#author asks
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lsunstreakerl · 3 days ago
im so sorry ive reached coldplums level of degeneration but the whole time i was reading the last ficlet i was just like "max should fukc the car"
do i know how that would work? no
... at least you're self aware? I mean, I could attempt to write it. can't promise it would be any good 😭
don't worry you are still nowhere near coldplums level of degeneracy
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practically-an-x-man · 2 years ago
ok y'know what. I'm tired of all the same questions in ask games so I'm taking matters into my own hands
OC/Writing Art Asks
For the character:
Pencil: does this character have any "sketchy" habits? Have they ever broken the law? Do they regret it?
Pen: what's one minor moment your character regrets? A small mistake, but something they "can't erase"?
Paintbrush: How often does your character "brush over" conflict instead of facing it head on? Is there something specific they don't like to face, or do they avoid conflict as a whole?
Marker: what's one thing your character would never tattoo on their body, even if they were paid a million dollars for it?
Crayon: what was your OC like when they were four years old? Were they loud? Shy? Were they the resident "weird kid" or did they get along with others their age?
Colored Pencil: if given the choice, would this character splurge on an expensive (but potentially worthwhile) branded product, or buy a low-budget alternative even if the quality suffers?
Copics: what is this character's most expensive habit or hobby? Do they ever feel guilty about the money they spend on it?
Graphite: what's something decently common that your character does in a unique or different way? (like how graphite is present in all pencils, but not everyone uses pure graphite)
Charcoal: share any unique physical features about this character that are not scars or tattoos.
Tortillon: does your OC "blend in" with the people around them? Physically? Metaphorically?
Pastels: Give me three colors that best represent your OC. Now give me three colors that your OC likes best. Is there an overlap?
Chalk: what was one activity this character enjoyed with their sibling(s) as a kid? If they don't have siblings, what they did with their neighborhood friends
Eraser: what's one way this character has changed over time? Either over the course of their story, or over the course of designing them as an author.
Palette: list four of your character's primary skills, then share at least two ways these skills might blend or overlap
For the work:
Starry Night: are there any scenes in this work that take place at nighttime? Is this significant, or just the passing of time?
Mona Lisa: oh, it's the fanfic writer's favorite word. Do a find-and-replace on the word "smirk" and share any lines that pop up.
The Scream: are there any moments in this work that you think could scare a reader? Are there any moments where the characters themselves are profoundly scared?
Persistence of Memory: are there any moments in this work where a character's memory plays a strong role? Either an individual memory, or simply a character's ability to recall the past.
Girl With a Pearl Earring: are there any moments in this work where a character's clothing or accessories play a major role?
The Kiss: share your favorite kiss scene from this work. If there's no kiss scene, share your favorite moment of intimacy (romantic or platonic)
American Gothic: what's one relationship between characters in this work that you think people wouldn't expect? (i.e., how the people in American Gothic are not married, they're the painter's sister and dentist)
Guernica: look through a few of your imagery/descriptions in this work. Are they generally straightforward, or are they more "abstract"?
Wheatfield with Crows: are there any scenes in this work that involve birds? Do the birds play a definitive role, or are they simply part of the setting?
Woman with a Parasol: are there any moments in this fic that feel "blurry" to you? Is this a stylistic choice, or would you go back and clarify the descriptions if you were given the chance?
A Sunday Afternoon...: pick one "little moment" from this fic. How representative is it of the fic's tone and story as a whole?
Creation of Adam: choose one character that is not present at the beginning of this work. How did you introduce them into the story?
The Swing: are there any moments in this fic where the characters get to slow down and have fun? If not, why is that?
The Last Supper: does this fic incorporate any symbolism based on religion, theology, or mythology? If so, give an example.
For the author:
Paper: Who do you feel is your most two-dimensional or underdeveloped OC? Why is this? (including those that are still in development/haven't been written about yet)
Canvas: Do you ever "prep" your fics with outlines or warmups before you start writing, or do you just dive right in?
