#ace scores
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Unlucky: Protective Factors and Homelessness
Becoming homeless isn’t based in luck. The vast majority of homeless people aren’t just in unlucky circumstances. Most unhoused people I’ve interacted with are multi-marginalized, and have significant risk factors for becoming unhoused and lack supports to maintain secure housing.
The average American might be one significant event away from homelessness, sure. But the average American will also have better access to not only supportive services, but natural supports that can prevent or alleviate the toll that emergencies can have on an individual’s housing specifically. Thus, the average American won’t become unhoused.
In contrast, the average unhoused person (or person in precarious housing) doesn’t have natural supports who can provide relief for them. The average unhoused person is a part of several marginalized communities who have been systematically deprived of resources, and aren’t given true support by what few services exist to help their housing status.
My current housing is precarious. Housing my whole life always has been. My first times being homeless were before I have memories. But even as a young child, I had a solid understanding of the fact that if our house wasn’t spotless on inspection days, we would be unhoused again. It was such a routine part of life for me and my family, I didn’t even think about how the families of some of my peers were landlords.
When I first started sleeping outside, before I graduated elementary school, I met other unhoused people who all had varying risk factors. I didn’t know it at the time, but statistically, it was unlikely I would have never ended up homeless.
My ACE score is 10/10. My protective factors were 0/4. Beyond that, I was (and am) a part of other marginalized communities that I was discriminated against on the basis of, without even knowing I was a part of those groups like being queer, trans, and disabled.
While living on the streets, in shelters, couch surfing and even while doing community organizing, I watched as dozens of people became housed long before I did. The biggest running theme? Those who had natural supports, those who held privilege in our society, those were the people who became housed fastest and longest. They were often only unhoused once in their life.
But people like me, a part of many marginalized groups, no safe natural supports around, discriminated by supportive services, are the people who end up unhoused for most of our lives, and when we do gain housing, it can be taken due to events significantly smaller than the average American would normally see a housing related emergency.
For example, if I’m behind on rent, as someone who is 100% reliant on government aid programs with zero income and no family financial support, if I can’t find an emergency assistance program in time, I will lose my housing. Not only that— but my lease being in subsidized low income ADA housing and using governmental vouchers for rent means that if I’m formally evicted, it is a criminal offense. I have friends who have gone to prison for what should be minor lease violations that led to evictions, and they no longer qualify for any assistive programs for a predefined period of time (usually 5 years). Now they have a record, and have no governmental supports on top of already not having natural supports.
The housing we have is precarious, forever teetering on the edge of loss. We are so close to the safety of secure housing, it’s palpable, while being unattainable.
There are many genuine factors of luck that play into housing status, but make no mistake: Homeless/unhoused people are systemically disenfranchised.
If you’ve never been unhoused, if you’re currently in stable housing, there is a very strong likelihood that it’s because of your protective factors like natural supports and privileges in our society. You should acknowledge the reality of this, and not only name your supports as why you’re not homeless (not just luck), but also be leveraging your resources to support our community.
I created a resource for this if anyone is interested in how they can stand in solidarity with their unhoused neighbors.
More information about ACE & PCE scores can be found here.
[Pictured: an elementary school project from around 2006, from my sister. Child-like handwriting says: “My inspection is coming up. If your house is dirty you will get kicked out. If your house is clean you will get to stay in your house.” A small drawing of our house at the time is below it.]
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obisamya · 1 year
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dani rojas, beloved by mothers (and all women. and everybody else actually) TED LASSO, 3.11
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snowberryc · 1 year
Just a thought: how would it look to the characters when theres a twistune.
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Gotta get those perfects, its important to get that SS rank and Great Combo
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ashipiko · 9 months
<3 post sleepover mornings
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alllsunday · 5 months
RIP Portgas D. Ace you would’ve loved Call of Duty, FIFA, and GTA
RIP Sabo you would’ve loved the Sims, Piano Tiles, and Mario Kart
RIP Monkey D. Luffy you would’ve loved Stardew Valley and drooling over obscure Chinese cooking games
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captainmartin20 · 4 months
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Kate Martin off the bench vs Indiana:
12 PTS | 7 RBS | 1 AST | 1 BLK | 3-5 FG | 2-4 3P | 4-4 FT | 22 MINS
Caitlin Clark vs Las Vegas:
8 PTS | 7 AST | 5 RBS | 1 STL | 2-8 FG | 2-5 3P | 2-2 FT
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brucewaynehater101 · 6 months
I've been thinking about what each Batkid would score on the ACE (adverse childhood experiences) test.
