#promote flexibility
jupiterjunebug · 18 days
The way everyone defaults to kill in the notes of these for wrestlers they dont know honestly surprises me. I mean i have chronically low libido so im imagining hornysona me on all of these but if i WERE horny and into sex with ppl other than committed partners a pro wrestler that my friend assures me isnt a creep irl (i assume my mutuals arent putting the freak in a bad way guys on the wheel)? pretty much gold standard for anonymous hookups
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bitnestloop · 2 months
BitNest: The Leader of the Digital Finance Revolution
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.07.25 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324795203553722419
LYN: Hallo everybody I am Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning. Welcome~ C: I knew you would stream today. LYN: Now that you say that I regret coming. It’s like you’ve caught on to what I’m thinking- you’ve figured me out. I don’t want to stream anymore. Bye bye. I hope you had a relaxing and wonderful night. It was great to have you, though our time was short.  C: Bye bye. LYN: Wow, I was kidding, but you’re telling me “bye bye.” That’s a little cruel.
C: You’ve gotten even more handsome? LYN: I haven’t~ Don’t flatter me, you’ll give me a distorted sense of self. People shouldn’t grow under praise or they’ll have a distorted sense of self. See, generally all my fans will think I’m handsome, but if I start thinking that too and I go out one day and someone calls me ugly don’t you think I would have a mental breakdown? So people shouldn’t grow under praise, especially us young ones- even though I’m not that young anymore- but people should grow under more turbulence, and that will help you truly grow and mature. C: In that case you’re just okay looking. LYN: There’s no need for that, though...
- he’s pretty much recovered from his cold but still has lingering effects (snot) - ! sippy cup:
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- changes the bg music at request, then decides to sing the song he ended up playing bc he likes it and wants to try it. -- 皇上吉祥
LYN: There could be people watching my stream for the first time today so I’ll stop there and be a little more normal, so people don’t think I’m crazy. If they think that it’ll affect my market value. Let’s act a little more normal today, because honestly weibo is a national- international, even- public facing platform.  C: Ning-ge, you got thinner? LYN: I did. I said so earlier, that things can’t go too smoothly for people, and they need turbulence to grow. I’m the type of person who needs some people to hate me. XD So before when my works came out and they said I was ugly, and how could a person like me act in a guzhuang-idol drama? Now I’m getting thinner in an attempt to cover some of the “ugly.” If I use some beauty products, that covers even more “ugly”s.  C: You care about what anti-s think? LYN: Not exactly, but I think they have a point, so if I could put in the effort to make myself look a little better then that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Right? I could raise my chances of gaining a main lead role, too. XD - talking about how he got hate comments to the effect that people wished he would hit by a car :o! LYN: I only acted in a drama as a villain, I don’t know what I did to deserve being cursed to get hit by a car!! How bad of an impression must I have given off? // But I’ve been making an effort to exercise and lose weight- not just by dieting- and it seems to be paying off because even Tao-jie and the Director think that my condition is much better now then when I entered the crew. It’s true but my situation is also made better by the fact that the previous drama (Heroes) has finished airing already. XD
C: Doesn’t staying up at night make you fat? LYN: The act of staying up itself doesn’t make you fat, but if you stay up at night AND eat a whole bunch of snacks, who wouldn’t get fat? If you stay up and do nothing you won’t get fat. But if you stay up AND eat midnight snacks you’re going to gain weight. Right?
C: When is YNGS going to fix the wardrobe?  LYN: ! Who told you I was going to be in YNGS? How do you all know about this? What gossip blog spread that info? It’s just a rumor. C: It’s been officially announced. LYN: OH. // If it’s already been announced then I don’t need to be here and keep it a secret. I'm not afraid of people cursing me out. When Heroes was airing I still came here to promote it, right? If you were chosen for a role it’s because the crew and production has faith in you, so you can’t hide because you’re afraid of the backlash. As my fans, you just need to be happy for me, for the fact that I am able to land a job and keep working. 
- Adjusting the sound settings, because he thought he was too loud, but he made the sound too small. LYN: See? I’m even afraid to speak too loudly, for fear of getting cursed at. Raises the sound volume back up, but now it’s too loud he’s annoying himself. XD
- 2/3 of the way through shooting his scenes with Tao-jie for Be Your Own Light; when they wrap the crew will move on to the other two main characters’ stories.  LYN: Modern dramas are a new experience for me and I thinks it’s fun and an opportunity to learn. Up until now I have only really been shooting guzhuang dramas, and there were things regarding performance that I didn’t understand before. Now after having some experience with acting in a modern drama I think I’ve learned some tricks. I really like to consider and figure out how these things work- I like to observe how other people act. What techniques and tricks do they use? What are their habits? Through observation I learn about acting and then later I can apply what I learned to my own acting.  LYN: I’ll tell you about something I discovered- it does not represent how I understand acting nor am I judging how others act. I discovered there’s a way to figure out if someone has forgotten their lines or if they are familiar enough with the lines they are saying. This is not exact, just something I felt while observing. ... /decides not to say how he can tell if someone forgot their lines or not/ LYN: Anyways, I’m really happy for this experience and I learned a lot from my fellow actors. Filming is going smoothly, and it’s been comfortable. 
C: How did you get the YNGS role? LYN: It didn’t really come to me in any strange way- It’s a Linmon production and someone came to ask me if I was interested. We talked for a long time and then later I signed the contract for it. It’s not what I choose, but rather who decides to choose me. Any role you see there will be multiple actors suited for it, and after a lot of deliberation to choose exactly who suits the role best, then the actors are contacted to see if they are interested. - filming starts around August 20th - has not met Liu Shishi yet, bc she’s been in Hengdian (while he is in Chengdu); but has done two script readings. The rest of the crew is currently getting together to do readings. LYN: I asked the production jiejie if Fang Yilun went to the reading, and she said he didn’t. I asked, “Why? Does Wei Shuyu think he’s too good for us?” XD LYN: I’ve worked with so many amazing actors, and have rarely worked with one twice. I’ve worked with Reba twice (CGX, ALZ) and now Fang Yilun (CGX, YNGS). Why don’t I feel happy about that, though?  LYN: Oh, right. It’s my second time working with Huang Mengying, too (Floating World, YNGS). I’m happy to work with her, of course! C: You forgot about ZSX? LYN: Oh, yeah. I’ve worked with him twice, too. /remembering more names of people he’ll have worked with twice/ No- how could I forget ZSX- of course I’m happy to work with him. It’s because originally we would have worked together thrice. After I confirmed the YNGS role, I was looking through the script and saw that there was a role that suit him  really well. So I asked him what he was up to, and if he had any plans later? Actually I started the conversation by asking him if he was open to acting supporting roles. ZSX said that as long as the script is good, he doesn’t mind playing supporting roles. So then I asked him if he was open to playing a supporting role TO ME. I played support for him twice, considering our friendship, shouldn’t he be fine with playing a support role for me at least once?! He didn’t reply to me, but asked which drama it was for. So I sent him the info, and he told me that my character really suit me. But he was also in talks with a lot of different projects at the time- he’s very popular!- and later he still didn’t respond to me, so I didn’t bring it up again. :p C: Then were you the one who recommended FYL too? LYN: I don’t have the right to cast actors, being a small actor myself. FYL got the role because he himself is a skillful actor and the production already had their eye on him. It had nothing to do with me. // Oh, wait. But if I say that I was the one who recommended him, can I pull a little commission out of him? Hm... why didn’t I think of that before. Here- pretend I never said anything, and when FYL is determined as part of the cast I can say that his casting was my doing. XD LYN: I just like working with friends because we have good chemistry and we can have fun on set, so if there’s a way for us to work together again I will try to open a path. It’s not that I can determine the casting for anything, I just send them the info and if they are interested and available, they will have to contact the production themselves. 
- Tao-jie gave him some calligraphy, which he has in his room but hasn’t got a frame for yet. When he gets a frame for it, he’ll hang it up in his streaming room. - He’s not “nervous” in the photo, he wanted to make it seem like those staged ceremonial-type photos, but it just didn’t come out looking right XD - He wasn’t wearing pajamas, either. LYN: You just don’t know fashion!
