to get dirty.”
“Yer in m’brain!” Tino mimicked the shadow prince’s accent, earning an exhale from his nose. Yes! Alright! He got him to laugh! With the reassurance, Tino grabbed onto Berwald’s hand and let himself get hoisted up. He was short, but he wasn’t frail, and the fact that even then Berwald could lift him up like no problem, it made Tino feel safe somehow, secure. One would never guess the shadow prince’s strength from his lanky build, but he could seriously pack a punch! Tino had witnessed his strength first hand plenty of times. Once he was up, the smaller prince rubbed the dirt off of his hands and onto his pants; they were already stained anyways. He offered his companion a sweet smile before it slowly faltered into an anxious expression.
“Oh dear! What time is it? Did I lose track of time? I’m not even properly dressed ye-”
“I came early.” Berwald stated plainly, picking a twig out of the frost prince’s hair. Tino’s nerves melted away, and it showed on his round face. An exaggerated sigh escaped his lips.
“Don’t scare me like that, Ber!” He nagged playfully.
To the untrained eye, Berwald’s expression seemed very standard for him, flat. But Tino could tell he was smirking, the tall blond was just as playful! Berwald’s fingers stay in Tino’s pale locks, adjusting and brushing them to the side admiringly. As his bony digits lingered, Tino’s face began to feel warm.
“Yer cute when yer frazzled.” The shadow prince mumbled, matter of fact. Tino’s face was starting to flush. Growing up as being friends with Berwald should have made him used to these comments. But every time the prince said them, Tino felt his heart jump into overdrive. And recently, it was becoming unbearable. Noticing the shorter man’s cheeks reddening, Berwald took this as a sign to give him space. He pulled his hand away, not wanting to make his most cherished ally uncomfortable. Breaking the silence that had started to linger, Tino spoke up.
“Di-Did you have breakfast, Ber?” He chirped, picking up the basket of dead plant parts.
“Nm.” Berwald followed Tino like a lovesick puppy as he began guiding them out of the garden.
“Are you hungry?”
“You can eat with me if you’d like!”
To outsiders, Berwald’s mumbles and grunts were indecipherable. To Tino, they were efficient and well crafted responses that wasted no time, perfectly understandable.
After begrudgingly handing the basket of dead leaves and roots off to a maid, Tino and Berwald made their way into the kitchen. Countless times Tino had been told to stay out of the kitchen and let himself be waited on, but the frost prince would never listen. Letting his help do everything for him made him feel useless, spoiled, and ever since he was a child, he went out of his way to make chores easier on them. Even when this castle was bestowed upon him after his parents’ passing, he still kept up with helping the staff, much to their worry.
Eventually, breakfast was served! Tino and Berwald sat in the grand dining hall, Berwald at the head of the table after the frost prince insisted he sit there, and Tino on the side. The two were a precious display, awkward and annoyingly oblivious to each other’s intentions, but precious. The pale blond man ripped some bread in half, handing a piece to Berwald. Without missing a beat, the lanky prince added butter to the piece that was handed to him, placed it back on Tino’s plate, and waited for Tino to hand him the second half. And Tino did! They worked in perfect unison, each of their movements like some sort of strange waltz.
“You know, when I hand you bread, you can make it for yourself first.” Tino teased gently, holding back snickers. “You don’t have to put me first all the time, silly.”
“I do it because I want to.” Berwald hummed simply, taking a bite of his half. Tino’s heart felt fuzzy, warm. No, he didn’t like being waited on by staff or maids, but when Berwald did it, he didn’t mind at all. Maybe because he knew they were equals. Maybe because, like he said, Berwald only does it because he wants to do it. Because Berwald cares about him, genuinely. Realizing he had been staring wide-eyed at the shadow prince with a goofy smile for a good moment made him jump and, very obviously, turn himself away. Berwald stayed silent, corners of his mouth turned upwards ever so slightly.
The two enjoyed their breakfast gleefully. Tino, as usual, did most of the talking. He spoke about his morning so far, what he was doing the night before, a strange dream he had, everything. He could be quite talkative, and Berwald loved it. Every time he got to hear Tino’s sweet, soft voice, he thanked the heavens above for such a blessing. The two laughed and enjoyed their time together before parting with the dining hall to continue on with their day.
“I should probably go get dressed…” Tino pouted childishly, running a hand through his hair. He grabbed Berwald’s arm gently, giving it a small squeeze. “Can you wait here in case the others show up before I'm back?” Berwald nodded once, earning himself another smile from his ally. “Thank you, Ber.” Without trying to overthink it, Tino let himself be selfish for a moment, hugging the tower of a man before swiftly running up the stairs. Berwald watched as Tino disappeared into the long hallway at the top of the staircase before shaking his hand excitedly and starting to pace.
This was a common occurrence. Berwald often got too happy for his body to handle, and thus, his hands would flutter. It was something he was often told to hide, something deemed ‘improper.’ But Tino knew of it, of course Tino knew of it, as did the other princes. They never once shamed him or belittled such actions, but lighthearted teasing was fair game. You could never tell from his face what he was thinking, but as soon as Berwald’s hand started to move, it was a tell-tale sign he was elated.
“Hey! What’s got you so riled up?” A shrill voice pierced through Berwald’s ears, causing him to stop in his tracks.
“I hope we didn’t miss anything important.” A smooth voice joined in, smugness audible.
Three young men walked up to Berwald, each with their own flair. Matthias, prince from the kingdom of Life, led the other two; Lukas, from the kingdom of Mystery, and his brother Emil, from the kingdom of Isolation. The tall prince’s expression became cold and stoic, returning to its natural state.
“We made a point to arrive on time, and look who’s always at Tino’s place before us! We should’ve anticipated this!” Matthias let out a hearty laugh, swinging his arm up and around the shadow prince’s neck. Lukas sighed, arms crossed elegantly.
“Leave him be, Matthias.” His cool tone was like running water, enigmatic. “But… I am curious about what exactly we were interrupting.” He smirked slightly.
“Hugged Tino.” Berwald responded in a flat mumble. Lukas’ eyebrows raised. Matthias’ grin grew wider.
“Oh yeah! That’s right! All your excitement goes to your hands instead of your-”
“Stop speaking.” Lukas glared, stepping up and slapping a hand over the life prince’s mouth, pulling him from hanging off of Berwald.
