#play pretend au
thatbendyfan · 1 month
phighting au where the phights are actually them playing pretend in zuka’s backyard and all their weapons are toys
sword (9) is really cool stick
skateboard (10) is ,, he could stay as skateboard ig !
biograft (8) is two knockoff lightsabers
katana (13) is a fake katana from an anime he likes
ban hammer (14) is a wooden toy windforce helped him make
rocket (9) is like those little foam rocket launcher thingies? does anyone know what im talking about the ones where you put them on the air pump thingy??
slingshot (10) is pebbles. he throws pebbles at the other kids. he has gotten in trouble for this but he will not stop.
hyperlaser (13) is a big nerf gun
shuriken (8) is a bunch of origami post it notes he makes in advance (he likes flexing that he knows origami (vine makes most of them for him))
scythe (14) is one of those water shooting thingies but she has a backpack that has a pool noodle sticking out of it and switches between the two . her parents have a pool
medkit (11) is his parent’s first aid kit (they’ve bought like 6 and never learned where he keeps leaving them)
boombox (9) has his parent’s bluetooth speaker that he connects one of the older phighter’s phones to in order to play music. originally he said that bc he just wanted to watch but he later said he has “cool music powers” (even when ban said that wasn’t allowed)
subspace (11) has legos. he makes everyone play barefoot
vine (13) has another really cool stick !! but it has moss and mushrooms and stuff so she tapes origami flowers on it !!!!
the npcs are mostly either parents or just other adults besides maybe lightblox . whenever a “sword event” happens its the parents playing along or when dom and valk want to play instead of watching
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dingledraw · 5 months
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Exciting news!
I’m proud to say that I’m selling a booklet that combines my ineffable wives comics: “But it’s Pretty” and “Playing Pretend” on Etsy 😄🩷
This comic is 42 pages long and printed on high quality silk paper.
The story centers around Aziraphale and Crowley meeting in the court of Henry the 8th and having to navigate their fond, yet forbidden feelings for each other, during a troubled time in human history.
Hope you guys will check it out 🫶
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eightyuh · 9 months
Tiny Harry AU twist: Glen is still 0'6, and Harry is ~0.2cm tall
(I changed Harry to 2cm so that it would be a similar ratio to Glen)
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went a little crazy with this one ... the gears were turning. thanks for the idea!
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I'm on a roll with AU these days, so. Cowboy AU ! Outlaw Dewdrop x Sheriff Swiss...with a twist.
It's been a long fucking day. Very fucking long. Swiss' back aches as he leans back into his seat, blinking when the lines of barely legible handwritting still swim in front of his eyes, even now that he's looked up from all the paperwork.
Yawning, he looks around his office, lazily blinking. A light breeze brushes his face, making him frown and glance at the half opened window. Hadn't he closed it ? Swiss tries to recall, hours blending together in his memory. Maybe he didn't, maybe he forgot.
Once he's locked it, Swiss snatches his hat, delibarating between popping to the saloon or just staying home.
"Be the sheriff, they said, it'll be fun, they said," he grumbles, making his way downstairs, "they just forgot to mention the fucking paperwork."
It's all fake complaints, though. No matter how much paperwork makes him want to hang himself sometimes, Swiss loves this town, loves taking care of it, protecting it, acting for the people that make it such a bright and homely place.
Plus, he rocks the hat he was gifted when he became sheriff. That thing is probably his most prized possession.
Once in the kitchen, Swiss makes a beeline for the nearest bottle, in dire need of a little something to clear the fog in his brain from answering letters, approving or denying demands and signing what needed to be signed for hours.
The bottle leaves the shelf too easily, snatched with too much strenght for its weight. Swiss frowns, looking down at the bottle. It's three quarters empty, which doesn't sit right with him. He's sure, absolutely certain he left it more full than this.
All at once, Swiss becomes keenly aware of his surroundings, his senses sharpening in an instant. Noticing things he hasn't prior.
The rim of the bottle is still wet, a stray drop clinging to the neck, not having had time to reach the bottom. A glass is missing on the shelf. The memory of the window he thought he had closed flashes back in Swiss' mind.
His hand flies to his holster just as the distinct sound of someone cocking their gun breaks the silent, followed by a voice.
"Touch that gun and i'll have to scrub your brains off the floor," it says.
Swiss freezes, slowly raising his hands on either sides of his head. He hears steps, then a hand relieves him of both the guns he carries, as well as the knife hidden in his boot - quite the predictable place to keep it, Swiss will admit.
