#please help the baby
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theanonymousninja247 · 7 months ago
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The GOODEST Boi to exist in the history of EVER. I have been working with his concept for 2 years now and this is my first attempt to actually capture him, so many thanks to the ever incredible @kittpunk144 for helping me get out of my comfort zone and inspiring me to get the boi out there🧡🙌🏼
More Fun Facts About the Boy Below ⬇️ 💙 ✨
Name: Vincent
(After the one and only Vincent Van Gogh)
Nickname: Go-Go (Only Mikey and Me)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Morrocy Tortoise
Height: 6’ 3”
Occupation: Todd’s Blacksmith Apprentice and Co-Todd-Scott Captain
✨ Fun Facts ✨
~ This man can not walk through airport security because he is packing SO many hidden weapons like it’s not even funny. When I say he’s armed, I mean he is ArMeD. He is CoNsTaNtLy working on some new blade as he’s learning to perfect his technique. Baby Boy is a Mary Poppins when it comes to weapons because there is no telling what he’s gonna pull out next.
~ He’s got a nervous tick! Most Morrocoy Tortises use head movements as a form of communication and Vincent is no exception. You can tell what his mood is depending on how he bops his head. ⚠️ WARNING: Man will headbutt you and ram into you to show affection ⚠️ (but don’t worry, he is a shy respectful boi and won’t do so unless express permission is given because he understands he big)
~Baby boy is so incredibly tender and shy like the ultimate gentle giant #strong silent type and unfortunately is incredibly socially awkward. Very innocent and somewhat gullible this man desperately needs social interaction (#he knows sign language to help cope) and enrichment so please come say hi!
How Vincent Interacts with the Boys 🧡💜♥️💙
🧡: First person to meet after Todd. Best buds like ever. Vincent sees the similarities between Mikey and Todd so he naturally gravitates to him as he sees him as a safe person. They get along swimmingly as Vincent thinks the world of Mikey, seeing him as incredibly socially apt and emotionally mature and lowkey the brother he never had. As such he’s like MEGA protective of Mikey in a very ninja kind of way because he KNOWS Mikey can take care of himself. Basically sees Mikey as the man and not the baby brother for once and I think Mikey finds that refreshing.
💜: Somewhat of a glorified Teacher/ Student relationship. Vincent loves to learn and Donnie knows a lot and is more than happy to have a captive audience to listen to his infodumps. They are both introvert buddies and love to weld together, unfortunately feeding into each others drives to build something crazy and dangerous
♥️: Vincent is a BIG BOY (he works in a forge and helps herd Todd’s puppies so you know he’s got those good hugs) and the only person he’s ever really hung around with is Todd (smol) so first interaction with Raph is ultimate intimidation. He’s not used to someone being bigger than he is, he’s never had a big brother, and Mikey adores Raph, so Vincent has NO idea how to interact. So poor baby resorts into the most painfully polite little gentleman you will ever meet. He’s so respectful and cautious it actually hurts.
💙: Ok. So sure, Leo wore blue first but Vincent wears it better. And by that I mean, once Vincent gets out of his shell (literally) he’s actually really naturally suave and sweet. So when it comes to Leo, Vincent thinks he has incredible potential and skill but gets frustrated when Leo tries to hide behind an air of flippancy. All Vincent knows is how to be genuine and doesn’t understand why Leo can’t be straightforward sometimes. It’s a small lowkey rivalry kind of thing between the two, so it makes interactions interesting.
Also shout out to @saspas-corner for being the first person to here the whole schpeel and help me really flush out his character 🙏🏼🧡
Was bored and decided to make a ROTTMNT base for people!
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Please credit if you use it!!! Don’t be too scared to tag me I’d love to see what you guys come up with!
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humanityinahandbag · 4 months ago
In my mind, Robin has to tag along on most of Steve's hangouts with Eddie. Eddie thinks it's a SteveandRobin thing but really it's because she's the only line of defense between Eddie and Steve.
She just keeps telling Eddie that he should be grateful. He doesn't get it but whatever.
The actual problem?
If Eddie does anything in the vicinity of Steve that's funny or sweet or, even more dangerous, is really nice and attentive to any random child, Steve suddenly gets a look in his eye that means Casual Hangs Can Include a Marriage License, Right?
On Halloween, helping Steve give out candy, Eddie made a little girls night when he saw she was dressed as a princess and actually bowed and once she and her dad were gone Steve put down the bowl and casually said, "After this we need to swing by City Hall real quick."
