#power ranges ninja storm
mahi-wayy · 17 days
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• General • Romantic [only sfw]
A/n : not adding my usual nsfw part bcz they are supposed to be technically minors in the show? listen I'll add nsfw if people ask but I ain't having anyone slamming me in comments and asks, I have other stuff to worry about thank you very much.
"He is right, dark and brooding but right."
dark and brooding my ass blake you're brother is a fucking softie. he just has trauma but which elder sibling doesn't.
he has been burned too much that he would rather appear dark and intimidating to keep himself but most importantly blake safe and sound.
they were adopted by the bradleys at the ages of 8 and 11 respectively. while blake only spent like two months in his orphanage and didn't even remember much about his biological parents, he spent around two years in the orphanage and he does remember the accident that took away his parents.
he had a whole phase in his teen where he would dream about the accident and blame himself for surviving.
he and blake were at the same orphanage.
gravitated towards each other quite quickly especially because hunter kind of scared away the bullies that were troubling blake and the little boy just attached himself to hunter pretty much ever since.
refused to go with bradleys if they don't take blake too. luckily the couple was more than happy too.
had what? a year of normalcy before their adoptive parents died too. he still remembers a little blake crying endlessly at night because he missed them.
that's when he decided to be like a filter between world and his brother.
sensei omino was a shit parent figure but these two were entirely too grateful for the man to continue reaching them what their parents started to actually notice him using them or pushing them to hard.
he usually took the blame too if blake messed something up because he knew if he was involved too, sensei would focus on him more than yelling at his brother.
it's hard for him to handle and understand emotions. barely cried and takes time to build emotional connects since he has kept himself so shielded since he was a kid.
developed insomnia at a early age.
never lost in a sparring match at the academy, like never.
also the best weirder of crimson thunder in the academy. his color is related with a loud, aggressive and damaging side of the element.
basically he is strong as fuck and some of his hot headedness comes from his element other than his personality.
was the one who believed lothor first under his hurt and anger that never quite found a outlet, which automatically convinced blake of it too.
wasn't really connecting with anyone like blake did with tori unconsciously. he was okay with everything they did until he realized the truth. he still feels guilty about that.
he didn't quite like shane's energy, it was practically the red ranger's authoritative aura clashing with his own leadership role, he did tell blake about it.
eventually got used to it once they became a team and he took his second-in-command position.
he is every short-tempered and certain things trigger him at full force. for example he once short circuited cyber cam for cracking a offensive joke at blake.
it took cam three weeks to fix his cyber counterpart because the crimsion thunder pretty much fried his servers and operators.
"you can't have thunder without lightning." "lightning is always followed by thunder." please and this was your own good DO NOT SEPARATE HIM FROM BLAKE.
if he doesn't know about his brother's whereabouts for more than say 4 hours and the man also isn't responding to his morpher, he might as well flip the city upside down to find him.
very fiercely loyal and protective. once he decides to choose someone as his person he will stand by it until you give him solid prove of wrong doings of that person.
a little morally off course, blake is the moral compass most of the time. doesn't mind doing small bad for greater good and can't forget the whole lothor phase.
doesn't like water all that much either, mostly because of his incapacity to swim in too much water and his electrical element.
please don't leave him in a kitchen unsupervised he will end up burning something if not the whole house- good lord.
has trouble sleeping which makes cam's canon comment on his caffeine intake very real.
he drinks so much coffee and other caffeine stuff he is practically immune to it at this point 😭💀🤚🏻
someone please hug this man I volunteer as tribute
he has murderous tendencies if poked too much when is clearly not feeling it.
makes the first move.
very obvious about his liking before the official ask out.
he is very standing next to you by jungkook coded bf.
first thing he does is look for his partner after a race.
not much on pda but would rest a arm around their shoulder and drop a occasional forehead kiss.
is a slow and passionate kisser. his kisses usually end up in heavy make out sessions.
very protective in general but even more for his partner.
makes a effort to learn about his partner's hobby so he can just make a conversation if not take part in it for some reason.
spends most of his free time with them.
always tries his best to make up for anytime his ranger duties take him away from plans or stuff.
sleeps as the big spoon.
tags: @junglefurytrash @junglekarmapippa @atomic-bobo @anyavaramyr @chanti-leaving @skyland2703 this taglist is only for power rangers content. so let me know if you wanna be added or removed.
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hawkflame999 · 6 months
Ninjago Secrecy AU
So in this AU, it’s basically the same as canon, EXCEPT, the ninja stay secret.
it's not JUST their identities. It’s also their literal existence and history.
FSM didn’t want humans, who often misunderstood and killed Yōkai-kind, to know about the Elementals. So he kept himself secret, his two sons secret, and the people he’d later choose to become the first human-ish Elementals secret. Those people were street orphans and abused kids he’d rescued from other humans.
Elementals have basically been behind the scenes (and doing illegal stuff like underage driving) for several millennia, they’ve managed to keep secret all this time and continue to do so in this AU. 
When something big comes, like the Great Devourer, the ninja fix it but there’s only eyewitnesses and no camera footage and most of the time they somehow aren’t seen by humans.
Or Jay causes a blackout to make things harder for them to be seen.
Oh, yeah. And Elementals aren’t sure if they’re Humans with powers, something between Yōkai and Humans, or just full-blown Yōkai. 
They just don’t know, but they have the senses of Yōkai and they can see very well in the dark- they also have a keen sense of smell, they can follow trails. And their eyes glow, but they can control the glow when they need to. Among other things, like feeling vibrations.
Elementals also have feral instincts, though they can ignore those instincts and act human when the circumstances demand it. Lloyd, his father, and uncle all have Dragoni features like in my Headcanon #1, and they're the most feral.
If you saw my HC about the Elemental Bond, that applies here too.
The Elementals just tell people who ask that they’re a clan. They’re kind of common amongst the Realms, and to help the ninja, their clan is tiny, and sort of IS a clan, just a special one. 
Said clans that do exist either live off the land or live modernly now but they all started back in old times, and they keep touch and all nowadays. 
The Serpentine often receives a similar reception that Yōkai get, just less than that, so they don’t give the game up- they keep silent about the ninja. 
After meeting the ninja, the Formlings, the Geckles and the Munce, and others were asked to and agreed to keep quiet about the Elementals. So does Vania, (idk how that part of Master of the Mountain works but yeah).
In the AU, other Yōkai, (Kitsune, Kappas, Tanukis, Bakenekos, ect.) are more apparent and present in this, and even most of them don’t know about the ninjas, just a few friends know. 
The Elementals frequently attack and ambush Yōkai Hunters, and free the trapped Yōkai. 
There’s also more mountains around the Monastery, it’s a literal mountain range, and many Yōkai live in them. Years ago they all combined their magic to create a barrier, so humans can’t get in (they just get turned around and all,) unless they’re led, and it's really hard for someone to just find their way in, but it happens occasionally. 
Arin knows about the ninja ONLY because he’s from a village near the mountain of the Monastery, and his family is one of the few that the ninja trusted with the knowledge of their existence, because one of Arin’s ancestors, a few generations back, accidentally found a way into the mountains, and got caught in a storm, so the ninja of the time saved him. 
Also all the Elementals speak Yōkai. It’s their second language, and their first language is Japanese, English is their third language.  
Yeah, that’s it really.
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a-butterfly1 · 1 year
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This is an AU I've been working on, I will actually work on it on writting ( on AO3 ) instead of making a comic/manga because I tend to procastinate when it comes to drawing panels ( if you have been keeping up with other pojects of mine you would know this), hopefully I will keep this updated.
Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon
Age- 1000+ (immortal) Height: 5'8 (1,73m)
Lloyd has lived many years, of course, now he's immortal, he doesn't have much of a choice but to continue living on. He was many things throughout his life: a bratty child, a son, a master, a hero and now he's nothing more than a myth, while still a part of ninjago history many actually question if he ever really existed or not. He ostracized himself from society for a reason, after all,- it's painfull to make relationships when they are so short lived. He is considered a god by many, but he denies that being the case, maybe the embodiment of the balance between good and evil but he wont try to call himself anything more. Lloyd now lives with the spirits of his family with the occasional visits from Morro and Garmadon, his father.
