#doing this ugly and scared
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theanonymousninja247 · 4 months ago
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Personal project for the most talented
(if y’all like to read the most wholesome and thought provoking stories PLEASE for the love of pizza, I HIGHLY recommend reading her stuff)
I hope I did him justice because I honestly believe that we would be the best of friends. Very much would like to give him a hug 🫂🧡
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ultimateloserboy · 3 months ago
i miss them i miss fhem so bad look at how cute red guy is i need to decompose i cant do this anymore……. PLEASE come home PLEASE
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theanonymousninja247 · 9 months ago
Random Turtle Thunks: Kisses
*adjusts my sunglasses* It'd be softboi hours folks. Tonight I'm thinking about the Rise Boys and their favorite places to kiss you.
*Cookies and Cream Rating: 16+ please*
Raph 🧸♥️:
•Forehead Kisses. Lingering ones right at the tip of your hairline. It's often because its the only place he can reach without having to shift too far down. Often brushing your hair back, cradling your cheek in the palm of his hand and tilting your head back juuuuust a little to get that perfect angle for a small smooch. The type of kisses that are full of tender promises and small wholesome moments where he just longs to be soft with you.
•Your shoulder. Chaste presses of his lips to your skin to the crook of your neck. This young Atlas knows a little something about carrying the weight of the world and often that weight settles on the shoulders. These type of kisses serve as a reminder that he understands the struggle, the weight and promises that you don't have to carry it all by yourself anymore. A somewhat protective kiss, reminding you that nothing can hurt you when you're this close to him. That he's here for you, he’ll never leave you and will forever have your back.
Donnie 🤔🟪
•Your nose. I really don't see Donnie being really big into kissing. Like think about it. Kissing is literally just the process of swapping saliva. How uNsAnItArY. *shudders* “Just where has your mouth been? Did you even brush your teeth?!” That being said, a quick peck to your nose is a simple way to fulfill the “touch of the day” box without having to get unnecessarily close and personal. There is work still to be done after all. Not to mention the cute little face you make when you go slightly crossed-eyed at his affectionate gesture is somewhat endearing. It is a very understandable reaction after all. He too would go speechless at such attention from a genuis like himself.
•Behind the corner of your jaw. Donnie doesn't like kissing. That being said, if he is going to engage in such an act, he's going to want to do it right. Never mind him looking up the most sensitive parts of the human body to make sure he plants his affection in the most effective locations. Nevermind that at all. Besides, kissing here that little bundle of nerves seems to do the trick most adequately.
•Your lips. “My Lady, if the kisses are words, c’mere. I’ma give you a speech.” No. Like seriously. I know Leo is considered the “medical expert” of the family, but the amount of times this turtle has given you some serious mouth-to-mouth should be illegal. In all honesty though, it really does mean something special to him. For this smooth talking turtle who always knows just what to say, it’s a way for him to shut up and learn how to put some action behind those words. For once, he wants to show you that he means what he says. Because for all the silliness, it was never a joke, his feeling for you.
•Your knuckles. Leo is a one-stinking suave gentleman when he wants to be, and he's not going to let you forget it. Not to mention it’s an easy, inconspicuous way to keep you close so long your hand is entertained with his. Not that he worries when you're out of reach or anything. The cute little increase of color right there on your cheeks as he presses a slow kiss to each fingertip and between your knuckles is also a nice touch. Just lets this face man know he's on the right track or whatever.
•Your cheeks. This bundle of affection will give you some sugar anytime, anywhere without hesitation. You can not stop it. It is inevitable. He's so close to you all the time anyway that it just seems second nature to have his cheek squished against you somewhere. He also just loves getting close enough to see your eyes. They really are like windows to the soul, and you have a soul he wouldn't mind getting lost while exploring. So it makes sense to decorate those “windows” with some “Angel Kisses” (He does put the angel in MichelANGELo after all) You know. Just while he's close to you like this. Never mind the heat from your cheeks underneath his hands as he tries to hold you still for your daily barrage of affection is comforting to his scared hands. Never mind that at all.
•Your tummy. There is something incredibly magical about the way you giggle shriek as you try to writhe away when he kisses your tummy. It’s the kind of laugh that means you are happy and in the present moment with him and currently the furthest away from something that hurt you. He just wants you happy and hearing that laugh heals something inside his heart. He loves the way your tummy its so squishy underneath his kneading hands and he can't help but bury his face in your soft skin. Be warned you will not escape without some raspberry blown kisses. Mikey ain't letting you leave without being properly adored that is both a threat and a promise.
