#prison of our own making
mental-space-x · 2 months
I think I’m there, I think I’ve reached the stage that I’m doing so much working out that it’s now having a negative impact on my mood. Certainly, I don’t enjoy my cycling workouts anymore but it’ll be significantly reduced by this time next week. Physically my body seems to be coping well with the workouts, far better than I ever give it credit for. My hope for this week was to be able to run 3…
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codacheetah · 23 days
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The start of the Loop segment of the Siffrin & friends twitter QNA, and the message that flipped Loop's answers from silly to dodgy and blatantly upset.
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Loopchat from speaking to Loop 20+ times.
Certified Loop dysphoria post
#isat loop#isat spoilers#i was gonna make a whole semisilly post abt how i think the public perception of loop as 'cunty' is kind of funny#(has bought into it before)#but to be honest it just made me start thinking more abt how loop perceives themself.#loop telling siffrin not to die too early so they have more time to go :( at siffrin's drawing. or well i guess it'd be :#man.#it does....interest me#siffrin seems to not be particularly dysphoric in like a gender sense. expresses interest in body craft but thinks#(You dont mind inhabiting this meat prison for the time being.) as well so#but by becoming a star loop kind of. simultaneously loses the freedom to Change the way they want to. no guarantee bodycraft works on stars#and loses the comfort of inhabiting their own body#congrats on the new body loop! sorry about the dysphoria#for as much as it's fun to poke at loop for being very obvious once you Know#it does. resonate something with me i guess that of all things this is one of the few things that loop isn't very good at deflecting about.#(in the sense of cutting the conversation short before it becomes capital o Obvious they are upset anyways)#i'm aware they were already transgender before becoming a star. but very transgender of you loop#oh! i guess i can say on the topic of cunty loop#it's kind of funny. like im not immune to drawing Cute Loops or making them silly and dramatic and flirty#and i think the thread of Drama they show on top of their not-typically-masculine (ig???) demeanor and flirting with siffrin#makes the perception of them as like. there has to be a better word than cunty but. cunty. somewhat understandable#once more the loop has deceived you. i mean i do think the drama is a little bit real they are a hashtag theater kid#but they have deceived you. you have fallen into their spiderweb of believing they are anything other than the world's most miserable beast#with your help we can crowdfund enough silver coins to buy loop a dysphoria hoodie. if we hit our stretch goal it can have a print on it
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skaifayaheda · 5 months
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The Handmaid's Tale S03e01: Night
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pushing500 · 7 months
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The transport pod crash survivor Purple Shark is volunteering to be food by trying to squeeze between Vasso and Laursen. If he pushes any harder, I'll feed him to Salvatore (the cat).
There's nothing like being compared to a tarpit to get you in the mood, though, amirite??
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Then Randy Random sent a space battle event, which would have been frustrating if this were still The Animist Alliance. Fortunately, the Children of Ecthuctu are a little less charitable and a little more hungry than my last colony.
We did rescue two people, one is a catgirl highmate named Duchess who looked interesting, and one was a man named Carello. A slave caravan came through soon after, though, and Carello's brother happened to be amongst the merchandise, so we sold Carello to them, and now they're reunited. How lovely! We kept Duchess, though. I'm going to try and convert her.
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And then, FINALLY, Charlon Whitestone called to tell us where we can find a ship. We're going to research pemmican and survival meals, then head off and set up a new temporary base a few tiles closer to the ship. We'll inch our way there, no matter how long it takes!
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Here is a helpful map of S-2 Media (the planet) showing the distance from Landfall (our current settlement) to the crashed ship. It's going to be quite a trek!
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boatcats · 11 months
My prayer for the people who've been hurt by systems of oppression and told we deserved it, the people for whom the records of that hurt have been used to deny us opportunities, haunting us like a scarlet letter, is that we find peace in knowing we are worthy and deeply loveable. May we create community and safety for each other.
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linagram · 7 months
[ 𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚊'𝚜 𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛
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and with this, we're finally done with all the second trial's mvs and vds! woooo! this trial surely was. something.
after reina's vd, there's gonna be two post-t2 vds (similar to this trial having two pre-t2 vds), the first one will be jackalope explaining some stuff (and miki finally getting to meet him) and the third guard's full name reveal and the second one will be about everyone's second trial verdicts.