"Turn around," the voice orders then.
Swiss does, half smiling.
"Very rude way of starting a conversation, don't you think ?"
"Who says I want to talk ?"
Swiss groans as he takes in the man facing him. Long hair, mismatched eyes, sharp features, a scar tugging the right corner of his mouth up in a perpetual smirk ; a familiar face, one plastered on every available wall of every town.
Dewdrop, wanted for a baffling amount of crimes Swiss can't be bothered to remember, dead or alive. Reward : Swiss can't remember that either, with how often it changes.
The outlaw amongst the outlaws.
Swiss raises an eyebrow.
"Well, you see, people love chatting with me, so I just assumed you were as dying to hear my voice as the others."
Dewdrop scoffs, though he's smiling, a thin, sharp thing that reminds him of a blade. The fucker is holding a glass of Swiss' liquor in the hand not gripping the gun.
"Sorry to disapoint, sheriff, but if i had the time to sew your mouth shut, I would."
Swiss tilts his head.
"Rude. Almost as much as drinking my stash away."
Dewdrop downs his glass, maintaining eye contact the whole time, carelessly setting it on the nerby table with a satisfied smack of lips.
"You have enough liquor to drown in it, I'm sure my share won't be missed."
Swiss almost doesn't catch the quick way Dewdrop's eyes rake over him, up and down and up again, pausing momentarily at the silver of belly exposed by his raised arms. Almost.
"What I do miss are my guns," Swiss huffs, eyeing where they've been unceremoniously shoved under Dewdrop's belt. The outlaw takes one out, examinating it with an approving hum : they're very nice guns, well-cared for. Then he puts it back, still at his own belt.
"You'll miss a lot more once i'm done."
Swiss' eyebrows climb up his forehead ; there is a vague innuendo to be made, he thinks, but between the tiredness still weighting on his shoulders and the way his eyes keep stubbornly falling on Dewdrop's lips, he can't find a way to phrase it. Instead, he props his hip against the end of the table opposite to the one Dewdrop stands at.
"So you, a famous outlaw, master of escapism, came to this...tiny town and decided to ransack the sheriff's house ? You won't find nearly as much as you're used to."
The look Dewdrop gives him then, feels like being flayed open, exposed raw to prying, piercing eyes. It takes all of Swiss' carefully crafted self-control not to flinch away from it. When Dewdrop takes a step toward him, he can't help but tense, smile less easy, more strained.
"Oh but you see, sheriff, i pride myself in being nosy. Some might say it's a flaw, I say it's a very useful thing. I have keen ears, you see. I hear a lot, and I love rumors."
The barel of Dewdrop's gun presses against Swiss' chest. The outlaw is fully grinning now.
"And, you see, people say the Multi-Faced Thief - you know the Multi-Faced Thief, don't you sheriff ?- didn't die in that trainwreck years ago. Some say he's still alive, mascarading as a simple civilian, maybe even a figure of authority, hoarding the goods he stole, or aquired thanks to his thievery. "
Swiss swallows, his smile widening. Dewdrop is clever, ruthless, ambitious. He can't help liking it. There's no point in bullshitting him, but Swiss decides he can't give in without fucking with him a bit.
"And why are you telling me that ?"
All the air leaves the room when Dewdrop leans forward, so close his nose almost brushes Swiss'. It's crooked, Swiss notices, the bridge a bit wonky, probably broken once or twice. His fingers twitch above his head with the sudden and irrational need to touch it.
Swiss can barely breath, waiting, Dewdrop's eyes flickering over his face, searching. Pausing on his plush lips for half a second too long.
"I think you know why. You've gone soft, Multi. It was easy sneaking in. Disarming you."
A chuckle escapes Swiss as he drops the act, entertained by this guy's audacity. His confidence. Instead of shying away from the gun, he weights against it, sure to leave a dent in his skin. His eyes darken in the dim light ; oxygen can barely find both their lungs in what tiny sliver of space there's left between their faces.
"I'll admit, I dropped my guard. Didn't expect a pretty thing like you to stumble into my house. Try to steal from me. If we'd met a few years ago, I would either have put a bullet between your eyes or taken you for a ride."
Up close, Swiss is at the front row to see Dewdrop's pupils expand, his chest rising and falling quickly. Despite that, he doesn't lose sight of his objective, something Swiss admires quietly as he's shoved a few inches back by the push of the gun.