Graffiti: Have you ever had to research something that felt illicit or illegal for a fic? What was it?
Photography: What's one moment from any of your fics that you feel is preserved in your memory?
Clay: Do you usually take time to "sculpt" your OCs before you write them, or develop them as you write?
Film: Which one of your fics do you think would work best if turned into a movie? Who would direct it?
Adhesive: when you write, do you usually "stick" to one character or story for a while, or bounce around various characters and ideas?
Cricut: are there any characters you've had to "cut" from a story? Are there any moments/chapters/stories you've had to "cut" entirely?
Felting: how often do you include soft moments when you write? Do these moments play a role in the main plot, or do you include them as an escape from the rest of the story?
Weaving: are your works typically similar to one another? Pick two works, and share one similarity and one difference between them.
Finger Painting: share a small snippet from your earliest work (or the earliest that you can get back to). How would you rewrite it today? Either share the rewrite itself or just describe how you'd do it.
Creative!: free space! share something you've been dying to share about your writing! Could be an OC that never gets the limelight, a moment you were proud of, or anything else you'd like to share
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leo-interactive-fiction · 6 months ago
Happy (belated) fifth anniversary for Triaina Academy, Leo! I hope that you got to at least do a small celebration for five years of work sometime in June. In the spirit of Triaina being five, I wanted to ask you about the old demo, actually; is there a scene you left / are going to leave on the cutting room floor that you miss? Are there other plot points from it that you really liked? I'm curious about how you feel about it after so long. Regardless, I hope this finds you well!
Hey there! Damn, it really doesn't feel like it's been five years since I've began undertaking this project haha. The very first showing of Triaina Academy was in june, and was fairly sizable for its first posting, hovering around 70k-ish words leading up to the middle of the 2nd chapter and having introductions for everyone except S and F. During then, I had far more free time available to me, and worked on that version of the demo until it grew to around 250-300k words spanning nearly 5 chapters.
But I realized as I had progressed through writing that the quality of my early chapter writing wasn't consistent with the current standards I wanted to have now, and so much of that wordcount was scrapped, with only the skeletonized outline remaining of the old work. I returned to square one and rewrote the story in its entirety from the beginning, leading to the current state now, with the revised version hitting close to 220k words. In the back of my head I consider that, had I just continued writing without a revision, Triaina Academy would already be a finished product.
In many ways I regret that despite it being five years, it feels like there is nothing much for me to show for it. Even more so now that my work pushes me between mental stress and physical exhaustion, often giving me little time or motivation to pull up the writing on my computer. But I love what I've created. I love the joys it brings me as a creative, as well as hearing the joy it brings you all to read. So even if it seems like I fall away, I am still pressing on to continue, even if it's a tiny bit at a time, until it becomes something both I and readers can find joy in.
Now, speaking of the old demo, there's many scenes that have become nonexistent. I liked quite a few of them, and there are probably many overarching ideas that will return in different forms within the new context of the current demo. But there are also many that won't.
A few mentions of old scenes that probably won't be making a return, either because they've been replaced or they are no longer relevant:
During the very first date with raven, although the makeshift "home" returned, there was an additional scene where the MC discovers mutilated bodies in a closet space.
Before the festival scene seen in the demo now, the working equivalent of it in the old demo was an underground party held by students of the academy in an abandoned airport. The idea of this was cut out because within the story, I decided the world wasn't in a current state for airspace travel save for very specific exceptions. But during this scene, the party is interrupted by a body being discovered hanging from the overhead walkways of a hangar, paired with a bloody message.
There was a scene where you could order and allow V to shoot and kill a student. Originally I had thought to make this into a fail state where the MC and V were thrown in jail for a game over, but upon the revision this was taken out entirely, as I decided against abrupt, early endings.