Warnings for Reina's VD: None
Warnings for Reina's MV: None
(sounds of footsteps)
Miki: "It's Himura-san's turn already.."
Miki: "This trial has been so stressful and we also have to judge everyone later.."
Miki: "Wait-"
(footsteps stop)
Miki: ".. Will Eiji-san even be able to judge someone this time?"
Miki: ".. I don't think he will. No, actually, it would be better for his health if he didn't participate in the trial this time."
Miki: "But if he can't vote, then-"
Miki: ...
Miki: .. Hehe..
Miki: W-wait, why am I-
Miki: Why am I.. laughing?
Miki: I should feel sorry for him. I should hope that he gets better.
Miki: .. What has this place done to me?
Miki: Wait, is that-
(sounds of other person's footsteps)
Miki: Huh?..
Miki: W-who's there?!
Miki: "Is it one of the prisoners?.."
???: Calm down, calm down!
???: Here, do you recognize me now?
Miki: .. Are you..
Miki: Hiyuu-san?
Hiyuu: Yeah, that's me.
Hiyuu: Sorry for scaring you like that, haha.
Hiyuu: Well, at least now we finally get to meet each other in person!
Hiyuu: Ah, right, I should probably take this off..
Miki: What-
(sounds of Hiyuu taking his mask off)
Hiyuu: Here we go.
Hiyuu: Wow, breathing sure feels easier now.
Miki: ...
Hiyuu: Hm? Is there something wrong with my face?
Hiyuu: Hold on, let me-
Hiyuu: .. Ahaha, I still have some ice cream left on my face..
Hiyuu: I should wipe it off..
Hiyuu: Wait, do I even have anything to wipe it off with-
(sounds of Hiyuu talking to himself in the background)
Hiyuu: Is everything okay, Miki-san?
Miki: I'M FINE!
Miki: .. Oh my god, sorry, that was so loud, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-
Hiyuu: Don't worry, I just wanted to make sure you're alright, haha.
Hiyuu: I want to help you with interrogating the tenth prisoner, is that okay with you?
Miki: Y-yes, sure! Interrogations can be.. very tiring..
Miki: Ah, but only if you're okay with that-
Miki: H-huh?
(a sound of Hiyuu putting his hand on Miki's head)
Hiyuu: I left my room exactly because I wanted to help you. So of course I'm okay with that.
Miki: O-oh..
Miki: Wait, didn't you say that you can't leave your room?
Hiyuu: Ah, about that..
Hiyuu: That rabbit thing told me I can't leave my room, so I assumed that the door was locked, but when I tried to open it, I didn't have any trouble with it.
Hiyuu: So, uh, I guess he was just messing with me, haha..
Hiyuu: Or maybe I was supposed to interpret his words differently..
Miki: .. Rabbit thing?
Hiyuu: Y-you didn't meet him yet?..
Miki: N-no??
Hiyuu: .. Now I feel awkward.
Hiyuu: Okay, let's go interrogate the tenth prisoner now, haha!~..
Miki: "Oh no, is he going to turn out to be a weird guy too.."
Miki: "But he's still cute.."
Miki: .. You remind me of someone, to be honest.
Hiyuu: Hm? What did you say?
Miki: N-nothing!
Miki: "I'm probably just ovethinking it.. It must be a coincidence.."
Miki: "But they look and act so.. similar.."
Miki: Wait, Hiyuu-san, do you even know how to interrogate prisoners?
Hiyuu: I have watched recordings of your interrogations, so yeah, I know some stuff.
Miki: W-we were being recorded?..
Hiyuu: Of course you were.
Hiyuu: Now, are you ready for the final interrogation? We're already here.
Miki: ...
Miki: *nods*
Hiyuu: Great. Excited to work with you, partner~
(the door opens)
Reina: Ah, there you are-
Reina: Wait, what?
Miki: U-um, Himura-san, Eiji-san had to be replaced, I mean, not exactly replaced, but-
Hiyuu: Hello there. You're Reina-san, right?
Reina: .. (to Miki) I'm assuming you know what's going on here.
Miki: .. I know that better than anyone.
Reina: So, it's my turn now, huh?
Reina: Let's go then, yay..
Miki: *sits down* You don't really sound that enthusiastic, you know?
Reina: Really? Sorry. I got tired of waiting for you, haha..
