#pone reviews
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IDK what it is, but something about this premier screams "off". Why were "the press" instructing the cast how to pose and make poses that would never make it onto magazine or news articles? Why did a "reviewer" release a review of Hazbin Hotel before it even played? How did they manage to mess up the invite system so bad and had the invites sent out late? Why did they post pone the premier by two or three hours?
I want to be clear that I am not someone who is well knowledgeable when it comes to premiers or press releases, but I've never seen a premier this poorly executed before that the whole thing just feels off.
Nah, I get what you mean. Something definitely seems...weird.
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Me he pasado Celeste 64
Celeste 64 es una secuela corta y gratuita del conocido juego Celeste, esta vez en un 3D basado en la antigua Nintendo 64, y es que su gameplay se basa bastante en plataformas de esa época, convirtiendo el plataformeo lineal de Celeste en un collectathon en 3D adaptando las mecánicas de su antecesor al 3D de manera magistral.
Basándose en Super Mario 64 y usando elementos del juego anterior en este mapa que el juego trae tendremos que recoger las fresas como si de las estrellas de Mario se tratase, aunque ese no es nuestro objetivo al final del día...
Madeline en este caso ha venido a la montaña Celeste buscando a su contraparte Badeline para poder hablar con ella de "un paso importante que tienen que dar para ser felices y que les da miedo". Si, hablan de algún punto de su transición de género, pero hablaremos de esto más adelante. El caso con esto es que el "final" del juego será cuanto encontremos a Badeline y hablemos con ella, quien tiene al lado una señal que nos indica el "final" del juego... Pero para esto no requerimos de ninguna fresa, ¿que no era un collectathon?
Aquí viene la chicha del juego, el mapa es grande y contiene 30 fresas. Muchas a simple vista, otras escondidas, pero está en nuestra mano si conseguirlas o no, yo las encontré todas... Algunas incluso están en las cintas, que en este juego nos transportan a un mini nivel con un reto plataformero super jodido pero muy gratificante cuando consigues pasarlos.
Voy a hablar de uno de los elefantes en la habitación: esto parece una demo más que un juego. Desde el hecho de que algunos controles no se sienten del todo finos (hay veces que el salto parece procedural), el hecho de que esto tiene muchas mecánicas en un solo nivel como si fuese una prueba técnica o un nivel tutorial y el hecho de que hay un selector de niveles cuando solo hay un nivel... ¿Para que me pones ese selector de niveles si solo hay uno?
Si esto es una demo encubierta, que ojalá, me veréis a mi dándole el dinero que necesite a esta gente para sacar esto adelante, incluso con los controles no tan pulidos esto ha sido la hostia y le he echado dos horas y media de mi vida de las cuales no me arrepiento ni un ápice.
Se viene chapa y spoilers, por si queréis no leer a partir de aquí, la review está hecha.
Ahora vengo a hablar de algo más personal, como persona trans recién salida del armario y empezando a afrontar temas como el tratamiento hormonal y demás... Este diálogo me ha calado hondo, esto lo he vivido yo. Me da pánico y terror todo lo que conlleva la transición y al mismo tiempo estoy ansiosa por hacerlo... En mi también hay una Madeline y una Badeline discutiendo cada día, preguntando continuamente: ¿Valdrá la pena? ¿Y si me estoy auto engañando? ¿Y si me convierto en un problema para todos por esto?
Pero no he parado, no me he rendido, estoy empezando a perder peso en serio para poder hacer las cosas bien, por que me siento mejor conmigo misma y por que cada vez que pienso en tener un cuerpo femenino se siente correcto... Como si siempre debería haber sido así.
Cuando pienso en si me estoy engañando a mi misma pienso en mi pasado, en como siempre ha estado ahí, el como sin darme cuenta siempre he tenido este sentimiento, solo que no he sido capaz de dar ese paso... Siempre he sido una mujer, pero nunca he sido capaz de aceptarlo.
Ahora tengo apoyo, tengo información y, lo más importante, tengo convicción sobre este paso. ¿Me aterra? Mucho ¿Pienso en rendirme muchas veces? Muchísimas, pero aquí sigo. Este juego ha plasmado literalmente todos estos pensamientos en un diálogo, haciendo que no me sienta sola en esto... Es igual a cuando hablo con alguna amiga trans, leo algún foro o escucho algún podcast de alguna persona trans, Han vuelto a reflejar todo esto en un juego, por pequeño que sea, por mucho que para ver este diálogo puedas tardar 6 minutos o incluso menos... Puede parecer una tontería pero he llegado a soltar una lágrima ante esto.
PD: las imágenes de la conver están pilladas de una partida en mi PC por que la Steam Deck ha hecho algo raro con mis capturas, he tenido potra de tener las de cuando he pillado la última fresa y del menú y tal al 100%, mirad esta captura para que veáis que digo.
En conclusión, jugad esto, no solo es divertido y muy bueno si no que igual si lo juga la suficiente gente lo sacan como juego completo y yo no podría estar más feliz.
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Due to how late it is with people going to sleep and all that jazz ill have to post the review tomorrow morning however here is the actual good news!
The review is done and is ready to post early in the morning when more people can see it. I actually had to post pone the review because more people were speaking on the matter of the episode so I wanted to collect some further thoughts to finalize everything. In the end, it worked out! My deep apologies as I ended up taking way longer than I intended to but at least it feels surreal!
ta-ta until tomorrow guys :)
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Nimona review parte 2(spanish)
Pero en el climax el hecho de que dijera directamente "no se que asusta más el hecho de que todos en el reino quieran clavarme una espada, o el hecho de que a veces, quiero que lo hagan" es una carta de suicidio demasiado directa. Y el mensaje de la escena post-creditos parece ser una linea de ayuda para las personas en está situación, Nate ya mandaba apoyo desde su novela cuando le dedicaba está historia a todas las chicas mounstro, está pelicula va dirigida a todas las personas que se sienten que como mounstro a quien deben clavarle una espada en el corazon, para que sepan que hay alguien que los ve, no estas solo.
Algunas transiciones son bastante geniales, la escena en la que Ballister sale de la casa directo a la cárcel me parecio perfecta, pero veo quejas sobre la escena del closet ya que pasan de estar discutiendo con mucha intensidad en un lugar oscuro a una escena donde no hay más ruido más que el de Nimona saliendo como rinoceronte con un golpe a una sala iluminada. Algo de eso no se siente bien.
Pasando a los personajes Nimona es una protagonista con el que es fácil encariñarse, su rediseño es precioso, su comedia, sus expresiones de furia son divertidas y sus dibujos son algo que quiero colgar en mi pared, pero tambien es alguien que a pasado por mucho dolor, y es abierta con su jefe por como se siente al respecto, sus ojos llenos de decepción en las escenas fuertes me dan ganas de abrazarla.
Siento que cuando se muestra como villana me da vibras de que perfectamente podría ser la hija de Demencia y Black Hat, ya que es capaz de generar una masacre en una epica secuencia de un minuto, nunca habia visto a alguien patear a tanta gente teniendo forma de avestruz, es impresionante, Balliste tiene unos ojos de cachorro que lo hacen adorable, pero además de ello es el padre que siempre quisiste, y el unico con la paciencia suficiente para soportar a Nimona, siento que Golden no brillo mucho en está pelicula, pero me cae mucho mejor que en la novela, la escena en la que le grita la reina que cortar brazos no es una muestra de amor es la representación perfecta de cuando quieres gritar todo lo que piensas pero elijes encajar en la sociedad. Sin embargo, cuando pareciera que le estaba mostrando a Ballister que lo estaban manipulando mientras veian el video de la directora solo para rematarlo con que Nimona es quien lo manipula, es un poco decepcionante pero te muestra cuando lavado de cerebro hay en el instituto, y cuanta confianza hay entre estos personajes, Balliste confia en Golden pero tambien en Nimona y Golden confia en la directora a pesar de estar en conflicto con su novio. Asi de perfecta esta construida la relación entre los personajes, la relacion entre Nimona y Ballister me llena de ternura. Nimona es quien pone toda la iniciativa para poder ser amiga de Blackheart, ella es quien lo rescata de prisión y le ofrece su apoyo, además de decirle directamente que si todo el mundo lo odia es igual que ella, como si no tuviera más opcion que ser su amigo ya que son todo lo que tienen, no solo Nimona está lista para hacer amigos despues de 1000 años de estar sola sino que quiere estar con alguien que admira porque se identifica con él, partiendo de ese punto, los momentos que tienen para conocerse pasar muy rapido, un dia destruyen el instituto, por la tarde destruyen el mercado, y parece que en la noche entrevistan al guardia que grabo el video, pero me encanta que Nimona este dispuesta a hablar, nunca revela exactamente que es, pero si que se acercan y se toman el tiempo de jugar monopoly y bailar para celebrar. Esas escenas me llenan de ternura, de hecho la escena donde Nimona está teniendo pesadillas y su jefe/figura paterna la arropa y le dice que esta en casa …. dios me muero de amor <3
La pelicula le tira una bofetada en la cara a disney mostrando un claro romance gay desde el primer minuto, y un beso para terminar con broche de oro el mes del orgullo, te adoro Nate. El hecho de que la estrenaran en el pride le queda como anillo al dedo considerando los problemas que tuvieron al producir esta película luego del cierre de Blue Sky, y aun así pusieron referencias al estudio en la peli! Quédense a apreciar los creditos por un momento porque la canción es oro, y yo y mi hermano andabamos bailando el soundtrack, esta chica tiene buenos gustos musicales, la canción se llama T-rex by K. Flay.
En general es una pelicula muy divertida. La construcción del mundo tambien me encanto. Algo que le falto a “Elementos” que casi no te muestra nada de la gente nube y la gente tierra, mientras que en está pelicula la gente del pueblo interactúa con los protagonistas y con la prensa todo el tiempo, te muestran que clase de mundo medieval futurista es en el que te encuentras, te hablan del muro y de lo que habia afuera, del odio hacia el monstro y la devoción hacia Gloriana que la gente tuvo durante generaciones, que tan avanzados son sus autos voladores y sus pantallas que sacan las noticias en vivo, contrastando con el ejercito de caballeros y las estatuas de cientos de años, y más importante aun te muestra un mundo donde la sociedad es tan clasista y prejuiciosa como en la realidad, que prefieren dejar a un bebe desamparado contal de evitar problemas, que no respetan las opiniones ni de su propia reina y que se creen la defensa de la directora a pesar de que tardo hasta dias en decirla. Claro que tiene muchas exageraciones con el proposito de entretener pero quien no ha visto el efecto que tienen ciertas sociedades como la asiatica que no se atreven a tocar a un compañero que se desmaya solo para que alguien más se lleve el drama o incluso los gastos medicos ?
Hay momentos donde se nota el 20% que seguramente tuvieron que hacer a la volada, porque la escena del bebe demonio la siento con demasiada iluminación
Si bien hay muchas diferencia con la novela grafica el mensaje es el mismo, una alegoría al rechazo social que sufren las personas queer, y no se molestan en lo más minimo en esconder sus indirectas (podemos hablar del "you´re gonna die in the closet" lmao) Nimona es definitivamente genero fluido, adoro que sea mucho más abierta y se queje de que ella es el mounstro. Porque tanto en la novela como en la pelicula, Nimona no era una asesina serial cuando comenzaron a llamarla mounstro, pero se convirtio en el “””””mounstro””””” que el instituto quería que fuera para que la destruyeran y quedaran como los heroes de su historia.
Por cierto las escena de los avances en las que nimona se dibuja como un pajaro y el dice a Balliste como dar like no salen en la peli asi que estoy feliz de que se molestaran en animar contenido para promocionarla. En está version no hay indicios de que GoldenLion halla rebanado el brazo de su novio a proposito, algo que me parecio muy acertado porque si que suena toxico salir con quien te dejo invalido. Por cierto que rayos con la escena de la flecha, Nimona admite que le duele pero no grita ante el dolor como un ser humano.
En el final, Nimona saluda a Balliste apenas logra recuperar su forma. Dandonos el alivio de ver que no murio en la explosión . Y diablos deben ver la escena final en ingles. La película la calificaria como +7 nada más porque conservaron 2 gotas de sangre. Me siento orgullosa de Nate, ya admiraba su trabajo en Netflix por el reboot de She-ra, se necesitó de dos estudios para lograr que su trabajo sea reconocido en Netflix a pesar de que empezó como un simple proyecto para graduarse, se convirtio en una historia que miles de personas lucharon por que se diera a conocer. Ahora todo el mundo podrá conocer a tu chica. Nimona.
Parte 1: https://www.tumblr.com/mylittlegemlins/721658744305516544/nimona-review-spanish?source=share
Versión en ingles: https://www.tumblr.com/mylittlegemlins/721661075018350592/nimona-review-english?source=share
#nimona#nimona film#nimona movie#ballister boldheart#ambrosius goldenloin#nd stevenson#go and watch the movie
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Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse es una tremenda obra de arte (Parte 2).
Continuaré a través de esta nota la primera parte de la review de SMAtS.
Por si no la han visto vallan a verla.
Como dije en la anterior nota, esto contendrá spoilers importantes sobre la película, así que te recomiendo que si aún no la has visto, no la leas más.
Ahora, empezaremos esta segunda parte hablando específicamente del Spider-Man 2099, también conocido como Miguel O’hara o algo así.
Por cierto... Pobrecillo.
He notado que últimamente el internet lo ha estado SOBREEXPLOTANDO de una manera muy... rara xd.
¿Enserio no se han dado cuenta la cantidad de imágenes y dibujos ilustrándolo a él como un pinche femboy vestido de maid?
Esto se ha salido de control muchachos, pobre tipo.
Bueno, prosiguiendo con mi opinión sobre este personaje, él me parece un Spider-Man muy respetable, ya que él vio morir a un universo entero literalmente y peleó en muchas batallas, las suficientes como para darse cuenta de que no podía mantener el control él solo, y fue por eso que creo a todo ese grupo de Spider-Man’s multiversales, por el bien de todos los universos, para que no les suceda lo mismo que al otro. Lo único malo de este personaje está muy traumado y eso no lo deja avanzar como persona en su vida. Tantas cosas malas que le han sucedido lo han dejado hasta el punto en el que es casi inexpresivo, y eso es muy triste.
Otra cosa que debo tomar en cuenta es que aún no nos han mostrado mucho sobre él, un claro ejemplo es lo de que halla mostrado sus colmillos de lo que parece ser un vampiro. Estos solo han salido una vez en toda la película, y eso nos da a entender que aún hay mucho por descubrir de este personaje.
Además, él es muy exigente con los eventos canon y es por eso que hay muchos memes por ahí sobre eso.
Esperemos que en la próxima entrega muestren todo lo que necesitamos saber sobre él y que muestren todo su potencial como... ¿Anti-heroe se podría decir? Creo que sí.
Mención especial para Spider-Punk y para Pavitr Prabhakar.
Me cayeron muy bien ellos dos, fueron muy buen complemento para Miles y Gwen.
En el caso de Spider-Punk, se vio muy cool, además de que parece que en algún momento también tuvo conflictos morales acerca de los eventos canónicos y es por eso que comprende mucho más a Miles que cualquier otro personaje.
Se ve que el también ha tratado de cambiar la situación pero no ha podido porque o no tenía un buen equipo formado, o no veía que era realmente el momento o tal vez porque le llamaron la atención ya una vez y se quedó quieto por eso hasta ahora que conoció a Miles.
Otro punto a destacar es su tan buen estilo de animación. Se me hace muy original. Es como si viniera de un universo de papel. Literal como si hubiera salido de un cómic.
En el caso de Pavitr, aunque yo le digo Spider-Man hindú, también me cayó muy bien, y me gustó mucho su universo. La subtrama de su crush de el papá de su crush que tenía que morirse pero Miles no lo dejó, por un lado me resultó muy gracioso por la manera en la que Pavitr se comportaba cuando estaba con la muchacha, cosa que me hizo identificarme mucho con él. Pero por otro lado el hecho de que el haber salvado al Sheriff (el cuál era el papá de la muchacha) significó que el mundo de Pavitr podría desaparecer por ese evento canónico que nunca sucedió gracias a Miles.
Esto nos da a entender lo tan cruel que puede llegar a ser ser Spider-Man, ya que una vida, en este caso, se tiene que sacrificar para mantenerlo todo bajo control, pero si cambias la más mínima cosa, muchas más vidas podrían morir a costa de evitar que se pierda solo una.
También se tiene que hablar sí o sí de la banda sonora y el soundtrack, ya que... Enserio... en esta película se pasaron.
Como había dicho en la primera parte de la review, cuando mencioné a la mancha, mencioné también las partes en las que absorbe la energía y se vuelva negro y todo se pone turbio. En esas escenas la música del fondo formó parte MUY importante en las escenas, para que así sentir todavía más escalofríos.
A eso me refiero.
También hay muchos otros soundtracks muy buenos.
Otro de los mejores es el del 2099, el cuál se ha vuelto un meme y todo.
Por más meme que sea, esta canción me da escalofríos.
Into the Spiderverse tenía buena música, pero en esta mejoraron bastante.
Para terminar les pongo unas cuántas otras canciones para que las disfruten y las pongan en sus playlists si gustan.
Creo que haré una tercera parte acerca de todos los cameos y los demás Spider-Man’s que aparecieron.
Por si se preguntan por qué no he hablado sobre Spider-Woman,de Peter B. Parker y su hija, además de Miles Morales Prowler, pues hablaré de ellos en la siguiente parte.
Hablamos luego señores B)
#across the spiderverse#spiderman 2099#miles morales#gwen stacy#spider gwen#spiderman india#spider punk#pavitr prabhakar#hobie brown#miguel o'hara#pelicula#movie#review#multiverso#ultimate spider man#nova#critica#parte 2#soundtrack
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CINE Almas en pena de Inisherin (2022) Título original: The Banshees of Inisherin Reino Unido Dirección: Martin McDonagh Idioma: Inglés subtítulada en Español
Atención: Solo para ver en PC o Notebook Para ver el Film pulsa el Link: https://artecafejcp.wixsite.com/escenario-cafejcp/post/almas-en-pena-de-inisherin-2022
Reparto: Colin Farrell · Brendan Gleeson · Kerry Condon · Barry Keoghan · Pat Shortt · David Pearse · Gary Lydon
Género: Comedia dramática. Amistad. Años 20
Sinopsis: Ambientada en una isla remota frente a la costa oeste de Irlanda en 1923, narra la historia de dos amigos de toda la vida, Pádraic y Colm, quienes se encuentran en un callejón sin salida cuando Colm pone fin a su amistad de un modo abrupto. Un Pádraic atónito, con la única comprensión de su hermana Siobhán y del simple Dominic, se esfuerza por reconstruir la relación, negándose a aceptar las negativas de su amigo de siempre. Cuando Colm le plantea a Pádraic un ultimátum desesperado, los acontecimientos se precipitan y provocan consecuencias traumáticas.
Críticas: "La demente obstinación de una obra maestra (…) Asuntos como la soledad, la necesidad de huir (…) son tratados con una precisión que asusta. Y con una gracia tan cerca de la desgracia que da pánico (…)" -Luis Martínez: Diario El Mundo
Posición en rankings FA: 26 Ranking: Top 100 películas del 2022
Premios: 2022: Premios Oscar: 9 nominaciones, incl. mejor película, dirección y guion original 2022: 4 Premios BAFTA, incluyendo Mejor film británico. 10 nominaciones 2022: 3 Globos de Oro: Mejor película comedia, actor com. y guion. 8 nominaciones 2022: Festival de Venecia: Mejor actor (Colin Farrell) y mejor guion 2022: National Board of Review (NBR): Mejor actor, secundario, guion orig. y Top 10 2022: American Film Institute (AFI): Premio Especial AFI
Café Mientras Tanto jcp
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Este review de una estrella en Goodreads me marcó. Ojalá se pudieran poner estrellas a los comentarios, porque a veces están mejor que el propio libro. En este caso se trata de Long Live Evil (Larga vida al mal) de Sarah Rees Brennan. Lo tuve que dejar porque no podía con él. Empecé a cuestionarme mi nivel de inglés, y eso que soy traductora-intérprete titulada. La narrativa no fluía, avanzaba a trompicones entre descripción, narración y flashbacks, a medio camino entre un cáncer-fic, un isekai y dark romantasy. Creo que el hecho de que no me guste el romantasy y conozca poco el género me afectó. Lo curioso es que me encantaron sus novelas de Fence, me encantó la premisa del libro, me ENCANTÓ el primer capítulo. Pero fue meterse la prota en el libro y volverse todo... A flowery nothing burger. Me exasperaba. Irónicamente, leyendo las reseñas malas en Goodreads, bastantes personas criticaban que la protagonista hablara en moderno cuando ESO era lo único que me gustaba. Leí en tumblr que se inspiró bastante en la peli de "Destino de caballero", la cual me encantó. Pero este libro no es lo mío. Quizá la traducción lo mejore. O no. Porque con esos títulos nobiliarios larguísimos que tiene cada personaje, esa insistencia en "somos villanos villanosos malos malosos" y, por lo visto, un número musical en mitad del libro, me da que hay que ser muy fan de la "aesthetic" (y de las ilustraciones que, como es habitual, generan un hype que el texto no cumple). Creo que hoy en día se pone más énfasis en esto que en editar bien los libros para que fluyan como el cerebro necesita para procesarlos. O quizá sea sólo el mío, que necesita cierto orden y concierto. Una pena, porque de verdad de la buena que la prota prometía. (La autora pasó recientemente un cáncer, por lo que este libro es su consuelo y desahogo personal. Le deseo éxito y alegrías, al margen de mi opinión de bicho raro.)
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CHICA...DIOS MÍO. Es lo único que puedo decir después de este capítulo que tuvo todo. Vamos a desmenuzarlo.
¿Las pesadillas de Shua se harán más persistentes según el tiempo que se separe de Bunny? Yo espero que sí, porque eso implica que su subconsciente le está diciendo que hay peligro de perderla, lo cuál tanto Han como Bunny le han dicho que no sucederá, lo cuál me lleva a pensar que en algún futuro, Shua va a alejarse de tal manera que habrá algún punto de quiebre en dónde TODO va a tener que ser valorado una vez más.
Me sigue maravillando el equipo que puede formar el Jihan en cuánto a Bunny se refiere. Su manera de lograr que ella sea la que sienta, la que haga, la que mueva el pandero me encanta. Ellos sólo quieren lo mejor para su chica y eso me fascina.
¿Han y Bunny? FUCK. Que sensual es Hannie, ya lo pensaba desde antes pero el hecho de que pueda lograr todas esas cosas en Bunny con sólo tocarla poquito. Hasta yo me emocioné en esa parte del capítulo. Siento que esos dos le van a sacar canas verdes a Shua en algún momento y no puedo esperar JAJAJA.
La fiesta, debo admitir que me sorprendió lo directo que fue Jeonghan con Shua, pero era necesario, porque hasta yo andaba dudando de qué estaría pensando el corazón de melón. No sé, siento que ahí hay algo que no se están diciendo. Also...¿Tae? Oh my God, no pude evitar sorprenderme cuando apareció, me gustó que estuviera. Ojalá salga en los siguientes capítulos.
Bunny y Shua se quieren tanto y me preocupa que no se lo digan a cada momento. Es como si hubiera una fuerza invisible que les impide el hablar bien con el otro y eso me pone de nervios.
Mi review: Un 100000/10. Amé el capítulo, no pudo venir en mejor momento pues me enteré de una situación médica semi-delicada por la que estoy pasando y esto me alegró un montón. Sigue así V, haces a muchas personas muy felices con tu trabajo.
PD. Leí que estás recién soltera y te abrazo a la distancia, se siente feo terminar una relación pero a veces es necesario. Espero que todo mejore pronto.