Infamously, E was originally written as a step-sibling character in the old demo. I had thought on testing and developing the dynamic, since I didn't see very many games do it, and my game was pretty heavily inspired by various anime and manga related tropes and character styles. But eventually, I decided to shift them into a childhood friend/next door neighbor romance without adjusting their personality because I put a lot of effort into developing the entirety of their story arch, and I wanted them to appeal to a more general audience. Funnily enough, they are still labeled as their old role within the code, just because it has become too much work to change all of the variables haha
F's personal assistant, Fiore, didn't actually exist within the old demo. At least not in the same capacity. She was added because I realized F's personality didn't work well as an independent romantic driver, and they needed an additional external factor to push F into more romantic situations. Fiore RO DLC is an additional purchase of $9999.
In the old demo, MC's, and to a lesser extent everyone else's parents, played far less of an apparent role. I wanted to develop a story showing the previous generation compared to the current one, as in some ways there is a "passing of the torch" theme throughout the plot.
S and F were introduced far later in the old demo, to the point every other RO was given a full extra date scene before they joined the picture. One goal of my revision was being able to give these two an earlier introduction so they could all have their own date scene. In the old demo they were introduced in a scene where P and the MC had to switch rooms, allowing the MC to meet the last two members of Dorm Exul, as well as I think letting them read P's diary.
You used to be able to choose both M and P's gender independently, but with them becoming more structured as identical twins, M will always be the same gender you pick for P.
R used to be far more of a directly flirtatious character like M, but has since naturally shifted to the laid-back, bantering character they are now as I've continued writing them.
Similarly, V was written in a far more robotic tone with only short one-to-three-word responses, and although they are still fairly terse and unemotional, they've developed over time to have far more spoken dialogue and hints of emotional cracks.
There used to be a fail scene in M's romance if you refused to hit them the first time. Much like the other fail state, this was taken out and the decision between leaning into their masochistic tendencies or not became part of their path selection.
Many of the side characters within the story were not introduced, and so neither were their stories. Lewis and S's hostile relationship was not developed, Rex and Acer only had passing remarks, Treyla, Juno, Uno, and others who were nonexistent to the plot now hold some relevance to specific MC specializations, and instructors other than Rosaline and Hoft were given names and a larger part as progressors of MC specializations.
As far as the most favorite scene that I'll miss leaving on the cutting room for, hmm. It is most likely the school tournament arc that I had planned in the old demo. It was in the works and quite far in development at the time that I realized my writing had taken far steps away from the book's early development, both in quality and creative direction. The tournament was supposed to be a method to more actively showcase the combat capabilities of each character's powers, with several rounds and fight scenes already written. But within this new revised plot, I plan for the S.T.E.M. abilities to develop far slower and gradually with trackable leaps in power, not yet becoming combat capable at the time this tournament arc would've occurred. Still, the scene and idea I had in my head, and what I had already written, was quite fun! Although I probably won't be able to figure out a way for this exact scenario to happen now, eventually I would love to bring back the idea of a tournament, or arena type of setting, at some point in the story haha.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings. I didn't think the response would get this long haha. Triaina Academy has recieved so much more positive reception and love than I could have ever imagined when I first began working on it. In all honesty, I had figured that maybe I would be writing for a handful or so to see and think it was neat, and I'd be plucking away at it from time to time with no real thought to its success in mind. But it has instead risen to a stage far larger than I thought it could perform on, almost dauntingly so as I fear for disappointing so many, both with its quality, and the fact I can't dedicate as much into its development as people hope and ask for. Even still, I hope you can forgive me for not being able to rise to expectations, especially in regard to the pace of development, or the length of silence revolving it. The one thing I can promise, is that I still love this creation of mine, and all of you who have seen and may continue to see it flourish, and I do not plan to end its development unless I die a very painful, early death.
Thank you very much!
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vayle · 17 days ago
Wellbeing check!
How are you doing dear author? Have you been eating, drinking water and sleeping properly?
Writing an interactive fiction is a lot of work, and a rewrite specially takes quite a bit of attetion!
I am the same anon that has read both of your demos back to back, and I have recently gone over several different IFs in my free time and one of them was yours, and I decided to come check of everyone to see how they were doing
The world is crazy this year and a lot of things are complicated for everyone due to politics, but I hope that you know that I will be cheering on you and other authors as much as I can!