Emil watched the three interact from a distance, posture chary. He rubbed his arm, keeping himself from engaging, expression agitated. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to join in, it was just that he rather save his breath until he could be useful. He found this squawking to be unproductive at best, and down right insufferable at worst. Still, he couldn’t deny that some part of him liked it… Matthias’ loud jeers, his brother’s perfectly crafted quips, Berwald and Tino’s doting nature whenever it came to cheering the teen on, it was all comforting in some strange way. But Emil would be damned if he let them know that. It was more for their sake, keeping them at a distance like this.
“So where is Tino anyways?” Matthias finally asked once his mouth was released from its lavender scented prison. He placed his hands on his hips, eyes surveying the foyer. Everything about him took up space.
“Hey guys!” A syrupy-sweet voice rained down from the top of the grand staircase. Tino had returned in his proper clothes, his fashion a bit more unique compared to the other princes of the north. His outfit consisted of a vest and blouse, covered by a beautiful, sky-blue tailcoat that had a caplet on the right shoulder, and of course, matching trousers. A small scabbard was strapped to his left thigh, holding a petite, intricate blade. As Tino would say, ‘you can never be too prepared!’ Everything was topped off with a white hat situated perfectly lopsided on his blond head. The four at the bottom of the staircase starred up, each with their own expression of warmth. But Berwald… Berwald was completely captivated.
Tino rushed down the steps, eager smile ever present. He hopped down the last step, heeled boots clicking up to the group excitedly. They added some height to his short stature.
“I’m so sorry if I kept you all waiting for long!” He chirped, voice wavering slightly from a sudden spike in nerves. The short man rubbed the back of his head, fidgeting.
“We just got here, don’t worry.” Lukas offered his friend’s bubbling anxiety some relief. And it was apparent it worked as Tino’s tension visibly dissipated.
“Oh thank goodness… I got a bit carried away this morning with gardening. I would’ve completely lost track of time if Ber didn’t come get me! Right, Ber?” The pale-blond looked up to the shadow prince, who was still staring hard at him. Everyone turned to look at him, expecting him to respond.
There was silence.
Berwald hadn’t registered that he was being spoken to yet, nor was he aware that the others were waiting for him to answer back, completely enraptured by the beauty of the frost prince. Matthias almost started to laugh, but Lukas seemed to read his mind and stomped on his foot to distract him. Matthias stumbled back, cursing under his breath, taking the lanky prince out of his daze. He blinked a few times, looking around from face to face. The conversation caught up to him in his head and he quickly forced out something to show the group he was listening.
”Mm.” He nodded once, much to the delight of Tino. Inside, Berwald felt as if he was burning alive from embarrassment. Lucky for him though, Matthias decided to take the stage again. He wondered if he did it on purpose, to give Berwald a chance to breathe, but it wasn’t like Matthias to be able to read the room. Perhaps his timing was just a pleasant coincidence.
“So! Why’d you gather all of us at your place, Tinny?” The boisterous tank of a man grinned with all his teeth, wordlessly declaring his joy in being with his friends. Tino’s expression faltered a bit, gloved hands reaching up to fiddle with his brooch. The four looked at him silently until they remembered. “Oh… Yeah… That’s right…”
”Let’s get into the Great Hall to discuss properly.” Tino’s voice was gentle, soft, whispered. He turned himself slightly, nodding his head to get the four to follow him.
Terrorizing the kingdoms below them, countless armies of demonic creatures were sweeping the land. Those in the north were partially protected by their harsh conditions, their jagged mountains that resembled fractured icicles acted as teeth, chewing any human army to shreds and swallowing them down into the great, frozen abyss. The five princes were bonded by their borders, as they were the only kingdoms in this section of the world. To get to the nearest kingdom south, they’d have to travel by ship. If the armies advancing were composed of fellow mortals, there wouldn’t be much to worry about. But, these swarms consisted of otherworldly beings. There was no telling exactly how much time they had left before their villages were invaded. They had to act fast.
Tino sighed as Matthias exclaimed a few profanities. Berwald sat leaned forward, on the edge of his seat in deep contemplation. Lukas stayed poised, hand on his chin as his eyes shifted over to his brother, who had been keeping his head down for the past few minutes.
“Oh, lillebror, what are you thinking?” Emil glanced up slightly, though no words were verbally exchanged. He met his brother’s gaze before shifting his head back down anxiously.
The team of princes had been debating the topic of their next course of action for some time now, and they were at a dead end. Tino, Berwald, and Lukas wanted to take a diplomatic approach, figure out who, or more likely, what was controlling these forces and reason with it. Matthias, on the other hand, wanted to take the more vibrant approach of wiping out the armies and their leader completely, and though Emil didn’t speak up, he gave Matthias a rather eager nod of agreement. But that didn’t matter. Because for either plan to work, they needed to know where these demons were being summoned from. And since the princes hadn’t encountered the armies for themselves yet, they had no leads… Or so they assumed.
The room fell silent. Tino slumped forward as his hands rested on the table over a comprehensive map of their lands. Matthias and Berwald shared a look of acknowledgement, recognizing that they both wished they had something to say to save the day, and that they both wished they could say it before the other could. But both of them were just as stumped, leaving their rivalry at rest for now.
“Your dejected faces are making me feel hopeless.” Lukas’ smooth voice washed over them, a hint of amusement behind his cool tone. The short blond looked up, flashing his friend a small, weary smile.
“Well you would feel dejected too if you didn’t know anything about the enemy!” Matthias threw out, voice childish. There was a pause. “Unless…”
The room fell silent once again, this time with anticipation as each head turned expectantly towards the sorcerer. The bluebell eyed man smirked at them omnipotently.
“Well…?” Berwald’s rich voice interrupted the growing suspense.
“Hm? Oh. You were expecting me to say something?” Lukas asked nonchalantly, moving some of his longer locks out of his eyes. “I don’t know anything.” He stated simply, causing the room to sigh in anguish. “…Emil does though.”
And just like that, all eyes were gleaming Emil’s way. The youngest prince’s gaze widened as shock coursed through his veins. His expression turned sour as he went to tell off his brother, but no words would come out. His mouth was just opening and closing shakily. He felt apprehension bubbling in his core. Well, he might as well say something at least.
“I…” He started slowly, bowing his head back down to avoid the other princes’ stares. “I-I don’t know much! So don’t expect some fully formed idea.” The silver haired boy forced out, finding courage after a moment to lift his head just a tad. His eyes shifted from Matthias, to Berwald, and then settled on Tino. To him, Tino was the easiest to look at, especially with that dopey face of encouragement he received every time he went to speak.