Jay Walker
Age- 1000+ (spirit) Died at 115 Height: 5'10 (1,78m) Status: Nya's husband
He was a man of the spotlight, he shined brithly- TV shows, TheyTube channels, he was knowed worldwide. Not that he minds the retirement, he lived his life; he had two beautiful twins with the love of his life, Nya. He died happy, even if he was the last one to die, 3 years after Nya had passed. His last years were spent with Lloyd. In his many years in the Ninja team, he's come to realise he doesn't exactly have the same type of strengh like the others so he created a different weapon one that creates iron alloy strings, that resemble spider webs. He also practiced racing with his wife in his free time and created all kinds of machines and weapons which ranged from house equipment to ninja tech, like mechs, weapons and transport.
Kai Smith
Age- 1000+ (spirit) Died at 95 Height: 6'2 (1,88m) Status: Skylor's husband and Nya's bio brother
Kai was a little bit of an influencer in his younger years, but as the years went by he settled more into being a family man with his wife Skylor and his little girl. How did he become a spirit? Well it was his idea; well his plan was to become immortal like Lloyd but he was intersected by Morro, so he opted for the second best option: giving his powers to Lloyd, so even if he was dead he would be with Lloyd through his power; what wasn't part of the plan was he actually becoming part of Lloyd as a spirit, not that he is complaining, he got what he wanted in the end; and since he was the one that piched the idea to the ninja, he just involved them all into the mad plan- one that Lloyd was unaware of. He trully is a mad man, no one, and I mean, no ONE, puts themselves between him and his family, the last person who did so, is no longer amoung us, the last thing they saw was Kai becoming a demonic ball of flames.
Nya Smith Walker
Age- 1000+ (spirit) Died at 112 Height: 6'0 (1,83m) Status: Jay's wife and Kai's bio sister
Nya, famous racer, only had to step down from the hobbie/carrer when she got into a small accident, while she wasn't gravelly wounded that was enough for her to be proibited from competitive racing. From that day on she still raced but became more of an idol than a racer per say. She ended up working on engineer projects, solo or with Jay, mostly out of boredom. Now, since she is dead, she has more free time than ever, and uses it to learn and explore every digital corner of the internet, catching a few criminals in the way. Many say she is mystical and her strengh is as crushing as the waves in a storm can be, yet calm and relaxing as the days in the beach, others, like the Ninja themselves just see her as they're beloved sister.
Cole Brookestone
Age- 1000+ (spirit) Died at 87 Height: 6'8 (2,03m) Status: Vania's husband
Cole, King of the Kingdom of Shintaro, Husband of Queen Vania, father of the prince of Shintaro, and our beloved cake lover, sadlly passed away early, well earlier than his siblings at least, the unknowed illness that had taken the life of his mother had decided to claim another. Cole fell gravelly ill, bedridden in his late stages of life. Bedridden in the castle, he invited Lloyd over for most possibly a final goodbye, although he didn't think that Lloyd would stay around the whole time it wasn't completly unexpected, right there he was the first one to execute Kai's plan, and the first to discover the side effects of the plan; from then on he was part of Lloyd and made sure to let the others know of the end result.
Zane Julien
Age- 1000+ (nindroid) Height: 7'0 (2,13m) Status: P.I.X.A.L's husband
Caretaker of the rest of the Ninja team and their children, especially since those little kids sure liked uncle Lloyd a whole lot and would visit constently. He stayed with Lloyd in the monastery alongside P.I.X.A.L and Morro (who visits soo much he pretty much lives there, has a room and everything). Him and Lloyd share house chores, and Zane is in charge of looking at news around ninjago, to ensure it's safety, as well as helping in some researches since Lloyd is only one person and can only intake soo much information at a time. He is the only one that hasn't partaken in Kai's plan, since there is literally no reason to, Zane obviously doesn't die of old age, one may claim that he could possible get rusty and need repairs at some point but Lloyd and P.I.X.A.L are always around is any issue is to come.
The Ninja team, many years after most of the team's death, has move the location of the monestary far away from the main ninjago island, and instead now lives in a far away island that Lloyd created west of Ninjago city, around the middle of Ninjago and the dark island (thats has been sealed away by Lloyd). The reason for that change is because of something rather strange, it's not just to ensure Lloyd's ever soo wished isolation but also because a merchant had attented to buy the place, with the intention of turning the monestary into a tourist attraction. Lloyd got a bit peeved and decided to pick up the mountain where the monestary was on top of and relocated it;
The only reason the Jay was living with Lloyd in his last moments, was because he genuenly belived he would miss the mark to execute Kai's plan, because he belives himself to be quite clumsy and distracted; either way he didn't miss it and now is with the rest of the team (which is a way to say that he can now torment the Ninja forever);
Lloyd has a cute nickname for all the Ninja's kids, and spoiled them to no end (he is the fun uncle who takes everyone to Disneyland), he calls Kai's daugther "munchkadee", Jay and Nya's twins has "Starlight" and "Moonlight" for the girl and boy respectively, and Cole's son is "Duckling";
the age diference of the Ninja are, from youngest to oldest: Lloyd - Nya - Jay - Kai - Cole - Zane ( to say, with maybe the idea of the 1 season, Lloyd (8->15) - Nya (15) - Jay (16) - Kai (17) - Cole (18) - Zane (30-40? he is old);
(conceivable for change) As of right now, Lloyd's power is one that could rival gods, the source of said power is something OP is still considering but the possible main reason might be related to "source dragons", has to why the other Ninja's had powers even after having kids is related to Lloyd giving them an artifact that has their specific element embodied into them (the artifacts are not phisical and can only be visualised when the Ninja have already passed, the artifact will most likely have the form of a card); (the reason of this possible change is the development of the plot of "Dragons Rising").
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turboacek-blog · 2 months
Tenten if she was the main character
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Not to be taken too seriously
Written Jan 24, 2023 (clearing drafts lol)
Just wanted to explore some power-ups weapons etc… that could have been given if she had time to actually expand etc
Custom weapon
We get a taste of her gigantic iron ball in the filler episodes I believe
But when she already mastered all weapons at 13 then the next step is a special weapon just for her
They even kinda touch on this in the games, in NUNS4 the Shikamaru adventure side quest has her make a custom weapon and Shikamaru is impressed by how she made it so she has the ability to mix and mash weapons to make something unique
And I don’t need her to be a villain/antagonist but she could have easily been the scientific ninja tool starter as it ties into her weapon-like
We see her keep her weapons in scrolls but I think just expanding on sealing outside of the regular item storage summoning could have worked
From just having it more available like how Sasuke has his wristbands that he can use to easily reverse summoned Shuriken and etc
To going Fate’s Gilgamesh and summoning them out of thin air
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Like people joke about characters using kunai and etc but in reality if someone had the chance to slit a character like Madara’s throat if he doesn’t get healed up immediately he would have died
Random ideas I had:
Seal tattoos
Just think that if she made herself the storage she can just send chakra through her body and the weapon will pop out and to having seals all on her would effectively be tattoos,
Can be how Naruto’s seal works where only active with chakra, or something more permanent and she’s totally inked out
Just think it would be cool if she just sent chakra to her shoulder then out came a shield or sent to her finger and some Shuriken popped out, her palm a sword, her foot a tanto etc
Switchable weapon
Similar idea but she links her weapons with seals so that if she sends chakra through the seal it swaps out the weapon automatically like she’s using the staff then with some chakra it swaps to a sword mid motion then chakra agin now it’s a mace
Based on the part 1 Tenten from the Storm games where she just cycles through weapons instantly in her Taijutsu combos
Plus woul be a unique weapon for her as only she would know how to send chakra to get the weapon she wants
Lastly legendary weapons
Kishimoto had the right idea with having her use the six paths weapons
The thing was due to her chakra she couldn’t use it a lot
So I think it would be nice to start that idea earlier and she uses/acquires legendary weapons
From the 7 swords of the mist, to more filler weapons like that Thunder sword that was apparently the second Hokage to just not as known to us weapons like Sakumo’s/Kakashi’s chakra blade that glowed white is a good idea
But yeah I just think they took this character that can use any weapon and mostly relegated her to long range kunai throwing as they focused more on her accuracy than her weapon mastery as in any other anime she would be using a sword a ton or if she sticks to long range would be some menace like Gilgamesh or plenty of archers or snipers and etc
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racefortheironthrone · 7 months
Which X-Men (or X-Men-adjacent characters) do you think are the best fits for each of the core D&D classes - in a sort of "using this character to illustrate what the class is" way? Leaving out artificer, if only because that's so obviously Forge.
