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30yo. she/her. Spy x Family fanfiction author 😎 among other professions
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lassify · 11 hours ago
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Even after a few years, Damian is still a massive simp for Anya.
So I joined the hord.
I am officially obsessed with this anime. And of course I can't help to ship these two. They are so adorable.
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lassify · 11 hours ago
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lassify · 22 hours ago
idk if this is a young fan thing or new fandom culture but some of yall think fics are abandoned way too quickly. a few months or a year or two is not unusual to go without a fic update. sometimes fics take longer to write, other times writers have rl events, or maybe there's multiple fics and one gets more priority. there are tons of reasons for fics not to be updated every week or every month. it also isn't uncommon for people to come back and update fics after a number of years—ive read updates that took five, or ten years. people's lives change, but they still want to tell their stories. personally, i never consider a fic abandoned unless the author has said so; though if it's been a few years i manage my expectations. but a last update being a year ago is... generally not a sign that a writer has abandoned their fic
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lassify · 23 hours ago
lol please enjoy this stupid little video I made about fanfiction. No thoughts at all. Just silliness.
You’re welcome.
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lassify · 23 hours ago
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idk why in this scenario he would still be lying to her about being anya's bio dad, but anyways 😹😹😹
the other comic
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lassify · 2 days ago
Okay no but look, it's not that I'm not a slut for a good "breathe, dammit!" moment of CPR between love interests.
It's that if Jinshi was truly doing it properly, he'd have broken Maomao's ribs, and his reaction to her telling him that would be fucking priceless.
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lassify · 5 days ago
Damianya turning point
I'm sure this is fairly obvious but I adore Damianya so I'm still going to write this. Damianya has subtly shifted over the years so has my fanon interpretations of them. I think they've became less one-sided and the bus hijacking was when Anya started to see Damian differently (ie. in a better light).
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Anya has always reacted in accordance to whether Damian is being mean or nice. (Eg. She only went for Plan B after Damian saved her from the dodgeball despite initially disliking him to the point of not bothering with Plan B.) So when Damian takes the initiative to apologise, Anya instantly beams and sincerely tells Damian he was "super cool". She even calls him a hero (heroes like her dad and Bondman). I think this is genuine on Anya's part because when Damian did his big self sacrificing moment, he had no idea the bomb was fake. He saw all of that danger with none of Anya's knowledge and decided to go for it.
Anya likes being the protector more than the protected (ch 105.5). She is very proactive in trying to save her parents and her classmates. While her parents and the adults are obliged to look after her, Damian is... not. Arguably, his higher social status would make him more "worthy to be protected" than a commoner kid. But while Anya puts on a brave front, she gets scared and anxious like any other kid, seen as when the adrenaline rush fades and she cries into Yor's arms.
Damian, as a fellow child, is not obliged to stand up for Anya. He said he would make the perfect hostage, and while what he said makes sense, Anya can read his mind. The catalyst for Damian to make a move was seeing Anya "look scared" (misinterpretation of Anya being overwhelmed by other's thoughts). And I think hearing Damian's panicked thoughts afterwards made Anya appreciate him more, because he wasn't fearless. He stood up for her while being acutely aware of the risks and being terrified himself. He was a "hero" who 1) wasn't obliged to protect her 2) lacked the information Anya had 3) was just a kid like her. Anya now sees the similarities between herself and Damian (will protect people they care about) while feeling touched by his determination. She's always protecting people so it feels nice to be protected. (And not just in silly situations like dodgeball matches.)
Note that Anya only called Damian a hero after his apology, but not before he called them friends. Anya might be reminded of Strix afterwards, but before that, it was all genuine. Damian acknowledged his mistakes and said something nice, so Anya was also willing to say something nice (and be honest).
There is also the aspect about Damian's family. I think Anya has always understood, even if just subconsciously, that she and Damian are similar because they want to impress their fathers. Now that Anya has met Melinda (and Demetrius), she comes to the conclusion that Damian's family is weird. Someone who wants the same things as her (a loving, caring family) is less fortunate than her. I think this is why Anya directly reassured Damian that his mom loves him + why we got that close up of Damian saying "your family seems nice". Now that she sees more similarities between herself and Damian (and feels better about him), she wants to be kind to him.
Then it seems like Damian and Anya are returning to their bickering status quo. Interestingly, Damian apologies in both the post hijacking chapter and the crunchy cakes chapter. Granted, for the latter he was apologising to Henderson, but I think Anya could tell Damian really wanted to give her the cakes. She happily agrees that they're even and that they can be good friends.
And then, of course, the famous school party chapters.
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It is SO important to me that Loid literally thought Anya could dance with whoever she likes. He had a logical train of thought Anya could follow. "So long there isn't any major rift" -> Damian and Anya's friendship improved after the hijacking, and while they still bicker, it's not anything major. Loid points out the Desmonds wouldn't consider Anya and Damian deserves to make his own choice. After Loid "set Anya free", Anya looks at Damian (reading his mind? Judging the situation?) and decides she wants to dance with him. This is a decision she made of her own accord. Throughout the story, Anya obediently followed Loid's requests for Plan B, but when she is permitted (and requested) to "not go for Plan B" and can choose whoever she wants, she still goes for Damian.
Then Anya fought tooth and nail to be Damian's dance partner. It didn't matter that she looked undignified or tore her dress. She just really, really wanted to win. And she shocked even Loid. She won this part without any interference from Loid or reading minds. Anya's just that determined.