“After the first couple of attacks, I got in touch with a distant kingdom who had been affected. I reviewed some reports of the creatures these armies are made of and, well… I identified them. Or-Or rather, more importantly, I identified the approximate location of where they’re coming from.”
“Ah! Emil is our savior!” Tino sang out, clapping his hands together. He looked to the youngest with a sparkle in his eye that even Emil found himself melting under.
“I-It’s not the exact location! I’m not even sure if it’s accurate at all!” He barked back, face tinted red. Tino’s wide grin didn’t let up though.
“It’s a better lead than any of us have.” Berwald joined in, giving Emil praise in his own, monotonous way.
“How did you even crack down on that!? That’s amazing!” Matthias shouted fervently. Lukas raised an eyebrow as he wondered how his brother would answer. There was some stuttering before Emil weakly got it out.
“Math…matics…” Not even he seemed sure of that response. But, Matthias bought it! And it seemed Tino and Berwald knew better than to press the volcanic boy on something he didn’t seem too keen on answering.
“Do you know anything else about these creatures?” The pale-blond asked curiously, sitting back down in his seat at the head of the table. Emil shifted a bit.
“Well,” The snowy-headed boy looked to his older sibling, who gave an inconspicuous nod to continue. “They feed on fear, for one thing. And they have to be controlled. They don’t really have minds of their own. Usually the one in control is someone of high ranking in the underworld. So, think of it like… a fellow prince?” The rest of the team fell back, astonished.
“So we need to find… A Demon Prince?” Tino whispered, not meaning to ask out loud. Emil nodded once.
With this newfound knowledge, the five princes of the north began to form a game plan. A declaration would be sent out to all villages, urging civilians to stay indoors while the rulers themselves sought out the Demon Prince. Once they located him, they would enact their diplomatic method first. If it did not go well, they knew they could count on Matthias to begin their plan B: a take down. Swiftly, they began preparing for their long trek to an uninhabited island, Sæhæfn. It was considerably south of their territories, near another kingdom that had surely felt the wrath of those diabolical troops. They’d make their way to the shoreline before boarding one of Matthias’ ships to be whisked away to the small, yet now imposing, isle.
Tino pulled a sword from its rack, looking at it with a conflicted stare. Berwald looked up from packing one of many bags, gaze soft as he recognized the frost prince’s cute yet undoubtedly troubled expression.
“What’s wrong, Tino?” He asked quietly, shuffling over to the short prince. Tino jumped up in response, Berwald’s intense voice pulling him from his worried thoughts.
“Oh… Um! I just…” The light-blond put his sword down, turning to look at his companion. He leaned on the wall, feigning exhaustion. “If we’re going to be facing off against a demon prince, I don’t really know what weapon to bring. They all seem so… dinky… for the occasion.” Berwald listened intently, walking over and leaning against the wall next to the frost prince.
“Y’don’t need any of ‘em.”
“Wh-What!?” Tino shouted from Berwald’s surprising declaration, flabbergasted. The tall blond looked down to the other prince, offering him a smirk only he could recognize.
“Hold out yer hand in front of you.” Looking up to Berwald with a confused, curious shine in his eyes, he stood up straighter and held his hand outstretched beyond him. The stoic shadow prince moved to stand in front of him, surveying his form. He nodded, as if whatever he was observing was obvious. Tino felt his face heating up, suddenly bashful. What was Berwald doing? He was being so mischievous today.
“I was right. Y’don’t need any of ‘em.” The lanky prince fixed his glasses a bit, setting them higher on his nose bridge. Tino burst into a chuckle, albeit shy.
“Ber! I can’t just bring nothing! What if something happens on the way?”
Berwald grabbed Tino’s outstretched hand, bringing soft, rounded knuckles up to graze his lips upon. Tino’s hazel eyes widened, and for a moment, he was sure his heart beat was audible to anyone around. His pale face was painted a striking red.
“I’ll be there.” Berwald answered the smaller prince’s question in a signature mumbled tone. Tino felt like he could burst. Without even realizing it, he began to smile, a soft, genuine smile. He stepped closer to Berwald, giving the towering prince’s hand a squeeze.
“Then I guess I really don’t have anything to worry about after all.” He snickered, eyes delicate.
Knock, knock, knock!
“Hey, are you guys ready to go?” Lukas peered into the armory, body tilted to the side. Tino had jumped back, turning his head to hide his colorful face. Following his lead, Berwald removed his hand from Tino’s and stood rigid like a statue. That was him acting ‘natural.’ Lukas watched them for only a second, smug smile tugging on the corners of his mouth.
“W-We’re ready! We’ll be out in a minute!” Tino waved the mystery prince along, who only nodded and mercifully left without a second word. There was silence. Tino looked back to Berwald cautiously to meet his eyes. The shadow prince offered him a look of reassurance that they were indeed alone again.
“I…Really should have something just in case…” Tino trailed off, anxiety still not completely settled. And, understanding this, Berwald walked over and grabbed the frost prince’s crossbow from the wall. Without a word, he placed it in Tino’s hands, earning himself another surprised and elated smile from his dearest ally.
The two met with the other three at the entrance of Tino’s castle. Each one of them had changed into more battle-ready, adventuring gear. It had been awhile since the five of them set out on some grandiose journey together.
“I feel like we’re kids again!” Tino giggled sweetly, looking back to the group as he led them out. Each of them showed their agreement in their own way.
The group stepped out into the glittering sunlight, determined. It was time for them to venture beyond the white mountains. If not for themselves, then for their people, for the sake of humanity itself.