Please treat yourself to something good today!
hey anon! nice to see you back, i hope you're also treating yourself and being kind to yourself. <3
real life is complicated with everything going on and also finding the motivation to keep writing and trying to figure everything out. but, i'm a lot more hydrated lately than i have ever been, sleep is ups and downs but better, and my appetite is much better ^_^
i've got a hectic few weeks coming up, i have an appointment to see the lovely planned parenthood people for HRT which i'm excitedly starting for the first time, and i'm on a waitlist for therapy too, then i'm hoping within the year i'll be able to get a letter to get top surgery. (fingers crossed)
i'm doing better than i have been in a long time, even with the world going crazy, i've had some personal big wins lately and i'm working on myself a lot.
gold star for you, doing these wellness checks is really nice :) much appreciated from the bottom of my heart
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amelias-calamity-quintet · 5 days ago
Hi Amelia!
How about answering these two questions if no one else has asked yet. ☺️
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
Hi Missy! Thank you for the ask! I haven't gotten either, thank you for sending them my way. I am answering these out of order for reasons in I want to put 42 under a read more.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
Oh so many, so much to choose from. I think just as an excuse to ramble about Mark of a Hero some more, probably just some loose things about that. I can't talk about what I'm writing now, because I'm on book 5 (244 chapter backlog is going strong) and spoilers! But! I can say that there is some very fun stuff coming up in book 2. Thanks to milestone bonus chapters releasing this Sunday, that there's going to a bonus content work for MoaH out next week too.
One of the things I really wanted to explore in MoaH with them going to other countries is other cultures. And while the legends are highly prevalent throughout the era of MoaH, other countries have their own stories and myths about other great events from their homes. The bonus chapter out Sunday shares the first two of those, and I'm going to be posting them in their own collective work as well separate from MoaH so people can read them without having to reach them in the main series. And I'm so excited to get to share this branch of storytelling with y'all. One of the two is based more closely on a real myth, but the second is an original love story, or as original as I could manage (there is a point where myth tropes do collide). And I really hope folks enjoy them.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
Um, I don't know what content warning would be appropriate here? It's very personal, and has to do with parenthood. I don't mind sharing it, but I also recognize that the answer I would give to this question is also a lot. So it's under the read more.
The answer to this is that someone told me they were going to read GoS to their kid.
I've held on to this comment for a while. But it means so much to me for a number of reasons. To start, I fell in love with Zelda playing the games with my mom. We joke that that's why I was premature. She was playing through aLttP when surprise! I showed up a month early. And she was a Turtle Rock. She wasn't leaving Hyrule to its fate just cause she had a kid now. There is a picture that was lost of her with my bottle between her shoulder and her chin while she nursed me and playing Zelda at the same time that we cannot find that we need to do the "adults now" retake since my partner's retro cabinet has a SNES and basically the same CRT. But needless to say, we have always had Zelda together. Among other things, we have always had Zelda together.
Now. For reasons we don't need to go into, I can't have bio kids. There are of course other options available, but for a number of reasons, it is easier to say that I can't have kids. And I wanted to. Want to, if it were an option. I wanted to pass that torch too. Wanted to carry on the storytelling with my own kid like my mom did with me. And I can't.
Someone's reading my story to their kid. Someone's using my story to share their love for this series with their kid. My writing!
I don't get to pass the torch. I get to be the torch.
What an incredible honor.
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lassify · 11 days ago
hello lassify!! Firstly I just want to say I love your fanfics sm! I can read and fangirl about it for hours HDJDKSKSL secondly I wanted to ask what other fandoms are you in other than sxf and who are your favorite characters from those fandoms? I hope it's not a bother :')
marii!!! girl!! hello 🥹 (((radiating joy from seeing you)))
THANK YOU always for your kind words, your incredible support, your amazing and positive energy, I appreciate it and you always 💖
This might not surprise you but SxF is the only *fandom* in which I am actively involved in the community. This is my home, and I love it, and I don't want to go anywhere else!