PD2. ¿Cómo estás llevando lo de la noticia de Hannie? En lo personal estoy devastada, pero sé que el tiempo pasa rápido y que, a pesar de que lo voy a extrañar, va a regresar mejor que nunca.
¡Hasta la próxima, V!
xoxo, Blossom
red lights | lights out series
The plan was fair and simple, but one that you could not take from zero to one hundred. Struggling with feelings of insecurity, hurt feelings and other concerns, you soon came to realize that it was not so simple. Nor fair.
✮pairings: joshua hong x female reader x yoon jeonghan ✮ genre: angst, fluff, smut [18+] ✮ aus: rockstar joshua, theatre director jeonghan, boyfriend joshua, best friend jeonghan, polyamorous relationship ✮word count: 22.2k
› 🎧: nbd – i.m | whiskey – jay b | motorspeed 24 – bibi | the killa – tomorrow x together | xo – enhypen | honey! – tabber ft. dean | up late – gemini | put my hands on you – dean, anderson .paak
→ season one — season two — read more
› smut warnings under the cut
✮ warnings: smut with plot, polyamorous relationship, threesomes, joshua is into cucking, talks of bisexuality and consent, light homo-erotic themes ?, possessiveness, jealousy, dom and sub dynamics, (joshua, jeonghan and bunny are kinda switchy in this chapter) multiple unprotected sex scenes, anal and vaginal penetration, double penetration, fingering, pussy eating, nipple teasing. exhibitionsim kink: sex in public spaces, groping. brat taming: spanking, overstimming, edging. pet names: baby, beautiful, brat, bunny, filthy girl, good girl, princess (hers) handsome, babe, baby, baby boy, altar boy (joshua's) baby (jeonghan) ✮ author's note: heyooooo. this note is to explain that the instances where Bunny with capital letter is mentioned, it is a placeholder for "Y/N", oke oke, bye ( • ω • )🩵 ✮ additional note: this is not proofread, as always. so if you spot silly mistakes, no you didn't. bye 🤘🏻 ✮ disclaimer: minors dni this post is intended for 18+ readers. please have your age stated in your description and try not to look like a bot please 🙂.
part iii
The light rain pattering against the windows had created a pleasant lullaby that accompanied you in your dreams, though made fragile by the constant noise, you welcomed it.
Your boyfriend's arms hugged you languidly but close to him, so close in fact that you were breathing on his skin, your face kept snuggled against his chest.
It was three nights before he was scheduled to go on tour. So, every single night and day, Joshua made sure he spent it like this: close to you, searching for you to kiss your face, to hold your hand, to hug you.
However, this night was different.
Joshua was an incredibly good sleeper. He fell asleep with such ease made you feel envious sometimes, he never budged, never woke up with any noise, unlike you.
So, when the sky rumbled, announcing a heavier rain for the following moments, you woke up. Shortly then, you knew that it would take a while for you to fall asleep again.
Defeated, you sighed softly against your boyfriend's skin, snuggling close so your face was almost pressed between the crook between his well-defined pecs.
Initially, his limbs seemed to twitch uncontrollably, making a something flash through your mind, thinking that he might have woken up too by the loud sounding of the sky.
But no, Joshua did it again in his sleep, his body tensing in a snap, his shoulders contracting and chest bumping against your face. The sound escaping from his lips was broken, and hollow—a groan that was cut short by him waking up abruptly.
“Joshua?” you called when he flinched violently and sat up in quick succession.
You felt a heavy hand palm the bedcovers, searching for something beside him frantically until he felt your knee, your calf and let out a sigh.
You saw his back rising and falling rapidly and quickly sat up beside him. “Babe?” you asked, voice full of worry. “What's wrong?”
“I'm fine, I'm fine,” he gasped crestfallen, his back to you still, rising and falling erratically. His hand circled your ankle above the covers, almost as if he needed to anchor himself to any part of your body he could find.
“Joshua, look at me,” you insisted, unsure that he had woken up completely, feeling his body shake slightly on the bed.
Your heart crushed upon seeing his furrowed brow, his eyelashes clumped by the tears that were brimming in his eyes.
“I'm okay, baby, I'm fine,” he whispered shakily, sniffling with some shyness, and bringing up his other hand to wipe his own tears.
“No, you're not,” you breathed and cupped his cheek wet with tears, commanding him to look at you. “Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me, what happened?”
His mouth parted, your heart broke a bit more when his lip quivered, and he gave you an anguished look. “I don't know,” he whispered, as he drew in a breath, a ragged sound came out from him. “I don't know.”
But his next actions said otherwise, he took your hand from his cheek and threw your arm over his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you, clumsily hugging you.
“I'm okay, I'm okay,” he repeated, over and over, making you think that he was telling that to himself instead of you. “I'm sorry, Bunny. I didn't mean to scare you.”
“It's okay, don't apologize,” you muttered against his chest, gasping softly when Joshua brought your body back down on the bed. “I'm only worried about you.”
Joshua muttered something unintelligible under his breath, but you could not make out what he said exactly. His arms tightened around your body, and he sighed out with a hum. “Mn,” his chest deflated and soon, he fell asleep again.
Now you were unsure whether what had happened was in Joshua's complete clarity. But you waited, fully alarmed and awake, you did not dare to move a limb, even your breathing was cautious.
Joshua did not wake up again. In fact, you are not sure for how long you waited until you fell asleep as well, holding onto him just as he held onto you.
The following morning, his side of the bed was cold and empty when you came to your senses, stretching one arm beneath the covers and opened your eyes.
You slowly rose from the bed, adjusting the oversized t-shirt you wore to sleep and climbed off bed, deciding to head directly to the bathroom after hearing some noises coming from the kitchen.
After rinsing, and making yourself look a bit more presentable, you came out of the bathroom. The first thing that piqued your interest was the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen, being so that Joshua was committed with taking you out for breakfast these days.
You stopped upon crossing the kitchen's door, feeling like being slapped with wild reality.
“Morning, princess.”
“Jeonghan,” you blurted and crossed your arms over your chest, meekly covering yourself over your boyfriend's t-shirt. “G-good morning.”
Jeonghan was busy with whisking a heavy bowl of eggs, so he just followed you with his sweet brown eyes when you approached him shyly.
His movements slowed down when you stood beside him, standing on your tiptoes to give him a small peck on his cheek. Jeonghan blinked and sent you a look that you were not able to read, but then he smiled at you just as sheepish.
“Did you sleep alright, baby?” he muttered, his eyes reading yours, then looking at your lips.
Something fluttered deep inside you, and you could see that your reaction was involuntarily made visible on the features of your face because his lips curved slightly.
You had not seen Jeonghan since the day after you agreed to Joshua's proposition, which allowed you to be with Jeonghan freely—not as friends, but as lovers. But being alone with him like this, without your boyfriend around somehow felt off to you.
“Uh, yeah, um,” you blinked and looked around aimlessly. “Where is Joshua?”
Jeonghan resumed whisking the big bowl of eggs. “Your boyfriend is in a meeting with his band and the tour manager,” he nodded to his phone left unlocked on the countertop. “He's supposed to be coming back any time now.”
“He didn't tell me about this,” you mumbled glumly and stopped yourself. It felt odd to talk about your relationship now that Jeonghan was technically your partner too.
But he seemed impassive to it, he just nodded and sucked in a breath slowly, thinking of what to say. “Yeah, it appears to be a thing that came out of nowhere. I ran into him on the elevator,” he pressed his palms on the edge of the countertop.
“So... did he tell you to come here?” you asked and looked at the bowl of eggs. “To make breakfast?”
“No,” he frowned and turned to the stove setting up the frying pan and turned the fire to a medium. “I came here to see you, but you were still asleep. I grew bored. And hungry.”
“Oh,” you huffed a smile. “And here I thought you were making me breakfast.”
Jeonghan looked over to show you a sly smile. “Don't think too highly of yourself, princess.”
“Why not, since you call me princess all the time, I should be treated as such,” you replied in a matter-of-factly way.
Jeonghan stood frozen for a second. “Tsk,” he snorted. “Brat.”
At some point, you had referred to Yoon Jeonghan as your best friend. From the moment you met him, he quickly became someone you trusted, someone you searched for company. It was only until you realized that you had grown feelings for him that everything changed.
It did not seem odd to you that he would still try to tease you in some way, in fact, you welcomed it. It gave you a sense of familiarity with him, that your relationship had not changed in its entirety.
But still, something felt a bit nerve wracking.
You grabbed two cups to pour some coffee in. “Just milk, right?”
“Just milk,” he nodded, focused on cooking the scrambled eggs without browning them. “Thank you.”
“Don't mention it,” you whispered. “D'you want toast, too?”
“I bought croissants,” he nudged you with his elbow, pointing with his beautiful nose to the paper bag sitting on the countertop.
“Oh, nice,” you smiled stiffly, opening the bag to get the fresh smell of butter and bread. The bag had three pieces. “Thank you, Jeongjeong.”
“Don't mention it,” he replied in kind, but he looked you up and down for a second before he busied himself with serving three plates of scrambled eggs with bacon.
“What?” you asked after a long minute of silence, watching Jeonghan methodically finish cooking breakfast.
He set the frying pan aside and turned the stove off. “Nothing,” he hummed, shaking his black-haired head twice. He turned to you, in the enclosed space between the kitchen counters and you took a step back as he tried to approach you.
“What's up with you, princess?” he asked softly, taking another step, you took one back, then another until you bumped with the fridge.
“You make me nervous,” you confessed with a shaky tone, looking straight to his eyes as he read you in his expert way. You tried to suppress a smile, but when you saw his lips curve in a side smirk, you failed. “Joshua isn't here.”
“So?” he arched one eyebrow, then he blinked, seemingly finding out what you meant. “Do you think this is wrong?”
You eased into your stance a little by loosening the tension in your shoulders. “No. I just don't—this is just so new to me still,” you pointed to your body and his with one finger swiftly.
“Oh,” he paused and then: “I get it,” Jeonghan shrugged, and turned to grab two plates setting them on the table and returned to get the other one.
Completely bewildered, you watched him come and go. You wondered, why now as he turned his back to you that you wanted to grab him and regain his attention. But there you were, back still pressed against the fridge, the thing snapping you to full clarity was the noise coming from the front door.
“Ah, you're back,” you heard Jeonghan say in his own content manner. “Made a plate for you too.”
“Hey, man. Thanks,” your boyfriend sighed, there was some ruffling of fabric, and you assumed it was him removing his denim jacket, proving yourself right when you came out of the kitchen. “Where—oh, there you are.”
You smiled meekly at him, his eyes scanning your frame, noticing that you were still in your sleepwear, which was his oversized t-shirt. Joshua extended an arm as he approached you, a hand sliding on your waist. “Hi, beautiful,” he muttered after pressing a tender kiss on your lips.
“Hi, handsome,” you replied quietly, giving him a shy smile when you saw his eyes. “How was work?”
“It was fine,” he said flatly, and you could tell that it was a subject that he would prefer to not talk about just yet.
“Are you okay?” you whispered softly, reading his eyes to catch every single reaction written on his face.
“Yeah,” he nodded dismissively and then: “Did you just wake up?” Joshua realized, backing away slightly, but keeping a hand on your waist as he read the features of your face.
“Yeah,” you giggled when he shot you a mildly shocked look. “I didn't get much sleep last night,” you explained, occupying a seat on the round table next to Jeonghan, who huffed loudly.
“Ah, Joshuji, you need to let princess sleep sometimes,” he teased with a cheeky smile.
A hot wave of embarrassment washed over your face. But Joshua giggled joyfully, throwing his head back slightly. “Well, I'm not the culprit this time.”
You cocked your head to one side, making both men pause. Jeonghan darted a look at your boyfriend and suppressed a smile. “Josh, you don't remember last night?” you asked with some caution.
Joshua slowed down on his movements, leaving his fork hanging between his fingers as he chewed almost mechanically. “What do you mean?” he frowned.
“Tsk,” Jeonghan seemed to be preparing to shoot a joke, but upon reading your face, he stopped.
“Wait, are you serious?” you asked him, stretching a hand on the table to grab his. “You don't remember anything?”
Joshua lowered his fork completely, his gaze falling out of focus as if he were conjuring the memory of what you meant. He shook his head slightly. “Baby, I don't think I know what you mean,” he looked beside him at his best friend and smiled awkwardly. “Did I do something?”
“You were dreaming,” you explained carefully. “And then you woke up crying.”
Joshua blinked, giving you a bewildered expression. “I don't remember anything,” his frown deepened, then he squeezed your hand. “I'm sorry that I kept you up, baby.”
“No, don't be,” you muttered, retreating your hand from his to grab your fork and started eating from your plate, though the food had already gone cold.
Jeonghan sat down on the couch, releasing a heavy sigh. His bright eyes found you as you sat next to him. Joshua had taken the task to do the dishes after convincing you by saying that I was only fair since Jeonghan cooked breakfast.
“What's up, princess,” Jeonghan mumbled, making you set your phone aside when he slid one hand on your thigh.
The motion of his hand inching up your thigh send a chill through your body. You tried to brush it off. “I'm just worried,” you replied with a hushed tone.
His eyes darted to the kitchen, buzzing with the sounds of dishes clanking together, water running and Joshua's voice, singing one of his songs.
“Why?” Jeonghan knew right away what you meant without needing to explain more. “We just have to trust him. If he says he's okay, then let him show you that he is.”
“But last night...” you whispered, then choked up upon remembering and shook your head in resignation.
“Baby, he has been making an effort to keep his promise,” Jeonghan muttered, darting another look, and shifting on his seat, thighs wide apart. “He has been communicating, he's present, and we're here.”
You nodded. Ever since Joshua confessed that he wanted you to work things out with Jeonghan too, he has been lively, much as if a weight had been lifted from his heart. Now, as he figured things out and sorted his opinions on the matter, he would voice them out with you and Jeonghan.
“That's another thing that worries me,” you whispered nervously, feeling like the opportunity to speak about this with Jeonghan would run up soon. “I don't know how an open relationship works; I don't know what to expect.”
Jeonghan moved his head on the headrest, a question written in his beautiful eyes. “What do you mean, princess?” he asked, reading your features.
“Yeah, I don't know how I'll feel when he starts dating someone new,” you blurted out hurriedly, whispering to the point that you need to take a big gulp of air afterwards.
Jeonghan smiled with a slow realization and blinked for a long second. “Baby, this is not an open relationship,” he said. “Did you really think that this arrangement allowed for him to date other people?”
You nodded meekly.
“What's going on?” your boyfriend asked, his gentle tone coming so abruptly made you nearly jump off the couch. Seeing your reaction, he paused: “Am I interrupting something?”
“No, not at all,” you gulped and looked at your lover sitting beside you. “We-we were just talking about a book that–,”
“Princess thought that we're in an open relationship,” Jeonghan stated flatly.
Your heartbeat faltered. “Jeonghan,” you reproached with a sunken tone.
“You need to lie better,” Jeonghan retorted.
“There was no way I would've believed that,” Joshua concurred in a nonchalant way. But then, he moved on quickly with a, “What made you think that bunny?”
“I–I don't know, I was just saying that I d-don't really know what to expect when you go away and,” you inhaled deeply, and exhaled: “We haven't talked about what happens when you go away, not extensively.”
Joshua smiled; it was not a condescending smile but one of relief as he understood where the root of your insecurities was.
“Because this isn't an open relationship,” Joshua explained gently and sat down on the empty space beside you. “That would mean that all three of us can see other people, right?”
You nodded.
Joshua continued. “But this isn't that, it's just between us three,” he gestured with a hand to Jeonghan, then you and him. “An open relationship would mean that you can have sex with multiple people but staying with me in a committed way.”
“This is a poly. I won't see or date other people, neither will Joshua,” Jeonghan explained too after you looked at him and he saw your confused face. “And well, do you want to see more people, baby?” he smirked.
Joshua smiled too when you made a scandalized expression with your face. “No!” you shook your head.
“I'm okay with you and Jeonghan dating, he is okay with us being together,” he finished explaining with a satisfied expression on his face. “Questions?”
“So, you won't see other people, not even when you go away,” it was not a question, it was more like you were reaffirming it and thus putting your concerns at rest.
“No, bunny, not even when I go away,” he smiled gently at you, probably finding your worry endearing.
“Is it not a bit unfair that you can't see other people?” you asked, your heart skipping a beat over the heaviness of the question.
“But I don't want that,” he frowned slightly. “I just want you.”
Jeonghan leaned his head against his fist, propping his elbow on the armrest. He smiled softly when you sent him a look and nodded, agreeing with your boyfriend.
You paused for a moment, gathering your thoughts. “And following your logic, you two could be with each other, yes?” you cocked your head to the side.
Joshua tilted his head back, letting out a sweet giggle, making your stomach flutter.
“Yes, princess, in theory,” Jeonghan answered and squeezed your bare thigh with his hand, making your tummy flutter erratically.
“Okay,” you sighed contently with the new information, paused, and thought for a long second. “I think I'd be okay with that.”
With a sigh, you simply lied down on the couch you were sitting with the two men, leaning your head down on Jeonghan's lap and outstretching your legs to Joshua.
You realized upon looking up at Jeonghan's face that you did not give both men the opportunity to reply to your admittance, the obfuscated look flashing on his eyes told you that much.
“Mn,” you hummed happily, stretching your limbs, and exhaled looking up at your lover, who was expertly shaking off the bewilderment.
“You have a long day ahead, right Joshuji?” he asked, placing a hand on your tummy, and you noticed the pause he took before doing so, much as if he were not sure where to place his hand, but deciding that was where it belonged.
Joshua took one look at the hand placed flatly over his t-shirt that you wore. “Yeah,” he croaked. “I should probably be getting ready. Got a press thing in some hours,” he announced.
“I'm taking princess to help me shop for something to wear for tonight,” Jeonghan mentioned offhandedly, you drew in a breath, and he felt it, making his eyes search your face.
“So, see you there, then?” Joshua asked, gently adjusting your feet back so he could rise from the couch. Then, his large hands grabbed his black wife-beater by the hem, stripping it off his torso.
“We'll be there,” you whispered, trapping your lower lip behind your teeth.
Joshua noticed your eyes on him, his naked torso and smiled. “You can join me if you want,” he muttered, turning away and as you saw the well-defined muscle in his back, something sparked in your mind.
Jeonghan had his eyes set on your boyfriend too, his facial expression hard to read. You heard the bathroom door close, and his eyes dropped to your face. “What?”
“Did I overstep with my questions?” you asked shyly.
“You did no such thing,” he muttered softly, removing his hand from your tummy to pinch your chin. “He knows.”
“About you being bi?” you incited.
“Of course,” he shrugged slightly. “You know I don't have secrets.”
“Do you think I made him uncomfortable?” you asked although you already suspected the answer.
“Probably not, or at least I don't think so,” he chuckled lightly. “Relax, you did nothing wrong, baby. Your questions are valid.”
“Did you tell him?” you asked with genuine curiosity. “I'm sorry but I'm kind of curious as to how you guys met.”
“He still hasn't told you that story?” he huffed, his hand returned to your tummy, where he patted gently. “Yeah, I told him. Just like I told you. But with Joshua it was different, since we've had threesomes before, we discussed what we're comfortable with, so.”
“Oh, that makes a lot of sense,” you frowned.
He smiled cutely at you. “Are you more at ease now?”
“Yeah, I think so,” you muttered. “I'm just curious.”
“I'm an open book, princess,” he giggled softly. “Go ahead.”
Your eyelids fluttered briefly when his hand traveled down to your lower tummy, then back up, as if caressing you over your sleepwear. “When did it started?”
“The threesomes?” he pushed his eyebrows up, then raised his head, brow furrowed now as he tried to remember. “Huh. Maybe some four... five months after I met him.”
“Really?” your voice shot up.
“You've never asked him stuff like this?” he asked in an unpatronizing way, it was genuine curiosity.
“Well, yeah but I've never asked him for details about his past experiences with you,” you tilted your head to one side. “Or at least, he's never mentioned it.”
“It's just what it was, fun consensual sex,” he rolled his eyes, slightly unpleased with his own answer. “We've only done it a few times, at least some four times before you.”
“So, six now,” you added dumbly.
He nodded. “Any more questions, beautiful?”
“Mmn, no, I don't think so,” you smiled softly at him. “I'm just curious, since most of my... more daring sexual experiences have been with him, and you. I wanted to know a bit further from the experiences that involved me.”
“That's fair,” he conceded. “But it's a good idea that you ask him too, right?”
“Right,” you aloofly.
“Now that I think about it,” Jeonghan drew in a breath through his teeth, his frown deepening softly.
“What?” you egged him on.
“Was Joshua your first sexual partner?” he asked cautiously, aware of the heaviness of the topic of conversation. But he understood that you were open to talk about it, since your questions were revolving around sex.
“No,” you replied flatly. “But he has been the first in many things,” you giggled shamefully when you realized how it sounded. “I was mostly inexperienced in many things when we met.”
“Oh, yes, I remember that now,” he pointed, referring to your very chaotic deal with Joshua to be your sexual partner so you could write sexually explicit scenes for your book.
“Yeah,” you nodded, lost in the distant memory. “I've explored many things with him. And now with you too.”
Jeonghan smiled at you, it was the kind of smile he did when he pressed his lips together in a flat line, making tiny dimples appear on his chin.
“Do you want to go get ready, baby?” Jeonghan patted your tummy, noticing your distant eyes. “Go.”
You sat up but sat on your knees next to him to bring a hand to the crook of his beautiful neck, making his eyes snap open in surprise, which was quickly replaced by something else.
You landed a small peck on his lips. “Wanna come with me?” you mumbled shakily, batting your eyelashes at him awkwardly.
“So, you're not worried about this anymore?” he asked with some gruffness in his tone, a hand encircling your wrist, and the other cupping your nape to kiss you again.
“A little bit, but,” you drew in a breath, and he took the opportunity to press his lips against yours with a soft smacking sound. “You need a shower. You're stinky.”
“No, I'm not,” he giggled, but caught your misdirect with a nod of his head. “Let's go.”
You stood up from the couch, taking his hand in yours as you dragged him towards the bathroom. You heard him release a short grunt when you pulled him from the couch and fell into step with you.
The bathroom door was left parted and inviting you in, you delivered a soft knock before pushing it open and sneaked a look inside.
“Hi there,” he smiled softly, he had discarded his dark grey jeans, and stood before the shower wearing only his boxers. “Are you joining me?”
“Yup,” you sighed, turning to Jeonghan standing behind you as your boyfriend approached. “Come here,” you grabbed the black-haired man by his clothes, dragging him to you and immediately took his t-shirt off, then the beanie on his head and dropped them on the floor.
“Slow down, princess,” he giggled sweetly, but letting you rid him of his clothes since he was the one wearing most.
“Let her have fun,” your boyfriend said behind you, his large hands slipping beneath the large t-shirt you wore, finding your waist as he planted a kiss on your cheek.
“What do you want, baby?” Jeonghan asked, looking at you with avid eyes as your boyfriend's hands slid upwards, hiking the t-shirt up and uncovering your thighs.
“I want both of you,” you replied, though your voice sounded breathless, laughing shakenly as your boyfriend caressed the sides of your breasts with his fingers. He finished removing the t-shirt off, now moving his face to press his lips on your naked shoulder.
“We're going to make Joshuji late,” he smirked when your eyelids fluttered wildly when you felt a wet kiss on your shoulder blade.
“I can be late,” he muttered at once, his voice muffled in the crook of your neck. His large hands moving back to your waist, then down to find the band of your boy-short panties, pushing them down your legs.
You busied yourself with the casing of his sweatpants, undoing it with a jab. “Do you want to do this, Hannie?” you coaxed at him, stripping him off his sweats and boxers in one go.