"Yeah, well. Here you are today, distracted and gunless."
Swiss nochalently raises his, mirroring Dewdrop's position, barrel against his narrow ribcage.
"You were saying ? Looks like I'm not the only one who's losing focus, mmh ?"
He watches in amusement Dewdrop's cheeks clolouring with both anger and embarrassement, his mismatched eyes flicking down to his belt, where only one of Swiss' guns is left.
"So, we're in a bit of a dead end, but i'll make you a deal, yeah ? You leave, and you leave fast, without doing this town any damages. In exchange, i'll let you have this," Swiss drawls, slipping a hand under his collar to tug on a richly ornemented pendant, one that always stays concealed under layers.
Dewdrop's jaw falls open at the sight of the Multi-Faced Thief's most famous prize, the hold-up of the century. Swiss waits for his answer, grinning, watching rubies reflecting in wide eyes.
"Why...would you offer that ?" Dewdrop manages to choke out, stunned.
Swiss laughs lightly, slipping the jewlery off his neck and onto Dewdrop's, still not letting go of it, precious metal digging in his palm.
"I'm tired of carrying this old thing around, and i'm already plenty rich. Do we have a deal ?"
Greed is always a bad influence, Swiss would know. It's currently shining in Dewdrop's eyes, surely thrumming in his veins. But he's not stupid, either.
"Right. And the real reason....?"
Huffing, Swiss yanks on the pendant, grinning from ear to ear.
"The real reason, is that i'll have a good excuse to hunt you down. I'll get this back. I'll catch you. I've missed the thrill of the chase."
It's not much of deal, more like a threat, or maybe a promise, but it's clear by the look on Dewdrop's face that he's game. Incapable of resisting the challenge.
"If you think you're up to it, it'll be my pleasure to prove you wrong, sheriff. It's a deal."
Swiss let go. They're still holding each other at gunpoint.
"My weapons, or you're not walking through the door," he warns.
"Windows would do," Dewdrop snarks back, though he does toss Swiss' second gun and knife on the table. His eyes flick up to Swiss' hat, hand twitching.
"Unless you intend to take me up on the ridding offer, I suggest you don't take that. You know the rule," Swiss smirks, earning an eye roll.
"Not tonight," Dewdrop breathes, slowly backing up toward the window, still aiming at Swiss' chest.
He's halfway through it when Swiss calls back.
"I'll see you soon, Dew."
The outlaw throws him a daring look, scarred cheek pulling with how wide he smiles, and it's the last thing Swiss sees before he jumps off.
Alone in his kitchen, Swiss laughs.
This will be fun.
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sadlynotthevoid · 6 months
Crack idea here: LCF modern AU with magic where og!Cale accidentally gains a swordmaster aura after way too many hours of playing beat saber.
Cale: *intensely playing the same game for 74th time this (new) year*
Cale's body: *starts exuding glowing mist*
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Hans, who just opened the door: Excuse me, young mas— Hhh...
Hans: Madam Violan!!!
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Dick Grayson has to juggle being in the spotlight again as Brucie Wayne’s son with his nightly vigilante activities. Easier said than done, when most days he has to struggle keeping his eyes open during the day.
But now? After Brucie’s most recent investing campaign that’s pissing a lot of people off? Yeah, Dick Grayson is once more in the top ten of most wanted on the both kidnappers’ and killers’ lists.
Thankfully there’s a new crime lord in town with a penchant for altruism.
And honestly, this is gonna benefit them both! Dick’s got the money to pay him and Hood’s got the manpower and brute strength to act as his bodyguard, not to mention the added benefit of helping the man turn Crime Alley into something… well, something with less crime! It’s a perfect plan!
Now Dick’s just gotta convince the Red Hood of that, too…
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tangledinink · 10 months
i need more comic creator/writer friends that i can play pretend with. i wanna wave my little turtle boys together with someone like they're little dolls. i want more cross-dimensional turtle playdates. let's discuss what your kids and my kids would get up to together if we put them in situations.
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utilitycaster · 3 months
if a ship has under 10 fics and someone's read every single one they are valid. If it has under 50 fics and someone's read every single one it's a little intense but also pretty valid. when people are like "THIS SHIP HAS 2000 FICS AND I'VE READ EVERY SINGLE ONE" you KNOW you are dealing with someone with zero standards and whose comprehension of the characters is mostly a vague amalgam/projection of the ghosts of blorbos past. Which is like, a valid way to engage if that's what makes you happy, but you do not want to read their meta.