Miki: .. What happened to you, Himura-san?
Reina: You have to be more specific here, Guard 002-san.
Miki: .. You used to call me "Miki-chan" before.
Reina: Well, I thought we were friends, Guard 002-san. I thought we were gonna get along.
Reina: But I was wrong.  
Hiyuu: .. Did something happen between you two?
Miki: I-I don't think so?
Miki: Himura-san, did I do something wrong? If so, please tell me-
Reina: Oh, I'm gonna tell you.
Reina: Innocent verdict, baby! Woooo!
Reina: *laughs*
Reina: *takes a breath*
Reina: What the hell, Miki-chan. What, do you want me to sing a whole villain song for you or something-
Reina: Oh, wait, you have my video for that.
Reina: Then why was I still forgiven, huh?
Miki: Because..
Miki: Um..
Hiyuu: Because the guards had their own reasons for that. And who exactly are you to question their judgement?
Miki: H-huh?
Reina: Wow, you're a smart guy, aren't you?
Reina: Well, I'm going to start sounding real smart right now too.
Reina: ...
Reina: (her voice sounds more emotionless now) Guard 002-san, what did I tell you last time?
Miki: Y-you mean the serial killer part?
Reina: Exactly. The "serial killer part".
Reina: Now, what are you supposed to do with serial killers?
Miki: .. P-punish-
Reina: That's right. Punish them.
Reina: But I still wasn't punished.
Reina: Would you say that it was a good decision? A wise one? A morally correct one?
Reina: And I have a lot of questions about the guilty prisoners too.
(sounds of Reina standing up and walking around)
Reina: Shun, who is now this close to just breaking Kei and turning him into a mindless puppet.. was voted innocent.
Reina: Akio, who always said that his crime wasn't his fault, obviously trying to shift the blame, but who still mostly was just a nerdy 16 year old obsessed with attention, was voted guilty and now he looks like he can die at any second.
Miki: W-we had our-
Reina: Eiko, who feels no remorse for her crime at all and can easily tell anyone all the details if they just ask, was voted innocent.
Miki: But we-
Reina: And just a reminder, you don't know ANYTHING about Kei's murder, but you still voted him guilty-
Reina: ...
Reina: *sits down*
Hiyuu: I don't think you understand how this whole system works, Reina-san.
Reina: Well, do you understand it then?
Hiyuu: Kind of.
Hiyuu: I was told that we are allowed to judge prisoners based on.. literally anything.
Hiyuu: So if you thought that our decisions have to be nothing but morally correct.. Sorry to disappoint you.
Reina: .. "Literally anything"?
Hiyuu: Yeah. It's possible that someone was forgiven just because one or both guards find them cute or attractive.
Reina: ...
Reina: Haha..
Reina: .. I don't have any energy left for all of this.
Reina: ...
Miki: .. A-are you okay, Himura-san-
Reina: So, I don't sound that enthusiastic anymore, Guard 002-san?
Reina: Well, as you can see, I'm not exactly satisfied with my verdict.
Reina: And I'm gonna be honest, I'm getting tired of the whole "most dangerous prisoner" act myself and I can see that it's not convincing enough.
Reina: So yeah, the show's over.
Hiyuu: Reina-san, do you want to be punished that badly?
Reina: Oh, I wanted it more than anything.
Reina: If I could, I would've just asked you to execute me even before the second trial starts.
Reina: But now..
Reina: It's a bit more complicated than that.
Reina: *laughs* But wow, I can't believe this. We're really letting someone like you judge us.
Reina: What, are you gonna vote me guilty now? Are you gonna vote me guilty because I'm not a "I'm the cutest serial killer ever!" type of girl anymore?
Reina: And I really thought you're going to still like me even after I show you my real self! You're breaking my heart, Miki-chan.
Hiyuu: When you say "It's more complicated than that".. 
Hiyuu: What do you mean by that?
Reina: Oh, right. What I mean by that is..
Reina: I can't let you two..
Reina: Or three?
Reina: Anyway, I can't let you all judge me and the other prisoners.
Reina: I already know what I deserve and what my verdict should be like. Who are you to tell me what to do and who I am?
Miki: W-well, um, we're the guards-
Hiyuu: Hold on, Miki-san.
Hiyuu: Okay, but what will you even do to stop us?
Reina: You know what's really bothering me about this whole situation?