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autumnleaffay · 3 months
Guys here’s a link list of that old Hetalia Nordics cosplay series that I was reminiscing about a while back ago - a classic from my time… 🚬_(TwT ) original cosplays by FabrorEstersPojkar - we salute our soldiers o7
It’s my favorite cosplay series ever and you can really feel the passion and care put into this project - they got translators so every country spoke their own language throughout and everythin dude, that’s effort! If you do check it out lemme know how you liked it! :)
Intro/world meeting parody- 【[APH] [COS] Hetalia 北 區欠 1-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/jkOFrN3
Starts getting into history- 【 [APH][COS]Hetalia的北區欠2維/京/海/盜時代 part 1-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/jpuNeTR
【[APH][COS]Hetalia的北區欠維/京/海/盜時代2-part 2-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/Yc1CDMd
【 [APH][COS] Hetalia北區欠3 -卡/爾/馬/聯/盟part 1-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/IBytvwu
【[APH][COS] Hetalia北區欠3 -卡/爾/馬/聯/盟part 2-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/TgREPxM
【 [APH][COS]Hetalia北區欠4波/羅/的/海/戰/役part 1-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/5F5EK3n
【[APH][COS]Hetalia北區欠4波/羅/的/海/戰/役part 2-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/wU84HYl
【 [APH][COS] Hetalia北區欠系列作品的花絮-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/Ie1HBr4
(Bloopers 1,2,3 included in a row in description)
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autumnleaffay · 4 months
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is this anything
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autumnleaffay · 4 months
Imagine knight!finland and prince!sweden✨🫣🤍
I have an au that’s very similar to this, except they’re both princes (and Sweden can turn into Finland’s sword… it’s fantasy/medieval au…) BUT! BUT!
Knight Finland and Prince Sweden…. The potential…..
I AM A COMPLETE SUCKER for like royalty x commoner type of relationships! And especially if like!!! Finland is ordered to guard and protect Sweden and the two just generally have to spend a lot of time with each other… and they start falling for each other.
OR WHAT IF!! SWEDEN PERSONALLY REQUESTED FINLAND?? LIKE!!! What if Finland is just a moderate knight, like he’s efficient and strong, he just has a lot to learn! And Sweden’s kingdom is being threatened or something, so they need to take extra precautions. So they tell Sweden “You need to pick a knight that will guard you until this is all sorted out” and he just goes “I want that one” and points to the shortest, most unassuming knight in the group without hesitation and Finland is like “😳😃😅 ME!?!?”
THERE IS SO MUCH ONE CAN DO WITH THIS AND I LOVE IT!! I’ve been itching to write more SuFin… who knows… maybe this will spark a one shot :3 MAYBE! MAYBE! WE’LL SEE HOW MUCH MOTIVATION I HAVE!!
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autumnleaffay · 5 months
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you'll NEVER guess what my favourite eurovision 2024 song is
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autumnleaffay · 6 years
Nordic Dragons - Chapter 2
The three settled down in the small living room like alcove. Berwald came over from the little kitchen and handed Lukas his coffee. The named was seated on his mate´s lap who sat on the sofa. Berwald sat down in the armchair looking at them.
Matias was constantly kissing Lukas´ neck and shoulders. Lukas took a slip of his coffee and placed the cup down on the table, breaking the contact of Matias lips and his neck. The red dressed one let out a small sound of protest.
“Stop whining around. You know that we´re, no you´re, I don´t allow public affection when we´re in another ones cave. This is your brother´s cave and as long you don´t have his word I will not accept your behaviour.”, Lukas told him.
“Luke!!!”, shouted Matias while Berwald mumbled: “It´s also Tino´s cave…”
Lukas rolled his eyes at the red dragon and looked at the dark blue dragon. “Good that you mention Tino. Can I go speak to him?”
“Only if but your body stays here. I don´t want anybody near him.”
“OH NO! YOU WILL NOT! I DON´T APROVE!”, Matias snapped at the elf. Said one stood up and turned around and looked at his companion: “It´s not your decision.”
“You look like dead when you do it! Please Luke! I hate when you do it.”
“You know it´s the only way to communicate with Tino. I would have to it anyway, it´s either here in your arms or next to him. Because Berwald doesn´t want anybody near his mate it means that I do it in your arms.”, Lukas said softly and bend down to kiss Matias just as softly as his voice was.
“But… but… it´s dangerous for you…”, Matias voice was weak.
Lukas sat down on his beloved’s lap again and laid his arms around him. A soft kiss was placed on Matias lips as Lukas fell limp in his arms. Matias raised his head again and looked at the open, soulless eyes of his mate.
Soulless indeed. Lukas soul has left his body and he stood next to Matias and his body, looking down at them sadly.
Lukas hated to see Matias cry over his soulless body and would finally notice that he was right here. But then again he was happy that he didn´t. A soul could never lie, never hide it´s true intentions and can´t hide any emotions. When Lukas moved around in the astral world his normally emotion less face was showing any emotion he felt.
Lukas nearly cried as he watched Matias kissing his eyes close and laying his body down on the sofa.
“Förlåt.(1)” Berwald said: “I can´t let anybody near Tino. My dragon won’t accept it.”
“I understand. I just love him to mush and anything could happen to him in the dusk realm.”
A lonely tear fell of Lukas cheek. Matias voice was heartbroken but he was right. The dusk realm is the realm of the souls. Soulwalker like him use this realm, but this is also the home of the Lost. Poor souls who lost their bodies, either they were Soulwalkers like Lukas and their body was killed while they were here or they have been forcefully ripped from their body.
Every Lost yearned for a body, because the dusk realm was cold as ice as long you aren´t in the life shield of a living thing. Every creature has such a shield and they can let a soul they know inside their shield if they want. Still there were creatures with weak shields and strong ones. Dragons have naturally the strongest, because they are fire itself. Other creatures like elves can train to make their shields stronger.
Lukas stood at the border of his mate´s and Berwald´s combined shields. He just have to reach Tino´s shield without touching the shadows and fast enough before any of the Lost lay their eyes on him.
He took a deep breath and tried to show as less emotions as possible. Then he stepped out of the shields. The cold washed over him like a sudden snow storm. Even though Lukas was an ice elf it still froze him.
Fast he made his way through the cave to Tino´s saving shield. The shadows crawled forward him and he could see the Lost in them.
With a jump he entered his friend´s shield.  Tino´s soul appeared in front of him.
“Moi Lukas! Long-time no see. How are you and Matias?”, the little dragon started to chatter right away. Lukas couldn´t stop his smile when he saw how happy Tino looked.
“We´re good, thanks for asking. How are you… well I can see but how are you feeling about this?”, Lukas asked while sitting down next to his friend. Tino´s face suddenly showed many emotions, happiness, fear, proudness, sadness. With a deep breath he answered: “I´m very excited and happy, but I also fear that something bad is going to happen…I can feel it.”
“And why are you sad?”
“How do you know I was sad?”, Tino´s eyes became big. Lukas started lough and it downed on Tino as he his friend out of character. “I can´t hide my emotions, can I?”
Lukas nodded.