“Course I do,” he whispered, closing the space between your lips and his own with a featherlight kiss. “I always want you.”
“Mmn,” Joshua hummed, using his hands on you to flip you around with no effort, so now you stood face to face with him.
“Be nice,” you smirked, noticing his darkened gaze on the features of your face. Your hands traveled down, from his chest to the waistband of his boxers, tugging them down slowly, his hard cock springing out, making your mouth water upon feeling him with your hand.
Joshua clicked his tongue, but then ended up smiling guiltily at you. “Fine. I'll be nice,” he whispered reluctantly, and then pulled the shower tap on, testing the water briefly before taking your hand and bringing you under the shower stream.
What happened next was something that only happened in your craziest, wildest fantasies. Both men had switched to the same mindset already, taking turns with teasing you with kisses, touching you, determined to make you feel good.
The shower head was directly above you, getting your hair and skin soaked within seconds, but the warmth in your skin was not only due to the water washing over you.
Both men had you pressed against their bodies, one look at Joshua's face told you just how eager he was already. The spark in his eyes, biting his lower lip before he leaned his head to capture your lips in a chaste kiss.
Jeonghan slid his hands to grab you by the waist, pressing tender kisses on your shoulder, making a trail to the crook of your neck. You tilted your head for him, allowing his kisses to reach spots that had your breath hitching, moaning softly.
Your hands held onto your boyfriend's strong shoulders, fingers digging into his muscle when you felt Jeonghan's delicate hands travel from your waist up.
“Hannie,” you mewled out when his hands cupped your breasts. Realizing that he had never touched you this way before, you opened your eyes to see him run the pads of his pointer fingers around your areola, exploring your body.
Joshua leaned his head forward once again, trapping your lips between his with a raspy moan from his part, slipping his tongue inside your mouth, wrapping perfectly on yours.
Then a large hand parked on your tummy, sliding slowly down to your lower tummy, a finger finding the mount between your thighs. You let out a needy moan, parting your legs and pushing your hips forward.
But your knees buckled, making you push a hand on his shoulder, stopping him before his finger dipped between your pussy lips. “Joshua,” you breathed nervously.
“Mn?” he responded, pressing small kisses on the corner of your lips, a fingertip sliding between your pussy lips, finding your sopping core with a satisfied sigh.
“Please,” you mewled out, pulling your head back and rested it on Jeonghan's shoulder.
“Please, what?” he whispered, planting a kiss on your earlobe, sending shivers down your spine, making you arch your back.
Your mouth hanged open when Joshua dipped a finger inside your pussy, his doe eyes zeroed on your face riddled by the pleasure of feeling his finger massaging your walls, another finger joining after a couple of thrusts.
“Oh my god,” you sighed and closed your eyes, letting yourself be engrossed by the blissful pleasure coursing through you. Both Joshua and Jeonghan were pleasuring you, touching your bare skin freely, kissing you, responding to the sounds you made with their own.
You would soon be covered in soapy bubbles, dripping from head to toe but you could not care about that, or about how you were the only one being showered by the warm stream of water. Joshua’s hands were pleasuring you, his lips kissing you. A large hand searched for your hip, grabbing your thigh, and hoisting it up his waist, holding you steady.
Your arms circled his neck, squealing in his mouth when you nearly lose your balance, but he kept you firmly wrapped around his body. His fingers curled inside you, teasing a glorious spot in your walls, making you muffle a high-pitch moan in his mouth.
“Stop, stop,” you choked out.
Both men paused at the same time, one man lifting his head from your shoulder, the other pulling back from your lips, hand leaving the needy mount between your thighs.
“Yes, baby?” Joshua asked, reading your face.
“C-can we continue this on the bed?” you stammered slightly embarrassed.
“Yeah, sure,” he smiled at you.
“Come on, princess,” Jeonghan took the lead right away, being so that he was not as soaked as your boyfriend was and pulled you out of the shower.
You giggled nervously when your back hit the mattress, Jeonghan crawled on top of you, pressing a kiss in your lips before diving in for a deeper kiss, his tongue swiping a line on your lower lip.
“We're soaking the covers,” you hummed in between rushed kisses.
Jeonghan let out a chuckle into your mouth, probably thinking some perverse retort. His nose wrinkled slightly but he just shook his head, drops of water joining the ones on your chest when he leaned down.
You arched your back slightly when his tongue swirled around one of your nipples, you felt the underside of his tongue teasing your nipple, getting it hard. A hand snapped to find his black hair to tangle your fingers in.
“God, Hannie,” you gasped, but were swiftly distracted by Joshua pressing a knee on the edge of the bed, his hand tossing a bottle of lube and a condom on the empty space beside you.
You frowned and looked up at him, formulating a question silently with your mouth agape.
“It's for me,” he explained, noticing your face. He crawled to lie beside you. “We're gonna have to do this quick,” he reiterated with a more commanding tone, his hand cupping your cheek before leaning his face to meet your lips.
You tried to nod your head yes, but his hand slid on the back, his fingers sinking in your wet hair as he kissed you deeper, his wet tongue swiftly meeting yours.
Then you understood Joshua did not say that to you precisely. Jeonghan lowered his body on you, leaving a wet kiss next to your belly button, making you squirm slightly.
Suddenly you felt your hand being removed from the long and wet black hair of your lover. His lithe fingers came between yours and placed your locked hands on the covers, beside your hip.
You knew it was coming before you could have a chance to see it. Your body tensed up too, bracing yourself for the first contact of Jeonghan's mouth on your mound, kissing you openly.
Joshua stopped kissing you, moving his hand from your nape to your chin to hold your gaze. “Look at me,” he whispered, just as Jeonghan's tongue gave a broad stroke to your pussy lips.
You flinched, making your breath hitch embarrassingly. “Hannie,” you squeezed his hand, and he responded with a groan, his tongue dipping between your folds.
Joshua held your gaze intently, his dark eyes outlining each of your features. “Don't look at him,” he muttered with a low, raspy tone.
You tried to suppress a moan, eyebrows knitting by reflex when Jeonghan started making out with your pussy, his mouth pressed tightly on your folds, licking, and tasting you fully.
But it was your boyfriend that held your gaze, his fingers threading your hair lovingly, caressing your cheek as you moaned and squirmed on the bed. “Joshua,” you moaned, calling out his name purely by instinct.
A dark smile appeared on his face. “Yes, baby?” he whispered. He leaned his head ever so slightly to one side. “How does that feel?”
“Good,” you breathed, closing your eyes briefly to focus on your lover pleasuring you, on his tongue pressed on your clit, swirling it around. “God,” you swallowed hard, trying to hold to the pleasure sizzling on your skin. “Just like that, Hannie.”
“Mn,” your boyfriend's lips pressed on yours once. “Eyes on me, bunny,” he commanded.
When you did, you tried to get a look at the man between your legs, but Joshua's large hand came to cup your chin, making you look at him.
“Make her come,” he muttered looking straight into your eyes. It was a challenge, you saw it written in his dark eyes, in the smirk that curved his beautiful lips.
And it was a challenge that Jeonghan took at once, his hand gripping your thigh moved to your lower tummy, pressing down slightly right before diving in you with his mouth on your cunt.
“Fuck,” you squeezed your eyes shut.
You wondered when Jeonghan was going to give up—but probably the question lied in if he were giving up. His mouth was unrelenting on you, his tongue flicking the sensitive bundle of nerves in your cunt.
The sounds he made on you were of delight, basically telling you he loved being there, between your legs, eliciting raw moans from you with his tongue on your clit.
“P-please,” you sighed, finding your boyfriend's face with your free hand.
“Please, what?” he hummed. The mewl you let out as a response made him smile at you. “You're close, baby?”
You nodded; you were very close.
“Go ahead, baby,” Joshua purred as he trailed a line with the tip of his finger from the middle part of your collarbone, down your chest, to your sternum. “Come on his mouth.”
You hated that it was his voice, his command that almost tipped you over. But you resisted with everything in your will from it, pushing your hips towards Jeonghan's face slightly, making him groan in protest.
You found his nape with the hand that was not clasped in his, pushing your hips to his face once again. In a couple of thrusts, you were practically fucking his face, swaying your hips, sliding your pussy on his mouth.
With a strangled sigh, you closed your eyes, savoring your release as Jeonghan quickly understood what you were doing. And without skipping a second, he went along with it, relaxing his tongue onto your throbbing clit.
You held in a big gulp of air, squeezing your eyelids as you reached your second climax, whining and squeezing Jeonghan's fingers. He responded with a groan of his own, his hand pressing lower on your tummy, helping you through your high.
“Mn,” you heard your boyfriend sound unimpressed, but still leaned in to kiss your whiny moans, capturing your lips gently. “Filthy girl,” he hummed a smile on his face as he kept kissing you until you stopped thrashing and moaning.
Heaving, you released Jeonghan's hand and hair opening your eyes feeling nearly disoriented.
The first thing you saw was your boyfriend’s hands opening a condom. “Turn over, bunny,” Joshua patted your side lightly.
“No, not yet,” you protested rebelliously, just when Jeonghan rose from between your legs, crawling on top of your body, claiming your lips with a hot, passionate kiss.
You could taste yourself in his lips, feel your slick dripping down his lower lip as he hummed and kissed you fervently. Your hands found his shoulders and pushed, motioning him to lie back on the bed.
That he did, quite obediently. And as he laid his head on the pillows, his bright eyes found your face, very eagerly telling you without a word that he was enjoying you step on a slightly more commanding role.
You got to your knees, taking in the view of the two men you loved, lying naked on your bed. They were both damp on their skin, their hair. Rock hard for you. You leaned over, propping your body with one hand on the pillows to kiss Jeonghan on the lips, blindly running a hand down Joshua's abdomen.
You could feel his gaze on you as you rolled your tongue past Jeonghan's lips, making him moan into your mouth. The tips of your fingers felt your boyfriend's belly button, so you just inched to the side, grabbing his hard cock with one hand, pumping it languidly.
“Tsk,” you heard your boyfriend clicking his tongue. Then his large hands circled your waist, pulling you down forcefully, detaching you from your lover's lips.
A small yelp left your mouth, your body hitting the mattress. You sent him a look. “Joshua!” you protested.
But then he brought down his large hand on your ass, the slap resounding across the bedroom. “Brat.”
“Mnf,” you squeezed your eyelids at the hot pain searing on your skin. You heard someone sigh, making you open one eye to see Jeonghan smiling at you, as if he found you cute.
“Behave,” Joshua conditioned, caressing the sore area of your skin with care. “Or should I get the cuffs?”
“I can behave,” you muttered, meekly settling in between both men. “No cuffs.”
“Good,” he breathed, getting the condom out of the packet and rolled it down his cock to his hilt. “Lie sideways with your back to me.”
You knew what his plan was at once, and did what he told you, lying on your side with your back to him. And then you knew that both had communicated wordlessly once again. Jeonghan slid a hand on your hip, grabbing a handful of your glute to keep you spread to your boyfriend.
“Breathe in, baby,” Joshua whispered behind you, his fingers caressing your hole softly, sighing when he felt it clench instinctively, right before he started to push on your hole, smearing you with cold lube slowly.
Joshua’s hand slid between your thighs, lifting one up to spread your legs open. Then you felt Jeonghan’s hand on your mound, making you look at his fingers right before he started teasing your swollen clit again, the pads of his fingers mimicking the same movements he made with his tongue, softly teasing your clit, moving his fingers side to side.
You moaned helplessly against him, receiving one consoling kiss as Joshua’s lubed fingers pushed inside you, slowly, pushing in and out slightly, testing you at first. “God,” you squirmed.
“Alright?” Joshua breathed behind you, and you turned to look at him over your shoulder nodding your head. “Can I give you more?”
“Yeah,” you gave him a reassuring nod.
“Okay,” he breathed, locking eyes with you as his fingers scissored inside you slightly, looking at your mouth as you let out another moan.
You turned your head again receiving another soft kiss on your shoulder blade. You heard him pump more lube onto his hands, and his fingers returned to spread you open.
He pushed another inch in, and you shivered uncontrollably, closing your eyes, and swallowing hard. “Josh,” you mewled. “Please, hurry.”
“Just a little more,” he mumbled and pressed a loving kiss on your shoulder blade. “Can you arch your back for me? There, baby, that's it.”
A hand crawled on Jeonghan's slender shoulder, finding the crook of his neck, and held on him for support as you practically thrashed on the bed, in between both Jeonghan and Joshua.
“Please,” you begged, biting your lower lip to muffle a moan when his fingers spread inside you.
“Almost there,” he replied cautiously. “Breathe out.”
It was then that you finally felt the lubed tip of his cock push in your hole, tortuously slow.
“Oh god,” you squeezed your eyes shut, fingers curling on Jeonghan's wet dark hair.
“Fuck,” Joshua exhaled, leaning his forehead on your exposed nape. “Baby.”
“Please,” you whined, loving the feeling spreading on your limbs, tingling from under your skin. “More.”
Joshua grunted, complying without a word, pushing his cock inside you a bit further, but just about enough to make you cry out loudly, and so very lewdly.
“That's it, baby,” he muttered softly, planting another soothing kiss on your nape. “You're taking me so well.”
Then he released a puffy air on your nape that sent shivers down your spine. He retreated his hips, then pushed them to you, burying his cock further into you with a small groan.
“God,” he sighed, repeatedly with each shallow thrust.
“Joshua,” you cried, receiving small kisses on your shoulder blade.
You opened your eyes upon feeling Jeonghan's cold hand squeeze your skin gently, as if telling you wordlessly to look at him.
“Can you take me now, princess?” he asked, his eyes outlining the features of your face.
You nodded, gulping hard.
A large hand moved to your hip, brushing with Jeonghan's as they exchanged tasks, Joshua cupping your thigh and keeping your leg angled to both.
Jeonghan bit his lower lip as he adjusted his hips, aligning them with yours. He sent you a quick glance as his hand grabbed his pretty cock, guiding its leaking tip to your pussy. And with no pause, no teasing, he eased himself inside you slowly, cautiously.
A raw moan escaped your mouth as he pushed his cock inside your walls, the feeling so deliriously good you saw stars when you closed your teary eyes.
Joshua moaned too, probably savoring the feeling of your walls being stuffed full. “Fuck,” he muttered through gritted teeth, breathing hard on the curve of your neck.
You could not utter a single word. Everything had gone blank in a second. All you could focus on was the pleasure you got from the two men you loved inside you. All that occupied your brain was them, their skin plastered to yours, them moaning with you. One kissing your nape, your hair. The other kissing your face.
“Hannie... Hannie,” you breathed out in his mouth, and you could feel the effect your voice had in him, his hips buckled for a split second, eliciting a moan from you and from Joshua at the same time.
But both kept their seamless synchronicity, pushing in and out of you at the same time, their bodies pressed to yours, so warm, so full.
“I know, baby,” he responded with a low tone. “I feel it too,” he whispered, probably referring to the overwhelming pleasure you felt, the joy and love from being so close to both of your partners.
You turned your head over your shoulder to see the face of your boyfriend, whose lips stretched in a faint smile. “Do you like that?” he rasped, noticing the fucked out look in your eyes.
“Yeah,” you breathed, looking at his lips then back to his eyes.
His smile grew, knowingly leaning his face to yours to brush his lips with yours. “I know,” he whispered, his lips caressing yours. “You feel so good.”
You received a kiss on your neck, bringing out a moan that was muffled in Joshua's mouth as you leaned closer to kiss him deeply.
“So good,” Jeonghan sighed on your throat, his breath caressing your skin before he pressed more kisses.
You clumsily turned your head to kiss Jeonghan, he moved his face at the same time you did, finding your lips with a tender kiss, which you reciprocated with a whiny moan.
“Faster,” you muttered, sliding a hand on top of Jeonghan's, which was still parked on your hip. “Please, faster.”
Jeonghan nodded, complying at once. Joshua kissed your nape once more, also pushing inside you at a faster pace, falling in sync with Jeonghan in a second. Both started moaning more, their sweet and raw sounds flooding the room, pushing you closer and closer.
“Please,” you mewled heedlessly, losing yourself into a pool of pleasure, feeling so close to your sweet release. “Please, please, more.”
Joshua pressed his forehead to your exposed nape, muffling a raw moan against your skin, his lips giving you open kisses. His breathing had begun to catch, sounding shaky in your ear. “Baby,” he rasped, letting you know he was close too.
“You're close, baby?” Jeonghan muttered sweetly, learning to discern the sound of your voice when you were close to your orgasm, the faces you made.
You nodded your head in affirmation, unable to bring yourself to do more. Your body was firmly pressed to both, your clammy skin plastered together, you felt them breathe harder, heard them moan in near unison.
It drove you crazy. You loved it more and more: to be theirs, to feel them as close as humanly possible. They kept their thrusts fast and steady, always in sync, as if they shared one mind when they were with you.
Your hand circled Jeonghan's wrist, bracing yourself for the pleasure consuming you fast with a fiery wave, making you shut your eyes and cry out lewdly over and over. Both men responded with their own raw sounds, holding you tightly as they both succumbed with you helplessly.
“Fuck,” Joshua gritted, his face flush against in your hair, drowning raw moans. His fingers sunk in the plush of your thigh, gripping you tightly as he pushed his hips sloppily against your ass.
Jeonghan captured your lips in a hard kiss, his thrusts faltering too as he came, breathing and moaning faintly in your mouth, his hand squeezing you. “God, princess,” he groaned, keeping his mouth close to yours, nudging the tip of his nose with yours.
The thrusts stopped languidly. Joshua lowered your leg with great care, his large hand sliding to your waist, brushing with Jeonghan's. They both breathed hard, but kept their bodies pressed to yours.
“You're shaking,” Joshua giggled lazily. “Are you okay, baby?” he asked, moving his hand to pull your hair sticking to your cheek.
“Yeah,” you hummed, turning to see him. “Amazing.”
The smile he gave you made your heart twist. “You did so well,” his eyes read your face, his hand cupping your chin. “You're so perfect for us.”
The feeling fluttering from your tummy shocked you so hard you were unable to say a word. You smiled at him, the features of your face controlled by tiredness, he read it easily.
“Rest up, bunny,” he mumbled, the corners of his lips rising ever so slightly. “I'm going to clean up. I have to go to work.”
“Okay,” you breathed, giving him a reassuring look.
He nodded at you, okay, he mouthed. A large hand cupped your hip, holding you in place so he could pull out of you with a gentle motion, but it made you shiver, nonetheless.
You watched him over your shoulder as he walked out of the bedroom and turned to Jeonghan. His eyes were following you, as it was part of his habit: to observe you.
“Are you okay?” you asked with caution.
“I'm fine, baby,” he pressed his lips in a tiny smile, his eyes turning to half moons. “I'm just looking at you.”
You fought not to smile in utter embarrassment. “What, why?” you blurted.
A sheepish smile curved his lips. “I think your beautiful,” he said, and his tone faded in nervousness.
“Hannie,” you brought a hand to his shoulder, pushing him slightly in a playful way.
“What, I mean it!” he laughed, sliding his arm between the crook of your neck and the pillow, hugging your head. “Shut up,” he mumbled when you laughed with him.
“Ah, Jeonghan!” you yelped in protest when he pressed hard, punishing kisses on the crown of your head, but you broke in laughter, pushing him off. “Stop it!”
“Come back here,” he rasped, motioning you to cuddle up to him, opening his arms to you.
Your heart twisted inside your chest. However, you crossed the short space between you, putting your head on his shoulder and throwing a leg over his as he wrapped you in his arms.
There have been very few times that you had this kind of intimacy with Jeonghan. Since you began the agreement of being with both men at the same time, you had not found the chance to be this close to Jeonghan.
You welcomed it: his warmth, the smell on his skin, the little sounds he made. Some seconds passed, turning to minutes. He started to trace shapeless figures on your shoulder blade with the tips of his fingers.
“Are you falling asleep, princess?” he asked softly after a while.
“No,” you hummed, quite clearly telling a lie. The only sounds that filled your brain was Jeonghan's quiet breathing, and in the distance, the sounds Joshua would create as he got ready for work.
“Sleep, baby,” he suggested. “I can wake you up later.”
“I need to say goodbye to Josh,” you explained, your voice muffled by the crook of his neck, which you were nuzzling your face comfortably in.
“Okay,” he whispered, continuing to draw waves on your shoulder blade, making it harder for you to stay awake.
Some minutes later, you heard faint stirring noises around you, footsteps and someone say something. What woke you up was feeling the mattress dipping beside you.
“Bunny,” Joshua whispered. He was sitting on the bed beside you, a soft smile adorning his beautiful face. “I'll see you later, okay?”
You nodded. “Okay,” you hummed, turning from Jeonghan's warm embrace to face Joshua.
Joshua leaned down, grabbing your chin with his thumb and pointer finger. “Jeonghan's going to take care of you,” he muttered after pressing a loving kiss on your lips. “Be good, yeah?”
You loved whenever he talked sweetly at you, just like this. You nodded once again, showing him a waning smile. “Yeah,” you echoed, receiving another kiss. “Always.”
Joshua smirked ever so slightly. “I love you,” he said quietly, and part of you felt like he did not intend Jeonghan to be witness to the soft moment between you.
“I love you,” you replied just as meekly.
Joshua rose from the bed, turning to the door. “See you later, Jeonghannie,” he said, leaving the room.
“Later, Joshuji,” he replied, welcoming you back to his arms when you nuzzled him again.
And at that, you fell into a quick nap.
Then, you woke up before Jeonghan did you the favor of waking you up, you suspected at first but quickly found out that Jeonghan had fallen asleep with you. His soft snores, you realized, were the reason you were pulled out of your nap.
But despite that, you felt well rested. In the warmth of his arms, bundled up in the bedcovers, you could not find the purpose of getting out of bed.
However, you did not want to be late for the party. Knowingly, you lifted your head from Jeonghan's shoulder, snapping him awake easily.
“Morning,” you cooed with a smirk.
“Morning, baby,” he replied, bringing a hand to rub his eyes to then take a glance at his watch, he smiled. “We overslept.”
“You were supposed to wake me up,” you quipped.
“It's not my fault,” he giggled, cupping the back of your head with his hand to bring you back to his chest. “Your nap was highly contagious.”
“Oh, so it's my fault then.”
“Yes, everything is your fault,” he mumbled, his chest deflating beneath you.
“Don't fall asleep again,” you cautioned, but you could feel yourself slipping back into slumber.
“You first,” he replied, but then you felt him stifle a chuckle.
“Jeonghan,” you pressed.
“Give me a good reason.”
“We're going to be late for Joshua's party,” you replied with obviousness.
“We can be late for a couple of minutes,” he said, stirring on the bed sheets, pressing his arms around you, much as if he were getting ready for another long nap.
“Didn't you say you wanted to go to shop for something?”
“Mn yeah but I can wear somethin' else,” he muttered dismissively.
“Jeonghan,” you insisted. “Let's get dressed up.”
Jeonghan let out a giggle, the kind that would let you know whenever he was trying to tease you. “Alright, alright,” he clicked his tongue and sighed as he moved on the bed to get out of the bundles of covers.
You closed the car door with a small, laboured sigh.
“Mn, granny is tired already,” Jeonghan murmured with a low tone, his eyes set on the back-up camera of the car as he drove out of the parking spot with one hand.
“Shut up,” you bit back, enjoying the sound of his chuckle. “You’re older than me. And I am tired.”
Jeonghan drew a breath through his teeth pensively. “I know baby, but the day is far from over,” he muttered in a serious tone now. A hand slid on your thigh, his fingers pressing softly over the fabric of your jeans. “Relax. Let me take care of you today, yeah?”
“Mn, yeah, I’m going to need lots of pampering from you,” you smiled at him, grabbing his hand from your thigh.
His eyes remained on the road ahead, but you felt his movements stilling slightly right before he laced his fingers with yours. “You got it, princess,” he smirked.