It is a very shallow measurement of how fucked someone's childhood is. It isn't comprehensive and isn't eligible for comparing trauma. It's merely a list of shitty things that could happen to a kid (and there's no measurement for frequency or intensity). You can look into it more yourselves.
For scores, the higher the number, the worse it is. 10 is the max. The questions are about someone before they turn 18. For these questions, I included Bruce as one of their parents. I didn't include Barbara or Duke because I wasn't confident in their answers.
Alright. Here's the scores I got:
At the top of the list, we have Jason. He has 10/10 on the ACE test :)
Next up, Steph and Damian are tied at 9/10.
Cass and Tim are tied at 8/10.
Finally, we got Dick at 7/10.
I used the americanspcc.org questions for them. If you got different scores or have numbers for Barbara and Duke, feel free to respond.
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changewingwentz · 1 year
The dawning of a new age THESE ARENT JUST NOTES ON A PAGE‼️
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Close ups ⬇️
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nyaagolor · 1 year
I find it immensely funny that the vast majority of prosecutors / defense attorneys we see in Ace Attorney are extremely wealthy and / or well connected-- and then there's Phoenix and Apollo. I can just imagine the whole gang chatting about (insert thing only rich people can do) like it's normal and Phoenix + Apollo are standing to the side like O_O
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mickittotheman · 5 months
Hello! Can I ask for gallavich + 47? Thank you :)
Hi!! I too am fueled by spite so this was a very fun prompt to fill.
47. ...out of spite
Mickey only hears the conversation by accident.
It’s early. Way too fucking early to be awake, but he’d reached up to grab at Ian’s big warm arm and his fingers had met nothing but cold empty sheets and the jolt of panic he’d felt had been enough to have him stumbling up and out and down the hall.
The panic is receding a bit now, with Ian’s voice floating up the stairs. There’s other noises, too. The coffee maker burbling, dishes clinking, the fridge rattling as it’s opened and closed, but all Mickey is focused on is ian ian ian.
The panic ebbs out to a low grade hum. It never goes away completely. Probably never will.
Mickey sighs, scrubbing at his eyes with one hand, the other one still clutching the stair railing so hard his knuckles are white. 
Slowly, the actual words Ian’s saying start to filter through. 
“–is that supposed to mean? Of course he’s good for me. He’s the only reason I came back in the first place!”
There’s the sound of someone slurping obnoxiously. Probably Lip drinking his fucking coffee. He always slurps when he drinks coffee. “He’s also the reason you left, so.”
“Fuck off, Lip.”
“Seriously?” Fiona scoffs, faucet squeaking as she shuts off the water, “That’s why you disappeared out of the fucking blue?”
Mickey twists his lips. Debates just turning around and going back to sleep. It’s too fucking early for this shit. 
“I left for a lot of reasons, okay?”
“Ian. Sweetcheeks. I’m just worried about you. We’re all worried about you–”
“Well, maybe everyone should be more worried about you.”
“He’s got a point.”
“Who’s fucking side are you on, Lip?”
“I’m not on anyone’s side. Jesus.” Another obnoxious slurp. “And keep your fucking voices down, you’re gonna wake up the kids.”
“Wouldn’t want that,” Ian snarks, “Liam hasn’t been sleeping very well. Wonder why that is.”
“Ian. Please. I just want what’s best for you.”
“Mickey is what’s best for me.”
“Seriously?” Fiona laughs, and Mickey would probably be more offended if he hadn’t nearly blurted out the same thing.
He swipes at his nose. Shoots a longing glance down the hall behind him, towards his little makeshift nest on the floor made of blankets and pillows that smell like Ian. Shoots a longing glance down the stairs in front of him, towards Ian. He sighs again. Sits on the top step. Tunes back into Fiona’s tirade.
“He’s a thug–”
“–you just got out of jail.”
“He’s a highschool drop-out–”
“–we’re all highschool dropouts.”
“He’s a Milkovich–”
“–oh, because being a Gallagher is so much better?”
“He can barely even stand to touch you–”
“–trust me, he touches me plenty.”
“In private,” Fiona presses, pitching her voice louder over the sound of Lip snorting and nearly choking to death on his coffee. “The moment you guys are around other people he acts like you’re radioactive fucking waste.”
“Jesus, Fi, can you blame him for not wanting people to find out–?”
“But we already know! He knows that we know. And he knows damn well that Gallaghers don’t snitch.”
Mickey gnaws on his lower lip, eagerly awaiting Ian’s snarky comeback. 
It never comes.
“Ian, sweetie,” Fiona says, voice soft again, “I’m just worried you’re getting too attached.”