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kevinsdsy · 29 days
i need to know which one of the backliners was shadowing kevin during their match so bad bc i want to know who decided to just sit down to shake their hands 😭😭😭😭
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tatck · 1 year
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Doodles while waiting for night to pass in minecraft
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thatbendyfan · 1 month
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zuka and rocket from this au in my history notes:)
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msphagime · 2 months
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Dragon Hunter Infiltration Arc
Viggo had wasted no time after the pleasantries, questioning her on things she had not thought known by anyone. He held her gaze. If she looked away, she knew, it would be a weakness, an admission. She took a deep, shuddering breath. She looked to the floor. "The reasons for your suspicions are just... Sir." Heather mumbled as mist glazed her eyes. "I have, indeed, been acting out of line." Before her, sitting easy, Viggo smiled gently. "Why so, my dear?" "I have come here... I've joined the Hunters with ulterior motives." She clutched her skirt, watched as her pale fingers turned ghostly white at the knuckles; her breath hitched. "I've come to kill my brother."
Messy sketches + Value practice
A rare time that Heather is the A plot <3
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
prank gone wrong (viral!) (steddie)
Eddie’s been someone’s dirty little secret before.
He’s got a type, okay? Unfortunately hot jocks are often the type of asshole to get sucked off behind the bleacher and then turn around and spit in his face about it. Going right back to their friends to talk shit about what a freak Eddie is, never mind the fact that his mouth still tastes like their nasty fucking jizz. He’s used to it by now. Used to people who pretend they barely know each other. He’s not asking they parade their relationship for the whole town to see, just someone who doesn’t pretend they’re strangers. Is that too much to ask? 
He’s so fucking stupid. He really thought this time would be different.
Steve Harrington barreled into his life like a goddamn train and Eddie’s been derailed ever since.
The first time he met Steve he was six. Eddie still lived with his mom, and she took him to the park, where he met a little boy who wrinkled his nose and told him he smelled bad. Steve does not remember this, and turned red with mortification the first time Eddie told him
After that incredible hit to baby Eddie’s self-esteem, they didn’t interact much, existing on the periphery of each others lives. He figured it didn’t matter. Harrington was a year under him, and a douche besides. Was ready to leave town from the moment he learned to walk. As soon as he graduated, he could finally get the hell out of this place and never think about the assholes he went to school with again.
His mom leaves. His dad gets arrested. He moves in with his Uncle Wayne, who only has one bedroom in his trailer and won’t take no for an answer when he gives it to Eddie. 
Eddie doesn’t graduate.
(Harrington comes back to school different after Byers beats him up. Eddie doesn’t notice. He’s got bigger things to worry about.)
They don’t talk in Eddie’s second run of senior year either. He hears the gossip, sees him come to school with stitches in his forehead and no girlfriend. Still, it’s none of his damn business. He rolls his eyes at the rumors and stays far away from Billy Hargrove.
Steve Harrington graduates. Eddie doesn’t.
And this is where his careful distance falls apart.
It’s the mall’s fault of course. What isn’t? Businesses closing down, rent going up, his resolve crumbling. All over some fucking ice cream. God, Eddie should have just turned around. Left the store and the mall and the entire damn town behind. 
He’s aware he’s being melodramatic, but in his defense he’s queer in Indiana. He has a right to be. 
Anyways, the point is that Eddie saw Harrington’s little blue shorts and red lips and cannot be held responsible for what happened after. 
(They fucked. That’s what happened. They fucked, and kept fucking, and then after the mall burned down Steve showed up on his doorstep with suspiciously placed bruises and his coworker and looked at Eddie with pleading eyes. He didn’t even bring Robin home to her parents like a sensible person, just insisted on having her there because they were a package deal now and couldn’t be separated. Like puppies, Robin said when he looked at her. Last he checked, she wanted to bite Steve’s head off, and now they were attached at the hip?
He got used to it quickly. He had to. She comes on half their dates. Steve’s lucky he’s so cute.)
Now, nearly five months after Steve served him ice cream for the first time, he feels his heart shatter in the Hawkins High parking lot. 
“Harrington,” Dustin shouts, and it carries across the empty lot. Steve’s head jerks up and he waves, Robin standing beside him. “Steve, c’mere!”
Steve tilts his head. “What?”
“Come. Here.” Dustin repeats, enunciating clearly. Mike and Lucas look at him like he’s insane. So do Gareth, Jeff, and Chuck. 