“I want milk tea,” you giggled. “And a Danish pastry. Or two,” you held your two fingers in front of you.
Jeonghan looked at you through the corner of his eye and coughed up a laugh. “You call that pampering?” he teased. “That is like a normal Friday for you.”
“Well yeah, it’s a treat for me,” you explained, shrugging slightly.
“Okay, yes, a treat, not pampering,” he emphasized, glancing at you repeatedly.
“I indulge in other things too,” you pouted cutely at him. “I like shopping for books every now and then, music…”
“I know that but,” he rolled his eyes, going straight to the point: “What do you like to do for yourself? Not to serve others, to serve only you.”
You arched an eyebrow, opening your mouth to speak.
“You can’t mention sex,” he said, realizing what you were about to say right away.
“Hey,” you frowned, and he laughed in victory. “I don’t know. Well… I find work therapeutic sometimes.”
“But that's what it is, work,” he muttered, the car came to a stop. He used this as an opportunity to bring your laced hands to nib at your knuckles with his lips. “Have you been taking breaks?”
Your heart warmed at the question.
Jeonghan and you had taken some distance after the first threesome happened. After you realized that you withheld feelings for him very deep in your heart, you could no longer continue with your friendship with him.
So, for nearly a month, you went low contact, holding out for him to look for you to talk again and to be friends again. Though it was futile, since you knew how he felt about you, and you could not ignore how you felt about him.
You missed him. And it had been so long since you spoke with him like this, it felt good.
“Umn,” you paused, pretending to gather your answer.
“So, no breaks,” he shook his head lightly.
“Listen, the deadline for the second book draft is closer and closer and I am nowhere near done like I was for the first,” you tried to make up an excuse. But an exasperated sigh won over you. “I just want to get it done as soon as possible, but lately no words come out.”
“All the more reason for you to take a break,” he said, his lips still close to the back of your hand.
“You know I only take breaks whenever I finish a draft,” you countered.
He rolled his eyes. “But that draft will never come to be if you keep overworking yourself,” he chastised, now completely serious.
“Alright, I’ll take a break, then,” you conceded, but it was obvious for the both of you that you were not being completely truthful. You nodded to the road ahead. “Green light. Drive, old man.”
Jeonghan clicked his tongue. “Say goodbye to your pampering,” he muttered in a low tone.
You smiled, pleased. “I will take a break, soon,” you promised, now taking your laced hands to place a small peck on the back of his.
That did the trick, his gaze instantly softened. “Good.”
He turned the car off, clicking his belt off just as you were undoing yours. When you came out of the car, he was already going around it to walk up to you, taking your hand when you thoughtlessly reached out to hold his and walk together towards the mall.
Jeonghan paused for the fraction of a second, looking at your linked hands without skipping a step. “Hmph.”
“What?” you inquired, but he just raised his gaze and fixed the beanie on his head with his free hand.
“Nothing,” he mumbled, turning his head to look in your eyes. “Help me choose a shirt?”
You nodded eagerly. “Do you have something in mind?”
“Just something that looks cool,” he shrugged.
“Oh, we can match outfits,” you suggested, looking at his sweet brown eyes. “Or at least match in color of outfits.”
The shadow of a smile appeared on his face, keeping his eyes on you as you walked together on the vast mall. “Whatever you want, baby, just say it,” he replied with a tone of endearment.
“Nice,” you whispered, and he showed you a satisfied grin. “But first, you’re getting me that milk tea.”
His head tipped back, as a chuckle came out of his mouth. “Okay, princess. Let’s get you your tea.”
Jeonghan sighed impatiently, his eyes rolling back on his head. His hand, which was holding a hanger with a shirt changed sides, now showing you the other shirt, you selected.
“Mmn,” you hummed pensively, taking the straw into your mouth, sipping milk tea earnestly.
“They’re identical,” he whined, changing his hand once again.
“Trust me they’re not,” you retorted, pointing at the one on his right side. “This one is silky and shows your waist on the sides because it’s meshy,” you informed him, then switch to his left. “This one is denim and doesn’t accentuate your figure.”
“They’re both black,” he punctuated, sending you an annoyed look.
“That’s the only thing they have in common,” you countered, ignoring the cold look he was trying to give you. “Can you try them on?”
“Only if you come with me,” he muttered with a cheeky grin.
“Jeonghan, you know I can’t do that,” you said and as the words flew out of your mouth, you understood that he was not being completely serious.
“You could, but you don’t want to,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes. “Try this one first,” you pointed to the silk shirt.
“Fine,” he muttered.
You waited outside of the changing room, sipping milk tea to completion until Jeonghan came out, his hair ruffled by the changing of clothes, a reason why he took his black beanie off. But he shyly lifted his arms, showing you the shirt on his body. You could get a glimpse of his skin on the sides of his torso through the mesh material.
“Get that one,” you said upon laying eyes on him.
“But you haven’t seen the other one,” he said, looking a little perplexed.
“I think this one is definitive,” you explained. “You never wear things like this. You’re always wearing baggy clothes lately. Not that I’m complaining, but this shirt is different. Looks good on you.”
Jeonghan pouted. “I like baggy clothes,” he mumbled. “They’re comfy.”
Your guts twisted with so much endearment that you were sure that it showed on your face. “I know, Jeongjeong,” you muttered, a cute giggle coming out of you.
Jeonghan looked down, pinching at the fabric on the neck of the shirt. “I like this one,” he said softly. “It’s shiny.”
“Mn, I don’t have anything to match it with,” you realized. “Maybe I could pick something too.”
“Please. I’d like to get out of here,” he sighed, unbuttoning the shirt with fast fingers. “And I much rather watch you try on things for me.”
Jeonghan stayed close to you as you browsed the long hallway of tall racks of clothes that displayed nice dresses, tops, and everything you would never wear on a regular basis. You had your fair share of party clothes. But what your fingers were sorting through would be a new look on you.
“I like that one,” he muttered, leaning his head to one side as you hovered a dress over your body, stretching the material over your frame to imagine what it would look like on you.
“I do too,” you hummed aloofly, looking at the tiny black silk dress. “Don’t you think it’s too showy?”
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” he shrugged and sent you a dark look. “Or are you worried about what your boyfriend might think of it?”
Your tummy fluttered at the way his voice sounded, it was dark and raspy. He stood over you, thankfully flanked by the racks of clothes so you were both out of sight. “Maybe,” you replied, trying to sound unaffected. “Though he won’t be paying much attention to me tonight. You know he doesn’t want the media to notice me as his girlfriend.”
Jeonghan frowned slightly in question. “Are you okay with that?” he asked, his head was still leaning over one side, his eyes reading your face expertly.
“I’m think I’m okay with keeping our relationship private,” you sighed, putting the pretty dress back on the rack. “I don’t want Josh to be even more stressed about the media’s snooping on his life.”
“Mmn,” he hummed, nodding his head once. He looked at the dress, hanging abandoned on the rack. “Try it on.”
“No,” you replied shortly, turning to continue strolling down the hall.
You heard an annoyed sigh coming from the man, so you turned to look at him, reaching for the dress to hand it to you.
“Try it on,” he repeated, but this time firmly.
You rolled your eyes with equal annoyance. “Jeonghan, the dress is pretty, but it’s too expensive,” you sighed.
“I want to see how it looks on you.”
You raised your eyes to his face, preparing a rebellious retort but were cut off abruptly by the lady tending the store: “Can I help you, miss?”
You tore your eyes from his and looked at the woman, who gave you a polite smile. “Yeah, I would like to try this on,” you replied, returning the polite smile. You turned to the rack next to you and grabbed two more dresses. “And these too.”
Jeonghan grinned but making sure that you were the only witness to his small victory.
You followed the retail lady to the changing room, feeling Jeonghan looming on your back, you could almost feel his eyes on your frame as you made it to the hall of changing rooms, separated by walls and doors.
“You can wait here, sir,” the lady informed Jeonghan.
He stopped, but you could see the cunning in his eyes clearly, though it was something you thought only you could notice, since the lady just resumed with her work.
As you took a step towards one door, you felt the man move behind you. “Jeonghan,” you started.
“Fine,” he huffed, and leaned back against the wall of the hall, deciding to wait outside the door of the changing room you slipped in.
You giggled at his face when you closed the door. “You’re such a baby,” you said, taking the advantage that he could not take any retaliation at your teasing.
He did not respond verbally, but you could listen to his tongue clicking.
You quickly changed into one dress, purposefully choosing a different one and not the dress he wanted to see you try on. You opened the door, enjoying the way his face lit up when he saw you in the skintight leather dress.
“D’you like it?” you sighed, trying to hide that changing clothes that quickly made you ran out of breath. You slid your hands over your tummy, smoothing the faux leather over your skin.
“No, I don’t,” he replied, quickly telling on your intentions. But his eyes could not lie to you: they were glued to your body, shaped by the pretty dress. It accentuated every curve, though it was hard to move in it.
“Mmn, that’s too bad,” you purred, turning so that he could look at your exposed back, and your ass. “I reeeeally like this one.”
“Tsk,” he closed his eyes slowly, letting his smile show. “Try on the other one, the one that you actually liked.”
You smiled but turned around, closing the door behind you, and stripped off the black dress. The bite of the chilly air made your nipples harden, and you sucked in a breath through your teeth and hurried to put the other dress on.
Jeonghan raised his gaze from the screen of his phone to see you, his facial features changing in a second. He pocketed his phone, now focusing on you fully.
You leaned a shoulder against the doorframe, enjoying his gaze on you. “What do you think?” you asked in a sugared tone. Looking down, you smoothed the silk on you, bringing the tips of your fingers to your chest. “I should probably get boob tape if I get this one.”
“Bo-boob tape?” he asked, raising his eyes to see your face.
“Yeah, to cover up,” you smiled cheekily, swirling the tips of your fingers around your pebbled nipples. “I don’t want to be flashing everyone on Josh’s party.”
You expected the man to laugh, or to smile. But no, his gaze remained trained on you, on your fingers tracing circles around your nipples. He gulped hard and cleared his throat.
“What, you don’t like it?” you asked innocently, twirling on your feet so he could see how the skirt of the dress sat on your ass.
Jeonghan had gone deadly silent, and you did not like that. It meant that his brain was occupied scheming a plan, you stopped showing him the dress, and saw that his gaze had darkened.
“Maybe I should just try the other one on,” you said, adding a gasp to appear resigned. “And if you don’t like it, then maybe I should just wear one of my old dresses,” you pouted, very evidently knowing that your attitude would press his buttons.
“Yeah, you do that,” he muttered, but he was not playing your game, no.
And that was worrying.
“Maybe you could come in, and watch me?” you muttered, knowing that he would be able to hear you despite the music playing on the speakers of the store.
Jeonghan shook his head no but sent his dark eyes to survey at the surroundings. “Get inside,” he nodded at you sharply.
You took it as, stop playing with me. So you just went back inside, with a rejected look on your face that he definitely got to see right before you closed the door and started removing the pretty dress off your body.
Suddenly, you heard a soft click and through the mirror, Jeonghan was entering the changing room, closing the door with one hand beside him.
“Jeong–,” you started, but he brought a finger to his lips, motioning you to be quiet.
You had instinctively brought the shirt closer to your chest, covering your naked breasts. Warmth crept onto your cheeks, realizing that he could see the back of your body through the reflection on the mirror.
“Be quiet,” he cautioned, grabbing the dress from your hands and tossed it on the stool. A hand came to cup your jaw, commanding your eyes to his. “You're going to do as I say.”
Your heart had started beating rapidly in your chest, you could feel your own pulse in your neck. But you nodded, intrigued as to how far he would go.
“I didn't think you'd come,” you breathed, taking a step back as he approached you, pinning you to the wall.
“That's because you're used to your boyfriend,” the ghost of a smirk appeared on his face. “He's all bark, no bite.”
Your breath hitched, forcing yourself to close your mouth. Jeonghan enjoyed your reaction, that much you could see from the way his eyes, darkened by lust, outlined your face. He stopped cupping your jaw, his hand delicately traveling down, a finger tracing an invisible line on one of your breasts, finding your nipple to pinch it with his pointer finger and thumb.
You looked from his fingers teasing your nipple to his face. Jeonghan trapped his lower lip with his teeth, catching your gaze on him, the corners of his lips curved in a smile.
“You like teasing me,” he whispered, his hand continued traveling down, tracing a line on the center of your tummy. “I guess I should return the gesture.”
“Hannie,” you squirmed when his fingertip stopped at the band of your panties, you pressed your back against the wall.
“What?” he muttered, his voice raising to a lower one.
You sent him an alarmed look, but his face remained impassive, his dark eyes on you.
“Shh,” he pressed his body against yours, effectively pinning you tightly against the wall. He leaned his forehead against yours, nose nudging against yours, wordlessly telling you to raise your head for him to find your lips.
His lips grazed yours, inviting at first, but pulling back when you tried to inch closer to his mouth. He showed you a grin, and you could almost hear him say, “Eager, are we?”
His finger slipped beneath the band of your panties, his eyes widening with awe when he found out how wet you got just by teasing him. His lips pressed a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth when you squirmed against him, trying to get his fingers on you to satisfy the need you felt for him.
“Please,” you hissed.
“There are your manners,” he whispered, you felt him smiling in your mouth, his finger dipped inside your core, pumping in and out slowly.
But the feeling of being exposed, hearing the movement and commotion outside the changing room made your body come alive with excitement and arousal.
You sent him a pleading look, breathing out a tiny moan when he introduced another finger inside you. Your hand snapped to palm the tent in his pants, trying to get his zipper down.
The following movements happened fast. He pulled his fingers out of you, grabbing your panties and pulling them aside. You instinctively pushed your hips forward to him, angling yourself as you pulled his hardened cock out of his pants.
You noticed his other hand fishing out something from his pocket, pulling out his phone, opening his camera and pressing the record button.
“Hold this,” he whispered, handing the phone to you. His hand grabbed your leg to wrap it around his hip, just as you guided his cock to your throbbing pussy, letting him sheathe himself in one go.
You let out an airy moan, Jeonghan's free hand clamping your mouth shut as he started thrusting tortuously slow, making you feel every inch of his pretty cock inside you, stuffing you full.
You saw yourself through the video feed of the phone, you were nearly naked, a fucked-out look in your eyes as Jeonghan dipped his head to kiss your neck. Your eyes widened as he started sucking a lovebite on the curve of your neck, making your skin tingle when he detached his lips, breathing on the marked area.
“Fuck,” you heard him breathe.
The noises outside, though unrelenting, made your pulse quicken, anxious butterflies swarming inside your tummy. A world happening outside while you were in a changing room, being fucked against a wall by your lover.
You sent him a warning look, the squelching noises of your pussy becoming increasingly prominent.
“I know,” he nodded, smirking at you. “You're being so good, princess,” he breathed. “Such a good girl for me.”
His hand slid down from your mouth, but found the curve of your neck, pressing his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes, letting the world be drowned out by the sweet sound of his breathing.
“Fuck princess,” he whispered on your mouth. “You drive me crazy,” he said, his thrusts becoming more demanding, pushing against you rapidly.
“Hannie,” you said, beginning to shake, but you kept the phone up, camera angled to your bodies. “Come inside me,” you whispered. “Please?”
“Not yet,” he whispered, a taunting smile playing on his lips. “You're gonna come first.”
“I can't,” you refused, shaking your head lightly.
Jeonghan locked eyes with you, before scanning your face, your blazing hot cheeks, your lips glossy with his spit. “Yes, you can,” he countered, spotting your lie effortlessly.
“I don't wanna get caught,” you said, but aimlessly, since the squelching noises resounding inside the small changing room became even more louder to your ears.
“Where's the fun in that,” he retorted, a smirk showing on his beautiful lips.
“Hannie,” you tried to chastise him.
“Princess,” his smile widened, shooting a wave of arousal through you. He fucks you with a smile on his face. You stifled a moan, but the throbbing in your walls was impossible to control.
His thrusts slowed down, you saw his Adam's apple bob and his eyelids fluttered close. You knew instantly, it was taking him everything in him to not give in to his full impulse to just fuck you to his heart's content.
You saw your retaliation.
Your hand stopped clutching at the shoulder of his jacket, sliding it down his abdomen, reaching the area where your bodies connected. His eyes shot open in realization when your fingers began toying with your clit.
“Baby,” he whispered, though his voice sounded shaky, making his warning wane.
Your mouth parted, letting out a silent gasp. You saw his eyes following the movements of your fingers briefly, the way you worked on yourself to get to your orgasm faster. He raised his head, getting a glimpse of your facial features going slack in sweet pleasure. Your eyebrows knitted, and his did too, mimicking you automatically.
His thrust changed speed, becoming more demanding as your walls clenched around him. “Fuck,” he gritted.
Laughter boomed around you from a group of girls chattering inside the store. Jeonghan's grip on your thigh tightened harshly. You saw fascination cross the features of his face, he clearly enjoyed this: being exposed, having you at his mercy in a public space.
And to be honest, you understood why.
It was exciting.
It was easy to let yourself be swept away by the pleasure overtaking the features of his face. That just made it easier to sink into the waves of pleasure coursing inside your body, making your pussy wet. The sounds it made every time Jeonghan pushed his pretty cock in and out of your throbbing walls.
The tension inside you snapped. You threw your head back, succumbing to the sweet pleasure rippling through you. You sunk your teeth on your lower lip, commanding yourself to keep the phone up. You angled the camera so that it clearly captured you and Jeonghan, the way he pushed your body against the wall with this thrusts.
He kept his eyes trained on you all the time, as if he did not want to lose a second of you coming silently, shaking between him and the wall he was fucking you into. But his eyes went lazy, his breath ragged, his body weakened against you and that is how you knew he was coming with you.
Shaking, he drowned his grunts by crushing his mouth on yours, pushing his hips against you sloppily, emptying himself inside your walls to the last drop.
You stopped recording, slipping his phone back inside the pocket of his black jacket.
He dropped his forehead against yours. “You play dirty,” he rasped, still breathing raggedly.
“You almost had me in the beginning,” you muttered with a cheeky smile.
“Fuck you,” he chuckled airily.
You chuckled too, a retort sitting on the tip of your tongue.
A loud and repeated knock came to the door, startling you and Jeonghan with a jolt from you both. “Is everything alright, do you need help, miss?” the voice from the lady came from the other side, sounding completely unbeknownst to the situation inside the changing room.
“Oh, shit, you scared me,” you replied, bringing your best acting voice you could muster, though the reality of the situation helped. “Maybe I'll try the dress in red too, please?”
Jeonghan smiled deviously, shaking his head ever so slightly but did not make a sound.
“Coming up,” the reply came, and you were so still that you heard her walk away.
“You, miss, are learning fast at coming up with lies,” Jeonghan observed, pulling away from you, though begrudgingly. He tucked himself swiftly, watching your fingers fix your panties back in place.
“I have the best instructor,” you quipped, showing him a grin through your tiredness.
A weird look shot across his face; his heavy-lidded eyes scanned you. “Mn,” he hummed briefly.
“Here it is, miss,” the lady handed the dress in red over the door.
“Thank you,” you said as Jeonghan grabbed the dress from the lady's hand and passed it to you.
“No problem!” she said, still ignorant to the man standing at the other side of the door.
Jeonghan saw his opportunity, creaking the door open. “Gotta run,” he muttered.
But he was surprised when you quickly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him to your lips with a quick kiss. “I'll be there. Go,” you whispered.
He returned the feathery kiss, though in his eyes you saw something you could not quite place. “Hurry up,” he whispered. “I'll buy you anything you want, let's just get the fuck out of here.”
And with that, Jeonghan slipped out of the changing room, leaving you with a deep desire for something that sex would not satiate. But you still weren't sure exactly what that desire was. Or rather, how you wanted to satiate it.
His sweet brown eyes looked at your face. He nodded. “You look beautiful.”
You laughed. “The dress, Hannie. How does it look?”
You stood in the living room, a pair of high heels hanging on your fingers. Jeonghan effectively, bought everything that you so much showed an interest in at the stores you visited with him. So now you had a new pair of shoes, a new handbag, and a new dress.
“Spectacular,” he smiled softly, rising from the couch, and stood before you.
Jeonghan looked good in everything he wore. But he looked ridiculously good whenever he was dressed in all black. From head to toe, his boots, the tight denim jeans, the shirt you picked, and the jacket he wore were all black. And on top of that, he had lost the beanie, so his lush black hair was partly humid from the recent shower.
“You look good,” you said, finding yourself hoarse for some reason.
“You think so, princess?” he smirked softly, placing a finger beneath your chin, the pad of his thumb brushing your lower lip ever so slightly.
“Yeah,” you whispered, closing your eyes when his lips pressed a kiss on your upper, to then capture the lower and kiss you deeply.
A hand slipped on your lower back, bringing you closer to his frame. You gasped in his mouth, and he responded with a groan when you pressed your chest to his.
“Let’s get out of here before I lose my fucking mind,” Jeonghan muttered, letting out an airy chuckle. “C’mon.”
You and Jeonghan arrived at a club, one that you had never been before, granted. But Jeonghan did, apparently, taking your hand and lacing his fingers with yours as he led you through a crowd of people, all the way to the front door, where he exchanged a couple of words with the bouncer, who let him and you in right after.
The club was what you had expected. Dark, hot, packed with people and loud. But instead of just going right in, Jeonghan kept walking, crossing the place and to a more secluded area. There, a pair of dark elevator doors stood, and he pushed the button with his lithe fingers.
He shot you a brief look, and you knew that there was something heavy in his mind. You nodded your chin at him, prompting him but he just shook his head no, pulling you to the elevator when the doors parted.
But he seemed to be getting ready for something, he sent his gaze to the ceiling, sucking in a breath through his teeth.
“Are you really sure you’re okay with Joshua keeping your relationship a secret?” he finally asked when you were both standing in front of the doors, the reflection showing him beside you.
He looked dark. And strangely alluring.
“Yeah,” you nodded, turning your head to look at him. You had gained some inches, thanks to your high heels.
But the man still towered over you. “Okay,” he whispered, content with the certainty he saw in you. “Though tonight, I don’t think we will be surrounded by a lot of press people. That was mostly in his conference from earlier.”
You paid attention to him. “Still, I don’t think I can… go to him as his girlfriend, you know?” you cocked your head to one side. “There will be a lot of people, from what I gather.”
Jeonghan shrugged lightly. “You could,” he countered with ease. “Once everyone is on alcohol and other substances, no one will care. And even if they noticed, they would most like take it as him kissing his best friend’s girl.”
You were not sure if you were completely okay with how he phrased it. And it was not his words that upset you entirely, it was also that he was playing a part in all of this.
“You don’t like this, do you?” you realized.
“I don’t like that he’s using me to keep you in the dark.”
Your instinct was to say no. Joshua would not do that to his best friend. But you bit your tongue, instantly deflated by the thought of Joshua agreeing to the polyamorous relationship to keep you happy. And a secret from the media and his fans.
“Well, then maybe we have to trust him, like you said,” you finalized.
Jeonghan stilled. “Yeah, you’re right,” he muttered.
“Let’s enjoy tonight?” you offered sweetly, turning so that you were facing him. “Let’s be there for Josh.”
His gaze softened, convinced by your request. “Okay,” he said, using the proximity between you to plant a kiss on your forehead.
The doors of the elevator parted, loud, revealing a place just as packed, rock music poured into your ears. But evidently this part of the club was private. It even looked poshed, compared to the dark interior from before. This one was colorful, though lit in red neon lights on the walls, and blue beams shooting across the space.
Jeonghan tugged your hand, pulling you even closer to his body as you both entered the place, and dived into the crowd. You noticed that he had an intent of crossing through the small sea of people and knew where Joshua would be found.