Say something.
���I’m– Ian, I’m sorry, but I think you're reading signs you hope are there, instead of the signs that actually are there.”
C’mon, Ian, fucking say something.
“I just… don’t think he’s as into you as you're into him.”
Ian finally says something. 
“Yeah,” he says. 
Mickey blinks. His mouth drops open. His brows scrunch together.
“I really am sorry, sweetheart–”
“No, it’s.” There’s the sound of Ian taking in a shuddery breath, followed by a deep sigh. “You might be right.”
Jesus fucking christ. 
Mickey hauls himself up. Stomps down the stairs. Hears Lip mutter ‘oh shit’ before he’s even in view.
By the time Mickey reaches the base of the stairs they’re all looking at him with wide eyes. Lip sitting at the table, Fiona standing by the sink, Ian leaning against the fridge.
“Mickey!” Ian says, voice painfully faux-cheery, “I– um, good morning, when did you wake u–”
“Shut up,” Mikey bites out. He plants himself right in front of Ian. Jabs a finger hard against his chest. “You must be the stupidest goddamn fucker on the planet.”
Ian’s strained smile drops. 
“Hey!” Fiona protests, but Mickey ignores her.
He forcefully reminds himself of what happened the last time he was too much of a fucking coward. Swallows down the nerves dread don’t bubbling up his throat and fizzing through his veins. 
His hands are shaking, just a bit. 
He brings them up, uses one to shove Ian back against the fridge and the other to fist in Ian’s hair, yanks down his head enough so Mickey doesn’t have to go up on his fucking tippytoes like some bitch.
Ian makes this surprised little sound when their lips collide. Which actually works out great, because it gives Mickey the opportunity to shove his tongue into his mouth. 
Mickey can feel the tension seeping out of Ian. That shocked little noise morphs into a deep groan. Ian’s big hands clamp down on Mickey’s hips hard enough to bruise.
“Woah, okay, that is way more than I need to see,” Lip announces, punctuated by the sound of his chair scraping harshly against the floor. “I’m gonna go ahead and finish my coffee somewhere else. Preferably somewhere very far away.”
Mickey grins into the kiss. Relishes in momentary victory. Two down, one to go. 
He pulls back, their lips making a positively indecent sound as they part. Mickey huffs when Ian tries to trail after him. Uses the grip on his hair to keep him at bay.
Mickey turns his head just enough to cock a pointed brow at Fiona. “That enough touching for you? Or should I go all out and bend over the kitchen table for him?”
Ian makes a strangled sound. His hands spasm on Mickey’s hips. He yanks Mickey closer, so Mickey can better appreciate the way he’s grown hard as a rock, the way his dick is pressing perfectly up against Mickey’s own.
Fiona rolls her eyes and throws her hands up in the air in defeat. “Okay, alright, you’ve made your point.” She brushes past them. Pauses just before disappearing up the stairs to look back at them with a solemn, serious expression. Locks eyes with Mickey. “I really, genuinely hope I’m wrong about you.”
Mickey swallows hard. Stares after her as she retreats. 
He hopes so, too.
His grip on Ian tightens, then loosens. Ian seizes the opportunity to surge forward and latch onto Mickey’s neck like a fucking leech. 
“Jesus, firecrotch,” Mickey hisses.
Ian hums. Smears a smile against Mickey’s skin. Nips at Mickey’s ear. “So…” he hedges, grinding their hips together again, “How serous were you about letting me fuck you on the kitchen table?”
Maybe Mickey is a bad influence on Ian afterall. 
send me a number~
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musical-attorney · 2 months
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Strong women in power v.s pathetic men
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notsoattractivearenti · 10 months
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5TH GOAL FOR OUR #11 🤩💥❤️‍🔥
give credits if you repost my gifs at any platform 😊
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bringthekaos · 9 months
Jayvik are the third happiest man in Connecticut meme, except they swap places after Viktor becomes the machine herald.
This made me laugh so goddamn hard. Here, take this groundbreaking edit.
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mitskijamie · 5 months
Jamie Tartt is not a character, he is THE CHARACTER. he's autistic and has a high ACE score, he's babygirl,he's a bitch,he's a mother, he's a child, he's a lover. He's a sinner, he's a saint, HE DOES NOT FEEL ASHAMED.
I have nothing to add to this because you're objectively correct on all counts so here's a jamie for u
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martianbugsbunny · 5 months
feeling way too asexual for allo shit rn
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tani-b-art · 9 days
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A’ja Wilson | *29pts 9rebs 3ast 2blk
*first player in WNBA history to reach 1,000 points in a single regular season
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