Steve, who is standing a mere 20 feet away, turns to Robin and says something that makes her snort. Eddie can practically hear his bitchy murmur. 
“Is that Harrington’s girlfriend?” He hears Gareth ask. He has to swallow his laughter. 
“Yes,” Dustin says.
“No,” Mike corrects. 
“He won’t admit anything, but he always has a bunch of hickies and stuff after hanging out with her,” Lucas clarifies, because half the time when Steve says he’s hanging out with Robin he's actually with Eddie. The fact that Robin is usually still there is irrelevant. Marking up his boyfriend is one of his favorite pastimes. He refuses to let his boyfriend’s “soulmate” get in the way just because she refuses to sleep in one of the Harrington’s fancy guest rooms like a normal person unless he kicks her out. The way they both pout at him for it is fucking ridiculous. He ends up giving in half the time, and then lies awake and cold on the very edge of the bed because Robin starfishes her way across the rest and Steve is a blanket hog. 
The first time he tried giving Steve a hickey as some kind of dominance move for privacy, Robin stared him dead in the eye and didn’t back down. 
“I can do that too,” she said, and promptly bit Steve on the shoulder. Steve, who was shirtless and already slightly dazed from Eddie’s ministrations, let out an honest to God squeak. Like a dog toy. Eddie and Robin both stared at him before breaking into loud cackles that had a blushing Steve yelling at them before finally burrowing under the covers and refusing to come out. Needless to say, Eddie didn’t get laid that night. 
“Harring-ton,” Dustin whines. 
“I’m literally right here. You come here.”
He did, if only to grab Steve by the wrist and drag him to where everyone else was standing. Steve squawks. “When we’re late for dinner with Ma, I’m telling her it was your fault—“
“I want you to meet everyone!”
“I went to school with them!”
“Yeah, but they think you’re still a dick,” he says, as if they’re not standing right there. Steve is similarly engrossed in their conversation, not even noticing that Dustin’s stopped walking. 
“They can think whatever—“ he walks right into Eddie and lets out a startled oof. Eddie, who let it happen, catches him as he flails. 
“Well hello to you too,” he says, not bothering to hide his amusement. 
Steve looks at him with wide eyes, gaze dropping down to his lips before whirling around and snapping, “Henderson!”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“I didn’t do anything,” Lucas mimics under his breath, ducking behind Steve when Dustin turns around with the fury of a thousand suns in his eyes. 
He just stands there, hands on his hips as the kids bicker around him. 
“Oh, so now we can talk?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Steve asks, brow furrowed like he doesn’t know exactly what he’s talking about. 
Eddie can’t help but laugh, a sharp sound that makes Steve jump. “What do you think it means, Harrington? You never want to talk to me in front of the kids! Don’t want to dirty your hands with the Freak in public, I guess.”
“I…what are you talking about?”
[no talkie henderosn]
“What?” His eyes get wide, panicked, as he reaches for Eddie. “Eddie, that’s not—you have to know that’s not what I meant by that. I never meant it like that!”
“Then how did you mean it?”
Steve mumbles something he can’t make out. 
“Speak up, sweetheart.” It comes out mean, he knows it does, but he’s feeling a little mean right now. Lashing out like a wounded animal just because his boyfriend didn’t want to talk to him in public. 
Actually, when he puts it that way, he remembers he’s justified. 
Steve says something again, still incomprehensible. Eddie rolls his eyes. “If you can’t stop mumbling, I’ll just leave.”
That does the trick. “I thought we were playing a prank on Henderson together!” 
Eddie gapes at him. “What?”
“I thought,” he repeats, running an anxious hand through his hair, “we were pretending not to know each other to mess with the kid. Eddie, baby, you’ve gotta know I wouldn’t have done it if I’d known you were hurting. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t I…” This can’t be real. He’s been agonizing for months, and for what? A prank? Just some stupid, shitty prank Steve thought he was in on? He’s going to jump off the quarry. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have had so much fun with that!”
“I thought you knew!”
“How would I have known? I can’t read your mind!”
“You can sometimes,” he says, pouting. Eddie wishes they weren’t in the middle of an argument, he wants to kiss those lips so bad. 
He groans into his hands. “It’s significantly easier to tell when your boyfriend wants to fuck than it is to read ‘Hey, let’s play a prank on this twelve year old,’ on someone’s face, sweetheart.”