In terms of other fanfictions that I ocasionally read, I have mainly enjoyed Miraculous Ladybug (the canon is so shit, but the fanworks are *artistic* and the Chat Noir angst is *angsty*) and also Danny Phantom, which got me into reading fanfictino in general! Apart from that, I have dabbled in Good Omens, the Owl House, and some miscellaneous bits and bobs here and there.
i actually have Damianya AUs planned in both the Miraculous and Danny Phantom worlds, which I am really looking forward to sharing, once I finish writing the Final Battle of Seven Secrets of Starlight (I can't write both at the same time, as much as I want to 😭) !
Thank you for sending me an ask (I love these), and for giving me the chance to talk about this stuff, and I hope you have a restful weekend and lovely rest of your week ����
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valiant-if · 30 days ago
hello!! can i ask “What is your general favourite thing about the character? What is your least favourite?” for all the ROs + CAIT? if all of them is too much then just Path and Hex would be great!
hi, anon!
Anton - My favorite and least favorite thing are the same! 😂 He's nice! I like that he's nice, of course. Genuinely nice characters are very comforting to write, but they can sometimes feel a little bland when compared to their mean and/or moody co-stars.
Switch - My favorite thing is her flavor of hidden soft side, which is less gentle and sentimental and more "I will defend to the death someone else's right to be healthy and cared-for." Least favorite thing is probably how long it took her to reach that conclusion (whereas she was happily just doing what she was told for years beforehand).
Zero - Favorite thing: that she's bubbly and fun and does her best to turn even not-great moments a little silly. Least favorite thing: she's a little too willing to see the best in people when she meets them. Not everyone deserves the kind of niceness that she gives them.
Path - The polar opposite of Anton, my favorite and least favorite things being the fact that he's such an asshole. It's really fun to step outside of what is socially acceptable in real life and let a character just be mean and rude on the page. On the other hand, he really is mean to other people without cause, and that's not cool.
Kiran - My favorite thing is how clear-headed Kiran is in completing their work—their REAL work—without anyone actually knowing what it is. 👀 My least favorite thing is the way he talks. I've purposefully made Kiran the kind of character that doesn't speak with contractions very often, and it's very annoying how often I have to go back and eliminate contractions when writing their dialogue.
Yulia - Favorite thing without a doubt the hubris she has as a scientist. She really thinks she's above making mistakes, and oh how wrong she is going to be. My least favorite thing is how clinical and heartless she can be when it comes to her work. It's great for a character, but I would probably hate her if I knew her in real life.
Hex - Favorite thing is that he's smarter and more moralistic than he lets on. Even A2 is not aware of his depths, and they've worked together a long time. Least favorite thing is genuinely how late into the story he makes his official appearance. 😂
A2 - In a weird way, the fact that she hates PDA is my favorite thing about her. I think the reason for that is that so often I see (no matter how common, just what I see) character archetypes similar to her (no matter the gender, but usually women) be unapologetically sexual and/or flirtatious, as if the only time they can set aside their stoic demeanor is for the sake of sexual expression, and I'm just tired of seeing characters like that. So here she is, that kind of stoic character, and she does not like PDA, even mild forms of it. My least favorite thing about her is the same as for Hex—that it takes so long to introduce her.
CAIT - My favorite thing about her is having to sit and really think about how a digital being would interpret certain situations. And I'm certain that I get it wrong all the time, but it's a good thought experiment and a fun exercise for my brain. My least favorite thing, at least right now, is that she only has the MC to interact with and the MC is keeping her hidden, so it can be hard to figure out how to organically use her in a scene in a way that is unknown to the other characters.
thanks for the ask! 🧡
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kangofu-cb · 7 months ago
fic author Never Have I Ever ask game:
Gundam Wing Winterhawk AU
So apparently I have done this whole 'queue an ask game' thing more than once :-|
Send me an ask about whether I’ve written a thing [ship, trope, dynamic, category of fandom, etc.] and if I’ve written it, I’ll link you. If I haven’t written it, I’ll tell you how I would write it if I did.