The first thing you noticed about your boyfriend upon laying eyes on him was that he had changed his hair. It was still brown, but not the golden brown that shines almost to a blond tone when he stands under the sunlight. This was a chocolate brown, the shade so dark it could pass as black in the dark interior of the club.
Like Jeonghan, he was dressed in concert black. Black suit, black tie. The only things that were not as dark were the chains adorning the flaps of his jacket. You knew it was not his decision to wear this, nor the way his hair was styled so that there was a single strand of hair hanging on his forehead, the rest pushed back.
Another thing of note was the hazy look in his eyes.
He was drunk. Surrounded by people and by the looks of it, he was having enjoying himself. He was talking to some people, none of whom you recognized.
Your grip on Jeonghan’s hand tightened. This was the first time that you saw him at his job since his band’s skyrocketing towards nation-wide fame. From meeting him as the lead singer of a local band, to now being one of the most popular singers in the rock music scene.
And without question, Joshua fit into what a rockstar would look and act like.
You watched as he stood back, side hugging the person he was talking to and someone raised a camera and snapped a series of photographs, the bright flashes illuminating his gorgeous face. The way he posed, looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression on his face, only added to the dark mood with which he was holding himself.
But that was swiftly changed when his beautiful eyes fell on you. His mouth parted slightly, and his eyes changed from what neutrality he was commanding himself with, a glimmer appeared in them.
Jeonghan returned the tight squeeze in your hand, as if telling you to get ready.
You saw Joshua tearing his eyes from you to face his best friend, to whom he greeted with a warm hug, using it too as an opportunity to look over his shoulder to look at your face again.
Your mind reeled over and over again as to how you were going to play this. But you just pressed your lips together in a tight smile, waving at him eagerly with your free hand.
You saw it on his face that he was not content with your short and distant greeting, so he made a move towards you, but was quickly blocked by someone coming up to him to ask for a photograph. Joshua stopped abruptly, removing his eyes from you, and accepted to take the photo, though reluctantly.
“Do you want a drink?” Jeonghan asked, leaning towards you to speak in your ear.
You nodded, being pulled away from the crowd surrounding Midnight Haze. As you left to go to the bar with Jeonghan, you could feel your boyfriend’s eyes on the back of your head.
“Can’t get drunk tonight,” you said, or practically shouted over the loud music to Jeonghan.
“Live a little, princess,” Jeonghan shouted back, pointing at a bottle of tequila sitting at top of the shelves of expensive bottles and signaled a two towards the bartender. “Besides, I wouldn’t blame you if you get drunk, you need to let loose.”
You looked over your shoulder, effortlessly spotting your boyfriend in the middle of the crowd, still chatting up to the people who came to him asking for autographs and photos. He swiftly sent a glance over to the bar, as if he had felt your eyes on him too.
“Yeah, got a point,” you said to Jeonghan, turning over to him and raised your shot glass at the same time he did.
“I’ll take care of you,” he said, making you giggle.
“Oh no, that’s scary,” you recalled the drunken nights with Jeonghan, when he was still someone you considered just a friend.
“Ah, come on, trust me,” he clinked your glass with his own, motioning over to you to link arms with him, and you did, pouring the shot of tequila down your throat at the same time as him.
He made a ridiculous face, and you laughed at him harder. “Cute,” you pointed. “You can’t drink tequila, and it shows.”
“Oh, it’s on,” he arched one eyebrow, turning to the bartender and ordered two more shots.
“This is how you get wasted,” but you raised the shot glass at him anyway, linking arms again to drink with him.
“I know,” he chuckled, wiping a drop of tequila from the corner of his mouth with the pad of his thumb. “But, since you’re the expert in tequila, I want to test you.”
“Shut up,” you said, pushing his shoulder playfully.
Jeonghan leaned over the counter, asking for something that you could not hear. He would soon get two slices of lime served in a nice ramekin. And two more shots.
“Wait,” you exclaimed, but he had a devious grin on his face.
“Nuh-uh, princess. Drink,” he challenged.
You rolled your eyes, but quickly took on his challenge. You did not wait for him this time, downing the shot of tequila straight away, setting the glass on the counter. “Your turn,” you said pointedly.
Jeonghan looked at you with a glint in his eye, a smile creeping on his face slowly when you placed the slice of lime between your teeth, waiting for him. He took the shot glass to his mouth, tipping his head back and you saw his throat bobbing as he swallowed. Setting the glass aside, he brought a hand to cup your cheek, leaning towards you to capture the slice of lime from your mouth.
His lips brushed yours, making your body come alight, he sucked on the lime once, discarding it to dive in for a kiss, and that he did slowly at first, delicately. You tasted the lime in his lips. You felt drunk already, but you knew that the intoxication was not from the alcohol alone.
You felt a new wave of arousal rushing inside your body, you held his face with your hands, letting him kiss you deeper, more demanding.
“Stop,” you brought a hand to his chest, feeling his breath fanning over your face.
He leaned his forehead on yours. “Sorry,” he exhaled softly. “I got carried away.”
“Me too,” you confessed with a small giggle. “Let’s stop drinking before we get reckless.”
Jeonghan laughed at that, the sound sending a powerful shiver down your spine. “Oh, baby, I think it’s too late for that,” he said, a pleased look on his face. “Come on. This thing is starting soon.”
“Oh, what is?” you asked dumbly. Following him back to where you saw Joshua.
The music suddenly came to a stop, the sound of a microphone being plugged in boomed through the speakers. Making you look across the room to find Midnight Haze standing on a small stage, the microphone was passed to Jihoon, who looked at it for a second and passed it to Joshua.
Midnight Haze’s lead singer took the microphone and brought it to his face, camera flashes lit up his face, making him blink repeatedly. “Hello, ladies and gentlemen, we’re Midnight Haze and we’re here to present our first studio album,” he explained expertly, a grin appearing on his face as he enunciated the following words: “And here to explain more about the album, we have Lee Jihoon, the drummer, producer, and leader of this band,” he returned the microphone to Jihoon, who smiled with a mixture of shyness and awkwardness.
Jihoon started to give out a speech that consisted of him just explaining where you could stream the album and when, followed by a short word of gratitude. When he finished, he passed the microphone back to Joshua, who just gave it up to Vernon.
Laughter resounded around the room from all the party attendants.
“Thank you for coming,” he said briefly and returned the microphone to Joshua.
“Thank you,” he concluded.
And Midnight Haze started sounding on the speakers. You recognized the song from the first second because of how often you heard Joshua rehearsing it on his guitar or singing it aloofly all over the apartment. The song was catchy, the guitar riff alluring, aptly named Euphoria, the lyrics were enticing, and about you.
You felt Jeonghan’s fingers slipping on your wrist before he laced his hand with yours, taking you with him through the sea of people. You felt eager to see Joshua again, to be able to have a moment with him.
But you knew that you would have to wait for some time before that happened. Joshua was still busy talking to fans, and friends, and all the people who would come up to him and strike small conversation. Some would ask for photographs, others for autographs, most people both.
It felt nice to see him accomplish one of his dreams, though you could not deny that it felt slightly heart crushing to be watching from the distance.
So, you had to look for an opportunity. You turned to Jeonghan. “Cover me?” you asked him. He frowned at first, but leaned over so you could explain further. “I want to talk with Josh.”
Jeonghan nodded, wasting no time he just grabbed your hand catching Joshua’s gaze as he pulled you away from the crowd, leading you down a corridor that ended in an emergency exit. That apparently did the trick, since Jeonghan and Joshua had somehow formed a wordless language between them.
Because your boyfriend had followed you. A minute after you had slipped down the lonely and dimly lit corridor, Joshua appeared, nodding at his best friend in something akin to gratitude.
“Be quick,” Jeonghan warned. “And don’t be sloppy,” he added, sending you a meaningful look before walking away.
But Joshua did not reply, instead, he was instantly wrapping you in a hug as though he had missed you. He lifted you from the floor in his strong arms for a second, returning you so that he could cup your face in his hands.
“You look beautiful,” was the first thing he said to you, right before capturing your lips in a hurried kiss. You tasted whisky in his mouth, when his tongue outlined your lower lip and touched yours.
“Thank you, baby,” you replied, sensing the alcohol start to numb your senses.
“Let me see you,” he requested, stepping back so that he could see the pretty dress Jeonghan bought for you. But his eyes swivelled back up to see your face, but inevitably spotting the red mark sitting on the crook of your neck.
Your stomach dropped, and you brought a hand to brush your hair, covering the spot that Jeonghan marked.
But your boyfriend was quicker, he sent a look at his sides and back before carrying out his plan.
He pushed your back against the wall, the shadow of a smile appearing on his face when a soft gasp left your mouth. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” he muttered darkly in your ear, his voice sounded hoarse.
You pushed your body away from the cold wall, your front brushing with his. You were squirming, trying to get him to back away and let you calm your nerves.
But no, his eyes read the features of your face. “You like this,” he realized, the corners of his lips rising slightly. “Oh, you cruel thing. Do you like to get me jealous?”
You nodded with your head, smiling at him when you could not take the heaviness of his darkened gaze on you.
“Is it fun to kiss Hannie while knowing I’ll be watching, baby?” he purred, moving his mouth to press a soft kiss below your earlobe. “Do you like to know it turns me on?”
“Joshua,” you mewled out when his lips reached a particular sensitive spot on your neck, where Jeonghan had left a noticeably big hickey. Then it dawned on you.
“Answer me,” he muttered, his large hands gripping your waist tighter.
Granted, you did have a recollection of Joshua saying he liked seeing you with Jeonghan. You also remembered the times you saw him pleasure himself to the view of you being fucked by Jeonghan. But to hear him say it, flat out, made a hot wave of arousal course through you.
You nodded, closing your eyes, and letting out an embarrassingly loud moan when his mouth placed an open kiss on the sensitive spot, making you squirm a little more.
“Fuck, baby,” he sighed. “You sound so sweet,” he mumbled languidly, and you could tell just from the sound of his voice, sweet and moany, he was aroused too.
“Joshua,” you called, and he moved his face to capture your lips with his own, swallowing your moans when he rolled his tongue inside your mouth. “We need to stop,” you said, pulling your head back.
“Right,” he frowned. “Shit, you’re right,” he realized, as if he had forgotten for a split second that you were not completely alone.
He peeled his body off yours, straightening his jacket and fixing his hair. That made him look to one side, his features hardening at once.
A tall man, of dark hair and similar attire to your boyfriend’s was walking from the fire exit to you and Joshua. He did not seem impressed with your very public display of affection since he very evidently did not know you.
“Hey man,” Joshua greeted amicably. “Enjoying the party?”
“Yeah, though not as much as you,” he replied with a slurry tone, his lazy eyes swiftly looking at you and then back at your boyfriend. “The album is a hit, dude, a number one.”
Joshua smiled, letting his guard down for a second. “Thanks, Tae,” he said, nodding when the man patted his back, continuing to walk back to where the party was.
“We should get back,” you told him.
“Yeah,” he agreed, but he leaned over to get a swift, featherlight kiss from you. “I want to get out of here already.”
You giggled. “Just a couple of hours then we can leave,” you told him.
“One hour,” he said, glancing at his watch. “And we get out of here, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you replied and begun heading back to Jeonghan, but not before Joshua slapped your ass.
You yelped, sending him a look. Joshua masked his grin by biting his lower lip but could not resist when you just rolled your eyes at him and smiled broader at you.
You quickly found Jeonghan, whose eyes quickly read your face, your entire demeanor and smiled.
“I suppose it went well?” he teased, leaning over to press a kiss on the side of your head as he slid a hand on the small of your back.
“Shut up,” you muttered, but he obviously did not hear you.
“Baby, I’d like you to meet, Taehyung,” he said, showing you to the person he was clearly having a conversation with moments before you arrived, though you were too distracted to notice.
Taehyung had a question written all over his face, but he still nodded at you. “Nice to meet you,” he smiled charmingly at you.
You sent Jeonghan a look before returning the polite nod. “Nice to meet you too,” you said.
The man cocked his head, the confusion in his face clearer now, the lines between his eyebrows showing when he frowned.
“Taehyung is the singer of Green Nocturne,” Jeonghan interjected, noting that the exchange between you and the man was growing more awkward by the second.
Whatever Jeonghan might have seen in your face, it told him everything he needed to know. So his distraction worked, your mouth fell open in both surprise and embarrassment.
“Oh, really?!” you squealed, blaming the alcohol for sounding so high-pitched. “Oh my god! This is so cool. Forgive me, but I am the biggest fan of your music,” you giggled uncontrollably.
Taehyung dropped the confusion from his face at once upon hearing your drunken giggles. “Thank you,” he replied, almost as shy as you were now.
“Let me tell you, I was one of the many people that never believed you were a one-man band,” you blurted, feeling hot on the cheeks, and forgetting the awkward exchange completely. “But I think that it’s so cool that you do nearly everything…”
You were swiftly submerged in conversation with Taehyung, who also seemed to be wrapped in your crazy stammering and excited descriptions of how much you loved his music. So you never realized when Jeonghan slipped from the conversation, and away from you and your new friend.
Jeonghan tried to turn the lighter on, spinning the wheel once, twice, until he got to the third and the flame came up. He brought it close to the end of the cigarette, hearing the paper burn, igniting the end with a long draw.
The cold air brushed his cheeks, cooling his lips as he exhaled the smoke, his eyes lost on the vast city below him. He leaned forward, leaning his elbows on the banister of the balcony, ignoring the loud music inside the party.
He took another drag from the cigarette he stole, it seemed funny to him that he still had some of the gimmicks when he used to smoke tobacco. He narrowed his eyes, one closed more than the other, parting his lips slightly to let the ghost of the smoke slip, to then draw it back in, an exhale it through his nose.
“I thought you had quit smoking that.”
Jeonghan clicked his tongue. “Can't get a moment by myself,” he tutted, not needing to turn to know who was behind him on the balcony, closing the sliding door to the party.
“In fairness, I came here to have a moment alone,” Joshua admitted, leaning so that he matched Jeonghan's position to perfection, all to the exception of the cigarette resting in between Jeonghan's lithe fingers.
“Why?” Jeonghan asked in a low, raspy tone, which he corrected with a cough.
Joshua shrugged beside him, licking his lips and drew in a breath through his teeth. “I used to think that I was just tired of touring, but now I realize that I'm overwhelmed,” he shook his head slightly.
“I thought you wanted this,” Jeonghan commented, frowning to his best friend.
By this, he referred to touring. Making music, the fame, the acclamation, the money.
He shook his head once again, but now firmly. “It's consuming,” he whispered, raising his gaze skyward.
“Welcome to the life,” Jeonghan said with a nod. “Success isn't easy.”
“I want to stay,” Joshua confessed, twiddling his fingers slowly, but in an anxious way.
Jeonghan did not need Joshua to explain more. He knew why he wanted to stay. He took another deep drag from the cigarette, exhaling the smoke into the night sky.
“Where did you get that though?” Joshua read his friend's face expertly, knowing that it had been a while since Jeonghan smoked his last cigarette. And this was a brand he would never buy from.
“Taehyung's pocket.”
“Jeonghan,” he exhaled in resignation and Jeonghan chuckled at his reaction. “Please don't steal from my friends. And stop smoking.”
Jeonghan rolled his eyes and made no comment.
“What's wrong with you?” Joshua asked.
“Nothing,” he muttered, feeling his brain swim under the effects of the nicotine, and alcohol. He should not have mix alcohol and nicotine. “Why are you doing this, Joshua?”
“Doing what?” he asked softly, pausing to look at his friend.
“This, with Bunny. Agreeing to a poly,” Jeonghan exhaled, the anxiousness constricting his heart. Damn the nicotine.
Joshua looked at him agape for a second. He had not expected the blunt question, but he supposed that a moment such as this was merited. The doe eyes returned to map the city skyline, searching for an answer.
“I want this,” he shrugged uneasily.
“Tsk,” Jeonghan exhaled. “Ay, don't tell me this is out of the goodness of your heart, Shuji. I know you. You could've swept this under the rug, continue a monogamous relationship with Bunny. Why drag me into this again?”
“Because you also want this,” Joshua retorted, expecting his best friend to laugh. But not even a smile appeared on the crestfallen man. Joshua exhaled too, but out of shame he still felt about the topic of conversation. “I hurt you both.”
“But this is damned to fail if you just want to make everyone happy,” Jeonghan darted a look at the man beside him. “Just because you regret hurting her and giving me the middle finger doesn't mean that we can be all in a poly now.”
Joshua winced, and he could see it in the face of the man, his words offended him. “I want this,” he emphasized with a pained look. “I want this to work for all three of us.”
“Why?” Jeonghan pressed now, raising his gaze to meet the dark doe eyes.
“I don't know,” he whispered, but Jeonghan could tell when his best friend lied. It was the tone in his voice, the bristling look in his eyes when he could not continue with the eye contact. “I want to see how this works out.”
“So, you're... experimenting?” Jeonghan frowned. “Exploring? What happens if you decide you don't like it?”
“But I do,” both men met gazes again. “I do like it. I just don't know why.”
“From being the most jealous person I know, you switched to sharing your partner with me,” Jeonghan clicked his tongue, taking the cigarette between his lips. “It's just confusing to me.”
“It's confusing to me too,” he replied tiredly, as though he had repeated that same statement many times before.
Jeonghan twisted the cigarette bud in his fingers, deep in thought.
“You know I never apologized, at least not sincerely,” Jeonghan muttered, watching the cigarette consume itself between his fingers. He raised his head, looking at the stars. “I'm sorry for what I did, for not telling you how I felt about her sooner.”
Joshua nodded, his eyes lingering on the face of his best friend. “You didn't need to tell me, Jeonghan,” he commented. “I knew it the moment you bought her tickets to come see me in the opening show.”
Jeonghan huffed, a guilty smile showing on his face. “You're lying,” his eyes beamed in a mixture of shame and joy. “I can be nice sometimes.”
Joshua shook his head, a smile curving his lips too. “No, you can be nice, but this just told me that you wanted to keep her far away from you.”
“Tsk,” Jeonghan exhaled sharply. “Am I that transparent?”
“Just to me.”
The moment slowed down when both men stared at the city lights in the night, both deep in thought, but at the same time, sharing the same feeling.
“I want her to be happy,” Joshua repeated, his heartbeat stammering under the feeling of being vulnerable.
“I want that too,” Jeonghan conceded with a softness lacing his tone. “But that's not all there is, right? You need to know what you're facing, Shuji. If you agree to this, you're agreeing to me dating her fully. Not just having sex.”
“I know, I know,” he rolled his eyes. “I will try not to be jealous.”
“Have you heard of going to therapy?” Jeonghan quipped, receiving a slap on his shoulder, eliciting a low chuckle from him. “I've heard it does wonders.”
“Shut up,” Joshua exhaled, but there was a smile on his face too. “I'm not as jealous as I used to be.”
“I know,” Jeonghan agreed with a nod of his head. “Do you accept my apology?”
Joshua snorted. “You don't need to apologize,” he said. “But I'll take it.”
“Nice,” Jeonghan exhaled, palming the banister once and stood up straight, readying the cigarette bud on his fingers to discard it.
“Don't,” Joshua cautioned, clearly understanding the intentions of his friend.
Jeonghan flicked the cigarette bud from his fingers, tossing it into the void.
“Ah, you little shit,” Joshua huffed, shaking his head in disapproval.
“Go get it if you care that much, altar boy,” Jeonghan nodded his head to the city below them, letting out a characteristic low chuckle.
“Fuck off,” Joshua laughed, slapping Jeonghan's shoulder.
But he was quicker, returning a slap on the back of Joshua's head that resounded with a smacking noise. “Gotcha,” his giggles became high pitched.
Joshua grabbed the man by the back of the neck, quickly wrapping his arms in a headlock, enjoying the way Jeonghan struggled, laughing, and grunting as he tried to set himself free.
“Let me go, you idiot,” Jeonghan laughed, groans escaping his mouth as he tried to slip off the bigger man's grip.
“Stop being a pain in my ass,” Joshua retorted.
Both men stopped in dead in their fight when you slid the door open, a perplexed look on your face as you stepped out and into the balcony.
“H-help,” Jeonghan rasped, arms flailing at his side. “Help me baby, he's gone insane—gah!” got cut off by the man keeping him still in a head locked.
“What's going on?” you asked carefully, wide eyed.
“Nothing, baby,” Joshua exhaled with a pleased smile on his face. “Me and Jeonghannie are just having a heart-to-heart, right?”
A set of fingers poked at his ribs sharply. Jeonghan nodded rapidly, stifling a laugh. “Ah—fuck, it tickles, stop!”
Joshua released him with a breathy laugh, straightening his denim shirt he looked at you, still standing frozen by the door. “What's up, baby?”
“I was wondering where you two had gone,” you shrugged, reading them both with great curiosity.
“I wanted some fresh air, turns out he was having a smoke,” Joshua stifled a giggle when his friend shot him a cold look.
“Ah, you–,”
“Jeonghan, please stop smoking,” you chastised, and the man clicked his tongue and groaned when you crossed your arms.
“I wasn't smoking, baby, I promise,” he raised the palms of his hands to you in a gesture of innocence.
But you could tell he was lying, his widened eyes, the way he tried to hold a rein to the muscles of his face, fighting his smile. You rolled your eyes.
“Let's go home?” Joshua asked, taking a glance at his watch.
“Sure,” you mumbled sweetly, reaching out to grab Jeonghan's hand, slipping your fingers beneath his palm. “Let's go.”
“Me too?” he asked, sending a look to your boyfriend.
“Well, yeah, obviously, you dummy. We arrived together, we leave together,” you punctuated with a confident smile.
“Come on, the car is already waiting for us,” Joshua muttered, looking at his phone.
Jeonghan grabbed your hand, slipping his fingers between yours. He pulled you back to the party, where your boyfriend stopped to say goodbye to his friends as you waved at them exiting the large and heavily crowded room.
All three of you stepped in the elevator, facing the reflection showing on the closed doors. Joshua stood on your left side, casually placing a hand on your lower back as he scrolled on his phone. Jeonghan stood on your right side, still locking hands with you.
He noticed you looking at the reflection and held your gaze as he leaned down and planted a soft kiss on your head. “What are you thinking about, princess?”
“I had fun tonight,” you said, looking at both men flanking you. Joshua pocketed his phone when he heard you, turned to see you, and then at the reflection.
“Did you like Joshua's friends?” he asked in that sweet tone that sent butterflies through your body.
“I did, they're nice,” you nodded, turning to your boyfriend. “I'd like to meet them again.”
“Maybe we can arrange something,” he muttered. “When I come back.”
You nodded with your head ever so slightly, giving him a chance to press a soft kiss on the crown of your head.
You hissed loudly as you slid on the backseat of the car, rubbing your hands together before blowing on them to bring some warmth to your face.
Joshua laughed softly. “Let me,” he said, capturing your hands in his, pulling them away from your face. He wrapped them in his large and warm hands, rubbing them together, rapidly warming them up.
“I liked your dress,” your boyfriend muttered, his lips caressing the back of your hand. He pushed his eyebrows up, looking at you. “Is it new?”
“Hannie got it for me,” you muttered sheepishly, just as the man slid a hand on your bare thigh, sending a cold shiver down your spine.
“Did you thank him for that baby?” Joshua muttered, kissing your knuckles tenderly, slowly.
“I did,” you nodded, looking at his pouted lips pressing on your knuckle.
“Mn, that reminds me,” Jeonghan muttered beside you, looking at the screen of his phone. “Check your phone, Shuji.”
Your stomach twisted; anticipation flashed through your body. You instantly knew what this was about, just as your boyfriend pulled his phone out of the pocket of his black jacket.
“On silent preferably, or else this ride will get more awkward,” Jeonghan mumbled, eyeing at the driver inconspicuously.
