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oldfarmhouse ¡ 6 months ago
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new england 🍁in autumn
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aacalienz ¡ 2 months ago
I honestly get frustrated when low support needs people say that a professional diagnosis is a privilege. It’s true, but not in the way they think. Some of them are like “I need a professional diagnosis so I can finally get validation for myself and my needs.” But you don’t need a professional to validate you. I get why you want that, but you can validate yourself and take your own needs seriously. You don’t need a professional diagnosis for that.
Meanwhile there are people who desperately need a diagnosis for vital services and can’t get it due to cost. There are higher support needs autistic people who were visibly disabled as children who never got a diagnosis of autism or another developmental disability because of severe medical neglect.
I know people with higher support needs that have showed obvious signs of autism from VERY early childhood to the point schools repeatedly pointed it out. The parents never tested their children or listened to the schools’ concerns. I know a person with high support needs that was in and out of institutions their entire childhood and doesn’t have a diagnosis of autism because their adoptive parents hid or destroyed their medical records and tried to pretend they had a non disabled child.
These people are unable to get access to the services and supports they desperately need. They are left completely stuck. They can’t get disability benefits or paid support people because they don’t have a diagnosis. Most are only even alive because of a close partner takes care of them. If they had been diagnosed when they started showing obvious signs it would have been in early childhood or when they entered school.
A diagnosis isn’t a privilege for medium, high, and even some low support needs people. It’s a fucking necessity. When some medium and high support needs people don’t have a diagnosis they can die because they don’t have services and can’t care for themselves.
When a late diagnosed low support needs person who can mask very well and has a high paying white collar career doesn’t get a diagnosis they don’t get emotional validation and can’t wear headphones at work.
Ok I know that isn’t entirely accurate and I’m being harsh. I just want to show that the stakes are nowhere near the same. I know low support needs people struggle. But higher support needs people can literally die without support.
And when some people whine about “oh my precious validation” they miss the fucking point. They don’t understand how for lots of autistic people a diagnosis is the only way they can get support in any official way. When professional diagnosis is framed as a way to prove yourself right, instead of as a way to get services it hurts autistic people. Especially the most marginalized autistic people and autistic people who need a diagnosis out of necessity.
Also high support needs people who did get a diagnosis in early childhood are NOT privileged. The main reason they did get an early diagnosis is usually that their symptoms were so visibly disabling people couldn’t ignore it.
Calling a professional diagnosis a privilege feels like calling food or housing a privilege. Technically it is a privilege if you enough food because many don’t. But food is a RIGHT, not a privilege. Because it’s required for survival. For some autistic people a professional diagnosis is required for survival. So it’s not a privilege. It’s a right.
If anything making it until your 30s until anyone notices anything is wrong is the privilege. Because that means that your autism wasn’t causing a significant delay in milestones like talking, toileting or other activities. There may have still been some delays looking back, but they weren’t so obvious that everyone noticed and intervened.
So a professional diagnosis is necessary for lots of autistic people and framing it as a privilege makes it seem like it’s something you’re lucky if you have. But for many people a professional diagnosis is their only option. A diagnosis is a right. And people can die without one.
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macrolit ¡ 2 months ago
The privilege of a place can depend on the absence of the wrong body as much as the presence of the right one. - Jo Hamya
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pomacanthidae ¡ 2 months ago
Be A Voice
Say the things they are not safe to say. Make sure the communities who cannot speak safely are heard. Needless to say, I am not telling you to take credit for their words but to make their voices heard above the noise. If you can afford to be arrested, get yourself out there. Stand up before there is no one to stand up for you.
Change is not achieved by peace when the policymakers are not giving us the option to be peaceful.
Protest. Protest. Protest.
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classycookiexo ¡ 6 months ago
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soulinkpoetry ¡ 1 year ago
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Last night I watched a movie called “ The good lie” 2014 a true story about the journey of five Sudanese kids left alone to cross the border by foot into a Kenya refugee camp after their parents were murdered in the civil war. I highly recommend it if you want to realize how privileged you are to have a roof over your head and food on the table.
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pinoypesilat ¡ 7 months ago
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american-flop ¡ 13 days ago
If you're burying your head in the sand, at least you won't see them when they cut it off your neck.
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rootbeermilktm ¡ 29 days ago
was in a room full of white people talking about privilege and a man asks me “what do i do with my privilege?” and i answered “first listen to marginalized people then do what they tell you to” and he and another white person immediately made a face and said “hmmmmm, nooooooo”. the only other woman in the room then jumped in from her side bar to say “hang on, what was the take?” and was there to back me, but i had to defend myself to explain that ur supposed to listen to marginalized people to know how to use your privilege to help them and also actively seek out that course of action all while these people were stuck on the idea of you shouldn’t just do whatever someone tells you to. now im staring into the abyss thinking about how they already failed step one of yk, listen.