- someone pointed out something on his chest, tries to figure it out and scratches the scab off and made himself bleed - he got a scratch when filming, probably. LYN: Oh, it hurts! :|
- promoting The Truth C: Has the second season been confirmed yet? LYN: /sarcastic/ Yes, we’ll start filming tomorrow. /oops/ I’m sorry- that was a pure rumor. I don’t want to be the one creating the rumors just to gain some fame. I shouldn’t have said that.
C: How do you get along with Zhou Shen? LYN: What do you mean? When someone asks this question there’s two different ways it can go. You’re either trying to make trouble or pretending to be innocent. What am I supposed to say? “Oh, Zhou Shen and I don’t get along.” No way. We get along very well, I really like him. When he’s with me I don’t feel that I am very timid, comparatively. If I were the one that were the most afraid it would.. be a little shameful. But we make good partners.  - complimenting ZS & GQL as interesting, humorous, and intelligent individuals. ZKY is also very smart, and they’ve gone out to play a similar escape-room type game in private before. (w/ YCY, ZSX, and some INTO1 members)
C: Do you still keep in contact with the Reasoning Team members? LYN: Why do I feel like you’re trying to dig me into a pit? Is this a sensitive question or am I overthinking it? Eh... um... /barks/  C: They don’t keep in contact. Each has their own work. LYN: It’s like this... em... we are in contact, more or less. We have group chats and on the days the show airs we chat with each other but other than that... we don’t really. We each have our own business to attend to. Who has the time to just keep chatting all the time? 
LYN: I don’t know about them, but I had a lot of fun when filming. It was a very casual thing and no one was trying to keep up any pretenses, so I think the filming process was comfortable.  LYN: There are only a few episodes left. I’m really jealous that a lot of people haven’t watched the show yet (bc there are people saying they haven’t even watched one ep); jealous of the pair of eyes and brain that has not seen this show called The Truth. It’s such a good show just waiting for you to experience it. A lot of us who have already seen it won’t get the same surprise and freshness from re-watching as someone who is seeing it for the first time. So I’m jealous of the people who haven’t seen it and I think you should watch. I wish I could remove my memories of having watched it from my mind so I can experience it for the first time again.  C: I haven’t watched it. LYN: I’m jealous. You can start from episode one and experience the happiness and surprise and thrill of it. C: It needs a membership though. LYN: Well.. that’s up to personal preference. If you’re the type who can’t go a day without a milk tea and a snack then I don’t think you should be complaining about having to pay for a membership.... - reiterates his stance on paid memberships: he is willing to pay for content. LYN: I think it’s fine to pay a couple bucks for something you enjoy, as long as it doesn’t affect how you live the rest of your life.
C: Is Liu Xialai a good guy or a bad guy? LYN: If you’re going to ask such a question then I have no choice but to get philosophical. There’s no such thing as a completely good or a completely bad person. If you’re talking about the Reasoning Team, none of us are “good people” and each of us has done something that can be considered morally “bad”. I’m talking about the Reasoning Team, not society in general. Is Liu Xialai a good person? Let’s wait and find out. :) - discussing ethics & morals, with a situational example. 
C: When is Tao-jie going to stream? LYN: What are you asking me for? Go to her weibo and leave her a message. Did you want me to ask her FOR you or what??
C: Show us your cup. LYN: I’m not trying to sell you any products, here. I just use what I like and then I discover that you all go out and buy it en mass. That makes me seem a little foolish. /shows the cup anyway/
C: Are there a lot of fight scenes in YNGS? LYN: Let me think about whether I can say or not... There... aren’t a little. If you ask me if there are “a lot” I can only tell you there is not “a little”. C: That means there are a lot, then? LYN: Here’s the thing about Chinese language, it’s the same words but depending on HOW you say something it changes the meaning completely. As for how many fight scenes there are, you can wait and see.  C: What about in comparison to Zuo Bufan (LYN’s character in Floating World)? LYN: There aren’t the same number of scenes, so you can’t really compare the two. In terms of ratio, ZBF has a greater ratio of fight scenes : normal scenes. C: Who’s Zuo Bufan? LYN: You must not be my fan- the drama I finished up the other month- that role was for Zuo Bufan. C: Who has better martial arts skills then? LYN: They’re not of the same genre. It’s like putting a soccer player and a basketball player against each other and asking who plays ball better.  C: Then what about foundation? LYN: Are we starting to decide whether to take a role or not depending on what number of foundation they’re going to use on me?? He’s just a normal person, I guess. As long as it’s not shade No.13, I’m fine with anything. // ZBF’s Foundation of Shade No. 13 has left me with a great impression. Very few crews use a shade that dark. I went on a drama to cameo as a soldier and even THAT role didn’t need such dark foundation. 
- has no clue when ALZ or Zichuan will air.; BYOL will probably air sooner than those two. - people are asking for what counts as spoilers for YNGS, so he says that his character gets snatched away by aliens. someone comments: “Yi Nian Guan Qi”, bc Guan Qi (Heroes) was the one to get nabbed by aliens in the source novel. XD proceeds to make stuff up about YNGS. - makes a disclaimer that their current nonsense speculating about YNGS is not a judgement of the novel or script, but just a joking discussion between a streamer and his viewers.
C: You should stand with your back straight when shooting a guzhuang. LYN: I know, but this is my personal problem. I’m just too tall. Normal people are around 170cm, so to me they come up to here (chin). So if I talk to them normally- forget it, I won’t explain. I will do my best to straighten my back and make adjustments elsewhere to give you a satisfactory response. Thank you for your support. LYN: It’s not like a character is all about appearances, it’s about the delivery as well- you have to understand that you’re a human person. If there were a scene between a father and yourself, and you are a prince or whoever- the point is this is an interaction between you and your father. You are 180cm and your father is 165cm. Are you going to talk to him like this? /looking down on his father, with a straight back/ They’re gonna chop your head off! You’re definitely going to talk to him like this /looking up at his father, from a lower stance/ You can’t think only about looking cool for the role, you have to remember the relationship between people as well.
- working on some beauty/makeup collabs, so hold on to your money until then LYN: It’s like you have too much money and can’t wait to spend it somewhere. Don’t rush. There will be an opportunity for you to spend it. Save it. C: I can’t wait I want to spend it now. LYN: Your attitude is really giving me face. If there are any brand CEOs looking in on me right now and they see that my stream is filled with people with money to spend, don’t you think they’d be more than happy to look to collab with LYN? :D C: We’re all “rich women”. (富婆 - fu po) LYN: How could you call them “fu po”, that makes them sound really old. Are you trying to say my fans are old?? You have to call them “xiao fu po” (little rich women). XD - viewers calling themselves “rich young ladies” and “young missus” LYN: ?! Aren’t you the ones who said you couldn’t afford a subscription membership?? Now you’re here with money to spend on expensive beauty products??? C: Ning-ge, you just don’t understand. This area is where women focus their spending. LYN: It’s true. I don’t understand. I also hope what you are saying is real. [t/n: so they can put their money where their mouth is :p] - can’t reveal which brand he is working with, but says we will find out LYN: You won’t think of it. Why? Because /I/ didn’t even know I’d have a chance to collab with them! It’s not something I would have ever thought of, so why would you have??
-- bathroom break #1 (Tactic #1) LYN: I’m back! I saw someone say, “Ning-ge didn’t go to change clothes, did he?” What do you think this is, a concert??? That’s asking too much of me. C: Tell us why your neighbors were fighting. LYN: See? I knew it- everyone loves to see a fight. It’s fine, they’re watching a movie and the volume was too high- two robots were fighting. I already warned them that they were being too noisy, and to keep it down.