This is hard, because I would describe a lot of X-Men characters as Sorcerors both in terms of how and where they get their powers, but also a lot of the subclasses work very well with the various mutant gifts. Most psychics (Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Emma Frost) would probably work best as Aberrant Mind Sorcerors, for example (although Kwannon probably works better as a Soulknife).
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For Rogues, there's no question that it Gambit, cher.
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For (Berserker) Barbarians, it's absolutely Logan.
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For Fighters, I'd go with Cyclops (a ranged Battlemaster who took all the Warlord manuevers).
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For Warlocks, I'd go with Nightcrawler as a Fae Pact Bladelock.
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For Druids, you absolutely go with Storm - although most likely, you'd build Storm as a Druid/Tempest Domain Cleric multiclass - although Rictor is not a bad pick either after he hooked up with [A] and got into mutant magic and druidism.
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For Bards, I'd go with Doug Ramsey as a College of Lore guy. (And in keeping with the Bard stereotype, Doug's a transhuman bi-poly twink who's secretly a schemer and political operator behind the innocently slutty facade...)
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For Paladins, I'd go with Betsy Braddock, since choosing between the Amulet of Right and the Sword of Might to embody the mystical bond between the land and Otherworld is very very much an Oath of the Ancients moment.
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If we're going with Rangers, I would definitely go with Dani Moonstar as combining archery powers with animal companions - although I'm not sure whether she'd be a Fey Wanderer (heh) or a Gloomstalker.
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For Monk, I would actually go with Kitty Pryde as a spin on a Shadow Warrior build, considering her time training as a ninja under the demonic Ogun and her current incarnation as the vengeful Shadowkat.
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And for Wizards...that one is hard. Probably Amanda Sefton.
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Pokemon and Hunter x Hunter as decided by my friend @doodle-storm after only seeing Hunter Exam and Zoldyck Family Arcs... Part 2!!! As always friend, add onto this post if there's any reasoning I've missed!
Netero: Medicham (I think the rationale here was that despite looking a little goofy, it's actually quite strong. I think this guy is very appropriate for Netero, for reasons I can't tell my friend yet.)
Hanzo: Greninja (It's a ninja pokemon. However, my friend laments the fact that Greninja is not bald enough, nor does it have "bedazzled eyebrows". She has therefore made an entire team for Hanzo that is purely comprised of bald and bedazzled eyebrow pokemon. She took this very seriously I'll have you know.)
Pokkle: Decidueye (An archer! She hopes Pokkle gets to finish his pokedex.)
Satotz: Omanyte (I honestly can't remember the initial reasoning but they both have mustaches and no visible mouth so that's cool.)
Menchi: Dachsbun (Bread dog. As befitting a Gourmet Hunter.)
Buhara: Snorlax (Probably needs little elaboration.)
Lippo: Rotom (Because of all the cameras in the prison and the fact that he operated from behind screens using electronics.)
Beans: Politoed (She can picture politoed in an identical suit.)
Tonpa: Trubbish (...she does not like Tonpa very much.)
Ponzu: Beedrill (Bee pokemon. She has bees in her hat.)
Bendot: Machoke (He's a fighter pokemon. Also he was going to choke Tonpa so there's that too.)
Sedokan: Litwick (It's a candle. It's also got one eye hidden.)
Majitani: Wishiwashi (We spent a long time trying to find a pokemon that sort of gives that impression of guy trying to look way more intimidating than he is... She decided on Wishiwashi because its school form is powerful but it also reverts back to weaker solo form when wounded.)
Leroute: Salazzle (I did not know there were pokemon people thirsted for and I don't think I needed to know that. Anyways, Salazzle is kind of an exotic creature and she was involved in exotic animal trafficking so. Checks out.)
Johness the Dissector: none. (She tried to think of one but really couldn't. We both kind of agreed that he probably wouldn't have any on account of... probably killing them.)
Geretta: Aromatisse (I don't know lol. I think this was just vibes.)
Agon: Galarian Farfetch'd (He appeared to have been a fencer so I think this was the closest thing. Plus eyebrows.)
Bodoro: Gallade (She was trying to think of an honourable type of pokemon. I don't think she was entirely sold on Gallade, especially since she gave Kurapika one later on, but we moved on.)
Bourbon: Seviper (Viper for the snake charmer.)
Nicholas: Abra (Abra just kind of sleeps, and though Nicholas tried to predict the Hunter Exam, he wasn't prepared for it, so I think that was the rationale here.)
Siper: Inteleon (A sniper pokemon for the sniper. I questioned why she was giving this minor character a pokemon when I'm pretty sure she didn't even have a speaking line, to which she replied, and I quote, "Yeah, but I want her to step on me.")
Sommy: Aipom (Mischievous monkey for the monkey trainer.)
Todo: Hariyama (Sumo pokemon for the sumo guy.)
Amori Brothers: Falinks (Yes, all three of them have the same pokemon. They work together for team attacks and so do the brothers. Do not separate.)
Zeno: Roaring Moon (I brought up Zeno's association with dragons. She liked the vibe of this one for him.)
Silva: Kommo-o (I think she wanted to keep the dragon theming. ...she also refers to Silva as "evil He-Man". Just thought you should know.)
Kikyo: Hatterene (She picked this one because of its elegant look... and the fact that it attacks anyone who is too loud or hostile within its home range.)
Illumi: Ferrothorn (It's absolutely perfect omg. She said it attacks using spikes and thorns, and it also "has the eyes". She also cheerfully informed me it's weak to fire. She does not like Illumi very much.)
Milluki: Forretress (Also has the eyes, and stays in a shell. It shoots things I think. She was trying to pick one that calls to mind Milluki's bombs.)
Kalluto: Kartana (I mentioned Kalluto's association with paper, so she picked this one.)
Gotoh: Meowth (For the coin association. Also she thought it'd be kind of funny if all the butlers had cat or cat-like pokemon.)
Canary: Espeon (Because it evolves based on friendship... augh... also vibes.)
Zebro: Cinccino (Zebro's kind of the janitor, and Cinccino likes to clean, if I'm remembering correctly? Also it's kind of disarmingly cute and harmless looking, which fits Zebro's "taking the key from the hapless guard" shtick.)
Seaquant: Watchog (Vibes, I'm pretty sure. hjdfkbvdshjvh)
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lilborealis · 7 months
Born From A Storm
Warnings:mentions of death and violence
Word Count:3,969
Summary:the Lin Kuei comes across the ruins of a village, with only one sole survivor. Seraphina Amin had her life ripped away by violence at such a young age, and seemingly would be forever forced to live in fear.
Snow was falling as a group of Lin Kuei trekked through the snow. The wind howled and the sky was dark. The posse was the only sign of civilization for miles among the miles and miles of trees. The man leading them was adorned in a cloak with red ninja garments under. He was also wearing the pin of his clan. He and his men were currently trying to get back to Earth realm, after a mission in Outworld.
As they trekked up a snowy hill, the leader struggled to get through the snow as it was above his knees. It was then one of the ninja’s exclaimed, “look!”. The men looked up to see smoke rising in the distance, from what looked like a fire. The leader’s eyes widened in panic and motioned for his men to pick up the pace.
The Lin Kuei came upon a village in complete rubble, presumably having been destroyed by fire as there were only smolders left. The smoke that had been seen was rising from what was left of a watchtower. Most of the buildings were empty, burned out shells and there were many bodies strewn about the snow, the blood scattering the snow like paint. The poor villagers were either killed by the fire, blades or arrows, or some sort of magic that made their bodies rot from the inside out. Some of them were purely bones. No one was spared, not even children.
“My god…” the leader muttered. He turned to his men, ordering, “look for survivors! And stay on your guard!”. The ninjas began to search around the seemingly abandoned village, still keeping their guard up as whatever or whoever was responsible, could still be lurking.
The man in red was looking around when he heard a gasping noise. He turned towards what looked like was once a rich, but small home. He ran in through the remains of a doorway and into the front room to see a man dressed in robes on the ground, twitching. Or what was left of the man, as his legs had rotted away and his chest had been ripped open. His face was horribly scarred and a good chunk of his jaw was gone. The ninja ran to his side, to see he clutched some sort of amulet in his left hand that must have been delaying the effects, but its power was wavering by the cracks in it. The man on the floor grabbed him by the arm, pulling him close, whispering in his ear. “Save……her…….she…..escaped” he wheezed.