This is absolutely hilarious to me, because first of all - you're making my revisit past sins. Thanks for that LOL. I obviously have never written a GW WH AU, nor will I ever do so. The source material is just like... so wildly different.
But I guess if I were gonna give Winterhawk giant mecha robots with which to fight for interspace colonial freedom, I'd have to give Bucky Heavyarms because like - guns. Just. So many fucking guns. That mecha never made a damn bit of sense guys, WHERE did he get the ammunition. Also it did have a mecha-sized army knife. So yeah, Heavyarms for Bucky.
(This was a tough choice though because the original pilot was an orphaned circus kid, so like. You see my difficulty here.)
Which obviously means that I have to figure something else out for Clint, and like, unfortunately none of the Gundams had a bow (at least, not in Gundam Wing). So. I've decided he gets to have Deathscythe, mainly because fighting with a giant energy beam scythe is like. The stupidest thing I have ever heard of, but also it looks so badass? And the original pilot put on a laughing, jokester personality that masked some seriously badass skills and also a terrible childhood, so that fits you know? Seemingly outdated weaponry that somehow manages to be extremely effective while play-acting as an idiot? Yeah. That's where we're at.
Thanks for asking me!!!
(PS @claraxbarton thoughts welcome XD)
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 2 months ago
reading your fics this past week has been an absolutely pleasure and much needed in the middle of the horrors. As career federal civil servant who spent the start part of my career in social services, in particular your stories have been both escapism and reminder of my oath. So thank you. Truly. Thank you for your many stories.
Thanks for your work and I'm SO SORRY you and your colleagues are being disrespected in this way. My partner is also a federal civil servant and it's just so fucking disrespectful. What a bunch of unmitigated, clueless dickhead nazis.
The worst part of how shitty everything is, is how fucking dumb and unprofessional all these asshats are. Like, how embarrassing. Their memos are just...so badly written.
But I digress. These Terd Fergusons are so annoying it's like toxic to mention their existence, I swear to god.
We can take turns being this cat.
Tumblr media
The thing is I do really love America and living here. As a person who has made my career out of trying to make America better, it's because I love and care for it.
So it's so sad, really. Just a lot of grief. I'm getting on a work call in 2 minutes and I'm like, should I be barricading something instead? I'm listening to podcasts about the potential impacts of executive orders and they are like, the articulate equivalent of a teapot whistle of "i don't even know it's so fucking illegal like everything literally everything and it's also not transparent the only hope we have is they are dumb and also cowards so maybe we can embarrass them into being less stupid??"
So, anyway.
Let's think about noble boys kissing and doing the right thing with dignity.
As Michelle Obama says, "When they go low, they go high." It's always harder and braver to do the right thing and be kind. So that's what I try to come back to after my internal rants about how much I want to punch these people in the face.
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lsunstreakerl · 11 days ago
What would you say is Charles and Max's biggest regret in each of the AUs?
