#primary progressive multiple sclerosis
queerlyloud · 3 months
Yall, medical trauma is wild as hell. My PCP asked me the basic MS diagnostic questions at our appointment on Thursday after I told her about the pain in my spine that woke me up out of a sleep induced by tizanidine AND meclizine. Like I should have been dead to the world for 8-10 hours, but the pain was so bad it woke me from that heavy a sleep and was so intense that I was in too much shock to move for more than 2 minutes after I woke up. Literally paralyzed by the pain.
Anyway, I told her about that and about how even though I told the neurologist I was referred to that, he only had an MRI done on my head, neck, and upper vertebrae , with absolutely none done of my middle or lower spine, despite those being my primary pain centers. So my PCP immediately booked me for x-rays of my spine so that a full spine MRI would be approved by my shitty work insurance.
I have every single symptom of PPMS, all I need is for an MRI to catch lesions on my spine so they can do the tap and identify the inflammation in my spine that shows up in every single blood work I've had done in the past 5 years.
I might finally get my diagnosis.
But instead of being excited and happy, my brain is instead choosing to have me pre-experience the depression I will feel if they don't spot any lesions on the MRI.
Fml 🙃
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caregiversherry · 1 year
Josh (my husband) started using a walker recently. Before that he was using a cane. Our 10 year anniversary was this past weekend and we had pictures taken in NYC in front of a horse and carriage. Josh posted a picture with his walker in it for the first time on Facebook and an acquaintance of his commented something that needs to be discussed. He said that Josh needs to stop selling himself short by using assistance to walk and that he’s stronger than that. This is not only ignorant but hurtful. No one knows what someone else is going through and not everyone with MS has the same level of symptoms. It is not safe for him personally to walk without assistance, such as a cane or walker at this point due to falls and extremely poor balance. I could definitely go on forever about MS awareness but in a nutshell, no two people are alike. Don’t tell someone who is trying to better their quality of life to stop selling themself short. In fact, maybe ask why they’re using it instead if you (clearly) don’t know.
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chronicallyuniconic · 2 months
that's the thing about primary progressive multiple sclerosis
it doesn't get better
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twwpress · 6 months
Weekly Press Briefing #93: March 31st - April 6th
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers everything posted from March 31 - April 6, 2024. Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing!
There are no open challenges or events on our radar this week. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 1, Episode 18: Six Meetings Before Lunch aired on April 5, 2000.
Season 2, Episode 18: 17 People aired on April 4, 2001.
Season 3, Episode 17: Stirred aired on April 3, 2002.
Season 4, Episode 19: Angel Maintenance aired on April 2, 2003.
Season 5, Episode 18: Access aired on March 31, 2004.
Season 6, Episode 22: 2162 Votes aired on April 6, 2005.
Here’s what was posted from March 31 – April 6:
Allison Janney posted a still from this week’s Palm Royale episode. 
Allison Janney posted a video of herself dancing on the set of Palm Royale, along with a shout out to her hairstylist. 
Janel Moloney posted a photo of the Fortnite-themed Durr Burgers she made for her sons. 
Josh Malina posted screenshots of his wedding gift to another Josh Malina. Josh Malina posted a photo of himself impersonating Bart Simpson. 
Peter James Smith posted photos from rehearsal for his upcoming play, Nora, which previews April 21. 
Rob Lowe posted a photo of his dogs looking at the ocean. 
Donna Moss Daily: March 31 | April 1 | April 2 | April 3 | April 4 | April 5 | April 6
Daily Josh Lyman: March 31 | April 1 | April 2 | April 3 | April 4 | April 5 | April 6
No Context BWhit: March 31 | April 1 | April 2 | April 3 | April 4 | April 5 | April 6 
@twwarchive: April 1 | April 2 | April 3 | April 4 | April 6
@twwgifs: April 2
Editors’ Choice: 
Here are a few fics based on or featuring points from episodes that had airdate anniversaries this week. Be sure to share your favorites with us, too!
Four Days by TheBreakfastGenie | Rated G | Josh Lyman & Toby Ziegler (No Pairings Listed) | Complete | After the president tells Josh he has multiple sclerosis, Toby is waiting in his office. Josh and Toby talk about re-election, loyalty, and a few other things. Five Minutes and the Future by glassessay | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | “I don’t want to be angry about it anymore,” he says. “I’m tired, Donna. I just want my best friend back.” “Sam’s in California,” she says. “Did you not hear the capital letters? Capital B capital F Best Friend, Donna, I’m talking little matching charms on our bracelets—" “I’m tired too,” she blurts out. “It’s been a long primary.” It’s less than an hour before what’s likely the last speech of the Santos campaign, and Josh has an apology he needs to make. all I need’s a whisper in a world that only shouts by Luppiters | Rated M | Danny Concannon/C.J. Cregg | In Progress | Drabbles and ficlets inspired by requests, prompts, and just about anything, written over the years. Mostly C.J./Danny, together and apart. The Jackal, a Brief History by aronos_zitro | Rated G | Andrea Wyatt/Toby Ziegler | Complete | Have you ever wondered how The Jackal became a "thing" for CJ and the staff? Here's a brief history of how we came to have this timeless scene from "Six Meetings Before Lunch" (S01E18). Oneshot.