The man finally keeled over and the amulet broke into pieces. He let out a guttural scream as the rot finally over took him. The ninja jumped back as he watched the man disintegrate into nothing but dust. He sighed, because he was use to death but to see a man die like that was frightening. He got up and quickly spotted a still intact portrait up on the wall. It was probably that way because of magic.
The man on the ground stood in the center, adorned in golden and purple robes with brown eyes and darker slicked back hair. Next to him was his wife, with skin like umber and beautiful, silky black hair, adorned in red and gold. Four children stood around him, a boy and a girl on either side of him, and two girls in the middle, one much taller than the other. They all looked to be ranged from the ages of 12-6.
The ninja wandered outside in the snow and immediately came across three decrepit forms on the ground. The magical rot had gotten to them first as they were all basically skeletons. They all looked to be the ages of the children in the portrait, but he couldn’t be sure. Yet their vicinity to the home was telling. The man breathed a prayer, before continuing on his way. The youngest child was still missing.
He went past the tree line, calling out, “hello! Hello! Is anyone here?”. As he kept on going, he came upon several large wave-like icicles jutting from the snow. He followed them as they got more erratic. He finally came upon one large wall of ice. It was so big that the man didn’t noticed the small figure at curled up on the bottom. The figure let out a whimper of pain, making the stranger finally notice them. He ran over, seeing it was the youngest girl in the center of the portrait. She had olive skin with thick, dark, wavy hair. Her left cheek and part of her neck had a large star-like scar still oozing with blood. She was practically drenched in the red substance from head to toe and was barely breathing.
“Zi Rui!” One of the men yelled from the distance, “where are you!”.
Zi Rui quickly picked up the frail girl in his arms and started to run back. “I found someone! She’s badly hurt!”. He clambered up through the snow in a hurry as she was fading fast. He soon joined the rest of his men, “we don’t have time to get her to earth realm. Heng Wen, do you know of a healer near here?”.
The ninja nodded, “yes, just over this hill!”.
Zi Rui quickly left with Heng Wen and several others, while the rest of the Lin Kuei continued to search the remainder of the village. Zi Rui and his men rushed the girl to the healer, who just barely managed to save her. Zi Rui proceeded to carry the young girl back to the Lin Kuei base with the rest of his men.
As the ninja was descending upon the entrance with his men, the doors opened and another man adorned in grey and yellow was there to meet them. He was tall with broad shoulders and a serious expression. At the moment he looked annoyed, until he saw the bundle Zi Rui was carrying. He rushed up to him and looked her over, then at Zi Rui. “Was she a casualty?” He asked.
Zi Rui shook his head, “no, we came across the ruins of a village”. He looked down at the little girl, her little pale face now much more peaceful than before. “She was the only survivor. We thankfully got her to a healer in time, but I do not know when she will wake”.
“Did you get the job done?” The second man asked. Zi Rui nodded. “Good” the man muttered, “good….but we can’t just take in anyone to share our secrets with”.
“Please!” Zi Rui pleaded. “She has no one left! Her village was burned to a crisp!”.
His face changed and he turned to another one of his men. “Is this true?” He asked.
One of the other ninja’s stepped forward and nodded, confirming the story. “Yes grandmaster. It was….”. He swallowed hard and spoke sounding like he was on the verge of tears. “Slaughter. No one was spared. This girl was the only survivor”.
The grandmaster looked down at the child. He gently took the little girl from Zi Rui and carried her inside. He put her up in a spare room as Zi Rui followed. As he tucked her in, a woman appeared at the door. “Long Fei”.
Long Fei turned to see her at the door. He was slightly confused before he saw the reason. He went to the door and the woman stepped aside, to reveal three little boys. Long Fei sighed tiredly, “you three should be in bed”.
The shortest and presumably youngest one, looked past the man. “Who is that?”.
Long Fei closed the door behind him. “She is a guest, my son” he explained, “she is injured, so she needs rest”. He picked up the youngest and started to motion the other two away. “All of you need rest as well, you can meet her soon”. As Long Fei escorted his boys back to bed, the one in his arms still looked at the door.
Zi Rui stayed up to watch the girl for another hour, before he went to bed. Yet, he was rudely awoken the next morning by a large splash and screaming. He scrambled out of bed to change and ran out of his room. He came upon Long Fei and his sopping wet sons, Bi Han, Kuai Liang and Tomas. All were crowded around the bedroom door of their little guest.
“What’s going on?” Zi Rui yawned.
Bi Han pointed under, “she attacked us! She got us all wet!”.
“Only because you were hovering over her like a creep!” Tomas shot back with.
“BOYS!” Long Fei snapped, shutting them up. The grandmaster sighed and tiredly rubbed his brow. He turned to Zi Rui with an exhausted look on his face. “Can you help us look please? The boys startled her when she woke up and she could have gone anywhere”.
Soon almost the entirety of the Lin Kuei was out searching the grounds and the fortress for the little girl. Zi Rui and the grandmaster’s wife, Ai xue, were looking through a thicket when they came upon a grotto. This spot was a favorite of Zi Rui’s as he often came here to ponder, to meditate, and sometimes to write as he kept a journal from time to time. It was quiet, peaceful, the pond clear and crystal with vines hanging down to make it a sort of hideaway. Based on how this little girl had just lost her home, he knew this was probably a good hiding spot for her. Yet, on how clear the water was, it was obvious she wasn’t hiding in the water. She was nowhere to be seen.
Ai xue was looking around confused, defeated. “That poor little girl” she muttered as she continued to search, “she must be terrified out of her mind after waking up in such an unfamiliar place”. She was suddenly shushed by Zi Rui. She was taken aback before she saw what Zi Rui was looking at. Towards the end of the pond, there was rippling in the water, despite there being no wind. Ai xue’s eyes widened and she gasped. “She’s not under the water-“.
“She is the water” Zi Rui muttered, kneeling down at the pond’s edge. He took off his badge and held it over the pond. “Little one, if you are here, please know that you are safe. My name is Zi Rui and I’m a Lin Kuei, I protect people”. The ninja and the grandmaster’s wife were silent as the water remained unmoving. A ripple soon moved right below Zi Rui’s hand and a small pillar of water grew from the water. It absorbed his pin and pulled it back into the water. It stayed there a moment before it was spat out again. Zi Rui grabbed his pin and pinned back on his uniform. Finally the water stirred and he backed up as water started to creep out of its bounds. The watery mass soon formed into a much more human form.
The little girl’s face was still bandaged, mainly the left side. She was still in the pajamas she had been given when she arrived. She looked fearful but she seemed at more ease with the man. “What is your name?” He asked.
“My papa is dead, isn’t he” the girl said in a small voice.
Zi Rui gulped. “I’m so sorry” he apologized, “he was already too far gone when I got there. Your siblings weren’t so lucky either”. His heart ached at how much pain her eyes held. Her face scrunched until tears formed. Then she fell forward into his arms, wailing, “THEY’RE DEAD! PAPA, DIDI, VIVI, YAYA, THEY’RE ALL GOOONE! THE MAN KILLED THEM!”.
Zi Rui hugged her tightly, patting her back. “What man, blossom? Who did this?”.
She sniffled, “I-I don’t k-know. He had magic an-and claws on his arms”.
“Claws?” Ai Xue muttered.
Zi Rui picked the little girl up, whispering, “don’t worry, little one, you are safe. That man is never gonna hurt you ever again”. He and Ai Xue returned to the fortress with the little girl and the search was called off.
They came across Long Fei first, who sighed with relief when he saw his right hand man carrying the girl. He jogged up to him. “Thank goodness you found her” he sighed, “where was she?”.
“The grotto” Ai Xue told her husband. “More importantly the water”.
Long Fei was confused. He glanced at his wife, “but….she’s completely dry”. Ai Xue went to her husband’s side and whispered in her husband’s ear. His eyes widened in shock as he looked at the little girl. His wife had obviously told him of the child’s unusual ability. The grandmaster looked at his right hand man. Zi Rui gently nustled the girl to show her face and she cautiously looked over her shoulder at the grandmaster. Long Fei’s features softened. He had seen a lot of pain in his life, but nothing compared to the pain in her eyes. “What is your name?” The grandmaster asked quietly.
“Seraphina” She said, her voice barely a whisper, “Seraphina Amin”. She quickly hid her face in Zi Rui’s shoulder again, clutching at his robes.