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theanonymousninja247 · 1 year ago
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I’m WoRkInG oN a LiTtLe SoMeThInG
PlEaSe BeAr wItH mE wHiLe My BrAiN rOtS
a girl who is a noir detective man and a guy who is a femme fatale
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olenvasynyt · 1 year ago
I honestly dont blame you. Elriels are the best artists!!! With an actual ship. Way better than anyone that draws the ugly gingers 🤮
Bet you cant wait for fan art when the next book comes out and finally confrms Elriel. There are going to be so many options!
Me: yeah I don’t like E/riel but I still like some of the art because I think the art is pretty and I support artists!
Anon: the artists who draw your terrible ship and ugly gingers🤮 are literally awful!
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Ah yes, those ugly gingers, am I right, Anon?
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pennyserenade · 1 year ago
thinking about mulder and scully and how gentle he was with her when she was lying there in the hospital dying. he walked into the room with a wide grin and held her hand and kissed her cheek, and spoke to her in hushed, conspiratorial tones, and everything was life or death but it was so quiet, so unimportant, as he sat by her side and looked at her. mulder looked as happy as he’d ever been, sitting there with her, and it wasn’t because he was; he wasn’t. he knew that she was dying, that they were coming upon the moment when she was no longer going to be with him sooner rather than later, and he was crushed by the weight of it, by the impossibility of it. when he came to see her again and she was sleeping, looking pallid and defeated, he slumped against her bed and cried on his knees in the dark—quiet, body wracking sobs she never knew about, because he never wanted her to know how weak her being weak made him. with the weight of impending death, mulder gave scully the most of life, all that he wished she could’ve received but hadn’t: that coddling, that affection, the beautiful mundaneness of domestic bliss. he listened to her—really listened to her. and he really loved her, loved her like a husband, or a boyfriend, loved her the way a better man would’ve.
and then when scully got better, when the cloud of death evaporated and she appeared before him with color in her cheeks and flirtation on her tongue, he took it back. gone were the days of all that soft love and affection and back was the mulder and scully of old. he sidetracked their team bonding workshop, pointedly ignored the glaring fact that scully agreed he needed to work on his communication, and got them stranded in the depths of the floridian forest. even better, he let her coddle him, let her hold him close to her chest and made her sing him a song as they shivered through the night and watched out for monsters that could kill them, because he couldn’t handle it. the idea of being anything to scully other than what he had been before — a nuisance, a challenge, a partner — terrified him so badly he went into overdrive trying to reinforce those uncomplicated roles again. it wasn’t that he didn’t love her. he did — he loved her to the point of insanity, to the point of self destruction (something she so worried about). he just didn’t know how to love scully when it wasn’t dire. he loved her so much that he could not stand the idea of failing her with anything inadequate and half baked. he was glad to give it to her when it was dire, but when it came to life long devotion, he needed a few more years.
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luna-the-cretar · 13 days ago
One thing I just realized about the couple of times Lethica has willingly taken off her mask or showed her face (not including the time Marius took it off to save her), it was always a very intimate scene
Like during the ritual where we see everyone’s backstories. The first thing Lethica did was take off her mask.
Or the porch scene. Even though it was her duplicate, Derek made a note of Lethica not wearing her mask during the conversation with Marius, where she appears to be making the choice to trust him, despite the danger. And while, no, it wasn’t actually Lethica, it still looks like her. And she didn’t technically have to have her duplicate’s mask off, since it’s had her mask on before (like during the second hag fight after Lethica was revived), yet she did.
Or how about her scene in Metamorphosis? Lethica immediately takes the mask off before performing the ritual (and I’m sure if we’ve had more opportunities for notable individual scenes during long rests, we probably would’ve seen this consistency as well, since she doesn’t sleep with the mask on considering the moment where the party couldn’t find their stuff and Lethica immediately covered her face with her hair)
Idk. Just something I’ve noticed
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giddlygoat · 1 year ago
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life is short post willace were-rabbit angst on main
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faaun · 10 days ago
said goodbye to him feeling weird!