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. 
this is the wonder (that's keeping the stars apart) by joshatella (shuuuliet) | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
The Theory of Entropy by Jane_3yr3 | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
A Year In the Life by Proportional Response | Not Rated | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
In Plain Sight by JediAnnieScrambler | Rated M | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete
Other Pairings/Gen Fic
Sam Seaborn is Interviewed by Hackney123 | Rated G | No Pairings Listed | Complete
Regarding Jamie: Sound and Fury by mlea7675 | Rated G | Helen Santos/Matt Santos | In Progress
Allergies by shecouldnotcomeupwithaname | Rated G | C. J. Cregg/Kate Harper | Complete
i could be your (crush crush crush) by taliamytaliae | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn | Complete
EAD2021: Fight for All by hellbells (NCIS crossover) | Rated T | Anthony DiNozzo/Sam Seaborn | In Progress
We had a deal by Labda | Not Rated | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | In Progress
Helen Visits Wisconsin by Hackney123 | Not Rated | Donna Moss/Helen Santos | Complete
Twitter: @twwpress Email: [email protected]
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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DAILY DOSE: Saudi universities exposed for paying-off top scientists to steal some shine; Endangered Sumatran rhino born in captivity.
STEM CELL THERAPY FOR MS. A recent early-stage trial has shown promising results for a new stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis (MS). In this trial, neural stem cells were injected into the brains of 15 patients with secondary progressive MS, a more advanced stage of the disease where few treatments are effective. The primary aim was to assess safety, and the results were encouraging,…
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darlingdollhousevn · 2 years
If it's not too much of a spoiler, what chronic neurological illness does Lowell have? (Unless it's already posted somewhere and I just didn't notice, in which case my bad)
The conditions he has themselves are not spoilers! Lowell's primary diagnoses are Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis that is starting to progress more rapidly. He also suffers from gastroparesis, which makes it incredibly difficult for him to eat properly, a thyroid disorder, and he was just diagnosed with the beginning stages of rheumatoid arthritis at the onset of the game.
Lowell has been ill since he was a child, but he grew up in a neglectful household so he didn't recieve necessary medical care, and he both went to culinary school and now works as a commercial baker. He was essentially able to push past a lot of his symptoms to appear able bodied and has worked well past his limits for a long time, at massive detriment to his body- he's starting to feel the effects of his conditions acutely, and his ability to maintain his job and live a relatively normal life are declining rapidly.
I'm sparing the gorey details of how his conditions effect him in the two milder routes, but they will be playing a large part in the croquembouche route.
Lowell's feelings of losing control within his own body highly inform his character and his actions, and are drawn in large part by my own struggle with chronic and progressive disabilities- we don't share all of our diagnoses, but Lowell does have a few conditions that I myself suffer from.
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Hey there! I’m Angie and this is a blog for pretty much things I’m into and about my life and living with chronic auto-immune illnesses.
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- so, what are these chronic immune issues you have then? -
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I never thought you’d ask!
1. Hashimotos Disease :
- hashimotos disease is a thyroid disorder. It’s where your thyroid fluctuates between over and under active!
- the interesting thing about the thyroid is that it is the house for several of your hormones. The main hormones it hold is your body’s metabolism. It also plays a role in controlling your heart, muscle and digestive function, brain development, and bone management.
- my experience with the beginnings of my thyroid issues. In the beginning I would fall asleep at random moments, have extreme outbursts emotionally, and weigh gain.
- no cure, managed medically
2. Type 1 Diabetes :
- type 1 diabetes is very different than type 2 diabetes. T1D (Type 1 diabetes) affects your pancreas and insulin production. With T1D your pancreas produces little to no insulin on its own. T2D you either don’t produce enough insulin or you are insulin resistant.
- T1D is usually diagnosed in adolescent years as T2D is usually diagnosed in your adult years.
- I was diagnosed with T1D when I was 16 years old. As time went on and my pancreas basically gave up on producing insulin to where I had to become dependent on an insulin pump. I am basically a cyborg because I have a robotic pancreas that gives me insulin all day long to keep my blood sugars within a normal range.
- no cure, managed medically
3. Multiple Sclerosis :
- multiple sclerosis is where your immune system decides the nerves on your brain are attacking and therefore your immune system attacks the nerves on your brain breaking down the myelin coating protecting the nerves causing so many shitty symptoms.
- because the immune system is attacking the myelin, it affects your entire body because the nerve damage disrupts the communication between your brain and your body.
- there are several different levels of disability when it comes to MS (multiple sclerosis):
> CIS : Clinically Isolated Syndrome
The first episode of MS caused by inflammation and damage to the myelin. CIS doesn’t meet the requirements for an MS diagnosis
> RRMS : Relapsing-Remitting MS
It generally follows a predictable pattern where symptoms worsen and then improve. You have relapsing periods of “flare ups” and then you have a period of remission (no symptoms). Remission can last days to decade depending on MS drug management
> SPMS : Secondary Progressive MS
SPMS is the progression of RRMS. It is much more aggressive. They may have small lapses of remission but the disease and damage is noticeable and continues on worsen
> PPMS : Primary Progressive MS
A very uncommon diagnoses of MS. It affects around 10% - 15% of people after the diagnosis of SPMS. It is a slow and steady progression of MS with no remission periods.