“Well I´m sad because I can´t be with Berwald. I mean look at this!”, Tino held up his hand in which was an orb of light: “It´s so precious!”
Lukas starred at the glowing orb. He could not believe his eyes, but it was true: A pure untouched soul, a new born life! This was Tino´s and Berwald´s child. With big eyes the elf looked at the dragon.
“Can I touch it?”
Tino nodded happily at him with a look of proudness on his face.
The angelic elf slipped over and carefully raised his hand forward the delicate life in his friend´s hands. His fingers briefly touch the light as a vision came over him. His eyes became dull for a moment and just a second later went back to normal.
“What did you see?”, Tino´s voice was barely over a whisper. Lukas looked at him: “If I´ll tell you the gender will be revealed.”
“Tell me!”
The excitement in his voice was audible. Lukas was a bit jealous, he wanted to be just as happy as Tino and Berwald are. He wished that he and Matias could have children as well…
“You know, Matias will wait for you. I know that he wishes for it as well but he would never pushed you into something you wouldn´t want.”, Tino said as he hugged Lukas. The other one shined: “I´m still not sure if I want to risk giving up my magic.”
“But why would you even lose it?”, the dragon asked.
The elf looked at him sadly: “Because my magic comes from the fact that I am an elf. If I now change that I could lose everything”
Tino looked at him optimistically: “Even if! Dragons are magic creatures, their magic might be a bit different but it is still magic! I wish for you and Matias what Berwald and I have. I want you to be happy. I see that you want you want a child just like I wanted one. If you happiness means that you have to give something up than it´s sometimes good.”
Lukas looked at Tino the entire time and suddenly a tear fell down his cheek. Both friends looked at the tear, than at each other. Suddenly they laughed.
“I bet Matias would be rather happy if I couldn´t soulwalk anymore.”
The tow laughed even more after that statement. As they calmed down they sat there, leaning on each other. Lukas hand raised and touched the light orb again.
“He is going very happy, because his parents will always be there for him”
Tino smiled and felt the life in him pulsated inside him.
       // Sorry that it took so long. I'm in my final years of school// ~Angel
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autumnleaffay · 6 years
Nordic Dragons
Chapter 1
Five years later
Far in the northern mountains there is cave Tino and Berwald call their home. After Berwald became mature 3 years ago and his parents let their cub and his mate go.
The cave has may separate parts: The main cave as a living room with a small alcove. The alcove was as big as a human living room with an open kitchen next to it. The furniture in that alcove was made by Berwald entirely.
From the main cave are two ways:
The first was the guide way to the most important caves: The treasure room and the mate room. The mate room was for Tino. He could go there whenever he wants and adapt it like he wants. Berwald could only go in there if Tino allows it because the mate room is not just for Tino but it is for getting Tino pregnant, keeping him and the egg safe and protecting the cub while it´s young.
The second led to the sleeping cave. The sleeping cave was filled with a nest out of wood witch Tino got and build. It was big enough for two dragons to sleep in. The nest has one extra at the very back of this cave between the lairs of wood was a small hole big enough for humans witch led to the self-made bed Berwald and Tino shared.
This very bed was the one Tino woke up this morning without Berwald next to him. Slowly he set up and looked around. On the little nightstand next to him was a small note with his mates writing on it.
“I´m hunting. Will be back soon”, says on it in Draconic. Over the years Tino became fluent in it. He shined and stood up only to wince in pain, holding on the next piece of wood. Memories of the former night washed over him yet again. It was his first time and Berwald let his dragon side come out witch was the reason why it was extra rough. But Tino enjoyed it and he loved being connected with his mate in the most imitated way possible.
Wait! No, there is a more imitated way! If he accepts his mate´s never ending offers and mates with him in dragon form in the mate room.
Berwald´s mother explained it too him: As Berwald reached a special age he tried to intimate Tino more and more. He goes hunting for him; dose certain things like sudden make outs and mates with him in human from. All of them to intimate him so he accepts the full mating. But there is a down side:  We will become pregnant and won´t leave the cave until his egg hatches.
Tino sighed as he got used to the felling and started his way through the cave. Eventually he walked into the treasure room.
Slowly he walked through Berwald and his belongings. Past the golden thrones of long forgotten kings and the mountains of gold he walked to their most precious value: A crystal, shaped like lily of the valley. Tino loved it. The crystal was a present from Berwald and it keeps magic powers, but Tino didn´t know which.
Suddenly a voice rang through the cave: "Tino, I´m back. I brought you food."
Hearing his mates call Tino quickly turned around and ran forward the main cave. There in the middle of the hall stood his mate. Proudly, with dark blue scales and some golden, the dragon sat there looking into his little mates amethyst eyes.
"What does it gives?", Tino asked. "Sheep", answered Berwald while rising his wing to free the trapped sheeps under it. All of them ran for their lives but not a single one could flee as Tino turned into his dragon form and attacked them. Within a minute all sheep where eaten and Tino turned around to look at Berwald. Said one sitting at the wall of the cave watching his beloved.
Slowly the blue-golden dragon raised his wing so the small icy blue one could snuggle up with him. What he gladly did.
"How are you?", the bigger one looked down at the small, liking his neck. "Good", was the answer: "But my back hurted a bit when I woke up." A proud rumbling could be heard from Berwald´s chest which let Tino to giggle.
"I thought about something this morning...."
Tino wiggled free from his mate and started to walk deeper into the cave. Followed closely by Berwald. But the later one stopped in front of the mate room looking at his small mate.
"I allow you to enter the mate room!"
There it was said! Berwald could go into the room whenever he wants and take him. But his action was meet with silence as the older one stood the like frozen in place.
Did I do something wrong? Tino was scared.
Then Berwald stated to walk forward him. Crossing the line to the room, he promised not to cross until he was allowed. His icy stare fixed on Tino as he started to circle around him.
"Accepterar du mitt erbjudande?(1)"
Berwald couldn´t believe it. After three years Tino finally accepted his offer. Maybe he should have done the human bounding earlier, but right now it´s not the time to think about it.
Berwald jumped forward Tino and liked his face. Tino let out a purr and stated to snuggle up with him. After a while they ended up whit Berwald positioned over Tino and growled into the smaller ones ear. A shiver ran down Tino´s spine.
Their tails tied together. Suddenly Tino felt Berwald at his entrance and let out a small yelp.