#hes abt to go skiing w his friend im abt to go back to the uk to an ordinary life#he is perfect and I've felt appreciated none of the time and i think it's not his fault idk#not how racemic compounds work not how amphetamines work not how people work#french suits his mouth but german does a bit more i think . climbed to a very beautiful place#asked him to be my boyfriend then almost took it back yesterday. chemistry is not his strong suit#he carries things for me he catwalks he gives me his jumper when im cold he's good at kissing#he got me a beautiful necklace on a riverside in amsterdam he lights my cigarette with his#he holds my hand and his only complaint about me putting lipstick on his lips is that it wasn't evenly spread#his eyelashes are long and he's sharp and scarily productive and very good at navigation#always on time always the right place . i make a comment about being a beautiful collective and he says yes but it's odd that we havent#received the social benefits of it. what you mean? well when im alone or with friends people just...give me things. flowers baked goods#compliments a pack of cigarettes he says. he asks me if I've ever had to pay for a pack. i felt genuinely SO UGLY like am i. downgrading u?#ppl see me next to you and..what you get negative attractive points? gosh.#unfortunately shutting the fuck up is not my strong suit so i never let that go. he says nooo it's just you are So Gorgeous that you scare#people away. OK!!! he knows he's pretty and he uses this to his full advantage#you're cool and you're friends with all the club bouncers and you take such good care of me and you know#the state secrets and we can scheme murders together and i love that you love your friends#but when i joked we wont get to see each other in months and you said 'so?' that rly did smth very upsetting!!!!#twisting and backtracking is his strong suit but unfortunately seeing it happen is mine#and sometimes it's endearing and sometimes i want to kill him about it. he would be a very good diplomat#who the fuck stumbles gracefully on cliffs? anyway his voice is gentle and he says i don't want you upset#he holds my hands he says lets talk about it please i want you to know i appreciate you#he says all the correct things i believe 0 things out of his mouth and he can tell#i am snappy and terrible and calm. i tell him he's sweet and i want more i want to be missed#SHUTTING THE FUCK UP IS NOT MY STRONG SUIT! would you be ok being just friends? eventually.#and the next day ive decided what to do with you. what is that? you can still be my boyfriend. he says thank you.#walking is our strong suit so we go everywhere. i tell him about my best friend his head looks great thrown backwards#im afraid this is too good for me and I'm also afraid it's not enough. not asking questions is not my strong suit.
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wild-west-wind · 4 months ago
I cannot overstate how all around bad in every way winter is in this shit hole. I love the summer here, I wish the winter was tolerable. I can't believe I'm still doing this.
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kaisollisto · 2 months ago
“Soooo,” Ava can’t stop herself from dangling dangerously over the stool, “anything that I shouldn’t be around?” She doesn’t quite want to mention the time she blew out the power in the area when she had tried her first greenhouse strawberry. The sucker was juicy and the perfect blend of tartness. It’s not Ava’s fault everything about it made her combust. She can still fondly recall the texture of its skin, firm yet pliable to her teeth. The juice staining her lips and teeth in such a hungry way she forgot she was starving. 
Beatrice pauses, as if accessing the question with her entire body, her cells running around to come to one conclusion together. It was funny to watch unfold, the monotony of cleaning the hardware screeching to a stop for Ava’s question. All cells in motion halting for her. 
Beatrice stands up stiffly, Ava shouldn’t notice, but she can see the way she favors her right side. She cringes at the memory, ripping through flesh, tearing and scraping her way out of Beatrice’s abdomen. She doesn’t want to linger on the feeling, the Halo pulsing in her veins, the adrenaline racing through her. 
Beatrice walks around her in a methodical fashion, Ava almost expects her to reach out and touch her but it never happens. Ava’s nervous, there’s such a vulnerable thing about being seen. Maybe Beatrice will see Ava, the aloof lighthearted girl, or maybe she will see Ava. (Or worse, she’ll see something that Ava can’t). It’s unnerving, Beatrice eyes her in such a consuming way Ava almost feels like they’re about to go for a round 2. 
Her heart races at the prospect and Ava can feel her bones start to lock up when Beatrice nods, “Me.” 
Ava does fall out of her stool. 