Thankfully Robin was there to spray him with a water bottle and throw a full sized Milky Way at his head.
Meanwhile Eddie's standing in the background confused as hell wondering why Steve keeps suggesting bureaucracy as a fun activity and why Robin and Steve are whisper-yelling at once another in the kitchen like it's not even legal and you haven't even asked him out yet! and I'm wooing him, Robin, where's your sense of romance? When you know you know! Did you see how he is with kids? And that's quitter talk honestly Robin, I'll break City Hall's doors down and you can sign the papers it can't be that hard.
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frenchublog · 1 year ago
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laylaayman-blog2 · 1 month ago
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Hello everyone!, These pictures were drawn by my dear friends @monleeyuri @duckngk @vilecrocodile 💞🫂..
I hope everyone who sees this post will like and share it and continue spreading our campaign, we need you to reach our goal, be the reason for changing a child's life 💞!
Your donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our lives. Your donation can give us some hope and give my children a chance at a better life 🥺🍉.
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peace-hunter · 29 days ago
Question for baby prime Orion au: how do the rest of the gang take that Orion is the "lost" prime. Because here's the reaction I think they'll have:
D-16:oh primes my friend is a prime and I punch him in the face yesterday!?
Elita: oh primes, this trouble making bot is a prime!?
B-127: one of my new friends is a prime, this is awesome!!
"How well am I taking that one of my friends is actually a demi-god?" reactions from best to worst:
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you're pretty much right with Bee. this has been the wildest day he's had since forever, he's very much just along for the ride and he's kinda just "this may as well happen :)"-ing through everything. he's also lowkey clinging to the one (1) good new he's gotten from this whole affair for dear life. like. he could freak out about the fact his entire life has been a lie and he's been working himself to death for a tyrant that's betrayed their entire race to their sworn enemies. or he could be happy his new best friend is extra cool now. so. y'know. glass half-full half-empty kinda deal.
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Dee's reaction is,,,, complicated. obviously.
on one hand holy crap his friend is a prime that's the coolest fucking shit ever he's friends with someone directly related to megatronus prime-
on the other. this is just one more thing he's been wrong about for cycles. everything he thought was true is turning out to be a lie and even if this isn't a betrayal like sentinel's it's still something he has to accept is not what he thought it was. Orion, his best friend, the person he trusted the most, is not what he thought he was.
and even though Orion didn't know (which... is also a point of contention between them with Dee not being quite able to believe one could forget such a thing even as Orion swears over and over again he had no idea) there's still a divide between them that wasn't there before. now Orion is this almost mythological being directly created by their god for greater things while Dee is just... a miner.
now Orion is a Prime. and Dee has just found out what happens when you trust a so-called Prime.
and he also can't help but wonder, as he remembers all those times Orion ignored what he said and involved him in his crazy schemes with no regard for what he thought about it, if it's just in the nature of Primes to do as they wish without considering what it means for everyone else.
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but the real victim here is elita who is experiencing a level of cringe that hasn't been seen in cybertron before nor will be seen again until maybe four million years and a war later during peace negotiations. pray for her.
baby prime orion au
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i-lavabean · 9 months ago
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How the GAIA Gang hold the Varling
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vangbelsing · 5 months ago
Mary Kirby on Lucanis and some slight spoilers below from bluesky
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Never relaxed.... I'll kms
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laz-kay · 1 year ago
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“Sounds like a hoot. Probably a good thing if I tag along, huh? Stay for dinner, make amusing small talk”.
Bob's Burgers, The Amazing Rudy (S14: E2)
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midnightfrappe · 1 year ago
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tomfrogisblue · 11 months ago
thinking about how ever since their qsmp characters finally admitted their feelings, cc!Fit and cc!Pac's way in which they treat the fictional relationship has done a complete 180
Now the huevitos cannot relax because at any second FitMC might declare HIS BRAZILIAN BOYFRIEND to anyone in his general vicinity and my poor ratinho ass was just chilling when Pactw pulls up his desktop for a split second to reveal ONE OF FIT'S PICS AS HIS DESKTOP BACKGROUND
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naamahdarling · 5 months ago
I didn't get pics I didn't get pics my phone was in the bedroom charging but FANCY IS PLAYING WITH THEM. Not next TO them but INITIATING PLAY WITH THEM.
Not bitchily, not reluctantly, not with a short temper, not tolerating THEIR advances, but making her OWN advances! Inviting them in!!!!!! Even the detested Junie!