Zi Rui also looked at the girl with anguish and then up at his superior. “I’ll watch over her, grandmaster” he insisted, “like my own child”.
Both Long Fei and Ai Xue smiled. They had known Zi Rui for the longest time. His caring nature could not let him stand by while this little girl was all alone. “I would not expect anything else from my second in command” Long Fei said gratefully.
Later that night, Ai Xue sat down with her boys for dinner. Long Fei soon appeared in the doorway. It was Tomas who first noticed Seraphina peaking out from behind his father’s robes. He smiled at her, but she quickly hid her face away. Tomas soon became more worried when he saw that his father looked cross though.
“I’m not entirely happy of what you three did this morning” He scolded them, “you scared the living daylights out of our poor guest here”. He looked at each of his son’s closely, “so whose idea was it, hm?”. All of the boys didn’t dare look Long Fei in the eye.
Ai Xue looked at them disapprovingly, “one of you must fess up. No one’s eating until someone does”. The boys must have been absolutely starving, as at that moment, all hell broke lose. The three little boys started screaming and throwing accusations at each other about who had accidentally scared Seraphina. No one could tell who was speaking. “Boys…Boys….Boys…BOYS!” Ai Xue roared over the chaos. The boys all immediately shut up as their mother barely ever got angry, so when she did, she was to be taken seriously. She looked over where Seraphina was hiding, to apologize for her children’s behavior, but quickly realized she had disappeared once again. “She’s gone!” She cried.
Long Fei looked behind him and gasped, looking around. That’s when he saw the door outside half way open. “No!” He hissed. The night was freezing and she was still injured so if she got far away enough, she could die and he wouldn’t know.
Seraphina had escaped during the argument and currently hiding in a bush outside. Her chest was tight, her head hurt, her entire body was shaking. She clamped her hands over her ears as everything was so loud. Her eyes were squeezed tightly and all she could see was how she lost her home. She barely remembered what had happened, only a great fire swallowing up her home, an army of undead attacking her mother and her father being down by magic from a man with claws. The panic she felt when she couldn’t find her mother and siblings bubbled up from the back of her throat. Despite how cold it was outside, she’d could steal feel the heat from watching her entire world burn up around her.
She jumped when she heard footsteps approaching the bush she was hiding in. She curled up into an even tighter ball, fearing it was either the grandmaster or his wife, coming to scold her from running from dinner. It was instead, the voice of Zi Rui who spoke.
“It’s cold out here, little one”. He sat down, cross-legged. There was no answer but he could hear her quickened breathing. It was heartbreaking at how terrified she was. The wind howled and Zi Rui shivered, but he was willing to stay outside all night if he had to, just to make sure she was okay. “I’m sorry that the grandmasters boys scared you” he apologized. He chuckled awkwardly, “they can be quite rambunctious, but Bi Han, Kuai Liang and Tomas mean well, I swear”. He thought more about Tomas and realized that he and Seraphina shared similar backgrounds. Both had lost their parents and siblings to great violence. Tomas had found a home among the Lin Kuei, and maybe Seraphina could too, with his help.
“It’s cold” he said softly, “and I’m sure you are hungry, do you just want to eat with me instead?”. He paused, waiting for a reply. There was a rustling and then she darted out of the bushes. Zi Rui almost fell backwards as she hugged him tightly. He clambered up to his feet, holding her up with one arm. Zi Rui then started to carry her back inside. “Thank you for trusting me, little one” he whispered. “As I said before, you are safe”.
Thankfully, Seraphina didn’t run away this time. Yet, during her first few weeks with the Lin Kuei, she would stay glued to Zi Rui’s side. She would cry every time he had to leave for a mission and would be the first one to greet him when he got back. It’s not that he found it annoying, he just still wanted her to play with kids her age, which were Long Fei’s sons. She was still somewhat skittish of them though.
It was then Zi Rui was approached by Xiaoqing, the elder arcanist of the Lin Kuei. He had heard of Seraphina’s ability to turn into water and wished to offer his tutelage to the young girl. Zi Rui initially hesitated but he quickly remembered that Tomas was also being taught by Xiaoqing. Unlike his adopted brothers, Tomas wasn’t born with innate magic running through veins. So he was currently being taught smoke magic under Xiaoqing. Having Tomas and Seraphina both train under the arcanist could help the latter get out of her shell and strengthen her abilities in magic.
For her first training session, Zi Rui was allowed to supervise. He led Seraphina to the courtyard to see Xiaoqing waiting there in the sun. He was a tall, dark-looking man in Lin Kuei robes colored in dark purple and black. To most, he looked intimidating, something Zi Rui forgot to tell Seraphina about. She quickly hid behind the ninja’s legs from the arcanist.
He sighed and kneeled down in front of the child with his hands on her shoulders. “Xiaoqing is the elder arcanist of the Lin Kuei and despite how he looks like a villain from an absolutely terrible book, he is the nicest and kindest person there is”. He quickly added on his description with, “and has the worst jokes in all of the nine realms”.
“I heard that!” Xiaoqing laughed.
Zi Rui stood up and took Seraphina’s hand as Xiaoqing approached. He had a friendly smile on his face and kneeled at the girl’s eye level, so she wouldn’t be intimidated. “Seraphina was it? Zi Rui said you can turn into water” He said, “that is very impressive”. He got up and stepped side, pointing the murky-looking pond. “Do you think that you can get to the other side through the water? Just so I can see”.
Seraphina looked up at Zi Rui and he nodded. The two men watched as she cautiously inched towards the waters edge. She glanced back at the Lin Kuei and Zi Rui motioned for her to go on. She nodded and just like that, her body dissipated into water and easily blended into the pond. Xiaoqing watched in amazement as the water rippled towards the other side. And just like that, a blob of water spat itself out, once again forming into Seraphina.
“Amazing!” Xiaoqing applauded. He leaned towards Zi Rui, whispering, “young Tomas still hasn’t learned how to turn into smoke without losing his clothes, so maybe he could learn something”. Zi Rui stifled a laugh. The arcanist paced around the pond to where Seraphina was. “Miss Seraphina, do you know how you turn into water?” He asked.
She just shrugged, nervously fidgeting with hers hands. “Just the way….” She paused, her face falling slightly. “…My papa taught me”.
Xiaoqing quickly noticed her expression and kneeled, his face an expression of sympathy. “Little one” He said gently and she looked at him for the first time. “I am so sorry what you had to go through. This all must be very frightening. Yet, you honor your family by continuing on. You are strong, like a storm…born from a storm”. It was then Tomas arrived for his lesson. Seraphina turned to see him quickly look away in embarrassment. The arcanist chuckled at the sight, “I think young Tomas could learn from you. Despite being the same age, his magic could use a little work”. Seraphina giggled quietly.
Xiaoqing stood up and motioned for Tomas. The boy hesitated before he was shooed away by Zi Rui. He finally slinked over and Seraphina looked at him curiously. “Sorry” Tomas blurted out. He was obviously referring to how he and his brothers scared the living daylights out of her when she first arrived and about dinner.
“It’s okay” she muttered, still nervously fidgeting with her hands.
Zi Rui stepped back as the children’s lesson began. Seraphina showed her ability to turn into water by hiding in the pond. Tomas was in awe at her skill. “Now, Seraphina, can you explain how you do that to Tomas?” Xiaoqing asked.
“The way my papa taught me” She explained to Tomas, “I just think that I’m well-a….water”.
Xiaoqing turned to Tomas, “so, think about becoming Smoke, Tomas. Think of how free, how you can….ride along the wind”.
The boy nodded and teetered back and forth on his feet. He closed his eyes, muttering, something about “becoming air” under his breath. It was then he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Seraphina coughed and wafted it away. All that was left of Tomas were his clothes crumpled on the ground. Zi Rui facepalmed and Xiaoqing was quickly looking around to where the boy had gone. The former was about to go search for Long Fei’s youngest son when he heard snickering. He looked down to see Seraphina was starting to crack a smile. She immediately burst out laughing, so much so that even her sides hurt. Zi Rui just stared in shock as he had never even seen her crack a smile during her time here so far.
He looked over at Xiaoqing but saw he was already long gone, probably going to search for Tomas, who had probably gone into hiding due to embarrassment.
Seraphina was laughing so hard that she fell over and that she was in tears. Zi Rui just chuckled, shaking his head, “is that funny, little one?”. She nodded and pulled herself up to her feet, wiping her eyes. He held out his hand. “Do you want to go help look for Tomas?” He asked. She answered him by grabbing his hand.