this is a really interesting question, and I've got a lot of AU's on here by now, so I'll try and cover all of them but may forget a few. (minus corporate au, because charles isn't in that fic lol)
Search History:
Charles: switzerland incident
Max: milton keynes breakdown
Alternate Ending Search History:
Charles: not being more present after max's injury
Max: not reacting faster in baku to prevent crashing
O!Search History:
Charles: not taking the rut blocker/forgetting the bite guard
Max: letting the paparazzi spot his bite/getting outed
Famiglia Familie:
Charles: hooking up with the guy from the bar
Max: telling GP about the inchident
O!Famiglia Familie:
Charles: making the courting process everyone's problem
Max: not knowing more about courting
Wing!Famiglia Familie:
Charles: not looking harder for max after he stopped racing
Max: losing contact with everyone after he stopped racing
Charles: not taking max before he signed with RB
Max: thinking charles was being friendly
Charles: none! it's worked very well for him
Max: agreeing to meet charles at the karting track after their competition when they were 14
Standard omegaverse:
Charles: brushing seb and max's history under the rug
Max: not knowing how to be more in touch with his omega instincts
Maxiel forced bite:
Charles: not being there
Max: not flying home early
Moto Max:
Charles: not spending more time with the people he cares about
Max: not trying to keep in contact with his mom and sister
Scrapbook Max:
Charles: keeping quiet about his distrust
Max: going on the inter-territory run alone
Tentacle au:
Charles: not having any kind of discussion about the lifelong commitment they now have/not asking/informing max of any of it
Max: going on vacation alone/abandoning the eggs every season
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practically-an-x-man · 2 years ago
Fanfic Couples*/Relationships Ask Game
*note that when I say "couple", this does not have to indicate a romantic couple, it's just the most concise way to refer to a pair of characters. These can be any two characters, romantic or not.
Of the ones you've written, which romantic relationship has developed the fastest? How fast is it?
Of the ones you've written, what's your slowest slowburn? How slow is it?
Have you ever written a soulmate AU? If you haven't, why would/wouldn't you write one?
What's the fastest you've reached a romantic couple's first kiss (in words/scenes/chapters)? First "I love you"? Other landmarks?
Do you have any works where you refuse to reach a certain relationship landmark, for one reason or another?
Have you ever started to write a relationship and had it develop differently than you expected? How so?
Have you written any romantic couples that you think would be better off as friends? Or even enemies?
Have you ever written any friendships that could've easily become romantic relationships? How did you navigate it?
When you write, do you plan out the stages of a relationship, or just let it flow? Do you have any works where the characters seem to "write themselves"?
[Couple] has just been struck by a magic spell, and now they're mortal enemies! What happens now?
[Couple] has just stumbled into a fairy ring, and they've forgotten they ever knew each other! What happens now?
[Couple] has just found an interdimensional portal, and one of them just walked in! Does the other go after them?
Are there any consistent trends when you write a budding relationship, or does it vary by character? If there are trends, what are they?
Are there any relationship dynamics/tropes you want to write in the future, but haven't yet?
Are there any relationship dynamics/tropes you would never write?
Are there any relationship dynamics/tropes you enjoy reading about, but wouldn't want to write yourself? Vice versa?
Did you base [couple] on any existing relationships that you've seen? This can be anything: TV characters, books, even people you've known in real life.
Pick a few characters you've written for (or, for a fun twist, asker chooses). Tell me about their relationship in three sentences or less.
Pick a work/fandom you've written for. If your couple didn't end up together, who would they get close with with instead?
Has a character ever felt pulled in two directions as you wrote them? How did you resolve this?
Not all relationships are romantic. What's your favorite non-romantic relationship that you've written about?
Have you ever written a break-up scene? How did it go? Was it a permanent split?
Do you think you idealize relationships in fiction, or are your depictions grounded in reality? How often do your characters make mistakes?
When you write, do you focus more on the romantic relationships or the non-romantic ones?
How important to you is the inclusion of sex in writing a romantic couple? Do you have any asexual characters?
Do you have any characters that are arospec or otherwise wouldn't enter a romantic relationship? How do they interact with the story?
Do you have any characters who are hopeless romantics? How do they interact with the story?
Have you ever written a tragic romance? How did it turn out?
What's the most interesting friendship that you've written?
What's the most interesting familial relationship that you've written? Found family counts.
Are there any songs that remind you of [couple]? Are there any songs that remind them of each other?
Do you find it more fun to write soft, domestic romances, or dramatic thrillers?
Are there any canon romantic couples, in any media, that you just can't stand?
Are there any well-known fanon relationships (not canon), that you just can't stand?
Are there any canon non-romantic relationships you can't stand?
Have you ever overwritten a canon romance in favor of a different character/OC? Did you write a full breakup or just ignore the canon relationship?
Who's the Barbie and who's the Ken? Who's the Allan?