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theanonymousninja247 · 7 months ago
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The GOODEST Boi to exist in the history of EVER. I have been working with his concept for 2 years now and this is my first attempt to actually capture him, so many thanks to the ever incredible @kittpunk144 for helping me get out of my comfort zone and inspiring me to get the boi out there🧡🙌🏼
More Fun Facts About the Boy Below ⬇️ 💙 ✨
Name: Vincent
(After the one and only Vincent Van Gogh)
Nickname: Go-Go (Only Mikey and Me)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Morrocy Tortoise
Height: 6’ 3”
Occupation: Todd’s Blacksmith Apprentice and Co-Todd-Scott Captain
✨ Fun Facts ✨
~ This man can not walk through airport security because he is packing SO many hidden weapons like it’s not even funny. When I say he’s armed, I mean he is ArMeD. He is CoNsTaNtLy working on some new blade as he’s learning to perfect his technique. Baby Boy is a Mary Poppins when it comes to weapons because there is no telling what he’s gonna pull out next.
~ He’s got a nervous tick! Most Morrocoy Tortises use head movements as a form of communication and Vincent is no exception. You can tell what his mood is depending on how he bops his head. ⚠️ WARNING: Man will headbutt you and ram into you to show affection ⚠️ (but don’t worry, he is a shy respectful boi and won’t do so unless express permission is given because he understands he big)
~Baby boy is so incredibly tender and shy like the ultimate gentle giant #strong silent type and unfortunately is incredibly socially awkward. Very innocent and somewhat gullible this man desperately needs social interaction (#he knows sign language to help cope) and enrichment so please come say hi!
How Vincent Interacts with the Boys 🧡💜♥️💙
🧡: First person to meet after Todd. Best buds like ever. Vincent sees the similarities between Mikey and Todd so he naturally gravitates to him as he sees him as a safe person. They get along swimmingly as Vincent thinks the world of Mikey, seeing him as incredibly socially apt and emotionally mature and lowkey the brother he never had. As such he’s like MEGA protective of Mikey in a very ninja kind of way because he KNOWS Mikey can take care of himself. Basically sees Mikey as the man and not the baby brother for once and I think Mikey finds that refreshing.
💜: Somewhat of a glorified Teacher/ Student relationship. Vincent loves to learn and Donnie knows a lot and is more than happy to have a captive audience to listen to his infodumps. They are both introvert buddies and love to weld together, unfortunately feeding into each others drives to build something crazy and dangerous
♥️: Vincent is a BIG BOY (he works in a forge and helps herd Todd’s puppies so you know he’s got those good hugs) and the only person he’s ever really hung around with is Todd (smol) so first interaction with Raph is ultimate intimidation. He’s not used to someone being bigger than he is, he’s never had a big brother, and Mikey adores Raph, so Vincent has NO idea how to interact. So poor baby resorts into the most painfully polite little gentleman you will ever meet. He’s so respectful and cautious it actually hurts.
💙: Ok. So sure, Leo wore blue first but Vincent wears it better. And by that I mean, once Vincent gets out of his shell (literally) he’s actually really naturally suave and sweet. So when it comes to Leo, Vincent thinks he has incredible potential and skill but gets frustrated when Leo tries to hide behind an air of flippancy. All Vincent knows is how to be genuine and doesn’t understand why Leo can’t be straightforward sometimes. It’s a small lowkey rivalry kind of thing between the two, so it makes interactions interesting.
Also shout out to @saspas-corner for being the first person to here the whole schpeel and help me really flush out his character 🙏🏼🧡
Was bored and decided to make a ROTTMNT base for people!
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Please credit if you use it!!! Don’t be too scared to tag me I’d love to see what you guys come up with!
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theanonymousninja247 · 3 months ago
Pretty Random Turtle Thunks: Sway
Rating: Cookies and Cream (16+ plz and thank you)
Do you ever think about Leo and how he’s the king of Insomnia?
He knows a little something about what it’s like to be haunted. To have your bones ache with the ghosts of weary exhaustion; a feeling that unfortunately more often than not makes one feel more dead than alive.
He understands the drag of having to pry your eyes open for just another day, plaster on a smile that stopped feeling real years ago and then attempt to go at it with only half energy in your cup.
Leo understands the rolling around feelings of restlessness, like the waves of a dyspeptic ocean, never settling.
Never still enough to ever find peace.
So can you imagine when Leo finds out one way or another (as he so often does, clever turtle that he is) that somehow you are plagued with a similar state of mind?