While searching for Tomas, Seraphina was thinking. She had been brought into such a strange, unfamiliar world but had been shown such kindness.
Maybe she could find a home here.
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whydoibe · 19 days
What if jay was the crystal king
Basicly jays anger and grief turning him into a hermit would create or allow a vioce to call out offering him things when he tried to tell the others they told him to go away or medtation but nothing worked eventually leaving to follow it ending up face to face with haruimi much to her shock before the overlord revealed he let him in to become something greater offering him nyas return explains that as the anthsis elemental light he could reverse her capture in exchange for jay giving up himself jay in moment of grief would agree becoming incased in the crystal.
Much would remain the same expet to the ninjas concern jay doesn't show up the ninja haven't seen him in months.
The crystal king was on the battlefield zane telling them to not engage but he was caught off guard and had no choice but to engage the corrupted power brushing across his face kai manged to gain the upper hand only for the monster to look at him staring into his soul.
"Oh kai still think your the strongest" the beast mocked it sounded like no. The mask of its face shrunk slightly and pulled upwards and kai saw jay pale eyes purple and blue with red pupils. He looked pained mouth twisted into a smile sharp teeth painfully obvious.
"J-Jay" kai would mutter as the mask covered his face once again lighting striking him he was saved by Cole thank the first for his existence.
"I will always win" the crystal king cried "it was I his corrupted who was the one to bite garmdon and set my plans into motion" golden light encasing him he had been defeated but still hand an ace up his sleve the vessel was breaking free but held use still. The rubble moved his hand breaking through it rising again standing turning to face the ninja lighting and darkness coating his 4 arms and hands glowing the ninja looked terfied how'd he reveal in thier screams. Rising his hand to kill them the vessels vioce annoyingly gaining volume.
'Don't you dare' jay cried he saw through his eyes but was powerless a watcher against his best wishes seeing nya look so scared because of him hurt him no no matter whatbthe overlord did nya would survive all of his friends would this was his body his command and was his element.
The crystal king raised his hand the ninja stared thier eradication certain. They cried good byes. Then blue sparks the crystal king backed away.
"Get out now" it screeched
"Why should I let it happen and give in let it rain let the storm kill" a 2nd much crueller vioce emanated from the beast kai seemed to be thinking before running towards it the ninja crying
"Jay" kai would cry hugging the thing tears falling from its eyes "it's u I thought it wasn't but he ... fight him jay"
Inside of jays mind Waa a ragging war occurs conflict mind against mind blades shining and clashing chains breaking then he felt kai his brother.
"Fight him jay" kais vioce rang through his head lighting sparking this was his domain not the overlords.
"Noooo no no " it cried as figures approached dragging it down but jay felt still returning to his body the stone amour that covered him was painfull the mask he wore hurt him. Get this off him the he felt water surrounded him.
The ninja watched as the beast they beloved to be the overlord petrified still kai kept hugging it being it to move why. Then nya surrounded it in water she wanted this thing gone then. "N-NYA" it cried with jays vioce dry and dehydrated but jays vioce. The amour shifting the crystals rearanginging the now two armed figure stood and then kai grabbed the helemnt ripping it off Turning to dust after hitting the floor. The figures face was jay twisted and contorted teeth seemed sharp horns adorned his head along his neck to his forehead were spines looking crystal like then he promptly passed out eyes darting to nya shoeing grief regret realeaf in an instant.
Days latter jay awoke feeling alone for the first time in over a year jay for the first time in forever felt ok with that. Then he opened his eyes seeing the medbay of monstary he felt to his chest feeling warmth no armour or crystals but then he saw the machines vitals go crazy as soon as he stared at the door no one noticed good he could slip out and then run away any where just to avoid thier judgemental stares at him as he pleaded his case for why he was the crystal king. He stood and noticed his hands claws and grey ish blue skin he felt large sharp teeth in his jaw he looked at his feet they looked different claws and back claw he felt a line of spines along his back getting up he walked over to mirror his eyes were blue and purple horns atop his head tears formed what had he dun why did he do it grief that was no excuse he knew they all grieved but he alone was responsible for probably hundreds no thousands of deaths. Jay crept out stocking to the shadows crawling along each shadows way to easily. He heed an argument.
"He is responsible kai" Lloyd cried
"Is he Lloyd he made a mistake and was clearly not in control when he preformed those actions" kai retorted back sounding disgusted at Lloyd
"Jay was grieving we all were he just happens to be the only one to turn into the overlord" Lloyd screeched. Jay felt his breathing quickn Lloyd was screaming to argue that he was responsible he new that he was he couldn't let his brothers argue about what he did jay felt a surge and with out meaning to he appeared right infront of them jay looked at thier shocked looks before spotted nya she looked the same last time he saw her just dammeged a few new scars.
"Don't you talk to her jay" Lloyd stated with a protective tone
"Jay" nya cried hugging him and then all his worries metered away.
Jay stood amongst his familie explains everything Lloyd forgave him he garmdon new what it felt like and related to him saying its ok. Wu told him that he probably saved the future a big headache
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What color does the elemental power of Storm corresponds to?
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Well, I usually settled on a range of blues or purples, with yellow highlights somewhere on the design. Since she has multiple facets to her power, I tend to give her a bit of a range of color rather than just sticking to one. With saying that though, her main color is the color of her hoodie, a darker blue.
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I'm redesigning her ninja gi at the moment, so I dont' have a solid image of that, but hopefully these will do! A lot of my work with her is in sketches rather than finished pieces ;-;
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thewanderingmask · 1 year
oh hey is it time to go watch old media until the writer's strike is over
welp here's my list, i highly recommend adding onto it or making your own
Better Off Ted (office comedy about a pretty decent guy who manages the R&D department of your standard big capitalist (evil) company. absurd, sincere, and blessedly not nihilistic.)
Golden Girls (four older women living together. openly touched upon topics like gay people are human beings actually and so are people without houses. and this was in the 80s.)
Murphy Brown (Reporter/news presenter workplace comedy. i like eldin)
WKRP (set in a radio station, this one is a pain to find unedited anywhere because of music licensing nonsense)
Designing Women (i haven't actually watched much of this yet but i heard it's pretty good so i'm listing it here in hopes i'll remember to check it out)
british panel / comedy shows (ok so they're like game shows, except the prizes range from useless to nonexistent, all the contestants are comedians, and nobody really cares that much who wins. ,fair warning though, these are british. so you're just gonna get a certain amount of jokes that are like "yup an old cishet white dude sure did write that")
Would I Lie to You (contestants make ridiculous claims and the opposing team has to guess if it's real or not)
8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown (not "8 out of 10 Cats". not "Countdown". specifically "8 out of 10 cats does countdown". yes this is important)
Taskmaster (five contestants perform a series of increasingly silly tasks to try to score points)
Big Fat Quiz of the Year / Decade (a series of long quiz specials where comedians often fail, intentionally or otherwise, to answer questions)
crime/detective/spy shows (cw copaganda. bc that's the entire genre)
Columbo (did you know it's ALL on the internet archive? for FREE?)
Simon and Simon (private investigators who are also brothers, a bit more on the fun side. pretty good for the 80s, but be warned you're still gonna get some dopey tropes like ableism in certain episodes.)
Rockford Files (ex-convict PI. doesn't like guns, friends with his dad. cynical but can't help helping people most of the time. we love to see it. like the two above, it's older but it holds up)
Brooklyn 99 (much like columbo, everybody already knows this one)
Burn Notice (recent ex-spy stuck in miami tries to get his job back. an unfortunate amount of ogle-y filler shots. I liked the first 4 seasons and low key recommend stopping after it, but everybody's mileage varies.)
and finally, because i know who i a:
Motorcity (what if the only answer to an oppressive conformist society was UNDERGROUND TEENS WITH CARS and it looked AMAZING and it was KILLED AFTER 20 EPISODES BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOD)
Storm Hawks (what if the only answer to a returning evil empire was SKY TEENS WITH AIRPLANE MOTORCYCLES, side note this is like the only time i've ever seen stylized 3D animation in a way that just looks? good?? i would love to see more stuff try this kind of direction instead of aiming for anime or realism)
Generator Rex (a teen with TRANSFORMING MUTANT MACHINE POWERS fights alongside a kinda sus organization to try to save others who have transformed into dangerous mutants. i haven't finished this one and im not a fan of the monkey character but dam this show kinda slaps)
Teen Titans (TEEN SUPERHEROES. i have a soft spot for this show. it was my first superhero show as a kid and still mostly holds up as good fun)
Spectacular Spider-Man (spider-man has a lotta cartoons by now but this is up there near the top i feel)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (it's PRETTY it's CUTE it's FUNNY and only has a few episodes i would outright skip. i stopped enjoying it by the last couple seasons but i still think it's worth a watch if you haven't yet)
and Bluey. watch Bluey.