C: Are we spending the new year? LYN: You’re asking if I’ll stream past 12a? /clicks his tongue/ You think I’m afraid of you? I’ve never been afraid in my thirty + years of life. When it comes to staying up at night let’s see who’s afraid of who. But no, there’s no need for that. Because today is Monday and a lot of people still have work or school tomorrow, so let’s not stay up too late.  - been doing some research because of his exercise routine, and tells young people they need to get enough sleep because that’s when their bodies are growing.  C: I’m a college kid. LYN: Of course you need your rest, because- this might sound cruel- but college kids need to study hard because... you’re about to enter society. Once you enter the workforce there will be a lot of time where you WANT to sleep but can’t. Looking for a job and thinking about your future is something that makes you lose sleep. You’ll get busy because this is the prime time of your life to put in all your efforts and you’ll have even less of a chance of getting good sleep. So I want to tell you to get a good night’s rest while you still can. - says it’s fate that there are so many people in the world, but that they were able to meet (in his stream), so he wants to tell people the secret to growing tall: /tells his whole childhood story of getting bullied in school and wanting revenge, so he went up the mountain to find a master to teach him martial arts/ tldr: he stretched and gained enough flexibility while going through puberty so his bones had room to grow. LYN: There may be no actual science behind this, but ever since I started to train my flexibility I started growing taller at an alarming rate. So if you have kids you can let them learn how to do leg stretches to become more flexible. 
C: What can I do to be more flexible? LYN: Look it up online. Ask weibo- weibo will tell you the answer. Information really isn’t like how it was before- everything is so available, all you have to do is look it up online. I learned how to ride a horse by spending three hours watching online tutorials. Anything you want to learn, as long as you put in the effort and your passion, you will be able to learn. C: You learned how to ride a horse by watching online videos? LYN: Well- I learned the basics. Like HOW to ride a horse, and where to use strength. C: Was it helpful at all, though? LYN: That’s why I got kicked by a horse the first time. From another angle- what you see in books is helpful, but isn’t everything. You still need first-hand experience. The stuff you learn online is helpful, but not by much.
- before he was an artist and actor- before he even became viral he wanted to be a voice actor. There was a type of video where people recite lines to manhua stills (like a visual/audio-book). LYN: I thought it was so cool! This was before I became an artist, and I wanted to learn. - he chose a guy whose voice sounded the best, who could do lots of different types of voices and started sending him messages, asking if he was looking for an apprentice. the guy never responded until lyn said he would pay him. :p they got to talking and the guy said that lyn’s voice was suited for the “young uncle sound” (aka a middle aged man’s voice). - to start, he needed to have a good grasp of Standard Mandarin, so he got sent a bunch of tongue-twisters to practice with and master. /demonstrates the one saying that he’d never encountered prior to learning voice acting/ - in the end he really didn’t learn anything from the guy other than a bunch of tongue-twisters LYN: At the time I thought I was quite foolish, but thinking back on it now I think I made a prominent decision at that point in my life. The money I spent for those classes was worth it, because sometimes when I’m filming and the actors are from all over, I will hear them discussing this same tongue twister for learning standard pronunciation. Sometimes I ask them, “Can you recite the whole thing?” First off, it’s a common topic of conversation and secondly I can use this as a way to test them while at the same time making them believe that I CAN recite the whole thing. / Maybe it will give them impression that I came prepared, and haven’t just jumped into acting from singing blindly. They’ll have to reconsider having thought  too little of me to start. C: You’ll get caught pretending. LYN: No, they’ll know that even if I’m not a professional actor, I still did my homework.
C: Can you change the song? LYN: /gets offended/ Society is the martial arts world, and the martial arts world isn’t about fighting and killing, it’s about the relationships you make. Have you forgotten whose song this is? This is Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning’s song, how could you ask me to change it??? Have you forgotten who the King of this stream is?? You want me to change MY OWN song, it makes it seem like you don’t like my music. :( But as an artist of someone in any other industry, we are all about the customer service, so I’ll change it for you.
LYN: Let me see what other songs Modern Brothers has, so I can play it for you. /plays Rang Jiu, shows the top ranking of songs - Tian Wen is on top/ LYN: Listen to this voice. Do you think you can hear the “young uncle sound” from it? At the time no matter what song I sang, there was no way people were going to connect my voice with my face. They all probably figured that an older uncle sang this song.
C: I never would have thought you’re a Northeasterner. LYN: This is... this is a specialty. I usually speak my hometown dialect when I’m streaming. This goes to prove that my 4000RMB spent on lessons learning how to speak Standard Mandarin were well worth it. Who else is going to PAY to learn the Standard dialect?!
C: You don’t use Standard when shooting variety shows. LYN: Yeah, it’s a variety show, so why should I? Especially if I’m supposed to be relaxed and speaking casually. If I go to a music show, it’s not like I could use my dialect to sing, though.  - 让酒 (Dongbei ver.), proceeds to sing normally C: It sounded okay, though (the Dongbei ver)? LYN: Let’s not. This is an iconic song in many people’s eyes, so let’s not ruin it. C: But you’re the original singer, so it’s okay. LYN: Even so, I don’t want to ruin the song that brought me to fame with my own two hands. For a young singer, having a song to be known for is already a lot to ask for. We have no other requests other that the song do well. And you want me to ruin it myself. LYN: You know, every year i sing a batch of OSTs... and every time I try to predict which song will become popular. This year I bet on this song (Ling Yun Ji)- I thought this song would definitely make it. But... it didn’t. (about Unparalleled) This song, I liked very much. I always only agree to sing the songs I like, but there are a few that I like very much. This was one of them. I thought this would be popular, because this one suits me SO much. -- 无双 C: This song was popular! LYN: Yes, but it didn’t do as well as I predicted. So in the future I need to remember to treat everything fairly. - doesn’t differentiate between a “little” popular and “a lot” popular- it’s either hot or not. >.< LYN: 黑夜一束光 is really hot, though! :) I need to thank The Truth for this. Who would have thought that my song would have become one of the clues? - [t/n: This song has since been upgraded to The Truth’s representative OST; everyone sings it at even the slightest mention of a “dark night” LOL] C: Sing it. LYN: Em.. yeah, I can. You can listen to this song when you’re in a bit of a down mood or when you wake up in the morning. I promise it will give you the strength to face the day. Trust me. If you don’t believe me you can try it out. -- 黑夜一束光 -- 熬夜 (laughs bc he doesn’t remember the lyrics to his own song)
- skipping the lesson for the Vietnamese song today
C: I’ve really started liking an angel. LYN: H- Hold on, there’s no need for that. Let’s not let chasing stars blind us to reality. You can’t do this- don’t let your own likes cloud your judgement.  C: I’ve started liking a treasure. LYN: You CAN say that. But I really don’t deserve the title of “angel”. We like to put customer service first and here the customer is “heaven”, so if I serve heaven.... I’d be an angel. It seems like it works out. Hah!  - remembers there’s a song called 天使 and wants to sing it, for entertainment -- 天使
-- bathroom break #2 (Tactic #2)
- comes back with a different outfit (2:43:55) - Cabbage C: The red looked better. LYN: How can you be so PICKY?! Do you know how to be a human? You must not have a lot of friends. Say your colleague just bought new clothes and wanted to show it off to you, and you say, “It doesn’t look as good as what you wore yesterday.” Do you think you can keep working in that company?? No matter what you think, in order to maintain good relations you can say what someone else just mentioned, which is: “Whether this one or the other outfit, both are good!” C: “Each has their own charms.” LYN: Yes! See, this is the beauty of language. Sometimes you shouldn’t be too honest. A kind lie can bring others happiness. Let’s say someone wore. a new outfit to work, and you see them in the morning and say, “You look so nice! Where did you get your clothes? I really like them.” Then your co-worker will be in a good mood all day, because they think they are dressed very prettily because you complimented them. They will spend their whole day happily.