Joshua paused and you froze, sitting between both men. Your boyfriend exhaled through his nose slowly, his face staying impassive as the brightness of his screen flashed on his face.
You peeked at the screen, guts twisting when you caught a glimpse of Jeonghan passing the phone to you, making you record him as he fucked you against the wall of the changing room.
The screen went black.
Joshua locked his phone, placing an elbow on the car windowsill, his forehead pressed against this fist. “Fuck.”
Jeonghan laughed silently, palming the plush of your thigh gently.
“So, you two have started to have fun,” he said, his voice low and raspy.
“Just a little present. For the road,” Jeonghan quipped, pressing his lips together in a sweet smile.
Back to your bedroom, you got ready for bed, brushing your teeth facing the mirror, where you saw Joshua come to hug you from behind. He placed one of his hands on your tummy, leaning to leave a kiss on your cheek.
You beamed at him.
“What?” he asked.
“You're being clingy,” you muttered after rinsing your mouth.
“What if I am?” he retorted, pressing another kiss on your temple.
“I like it,” you admitted, turning around so you could face him, cupping his face before giving him a sweet kiss on his lips. “Let's go to bed.”
“I'll be there in a minute,” he nodded, patting your ass gently.
There in the bed, Jeonghan lied with one arm tucked under his head, looking at his phone until his eyes caught sight of you. He left his phone aside, watching you crawl on the bed to lie next to him.
“I'm starting to really like this,” you muttered, bringing a hand to gently rub his tummy up and down.
“To like what, princess?” he asked with a soft tone, his hand caught yours to play with your fingers.
“Sleeping with both of you at the same time,” you admitted with a sheepish grin.
“Oh, so you didn't like it before?” he chuckled, his nose wrinkling at little.
Joshua came to the bedroom, lying next to you so now you were sandwiched by both.
“I did, I'm just saying that I can get used to this. I like it,” you shrugged, feeling the warmth from both bodies. Joshua cuddled up behind you encircling your body in his arms.
Jeonghan looked at your lips, then your eyes with a sweet smile on his face. “That's good to hear, princess,” he commented, leaning over to plant a kiss on your forehead.
You turned over. Joshua captured your lips in a tender kiss, conveying without words what he wanted to say, but was too tired to bring himself to vocalize it.
“I know, me too,” you whispered sweetly, cuddling up to both before falling asleep in their warmth.
It was one day exactly before Joshua had to leave for tour.
His suitcase sat on the chair in the corner of the bedroom. It was half made, an act you attributed to his reluctance to leave again.
He left earlier in the morning to rehearse with his band, and to get some other things in order before they kickstarted the tour. In his anticipating of these things, he told you he would not take long and when he came back, you could have the afternoon to spend together.
So, you saw it as an opportunity to prepare for a nice time together before he left.
Admittedly, you were not as anxious about him leaving as before somethings you could talk them out with him, but there was still a very particular thing living in your mind.
But you shrugged it off. For now.
You had some hours before Joshua returned home, so you had to make every minute count. You left to the market to buy some groceries, and to buy some other things needed for your impromptu plan.
By sundown, you had successfully cooked dinner, tidied the entire apartment, making the table look nice and pretty, adorned with candles and a nice set of cutleries and a bottle of wine. And lastly, you made yourself look pretty. Prettier.
You stomach dropped to the sound of the door being shut, and you practically ran to see your boyfriend entering the apartment, looking at the table with a question written in his face.
In his hand he was holding a bouquet of flowers.
“You’re back!” you chirped, welcoming him in a warm hug that always seemed to leave him speechless.
“Hi beautiful,” he giggled joyfully. “What’s this?”
“Hi handsome,” you replied, equally as joyous. “I thought of surprising you.”
Joshua showed you a wide smile that robbed you of air. “I was thinking of surprising you,” he said, his eyes wrinkling around the corners. “You beat me to it.”
He handed you the bouquet of flowers, which was strikingly beautiful. It was chosen carefully and abundant with pink, blue and white flowers.
“Oh, Josh, thank you so much,” you beamed at him, taking the bouquet from his hand, and instinctively brought the first flower to your nose. “They're beautiful. Let me get them in a vase.”
Joshua watched you as you came back with the flower vase and place it on the table. He was still standing in the same spot, as if he had frozen with surprise upon seeing you all dressed up, minus your shoes.
“Come here,” he caught your hand, pulling you closer to him with a tug. “What is the surprise for?”
“Well, I wanted to spend a nice evening with you, silly,” you replied with an obvious tone, but you were unable to hold your shy grin. “I want tonight to be just the two of us…”
Joshua smiled, his hand had already parked at the small of your back, the other quickly finding your face to cup your chin, planting a gentle kiss on your lips. “Thank you, baby,” he whispered, holding you closer when you tried to pull away.
“Wait, I also got you something,” you giggled when he looked offended at you when you pulled away and turned to the kitchen counter, where you had left a small box.
You sneaked a look at his face, meekly handing him the present you had prepared for him with anticipation for this day.
Joshua took the box, returning the glance at you but his denoted intrigue. He uncovered the box, revealing the guitar strap you had personalized only for him. It matched his in-ear pieces, and it held a secret message that only him would be able to find.
But he lowered the box, a soft look overpowering the features of his face. “Thank you, bunny,” he whispered, cupping your cheek to kiss your forehead. “I love it.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent in the good company of music playing in the background, food that was carefully prepared and of course, his presence. Somehow you both ended up sitting on the couch, soft touches and tender kisses inevitably led to a heavy make out session.
Joshua grabbed you by the waist, letting out a heavy grunt as he dragged you to sit on his lap, making you straddle him. “Clingy,” you whispered, teasing him.
“I remember you said you like it,” he retorted, his studded eyebrow jumping up slightly.
“I do,” you ran the back of your pointer finger down his cheek, outlining his beautiful jaw, stopping to hold his chin. “It's as if you can't get enough of me.”
Joshua laughed, wrinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes, the chirping sound warming your heart. “What can I say,” he muttered, bringing a hand from the back of your knee to your hip. “I have a nasty addiction to you,” he grabbed the hand from his chin, planting a gentle kiss on the inner side of your wrist. “I'm afraid you've made me insatiable.”
You returned the smile, though shadowed by the fact that you were overcome by the urgent need to feel his body, to melt into him. He raised his glinting eyes to you, noticing the change in your eyes.
“I'm going to miss you,” you said, conquered by the feeling coiling in your throat.
Joshua paused; his gaze softened. “Me too, baby,” he whispered too, the grip of his hands on you tightened softly.
“Yeah?” you breathed, egging him on.
“Every minute,” he responded, swallowing hard. “You know I'd take you with me everywhere I go, given my way,” he said, his gaze trained on you as you straddled him, lowering yourself on top of him.
“Would you?” you questioned again, enjoying the way his eyes were on you, reading the features of your face as though he wanted to memorize them again.
“Do you want to visit me sometimes?” he muttered, his eyes following your lips as you leaned down to capture his pretty lips with your own.
“Yeah,” you breathed, his large hands slid from the plush of your thighs, gripping your waist, his fingers pressing over the fabric of your pretty dress. “I could visit you.”
“Please do,” he muttered into your mouth, his breath hitching audibly when your fingers slipped on his hair, your fingertips raking his scalp as you kissed him deeply.
“Okay,” you replied faintly, swept away by the beauty of the man below you, looking at you with glimmery eyes.
“Will you?” now he questioned, he bit his lower lip as his hands on your waist grabbed you to press you down on his hard body, making you feel his warmth.
You nodded your head yes. “Yeah,” you echoed, diving for another long kiss, rolling your tongue in his mouth expertly. He moaned into your mouth, his hand leaving the curve of your waist to cup your cheek.
“Mn,” he hummed in delight when you thread his dark brown hair between your fingers. “Baby.”
“Yes?” you paused, breaking away from him to look in his eyes.
His hands, one parked in the curve of your waist and the other flatly pressed on the small of your back exchanged positions. Joshua licked his lips slowly, appearing to be gathering his words.
“Thank you for tonight,” he muttered, tiny dimples appearing above the corners of his mouth when he swallowed hard. “You make me so happy, feel so loved.”
Your heart stammered at the sound of his words, the way his eyes brightened up, looking at you with so much love. “You don't have to thank me for that, Mr. Hong. I do it gladly,” you whispered with a sheepish smile, pushing his hair away from his face with your fingertips. “I wanted tonight to be about you,” you said, putting weight on the last word.
“I love the sound of that,” he admitted, a small smile appearing on his face. “Come here, Ms. Hong,” he muttered, bringing a hand to cup your cheek, just as you closed the space between his lips and your own, sealing them with a tender, slow kiss.
The question remained. Now that you were with two people, how would it work between all three of you? What was the finish line? Was there even one?
When this little deal was prompted initially, you had your doubts. You still did. The deal was fair and simple, but it was a one that you could not take from zero to one hundred. You soon had to face insecurities, hurt feelings and other concerns, you soon came to realize that it was not so simple.
“Hey,” you hummed, pulling away from his kiss once again. “Where are we going with this?” you whispered shakily. A hand caressed his cheek, threading his long hair back.
“With Jeonghan?” he asked, easily knowing what you were referring to. You nodded. “Where do you want it to go?”
You stayed quiet, at complete loss of words. You never came to a conclusion in your mind, and never thought that Joshua would relinquish the decision over to you.
“Don't you think it's a little early to decide that?” he asked, noticing that your answer was incomplete.
“B-but,” you exhaled through your nose, irritated that you were not as ready to have this conversation as you initially thought to be. “I need us to be in the same page when you leave. I want you to be sure of this.”
“I'm sure of this,” he nodded slightly, his tone had dropped, but it still sounded so sweet, and so reassuring. “Are you having second thoughts about Jeonghan?”
“No, no,” you mumbled. “I'm just thinking—I'm having a hard time with the logistics of the whole relationship.”
Joshua showed you a smile that made your tummy flutter. “I know. I've noticed,” he giggled sweetly, but soon his features took on a more serious look. “How about this, let's just roll with it, yeah? Don't stress about it now.”
“Okay,” you whispered, however in your mind you did not put the matter to rest.
“Yeah?” he mumbled, lifting his eyebrows. “I what you want to know is that I won't doubt you, I don't. I trust you, and I want this to work.”
Something burst inside your chest. Relief, excitement. The feeling made you breathe erratically. “Yes, but how will it work?” you countered. “Are there any rules? Do you have any limits you don't want me to cross?”
His gaze softened, much as if he understood what the root of your worries was. “There are no rules,” he smiled, planting a small kiss on your forehead. “Just the ones that we mentioned. We don't date other people.”
“Is that the only rule?” you pressed, reading the features of his face but he stayed looking at you fondly.
“Do you want to set some rules?” he inquired, blinking rapidly when your hand slid from his nape and started toying with the small rings adorning his earlobe.
You shook your head. “I'm just saying, since you say that everything is okay with me and Jeonghan dating but,” you sighed out some nervousness. “What will happen when Jeonghan and I actually start dating?”
“What do you mean?” he asked with a soft tone.
In anxiousness you pinched his earlobe softly, the corners of his lips curved up. “I don't want you to feel bad,” you finally blurted, a sunken feeling slumping on your shoulders.
Joshua took a pause, the smile weakened a little, but his eyes did not seem to lose the glimmer when he looked at you. “I'm happy if you're happy,” he mumbled.
“Babe,” you leaned your head to one side. “I find that endearing but I don't believe that you won't feel jealous,” you stammered through the words. “You can be honest with me. I want you to.”
Joshua seemed lost for a second. “I'm not lying,” he said carefully, but you detected a slight hint of apprehension. “I can't say that I won't feel jealous—I am jealous that I won't be here with you and he will,” he read your face intently. “But I want you to be happy. And I want you to explore this with me and Jeonghan.”
“That's the thing I am skeptical about,” you smiled because he did first, and you pushed his shoulder. “Stop it.”
“Why do you feel skeptical?” he emphasized the word, teasing you a little. His smile faltered and he took on a more serious tone. “Mn? Tell me.”
“I think that the fact that you no longer feel possessive makes me a bit incredulous that you actually want this,” you confessed, fearful that your words strike a chord in a wrong way.
“Oh,” his mouth dropped slightly and nodded. “Well, I've told you this before, baby,” he explained, he was not condescending with you, and you silently thanked him for that. “With everything that we went through, I made the decision to change,” he paused, and you noticed that the conversation was starting to affect him, but he held your gaze, even though you saw that his eyes had started to take a glint of sadness: “I thought I would lose you. All because of my stupid jealousy and possessiveness, and I almost did.”
The remorse you felt gripped your heart so vehemently that it robbed the air from your lungs. Joshua noticed the change in your eyes, and he moved his arms to encircle your torso and pulled you to his body.
“Listen,” he started, bringing your gaze to his. “Let's take this easy, yeah? Don't worry about how I'll feel, I'm exploring this too,” he suggested, his tone softened again. “Learn about what you like, what you don't like. As long as we're talking this through, I think we'll be fine.”
The challenge presented itself to you. You thought about how hard was for you just to talk your thoughts out. You thought about how you will grapple with being with two people at once, despite one of them being away.
But you wanted this to work out too. You wanted to explore this, with him, with Jeonghan. And for once, you liked that you were the one in control.
“Mn?” he pushed his eyebrows up. “Will you tell me if things get complicated?”
You nodded with your head in affirmation. “Will you?” you whispered.
His gaze softened. “Of course,” he nodded slightly too. “I promise.”
You finally felt the weight lift from your shoulders, you smiled at him. “I promise too,” you whispered.
He responded with a smile of his own. “Better?” he asked with a tiny whisper.
“Better,” you confirmed.
Joshua brought a hand to cup your cheek as you leaned your head to find his lips to clasp them with your own. “I love you,” he murmured with a raspy tone.
You returned the kiss, just as passionate. “I love you, Joshua.”
✮ author's note: hi hello hi hi
so, let me overshare a little bit here: i'm bi. writing some bits from this chapter were a bit exciting for me because i want everything to be v clear, but at the same time i don't want to make it so extensive that it becomes the theme of the whole chapter, so, yeah. hannie is bi in this universe hehe (●'◡'●)
this fic is a wild ride for me. i love writing it so so much. and that is the whole idea of writing fic for me. i get enjoyment out of writing it and sharing it with you. idc if i lost readers when i turned this fic into a polyamorous fic, i'm happy with the readers that stayed.
✮ special credits to my beautiful @thatgirlfromwindsor, who provided me with prompts for our joshie, namely him having nightmares about losing bunny, him being so fucking in love in a rave/party setting, the indoor dates (i'll use more prompts baby, i think i'll use every single one you sent because my heart aches for more josh scenes like these) i love you 😙🩵
✮ additional note: i just started using a word processor to write (i used the tumblr desktop app to write yes, i'm insane), so there is a change in the quotes the i used for this chapter (i.e.: curved quotes) so if you're freaky w details like that like me, i am sorry hahahaskfkdjgh
#joshua hong smut#yoon jeonghan smut#svt fanfic#so fucking amazing#i love this fic#give it a chance#you wont regret it
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De Karl Marx al ecomarxismo
Por Michael Löwy
Fuentes: Viento sur
La reflexión sobre la contribución de Marx a una perspectiva ecológica ha progresado mucho en las últimas décadas. La imagen un tanto caricaturesca de un Marx “prometeico”, productivista, indiferente a los retos medioambientales, transmitida por algunos ecologistas, ansiosos de “sustituir el paradigma rojo por el verde”, ha perdido mucha credibilidad.
El pionero en el redescubrimiento de la dimensión ecológica en Marx y Engels fue sin duda John Bellamy Foster, con su obra La ecología de Marx. Materialismo y naturaleza (Ediciones de Intervención Cultural, 2000), que pone de manifiesto los análisis de Marx sobre la “fractura metabólica” (Riss des Stoffwechsels) entre las sociedades humanas y el medio natural, provocada por el capitalismo. Bellamy Foster transformó la Monthly Review, una de las publicaciones más importantes de la izquierda norteamericana, en una revista eco-marxista, y fomentó el avance de toda una escuela de pensamiento marxista en torno a la temática del metabolic rift, incluyendo a autores tan importantes como Brett Clark, Ian Angus, Paul Burkett, Richard York y otros. Se puede criticar a Bellamy Foster por su lectura de Marx como un ecologista comprometido desde sus escritos de juventud hasta sus últimos trabajos, sin tener en cuenta textos o pasajes que muestran una lógica productivista; pero no se puede dudar de la importancia, la novedad, la profundidad de sus escritos. En la lectura de Marx en una perspectiva ecológica hay un antes y un después de Bellamy Foster.
Próximo a esta escuela de pensamiento -su primer libro, Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism, Capital, Nature and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy (2017) [La naturaleza contra el capital, Bellaterra, 2022] fue publicado por Monthly Review Press-, el joven investigador japonés Kohei Saito se distingue por una interpretación más matizada de los escritos de Marx. Tanto en su primer libro como en el siguiente, Marx in the Anthropocene. Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism (2022), muestra que la reflexión de Marx sobre el medio ambiente no es un todo homogéneo. No trata los escritos de Marx como un conjunto sistemático, definido de comienzo a fin por un gran compromiso ecológico (según algunos) o una poderosa tendencia no ecológica (según otros), sino como un pensamiento en movimiento. Es cierto que se pueden descubrir elementos de continuidad en la reflexión de Marx sobre la naturaleza, pero también hay cambios y reorientaciones muy significativas. Además, como lo sugiere el subtítulo del libro de 2017 -publicado en francés como La Nature contre le Capital. L’écologie de Marx dans sa critique inachevée du capital (2021)- sus reflexiones críticas sobre la relación entre la economía política y el medio natural quedaron “inacabadas”.
Entre las continuidades, una de las más importantes es la cuestión de la “separación” capitalista de los humanos respecto de la tierra, esto es de la naturaleza. Marx pensaba que en las sociedades precapitalistas existía una forma de unidad entre los productores y la tierra, y consideraba como una de las tareas esenciales del socialismo la de restablecer la unidad original entre los humanos y la naturaleza, destruída por el capitalismo, aunque a un nivel más elevado (negación de la negación). Eso explica el interés de Marx por las comunidades precapitalistas, tanto en sus discusiones ecológicas (por ejemplo, Carl Fraas) como en sus investigaciones antropológicas (Franz Maurer): estos dos autores eran considerados “socialistas inconscientes”. Y desde luego, en su último documento importante, la carta a Vera Zasulich (1881), Marx afirmaba que gracias a la supresión del capitalismo, las sociedades modernas podrían volver a una forma superior de un tipo “arcaico” de propiedad y de producción colectivas. Se diría que esto pertenece al momento “anticapitalista romántico” de las reflexiones de Marx… Sea como sea, esta interesante visión general de Saito resulta muy pertinente hoy día, cuando las comunidades indígenas de las Américas, de Canadá a la Patagonia, están en primera línea de la resistencia a la destrucción capitalista del entorno.
No obstante, la principal contribución de Saito es mostrar el movimiento, la evolución de las reflexiones de Marx sobre la naturaleza, en un proceso de aprendizaje, reconsideración y remodelación de sus pensamientos. Antes de El Capital (1867), se puede encontrar en los escritos de Marx una evaluación bastante poco crítica del “progreso” capitalista -una actitud muchas veces descrita con el vago término mitológico de “prometeismo”. Esto resulta evidente en el Manifiesto Comunista, que celebraba la “sumisión de las fuerzas de la naturaleza al hombre” y la “roturación de continentes enteros para el cultivo”; pero se aplica también a los Cuadernos de Londres (1851), a los Manuscritos Económicos de 1861-63 y a otros escritos de aquellos años. Curiosamente, Saito parece excluir de su crítica a los Grundrisse (1857-58), una excepción no justificadaen mi opinión, porquees conocido cómo admiraba Marx en este manuscrito la “gran misión civilizadora del capitalismo” respecto a la naturaleza y a las comunidades precapitalistas, prisioneras de su localismo y de su ¡”idolatría de la naturaleza”!
El cambio ocurre en 1865-66, cuando Marx descubrió, leyendo los escritos del químico agrícola Justus von Liebig, el problema del agotamiento de los suelos, y la ruptura metabólica entre las sociedades humanas y el medio natural. Esto llevaría, en el volumen I del Capital -aunque también en los otros dos volúmenes inacabados- a una valoración mucho más crítica de la naturaleza destructiva del “progreso” capitalista, en particular en la agricultura. Después de 1868, leyendo a otro científico alemán, Carl Fraas, Marx descubrió también otras cuestiones ecológicas importantes, como la deforestación y el cambio climático local. Según Saito, si Marx hubiera podido terminar los volúmenes 2 y 3 del Capital, habría puesto más el acento en la crisis ecológica -lo que significa también, al menos implícitamente, que en su estado inacabado actual, el acento no estaba suficientemente puesto en esas cuestiones…
Esto me lleva a mi principal desacuerdo con Saito: en varios pasajes del libro, afirma que para Marx “la no durabilidad medioambiental del capitalismo es la contradicción del sistema” (p. 142, subrayado por Saito); o que al final de su vida, llegó a considerar la ruptura metabólica como “el problema más grave del capitalismo”; o que el conflicto con los límites naturales era para Marx “la principal contradicción del modo de producción capitalista”.
Me pregunto dónde ha encontrado Saito semejantes declaraciones, en los escritos de Marx, los libros publicados, los manuscritos o los cuadernos… Son inencontrables, y por una buena razón: la insostenibilidad ecológico del sistema capitalista no era una cuestión decisiva en el siglo XIX como lo es hoy día: o mejor dicho, desde 1945, cuando el planeta ha entrado en una nueva era geológica, el Antropoceno. Creo además que la ruptura metabólica, o el conflicto con los límites naturales, no es “un problema del capitalismo” o una “contradicción del sistema”, ¡es mucho más que eso! Es una contradicción entre el sistema y las “condiciones naturales eternas” (Marx), y por tanto con las condiciones naturales de la vida humana en el planeta. De hecho, como afirma Paul Burkett (citado por Saito), el capital puede continuar acumulando en cualquiercondición natural, incluso degradada, mientras no haya extinción completa de la vida humana: la civilización humana puede desaparecer antes de que la acumulación del capital se vuelva imposible…
Saito concluye su libro con una valoración sobria que me parece una resumen muy pertinente de la cuestión: El Capital (el libro) fue un proyecto inacabado. Marx no respondió a todas las cuestiones ni predijo el mundo de hoy. Pero su crítica del capitalismo proporciona una base teórica extremadamente útil para la comprensión de la crisis ecológica actual. Por consiguiente, añadiría que el ecosocialismo puede apoyarse en las ideas de Marx, pero que debe desarrollar plenamente una nueva confrontación eco-marxista con los desafíos del Antropoceno en el siglo XXI.
En su último libro, Marx and the Anthropocene, Saito desarrolla y amplia su análisis de los escritos de Marx, criticando el productivismo de los Grundrisse y del famoso Prólogo a la Contribución a la Crítica de la Economía Política, a menudo considerada la formulación definitiva del materialismo histórico. En el Prólogo de 1859, las fuerzas productivas aparecen como la principal fuerza motriz de la historia, que sería liberada, gracias a la revolución, de los “obstáculos” que constituyen las relaciones de producción capitalistas. Sitio muestra cómo, a partir de 1870, en sus escritos sobre Rusia y en sus cuadernos de notas etnográficas o naturalistas, Marx se aleja de esta visión de la historia. En este “último Marx” se esboza, según Saito, una nueva concepción del materialismo histórico -ciertamente inacabado- en donde el medio natural y las comunidades pre-modernas (o no-europeas) juegan un papel esencial. Saito intenta mostrar también, sobre todo a partir de los Cuadernos de Notas recientemente publicados por la nueva MEGA, una adhesión de Marx a la idea de decrecimiento, pero esta hipótesis no encuentra un fundamente efectivo en estos escritos.