AIGHT THAT'S IT FOR NOW honestly i could add more to this but my memory ain't that good
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm CONNECTIONS adds Boruto (Karma), Kawaki, and Jigen
Gematsu Source
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Publisher Bandai Namco and developer CyberConnect2 have released a new trailer for Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm CONNECTIONS featuring new playable characters Boruto (Karma), Kawaki, and Jigen, as well as previously announced new characters Naruto (Baryon Mode) and Sasuke (Supporting Kage).
Get the details below.
■ New Playable Characters
Boruto Uzumaki (Karma)
Awakening activates Karma. Bring down opponents with powered-up ninjutsu.
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His whole body is filled with scientific ninja tools. Kawaki transforms himself while toying with his opponents.
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Bring down the enemy with a barrage of stakes and overwhelming taijutsu. Whether at close or long range, he has no blind spots.
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■ New Combination Secret Techniques Pairing Kawaki with Naruto and Boruto
Rasengan Unison – Boruto Uzumaki (Karma) and Kawaki’s Combination Secret Technique
A powerful combo move that Kawaki and Boruto showed off in the battle against Boro. When Kawaki puts his hand on Boruto’s back, their Karmas resonate. By combining their power, they create a hypercharged Rasengan.
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Rasengan Ensemble – Naruto Uzumaki and Kawaki’s Combination Secret Technique
Naruto and Kawaki’s new Combination Secret Technique. Naruto in Kurama Link Mode throws the opponent into the air, and works with Kawaki to pull off a pincer attack. A simultaneous strike using Rasengan and Karma.
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Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm CONNECTIONS is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2023.
Watch the trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.
New Characters Trailer
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celticsorcerer1 · 10 months
Aisling McKeen Vs Her Inner Desires
Roxanne “Roxie'' Richter was standing in her art studio above her apartment, staring at the large canvas on the floor. Half of it was painted red, the other half, blue. The half-ninja smiled. “Today is gonna be fun.”
— Earlier that morning—
Roxie had just finished brushing her teeth after a filling high-protein, low-fat breakfast when her phone rang. She answered it with an enthusiastic “Roxie speaking.”
“Um… Rox?” the shy voice on the other end filled her with glee.
“Morning, Ash. What’s up?”
“Um… that little project you mentioned… the one you want my help with… remember it?” Aisling McKeen asked.
“I know of it. Why?” Roxie asked.
“W-well… does the offer still stand?” Aisling inquired.
Roxie beamed. “Of course, honey. Come on by this afternoon. I’ll even treat you to lunch when we’re done. Deal?”
“Sounds great,” Aisling replied.
“Just remember to wear something that you won't mind getting paint on. It’s washable paint, but just in case, you know?” Roxie advised.
“Ok, that makes sense. Does 11ish work?” Aisling asked.
“11ish is just fine. See you then. Love you bunches.” Roxie said.
“You drive me bananas,” Aisling replied with a giggle.
When Roxie’s doorbell rang at 11:25, she looked through the peephole and saw Aisling running a hand through her hair. Smiling wide, Roxie opened the door. “Hey, honey. Come on in,” she eyed Aisling’s outfit, a knee-length denim skirt, a white t-shirt, a light red windbreaker, and black slip-ons. Simple, but adorable. “You look so cute.”
Asking giggled. “Thank you. So do you.”
Roxie chuckled as she looked down at the ratty Power Rangers Ninja Storm t-shirt and black gym shorts she was wearing. “Oh, come on, I look like I just rolled out of bed.”
“So? You’re still my half-ninja cutie.” Aisling replied.
Roxie took Aisling’s hand and kissed it. “And you are my Sweet Cleric. Now, ready to see my studio loft?”
Aisling nodded. “You bet.”
Roxie led Aisling upstairs to her spacious loft. The far side window overlooked the Toronto skyline. The adjacent walls were covered with paintings, some dark and gritty, others light and happy.
Aisling looked around with a warm smile. “It’s like these paintings tell your story. Your past may have been tough, but you’ve grown past it and blossomed.”
“Aw, Ash…” Roxie hugged her girlfriend from behind and kissed her cheek. “Stop making me fall deeper and deeper in love with you.”
“Never,” Aisling replied. “I may be new to accepting myself, but you deserve every bit of love you’ve given me.”
“Which is why I want your help with this piece. It’s the start of the next chapter in my life, co-created by you,” Roxie smiled. “So slip off those slip-ons.”
“Before I do, I have a… confession to make,” Aisling said, blushing.
Roxie took Aisling’s hands. “I’m all ears, love.”
Aisling took a deep breath. “When I woke up in your room after I passed out the day we met, you were barefoot… and I thought your feet were cute. I…I think I have a foot fetish…”
Roxie smiled and kissed Aisling’s hands. “Everyone has something that awakens their desires, Ash. Besides, that makes our little art project all the more fun.”
“That’s why I… suggested we do it. Ever since I was little, I liked going barefoot. I did it as often as I could.”
Roxie kissed Aisling’s cheek. “So what are you waiting for?”
Asking nodded as she slipped off her shoes. Roxie smiled. “How is it that you’re taller than me, but your feet are daintier and smaller? What size shoe even are you?”
“5,” Aisling lowered her gaze to Roxie’s pudgy feet. “And you?”
“6.5,” Roxie looked at Aisling and smiled. “By the way, your feet are cute too. I can't wait to see them covered in blue paint.”
Aisling smiled. “And I can’t wait to see yours covered in red paint.”
Roxie wiggled her toes. “Should we get started?”
“Let’s,” Aisling followed Roxie over to the canvas, taking her place on the blue side. “So, we just walk towards each other?”
Roxie nodded. “Straight towards each other until there’s about…” she grinned cheekily. “Two feet between us.”
“Then?” Aisling asked,
“We trace a heart in the space between us and make it purple.,” Roxie winked. “Maybe bring a little innocent footsie into the mix.”
Asking blushed. “Oh…okay.”
Roxie frowned. “Is that… okay? If I’m moving too fast, Ash, tell me. I mean, footsie isn't…sexual. It’s just a little game. But if you're not ready…”
“No. I'm here. It’s just innocent fun. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Aisling took the first step on the canvas. An involuntary shudder passed through her body as the wet paint oozed between her toes. “Ooh, cold!”
Roxie giggled as she took her first step. “Walk slowly or you’ll slip.”
“Gotcha.” Aisling stepped forward and slowly walked toward the center. She smiled. “Once you get used to it, it feels…nice.”
“Yeah, it does.” Roxie agreed.
Soon, the young couple stood two feet apart. Roxie smiled. “Lift your foot.”
Aisling did as requested. “Is it blue?”
“From toe to heel,” Roxie mirrored her girlfriend. “What about mine?”
Asking giggled. “It kinda looks like you’ve been squishing strawberries.”
“Perfect. Now, hold still,” Roxie pressed her painted sole against Aisling’s, then traced half a purple heart in the space between them. “A little help?”
Aisling nodded and traced the other half of the heart. The inside of it was still red and blue. Smiling, Aisling placed her foot on the blue side and began brushing it over to the red side and back, turning the rest of the heart purple. Roxie did the same on her side, intentionally brushing her foot over Aisling’s a time or two.
Aisling giggled. “I hope you have cleaning supplies nearby if you’re gonna turn my foot purple.”
Roxie shrugged. “I’ll just grab you and ninja vanish us to the bathtub. We can wash off our feet, then grab some lunch.”
Aisling smiled. “You’ve been planning this since the exhibit, haven’t you?”
“You know me so well.” Roxie grinned.
After the two washed off their feet and relocated to the living room, Roxie pulled out her cell phone. “What toppings do you like on your pizza, Ash?”
“I’m fine with whatever, Rox.” Aisling smiled.
“So, pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms?” Roxie asked.
“Sounds yummy.” Aisling smiled.
“Gosh, could you be any more perfect?” Roxie asked.