It may be for various reasons: work, family, life, responsibilities etc etc and despite the variety of it all, he probably would get it more than most. For despite all the differences, there is a startling amount of connection, a unique relateablilty if you will, between the two of you, that unconsciously draws him close. It’s because of this connection that his heart just… sinks. Leo may very well be a swashbuckling charismatic pirate for all these years he’s learned to travail against his insomnia seas. But you…
You are no such experienced sailor.
The waters of sleep are relentless in their cruelty in their attempt to escape you. And ever in lucks favor, and that being none at all, you are found hopelessly drifting, never to find your own serenity amongst the ever agitated waves.
Perhaps it is that fabled connection that draws Leo close to you tonight, or the fact that you were starting to look like a pale, drawn out tired sail, more than Leo ever cared to see.
He had seen enough ghosts in his own mirrored reflections. Your eyes did not need the weight of such horrors. They were last place he ever wanted to see haunted.
So with actions trickling from his own well of compassion, Leo wordlessly sweeps you up into the cradle of his arms, even despite your indignant squawk something reminiscent of a seagull’s cry. Not that he minds or even will admit to ever listening to you as he begins to rock you.
Back and forth. Back and forth. Back. And. Forth.
Despite all his bravado, Leo never truly believed he was ever worthy of the title of hero. He would fight everything and everyone, including himself, to prove it to the world, to prove it to you, if he could.
And yet…there was something empowering about the feeling of you in his hold.
The way your eyelashes fluttered slowly shut, the hitches of your breath steadied and the planes of your face smoothed. Leo didn’t feel the need to take on the world, not anymore, not when his whole entire world was now here resting in the security of his arms. And so, much like a boat resting in the embrace of the calmest waves, Leo rocks you in the simplest of sways, humming the softest of tunes as he holds you close against his plastron. Silently praying that the beat of his heart would be the siren’s call that would set the rhythm for which you could finally fall asleep. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back. And. Forth.
Do you ever think about Leo and how he’s the king of Insomnia?
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googoothegodofblood · 7 months ago
No queer art depicts this, but scars fade. Your top surgery scars will fade and your origin will be unknown. Just a small, vague line- you will grow old and fat and it will be concealed, even if slightly.
You will be an old, balding man, and noone will know where you come from.
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theanonymousninja247 · 10 months ago
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Ok, so this picture was so incredibly wholesome that I HAD to try and redraw it because it legitimately made me cry. I had to no joke pull over because I was getting teary while on the road.
This picture means a lot to me for two reasons: #1 I’m 5ft 8” and on the heartier side of things, so usually I’m the tallest/ biggest or one of the taller folks whenever I engage in with company. So to imagine having one of my favorite characters just pick me up and cradle me like a child made me A: incredibly flustered and B: it did something funny to my heart.
I don’t necessarily have an emotionally safe relationship with my pops at the moment, so it makes it hard to accept hugs from him. And not to mention, because I’m again the “bigger friend”, I’m usually the person giving hugs. I don’t get hugs. Especially those good Dad Hugs. So imagining getting a hug from Sprout…well…it definitely filled an empty part of my heart. So @intotheelliwoods thank you for this. I…I kind of needed it so it meant a lot.
Also I drew myself with my arm sleeves because I wanted to match Poptart. I really struggle with picking my arms due to a skin condition that I have, so I wear my arms sleeves to try and prevent that. I guess just another reason why I relate to these guys.
I’m also a nerd who loves Floriography, or the Victorian Language of Flowers, so I wanted to include a little something extra to show my thanks. Honeysuckle to show how much I adore 2 Arms Left; it’s got a sweet little spot in my heart. And Sweet Pea to just keep cheering y’all on and to say thank you for everything. Literally.
And then of course my signature orange heart to represent warmth, friendship, and care.
It’s a lot of words, so thanks for reading. Just know this. You made my week a little better by just being your sweet self. I know life is hard and hurt can be heavy, but I promise you. You’re making a difference. Thank you for existing. 🫵🏼✨🧡🫂🌎
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AHhh so many hugs and so little time! <3
And thank you so much for your message @theanonymousninja247 it really made my week! 🥺
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muppetoftheday · 1 year ago
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guy who has only ever seen dhmis watching anything slightly spooky: getting a lot of dhmis vibes from this
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