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And then we have the second most insane panel of this chapter.
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No sparkles! No mind reading sparkles! She knows! Because of course she does! While the other girls see it as an opportunity to swoon over Damian, Anya gets straight to the point. She didn't do it with fanfare, didn't do it with a smug "heh". She just said what she knows. Because she knows Damian.
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Tying in with what she knows about Damian's family, Damian's words seem like a confession. He's already admitted to her that he's not close with his parents (bus hijacking chapter), and he's now openly envious of a commoner's family. Then he tries to walk it back but Anya knows the truth.
So she also tells him a truth. A truth that she keeps hidden from her own family, but will tell the boy she calls a hero.
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Anya openly values Damian as more than an asset to Plan B and no longer grudgingly puts up with him. Sure, he's still a jerk sometimes, but Anya's also seen his nicer/ more vulnerable sides. If Damian is nice to her, she will be nice to him. If he tells her a secret, she'll also tell him a secret. They are similar kids with similar motivations. And Damian is important/special enough that Anya told him her most well guarded secret (which can be dangerous!! Given he's the son of the "evil superboss"!!).
I don't Anya likes Damian in the way he likes her (ie. not puppy love), but she definitely cares about him and almost has a soft spot for him? Like when she truly wanted to dance with him. And she told him that his mom loves him AFTER Damian said something mean (while reading his true thoughts).
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While Damian frustrates Anya and she says she doesn't like him (for good reasons lmao he's still annoying), she is willing to be kind and vulnerable. She sees through Damian's snark and arrogance. Almost like she wants to encourage the softer side of Damian to come out instead of his prickly defensive side.
This is subtly different from the fanon in the initial Damianya boom of spring/summer 2022, in which it was jealous/pining/tsundere Damian x smug/annoyed/oblivious Anya. They aren't just bickering push-and-pull frenemies with romcom potential, they're kids with a real connection and they're willing to be soft in front of each other while toughening up around everyone else (eg. Damian instantly calming down in the cake chapter when the other kids left). Anya has always been special to Damian, but now Damian is also special to Anya even without Strix. And he will likely continue to be special. <3
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lassify · 6 days ago
I really hope the bullying stops now between these two. I love when Anya compliments Damian like this.
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lassify · 6 days ago
It’s a blink and you’ll miss it moment but we just got some very important info about how Damian sees his Dad and his worldview in general.
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My guess is that Damian is just repeating political talking points he’s overheard and he’s not old enough to be able to understand double speak. But even if it’s not true, it also establishes that Damian thinks ending a war is heroic and it makes me wonder what he’ll think when he discovers the truth.
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lassify · 6 days ago
late to the party but i ADOREEEEEE becky and damian's friendship.
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they're not talked about enough and it makes me sad.
becky being the only other female character close to damian's age who has the ability to get a rise out of him is one of the reasons why i like her so much.
and i enjoy their playful banter. it's so cute!
and ofc as a damianya enjoyer, i love love love becky's constant teasing. and the way she's usually just joking but damian takes her words seriously. it's so adorable 😭
also, we love damian accepting that he is, in fact, jealous and learning to embrace it throughout the chapter. this child has more growth than i will ever have and i respect him for that.
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cuties!!!!!! ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ i love them so much!!!!!
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lassify · 7 days ago
endo said no toxic tsundere trope for you. you acknowledge your feelings and deal with them accordingly OR BUST
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lassify · 7 days ago
“Be curious about what you’re writing about” is not stock Common Writing Advice but it really, really should be. There are a lot of written works that fail due to the authors just being obviously incurious about what they are writing about.
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lassify · 7 days ago
There's nothing more important than writing what you want to read. Don't worry about who will like your book. Don't worry about what market it can neatly fit into. Don't cut corners or blunt edges to satisfy an imaginary person who might dislike aspects of your art. It's yours. Treat it as a pure expression of your soul. Compromise is for cowards.
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lassify · 7 days ago
really enjoying all the videos Muslims have been posting of their cats looking like this
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when the humans are up at 4 am for suhoor
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lassify · 7 days ago
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Hello stranger.
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lassify · 7 days ago
I wouldn't be surprised if the Jealous Damian section was a precursor to Jealous Loid, we know that Endo loves to integrate his storytelling and rerflect interpersonal conficts across the age range 👀
Absolutely hilarious that a bunch of people started slamming their desks and chanting "JEALOUS LOID ARC, JEALOUS LOID ARC" after recent developments in the manga. Hundreds of fans coming together and agreeing that son of a bitch Twilight has had it too easy for too long. "Ooh, I'm the top spy in WISE, I'm so good at going undercover it's like I'm actually a devoted husband and father!" Let's see how good your acting skills are when another guy recognizes your beautiful, caring wife for the miracle that she is, you emotionally constipated dumbass.
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lassify · 8 days ago
Sketch dump?
Also, I don't know if this is the place to "vent" or share your feelings without feeling demoralized because people dismiss them easily. I'm just not feeling happy with the series lately, I survive by drawing so I'll just share random sketches.
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Yor being a princess when doesn't she?
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Sketch made for Eri's @firewoodfigs ongoing Twiyor fic "Paved with gold" it's nsfw but a warm, bittersweet but lovely read. Recommend 10/10 because I love it.
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Yor as a ballerina for Patty
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Figure skater Yor
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baseball player Loid
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"A stella" (I adore my baby in this one)
See ya don't wanna be ya LOL
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