Reina: .. You all aren't even trying to figure out what's going on.
Reina: How can you accept your new reality so easily?
Reina: Or is it because you hated your old reality so much that you were okay with anything?
Miki: ...
Miki: .. A-and what if we did?
Miki: I had my worries about this place. Of course I was afraid at first.
Miki: But now.. It feels like home.
Hiyuu: I don't really hate this place either.
Reina: .. I feel sorry for both of you.
Reina: But fine, whatever, I'm not going to share anything with you then.
Miki: What do you mean by "anything"?
Reina: ..  I have some theories about this place.
Reina: And, um..
Reina: How it works.
Miki: !
Reina: But I doubt that you two are interested, so-
Hiyuu: No, no, I'm curious. Come on, share with us.
Miki: But we don't have much time-
Reina: Well, let's see..
Miki: "Wait, didn't she just say she's not gonna tell us anything?"
Reina: .. So, we have.. what, three guards now? 
Reina: (to Hiyuu) Hey, can you tell me where have you been all this time? Why didn't we get to meet you sooner?
Hiyuu: .. I was asleep.
Reina: And when did you wake up?
Hiyuu: I think it was shortly after the first trial's verdicts were announced? But why?
Reina: .. Three guilty prisoners.
Miki: Huh?
Reina: There was only three guilty prisoners. Guard 001-san was the one who wanted to vote everyone guilty. 
Reina: (to Hiyuu) And you woke up after Guard 001-san had lost that round.
Reina: .. They're just going to keep switching you all until they get bored.
Miki: Who? Who are you talking about??
Reina: No idea.
Reina: I don't even know how many guards they actually have.
Reina: .. I don't even know how many prisoners we actually have.
Miki: .. W-what does that mean, Himura-san?
Reina: Oh, I don't know. 
Reina: Maybe something like..
Reina: .. One of us isn't actually a prisoner?
Miki: Wh-
Reina: Anyway, the clock is ticking, right?
Reina: So, wanna talk about my crime?
Hiyuu: That was a sudden change of topic..
Miki: But Himura-san-
Hiyuu: Miki-san, please, let's talk about Reina-san's crime now.
Hiyuu: .. If we don't, I'm afraid I will end up wasting all my energy soon and I don't want that. I want to be useful to you.
Miki: .. Himura-san, do you have anything to say about your murder?
Reina: I guess I do.
Reina: But I wanna ask, what did you learn about it from my video?
Miki: .. I guess you really were a criminal in a way, but..
Miki: .. We never saw you actually kill anyone.
Reina: .. Haha.
Hiyuu: What's so funny, Reina-san?
Reina: So you haven't seen that part either.. Interesting.
Reina: Hey, but you saw, like, my victim or something?
Miki: .. I guess we did.
Miki: But we didn't see all the details, so we don't know what your victim actually looked like.
Reina: I see..
Reina: He was completely covered in blood, of course, you wouldn't be able to see it, haha..
Miki: .. You were laughing in your video too, Himura-san.
Reina: Really?
Miki: And crying. Both at the same time.
Reina: ...
Reina: Well, how else was I supposed to react after I saw my little brother's corpse?
Reina: H-he came there because of me too, haha.. He always was such an idiot..
Miki: !
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Miki: Himura-san, I'm begging you, please, tell us more!
Hiyuu: Miki-san, time's up. Let's calm down and extract the video-
Miki: .. Your victim was your little brother, Himura-san?
Reina: Haha, what, now you're going to vote me guilty this time?
Reina: You don't want to save me anymore?
Miki: ... 
Miki: *starts crying*
Hiyuu: Miki-san, please, can you take a deep breath for me? Here, again, let's calm down..
Hiyuu: You're shaking.. Let's talk about it later, when we're done with this.
Hiyuu: I already have all the information we need. It was me who interrogated everyone yesterday, remember?
Hiyuu: Also, we're going to watch the video together, so we'll see everything that we have to know-
Miki: .. Himura-san, what are you doing?
(sounds of Reina throwing something and that thing falling on the floor)
Reina: Ugh, didn't work..
Reina: Should've seen this coming.
Hiyuu: .. Reina-san, did you just try to break the video extracting machine?
Reina: Yeah, kinda. More like wanted to see if that thing can even be broken.
Miki: .. You tried to break it with your shoe.