- my experience with MS caused issues with my vision first. My left eye was blurry and lights were really bright. It was called optic neuritis due to MS. As it progressed I had trouble walking and would have to use a cam for balance reasons due to falling.
-no cure, managed medically
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Oof. That’s a lot of bullshit, huh?
Luck for me I can manage my auto-immune issues with medications, physical therapy, medical devices, and chemotherapy.
If you have any questions about any of my issues, feel free to reach out!
If you’re just like me, I would love to connect!
Now that you know more about me, I would love to know more about you! Especially if you made it this far in this long ass post!
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wrenrosewood · 22 hours
Here’s a thing I wrote.
From the age 13 I wanted to die
When I was 19 I tried to
I lived
I was 20 when my body started to shut down
So slowly I barely noticed
I didn’t want to live anyway
I was 21 when for the first time since I was 13 I wanted to be alive
But my body was still deteriorating
I sought help from doctors
They blamed the depression
One day after my 23 birthday I received the diagnosis.
Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
It would only get worse - the medications would only help to slow it down
I thought it ironic
For the first time I wanted to live but my body was shutting itself down
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jerryjhon · 8 days
Joint Efforts Chiropractor and Neuro Physiotherapy Clinic
In the evolving landscape of health and rehabilitation, the partnership between Joint Efforts Chiropractor and Neuro Physiotherapy Clinic represents a groundbreaking approach to treating both musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. This fusion of expertise underscores how a collaborative model can significantly enhance patient care and recovery.
Distinct Roles: Chiropractors vs. Neuro Physiotherapists
Chiropractors are dedicated to diagnosing and addressing musculoskeletal issues, with a special focus on spinal health and its impact on the nervous system. Their primary method involves spinal adjustments aimed at alleviating pain, correcting misalignments, and supporting the body's innate healing mechanisms. Chiropractors also offer guidance on lifestyle changes to bolster long-term health.
Conversely, neuro physiotherapists specialize in the rehabilitation of neurological disorders, focusing on conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries. Their approach involves customized exercise regimens, motor function training, and activities designed to improve strength, coordination, and overall mobility.
The Advantages of a Unified Approach
Combining the strengths of chiropractic care with neuro physiotherapy delivers numerous benefits, including:
Holistic Evaluation and Treatment: A joint approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s condition, incorporating insights from both chiropractic and neuro physiotherapy perspectives. This integrated assessment facilitates the creation of a multifaceted treatment plan that addresses a wide range of issues.
Enhanced Pain Relief: Chiropractic adjustments can relieve musculoskeletal pain and correct spinal issues, while neuro physiotherapy targets the neurological factors contributing to discomfort. Together, these methods offer a more effective solution for managing and reducing pain.
Optimized Functional Improvement: When both disciplines work in tandem, patients often see greater progress in their functional abilities. For example, a patient recovering from a neurological event might benefit from chiropractic care to improve spinal alignment, while neuro physiotherapy focuses on regaining motor skills and mobility.
Proactive and Long-Term Care: Regular chiropractic visits can help maintain spinal health and prevent potential issues, while neuro physiotherapy provides ongoing support for neurological functions. This combined approach helps mitigate future complications and supports sustained well-being.
Real-World Example: A Synergistic Treatment Approach
Imagine a patient who has sustained a spinal cord injury. Neuro physiotherapy would initially concentrate on improving muscle strength and motor function, while chiropractic adjustments could address any spinal misalignments that might impede progress. This integrative strategy enhances the overall recovery process and maximizes the patient’s functional abilities.
In Summary
The collaboration between chiropractors and neuro physiotherapy clinics exemplifies a progressive model of patient care. By blending their specialized skills, these professionals offer a comprehensive treatment approach that effectively addresses both musculoskeletal and neurological needs. For patients, this means a more thorough and effective path to recovery, promoting optimal health and functionality.
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The State of the Medical Marijuana Market: Projections for 2024-2030
The medical marijuana market is experiencing an impressive growth trajectory, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.81% from 2024 to 2032. The market, valued at USD 16.68 billion in 2023, is expected to reach an estimated USD 98.47 billion by 2032, reflecting a substantial expansion driven by increasing acceptance and advancements in medical research.
Medical marijuana, derived from cannabis plants, has garnered substantial attention for its potential therapeutic benefits. Its applications span a variety of medical conditions, including chronic pain, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and cancer-related symptoms. The growing body of clinical research supporting its efficacy, coupled with evolving legal frameworks and increasing patient demand, is fueling the robust growth of this market.
Key Drivers of Market Growth
One of the primary drivers of the medical marijuana market’s growth is the expanding body of research that underscores its medical benefits. Clinical studies have increasingly demonstrated the effectiveness of medical marijuana in managing chronic pain, reducing inflammation, and alleviating symptoms of several serious health conditions. This growing body of evidence is encouraging healthcare professionals to consider medical marijuana as a viable treatment option.
Additionally, the evolving legal landscape is significantly contributing to market growth. More countries and states are revising their regulations to allow the medical use of cannabis, which is expanding market access and increasing patient adoption. As legal barriers continue to diminish, the market is witnessing a surge in investments from pharmaceutical companies and increased availability of medical marijuana products.