"Relax", said a husky voice. Tino started to breath slowly and with every breath he became calmer. When the other noticed it he pushed his hip down. But Tino shrieked and tensed up again. A warning growl could be heard from Berwald´s chest and Tino understood.
´Think about the pleasure and the baby afterwards!`, he told himself. Soon he became lose and Berwald stated to trust in and out. More and more of his self-control slipped away as he cave in to his dragon. While the dark blue dragon lost all of his control, the white blue lost himself in lust.
As Berwald lowered his head again, so he could whisper sweet nothings into his mate´s ear, Tino couldn´t resist his mates call anymore and let his dragon take over as well.
They became wilder and each trust harder, until the entire cave seemed to shake. Then when both reached their peaks they let out a mighty raw and Berwald covered Tino´s body with his wings as he filled the entire room with uncontrolled fire.
Slowly panting Berwald came down from his peak when he noticed that Tino was already unconscious. The big dragon pulled out and laid down his mate into a comfortable position. Once more he liked the others face, than he walked out to get his unfinished business done.
He got the newly raided chest of gold and broth it to the other treasures. On the way he stopped to look at his mate again. Tino lay way to calm, in Berwald´s opinion. He began to worry: `What if my fire insured him?´ But his dragon calmed him down: `Don´t worry! Our mate needs sleep so he can create the egg. He will be out for some while and- ´
His dragon was interrupted by loud shouting from the outside: "Hej lillebror!(2)" Berwald shinned.
Quickly Berwald put the treasures away and walked to the main entrance so he could let his brother Matias in. But behind him was..... Lukas? Said one noticed his stare and just gave him a "we talk later"-look back.
    (1) "Do you accept my offer?"
(2) "Hello little brother" (Okej, that one is obvious)
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autumnleaffay · 7 years
Hi there!
I was thinking if you have any wishes for One-shots. I am in the mood trying to write a bit. You can take any ship and I try as good as I can.
So if you have a idea d.m. me and I see what I can make.
You can have hetalia but also other but I'm not that big in many fandoms.
Have a nice day!
Ps: I'm not that good when it comes to gerita because I don't like how Germany acts in the anime. (I'm not a big fan of Germany)
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autumnleaffay · 7 years
Nordic Dragons
Prologue 2 Dennor
It was a stormy night as a lonely dragon flew through the snow storm. The cold has already weaken the dragon. He knows that he can´t keep on very long and that he has to land soon.
So he was seeking for a cave to hide in. When his powers where close to disappear he saw a cave not far away.
“Come on! It´s only 500 meters!” he shouted to drill himself forward.
The cave came closer and closer.
Then his wings gave up letting him crash down 70 meters away from the entrance. Slowly he pushed himself up and started to walk to the cave.
But the cave wasn´t just a lonely cave in the mountains. It was the home of tow elves, one of the strongest one to be more exact. So it´s no big surprise that they knew that the dragon was coming. They knew it before he even saw the cave.
So they got ready to fight.
“Kannski ættum við að drepa hann.“(1) , the older one said to the younger one. But he shook his head: “Við skulum sjá hvað mun gerast.“(2) With a nod the plan was confirmed.
Meanwhile the dragon was already in front of the cave. Too weak to hold his dragon form he stood at the entrance in human from. Barely able to stand he walked in. But just as he walked in the entrance froze shot leaving no escape.
The tow elves stepped out of the shadow the younger one with an icicle in his hands, the older ones hands lit up in the light of a magical sphere.
When the eyes of the dragon and the older one meet they grew wide. Some kind of light appeared. The younger one couldn´t believe his eyes. But before anything could be done or said the dragon brook down.
Then the younger one found his voice again: “Lukas?”  He looked at the older one who´s eyes where fixed on the unconscious dragon.
Suddenly Lukas light up his skin giving of a faint glow. He let out a moan as the lost the power in his legs.
“Emil!”, he tried to hold on to his little brother.
“Helvíti“(3), he shouted: “Already? Wait, I´ll help you!” Emil hoist Lukas over his shoulder and started to carry him into the cave. In a room far into the cave there were their beds. In which he laid Lukas down.
When Emil turned around to go back Lukas let out a whimper: “Mattias!”
“Don´t worry, I get him.”
     When Mattias woke up again he found himself in a bed.... out of ICE?!?! An elf came into his view so Mattias closed his eyes fast. But his plan didn´t work: “I know that you´re awake.”
Defeated Mattias opened his eyes again and sat up. “How did you know?”, he asked. The white haired boy looked at him with cold pupil les, ice blue eyes: “Number one: I saw your eyes opened. Number two: Your mate is becoming restless.”
“MATE? WHERE?”, Mattias shouted as he looked around. Emil looked at him with a hint of annoyance: “Calm down you Bjáni(4)! You need to know some things first before I´m letting you to my brother.”
As good as he could Mattias there quietly looking at Emil awaiting.
“Good” suddenly there was an ice chair behind Emil where he sat down.
“As you will have notice my brother and I are elves and what I am going to tell you is a secret we want to keep under us elves. Sadly you need to know it. When elves meet their mates they eminently go into some kind of heat. This heat will only stop when we have sex with our mates but that´s not all. It will only stop when we´re satisfied and this is only the case when we .....”
“When.... ah dam you Lukas! Whenwegetthefullsizedick!”
Emil looked at Mattias angrily: “When we get the full size of our mate´s dick.”
“And how does that work? I mean I can make mini me that big but that would never fit. It´s the size for a dragon!”, Mattias looked at him curious.
Emil avoided eye contact with Mattias as he blushed: “It will work. Only with Lukas though.”
Mattias eyes whined as he heard his mate´s name. Emil continued: “It´s elf magic please don´t ask me why.”
Mattias nod that he looked around again: “Can I see him now?”
With a movement of Emil´s hand the bed disappeared. Letting Mattias to fall on his butt.
“Hei!”, he wanted to complain but the elf has disappeared just like everything else in the room. Then out of nowhere a door appeared and Emil´s voice could be heard:
“Hurt my brother and I´ll end your pathetic live!”
On point the door opened filling the room with the most perfect and delicious scent Mattias ever smelled.
 “Min Mate!”
       [Translations {Icelandic}: (1) “Maybe we should kill him?”
(2) “Let´s see what will happen first”
(3) Hell
(4) Twit or Idiot]
    In the room behind the door was no light except of the dim light that emerged from the person lying on the bed in the middle of the room. Who was the person Mattias´ eyes where fixed on.