Reina: Yeah. I'm an idiot, just like my brother, haha.
Miki: ...
(sounds of Miki's slow footsteps)
Hiyuu: Miki-san, are you sure you can do this? If you need any help-
Miki: I can. Thank you.
Reina: Well, what's it gonna be this time, everyone's savior?
Miki: .. Prisoner 010, Reina, please, sing your sins.
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[MV Description]
The video starts with little Reina (most likely ten years old), sitting in her room and talking to her toys. Everything is black and white and it looks like an old silent movie. We can't hear Reina's voice, we can only hear the music and how it's slowly becoming more and more repetitive. Reina looks happy at first, but then she starts getting tired and when the music becomes almost unbearable to listen to, she throws all the toys off her bed.
It turns out that it really was a scene from a movie and now someone is interviewing little Reina and she's still smiling and overall looks like a very happy child. 
"Look at me, the little star of the show
Aren't you proud of me? Look at me! I'm such a good girl!
Except I don't feel anything at all
I'm not even proud of myself"
The scene changes and now she's older, she's still being interviewed, but now she looks and acts more like a "problem child": she doesn't want to be there and she makes sure everyone knows it and her parents find her embarrassing.
"Oh no, it looks like your little star has gone wild
She's rude, she's violent, she's going crazy
Except she doesn't feel anything at all
She's not even proud of herself"
Now we can see Reina and her parents going to see her new movie together and when it starts, it has even darker colors than the first one. 
"I keep achieving goals, I keep making accomplishments
But this story isn't going anywhere
Will my character ever change for the better?
No motivation, no backstory, no reason for me to grow"
Reina just sits there with her parents and watches her character kill so many people on screen without showing any signs of regret, but even though Reina looks bored at first, when you look closer, you can see that she's actually.. uncomfortable with that kind of role. 
"Is this who I am? Is this who I'm supposed to be?
The villain of this story was me all along
At least that's what I thought
But it looks like you see me in a different way"
Her parents eventually leave without even watching the full movie, meanwhile Reina stays and sees her character finding a dead body that we can't see clearly, but this is the first time when her character actually looks scared. Reina stands up from her chair, looks like she doesn't remember making that face in that scene. Actually, she's not sure if this movie even had a scene like that, she doesn't remember filming it. 
Reina continues watching the movie and she can see how her character keeps getting more and more emotional and how she yells at one of her "partners in crime" and throws her weapon on the ground. Reina turns around to see all people in the cinema enjoying the movie a lot more now. It looks like they really like the development this character is getting.
"Ah, so that's how it is
Am I a hero in your eyes now?
Have you forgiven me already?
You don't even know anything about me, how can you say those words so easily?"
Reina decides to leave, but before she does that, her character looks right at her and nods. Reina nods back with anger and hatred in her eyes and right when she leaves and closes the door behind her, everything starts to burn. 
The whole cinema is on fire now. Her character sees everyone running and screaming and smiles while trying to hide the dead body from earlier, meanwhile Reina sits on a nearby bench and watches the cinema burn to the ground. 
"So, who will tell this story: me or you?
Will you rewrite everything, will you decide how it ends?
I'm not against that, I just want you to know
You won't be able to forgive me until I forgive myself"
She looks relieved and she sighs while looking at the night sky.
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shadowedvales-a · 10 months
She still sensed it, the universe spinning around with no ending or beginning; the way her blood curdled a horrid gurgle, even if it no longer pumped to her brain. She haunted marble walls on silent feet. The place a fusion of malevolence and beauty, and Jane, despite her hollowed flesh and often unseeing eyes, couldn't help but find a strange sort of enticement within said walls, all perfectly draped and painted. She knew quite little of its happenings, bizarre spirits of muddled eras all sharing one patch of land; although the mind became a hazy thing due to submittance of the final years of her life, she was no fool. Isolated company was merely favoured, a lithe black cat scampering against corners, gaze finding deathly endurances but never remaining long enough to understand reasoning behind vile acts. Sitting, feeling, unthinking.