Another crucial factor is the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and mental health disorders. With an aging global population and increasing incidence of conditions such as cancer, neurological disorders, and chronic pain, there is a growing demand for effective treatment options. Medical marijuana is emerging as a promising alternative to traditional treatments, further driving market expansion.
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Technological and Research Advancements
Technological advancements in cultivation and extraction processes are also playing a significant role in market growth. Innovations in growing techniques, such as indoor and hydroponic farming, have improved the quality and yield of medical marijuana. Furthermore, advancements in extraction methods have led to the development of more potent and targeted medical marijuana products, enhancing their therapeutic efficacy.
Research into the medicinal properties of different cannabinoids and terpenes is continuously expanding, leading to the development of novel formulations and treatment options. This ongoing research is expected to contribute to the market’s growth by providing new and more effective medical marijuana products.
Regional Insights
The medical marijuana market is experiencing varied growth across different regions. North America, particularly the United States and Canada, is a leading market due to the progressive legalization and high adoption rates of medical marijuana. In the U.S., a growing number of states are legalizing medical marijuana, and there is increasing acceptance among healthcare professionals and patients.
The European market is also expanding, driven by regulatory changes and increasing awareness of the medical benefits of cannabis. Countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom are at the forefront of this growth, with ongoing efforts to standardize and regulate medical cannabis use.
Emerging markets in Latin America and Asia-Pacific are expected to witness significant growth as legal frameworks evolve and medical marijuana becomes more widely accepted. Increasing investments in healthcare infrastructure and research in these regions are likely to drive market expansion further.
Future Outlook
As the medical marijuana market continues to evolve, it is poised for remarkable growth. With a projected valuation of USD 98.47 billion by 2032, driven by advancements in research, changing legal landscapes, and increasing patient demand, the market is set to become a major segment within the global healthcare industry. The continued focus on research and development, coupled with favorable regulatory changes, will likely sustain this growth trajectory and transform the future of medical treatment.
In summary, the medical marijuana market is on a robust growth path, with an anticipated CAGR of 21.81% over the forecast period. From its 2023 valuation of USD 16.68 billion, the market is set to reach USD 98.47 billion by 2032, reflecting a significant shift in the acceptance and use of medical cannabis worldwide.
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infoblogify · 11 days
Unlocking Potential: Neurological Rehabilitation in Woodbridge, NJ with Health and Fitness Professionals
In the realm of recovery and rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation stands out as a beacon of hope for those affected by debilitating conditions. At Health and Fitness Professionals in Woodbridge, NJ, we specialize in providing comprehensive neurological rehabilitation services designed to empower individuals and enhance their quality of life. Understanding the significance of neuro rehab, the conditions it addresses, and the personalized care we offer can help you or your loved one embark on a transformative journey towards recovery.
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The Significance of Neurological Rehabilitation
Neurological rehabilitation, often referred to as neuro rehab, is a specialized therapeutic process aimed at helping individuals recover from nervous system injuries and disorders. This type of rehabilitation is pivotal for patients who have experienced traumatic brain injuries, strokes, spinal cord injuries, or suffer from neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, or cerebral palsy.
The primary goal of Neurological rehabilitation Woodbridge NJ is to restore function, improve physical and cognitive abilities, and enhance the overall quality of life. By focusing on the unique needs of each patient, neuro rehab offers a tailored approach that addresses both the physical and psychological challenges that accompany neurological conditions.
Conditions Addressed by Neurological Rehabilitation
At Health and Fitness Professionals, our neurological rehabilitation services cater to a wide array of conditions, including:
Stroke Recovery: Strokes can lead to significant impairments in movement, speech, and cognition. Our neuro rehab programs focus on regaining lost skills, improving mobility, and enhancing communication abilities.
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): TBIs can cause long-term physical and cognitive deficits. Through personalized therapy, we aim to maximize independence and quality of life.
Spinal Cord Injuries: These injuries can result in partial or complete paralysis. Our rehabilitation strategies are designed to improve strength, mobility, and adaptive skills.
Neurological Disorders: Conditions like Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and others can benefit from neuro rehab by managing symptoms and improving daily function.
Pediatric Neurological Conditions: We also offer specialized programs for children with cerebral palsy and other developmental disorders, focusing on improving motor skills and enhancing life quality.
The Role of Health and Fitness Professionals
At Health and Fitness Professionals in Woodbridge, NJ, our approach to neurological rehabilitation is rooted in compassion, expertise, and innovation. Our team of skilled therapists includes physical, occupational, and speech therapists who work collaboratively to design individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs and goals.
Comprehensive Assessment: We begin with a thorough evaluation to understand the specific challenges and strengths of each patient. This assessment forms the foundation of a customized rehabilitation plan that evolves as the patient progresses.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Our neuro rehab programs are designed to address the physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects of recovery. Treatment plans often include exercises to improve strength and coordination, cognitive training, speech therapy, and activities of daily living (ADL) training.
Advanced Techniques and Equipment: We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and the latest therapeutic techniques to enhance recovery outcomes. This includes balance training tools, gait analysis systems, and cognitive rehabilitation software.
Family and Caregiver Support: Recognizing the importance of a supportive environment, we involve family members and caregivers in the rehabilitation process. This ensures a holistic approach to care and facilitates better outcomes.