C: Ning-ge, this clothes make you look like a wawa cabbage (napa cabbage). LYN: 去你的!! What, cabbage??? This was really expensive!! What do you mean, cabbage?? D: /starts laughing/ The more you say it, the more I think I look it! I want to eat hotpot now, LOL. LYN: ... I really do look like a cabbage. Even I think so. That’s it- a new shirt, ruined. I’ll never wear it again. Now I want some glass noodles. Hold on, I’m going to go change again
LYN: I’m back, friends. I really haven’t got it easy. - ~~You Are My Destiny~~ (2:50:16) - Blueberry? C: Aren’t you hot, though? LYN: I’m hot. This is new- called a high necked wool sweater. Why do I have it? Because I’ve been shooting a modern drama and I was wondering if I could pull off a “Korean Oppa” style look. I looked up “outfits for korean oppa” and it suggested me these turtleneck sweaters. I don’t know what came over me, but I bought one... and now Chengdu is 40°C. What can I do- I can’t wear it. I’ll have to wait for a Winter Sonata or something like that before I can wear this again. C: Wearing a turtleneck in the summer? LYN: This is reverse psychology. If you buy summer clothes in winter it’s going to be cheaper. Likewise, if you buy winter clothes in summer they’ll be cheaper. C: I’m hot just looking at you. LYN: What do you mean? You don’t like the “warm guy” style? LYN: Ok, I’ll change back to the red one. I’m sorry- I don’t have that many clothes.
LYN: Alright, I found a random t-shirt. - realized the tag is still on it, rips it off LYN: I feel like a wardrobe streamer- to tell you what clothes are good to wear in what season. If you do it wrong, you’re likely to make yourself look like a cabbage. C: If you take the tag off it’s harder to return. LYN: /laughs/ I buy my clothes, I don’t rent them.
Q&A: - his cold is much better now, thank you. he can take care of himself. - does covid testing everyday, as mandated by the production crew - there is no way to “keep” him, go ask someone else
- someone asks when he’s going to play a male lead role and he gets offended, bc obv this person (as an interviewer) has not done their homework XD LYN: There were productions before that looked for me to play the male lead, but I never accepted the roles, because at the time I knew I wasn’t good enough. I am accepting lead roles now- not because I think I’m good enough- but if I don’t try one now probably won’t get the chance to later on. I’m already thirty... would I still be acting in guzhuang-idol dramas when I’m fifty?? It’s hard. It’s possible, but with my ability, it might be difficult. So I’m going to try it out while I’m still young. 
C: Anyone you wish to work with? LYN: At this moment I want to work with this actress I really like- her name is Liu Tao. There’s another called Liu Shishi, who I really want to work with... I hope someday I get the chance to work with them. That would be a dream come true for me. Let’s anticipate that day together. - LYN-Anti mode activated: What makes LYN worthy of working with such great actresses? Bah! I don’t believe the day will ever come where he gets to work with them.
C: Do you know what drama you’ll be doing after YNGS? LYN: Do you think I am unrivaled in this industry?? I am still filming my current one, have not even started on YNGS, and you’re already thinking of what come AFTER??? How popular do you think I am? LYN: No matter what comes after, I will focus on the task in front of me. If you do well with what you have now, opportunity will come to you later. Let’s not rush.
C: How come all the people you want to work with are all named “Liu”? LYN: It’s just fate. Maybe 500 years ago we were all of the same family.  LYN: Is there anyone here with the last name “Liu”? We’re all family. C: Then you mean to say that people watching your stream who are named “Li” are not your family? “Wu” and “Zhao” aren’t your family, either? Only “Liu”? LYN: That’s not what I meant! I- er... em... um... We’re ALL family. There’s a song that does like this: “We all have a home, that home is called “China”” /continues with the rest of the lyrics/
- does not really have time for variety shows, since he’ll be shooting for a male lead role next. - musicals have looked for him, but he doesn’t feel he is prepared or has enough experience, so for now he will stick to singing and acting separately. additionally, for a musical you have to set aside a considerable amount of time for rehearsals and the performances themselves, and he doesn’t feel he has the time to accommodate
C: What are your thoughts about working with Fang Yilun for the second time? LYN: I am apathetic. Anyone else would be better than him. No feelings for him whatsoever. I just hope he does his best. Jiayou. LYN: I don’t like to hear him talk, so if he has any lines in the script I’ll tell him, “Shut up!” If he has a scene with me that will be my only reply to him. I guarantee he will be able to finish up early for the day. C: Then how come I’ve heard people say that when asked about LYN, Fang Yilun will say that Ning-ge is tall and handsome? But from your perspective you have no feelings for him. There seems to be a disconnect. LYN: I mean... objectively, he’s not wrong. It’s the truth, and I feel like there aren’t many people who will tell the truth in this industry anymore. Based on this statement you can tell that Fang Yilun is not someone who acts under and false pretenses. He’s very honest. Based on this alone, I can now say that this man has a good character. I said I was apathetic towards him earlier because I’m truly not that close to him; but because he has praised LYN and we now have this common interest, it’s a great opportunity to become closer. Two people become friends because they have something in common to talk about. Next time I see him on set, I’ll talk to him about LYN. I’ll try making friends with him, and we’ll see if we can turn my apathy into affection. Give me a chance and we’ll see if while filming and getting to know each other through this common topic, we can become good friends. LYN: As long as he says “LYN is handsome” and “LYN is tall” I will never tell him to shut up. I’ll say, “Tell me more.” XD
C: When are you going to stream next? LYN: I’ll try to stream once a week. If you still haven’t subscribed to my weibo, please do so. My stream is very simple, and you all know that I don’t come here to sell you anything. I’m just here to chat with my fans. I share about my daily work life and comment on my friend’s characters... /looks straight into the camera/ ... and also some fun stories. It’s very light, and I hope that when you’re watching you don’t have any pressure. Please watch with a grain of salt, though because if you really believe the majority of what I’m saying then we’re no longer having fun. Please don’t think I was actively hating on FYL for real. When I make jokes about someone I know it’s because they can take a joke, but there is still a bottom line. Just remember that we’re joking and having fun.  C: Are you closing up the stream now? LYN: You wish. 
LYN: I met someone once, who can’t be considered my fan because they like to listen to ZHang Bichen’s songs. I don’t know how it happened but they recognized me, and asked if I was LYN? I said I was, and they told me they liked my songs and watching my streams. They told me that there was a period of time they were feeling really pressured and down, but watched my streams and found it healing. In that moment I thought that suddenly my streaming had a meaning. Not only can I entertain people, but maybe for some who are lonely... they’ll watch my stream and feel relaxed enough to let go of some difficult things. I think that’s my honor. So, as long as I am still alive, I will continue to stream.
- because of the bgm, someone mentioned his line from Heroes, so he recites it: When I reach the peak of the martial arts world, I’ll break down this wall for you. C: Now a line from Hao Du. LYN: Are you here to test me now?? When an artist streams you’re going to test them on their lines? C: Hei Ye. LYN: I didn’t do the voice acting for that role myself. I’m very thankful for that voice actor for doing such a good job. I really wasn’t any good at voice acting back then- of course, I’m not very goof right now, either. But back then I didn’t even know how to ACT, so his voice acting helped the character a lot. It was after that, with CGX that I started doing my own voice acting, and I’ll continue to do my own when I can. So that the role/character is completely mine- in face and voice. C: Luo Mingxi. LYN: Whether Luo Mingxi, Hao Du, or Bai Choufei... even Di Lin- of course there will be differences in tone of voice, but not by much because it’s still me doing their voices. Different roles will have different circumstances, status, and personality and all of this will change how they speak and sound. I’m really not thinking too much about it either, though. For Di Lin, I made him more stable, with a sense of prestige. Because he is a very powerful person, so when he speaks to people it is with a bit of command. But when he goes home and talks to his wife you’ll find that he turns into a different person. /demonstrates with voice effects, lmao/ - people were asking if Di Lin has a CP. He starts off with a wife, and later they have a kid. The CP is already set. C: What a strange name. LYN: It’s not strange. You have to RESPECT THE SOURCE!
C: What’s the male lead’s name in YNGS? LYN: I can’t reveal that. It has nothing to do with this case. Let’s move on. I don’t wish to say. C: /people guessing/ LYN: No, It’s not that I don’t know the name, but because there will be a final version of the name, and I don’t know what it will be yet. Do you know what the female lead’s name is? C: Guan Shan. LYN: LOL. Her name is “Guan Shan” and I will be “Yi Nian”? Don’t spout nonsense. Have they released the names yet? I don’t know. // His name’s not “Guan Qi”! Stop randomly guessing! >.< // If we’re going by ranking, then HER name should be “Yi Nian” since she comes first, and then my name would be “Guan Shan”. It’s two different cases here. LYN: My name is 关门 (Guan Men = Close Door) [vs. 关山 (Guan Shan = Close Mountain)] C: Why aren’t you called 关灯 (Guan Deng = Turn off the lights) LYN: /laughs/ Can we let this joke pass now? You’ll make the production crew feel like I’m joking around with the drama name! Can we get a little more serious?? We have to respect the name: Yi Nian Guan Shan. How beautiful. - still ends up joking about the character name :p - laughs at the ridiculous names people are suggesting, starts putting together a plot with oddly named leads LYN: You think there’ll be production company out there who will pay money for you to treat their script like a child’s game?? 