Where there was rot, there was Jane Ives. Stuck in the jaws of a hellish beast, taker of lives, but leaving the soul to crumble. Oftentimes she wondered what she was actually doing here; inner workings utterly vandalised by a madman's execution for warped world-peace. The toxicity resting in her bloodstream confused old memories, scorched her past-life: all she remembered of her mother entailed a whiff of perfume and a few phrases of a lullaby she used to sing. One day she'll uncover truths, the ugly and pure— but for now, the body only yearns for kindred consideration, perhaps something to call her own. Three decades would rear its date in a handful of months, and a spark had begun to litter in her mind's eye.
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“Yes. I am curious.” The very first time Jane saw Elizabeth, she was positive she had moved to a better destination; swore she bore witness to an angel welcoming her to heaven's palace. (Oh Saint Peter let me in, you must know where I've been! Won't you tell me at last who I am?) Ever quickly, the hand she wished to hold, she realised, was sharp, a creature's claw; fascination did not dwindle but fear ushered the child away. It's clear the woman saw everything happening inside her hotel, including frizzled recollections resurfacing, taunting innocence of youth and marking it for horror. “I remember... things.” Honesty possessed no hesitation, as the words spilled it felt good to speak them aloud. To relieve herself. “There is a block. A... something foggy. It stops me remembering.” Frustration threatened its course, as one might perceive through her jaw tightening, lifeless pallor nearly gaining a flash of colour.
This is your story, written and rewritten, scratched out, burned and buried. “Did I... Was I always... this?” Is it foretold that I haunt the head of a girl graced for much more than her destiny provided? Chin cants, shoulders purposely squared like trying to light a guise of confidence. “Bee - cause I do not think I was always in this place.”
#⅋. [ ✦ ] ﹕ we are all just prisoners here of our own device ‚ american horror story: hotel .#embodies.#okay okay okay i gotta properly write this verse up but!!#in very simple terms: terry dies. brenner is actually a relation of jane (terry's half-brother or a distant kind of sibling relationship.)#so when terry dies jane is sent to live w him. jane is around seven at the time.#brenner is a surgeon who dedicated his life trying to come up with vaccines for diseases such as cancer and polio.#he felt that animal testing didn't give him accurate results.#so as soon as he got custody of jane. she became the subject of his experiments.#he was once a well acclaimed doctor but over the years became obsessed with trying to find cures for these diseases and his methods became#very. very unethical. so he was eventually fired from his job etc etc did his own animal testing.#jane is submitted to a range of testing and grows very weak and frail because of it.#brenner believes he finally makes a breakthrough. but knows it could kill jane and doesn't want any evidence of her left in / near#his house. so he books a room at the hotel (where so much shady shit happens anyway) and conducts his experiment. she does die and#brenner flees the scene. and in doing so makes it look like jane had an overdose. he booked the room under her name too.#he was very prepared for her dying and made it all look really nice and neat. an easy case for any cops to solve.#a ratty. skinny little girl who probably had no chance in life. her oversized clothes / short hair / grubby face indicated homelessness.#so there's not a lot of investigation.#so! yeah. they are the basics <333#if u dont vibe with it though we can totally plot out something together if you like!#also jane doesnt remember much of her past life for the first thirty years or so of being in the hotel! the countless drugs used and#implemented into her body makes her head incredibly fuzzy.#especially because it's how she died. her brain just. stays in that fuzzy mindset for a long time.#but she does eventually begin to remember. it just takes a while!
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chocolatepot · 2 years
I am going to FINISH THIS CHAPTER TONIGHT if I have to stay up until midnight to get it done
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trophygony · 2 years
Fuuta... is so pathetic... the blorbo...
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mental-space-x · 4 days
I've finally bounced back from my abuser's trial
It’s official (well not quite) that the partial renovation of the house next door is complete. There was supposed to be someone coming out to see it on Wednesday but the fog rolled in and I’m guessing that scuppered his chances of getting out. I’m not that concerned, in fact the longer it takes him to sign off on the house the better. I am not looking forward to there being tenants in that house…
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localsuperman · 2 years
The fact we fight injustice facilitates we often work with law enforcement.
We usually compete with criminals that are a degree above what anyone else can.
And when we stop these criminals, when we don't accidentally kill them-- or send them into prison dimensions-- we send them to actual concrete prisons.
Often ones run and maintained by the US government.
And even if we are technically illegal, we are on some level collaborators, endorsed enforcers of law on metahumans.
This is a problem that there is no easy solution for.