Benefits of Neurological Rehabilitation
The benefits of neurological rehabilitation extend beyond physical recovery. At Health and Fitness Professionals, our neuro rehab services are designed to improve overall well-being and empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives. Key benefits include:
Improved Mobility and Function: Through targeted exercises and therapies, patients often regain strength, balance, and coordination, enabling them to perform everyday activities more independently.
Enhanced Cognitive Abilities: Neuro rehab can significantly improve cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills, crucial for daily living and social interactions.
Emotional and Psychological Support: Addressing the emotional challenges of neurological conditions is vital. Our therapists provide support and guidance to help patients build resilience and confidence.
Increased Independence: By restoring essential skills and promoting adaptive strategies, neuro rehab helps patients achieve greater self-sufficiency and independence.
Overall Quality of Life: The comprehensive support and care provided during neuro rehab contribute to a better quality of life, enabling patients to engage more fully in social, recreational, and occupational activities.
Embark on Your Recovery Journey with Us
At Health and Fitness Professionals, we are dedicated to providing exceptional neurological rehabilitation services in Woodbridge, NJ. Our mission is to empower individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their fullest potential. If you or a loved one is in need of neurological rehabilitation, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Let us be your partner in recovery, helping you unlocks new possibilities and live life to the fullest.
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Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell Therapy: A Revolutionary Approach to Healing and Regeneration
Bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy is rapidly gaining traction as a groundbreaking treatment option for various medical conditions. These stem cells, harvested from the Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cell Therapy, possess the unique ability to transform into different types of cells and promote the body’s natural healing processes. This innovative therapy has shown great promise in treating a variety of diseases, including degenerative conditions, immune system disorders, and traumatic injuries.
What Are Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells?
Bone marrow is the soft, spongy tissue found inside bones, particularly in the hip and thigh bones. It is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). HSCs are responsible for producing blood cells, while MSCs can differentiate into a variety of tissues, such as bone, cartilage, and fat. Both types of stem cells play a crucial role in regenerative medicine, offering potential treatments for conditions that were once thought incurable.
How Does Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell Therapy Work?
In bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy, stem cells are extracted from the patient’s bone marrow, typically through a minimally invasive procedure. Once harvested, the stem cells are processed and then reintroduced into the patient's body, often at the site of injury or disease. These stem cells have the remarkable ability to target damaged tissues, reduce inflammation, and facilitate tissue regeneration. The therapy works by promoting natural healing processes that improve the body’s overall function.
Applications of Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell Therapy
Orthopedic Conditions Bone marrow-derived stem cells are widely used to treat orthopedic conditions such as osteoarthritis, ligament injuries, and tendon damage. For patients seeking alternatives to joint replacement surgeries or prolonged recovery times, stem cell therapy offers a less invasive solution with faster recovery times and fewer risks.
Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases In autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis, the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. Stem cell therapy helps reset the immune response, reducing inflammation and slowing disease progression.
Neurological Disorders There is growing evidence that bone marrow-derived stem cells can aid in the treatment of neurological conditions such as spinal cord injuries, stroke, and even neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The stem cells promote neural repair and protect neurons from further damage.
Cardiovascular Health Stem cell therapy has been studied for its potential to repair damaged heart tissues after heart attacks, improving cardiac function and reducing the risk of future cardiovascular events.
Wound Healing Chronic wounds, especially those associated with diabetes, can benefit from stem cell therapy. The regenerative properties of stem cells promote tissue repair and accelerate wound healing.
Advantages of Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell Therapy
One of the primary advantages of bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy is that it uses the patient’s own cells, minimizing the risk of rejection and complications. It also offers a less invasive alternative to surgical interventions, with shorter recovery times and fewer side effects. Moreover, stem cell therapy addresses the root cause of many conditions by promoting tissue regeneration rather than just treating symptoms.
Challenges and Future Directions
Despite its potential, bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy is still in its early stages of development. Research is ongoing to optimize cell extraction, delivery, and efficacy. Regulatory approval and clinical studies are necessary to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these treatments on a wider scale. However, as technology and medical understanding evolve, the use of bone marrow-derived stem cells is expected to expand, opening new doors in regenerative medicine.
For more info:-
Ozone Therapy for Arthritis
Eswt for Achilles Tendonitis
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lcacommunuty · 22 days
A Comprehensive Overview of Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis
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Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis are two pivotal medical procedures that play a significant role in managing and treating a wide array of health conditions. Both techniques, while distinct in their mechanisms and applications, are essential in modern medicine. Understanding these procedures' intricacies is crucial for patients and healthcare professionals to ensure optimal outcomes.
Understanding Therapeutic Apheresis
What is Therapeutic Apheresis?
Therapeutic Apheresis is a sophisticated medical procedure that involves the removal of blood from the patient, the separation of specific components, and the subsequent return of the remaining blood to the patient. The primary goal of this procedure is to remove harmful substances from the blood, such as abnormal cells, proteins, or antibodies, thereby alleviating symptoms and improving the patient’s health.
Therapeutic Apheresis is used in a variety of clinical settings, ranging from the treatment of autoimmune diseases to the management of metabolic disorders. This procedure is versatile and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the patient, making it an invaluable tool in the therapeutic arsenal.