Who's the Romeo and who's the Juliet? Who's the Rosaline?
Who's the Prince Charming and who's the Damsel in Distress? Who's the dragon?
Pick a relationship (not necessarily romantic). What tropes apply to this relationship? What tropes does this relationship subvert?
Who's your most repressed/oblivious character? Who's your most aware character? What makes them different?
As an author, are you gentle to your characters?
How do you feel about unhappy endings? Unrequited love? Major character death?
What's your favorite type of relationship to write? What makes it most fun for you?
What type of relationship do you struggle most to write? Why is it difficult for you?
Are there any character dynamics that you've found yourself stepping outside your comfort zone to write? How so?
What's the most self-indulgent relationship you've written? Are there any particular moments/scenes that you wrote just for you?
Are there any relationships you've lost passion for writing? Are there any relationships that started slow but gained momentum over time?
What's your favorite relationship dynamic that you've seen in another work of fiction? Has this influenced your writing at all?
Free space! Brag on yourself! Advertise your writing! What are you most proud of recently?
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leo-interactive-fiction · 6 months ago
Heyyaaa~ loving the update!
Just a small request, would you entertain us by giving us more save slots? Eheheh, I'm planning on trying everyone's route so... Yes, more saves (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Hey there! I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the game so much!
Unfortunately, there is no way for me to add anymore save slots to the game. Although I have attempted to set it to a varying degree of slots, Dashingdon only allows for 8 saves. It is unfortunately the hosting website's limit that I have no control over, but I am glad to know my game has the problem of wanting to be replayed too much, rather than the alternative haha
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vayle · 6 days ago
congrats on the HRT and the college offer!!
thank you, anon!!! i'm really excited to start college and being able to do it as me feels really good. i took my first shot last night and as a treat i slept in a bunch
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invisobang · 27 days ago
Hello! I was wondering who would be the best in contacting if someone has concerns or questions before they enter Invisobang? I would love to join in however I’m afraid with current irl stuff that it might be chaos. May I ask that, when people get done joining the server can they find writing partners within the server if they prefer that?
I would love to try and do it with a writing partner as I found that boosted up a writing fic and easier to finish or would a beta be okay with bouncing ideas back and forward?
I don’t have anyone that really interests in DP that I talked too so I’m hoping that the server would be able to help me with it.
I frequently check Tumblr for event notifications, so you can DM my main @kinglazrus. I may be delayed if it’s the evening or weekend, but I’ll respond as soon as I’m able. If for any reason you’d be more comfortable with a different mod, you could message another member of the team: @bibliophilea, @strawberrycamel, or @underforeversgrace.
We don’t have any rules against seeking a writing partner in the server after you’ve signed up, but you may have trouble finding someone when other authors have signed up intending to work on their own fic. So far all our author teams were formed prior to the event and they signed up together.
We do have beta readers in the server, though, and you can post a beta bid asking for someone to bounce ideas with you (see the beta section of the info doc).
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lassify · 15 days ago
So… in SSS, we’ve seen Damian flustered at seeing Anya undressed about… 3 times now? And I was thinking… have you considered turning the tables on her someday? In that story or in another one? I bet Anya being the flustered one for once could be really fun 👀
That's funny because I could only remember the last 2 times and I was rattling my brain for the first 😂 I completely forgot about that, looks like I've been torturing Damian for waaay longer than I thought!
I think because I see it more often in other fics that Damian is the confident one and Anya is the flustered one, I have a lot of fun contributing to the opposite side of the same genre. It's rarer to see Anya being depicted as the confident one, but I'm happy for the other authors to keep doing what they do 👀
I will say though that in SSS I have a wee scene later on in the story where I build Damian's confidence a little which takes Anya by surprise... But that's probably as far as I would take it 😅
Either way, every interaction of theirs is so much fun to read! 😁 And I am very grateful to get to write them being silly and fun together in between all the challenges and adversities.
Thank you for the ask, and for giving me the opportunity to reflect on this! 🙏
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