Marx crítico de la acumulación ilimitada
Me parece que la cuestión de la contribución de Marx al ecosocialismo, o si se prefiere, al eco-marxismo, no se limita a sus textos sobre la relación con la naturaleza -que son, hay que reconocerlo, relativamente marginales en su obra: no hay un solo libro, o artículo, o capítulo de libro, de Marx o de Engels, dedicado a la ecología, o a la crisis ecológica. Lo cual es del todo comprensible, considerando que la destrucción capitalista del entorno sólo estaba en sus primeras manifestaciones, y no tenía en absoluto la gravedad que hoy día tiene. Pienso que en sus escritos se encuentran argumentos que no tienen por objeto la naturaleza, pero constituyen contribuciones esenciales para una reflexión eco-marxista, a condición de ser repensadas en función de la crisis ecológica de nuestra época. Hay que considerar aquí dos elementos:
1. La crítica de Marx a la hybris capitalista: la acumulación/expansión sin límites.
2. El comunismo como “Reino de la Libertad”
3. El capitalismo es un sistema que no puede existir sin una tendencia expansiva ilimitada. En los Grundrisse, Marx observaba:
“El capital, en tanto que representa la forma universal de la riqueza -el dinero- es la tendencia sin límites ni medida a superar su propio límite. Cualquier límite no puede ser superado más que por él. Si no, dejaría de ser capital: el dinero en tanto que se produce a sí mismo (…) es el movimiento perpetuo que tiende siempre a crear más”[1].
Es un análisis que se desarrollará en el primer volumen de El Capital. Según Marx, el capitalista es un individuo que no funciona más que como “capital personificado”. Como tal, es necesariamente un “agente fanático de la acumulación”, que “fuerza a los hombres, sin piedad ni tregua, a producir para producir”. Este comportamiento es “el efecto de un mecanismo social del que sólo es un engranaje”. ¿Cuál es ese “mecanismo social”, cuya expresión psíquica en el capitalista es “la más sórdida avaricia y el espíritu calculadormás mezquino”? Esta es su dinámica, según Marx:
“El desarrollo de la producción capitalista necesita una expansión continua del capital colocado en una empresa, y la concurrencia impone las leyes inmanentes de la producción capitalista como leyes coercitivas externas a cada capitalista individual. No le permite conservar su capital sin ampliarlo, y no puede continuar ampliándolo sin una acumulación progresiva”[2].
La acumulación ilimitada del capital es la regla inflexible del mecanismo social capitalista: “¡Acumulad, acumulad! ¡Es la ley y los profetas! (…) Acumular para acumular, producir para producir, es la consigna de la economía política que proclama la misión histórica del período burgués”[3].
Acumulación para la acumulación, producción para la producción, sin tregua ni piedad, sin límites ni medida, en un movimiento perpetuo de crecimiento, una ampliación continua: ésta es, según Marx, la lógica implacable del capital, ese mecanismo social del que los capitalistas son “agentes fanáticos”. El imperativo de acumulación se convierte en una especie de religión secular, de culto “fanático”, en el que la mercancía sustituye a “la ley y los profetas” del judeo-cristianismo.
El significado de este diagnóstico para el Antropoceno del siglo XXI resulta evidente: esta lógica productivista del capitalismo, esta hybris que exige la expansión permanente y que rechaza cualquier límite, es la responsable de la crisis ecológica y del proceso catastrófico de cambio climático de nuestra época. El análisis de Marx permite comprender por qué el “capitalismo verde” no es más que un señuelo: el sistema no puede existir sin acumulación y crecimiento, un crecimiento “sin límite ni medida”, que depende en un 80% de las energías fósiles. Por eso, a pesar de las lenificantes declaraciones de los gobiernos y de las reuniones internacionales sobre el clima (las COPs) o sobre la “transición ecológica”, las emisiones de gas de efecto invernadero no han dejado de crecer. Los científicos hacen sonar la voz de alarma y enfatizan la necesidad urgente de cesar cualquier nueva explotación de energías fósiles, esperando reducir rápidamente la utilización de los recursos existentes; pero los grandes monopolio del petróleo abren cada día nuevos pozos, y su representante, la OPEP, anuncia públicamente que harán falta explotar estos recursos durante mucho tiempo todavía, “para satisfacer la demanda creciente”. Lo mismo ocurre con las nuevas minas de carbón, que no dejan de abrirse, de la Alemania “verde” a la China “socialista”.
En efecto, la demanda de energía no deja de crecer, y con ella el consumo de energías fósiles, mientras que las renovables vienen simplemente a añadirse a aquellas, en vez de reemplazarlas. Si un capitalista “verde” quisiera realizar una práctica diferente, sería echado del mercado: como recordaba Marx, “la competencia impone las leyes inmanentes de la producción capitalista como leyes coercitivas externas a cada capitalista individual”.
La temperatura media del planeta se ha acercado peligrosamente, en 2023, al límite de 1,5 grados por encima de la época preindustrial -límite por encima del cual amenaza desencadenar un proceso de recalentamiento global incontrolable, con mecanismos de retroacción cada vez más intensos. Los científicos del GIEC recuerdan la necesidad de reducciones inmediatas de las emisiones, de aquí a 2030, como última posibilidad de evitar la catástrofe. Ahora bien, la Unión Europea y otros gobiernos anuncian, con gran suficiencia, que podrán alcanzar las “cero emisiones netas”… en 2050. Un anuncio doblemente mixtificador, no sólo porque finge ignorar la urgencia de la crisis, sino también porque “cero netas” no es lo mismo que cero emisiones: gracias a los “mecanismos de compensación”, las empresas pueden continuar con sus emisiones, si las “compensan” protegiendo un bosque en Indonesia.
El capitalismo industrial moderno es totalmente dependiente del carbón y del petróleo desde hace tres siglos y no muestra ninguna disposición a prescindir de ellos. Para ello habría bastado con romper con la acumulación “sin límites ni medida” y con el productivismo, organizando un proceso de decrecimiento planificado, con supresión o reducción de sectores enteros de la economía: una gestión totalmente contradictoria con los fundamentos mismos del capitalismo. Greta Thunberg recordaba, con toda razón, que es “matemáticamente imposible resolver la crisis climática en los marcos del sistema económico existente”. Los análisis de Marx en El Capital sobre el inexorable mecanismo, “sin tregua ni piedad”, de la acumulación/expansión capitalista explican esta imposibilidad.
Muchos ecologistas tienen tendencia a apuntar al consumo como responsable de la crisis medioambiental. Es cierto que el modelo de consumo del capitalismo moderno es claramente insostenible. Pero la fuente del problema se encuentra en el sistema productivo. El productivismo es el motor del consumismo. Marx ya observó esta dinámica. En su Contribución a la crítica de la economía política (1859) escribía:
“La producción produce el consumo: 1. Proporcionándole el material; 2. Determinando el modo de consumo; 3. Haciéndolo aparecer para el consumidor como necesidad de los productos que colocaen forma de objeto. Produceel objeto del consumo, el modo de consumo, laimpulsión al consumo”[4].
Esto es mucho más cierto aún en nuestra época que en el siglo XIX… Los productores capitalistas suscitan “la impulsión al consumo” por medio de un vasto e inmenso aparato publicitario, que machaca, día y noche, en las paredes de las ciudades, en los periódicos, en la radio o la televisión, por todas partes, “sin tregua ni piedad”, con la necesidad imperativa de consumir tal o cual mercancía. La publicidad comercial se apropia de todos los ámbitos de la vida: el deporte, la religión, la política, la cultura, la información. Se crean necesidades artificiales, se fabrican “modas”, y el sistema induce un frenesí consumidor, “sin límites ni medida”, de productos cada vez menos útiles, lo que permite a la producción ampliarse y extenderse al infinito. Si la producción produce el consumo, como constataba Marx, hay que transformar el sistema productivo, mejor que predicar la abstinencia a los consumidores. La supresión pura y simple de la publicidad comercial es el primer paso para superar la alienación consumidora y permitir a los individuos volver a encontrar sus verdaderas necesidades.
Otra dimensión del consumismo capitalista criticado por Marx -una dimensión con evidentes implicaciones ecológicas actuales- es el predominio del tener sobre el ser, de la posesión de bienes, o de dinero, o de capital, sobre la libre actividad humana. En los Manuscritos de 1844 se desarrolla esta temática. Según Marx, en la sociedad burguesa predomina, de forma exclusiva, “el sentido de la posesión, del tener”. En lugar de la vida de los seres humanos aparece “la vida de la propiedad”, y “en lugar de todos los sentidos psíquicos e intelectuales aparece la simple alienación de todos esos sentidos, el sentido del tener”. La posesión, el tener, es una vida alienada: “Cuanto menos eres, menos manifiestas tu vida, más posees, más aumenta tu vida alienada, más acumulas tu ser alienado”[5].
Se trata aquí de otra forma del consumismo: lo importante no es el uso, sino la posesión de un bien, de una mercancía. Su manifestación más evidente es el consumo ostentatorio de las clases privilegiadas, estudiado por Thorstein Veblen en su clásico Teoría de la clase ociosa (1899). En nuestros días alcanza proporciones monumentales, y alimenta una extensa industria de productos de lujo: aviones privados, yates, joyas, obras de arte, perfumes… Pero la obsesión posesiva gana también a otras clases sociales, conduciendo a la acumulación de bienes como fin en sí mismos, independientemente de su valor de uso. El ser, la actividad humana como tal, es sacrificada al tener, la posesión de mercancías, alimentando así el productivismo, la inundación de la vida social por una masa creciente de productos cada vez menos útiles. Bien entendido, los recursos necesarios para la producción de esta montaña de bienes mercantiles son, todavía y cada vez más, el carbón y el petróleo…
El comunismo, reino de la libertad
El comunismo, en tanto que reino de la libertad, se basa en la prioridad del ser sobre el tener, invirtiendo la lógica alienada impuesta por el capitalismo. La economía política burguesa lleva hasta sus últimas consecuencias esta lógica perversa: “Su tesis principal es la renuncia a sí mismo, la renuncia a la vida y a todas las necesidades humanas. Cuanto menos comes, bebes, compras libros, cuanto menos vas al teatro, al baile, al cabaret, cuanto menos piensas, amas, haces teoría, cuanto menos cantas, hablas, haces esgrima, etc., más ahorras, más aumentas tu tesoro (…), tu capital (…), todo lo que el economista te coge de vida y de humanidad y te lo sustituye por dinero y riqueza (…)”.
Marx incluía en lo que constituye el ser -es decir, la vida y la humanidad de los humanos- tres elementos constitutivos: I. La satisfacción de las necesidades esenciales (beber, comer); II. La satisfacción de las necesidades culturales: ir al teatro, al cabaret, comprar libros. Hay que señalar que estas dos categorías se refieren a actos de consumo vital, pero no de acumulación de bienes (¡todo lo más, libros!) y aún menos de dinero. La inclusión de las necesidades culturales es ya una protesta implícita contra el capitalismo, que quiere limitar el consumo de obrero a lo que permite su supervivencia elemental: beber y comer. Para Marx, el obrero, como todos los seres humanos, necesita ir al teatro, al cabaret, leer libros, educarse, divertirse; III. La auto-actividad humana: pensar, amar, hacer teoría, cantar, hablar, hacer esgrima… Esta lista es fascinante, por su diversidad, su carácter tanto serio como lúdico, y por el hecho de que incluye a la vez lo esencial -pensar, amar, hablar- y el “lujo”: cantar, hacer teoría, practicar esgrima… Todos estos ejemplos tienen en común su carácter activo: aquí el individuo ya no es consumidor sino actor. Bien entendido, podrían añadirse muchos otros ejemplos de autoactividad humana, individual o colectiva, artística o deportiva, lúdica o política, erótica o cultural, pero los ejemplos elegidos por Marx abren una amplia ventana sobre el “reino de la libertad”. Es verdad que la distinción entre estos tres momentos no es absoluta, comer y leer libros son también actividades. Se trata de tres manifestaciones de la vida -el ser- frente a lo que está en el centro de la sociedad burguesa: el tener, la propiedad, la acumulación.
Escoger el ser más que el tener es por tanto una contribución significativa de Marx a una cultura socialista/ecológica, a una ética y una antropología en ruptura con los datos fundamentales de la civilización capitalista moderna, donde el absoluto predominio del tener, bajo su forma mercantil, conduce con frenesí creciente a la destrucción de los equilibrios ecológicos del planeta.
Se encuentran importantes reflexiones -directamente inspiradas por los Manuscritos de 1844– sobre la oposición entre “ser” y “tener” en los escritos freudo-marxista del filósofo y psicoanalista Erich Fromm. Judío alemán anifascista emigrado a los Estados Unidos, Fromm publicó en 1976 el libro Tener o Ser. Una elección de la que depende el futuro del hombre, comparando dos formas opuestas de existencia social: el modo tener y el modo ser. En el primero, mi propiedad constituye mi identidad: tanto el sujeto como el objeto son reificados (cosificados). Se siente a uno mismo como una mercancía, y el “eso” posee al “yo”. La avidez posesiva es la pasión dominante: ahora bien, insisteía Fromm, la codicia, al contrario que el hambre, no tiene punto de saciedad, su satisfacción no llena el vacío interior…
¿Qué es por tanto el modo ser? Fromm cita un pasaje de Marx en los Manuscritos de 1844:
“Partimos de la idea de que el ser humano es un ser humano y que su relación con el mundo es una relación humana. El amor, por tanto, sólo puede ser intercambiado con amor, la confianza con confianza”
El modo ser, explicaba Fromm, es un modo activo, en que el ser humano expresa sus facultades, sus talentos, la riqueza de sus dones; ser activo significa aquí “renovarse, desarrollarse, desbordar, amar, transcender la prisión del yo aislado; es ser interesado, atento; es darse”. El modo ser es el socialismo, no en su versión social-demócrata o soviética (estaliniana), reducido a una aspiración de consumo máximo, sino, según Marx: autoactividad humana. En resumen, concluía Fromm, citando una vez más a Marx en el volumen III de El Capital, el socialismo es el reino de la libertad, cuyo objetivo es “el desarrollo de la potencia humana como fin en sí”.
Karl Marx escribió muy poco sobre la sociedad emancipada del futuro. Se interesaba de cerca por las utopías, pero desconfiaba de las versiones demasiado normativas, demasiado restrictivas, esto es, dogmáticas: su objetivo era, como recuerda de forma pertinente Miguel Abensour, el transcrecimiento de la utopía al comunismo crítico. ¿En qué consiste esto? En el tercer volumen de El Capital -manuscrito inacabado editado por Friedrich Engels- se encuentra un pasaje esencial, muchas veces citado pero pocas analizado. No aparece la palabra “comunismo”, aunque se trata desde luego de la sociedad sin clases del futuro, que Marx definía, y es una opción muy significativa, como Reino de la Libertad (Reich der Freiheit).
“El reino de la libertad comienza allí donde acaba el trabajo determinado por la necesidad y los fines exteriores: por la naturaleza misma de las cosas, está fuera de la esfera de la producción material (…) La libertad en este ámbito sólo puede consistir en esto: el ser humano socializado (vergesellschafte Mensch), los productores asociados, regulan racionalmente su metabolismo (Stoffwechsel) con la naturaleza, sometiéndolo a su control colectivo, en lugar de estar dominados por él como por un poder ciego; lo hacen con los esfuerzos más reducidos posibles, en las condiciones más dignas de su naturaleza humana y las más adecuadas a esta naturaleza. Más allá de este reino comienza el desarrollo de las potencias del ser humano, que es a su vez su propio fin, que es el verdadero reino de la libertad, pero que sólo puede expandirse apoyándose en este reino de la necesidad. La reducción de la jornada de trabajo es la condición fundamental”.
Es interesante el contexto en el que aparece el pasaje. Se trata de una discusión sobre la productividad del trabajo. El aumento de esta productividad permite, sugiere el autor del Capital, no simplemente ampliar la riqueza producida, sino sobre todo reducir el tiempo de trabajo. Esto aparece como prioritario respecto a una extensión ilimitada de la producción de bienes.
Marx distingue por tanto dos ámbitos de la vida social: el “reino de la necesidad” y el “reino de la libertad”: a cada cual corresponde una forma de libertad. Comencemos examinando más de cerca el primero: el reino de la necesidad, que corresponde a la “esfera de la producción material” y por tanto del trabajo “determinado por la necesidad y fines exteriores”. También existe libertad en esta esfera, pero es una libertad limitada, en el marco de las condiciones impuestas por la necesidad: se trata del control democrático, colectivo, de los seres humanos “socializados” sobre sus intercambios materiales -su metabolismo- con la naturaleza. En otras palabras: Marx nos hablaba aquí de la planificación democrática, esto es, de la propuesta esencial del programa económico socialista: la libertad significa aquí la emancipación respecto al poder ciego de las fuerzas económicas -el mercado capitalista, la acumulación del capital, el fetichismo de la mercancía.
Volviendo al pasaje citado del volumen III del Capital: es interesante observar que no se trata, en este texto, de la “dominación” de la sociedad humana sobre la naturaleza, sino del dominio colectivo de los intercambios con ésta: lo que un siglo más tarde será uno de los principios fundadores del eco-socialismo. El trabajo sigue siendo una actividad impuesta por la necesidad, de cara a la satisfacción de las necesidades materiales de la sociedad, pero dejará de ser un trabajo alienado, indigno de la naturaleza humana.
La segunda forma de libertad, la más radical, la más integral, la que corresponde al “Reino de la Libertad”, se sitúa más allá de la esfera de la producción material y del trabajo necesario. Entre las dos formas existe sin embargo una relación dialéctica esencial: gracias a una planificación democrática del conjunto de la economía se podrá dar una prioridad al tiempo libre; y recíprocamente, la extensión máxima de este último permitirá a los trabajadores participar activamente en la vida política y en la autogestión, no sólo de las empresas sino de toda la actividad económica y social, a nivel de los barrios, las ciudades, las regiones, los países. El comunismo no puede existir sin una participación de toda la población en el proceso de discusión y toma democrática de decisiones, no como hoy día por medio de una votación cada cuatro o cinco años, sino de forma permanente -lo que no impide la delegación de poderes. Gracias al tiempo libre, los individuos podrán asumir la gestión de su vida colectiva, que ya no será dejado en manos de políticos profesionales.
Lo que añade Marx en el Capital III a su argumento de 1844 es el hecho de que la autoactividad humana -el tercer momento planteado en los Manuscritos económico-filosóficos– exige, para poder expandirse, tiempo libre, tiempo obtenido por la reducción de las horas de trabajo “necesario”. Esta reducción es por tanto la llave que abre la puerta hacia el “Reino de la Libertad”, que es también el “reino del ser”. Gracias a este tiempo de libertad, los humanos podrán efectivamente desarrollar sus potencialidades intelectuales, artísticas, eróticas, lúdicas. Es lo opuesto al universo capitalista de acumulación hasta el infinito de mercancías cada vez menos útiles, de la “expansión” productivista y consumista sin límites y sin medida.
Conclusión: más allá de sus escritos referidos directamente a la naturaleza y su destrucción por el “progreso” capitalista, la obra de Marx contiene reflexiones que tienen, al nivel más profundo, un significado ecológico, por su crítica del productivismo capitalista y por su imaginación de una sociedad donde la actividad humana es el centro de la vida social, y no la acumulación obsesiva de “bienes”. Son unas indicacioones esenciales para el desarrollo de un eco-marxismo del siglo XXI.
[1] Karl Marx, Manuscritos de 1857-1858, llamados Grundrisse.
[2] Karl Marx, El Capital, libro I
[4] Karl Marx, Contribución a la crítica de la economía política.
[5] Karl Marx, Manuscritos de 1844.
Traducción: viento sur
Fuente: https://vientosur.info/de-karl-marx-al-eco-marxismo/
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Un review de Baraka (1992)
Baraka, el documental creado por Ron Fricke se trata de la humanidad, naturaleza y el espiritualismo. El documental se dedica a ensenarnos esto por cinematografía y musica (no lleva dialecto). Este documental no era nada de lo que yo esperaba honestamente. Yo pensaba que era una película teniendo que ver con los taínos nativos de puerto rico cuando vi la portada pero no era para nada eso. Baraka para mí era una película fragmentada cortándose entre lo bueno de la humanidad y lo malo, las diferencias de culturas y la naturaleza donde se vive. Viendo varias culturas pone en perspectiva cuan grande es el mundo y cuan diverso-- como mostró el documental en una escena que enseñaron una cultura donde estaban llenos de tatuajes como su forma de respeto a su religión y otra donde se ven tatuajes como un símbolo de crimen. Comenzando con la naturaleza lentamente el documental se va a culturas más avanzadas como un proceso de evolución y cuando llega a una de las más avanzadas es que va rápido cambiando del tema de la religión al tema del consumismo. La película enseña muchas atrocidades, pero no lo hace de cantazo; lentamente se va llegando a lo más oscuro de la humanidad. Después de la sección de ciudades una cara blanca, gritando en silencio nos confronta, introduciéndonos a los pecados de humanidad con música triste. Vemos los pobres buscando comida por basureros, niños sin hogares, y mujeres vendiendo su cuerpo para poder vivir. Enseñando todo esto se sintio como el director quería traicionar a las consecuencias de los humanos viviendo en el mundo. Lo más que hace este documental es reflejar la humanidad en todos sus aspectos. Como un dato adicional para ver todas las diversas arquitecturas del mundo era algo impresionante y pone enserio en perspectiva cuan grande el mundo es. Este documental puede tener una similitud con arquitectura importante y eso es que ambos preguntan como la humanidad y naturaleza pueden convivir. Cuál es la relación entre los humanos y la naturaleza?
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Are We Back In Trench?
twenty one pilots' 6th album in their catalogue. This seems like a project that the boys are Really proud of (especially since they made MVs for every song on the album). Lore is developing and is highlighted in the rollout.
Trench comparisons will not be easy to dodge and the mention of "welcome back to Trench" on lead single, Overcompensate, also made the comparison more likely to happen. So, how does it hold up?
Here's a review
My expectations weren't the highest. Their last release, Scaled and Icy. was a fine album but most of the songs struggle stick with me. i was just hoping for something hard-hitting, after how monotone SAI was.
This album definitely fills the void. Energetic songs with distortion and creative production choices (shout out Paul Meany). Lower energy songs doesn't sound boring and has a bit of charm to it.
Here are the tracks I'd like to highlight:
Next Semester
I didn't enjoy this song as much when it was released as a single. It took me some time but it has grown on me a lot. The shouty garage punk verses contrasts the stadium rock anthemic chorus. The lyrics punches you in the guts, talking about looking back to your past mistakes and looking forward to your second chances in life.
High energy tracks are definitely the highlights of this album. Navigating is one of those examples. I'm getting big Bloc Party vibes from this song. The driving bass riff alongside Josh's aggressive drumming made this track easily my favourite. Lyrically, this is the song that's most akin to the songs off Trench.
This is a weird track for me. The beat has these sampled strings while Tyler raps about making fun of people that glorifies an over-abundant and luxurious lifestyle. It's cute, but doesn't stick with me. Least favourite.
Oldies Station
On the release date of Clancy, I watched their livestream releasing the MVs. This track is expressed to be a message to the fans. A very simplistic track with not much sound highlights. But the lyrics are genuinely comforting. Talking about how you'll get used to the ups and downs of life. It's simply beautiful.
Paladin Strait
A bit of a disappointing track for me. I always have high expectations for album closers, especially the pones with longer runtime. It's a decent track, sounds pretty grand but nothing much is really going on. I don't think it deserves the 6 minute runtime, it's got a solid minute of environmental sounds. I think they wanted to do a hidden track, but it didn't stick to me.