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chronicallycouchbound ¡ 2 years ago
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Unlucky: Protective Factors and Homelessness
Becoming homeless isn’t based in luck. The vast majority of homeless people aren’t just in unlucky circumstances. Most unhoused people I’ve interacted with are multi-marginalized, and have significant risk factors for becoming unhoused and lack supports to maintain secure housing.
The average American might be one significant event away from homelessness, sure. But the average American will also have better access to not only supportive services, but natural supports that can prevent or alleviate the toll that emergencies can have on an individual’s housing specifically. Thus, the average American won’t become unhoused.
In contrast, the average unhoused person (or person in precarious housing) doesn’t have natural supports who can provide relief for them. The average unhoused person is a part of several marginalized communities who have been systematically deprived of resources, and aren’t given true support by what few services exist to help their housing status.
My current housing is precarious. Housing my whole life always has been. My first times being homeless were before I have memories. But even as a young child, I had a solid understanding of the fact that if our house wasn’t spotless on inspection days, we would be unhoused again. It was such a routine part of life for me and my family, I didn’t even think about how the families of some of my peers were landlords.
When I first started sleeping outside, before I graduated elementary school, I met other unhoused people who all had varying risk factors. I didn’t know it at the time, but statistically, it was unlikely I would have never ended up homeless.
My ACE score is 10/10. My protective factors were 0/4. Beyond that, I was (and am) a part of other marginalized communities that I was discriminated against on the basis of, without even knowing I was a part of those groups like being queer, trans, and disabled.
While living on the streets, in shelters, couch surfing and even while doing community organizing, I watched as dozens of people became housed long before I did. The biggest running theme? Those who had natural supports, those who held privilege in our society, those were the people who became housed fastest and longest. They were often only unhoused once in their life.
But people like me, a part of many marginalized groups, no safe natural supports around, discriminated by supportive services, are the people who end up unhoused for most of our lives, and when we do gain housing, it can be taken due to events significantly smaller than the average American would normally see a housing related emergency.
For example, if I’m behind on rent, as someone who is 100% reliant on government aid programs with zero income and no family financial support, if I can’t find an emergency assistance program in time, I will lose my housing. Not only that— but my lease being in subsidized low income ADA housing and using governmental vouchers for rent means that if I’m formally evicted, it is a criminal offense. I have friends who have gone to prison for what should be minor lease violations that led to evictions, and they no longer qualify for any assistive programs for a predefined period of time (usually 5 years). Now they have a record, and have no governmental supports on top of already not having natural supports.
The housing we have is precarious, forever teetering on the edge of loss. We are so close to the safety of secure housing, it’s palpable, while being unattainable.
There are many genuine factors of luck that play into housing status, but make no mistake: Homeless/unhoused people are systemically disenfranchised.
If you’ve never been unhoused, if you’re currently in stable housing, there is a very strong likelihood that it’s because of your protective factors like natural supports and privileges in our society. You should acknowledge the reality of this, and not only name your supports as why you’re not homeless (not just luck), but also be leveraging your resources to support our community.
I created a resource for this if anyone is interested in how they can stand in solidarity with their unhoused neighbors.
More information about ACE & PCE scores can be found here.
[Pictured: an elementary school project from around 2006, from my sister. Child-like handwriting says: “My inspection is coming up. If your house is dirty you will get kicked out. If your house is clean you will get to stay in your house.” A small drawing of our house at the time is below it.]
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merky-monkey ¡ 1 year ago
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Stick with me because this might sound bigoted at first...
We should stop telling people to treat everyone the same.
Because of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, backgrounds, disabilities, sex and all sorts of other things we should not treat everyone the same.
It's actually harmful to tell people that because that way people (especially christian, white, cishet, allo men) won't understand and appreciate all the struggles that people go through day to day just by existing.
If we tell people to treat everyone the same, we're not telling them to help or to encourage or to recognise that things are difficult for different groups and that goes for everyone.
Most importantly, we're telling privileged people to treat everyone as if they also have those priveleges.
It's the wrong message to be giving out.
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Why "fearing" ai, especially ai art, is extremely non intersectional and potentially ableist or even eugenecist of you.
Posting this here cus thank god no one reads this blog but i'm frustrated over how disgusting y'all are acting.
Firstly, none of y'all fucks gave a single damn when klaus used ai to colour 2d drawings and people wanted to redefine 2d as being ok if all we see is computer generated.