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blacklight-shadows · 2 years
Tag Dump! (Characters/Verses)
#Now life goes on/But I’m stuck in December | Writer/Etch#No more golden weather/All war and no surrender | Macaque/Blacklight#I’m either numb/or feel too much/and there is no in between | musings#So I close my eyes/and lose myself/not doing like it’s only today | ship musings#We gotta party for a lifetime/and we don’t care about the bad nights/and for a second I can feel like this | Blacklight Shadows#successor of my beloved’s/you’ll be strong/just give it time | goldenpathtotheheavens/Monkie Kid#Descendant of the dragon/ring of fire without end/daughter of fire/of ash/of ends | goldenpathtotheheavens/Mei#Successor of the shadows/inner darkness never fathomed/friend from another time/chaos forever on the mind | goldenpathtotheheavens/Mike#I’ll do better (this I swear)/so you never have reason to fear | goldenpathtotheheavens/Guanyin/Lotus#I’m gonna live loud/until there’s no breath left in me/I’m gonna live through hell/so I’m left with no regrets | Sun Wukong/Glow#These scars won’t define you/rise above the Hell that made you | sharpshooternomoremoxxie/Moxxie Devoe#break the chains/prisoner no more/we’re on our own/what could the future have in store? | Mainverse#pull a story from the stack/just make sure it doesn’t crack | Unspecified Verse#haven’t we made it obvious?/we’re not going away without a fight | Season Three Verse#An eye for an eye/window to the soul trapped inside | Soulmates Verse#I know some people/they would die for me/we run together/they’re my family | goldenpathtotheheavens#Follow me/take my hand/sailing the same course/wild and free/waves and sand/what’re we waiting for? | Neon Shadows and Arcade Lightshows
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I am being so normal writing about Gojo having two lesbian mums he could have had if only his birth wasnt felt by like all socerers in the country (i feel the need to specify its in my fic not canon lol, as much as i love to spread misinformation)
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juney-blues · 9 days
other trans women can put it better than me but there's this, tension, between "radical genderpunk you can be whatever you want forever-ness" and "trans woman as politicised identity"
one views any engagement with your assigned gender at birth as like, being trapped in a prison of your own making,? as using the tools of the enemy or whatever. and the other is "yes my assigned gender is a prison, it is a prison the outside world is constantly enforcing on me and i would like to be able to talk about that a little thanks"
so you get this tension, where one side (made up of predominantly people who aren't trans women) says "the ideal world is one in which you can be whatever the fuck you want forever! so call yourself anything you want as long as it makes you happy, you can be an afab trans woman if you want it's all made up :)" and the other side says "hey hi yes i broadly agree with you on the whole ultimate gender liberation front, but we do not live in an ideal world and transfemininity is uniquely demonized even as far as trans identities in general go, so i would appreciate it if maybe you didn't act like our identity and oppression was something made up that you could just put on and take off whenever you like? we sure as fuck can't do that."
and then the other side goes "hey all these trans women are invalidating us! why are they gatekeeping and being so exclusive! assigned gender at birth shouldn't matter so why are you acting like it does!?"
and they say this while we live in a society where your assigned gender at birth very much does matter, and if you're a trans woman it is borderline impossible to escape that.
it's like an is-ought problem where since we're not acting like we already live in a gender utopia where one's relationship with assigned sex and gender is completely arbitrary, we're treated like the enforcers of the gender binary.
this is where you get stupid bullshit like people calling trans women radfems
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elhopper1sm · 5 months
Unpopular opinion but the reason being a teenager sucks is less to do with hormones and social cliques and more to do with the fact adults fucking hate teenagers. The fact that adults expect teenagers to be able to take on adult responsibilities yet don't deserve rights of an adult. They don't see teenagers as human beings and they aren't prepared to see kids with their own formed identities and humanity. Teenagers are so sexualized and seen as needing to take on more and more adult responsibilities. Yet when they want rights and humanity they are denied. The years your brain spends wanting nothing more than to form an identity are being taken away from you. Teenagers are essentially being kicked out of social spaces unless they have an extra 40 dollars lying around anytime they want to go out. Teenagers being kicked out of the mall just for existing or groomed into the school to prison pipeline. And now creating legislation to keep them off the Internet. Our society hates teenagers. And does everything we can to hurt them. The fact that anyone makes it out of their teenage years without trauma is a fucking miracle frankly.
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thepurplesombrero · 11 months
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