Overall, Clancy is an enjoyable listen. The modern rock influences are a highlight. The better tracks are catchy and full of energy. Tyler's vocal performance are straight forward but doesn't bore you. While it shines on higher energy tracks, most of the slower songs are fine but doesn't lyrically pop out. I'd say we're back in Trench, it's just a slow burner.
What's a Blurryface?
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Un estudio liderado por el CSIC señala que los humanos contribuyen a la expansión de las especies invasoras dentro del área de distribución introducida Hormiga roja de fuego. / Jesse Rorabaugh La falta de adaptación de las áreas de distribución de la flora y la fauna al ritmo al que avanza el cambio climático supone una gran preocupación ambiental ya que aumenta la probabilidad de extinción de especies. Esta problemática se une al hecho de que las especies no nativas, muchas de ellas invasoras, están consiguiendo ventajas sobre las autóctonas, lo que pone en evidencia que también puedan tener ventajas frente al cambio climático. Para investigarlo, un grupo de científicas españolas y estadounidenses ha revisado estudios de más de 6.000 especies nativas y no nativas de flora y fauna, incluyendo cambios observados (682 especies de estudio) y modelados (5.571 especies de estudio) de su rango de expansión. Este estudio, que se publica en la revista Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics y que cuenta con la participación de dos institutos del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), organismo dependiente del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU), concluye que las especies no nativas, en promedio, están expandiendo sus áreas de distribución mucho más rápido que las especies nativas. Esto refleja que los humanos contribuyen a la expansión de las especies invasoras favoreciendo introducciones repetidas dentro de su nueva área de distribución. Además, las especies invasoras podrían tener rasgos que les permiten una rápida propagación más rápida que las especies nativas. Montserrat Vilà, profesora de investigación de la Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC), resume los resultados con estas cifras: “Las tasas de dispersión provocadas por el hombre son tres órdenes de magnitud mayores que las tasas de dispersión natural de las especies nativas. En el área de distribución introducida, las especies no nativas pueden expandirse a una velocidad dos órdenes de magnitud mayor que las especies nativas”. Además, han demostrado que, con el cambio climático, las especies no nativas tienen áreas de distribución potenciales más grandes y expansiones de distribución más rápidas, probablemente debido a una combinación de múltiples focos de introducción y tolerancias climáticas más amplias. También, con motivo de los cambios climáticos, las zonas de contracción serán mayores para las especies nativas que para las no nativas, lo que confirmaría que las especies no nativas ganan más y pierden menos espacio que las autóctonas. Claramente, con tasas de propagación más rápidas y un mayor potencial para persistir o expandirse, las poblaciones de especies no nativas tienen una ventaja decisiva en un clima cambiante. Esto es una alarma medioambiental, ya que muchas de estas especies causan impactos ambientales y socioeconómicos en los ecosistemas receptores. Belinda Gallardo, científica titular del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE-CSIC), indica: “Como sociedad, a menudo nos resistimos a los riesgos asociados con el traslado de especies nativas más allá de sus áreas de distribución en respuesta al cambio climático, mientras trasladamos sin miramientos especies no nativas por todo el mundo”. “Un mayor enfoque en los mecanismos de propagación nos ayudaría a identificar especies nativas vulnerables y especies no nativas con alto riesgo de expansión con el cambio climático”, concluye Vilà. Referencia científica: Bradley BA, EM Beaury, B Gallardo, I Ibáñez, C Jarnevich, TL Morelli, HR Sofaer, CJB Sorte, M Vilà. Observed and potential range shifts of native and nonnative species with climate change. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102722-013135 Fuente CSIC Andalucía
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Critical Review
This project has led me down a path I had not expected myself to enjoy, one of which I feel will encourage me to continue exploring and researching. As someone who has been described as quite literal, their art leaning to the easily readable with straight forward intentions, I have found myself dipping into the conceptual avenue. Asking myself to look beyond the physical and experience the idea for more than just a starting point. Taking the picture from the frame and asking, which is more important, is it, and why?
‘However, the frame is still considered secondary to their work of art. A simple reason that the frame is given a lower status to the painting, is because at the end of the day, it is a utilitarian object. Regardless of other implications, the frame’s main function is to protect and preserve the artwork.’ (Kapczynski, I. (2019)) Having read this piece Artist Frames: A Lost History Tracking the Innovations of Discarded Visions by Isabella Kapczynski, I wandered through the exhibitions, finding myself scrutinising the frames rather than the pieces themselves. Seeing the carvings, the paint, dirt build up, was all so important to me that I felt I could not look away. Seeing the varying uses of the frames and how the artist could incorporate it into their work, for example, some continued to paint onto the frame as they did with the canvas, making the frame less of a border and more of a textural enhancement. Or those who used more than pone frame, prompting the questions of when did the art finish and the frame begin? This is exactly what I was looking for to find inspiration on where to go with my work into the unknown category to me of conceptualism.
To dive into this, I had to think about what the frame was providing for me. For me to do that, I decided to take it apart, by doing so I was getting personal with the frames, learning about the varied materials, details, forms, and sizes, as well as how they are treated and change overtime. Continuing to use discarded/second-hand materials, I collected my frames from charity shops. Seeing how they vary from brand new and tarnished, even smashed. At first, I enjoyed this, seeing a plethora of choice in my local area, however over time there seemed to be less and less. This then became a challenge, one I had to keep on top on to make sure I could fund my collection and research. Turning to friends and family for any collections they may have and not need, I managed to stay afloat. When I first started this project, I would never have guessed this was what I could come to. I often do not care for what my art is made on, or how it is displayed, focusing more on the imagery itself and the relationship with the audience. However, with talking to lecturers and eager to breach my bubble of comfort, I branched out into conceptualism. Conceptualism within art is a movement from the 1960s, which took off between 1960’s and 1970’s. The movement encouraged that the meaning behind the piece is of higher importance than its physical form. (Tate (no date) Conceptual art, Tate.) I put my collage to one side for a brief moment and plugged into this new pool of possibilities.
Making collages feels natural to me, playing with different materials and combining them for contrast and compliment I could sit with glee for days unblinking. I owe this passion to Hannah Höch, who’s pioneering within political collage material inspired me to pursue the same methods. Höch was born in Germany, but her work created during her career has touched hearts and minds across the globe. Höch declared that anything could be used within collage; “There are no limits to the materials available for pictorial collages—above all they can be found in photography, but also in writing and printed matter, even in waste products.” (Seiferle, R. (2020)) This encouraged me to be more liberal with the materials I use, letting go of my ego and using items I would have normally discarded, such as cardboard, sweetie wrappers, packing paper, carrier bags, clothing tags, string and more. Using these to find inspiration and add depth to my work, I feel a sense of success and glee, like a child gluing cheerios’ to craft paper. It was speaking to me, a younger and more vulnerable version.
Since I was wading in new waters, I looked for guidance from lecturers, who directed me towards Martin Creed, particularly his stacking chairs and deconstructive pieces. This led me to investigate deconstructing my collages, and instead see them for what the individual pieces are. Not tools, but art. Developing this I began to strip down the picture frames into four piles; the frame, the metal turn buttons, glass and the stand/back piece. Seeing it for the pieces they are, what it takes to make a frame, a collage within itself just comprised into something that can be used, rather than for pure aesthetics. Could everything be described as a collage? I suppose it is arguable, if we used the basic definition of it; “COUNTABLE NOUN [usually NOUN of noun] You can refer to something that has been made by combining a number of very different things as a collage of a particular kind”. (Collins English dictionary (no date)) This is something I feel strongly about and can feel myself continuing to explore longer after the end of this project.
Compiling these piles of rubble into their individual sections of glory, I decided to try different methods with them. The towers of wooden frames I glued together with nail glue, something I found accidentally to work well with a range of materials (i.e., spilling it accidentally), it would dry quickly, invisibly, and held strong. The back support/stand and buttons I felt would look best loose, especially the buttons, allowing the viewer to touch if they felt the need. Touching is an important part of interacting in general, and I feel frames can often take away that personal connection, with the partition between I and the piece. The back/stands would be left askew among the ground, no longer used for support to hang, or hold the piece up, but contrastingly left to lie, with nothing to hold it up. With help from a lecturer, I was taken to the glass floor of my college where we cleaned the glass and arranged them into towers replicating that of the frames. Leaving them in the kiln, they melted down into an almost squishy, jelly like structures. This was a fantastic contrast to the glasses scary edges which threaten to shred who dare touch, now rendered smooth and friendly. Altogether, it looked more like a factory out of business than a usual exhibition. I was delighted.
They look fragile, but are strong and reliable, referring nicely to my collages which include dried flowers, as with a blow of the wind they move and sway yet stay strong where they are. Martin Creed wrote within his essay Paragraphs on Conceptual Art written in 1967, “When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all the planning and decisions are made beforehand, and the execution is a perfunctory affair.” (Nowakowska, Z. (2023)) Thus, inspiring him to create art where the meaning, influence and desire hidden within the art is more important than the physical. This is proved further on when he comments “the idea becomes the machine that makes the art” (Nowakowska, Z. (2023)). I have rendered these frames unusable in my process, pulling them apart. They no longer hold my art but have become it themselves.
Visiting exhibitions, I was able to explore how artists before me used frames. The craftmanship was incredible, to think how they used to be sacred and used for the most important imagery (primarily the church), now machine made and sold at cheap prices globally. The most notable detail being they are often not made by hand. The frames used to be apart of the art, coming together to compliment and blossom together. (Rogers, M. (no date)) However now, they are merely used to hold art, photography, mementos etc. Originally it was the Egyptians and Greeks who came up with using these borders, with the earliest frames dating back to 50-70 AD. Within the 12th and 13th centuries, frames developed into being a handcrafted passion, used as décor to boost the appearance of its contents. Shifting over time, instead of the art being made to fit the frame, the art is made, and the frame is second thought. (Rogers, M. (no date))
I wanted to show this personal development, which may not be obvious to an audience. From beginning with partly literal collages, pertaining to the concept of beauty and growth. From which the frames begin to disembark from the collage pieces, ending in piles of frames, glass, and metal turn buttons. For the viewer, I personally would read such a piece as being the de-escalation of creation. The de-evolution of the pieces. Contrastingly, to me, it is my evolution. It is my rendition of how I have grown over the past year, breaking through a boundary I have tiptoed around for as long as I can remember. Being able to create something conceptual, was a struggle I needed to tackle to blossom. The closer we got to install, the more excited I became. I do not think I have answered my original queries of which is more important, or why, but I suppose it will take longer than one project to digest and confirm. As though I was finally proving myself to be a proper artist, whatever that truly means I am not sure, but I could feel it. And that is enough for now.
Collins English dictionary (no date) Collins Dictionary. Available at: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/collage (Accessed: 19 April 2024).
Kapczynski, I. (2019) Artist Frames: A Lost History Tracking the Innovations of Discarded Visions, Digital Commons. Available at: https://digitalcommons.sia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1019&context=stu_theses#:~:text=However%2C%20the%20frame%20is%20still,protect%20and%20preserve%20the%20artwork. (Accessed: 21 March 2024).
Nowakowska, Z. (2023) Sol LeWitt - why is this art!?, The Art Story Blog. Available at: https://www.theartstory.org/blog/sol-lewitt-why-is-this-art/#:~:text=In%201967%2C%20in%20his%20essay,craftsman%2C%20he%20decided%20to%20approach (Accessed: 19 April 2024).
Orley, H. (no date) Hannah Höch , Moma. Available at: https://www.moma.org/artists/2675 (Accessed: 19 April 2024).
Rogers, M. (no date) A brief history of picture frames, Frame Destination. Available at: https://www.framedestination.com/blog/picture-frames/a-brief-history-of-picture-frames (Accessed: 11 February 2024).
Seiferle, R. (2020) Collage Definition Overview and Analysis, The Art Story. Available at: https://www.theartstory.org/definition/collage/#:~:text=H%C3%B6ch%20created%20photomontages%20for%20the,oeuvre%20challenged%20%22the%20racist%20and (Accessed: 12 April 2024).
Tate (no date) Conceptual art, Tate. Available at: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/c/conceptual-art#:~:text=Conceptual%20art%20is%20art%20for,1960s%20to%20the%20mid%2D1970s. (Accessed: 19 April 2024).
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Critical Review
This project has led me down a path I had not expected myself to enjoy, one of which I feel will encourage me to continue exploring and researching. As someone who has been described as quite literal, their art leaning to the easily readable with straight forward intentions, I have found myself dipping into the conceptual avenue. Asking myself to look beyond the physical and experience the idea for more than just a starting point. Taking the picture from the frame and asking, which is more important, is it, and why?
‘However, the frame is still considered secondary to their work of art. A simple reason that the frame is given a lower status to the painting, is because at the end of the day, it is a utilitarian object. Regardless of other implications, the frame’s main function is to protect and preserve the artwork.’ (Kapczynski, I. (2019)) Having read this piece Artist Frames: A Lost History Tracking the Innovations of Discarded Visions by Isabella Kapczynski, I wandered through the exhibitions, finding myself scrutinising the frames rather than the pieces themselves. Seeing the carvings, the paint, dirt build up, was all so important to me that I felt I could not look away. Seeing the varying uses of the frames and how the artist could incorporate it into their work, for example, some continued to paint onto the frame as they did with the canvas, making the frame less of a border and more of a textural enhancement. Or those who used more than pone frame, prompting the questions of when did the art finish and the frame begin? This is exactly what I was looking for to find inspiration on where to go with my work into the unknown category to me of conceptualism.
To dive into this, I had to think about what the frame was providing for me. For me to do that, I decided to take it apart, by doing so I was getting personal with the frames, learning about the varied materials, details, forms, and sizes, as well as how they are treated and change overtime. Continuing to use discarded/second-hand materials, I collected my frames from charity shops. Seeing how they vary from brand new and tarnished, even smashed. At first, I enjoyed this, seeing a plethora of choice in my local area, however over time there seemed to be less and less. This then became a challenge, one I had to keep on top on to make sure I could fund my collection and research. Turning to friends and family for any collections they may have and not need, I managed to stay afloat. When I first started this project, I would never have guessed this was what I could come to. I often do not care for what my art is made on, or how it is displayed, focusing more on the imagery itself and the relationship with the audience. However, with talking to lecturers and eager to breach my bubble of comfort, I branched out into conceptualism. Conceptualism within art is a movement from the 1960s, which took off between 1960’s and 1970’s. The movement encouraged that the meaning behind the piece is of higher importance than its physical form. (Tate (no date) Conceptual art, Tate.) I put my collage to one side for a brief moment and plugged into this new pool of possibilities.
Making collages feels natural to me, playing with different materials and combining them for contrast and compliment I could sit with glee for days unblinking. I owe this passion to Hannah Höch, who’s pioneering within political collage material inspired me to pursue the same methods. Höch was born in Germany, but her work created during her career has touched hearts and minds across the globe. Höch declared that anything could be used within collage; “There are no limits to the materials available for pictorial collages—above all they can be found in photography, but also in writing and printed matter, even in waste products.” (Seiferle, R. (2020)) This encouraged me to be more liberal with the materials I use, letting go of my ego and using items I would have normally discarded, such as cardboard, sweetie wrappers, packing paper, carrier bags, clothing tags, string and more. Using these to find inspiration and add depth to my work, I feel a sense of success and glee, like a child gluing cheerios’ to craft paper. It was speaking to me, a younger and more vulnerable version.
Since I was wading in new waters, I looked for guidance from lecturers, who directed me towards Martin Creed, particularly his stacking chairs and deconstructive pieces. This led me to investigate deconstructing my collages, and instead see them for what the individual pieces are. Not tools, but art. Developing this I began to strip down the picture frames into four piles; the frame, the metal turn buttons, glass and the stand/back piece. Seeing it for the pieces they are, what it takes to make a frame, a collage within itself just comprised into something that can be used, rather than for pure aesthetics. Could everything be described as a collage? I suppose it is arguable, if we used the basic definition of it; “COUNTABLE NOUN [usually NOUN of noun] You can refer to something that has been made by combining a number of very different things as a collage of a particular kind”. (Collins English dictionary (no date)) This is something I feel strongly about and can feel myself continuing to explore longer after the end of this project.
Compiling these piles of rubble into their individual sections of glory, I decided to try different methods with them. The towers of wooden frames I glued together with nail glue, something I found accidentally to work well with a range of materials (i.e., spilling it accidentally), it would dry quickly, invisibly, and held strong. The back support/stand and buttons I felt would look best loose, especially the buttons, allowing the viewer to touch if they felt the need. Touching is an important part of interacting in general, and I feel frames can often take away that personal connection, with the partition between I and the piece. The back/stands would be left askew among the ground, no longer used for support to hang, or hold the piece up, but contrastingly left to lie, with nothing to hold it up. With help from a lecturer, I was taken to the glass floor of my college where we cleaned the glass and arranged them into towers replicating that of the frames. Leaving them in the kiln, they melted down into an almost squishy, jelly like structures. This was a fantastic contrast to the glasses scary edges which threaten to shred who dare touch, now rendered smooth and friendly. Altogether, it looked more like a factory out of business than a usual exhibition. I was delighted.
They look fragile, but are strong and reliable, referring nicely to my collages which include dried flowers, as with a blow of the wind they move and sway yet stay strong where they are. Martin Creed wrote within his essay Paragraphs on Conceptual Art written in 1967, “When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all the planning and decisions are made beforehand, and the execution is a perfunctory affair.” (Nowakowska, Z. (2023)) Thus, inspiring him to create art where the meaning, influence and desire hidden within the art is more important than the physical. This is proved further on when he comments “the idea becomes the machine that makes the art” (Nowakowska, Z. (2023)). I have rendered these frames unusable in my process, pulling them apart. They no longer hold my art but have become it themselves.
Visiting exhibitions, I was able to explore how artists before me used frames. The craftmanship was incredible, to think how they used to be sacred and used for the most important imagery (primarily the church), now machine made and sold at cheap prices globally. The most notable detail being they are often not made by hand. The frames used to be apart of the art, coming together to compliment and blossom together. (Rogers, M. (no date)) However now, they are merely used to hold art, photography, mementos etc. Originally it was the Egyptians and Greeks who came up with using these borders, with the earliest frames dating back to 50-70 AD. Within the 12th and 13th centuries, frames developed into being a handcrafted passion, used as décor to boost the appearance of its contents. Shifting over time, instead of the art being made to fit the frame, the art is made, and the frame is second thought. (Rogers, M. (no date))
I wanted to show this personal development, which may not be obvious to an audience. From beginning with partly literal collages, pertaining to the concept of beauty and growth. From which the frames begin to disembark from the collage pieces, ending in piles of frames, glass, and metal turn buttons. For the viewer, I personally would read such a piece as being the de-escalation of creation. The de-evolution of the pieces. Contrastingly, to me, it is my evolution. It is my rendition of how I have grown over the past year, breaking through a boundary I have tiptoed around for as long as I can remember. Being able to create something conceptual, was a struggle I needed to tackle to blossom. The closer we got to install, the more excited I became. I do not think I have answered my original queries of which is more important, or why, but I suppose it will take longer than one project to digest and confirm. As though I was finally proving myself to be a proper artist, whatever that truly means I am not sure, but I could feel it. And that is enough for now.
Collins English dictionary (no date) Collins Dictionary. Available at: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/collage (Accessed: 19 April 2024).
Kapczynski, I. (2019) Artist Frames: A Lost History Tracking the Innovations of Discarded Visions, Digital Commons. Available at: https://digitalcommons.sia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1019&context=stu_theses#:~:text=However%2C%20the%20frame%20is%20still,protect%20and%20preserve%20the%20artwork. (Accessed: 21 March 2024).
Nowakowska, Z. (2023) Sol LeWitt - why is this art!?, The Art Story Blog. Available at: https://www.theartstory.org/blog/sol-lewitt-why-is-this-art/#:~:text=In%201967%2C%20in%20his%20essay,craftsman%2C%20he%20decided%20to%20approach (Accessed: 19 April 2024).
Orley, H. (no date) Hannah Höch , Moma. Available at: https://www.moma.org/artists/2675 (Accessed: 19 April 2024).
Rogers, M. (no date) A brief history of picture frames, Frame Destination. Available at: https://www.framedestination.com/blog/picture-frames/a-brief-history-of-picture-frames (Accessed: 11 February 2024).
Seiferle, R. (2020) Collage Definition Overview and Analysis, The Art Story. Available at: https://www.theartstory.org/definition/collage/#:~:text=H%C3%B6ch%20created%20photomontages%20for%20the,oeuvre%20challenged%20%22the%20racist%20and (Accessed: 12 April 2024).
Tate (no date) Conceptual art, Tate. Available at: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/c/conceptual-art#:~:text=Conceptual%20art%20is%20art%20for,1960s%20to%20the%20mid%2D1970s. (Accessed: 19 April 2024).
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"¡No Creerás lo que el Chevy Silverado EV RST Primera Edición 2024 Ofrece! ¡Mayor Autonomía por $96,395!" ¡Amantes de los autos, tenemos noticias emocionantes! Después de esperar con impaciencia, finalmente hemos tenido un vistazo al nuevo Silverado EV RST First Edition 2024 de Chevrolet. Parece que este modelo promete cambiar nuestras expectaciones de las camionetas eléctricas. Sin lugar a dudas, lo primero que notamos es el diseño audaz. Estamos acostumbrados a que Chevy nos sorprenda, pero este parece ser un gran paso adelante. La luz del techo, las manijas de las puertas iluminadas, el parachoques delantero de cuerpo ancho... Se puede ver que han puesto un gran énfasis en los detalles. ¡Es un look bastante impresionante! #Trucks Por supuesto, el diseño es solo una parte de la historia. Aquí es donde las cosas realmente se ponen interesantes porque déjenme decirles, este animal es una bestia de la eficiencia energética. Se espera una autonomía de 400 millas, lo que pone a este modelo a la par de la competencia. Muy impresionante. Y cómo no mencionar Super Cruise. Chevy está incorporando esta función de conducción autónoma en su camioneta de tamaño completo por primera vez. Promete un cambio sin problemas y mejora total en la experiencia de conducción. ¿Será esto un estándar en el futuro de las camionetas de tamaño completo? Con la manera en que van las cosas, no me sorprendería. Ahora, déjame desatar la polémica aquí. ¿85,000 dólares? ¿Es suficiente para la novedad que trae consigo este vehículo? La pregunta es: ¿vale la pena invertir tanto dinero cuando hay otras opciones de camionetas eléctricas en el mercado que ofrecen similares características y especificaciones a un precio más bajo? Yo diría que, aunque es una inversión alta, vale la pena considerarlo si buscas tecnología de vanguardia y las últimas innovaciones. Para ser honestos, amantes de los autos, es difícil no emocionarse con el futuro de los vehículos eléctricos cuando se presentan modelos como estos. Pero aquí estamos para discutir, no solo para admirar. ¿Creés que Chevrolet está marcando el ritmo con este Silverado, o piensas que aún tienen un largo camino por recorrer? ¿Y qué opinas del precio? ¿Crees que es justo para lo que ofrecen? Solía decir que los eléctricos todavía estaban buscando su lugar en el mundo de los vehículos de tamaño completo. Pero mira lo lejos que hemos llegado. ¡Sigue el ritmo, gasolina! Recuerda, estamos aquí para compartir pensamientos y perspectivas. Así que dime, ¿qué opinas? No olvides dejar tus comentarios y participar en la conversación. ¡Hasta la próxima! #ElectricVehicles Nota: Este no es un test de un vehículo verdadero, solo basándonos en las especificaciones y noticias proporcionadas por el fabricante. La verdadera prueba vendrá en la carretera, así que, manten tus ojos abiertos para futuros análisis y reviews.
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