If the amazing, glowing look of the person wouldn´t be enough to drive Mattias crazy Lukas also gave of the most amazing scent. It was the best mix of the sea and a wonderful winter night at a fire place. Mattias loved it!
Slowly he stepped forward and set on the bed. Carefully he reached out to touch the glowing cheek. As Mattias touched it Lukas´ eyes shot open.
They were pupil les indigo blue and the northern lights seem to dance over his iris. In Mattias opinion the most amazing eyes.
“Mate.” Lukas had a wonderful calm voice. Mattias smiled at him: “Hei there! How are you mate?”
“You´re ... hn... annoying.”
The smile one the Danes face grew wider as he crawled to hover over Lukas: “You think so?”
Mattias moved his head down to look deep into Lukas´ eyes. Then his head snapped down looking them in a breath taking kiss. Lukas´ legs moved around Mattias´ hips so their cocks where pressed together.
The dragon let out a moan for satisfaction. Quickly the elf swallowed the moan while he pushed his thong into Mattias´ wet cave.
But he couldn´t hold his dominance as Mattias pushed him deeper into the bed while ripping the other ones shirt apart.
Hands travelled up and down Lukas´ chest pinching his nipples.
They broke the kiss to take breath. Breathlessly the smaller one looked up to the taller one: “Please take me, now!”
“It would be my pleasure!”
As fast as Mattias could he got rid of all remaining clothes. Both Lukas´ and his but before he could pull down his own pants the elf stopped him. “Wha-“ Before Mattias could ask what the other one was doing his pants were thrown somewhere and a heat around his cock.
Lukas started to tease Mattias by slowly swirling around his cock. It was so pleasurable that Mattias couldn´t hold them upright anymore. So before they could fall backwards he grew his tail to hold them.
Than as Mattias was close to come Lukas stopped. Surprised he looked down only to be shocked. His cock was glowing!
Then suddenly a wave of pleasure ran from his cock into every inch of his body. Slowly Lukas sat up looking at Mattias whose eyes were closed and his head thrown back.
“Mattias?” As it would have been the key word Mattias´ eyes snapped open, his wings grew, his eyes turned into his dragons. Their eyes looked indigo and azure, the deep ocean and the wild river. Not a single word was spoken no sound to be heard. Still they learned everything, every secret, every fear, every wish about each other and with every second their love grew.
“Now!” Lukas screamed.
Without any difficulty Mattias could push in. It was like he pushed into nothing…. He looked at his mate in disbelieve.
“Bigger now”, he was commented.
“Full size. NOW!”
Fast the dragon though about the prat he wanted to grow and suddenly it became thigh around his cock. Lukas let out a satisfied cry of pleasure. Carefully Mattias rolled his hips as he was pulled down into a heated kiss once again.
As they became wilder and heated the light glow of Lukas skin became stronger and started to spread over the other one´s skin as well.
Mattias lost the control of his body to his dragon as he sat up. Speeding his mighty wings he looked down onto his mate. Eyes wild like a river, strong and impossible to get away from draw Lukas into their spell.
Then Mattias hips snapped forward hitting Lukas prostate dead on. Each following trust aimed on that spot throwing Lukas in a world of pleasure. With a rough quick place Mattias pounded into his mate.
As Lukas became tight, their eyes never leaving each other, Mattias became even stronger.
Than a flash of withe covering both visions the glowing becoming stronger they came.
Breathing hard Mattias stated to shrink and pulled out of Lukas who shivered from the loss. Both where still glowing as Mattias raised Lukas up in order to lay him on his one wing. Hugging his mate thigh he covered both of them with his other wing.
Quickly they both fell asleep feeling safer than ever before.
Tow mates joined together. Souls bound forever.
   The mysterious calm elf and the fearsome but annoying dragon.
I was very unsure if I should post this but a friend persuded me to do it. So thanks to @shunxyuma you´re the best!
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autumnleaffay · 7 years
Omg please continue your Nordic dragon au and i need more of it. I love it and there's not much Nordic dragon fanfics so please please please continue it and I would love you forever (even though I already love you)
Aww thanks!
And in case you want to know the second prolouge (Dennor) will be released soon.
Plus the first 3 and 1/2 chapters are already written on paper. I just need the time tipping it down. (Which I barely have. Yay!) But they will be out soon (I hope)
Also I agree, there is not enought Nordic dragon FF/AU
~~ Angel
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autumnleaffay · 7 years
Nordic Dragons
High in the mountains there is a nest. It´s hard to get there when you can´t fly. First you have to walk through a deep forest with many mythical creatures, many of them where unfriendly. The creatures helped each other but there don´t like humans. The nest is on a high cliff you can´t climb. The best climbers have already lost their lives because of this cliff. This nest that is impossible to climb is the home of a dragon shifter family. They live there happily with all these creatures in the forest.
But one day a little boy was running through the forest. He was running away from his stepfather who used to punish him for everything. That day he was very aggressive and angry, because the mother of the little boy just passed away after a long fight with her illness. Now the man was blaming the boy for it. So he run, ignoring all the rules his mother told him to not run into the forest. He run until he was at the bottom of the cliff. Resting his back against it he sat down and stated to cry. From the top the dragon family heard him. In order to kill him the father flew down and landed in front of the little boy who noticed the dragon. He looked into the eyes of the dragon then he lowered his head and welcomed death.
The dragon took breath to fire at the boy when his son was crying out from the top. He shouted in their native language: “Nej, döda inte honom. Han är den rätta!”(1) His father stoped and looked up to him. ”Är du säker?”(2) he asked his son. ”Ja”, he replied. The little boy was looking confused between the dragon and the top of the cliff. But before he could say anything the voice of his stepfather could be heard: “Brat, where are you!” The eyes of the little boy grew wide and the looked at the dragon. “Please kill me! Kill me before he gets me!” the little boy pleaded to the dragon. The weird language could be heard from the  top again: “Nej Pappa, inte!”(3)
The dragon answered and suddenly a second dragon flew down. It didn´t landed but it picked the little boy up and flew away with him.
Scared the boy closed his eyes tightly as the wind blew in his face. Then he could fell solid ground under his feeds again. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a giant nest, one the left side close to the side there is a sleeping place out of sheep fur and moose fur.
As the heard foot steps behind him he turned around in fear. There stood a boy, bigger than him. The tall boy walked forward the little one. “Don´t be scared. I´m not going to hurt you.” He said but before the small one could answer he could hear the voice of his stepfather again.