“Aw, don’t you love me the way I am?” Aisling pouted.
Roxie looked away. “Ash, c’mon, don’t do that!”
“Why?” Aisling fixed her big doe eyes on her girlfriend.
“Oh, come here!” Roxie pulled her close and kissed her long and good. When she pulled back, Aisling let out a squeak.
“Message received…”
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nairaojha · 1 year
Unveiling the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R: Performance and Price Breakdown
Welcome to our latest blog post, where we’ll dive deep into the world of the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R. This superbike has garnered a devoted following over the years, with its striking looks, cutting-edge technology, and unrivaled performance on the track. In this post, we’ll explore the key features of the ZX-10R, the latest updates for the model year, and, most importantly, the price tag that comes with this beast of a motorcycle.
A Brief Overview of the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R:
The Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R first debuted in 2004, taking the motorcycling world by storm with its impressive specs and dominant track performance. Fast forward to today, and the ZX-10R continues to evolve, incorporating the latest technology and design elements to remain at the forefront of the superbike category. With its aggressive styling, powerful engine, and advanced electronics, the ZX-10R is a force to be reckoned with.
Powering the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R:
At the heart of the Ninja ZX-10R is a 998cc, inline-four, liquid-cooled engine. This powerplant delivers an astonishing 200 horsepower, propelling the motorcycle to dizzying speeds with ease. The engine’s high-revving nature, combined with advanced electronics such as traction control, launch control, and engine braking control, ensures optimal performance whether you’re on the street or the racetrack.
The Latest Updates to the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R:
For the current model year, Kawasaki has introduced several updates to the Ninja ZX-10R. These improvements include redesigned aerodynamics, featuring an integrated winglet system for increased downforce and stability at high speeds. The suspension has also been upgraded, with Showa’s Balance Free Front Fork and a Balance Free Rear Cushion (BFRC) shock, providing improved handling and ride comfort. Additionally, the ZX-10R now comes equipped with the latest Brembo M50 Monobloc front brake calipers, ensuring phenomenal stopping power.
Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R Price Breakdown:
The Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R price is available in multiple trims, with varying prices depending on the features and specifications of each version. The base model ZX-10R starts at around $16,399, offering a solid foundation of performance and technology for the price. The ZX-10R KRT Edition, featuring a unique Kawasaki Racing Team-inspired livery, starts at around $16,699. Lastly, the top-of-the-line ZX-10R SE, which includes electronic suspension and upgraded brake components, comes in at approximately $21,899.
The Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R is a superbike that offers unparalleled performance, advanced technology, and striking design. With a price range of $16,399 to $21,899, depending on the trim level, this motorcycle is not only a track day weapon but also a great value for enthusiasts seeking a high-performance machine.
Read more :- kawasaki z900 mileage
Source :- https://videoprimeamazon.com/unveiling-the-kawasaki-ninja-zx-10r-performance-and-price-breakdown/
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kitchenthread · 2 years
Best Juicer for Smoothies
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This blender has taken social media by storm, and we can confirm it is well worth the investment.
(It even made our 2022 Amazon finds list!) It's made by the Nutribullet creator and has blades that adjust to the texture and temperature of whatever it's blending.
This Best Jucier for Smoothies can crush ice in no time! No matter what your ingredients are, the three speeds will help you achieve the perfect texture.
It's also available in a variety of modern colorways for every type of kitchen, ranging from steel blue to pistachio green.
"After extensive research, it appeared that only the KitchenAid had all of the features we desired and was highly rated.
We gave it a shot and were blown away; this blender is a kitchen superstar "One Bed Bath & Beyond customer rated this KitchenAid pick five stars.
Juices and smoothies will help you maintain a nutritious, well-balanced diet because you will consume the appropriate amount of vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
And the best way to make juice or smoothies is to use a juicer or a blender. The functions of a juicer and a blender are not interchangeable. Both have distinct characteristics.
What exactly is a Juicer Blender Combo?
You might be thinking right now that your kitchen requires both of these items. But what if I told you that a juicer and blender combo can do the same job?
Who doesn't appreciate a product that serves two functions? As a result, manufacturers have created smart appliances with cutting-edge capabilities and additional accessories that can serve as the best juicer for blender.
Kitchen Cuisinart CFP-800
This machine is made of stainless steel, weighs about 14.25 pounds, and is powered by a 500-watt motor.
It has a chord length of about 28 inches and overall dimensions of 20 inches (L) x 11.13 inches (W) x 17 inches (H). The blades are also made of stainless steel, which ensures their sharpness.
You can meet your requirements by adjusting the speed levels with the rotary dial control.
Ninja Team
It combines the functions of a juicer and a blender, as the name implies. A 1400 watt vacuum-assisted motor allows this machine to make juices, smoothies, frozen drinks, ice cream, and various dips, sauces, and pures. The machine has a full-sized control board with seven pre-programmed buttons for doing various things.
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polargear · 2 years
Naruto ultimate ninja impact dirt
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The game covers the Naruto Shippuden storyline from the beginning through the most recent episodes! Ad-hoc mode allows two friends to team up and complete missions cooperatively. Single Player Mode lets fans become part of explosive Naruto Shippuden fights straight from the anime. Home PSP Cheats Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact USA CWCheat. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact lets players unleash their honed Jutsu skills through exciting single-player and multiplayer modes. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact delivers solid gameplay, as well as revolutionizing the series with a new hybrid action system, for 1-on-1, as well as 1-on-100 battles! Beginners can utilize simple controls and easy combos to become the ultimate ninja right away while long-time fans will be impressed with huge battles against hordes of enemies! Fresh Boss Battles include the massive Eight Tails & The Six Paths of Pain! Players have access to a wide range of characters from the Naruto Shippuden universe, with customization options to power up characters to the max! Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact adalah game Fighting yang diterbitkan oleh Bandai Namco Games yang dirilis pada tanggal 31 Januari 2012 untuk Sony. Experience game franchises from past generations and enjoy the games you love at no additional cost. ây l à 1 ta game i kháng phng theo b truyn tranh ình ám Naturo, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact, sn phm n t nhà phát. The game covers the Naruto Shippuden storyline from the beginning through the most recent episodes! Ad-hoc mode allows two friends to team up and complete missions cooperatively. Discover the library of Xbox backward compatible games. Nu các bn ang tìm cho mình 1 ta game cht chém hay, có ct truyn lôi cun hp dn và li là fan ca b truyn Naruto thì chc chn không th b qua ta game sau ây. Single Player Mode lets fans become part of explosive Naruto Shippuden fights straight from the anime. Here we have twenty-five times when Naruto went TOO far.Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact lets players unleash their honed Jutsu skills through exciting single-player and multiplayer modes. Things can get crazy and even push the line in this exciting show. He was someone that definitely should have been more crucial to the plot. Finally, how about the fact that Kimimaro was so strong and beautiful and dynamic. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja, known in Japan as the Naruto: Narutimate Series (Japanese: NARUTO (), Hepburn: Naruto: Narutimetto Shirzu), is a series of fighting video games, based on the popular manga and anime series Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto, for the PlayStation 2. This goes beyond the grim reaper, this is a soul-eating monster. And can we just pretend that the Akatsuki aren’t the Illuminati? Or that the Shinigami isn’t the creepiest thing you’ve ever heard of. He was not needed for the plot, despite being underlying central to it. Then we have Black Zetsu, who oddly seemed like nothing, then seemed like the main antagonist (but turned out pretty pointless). Mechanic Simulator 2015 - Total Modifications, Rabi-Ribi, Impact Winter.
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It makes the gates seem less than amazing. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 - Gaaras Tale Extra Scenario Pack. *SPOILER* for anyone who has not finished the Shippuden anime series! Like how Guy (who we are very glad lived) actually lived after opening all eight gates. But there were quite a few times where it went way too far!īut before we start, let’s talk about some of the most annoying things that are completely unnecessary in this anime. Most of the time, Naruto was pretty safe. The Japanese culture created this cartoon series that is rarely for children, or at least, is not something that most American/British/Canadian children would be allowed to watch. Now you can play it on your android phone or iOS Device. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Impact is a PSP game but you can play it through PPSSPP a PSP Emulator and this file is tested and really works. We all know that anime is a strange thing. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Impact Download PPSSPP + Best Settings. Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, you better “believe it” because we’re about to call out Kishimoto and the rest of the gang right here.
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comicstoastonish · 4 years
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #29 (2018)
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo
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