Types of Therapeutic Apheresis
There are several types of Therapeutic Apheresis, each designed to target different components of the blood:
Plasmapheresis: This type involves the removal of plasma from the blood, which is then replaced with a plasma substitute or a saline-albumin solution. It is commonly used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, where it helps remove harmful antibodies from the circulation.
Leukapheresis: This procedure targets white blood cells, particularly in patients with leukemia or other conditions that result in an elevated white blood cell count. By reducing the number of leukocytes, leukapheresis helps to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications.
Plateletpheresis: In cases where a patient has an excessive number of platelets or where platelet donation is needed, plateletpheresis is used to selectively remove or collect platelets from the blood.
Erythrocytapheresis: This type of apheresis focuses on the removal of red blood cells. It is particularly useful in treating conditions like sickle cell disease, where removing defective red blood cells can help prevent crises and other complications.
Lipid Apheresis: Used primarily in patients with severe hyperlipidemia, lipid apheresis removes lipoproteins from the blood, significantly lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular events.
Clinical Applications of Therapeutic Apheresis
Therapeutic Apheresis is used in a broad spectrum of medical conditions. Some of the most common applications include:
Autoimmune Diseases: In conditions like Guillain-Barré syndrome, myasthenia gravis, and systemic lupus erythematosus, therapeutic apheresis helps to remove autoantibodies from the blood, thereby reducing the autoimmune attack on the body’s own tissues.
Neurological Disorders: Therapeutic Apheresis is also used in the treatment of neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, where it helps to manage flare-ups and slow disease progression by removing harmful antibodies.
Blood Disorders: Conditions such as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and sickle cell disease benefit from therapeutic apheresis, as the procedure helps to remove abnormal blood components that contribute to disease symptoms.
Metabolic Disorders: In familial hypercholesterolemia, a genetic disorder characterized by extremely high cholesterol levels, lipid apheresis is a life-saving procedure that helps to manage cholesterol levels when conventional therapies fail.
Dialysis: A Lifeline for Renal Failure Patients
What is Dialysis?
Dialysis is a medical procedure that serves as an artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with renal failure. When the kidneys fail to perform their vital role of filtering waste products and excess fluids from the blood, dialysis steps in to take over this critical function, ensuring that the body’s internal environment remains stable.
There are two primary types of dialysis: Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis. Each type has its unique advantages and is selected based on the patient’s medical condition, lifestyle, and personal preference.
Hemodialysis is the most common form of dialysis. During this procedure, the patient’s blood is circulated outside the body through a machine called a dialyzer, also known as an artificial kidney. The dialyzer filters waste products, excess salts, and fluids from the blood, which is then returned to the patient’s body.
Hemodialysis is typically performed in a hospital or dialysis center, although home dialysis is also an option for some patients. The procedure usually takes about four hours and is performed three times a week. Hemodialysis is effective in managing the symptoms of kidney failure, but it requires a significant time commitment and lifestyle adjustments.
Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal Dialysis is another form of dialysis that uses the patient’s peritoneum, a membrane that lines the abdominal cavity, as the filter. A sterile solution called dialysate is introduced into the abdominal cavity through a catheter, where it absorbs waste products and excess fluids from the blood. After a set dwell time, the dialysate is drained and replaced with fresh solution.
Peritoneal Dialysis offers greater flexibility and can be performed at home or at work, making it a more convenient option for some patients. There are two main types of peritoneal dialysis: Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD), which is done manually throughout the day, and Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD), which is typically done at night using a machine.
Comparing Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis
While Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis are both blood-filtering procedures, they serve different purposes and are used in distinct medical contexts. Therapeutic Apheresis is primarily used to treat conditions related to abnormal blood components, whereas dialysis is used to replace the filtration function of failed kidneys.
Therapeutic Apheresis is often employed in short-term, targeted treatments, whereas Dialysis is a long-term, ongoing therapy for patients with chronic kidney disease. Despite their differences, both procedures share a common goal: to improve patient outcomes by removing harmful substances from the blood.
The Role of Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis in Modern Medicine
In the landscape of modern medicine, Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis represent two of the most critical procedures for managing complex and life-threatening conditions. Their ability to selectively remove harmful substances from the blood and support vital bodily functions underscores their importance in patient care.
Therapeutic Apheresis is a cornerstone in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, blood disorders, and metabolic conditions, offering targeted therapy that directly addresses the underlying causes of disease. On the other hand, Dialysis provides a lifeline for patients with kidney failure, ensuring that they can maintain a stable internal environment despite the loss of kidney function.
Understanding the complexities of Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis is crucial for patients and healthcare providers alike. These procedures offer life-saving interventions for various medical conditions, each playing a unique role in patient care. As medical technology advances, the efficacy and accessibility of these procedures will continue to improve, providing new hope for patients with chronic and acute conditions alike.
In the ongoing evolution of healthcare, Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis remain at the forefront, offering powerful tools to combat disease and improve quality of life.
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The Neurodegenerative Disease market is projected to grow from USD 51,995 million in 2024 to USD 88,009.91 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%.Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), are chronic, progressive conditions characterized by the deterioration of neurons in the brain and spinal cord. These diseases significantly impair cognitive and motor functions, leading to severe disabilities and a reduced quality of life. The neurodegenerative disease market has gained substantial attention in recent years due to the increasing prevalence of these disorders, advancements in research, and the urgent need for effective therapies.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/neurodegenerative-disease-market
Market Drivers
One of the primary drivers of the neurodegenerative disease market is the aging global population. As life expectancy increases, so does the incidence of age-related neurodegenerative conditions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people aged 60 years and older is expected to double by 2050, leading to a significant rise in the prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases. This demographic shift is fueling demand for new treatments and driving market growth.