C: My mom told me to get out if I want to laugh. LYN: Then laugh and get at the same time.
- song association with whatever answer pops into his mind with a question asked:: C: How did you get the YNGS job? LYN: [Andy Lau’s - 天意 (Heaven’s Will)] (everything is heaven’s will, everything is fate, there is no escape) & [Li Jian -  假如爱有天意 (If Love Has Providence)] LYN: It was just fate. Someone was willing to give me a chance so I took it. It wasn’t that complicated.
C: Is there any role you want to try in the future? LYN: I know there are a lot of my fans who want me to play a domineering CEO or a pervert. I guess I don’t look like a very nice person. They want me to play a beggar... murderer... crazy killer... All roles are okay, but I’d really like to play an undercover so I can catch bad guys. I really want to try something like that... C: Undercover.. but you’re so tall... LYN: What does that have to do with height?!
- can’t dance and doesn’t plan on learning seriously because “people need to have something they’re bad at, they can’t be perfect.”
- will release new songs, eventually, but he’s not in a rush. maybe when he gets to hold his concert? he’s still missing a few satisfactory songs for his second album. LYN: As a singer and someone who just likes art in general, you want to try and do something different from others, you know? You want to be different from others but the problem is everything you think of is what others are thinking! If you really try to do something DIFFERENT then it might turn out sounding terribly. There are two choices here: sound good but just like everyone else or sound bad but in a unique way.  C: Will you collab with Zhou Shen? LYN: I don’t have any plans on it, but it’s not impossible. It’s actually quite easy for artists who are friends to release something together. For example, if I message him right now and ask if he wants to collab I am 90% certain he won’t reject me. It’s not difficult to release a song together, but we have to be clear on for what purpose we’re releasing a song. Just because someone online told us to? That seems a little meaningless... But for example if we’re on the same variety show and we use it as a starting point, to release a song FOR the show, that’s okay. We don’t want to just sit around and release a song for nothing, there has to be some thought behind it. C: Maybe if you work with someone else you’ll create a different kind of impact. LYN: I don’t know about other people, but I am not a creative- a singer-songwriter. So no matter how I work with someone, I don’t think there will be any “impact.” I can only say that we released a nice song. There are no “sparks”, it’s just two people singing a song together.  C: Then collab on an OST. LYN: If those words came out of my mouth I would look like a fool. I’m WILLING to duet with him on an OST, and I’m sure he would also be willing. But the problem is you have to ask if the PRODUCTION is willing. Why? Because if we get together to sing one song, then that means they’ll have to pay for two people’s worth, for a single song. Why wouldn’t they take that money and pay two people for TWO songs (one each) instead? Do you get where I’m coming from?Just because we sing the same song doesn’t mean they pay us each half. LYN: Before, with No Extravagance that I sung with Jane Zhang... that just goes to show that the Legend of Fei production... (had a lot of money)... are very moved by music. :) It’s a really nice song, and regretful we never got to sing it live. Maybe one day we can make it happen.
- YNGS costuming is currently in the process of being made, they will ship pieces to Chengdu for fitting and then ship them back to Hengdian.
C: What can one do to gain Liu-ge’s attention... LYN: You have it, now what do you want with it? 
C: Ning-ge, the pillows on the couch behind you moved. LYN: What do you mean? These moved? You must be watching The Truth and think that I am very easily scared, so you’re trying to scare me, is that it? Here’s the thing- I’m afraid of THE DARK. If it moved, I wouldn’t be afraid. It’s just that I don’t like the dark. If the lights were OFF and then the pillow moved, I’d be scared. As long as there’s light... BCF: I thought I would never lose my way, as long as that light was there. I thought I could be a good person! LYN: ... I could be a normal person!
C: I saw you were streaming and I ditched my friend. LYN: Where did you ditch them?! Were you in a car, saw that I was streaming and then told them to get off and left them on the side of the road?? Or did you have some plans together but you didn’t go, so they had to go alone?
- has a product thing to shoot tomorrow (no drama filming), so he’s not in a rush to sleep
- planning his third bathroom break, but he’s used Tactics 1 and 2 already, so he needs a new excuse. polls the crowd for something that would make a good excuse to leave the room (but nothing life-threatening!) C: Someone’s at the door. LYN: That’s too similar to “the neighbors are fighting”. C: Your takeout has arrived. LYN: Alright, let’s try it to see if it works as well. // No, sorry- this tactic doesn’t work, because I’ll get my staff to grab the takeout. It’s not me going to pick it up myself. LYN: !! How could you be cursing me, saying “Your car’s been towed” and “Daimi is lost”?! I need something that doesn’t harm my sensitive heart but also gives me an excuse to leave. Maybe there isn’t.  C: Aliens have arrived. LYN: That’s too strange! I’d be a fool to say that. C: The Director is looking to discuss some things with you. LYN: It’s the middle of the night, what’s the director looking for me for?? LYN: Ah forget it, I won’t find excuses anymore. I really need to go... but I won’t be back in time. Let me just play it for you, and you can celebrate on your own first. - /decides to wait anyway but doesn’t have the patience to stall for enough time, so suggests a 30s staring contest/
-- happy new year (it’s 12a) -- bathroom break #3 (no tactics, he just needs to go)
- /starts up his late night radio host mode/ - /couldn’t stand the ~gentle~ so changed the music to rock instead/
C: Ning-ge, I want to hear 水牛记 (Water Buffalo Records). LYN: ?_? What is that? Isn’t the song called 水星记 (Mercury Records)? Water Buffalo... is it a story about a buffalo? A song about nature? Is there a song called “水牛记”? /looks it up/ There really is?? /plays it - a kazoo ver of Mercury Records/ LYN: I understand now. 水牛记 is a kazoo version of 水星记. I got the joke now. LYN: /to the melody of 水星记/ ~~ Fascinated by your eyes~ I can’t find my kazoo. Where exactly did it go? I don’t know. Where did it go? Where is it... ~~ - /found his kazoo, laughs after the first notes/ LYN: /still singing to the melody of 水星记/ ~~ This one doesn’t sound to good... Let’s see if there’s another... ~~ - /continues with the second kazoo/ /sings the normal lyrics of the ending/ C: This talent... there was no need to show off...  LYN: I was just helping you dream a dream... this is called Water Kazoo Records.
C: Oh, he’s still here. LYN: You might be new here. Today is the first day I will try out a 24 hour stream. If have insomnia or have aches and pains you can lie on your bed and listen as we stay up all night. 
C: I want to hear a song from Chinese Paladin 3. LYN: Alright, let’s see what’s available... /plays 青鸟飞鱼 (Blue Bird Flying Fish)/ ... I don’t know how to sing this song. Let’s pick one I know how to sing. -- 忘記時間 (Time Will Forget) - makes a ref to the drama [t/n: I don’t know what it is, though XD]
C: Are you streaming tomorrow too? LYN: Do I have nothing better to do? C: Are you really going to stream for 24 hours. LYN: My friend, I just want to ask you. Have you downloaded the national anti-scam app to your phone yet? If you don’t have it, I suggest you download it. It will be helpful in your life. - misspoke a little LYN: Night has fallen and my brain isn’t spinning as quickly as it was at 8pm. I think the people who are able to stay up with me right now are of two groups: 1. My Fans and 2. Kind People. Because I know that anti-s definitely can’t keep pace with me. At this time they’ve probably all gone to sleep. All of you remaining, I’m sure are people who truly like me. Or if you don’t “like” me at the very least you don’t find me annoying. C: I watch your streams because I’m a boring person. LYN: Em... you can’t talk about yourself that way. Don’t call yourself a “boring” person... that just might be your current state, but you need to find things for yourself to do so that you aren’t just whiling your time away. For example, like watching LYN’s streams. XD The fact that you are able to stay here and haven’t left yet just proves that you have an interesting soul. The fact that you are able to call yourself out in a public chat and say that you are “boring” means that you are an interesting person.