None of y'all fucks even gave a damn when pixar tried to redefine 2d as 3d art with a 2d filter. So don't try to claim you give a damn about art when you were fine throwing everyone who's ever done 2d animation under the bus repeatedly. (this doesn't apply if you, like me, were there arguing against these fucks. You're fine. But you know the fucks i'm talking about "future of 2d, new frontier bluhbluhbluh")
In fact most of y'all fucks encouraged it and wanted your hands on the tech to use for yourself. so feck off with your fake ass concern
The shit you claim ai is doing now. It's not. And i've seen some truly unhinged shit that's either 1. been disproven or 2. is just fully illogical.
Example A: The ai is stealing actual furry art scam that was REPEATEDLY proven to be false. But this sure went around on twitter and tumblr and then the people who literally faked it tried to pull some bs "it was a social experiment" "It was to show how it could end up" nonsense. Fuck you.
Example B, the only case i've seen a job "stolen", word used FUCKING loosely: In a comments section i saw a dude explained that for his souvenir photography shop, their boss is using an ai to colour correct the photos and the photographers aren't allowed to change the settings on the camera (implied: because the ai won't work unless it has specific camera settings).
So this dude thinks the photographers job got stolen because the photographer can't adjust the camera settings and because his job description changed from colour correcting to checking that the ai hasn't messed up. Homeboy wasn't fired/ctx
To explain to you, in case you genuinely have no knowledge of history or how things work in job markets /gen:
These things have been happening since the industrial era and yet i'm not seeing a single one of you arguing for us to go back to pre machinery sweat shops for young girls. Cus y'all do realise that pre machinery, in history, the norm was FUCKING SWEAT SHOPS in the global north, right?
Job loss is bad, yeah, and it was super fucking bad for the people who had typewriting jobs when the computer came. A lot of people either pivoted to the computer and if they couldn't, they lost their job. However, how many of you, genuinely, who currently own a business, even a small one, wants to go back to only using a typewriter? /genq No google docs, no google calendar, no printing receipts or packing labels. All written by hand (rip fellow dysgraphics) or by typewriter just so that you can hire some of the ex type writers who are now retired and lost their job in the past? I'm gonna venture not many of you are willing to make that decision in terms of being conservative of jobs. Especially if you own a modern small business.
Let's say you are one of the people who lost their job to computers becoming the norm. Did you once think the computer was sentient and actively trying to replace you? I'm not asking if you got angry at the computer replacing you, i'm asking if you thought the computer was alive and walked into the office and said "Hey, i want a job and can do it better than Doris" and your boss said "hired" and fired you. Or, did you think your boss bought a MACHINE a TOOL (non sentient) that ended up replacing your job?
And Lastly if you were replaced by a computer. Did that makes authors extinct?/genq Even authors who handwrite or use a typewriter? Cus i have a bunch of nanowrimo stats to prove you wrong if you think that went away just because your job went away.
You might be wondering, why am i talking about this, especially the last one. The answer is really simple you see because THATS HOW THE ABOVE DUDE SOUNDED IN HIS FEAR MONGERING COMMENT He heavily implied that the "AI" replaced "HIM" and that it will continue and ripple out and replace ALL photography always and forever.
Which btw last i checked for freelance photographers, i thought y'all did your own colour correction or is that just for small businesses?/genq And for tourist photographers where it's sometimes an entry level part time job, i thought the ones who were doing it not as a passion already didn't mess with camera settings that much cus y'all didn't give a shit about the job if they treat you like shit and pay you less than minimum wage. And didn't the photography business get this already where things shifted when we went from physical film to print? Was that a catastrophe? cus y'all seem fine and like y'all survived but idk maybe there was a mass genocide i didn't hear about due to us stopping the use of substances with carcinogens. (heavy sarcasm incoming) Maybe not using carcinogens is what's actually killing us/s
Lastly why tf do the arguments in response to ai have a net total of 5 minutes of knowledge of human history????? If you know shit about the history of technology and humans oppressing other humans, something in you should be getting weird vibes from the arguments people are making currently. And yet i keep seeing people arguing that if you don't support being anti ai (of all forms, even as accessibility tools) then you're actively taking money from a freelance artist that you have never met and would never purchase from, even if you would never pay for ai art. Which is not how the economy, facts, money, human rights or customers work??????
So many people will say art is a luxury product when people wanna price gouge artists but not say it when artists are harassing people for not buying their shit (istfg if you dare say that hasn't happened once in history then fuck you, it's not just people on tumblr who are artists and drawing isn't the only form of art. Problematic and bigoted people exist everywhere, even in the small business freelance world.)