Another critical driver is the advancements in biotechnology and pharmaceutical research. Over the past decade, there has been considerable progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases. Innovations in genomics, proteomics, and biomarker discovery are paving the way for more targeted and personalized therapies. Additionally, the development of novel drug delivery systems, such as nanoparticles and gene therapy, has opened new avenues for treating these complex conditions.
Market Segmentation
The neurodegenerative disease market can be segmented based on disease type, treatment type, and geography.
- Disease Type: The market is primarily categorized into Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease, and others. Alzheimer's disease holds the largest market share, driven by its high prevalence and the significant economic burden it imposes on healthcare systems.
- Treatment Type: Treatment options include pharmacological therapies, such as cholinesterase inhibitors, NMDA receptor antagonists, and dopamine agonists, as well as non-pharmacological interventions like physical therapy, cognitive training, and lifestyle modifications. In recent years, there has been growing interest in disease-modifying therapies that aim to slow or halt disease progression rather than merely alleviating symptoms.
- Geography: Geographically, the market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. North America dominates the market due to the presence of a well-established healthcare infrastructure, high healthcare expenditure, and significant investment in research and development. Europe follows closely, with a strong focus on research and collaboration among pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, and government bodies.
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite the progress, the neurodegenerative disease market faces several challenges. One of the most significant obstacles is the high failure rate of clinical trials. Neurodegenerative diseases are complex, with multiple pathways involved in their pathogenesis. As a result, many potential treatments fail to demonstrate efficacy in late-stage clinical trials, leading to high development costs and lengthy timelines. This has created a cautious environment for investors and pharmaceutical companies, who are wary of the risks associated with drug development in this field.
However, these challenges also present opportunities. The unmet need for effective treatments is driving innovation and collaboration across the industry. Public-private partnerships, such as the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP) in Alzheimer's Disease, are bringing together stakeholders from various sectors to share data, resources, and expertise. Additionally, the growing focus on precision medicine and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery are expected to accelerate the development of new therapies.
Future Outlook
The neurodegenerative disease market is poised for significant growth in the coming years. With the aging population, increasing awareness, and advancements in research, the demand for effective treatments will continue to rise. Companies that can successfully navigate the challenges of drug development and bring innovative therapies to market will likely see substantial returns on investment.
Moreover, as our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases deepens, the potential for breakthroughs in treatment becomes more promising. The integration of AI, big data, and personalized medicine into the research and development process is expected to revolutionize the way we approach these diseases, offering hope to millions of patients worldwide.
Key Player Analysis:
Merck Serono
Biogen Idec
TEVA Pharmaceutical Industries
Boehringer Ingelheim
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
By Indication Type
Alzheimer’s Disease
Huntington Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Other Indication Types
By Drug Type
Dopamine Agonists
Cholinesterase Inhibitors
Immunomodulatory Drugs
N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Antagonists
Other Drug Types
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/neurodegenerative-disease-market
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olvajack · 1 month
The Legalization of Cannabis: A Global Perspective on Progress and Challenges
In recent years, the legalization of cannabis has emerged as one of the most transformative shifts in global drug policy. From debates in legislative halls to changes in public opinion, the conversation around cannabis is evolving rapidly. Understanding these dynamics not only sheds light on current trends but also helps anticipate future developments in this evolving landscape.
The Benefits and Advantages of Cannabis Legalization
One of the most compelling reasons for the global shift toward cannabis legalization is its potential health benefits. Research has shown that cannabis can be an effective treatment for various medical conditions, including chronic pain, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. The legal availability of cannabis allows for better regulation, ensuring that patients receive high-quality products that are safe and effective. 
Moreover, legalization has substantial economic benefits. The cannabis industry has created thousands of jobs and generated significant tax revenue for governments. This revenue is often reinvested into public services such as education and healthcare, further amplifying the positive impact on society. The economic boost from cannabis legalization also encourages entrepreneurial opportunities and stimulates innovation within the sector.
It is crucial to understand that cannabis legalization is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each country or region approaches the issue with its own set of regulations and frameworks. For instance, Canada has implemented a comprehensive system for both medical and recreational cannabis, offering valuable lessons on regulatory balance and public health considerations. In contrast, the United States has a more fragmented approach, with some states fully legalizing cannabis and others maintaining strict prohibition.
Internationally, the United Nations has also started to adjust its stance on cannabis. In 2020, the World Health Organization recommended reclassifying cannabis, acknowledging its medical benefits while encouraging further research. This shift reflects a broader acceptance of cannabis's role in healthcare and opens the door for more countries to consider legalization.
Addressing Challenges
Despite the progress, the path to legalization is not without its challenges. One of the primary hurdles is the issue of federal versus local regulations. In many countries, there is a discrepancy between national laws and local policies, leading to confusion and inconsistent enforcement. Additionally, there are concerns about the impact of legalization on public safety, particularly regarding impaired driving and substance abuse.