- someone said they came for YNGS, LYN speculates it’s to check out who LSS’s counterpart will be and if he’s good enough for her. :p - commenting that the sound of his laughter doesn’t make him seem like a good guy. LYN: ?? How are good guys supposed to laugh?? /giggles - “hihihihi”/ /sudden realization/ Oh, is that what you meant? How do good guys laugh? “Hahahaha”? LYN: You’ve all been asking me how I got this job, right? I’ll tell you. One of the producers was scrolling through... let’s call it “B-Tube”.. and they were looking for an actor that looks tall, majestic, and handsome. From FYL’s word of mouth they already knew I fit this description. The second part is that they have to look like a bad guy. Like, if this guy doesn’t smile he looks downright evil. BUT! He has a warm heart. Who else in this industry- I mean, of course there are a lot, but- it just so happened that they saw my video and thought I was suited for the role.  LYN: I’m joking- but the point was that the person needed to have a villainous face, because actually they have designed him so that he does some pretty villainous things. They couldn’t get someone like... like ZSX (who looks innocent). You’ll know what I’m talking about when the drama airs. C: Backhandedly complimenting ZSX? LYN: What I mean to say is that the two of us are of different types, so there’s less of a chance that we are considered for the same type of role. Don’t be fooled- some people can look like great friends but when it comes down to the fight for the same role it’s a real battle. I don’t have any competition with ZSX, so make good friends. Whatever he can act as I cannot, and whatever I can act as he also can. Let’s not say he can’t do it. There’s no competition between us so it’s easier for us to be honest with each other. This is also why I could be good friends with YCY. C: Steal her role. LYN: ?? I can’t compete with her for the female lead role, stop your nonsense. The most I can do is steal her scenes- like if the FL and ML are supposed to hug, and I can’t stand to watch anymore, so I push her aside to hug the ML instead. I’l say, “Is it my turn yet?” (BCF, lol) Other than this, there is no competition between us.
- comment requests to hear some rock music, so he tries to figure out what song to play - comments asking him if he can rap; he doesn’t do it well, the most he can do is Wilbur Pan’s because he used to listen to his music a lot - /demonstrates a little of the rap he does know/
-- 紅塵客棧 (Red Dust Inn)
LYN: Alright, that’s about enough. Today’s stream, from my perspective, was a little long. But I hope that it was able to bring you the tiniest bit of relaxation and happiness. I’m glad that you’re happy. Thank you for your company. I hope you have a wonderful, happy, and relaxing night. It was great to have you. I’ll see you the next time! LYN: If you haven’t yet subscribed to my weibo, please do so. You can come watch me if you have the time, ok? Thank you everybody, good night~
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helio-nex · 2 years
hey y’all just to let ya know i’m working as best i can on my wips right now, but stuff at my work has not been good and i’m currently looking for other jobs (don’t worry, i am still employed, just shitty managers and coworkers!) so i’m very stressed atm 🫠 i want to write and i will post when i can to distract myself from my life self-destructing lol
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herespaaa · 3 months
Massages for Mobility: How HereSpa Benefits Movement at Any Age.
Discover how massages at HereSpa enhance flexibility, relieve pain, improve posture, boost circulation, and promote relaxation for graceful movement at any age.
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Check out the post to know the 5 ways to support employee wellness.
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kidsinnowadays · 10 months
How to Be the Cool Parent Without Losing Authority: 6 Hip Strategies That Work
Learn how to strike a balance between being the "cool" parent and maintaining your authority, creating a harmonious and respectful parent-child relationship. #ParentingBalance #CoolParenting #HipStrategies #EffectiveParenting
Striking the Balance Between Cool and Authoritative Parenting is a delicate dance between love, guidance, and boundaries. We all want our children to view us as the cool and understanding parents they can confide in, but we also need to maintain authority to ensure their safety and well-being. Striking this balance can be a real challenge, but it’s not impossible. In this blog post, we’re about…
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healthnews101 · 1 year
5 Best Anti-Aging Exercises
Are you ready to defy the effects of time and embark on a journey towards a youthful and vibrant self? Look no further, as we present to you a comprehensive guide to Anti-Aging Exercises. In this article, we will delve into the realm of fitness and reveal the most effective exercises that can help you regain your vitality, boost hormone production, and keep aging at bay. Get ready to discover the…
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backpainsolution · 1 year
yoga For back pain relief
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Back pain is a common problem that affects many people, and can be caused by a variety of factors such as poor posture, muscle tension, injury, or medical conditions. Yoga has become a popular method for managing and reducing back pain, as it offers a gentle and low-impact form of exercise that can help alleviate tension in the muscles of the back, while also promoting relaxation and reducing stress.
There are several specific yoga poses that can be particularly helpful for those experiencing back pain. The cat-cow stretch is a simple and effective pose that involves getting on all fours and alternately arching and rounding the back. This movement can help stretch and strengthen the muscles of the spine, while also promoting flexibility.
Downward-facing dog is another helpful pose for back pain relief. This pose involves placing the hands and feet on the ground and lifting the hips up into the air. This pose can help lengthen the spine and relieve tension in the lower back.
Child's pose is another helpful pose for back pain relief. This pose involves sitting back on the heels with arms extended forward. This pose is a gentle stretch that can help release tension in the muscles of the back.
Cobra pose is also effective for back pain relief. This pose involves lying on the stomach and pressing the hands into the ground to lift the chest up. This pose can help stretch the muscles of the back and improve posture.
In addition to these poses, practicing yoga regularly can help improve posture and strengthen the muscles of the back and core, which can in turn help prevent future back pain. Yoga can also be an effective method for managing stress, which is a common contributor to back pain.
It's important to remember that while yoga can be a helpful practice for managing back pain, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine. They can help you determine which poses are safe and effective for your specific condition, and can offer guidance on how to modify poses to accommodate any physical limitations.
It's also important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your yoga practice. Overdoing it can actually cause more harm than good, and may worsen your back pain.
In addition to yoga, there are other lifestyle changes you can make to help manage and reduce back pain. These may include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding activities that aggravate your back pain, practicing good posture, and getting regular exercise.
In conclusion, yoga can be an effective method for managing and reducing back pain. By practicing gentle stretches and movements, improving posture and strengthening the muscles of the back and core, and reducing stress, yoga can help alleviate tension in the muscles of the back and promote overall physical and mental well-being.
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flashlly · 1 year
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Cardano, the 9ᵉ largest crypto on the market, has so far marked a high of $0.3444, the highest since November 15, 2022. In other news, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson announced last week the launch of his new hospital called "Hoskinson Health & Wellness Clinic," which will allow customers to pay for medical services using ADA, the native token of the Cardano ecosystem.
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kcrossvine-art · 3 months
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Hi fellow adventurers!! A few weeks ago i caught wind of "Delicious in Dungeon". I'm not really an anime person, but I am a TTRPG, CRPG, and cooking person- . And holy shit. It is so good i  convinced my partner to binge read the whole thing. I'm caught up on dungeon meshi, the anime, and just yesterday i also finished dungeon meshi, the manga.
Its rare to come across a serialized story that is so thematically cohesive and knows its characters so well. All of the bonus content like the artbooks and monster tidbits are just the icing on top.
So, inspired by Ryōko Kui's writing and illustration I'm going to attempt to create a recipe for every single Delicious in Dungeon recipe!-
Today that means Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom hotpot is on the menu!
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to a Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom hotpot?” YOU MIGHT ASKThis is one of the pricier dishes until we get to the kelpies and dragons of the menu-
Rock lobster tail
Porcini mushrooms
Shiitake mushrooms
Snow fungus
Small potatos
Fensi (glass noodles)
OPTIONAL: your choice of dipping sauces
There was a crossover/promotional event in Shibuya which featured various realworld dishes from the series. They had one for Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom, but they used prawns.  while those cook better in a hotpot, they also didn't look enough like the scorpion for me, they also used udon noodles for the slime and a seaweed/kale(?) mixture for the algae. If you're looking for substitutes due to price or availability i would start with those ingredients.
