#pmdd problems
performing-personhood · 11 months
I figured it out. I figured out why I get so angry when I'm in PMDD Operating Mode
Okay. Follow me here: when a frustrating thing happens, most of the time most neurotypical humans (def not all) are able to recover from the frustration eventually and return to a neutral 0 state.
When I am in Standard Operating Mode, a frustrating thing will happen and eventually I will return to a neutral state but it takes forever and nothing else frustrating can happen in the recovery period. (A big ask considering I am very frustrating for me to be around.) Every additional frustration setback resets the recovery timer.
Okay that's the context, here's the relevant bit.
When I'm in PMDD Mode, I just don't return to neutral that day at all. And the frustrations stack. If I experience a 7/10 frustration, the best recovery I can manage will be a 2/10. The next thing I will recover to a 4/10, and so on. Now add to that the fact that my dyspraxia gets a lot worse during that time and I end up needing extra help with extremely basic things, and you have a recipe for Explosive Meltdowns.
Explosive Meltdowns are extremely dangerous for me because I have a galloping case of Instant Karma. Example: one time three years ago I had an E.M. and slammed the door of my washing machine, and it has made an incurable buzzing noise during thr wash cycle ever since (I've dropped several hundred dollars into appx 5 repairs over the intervening years, to no avail.) Example Two: I had an E.M. and tried to storm out a door, but it was locked and I broke my nose slamming into it at full force. I am unable to throw a temper tantrum of any size or duration without being immediately punished by the universe with some kind of long-term damage. This is not hyperbole.
So yeah I'm.... I'm having a great time
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tallymarksystem · 1 year
"you can't have all of these disorders at the same time you have to be lying" if I could have less I would!!!
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spiritrosesaga · 6 months
For all of you lovely women with Autism or ADHD, please read this article thoroughly!
PMDD is something you should be aware of whether it's for yourself or a family member and because this topic isn't discussed enough, I added a link below this post so you can read and learn more!
If this is something you struggle with you're not alone. I know for those of you who know have this symptom, the emotions you feel during this time are overwhelming and uncontrollable!
Despite what anyone else thinks, you're not crazy and these feelings are real! I have PMDD myself and I can say from experience how detrimental this is for us women!
Please take the time to learn more about this! You won't regret it!! the link is down below ( No, this isn't click bait!)
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maple-seas · 1 year
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if you ever see me having an episode i'm so sorry and it's more than likely PMDD . i will be fine 😔🫡
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living-with-pmd · 1 year
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lazulisong · 1 year
isn't it funny how "artistic mending" got cool as soon as it showed you could buy clothes worth the effort and had time to do it
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aziraphalesbowtie · 3 months
hey, whoever designed the female body? nice work on the tits but the reproductive system is actually embarrassing.
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hermeticbridgetroll · 4 months
PMDD is so stupid like why do my boobs inflate like water balloons every month. Why did I cry at a picture of an orange I thought was ugly? I need backup.
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vizthedatum · 13 days
Work stuff kind of went haywire this morning but I did make it to therapy (virtually).
My goals today:
not cry all day unless I have to (I'm having PMDD, it seems (it's the right time for it... period is due in a couple days unless it's late like last time, but with T... who knows?) - talking to my therapist helped. There's nothing majorly wrong right now except for life-stuff-in-progress... They told me that it was brave of me to hold space for a partner in my life without having a specific person in mind, and well, yeah! Right now, I'm being very intentional about the space that things take up in my life - my friends, future partners (and since I'm single, this space is going towards myself), myself!! And all my passions!!!!
SEND my work stuff for Job 1- I have to miss a meeting today because my work laptop is being so weird - I can't login to either of my work accounts
SEND JOB 2's TIMESHEETS THAT I AM HAVING SERIOUS PDA (pathological demand avoidance due to guilt of charging for my work, basically) ABOUT. It's not a big deal. I have deliverables ready. I have timesheets nearly filled out - and I'm organized... all I have to do is transcribe all the hours I've worked from my calendar. I need the money so I can do this. Omg.
Pick up my friend's CSA that they have graciously offered for me to take - yay for free groceries, especially since finances are such a huge issue right now (but I know that I have a good plan to resolve)
Workout later this afternoon/early evening - I'm looking forward to this
MY T SHOT (I think I'll do this after I've relaxed from my workout... I'm too stressed to inject myself right now).
But omfg.
My hormones. My feelings. Me combating intrusive thoughts. My random body soreness right now :/
PMDD HURTS. IT HURTS MENTALLY SO BAD. Especially when I'm still drained from all these fucking antibiotics AND LIFE.
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iam9inwonderland · 29 days
Will never forget being a neurodivergent kid with sensory issues related to food and always being told “you’re clearly not hungry enough if you’re not eating” while starving but not being able to bring myself to eat that meal-
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mustymausoleum · 6 months
I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents I hate living with my parents
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spookysalem13 · 1 year
I have been suffering with PMDD since I was eleven. It is the literal worst emotional and physical agony.
As I'm currently in a cycle of PMDD my heart is with everyone else who suffers with it 💜
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8thmuse · 5 months
i love when on the 21st day of my cycle i search up hysterectomy and how to convince my doctor that i need one. every. single. month. for the past 3-4 years
and i havent been diagnosed with anything, but feeling pain 3 weeks out of 4 is NOT normal, i know that much
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Getting pregnant is a curse from having sex
Having your period is a curse from not getting pregnant
Being a woman is painful
Why would anyone ever want this
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anxiously-going · 19 days
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grey-wardens · 22 days
augh, i think i really need to go to the doctor for this anxiety...
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