To navigate these challenges, it is essential for policymakers to implement evidence-based strategies and engage in ongoing research. Ensuring that legalization frameworks are adaptable and responsive to new information can help mitigate potential risks and maximize the benefits of cannabis legalization.
In my opinion, legalizing cannabis is leading to a lot of positive changes, mainly because it means better control over how cannabis is grown and sold, including products made from it. Looking at Canada as an example, we see positive trends and the rise of online shops like https://westcoastbud.io/. Clear regulations, laws, and overseeing bodies help build a reliable industry with trustworthy suppliers offering high-quality, lab-tested cannabis strains. On the flip side, prohibition only leads to unverified sources and sellers, plus illegal products where no one takes responsibility for the quality.
The global perspective on cannabis legalization reveals a landscape of significant progress tempered by ongoing challenges. From health benefits and economic gains to regulatory hurdles and public safety concerns, the journey toward broader acceptance of cannabis is complex and multifaceted. As we move forward, it is vital to continue fostering informed discussions, embracing innovative solutions, and supporting research to address the evolving needs of society.
Feel free to explore further and learn more about the topic. The ongoing advancements in cannabis legislation offer exciting opportunities and promise a brighter future for both individuals and communities worldwide.
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attral89 · 2 months
Why Visiting a Neuro Doctor in Tiruchendur Could Transform Your Brain Health
Maintaining optimal brain health is crucial for overall well-being, and visiting a neuro doctor in Hospital can be transformative. At BG Hospital in Tiruchendur, a neuro specialist can provide expert care and guidance that significantly impacts your neurological health. Here’s why consulting a neuro doctor at this renowned facility can be a game-changer for your brain health.
1. Accurate Diagnosis of Neurological Conditions
One of the primary benefits of seeing a neuro hospital in Tiruchendur is obtaining an accurate diagnosis. Neurological conditions can be complex, presenting with a range of symptoms such as headaches, memory loss, dizziness, or seizures. The neuro specialists at BG Hospital use advanced diagnostic tools and techniques, including MRI, CT scans, and EEGs, to pinpoint the exact nature of your condition. This precision in diagnosis is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan.
2. Personalized Treatment Plans
Every neurological condition is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. At BG Hospital, neuro doctors create personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific condition and health profile. Whether you’re dealing with chronic migraines, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, or other neurological disorders, the specialists at BG Hospital develop customized strategies that address your individual needs. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most effective and targeted care.
3. Access to Cutting-Edge Technology
BG Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that enhances diagnostic accuracy and treatment effectiveness. The latest imaging techniques, such as high-resolution MRI and functional imaging, provide detailed insights into brain structure and function. This advanced technology allows neuro doctors to detect subtle changes in the brain and monitor the progression of neurological conditions with greater precision.
4. Comprehensive Management of Chronic Conditions
Managing chronic neurological conditions requires ongoing care and monitoring. Neuro doctors at BG Hospital provide comprehensive management for conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke. This includes regular follow-ups, medication adjustments, and lifestyle recommendations to help you manage symptoms effectively and maintain a good quality of life.
5. Expert Guidance on Lifestyle Modifications
Lifestyle plays a significant role in brain health. Neuro specialists at BG Hospital offer expert guidance on making lifestyle changes that support neurological well-being. This may include recommendations for a balanced diet rich in nutrients beneficial for brain health, regular physical exercise to enhance cognitive function, and stress management techniques to reduce the risk of neurological disorders.
6. Early Intervention and Prevention
Early intervention is key to managing neurological conditions and preventing their progression. By visiting a neuro doctor at BG Hospital, you gain access to early diagnostic services and preventive care. This proactive approach helps in identifying potential issues before they become severe, allowing for timely intervention and more effective treatment.
7. Multidisciplinary Approach to Care
Complex neurological conditions often require a multidisciplinary approach. At BG Hospital, neuro doctors work closely with other specialists, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists, to provide holistic care. This collaborative approach ensures that all aspects of your condition are addressed, from medical treatment to rehabilitation and psychological support.
8. Support for Cognitive and Emotional Well-Being
Neurological conditions can impact cognitive function and emotional health. Neuro doctors at BG Hospital understand the psychological and emotional challenges associated with neurological disorders. They offer support and resources to help you cope with the cognitive and emotional aspects of your condition, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your overall well-being.
9. Advancements in Research and Treatments
BG Hospital is at the forefront of neurological research and treatment advancements. The neuro specialists stay updated with the latest research findings and innovative treatments, incorporating these advancements into patient care. This means you benefit from cutting-edge therapies and approaches that may not be available elsewhere.
10. Enhanced Quality of Life
Ultimately, the goal of consulting a neuro doctor is to improve your quality of life. By receiving accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment, and expert care, you can manage neurological conditions more effectively and enhance your overall well-being. The specialists at BG Hospital are dedicated to helping you achieve a better quality of life through comprehensive and compassionate care.
Visiting a neuro doctor at BG Hospital in Tiruchendur offers numerous benefits that can transform your brain health. From accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment to access to advanced technology and multidisciplinary care, the expertise provided by these specialists ensures a thorough and effective approach to managing neurological conditions. By prioritizing your brain health and seeking expert care, you take a proactive step towards better health and a higher quality of life.
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