Not to mention the issue with losing your job isn't the tool that replaced you ITS THE FUCKING SYSTEM THAT REQUIRES YOU TO HAVE A JOB TO BE ABLE TO EAT! YOU'RE SPENDING YOUR ENERGY PROTESTING THE TIP OF THE SWORD WHEN YOU SHOULD BE PROTESTING THE ARMED GUARD WHO ARE USING THE SWORDS OR THE RULING GOVERNMENT THAT SANCTIONED THOSE ARMED GUARDS TO EXIST! And if you don't wanna protest for a system change to ensure that no one ends up jobless and only care if you get a crappier title, then i dislike you.
Tldr of this section: I'm sorry but if you're gonna induce a world ending (aka genocide level) threat, then i'm gonna need more than just "i wasn't even fired, i just do something different at a normal non specialised job", otherwise i'm gonna assume at best you're ego is bruised and at worst actually that fucking priveleged that you think having a job description change, when people are losing their jobs for unrelated reasons to ai, is actively oppressing you. Or that you're trying to water down the concept of what a threat is in which case i actively dislike you as an individual. Extrapolating that a literal computer program will end the photography business because your job description changes due to a shitty decision from your human boss and due to the shitty decisions the government makes to make income security a privilege and not a right, makes no sense.
3. Here is shit ai actually has done:
It's found a fucking antibiotic, i repeat AN ANTIBIOTIC! A NEW ONE! AND ITS WORKING! OUR LAST ONE WAS DECADES AGO! DO YOU NOT REALISE HOW FUCKING IMPORTANT THIS IS FOR DISABLED PEOPLE YOU PRIVELEGED LITTLE SHIT?!??!?!?! (this doesn't apply to the people who are excited for this, if you're not excited (excluding mental illness reasons like depression) for this despite knowing how many people die due to antibiotic resistance then block me now, your energy is fucking rancid)
made colouring 2d animated work easier aka more accessible
helped make other art things accessible to disabled people
Outed people as problematic if not as literal alt-right people or even neo-nazis based on the shit they're spouting as "valid" arguments towards a potential sentient being capable of emotion.
4. Here is shit ai hasn't done based on my research which is inherently limited. Please provide actual proof and not the human faked posts that were going around on twitter:
copy actual drawing
do convincing art from just a text prompt (there's a v funny youtube series where someone tries to get chat gpt to draw a simple circle, it sadly can't, cus it's not sentiently aware of what it's doing)
be able to write anywhere near like a human would communicate for anything longer than
Be sentient about any of the above or show understanding that it knows what art even is.
Be able to make autonomous choices unrelated to what it's learned
Made you have bigoted ideals, that's you, not a fucking random computer, take responsibility for your actions as an actual sentient human
Lastly, let's assume, ai, becomes sentient. Why THE FUCK is the main argument in "managing" it, GENOCIDE?!?!?!?!?
Anyone who is on team "just shut it down/turn it off" instead of "hey let's raise it with love and kindness. And if we don't and it becomes hostile, then it'll be very hard for an ai who is only trained in communicating with humans, to become a world class hacker, despite having no training on that front. And even making a rudimentary shitty ai costs much more energy and time than we should use. And even replicating it takes so much time and physical electrical volt/watt energy so the concept that the ai can replicate itself in a split second and evilly take over the world is illogical at best."
No, no. Instead let's decide "yes i wanna keep my right to kill living life forms because i'm scawed UwU"
Fuck all you fucking fucks who aren't even veiling your genocidal agenda. Fuck you.
Guess what you fucking motherfucker. WE ALREADY HAVE TOP HACKERS WHO ARE SENTIENT AND GUESS WHAT HAS HAPPENED YOU FUCKING FUCK. WE DONT NEED TO FUCKING KILL THEM TO KEEP THEM IN CHECK HOLY SHIT. What is it. With y'all fucks in the global north. And just wanting to murdermurderstabstab anything that is different or as "revenge"?!?!?!!??!?!? Y'all need 20ccs of barbie movies during your childhood and it shows. Fucking hell.
You fucks will use "i'm scared" and other forms of "fear" as a defense but use it to bear your fangs and rip into the first best example you see without making sure it's even a threat or that you are even being threatened because to you privileged fucks, being slightly uncomfortable is what you interpret as oppression. You're not fucking scared. You're hateful and bigoted. Check yourself. Cus you're not helping anyone and you're putting people in danger by having that mentality. Cus thinking you can be objective enough to not turn on other actual sentient beings, when one of your main arguments against a sentient being, is killing them. That's just not how anything has *ever* worked.
The keep reading thing didn't work so to protect people from potentially flashing images, instead imagine, if you can, that there is a gif here of someone screaming in anger and frustration and pain.
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sassyscribe ¡ 2 years ago
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Facts on Facts on Facts👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
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leaf-me-in-the-woods ¡ 1 year ago
Cis Christian white men privelege is why we can’t get anywhere in this world
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release-by-eileen ¡ 1 year ago
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