“Brat! If you don´t come hear imminently I´m going to rape your mothers corpse!”
The eyes of the little one grew wide and he looked at the big one. He quickly turned around and ran to the side of the nest where he started to climb the wall of woods. But he couldn´t make it far because the tall one has griped him by his hips and hold him down. He shouted to his parents in their language so the small one won´t understand that he told his parents to kill the man.
Than he laid the small one down and put his head on his lap. While the small one cried his heart out the big one stated to comfort him.
To the surprise of the small one he became calmer and calmer while the big one comforts him. Slowly the small one was falling asleep.
When he fell asleep a ghost of a smile appeared on the face of the big one. Carefully he lifted the small one up and carried him to the sleeping place. There he lay down with him spooning him.
When the parents came bake they couldn´t resist to enjoy the view of the tow mates snuggled up with each other. Looking at her mate the mother knew that the time will come soon. Her mate seems to notice his mate´s sudden discomfort and looked at her. He understood and whispered comfort to her: “He will not forget us. We did raise him well and now that he has his mate we can got on.” “He won´t be happy. I hope his mate will help him to understand that we must go.” “He will”
    That night was the best night the small boy had in ages and many will follow.
1. No, don´t kill him. He is the one
2. Are you sure?
3. No, Dad don´t!)
  2 years later
 “Where are we going?” asked the not-that-little-anymore one. The even-taller one smiled and said: “You´ll see.” Then he toked the hand of the little one and guided him into the cave. As deeper they went as less the small one could see he trusteed the taller one more and more.
They keep walking until they were in a big hall. The moon was shining through a hole in the roof on to a small lake. Around the lake grew lily of the valley.
“How beautiful!” the small one said. The tall one smiled at him what made the small one more and more suspicious. “He normally doesn’t smiles that mush” he though.
Than the tall one walked into the lake. He walked until he was in the middle and then he turned around and opened his arms like he was expecting a hung from the little one. With his head in his neck he closed his eyes and stayed still.
When he opened them to look at the little one again his eyes were a glowing ocean blue-green. His voice was husky when he spoke:
“When you want to stay with me forever, come to me.
If you don´t want to stay with me forever, run away!”
The little one looked at him then he stepped forward into the lake. When he reached the tall one they embraced. The tall one lowered his head to the small ones neck and whispered into the smaller ones ear: “Look at the moon and let yourself fall.”
The little one looked up and saw the full moon. He didn´t notice how the tall one lowered his head to his neck.
“Do you trust me?”
The tall bid the other ones neck. The small ones eyes grew wide as he felt the bite. Then he let himself fall into the pleasure. Slowly the pleasure conquered every inch of his body. Then there came the heat and with the heat need. Need for the taller one need for his....
“MATE!”, the little one growled out. The taller one let go of his neck and looked into the eyes of his mate: “Yes?”
The eyes of his mate started to turn, they became icy amethyst. His dragon´s eyes.
“Berwald, I´m feeling weird.”
“Come, fast!”, Berwald said.
He groped the little ones hand and started to walk to the exit when the little one let out a growl. Berwald looked at him as the small one fell down on his knees. A second louder growled came out of his chest. A shiver ran down his spine and scales appear on his skin.
“Tino!”, Berwald shouted and bend down to pick him up. As fast as Berwald could he ran out of the cave while more and more scales started to appear on Tino´s skin.
Berwald made it out of the cave just in time as Tino let out a mighty raw and started to change. Berwald set him down and stepped back as Tino started to grow and grow and scales covered his skin.
Within a short time there was a dragon in front of Berwald looking at him with his amethyst eyes. Their eyes locked and Berwald began to shift. Just a moment later tow dragons stood in front of each other.
Slowly Tino took a step forward and started to snuggle up with his mate. They snuggled and cuddled more and more while Tino got used to this new felling of having a mate and he enjoyed. Very mush.
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autumnleaffay · 7 years
Nordic Dragons
I am currently writing on a story were the Nordics are Dragons. Here are some of the things that will happen (please tell me if it is good and tell me if you have more ideas):
Human names are used
·         Sweden and Denmark are born Dragons (Sweden -> Armour dragon; Denmark -> Fire dragon
·         Norway and Iceland are born Elves
·         Finland is just a normal boy
·         Ships: Dennor, Sufin, Hongice
·         Finland has an evil stepfather how wants to kill him. So Finland runs into the forbidden forest and meets his Mate Sweden
·         Sweden changes Finland into a dragon and a few years later they are expecting a child (they have an egg)
·         Norway is a moon Elf, Iceland is an ice Elf
·         Denmark gets caught in an ice storm and has to land. He finds a cave were he wants to hide but it is Norway´s and Iceland´s home.
·         Denmark takes both with him to his nest
·         Norway refuses to become a dragon (at first) and is Denmark´s rider
·         Norway and Finland become very good friends and Finland kind of convince Norway to become a dragon (He wants to have an egg as well, etc)
·         At a big meeting of dragons Iceland meets Hong Kong (Gold dragon) and they secretly mate and turn Iceland into an Ice dragon
·         They get an egg as well -> Norway wants to be a dragon and goes to Denmark
·         Everything seems  well until Russia comes around wanting to kidnap Finland and the egg
a Big fight and happy family reunion
I am going to post it here and maybe somewhere else sometime.
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autumnleaffay · 7 years
Aph Finland AU
Imagine Finland snaps every time his family is in danger.
When he gets into this state only Sweden can get him back (and Sealand which was later discovered)
Now imagine the medieval times. Sweden, Norway and Denmark are at a fight when they get a massage that enemies attacked the castle Iceland and Finland staid in. Also the massage said that the castle is taken over. Norway and Sweden freak out and the three ride back as fast as they could hope for the best.
When they reach the castle a lot of guards lying dead on the ground. Norway brakes into a sprint to Iceland´s room followed by the others only to find more and more dead enemies.
When they enter Iceland´s room they find Finland covered in enemy’s blood holding a sleeping Iceland singing a Finnish sleep song.
He sees Norway and gives him Iceland. The moment Iceland is safe in Norway´s arms Finland brakes down exhausted from fighting and his injuries.
Norway is still thankful for what Finland did there.
(Iceland didn´t notice anything and was unharmed thanks to Finland)
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autumnleaffay · 7 years
Tumblr media
Maybe I´ll give it a try....
I´m not sure where to begin
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