AND, “what does a Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom hotpot taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKI hope Senshi would forgive me for technically cooking the lobster outside the pot, once he tastes it.
Okay im always partial to veggies but wowowowowowowoowowowow the snow fungus and the mushrooms tasted soooooooooooo good in the lobster stock
A nice delicate layering of different flavors
Try to get a bite with the lobster meat and shiitake together, dip in butter then chili- trust me
Its up to you what texture you prefer if you want to put the noodles in at the end or put them in halfway through the meal. Either way dont go for eating those first as theyre very filling
I think this would pair well with a citrus drink, something light and clarifying
This would also pair well with being extremely high and hungry (if you feel safe cooking while inebriated lol) very calorically dense
For the trial run I did one lobster tail in the pot with everything else, and one lobster tail off to the side to be picked apart. The former is more in spirit with a hotpot, but it got rubbery as the meal went on and lost its nice taste. The latter may be a bit more work but all you have to do still is boil it and set it aside. I found it held up much better. It was also easier to get inside the shell.
. If you have hardshell maine lobster available, i think it would be superior to rock lobster (keep in mind crustaceans will get rubbery if cooked too long in the pot) . Green onions and/or lotus root would make excellent additions
From getting the ingredients out to sitting down and eating, id say it took maybe 30 minutes max? It'd vary on how fast you can prep vegetables and get the various implements heated.
Hotpots are not something i do very often as i'm usually just feeding myself. I think thats why a hotpot makes perfect sense to start the series off. If you want to set the tone of "take care of yourself, eat food with others, and use what you have" (generally speaking) there is nothing more simplistic, flexible, and defeats-the-purpose-if-you-eat-it-alone than a hotpot. Gather around and let your friends bring ingredients to the pot if you want to fill your heart up extra full <3
I'm doing something different here because unlike previous recipes where i used a bunch of different sources and made my own recipe out of hodge-podging it, or just used another persons recipe entirely if they did it really well, i made this more whole-cloth based off of what i had available, what I could discover through research, and my existing knowledge. Instead of the recipe being 50/50 original, this one is more 20/80. So. I'll pass the final verdict off to you guys :D 
What would you rate this recipe out of 10? (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) Did you love it, did you hate it? What're your thoughts on what I could do different, and what would you have done instead?
2 Rock lobster tails
3 Porcini mushrooms
2 Shiitake mushrooms
Snow fungus (a good handful, should rehydrate in the hotpot)
2 Small waxy potatos
Fensi (glass noodles)
Water/lobster stock
Lightly rinse all of your vegetables beforehand and let them dry.
Vertically slice the porcini mushrooms. Cut off and dice the stems of the shiitake mushrooms. You can slice the tops if youd like.
Peel and cube the potatoes, roughly an inch each.
For the lobster tails; Boil a pot of salted water. Keep the shell on. Weigh the largest tail and add 1 minute of cooking time for every ounce of weight.
When done, strain the lobster from the water. Pour the water into your hotpot as the base. Serve the lobster on the side so people can pick the meat out to dip into the hotpot.
Bring the hotpot to a simmer. Add the potato cubes, snow fungus, mushrooms, and noodles.
OPTIONAL: this wasnt in the show, but its fun having sauces on the side :) i had oyster sauce, dry seasoned chili dip, melted butter, and soy sauce available
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herespaaa · 3 months
Embracing Mobility: How Massages Benefit Movement at Any Age | HereSpa
As we journey through life, our bodies undergo various changes, and maintaining mobility becomes increasingly important, especially as we age. While it's natural for our muscles and joints to experience wear and tear over time, there are proactive measures we can take to support our mobility and overall well-being. One such method that offers countless benefits is regular massage therapy. At HereSpa At-Home Salon and Spa, we believe that everyone, regardless of age, deserves to experience the rejuvenating effects of massage therapy. Let's explore how massages can help you move gracefully through every stage of life.
1. Enhancing Flexibility and Range of Motion
As we age, our muscles tend to become tighter, leading to decreased flexibility and limited range of motion. Regular massages can help alleviate muscle tension and improve flexibility by promoting blood circulation and loosening tight muscles. Whether you're struggling with stiffness due to age-related conditions or simply want to maintain your flexibility, massages can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine.
2. Relieving Pain and Discomfort
Chronic pain is a common issue that many seniors face, whether it's due to arthritis, back problems, or other ailments. Massage therapy offers natural pain relief by targeting tense muscles, reducing inflammation, and releasing endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. By addressing the root cause of pain and discomfort, massages can provide much-needed relief and improve your quality of life.
3. Improving Posture and Balance
Maintaining good posture and balance becomes increasingly challenging as we age, but it's essential for preventing falls and maintaining independence. Massage therapy can help correct postural imbalances by releasing tension in muscles and aligning the body properly. Additionally, massages stimulate proprioceptors, sensory receptors in the muscles and joints that contribute to body awareness and balance, thereby reducing the risk of falls and enhancing overall stability.
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4. Boosting Circulation and Mobility
Poor circulation can exacerbate issues such as muscle stiffness, joint pain, and swelling, making it harder to move comfortably. Massages improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and facilitating the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body. Enhanced circulation not only promotes faster healing but also increases mobility, allowing you to move more freely and with greater ease.
5. Promoting Relaxation and Stress Relief
Stress and tension can take a toll on both the body and mind, contributing to muscle tightness, headaches, and insomnia. Massage therapy is renowned for its ability to induce relaxation and alleviate stress by triggering the body's relaxation response. As stress levels decrease, muscle tension dissipates, and you'll find yourself moving more fluidly and with a greater sense of ease.
At HereSpa At-Home Salon and Spa, we understand the unique needs of our senior clients, which is why we offer tailored massage therapy services designed to promote mobility and vitality at any age. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, looking to improve your flexibility, or simply craving some relaxation, our team of experienced therapists is here to help.
Ready to experience the transformative benefits of massage therapy? Book your appointment with HereSpa today! Visit our website at www.herespa.com or give us a call at +1-234-437-3772 to schedule your at-home salon and spa experience. Take the first step towards enhanced mobility and well-being—your body will thank you for it!
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
God I'm trying to ask for advice from a local personal finance forum and they just can not get past why I don't want to buy a house.
Because it isn't an option honey! You guys do the maths and tell me how exactly that's an option. They are trying to tell me it'll save money! The magical thinking is extreme
Like they are ignoring the question I'm actually asking and the answer to every one of their queries is
Because I'm working class
Because I'm a millenial
Because that isn't a freaking option man
They apparently want me to take on a unlimited number of jobs and tuck it all away in the hope that I'll somehow wave a hand and magic up a property
I have bills! The average house price here is 13x the median wage. I literally can't comprehend these people.
Why don't you work your arse off for a retirement you won't get to see because those jobs will kill you before you get there?