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lassify · 5 months ago
Damian Desmond: An Attachment Perspective
**Spoilers for SxF Chapter 106 Below**
I loved this chapter for so many reasons, but the one I really want to highlight today is that Damian may be insecurely attached, but he still has hope. And that he is so brave, in his own way.
Exhibit A: When Damian knocks on Demetrius' door and asks for help, I am 100% positive that Damian wasn't truly expecting a response from Demetrius. He's used to being ignored, especially by his own family.
But he tried anyway.
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This is important, because most children of Damian's age who fall under the category of avoidant attachment wouldn't approach a situation like this where there is a possibility that they would be rejected. It speaks volumes to me that Damian has a sense that he would be turned away, but still he tries.
"I was hoping..."
Exhibit B: There is also this moment where we see that Damian wanted to say something, and then he silences himself before he can say anything.
(Don't cry, Lass, omg dont cry 😭😭😭 )
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Damian is initially afraid, so he silences himself, but then there is this moment, where he pulls himself together, and tries again.
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Endo is so brilliant at drawing out moments of important decisions for characters. You can see Damian making the decision to say something, and gather his courage, but he only falls short once he actually succeeds at getting Donovan's attention.
Under the heavy gaze of the head of the Desmond dynasty, I'm not surprised that 6-year old Damian felt his resolve crumble.
He reverts to another option: find support. Which leads me to...
Exhibit C: This one makes me sob, actually. In response to his wavering confidence, Damian looks to his mother for support. The woman who should be his primary caregiver, and therefore his primary attachment figure.
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And she turns away.
(Tears, tears down my face, my boy doesn't deserve this 😭 )
This is the third moment in this chapter alone that Damian does something that no other Desmond would dare: he seeks connection.
Damian tried to connect with his brother, his father, and his mother, all in the same chapter. He is the sole character that links them all.
All through Chapter 106, these are the moments that stood out to me the most, because it truly shows to me that Damian still has hope. Demetrius and Melinda are very clearly ingrained in their roles, and their behaviour is crystallised into what we see as the reader. It's obvious that this isn't the first time that Demetrius has rebuffed Damian's requests; and this isn't the first time that Melinda has ignored Damian's emotional needs.
I hear you wondering: Does Damian still have hope because he's still just a child?
Maybe. It's certainly possible. But I also want to highlight that Damian is insecurely attached; specifically showing an insecure-avoidant attachment style.
Children with this style of attachment typically experience high levels of emotional neglect, where their primary caregiver consistently does not meet their emotional needs. This leads the child to value independence, autonomy, and self-reliance, and to generally see others as untrustworthy.
We see this in Damian. He believes he is better, usually weaponising the Desmond name to place himself above others, but there is also an element where he believes he is better, because he ranks highly in the social hierarchy, and he achieves brilliant grades on his own merit, demonstrating his own self-reliance.
(Side note: Issues stemming from an avoidant attachment style can still coexist with self-esteem issues, but I'm trying not to complicate this post lol).
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My point: Damian has experienced enough rejection in his childhood that he shouldn't even be trying with his own family anymore. But he does. He keeps trying. Damian still hopes that he can connect with his family, and I think that this is because this is a part of his actual personality.
On the inside, Damian is complex; he struggles with the weight of his identity, he is trying to find his place in the world, he yearns for attention and validation (specifically from his father), he finds comfort in believing that he is better than other people (even his friends), he struggles to handle big emotions, he prefers to work things through independently, and struggles to be vulnerable and ask for help, and he lies to himself about his big feelings so that he can avoid feeling them.
And my favourite thing about him: he still keeps trying. He gathers his courage. He gets back up. Time and time again he feels afraid, and time and time again he feels the fear and he tries anyway.
Damian is so brave, in his own way.
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its-wabby-stuff · 6 months ago
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What if our childhood duo switched places? The start of Quirkless Bakugo
Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months ago
Prompt 305
So. Uh. Danny feels like laughing hysterically, because? Ghostwriter was doing a thing, and one of Pandora’s curses escaped and erm, well, now the six of them are in a whole other dimension. At least this place has a lot of abandoned warehouses but still. And well, he guesses he’s no longer the only ‘monster’ now? 
But seriously they all need to find a way back home sooner rather than later, even if they might now be stuck in this world… Fuck.
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 year ago
When I'm back on the prowl 😻✨
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cregansfourthwife · 7 months ago
cregan stark and his hot tempered wife arguing about how he’d been gone, neglecting her and her needs. eventually she gets fed up with the argument, pushes him back onto the bed. and..um. we can all guess what happened after that.
thats my thoughts atm 😁
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