Literally all I'm asking for is the best way to make use of the savings that i almost killed myself building up and they are like ok but have you considered: ignoring your drs and the objective evidence that you were earning yourself a heart attack at 30 and working towards everyone at the funeral going wow! But she was such a good poor! She didn't drink or smoke or have a life all so she could use the money to buy vegetables and spend all day solving rich people's problems. She was skinny so she must have been healthy. Who knew that never having the time to rest or go to the Dr kills you just as fast as the vices of the poor
All of it just so you can sit on that money working towards an end goal that's never been there for you
Like you know what, it's not eating unhealthy foods and substance abuse and not knowing how to look after ourselves that kills us it's the life we've been left that drives people to those things in the first place and it'll kill you even if you do everything to avoid them
Eat as healthily as you can afford and avoid smoking and drinking you still won't be nearly as healthy as you'd be living a life living off the cream from your daddy's wealth while you tell everyone youre a self made man
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pastel-charm-14 · 4 months
a beginners guide to pilates
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pilates is a low-impact exercise method that focuses on strengthening the body, improving flexibility, and enhancing overall fitness. it's suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, making it an excellent choice for beginners who are looking to start a new exercise routine. in this guide, we'll cover the basics of pilates and provide tips for getting started.
what is pilates?
pilates was developed by joseph pilates in the early 20th century as a system of exercises designed to improve strength, flexibility, and body awareness. it incorporates a series of controlled movements that target the core muscles, as well as other muscle groups throughout the body. pilates emphasizes proper alignment, breathing, and concentration, making it a holistic approach to fitness.
benefits of pilates
strengthens core muscles: pilates focuses on strengthening the muscles of the core, including the abdominals, lower back, and pelvic floor, which can improve posture and stability.
improves flexibility: pilates exercises promote flexibility and range of motion in the muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall mobility.
enhances body awareness: pilates encourages mindful movement and body awareness, helping individuals develop a deeper connection between mind and body.
promotes relaxation: pilates incorporates breathing techniques and relaxation exercises, which can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and well-being.
increases muscular endurance: pilates exercises are performed in a slow and controlled manner, which helps build muscular endurance over time, allowing individuals to perform daily activities with greater ease.
getting started with pilates
find a qualified instructor: if you're new to pilates, consider taking a class with a certified pilates instructor who can guide you through the exercises and ensure proper form and technique.
start with the basics: begin with beginner-level pilates exercises that focus on building core strength, such as the hundred, pelvic tilts, and leg circles. gradually progress to more challenging exercises as you gain strength and confidence.
focus on proper alignment: pay attention to your alignment during pilates exercises, keeping your spine neutral and your shoulders relaxed. engage your core muscles to stabilize your body and prevent injury.
breathe deeply: practice diaphragmatic breathing during pilates exercises, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling fully through your mouth. coordinate your breath with your movements to promote relaxation and enhance concentration.
listen to your body: listen to your body and work at your own pace during pilates workouts. if an exercise feels too challenging or causes discomfort, modify it or take a break as needed.
be consistent: aim to practice pilates regularly to experience the full benefits of the method. start with two to three sessions per week and gradually increase the frequency and duration of your workouts as you progress.
remember that pilates is a journey, and progress takes time and dedication. be patient with yourself as you learn and grow in your practice, and enjoy the many benefits that pilates has to offer for your mind, body, and spirit.
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punksocks · 1 month
Signs Your on the Right or Wrong Path:
(Check your Moon sign, Mars sign, Ascendant, and/or North Node)
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(Also wrong path behaviors tend to fit underdeveloped energy, so you may recognize these behaviors in low vibrational people with these placements)
Right path:
-Aries: You feel energetic, you may start working out more/doing more physical activities, you’re going on new adventures, pure enthusiasm, you’ve got a lot of new prospects, you still charge into situations and sometimes arguments but you avoid constant fighting and long term grudges
-Taurus: You’re making money/feeling abundant, you’re feeling creative, feeling satisfied with physical comforts (perfect meals, great self care, etc), feeling stubborn still but in a reasonable grounded way with a bit of flexibility
-Gemini: You’re quick on your feet, constantly coming up with new ideas, you’re winning a lot of verbal sparring matches/debates, suddenly absorbing a lot of new information, feeling like you’re in an intellectually stimulating environment
-Cancer: Emotionally at ease, feeling protective without being defensive, feeling at home with whatever loved ones you’re around, peaceful nostalgia, comfort in your environment/home life, being nurturing without forcing it, feeling more fertile (as straightforward as pregnancy but as all encompassing as getting a lot of new ideas or being great at cooking or growing a garden that blossoms, etc)
-Leo: Gaining attention effortlessly, increased self confidence/charisma, more creativity, getting more compliments than usual, feeling empowered and like your gettting the right amount of attention and feedback on a regular basis
-Virgo: Great productivity, being seen as reliable and supportive and being appreciated for it, getting to cross items off your todo lists, -less- anxiety and overthinking/finding ways to soothe this, improved mental health, your hygnine and routine improve and flow better, being supported and given space to rest and relax when you need to
-Libra: increased charm/beauty (a glow up essentially), peace in your social life, increased romance, getting more compliments than usual, ease in making choices, generally feeling more balanced, feeling more creative
-Scorpio: Being around people/a person you can actually really trust, being allowed to open up in your own time, great intimacy with passion and payoff and all that, transformations come easy-like shedding a second skin, feeling rewarded with safety in exchange for the vulnerability you do show, depth and understanding even if it’s only with one or two people
-Sagittarius: constant stimulation and exciting adventures (big or small), growing understanding and philosophies, more opportunities to travel and good things coming from travel, more opportunities to learn about cultures outside of your own, increased optimism and luck
-Capricorn: making money/long term investments & projects starting to pay off, clear and healthy skin, getting money from random places, your new ideas work out better than expected, gaining recognition for your hard work, elevating to new heights/gaining promotions at work, being able to carve out your own path of progress
-Aquarius: embracing your uniqueness and being celebrated for it, one of a kind ideas, feeling innovative, feeling good will and participating in humanitarian efforts, getting involved with the local community, embracing chaos and being rewarded for it, losing the desire to fit in.
-Pisces: good dreams, fluidity in daydreams and reality, new sparks for your creativity coming from your subconscious/good spiritual efforts, heightened clarity, peace of mind and tranquility coming more naturally, understanding what you process subconsciously and trusting your intuition more
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Wrong path:
-Aries: Feeling lethargic/losing energy after short bursts, headaches, restlessness, constantly being stalled when you try new things, constant fighting with everyone and anyone that never seems to end
-Taurus: You’re losing money/abundance, you’re feeling rushed, you’re overindulging/binging on comforts- none of your luxuries fill the void, every hill is a hill you’re willing to die on (feeling especially stubborn)
-Gemini: You’re bored, feeling stuck, you’re having issues communicating (suddenly stuttering or drawing blanks, for example, you could even lose your voice), trouble learning and thinking, feeling like no one around you can match your intelligence
-Cancer: constantly manipulating emotions around you/your emotions being constantly manipulated, toxic codependency on family/loved ones, chest pains, yearning for the past and dissatisfaction with the present, lack of care, lack of fertility
-Leo: attention starved and you have to beg for others to pay attention to you, back pains, feeling like you only get attention at the wrong times/for the wrong things, a lot of envy/jealousy, acting out in bratty/diva ways, partying too much
-Virgo: overthinking (like you’re always going to overthink, but when it’s bad you cannot stop overthinking), uncontrollable anxiety, stomach aches, a lot of busy work with very little progress, endless to-do lists, sudden forced changes to your consistency/routine, being used for support and this being thankless, insane levels of restlessness
-Libra: Loss of appeal (not being ugly but finding your charm and general appeal towards others works less than it usually does), being depressed/uninspired about your looks, feeling like all your connections are shallow/loss of romance, being surrounded by conflict, finding it impossible to make decisions, loss of creativity
-Scorpio: feeling like -something- is off and not being able to shake that feeling (something probably is off, trust your gut), feeling like you need to guard your secrets/yourself with your life, gossip and rumors about you coming from your inner circle, intimacy that doesn’t feel worth it, you or others trying to bar you from changing & transforming, shallow connections, repeating cycles of toxic behavior
-Sagittarius: Boredom/stagnancy, shutting down discussions/learning by being too blunt, close mindedness in general, feeling stuck or cagey, environments that lack cultural stimulation, sudden bouts of bad luck/things falling apart
-Capricorn: losing money/going over budget, business ventures failing, skin problems/breakouts, drowning in work but not being able to finish any of it, being stuck in toxic systems/patterns of behavior, being controlled/dominated, having your ambition capped/hitting a glass ceiling of some sort in your goals
-Aquarius: conformity/changing your identity or ideals to conform to others, feeling cold/too disconnected towards others (like seeing people as a problem to solve instead of individuals to help), calculating behavior in general, lack of ingenuity/out of the box ideas, being too rooted in the past/how things once were
-Pisces: nightmares, not being able to tell the difference between reality and daydreams, increased problems with mental illness, being triggered uncontrollably by your subconscious, dealing with more illusions and lies, creativity stalling, romanticizing your connections and the people around you (seeing depth where there is none or vice versa)
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