“I guess,” Steve huffs. Then his face softens. Eddie lets himself be drawn in by the wrist, helpless in the face of his sweet smile. “We can stop,” he promises, swaying in close enough for his breath to ghost across Eddie’s lips. “We could walk into Hellfire tomorrow holding hands, if you wanted to. Anything you want, just say the word.”
“How would we walk into Hellfire? It’s at your house.”
Steve pinches him for that. 
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if somebody has already done this PLEASE tell me bc i would love to read/indulge in anything like this
but like,,
dca x reader fic where reader is a prince/princess and sun and moon are the royal jesters and it’s a forbidden love type deal
could end in their love being accepted, could end in them running away together, or a secret third thing!
i’ve also been picturing sun and moon as animatronics still, idk how that would work but it could!
basically the whole idea boils down to
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supranatra · 6 months
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Woah. Sefikura nekomimi nonsensical au be upon you.
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villruu · 5 months
Fake amnesia with Alex and Jay?
send me a reverse trope and MH characters & I'll write something for it
On AO3
At first struggled w this one (couldn't decide between who was the fake amnesiac) and then this came to mind and i may do another oneshot about this lmao?
Alex woke up, for once, not wanting to die.
It was a novel feeling, to be honest. Waking up without having that deep dread rooted inside him, eating him from the inside out, without feeling like he was being observed, like he was about to become prey. Waking up and just feeling… nice.
He could hear the sound of someone in his kitchen, the sound of pots being moved and the old fridge being opened and closed and opened and closed. And, while usually, that would be enough to make him grab the gun he hid underneath his pillow, today, it just merely made him snort fondly and get up, pausing to even yawn and stretch.
How could he be worried, when he knew exactly who was inside his house? He had been the one to invite him yesterday.
The mere memory of yesterday was enough to make Alex smile, feeling giddy and happy in a way he hadn’t felt in ages.
This was the perfect opportunity, the perfect chance to at least make sure nothing bad happened, to at least keep one person alive. He just had to make sure the other didn’t find his computer or where he had been staying, and it would be okay. With no clues, the other would have no other option but to leave.
When Alex entered the kitchen, he couldn’t help the amused snort upon seeing Jay startled and fumble with something at his appearance, probably a pan or a mug knowing how clumsy Jay was.
“You slept okay?” He asked, leaning against the counter.
“Oh! Uh, yeah,” Jay nodded nervously, turning around to pour himself some coffee, “Thanks, by the way, for letting me stay. I, uh, I didn’t know where I would have gone.”
“Of course you could stay,” Alex said, grabbing a mug to pour himself coffee too, “Didn’t have any luck with your phone?”
“Uh, no, not really,” Jay mumbled, fidgeting with the shirt Alex had loaned him, frowning nervously at his shoes.
“Damn, that’s a shame dude,” Alex commented mildly, like he hadn’t been the one to crack open the phone and carefully pry away parts of the hardware so it wouldn’t work, “Was the chip okay, at least?”
“I don’t, I don’t think so,” Jay grimaced, clutching tightly his mug, “I, um, I have no idea why. Maybe I broke it, um, broke it before you found me?”
“Probably,” Alex said, satisfied as a smug cat internally, “Guess you’ll have to get a new one.”
“I, um, I guess so.” Jay frowned even more.
He looked pale under the white light of his kitchen, eyes sunken and bruised with eyebags.
But, Alex thought to himself, if he were in Jay’s situation he doubts he would have been any better.
…Actually, when it had been him, it hadn’t been any better, to be honest. Alex shuddered as he remembered how it had been almost a year ago, waking up one day without a single idea as to what had happened, to where he was, where was Am—
Alex shook his head, and tried to focus on Jay, who now looked at him with some strange expression.
“Any idea what you will do?” He asked, taking a sip of his coffee, “Since you, um, don’t remember the last…?”
“Four years,” Jay reminded him quietly, fidgeting, looking unnerved, “And, um, I don’t know? I thought maybe, um, walking around and trying to find clues? As to why, um, why am I here?”
No, that would be far too… dangerous. The probabilities of Jay remembering something would be too high. No. That wouldn’t do.
“Maybe you should try contacting your family?” Alex suggested gently, carefully laying a hand on Jay’s shoulder, “Maybe they have an idea as to what you’ve been up to.”
“I… Uhm. I hadn’t, uh, I hadn’t thought of, of that,” Jay stuttered, looking uncomfortable, “I…”
“From what I remember you used to call your parents every weekend back in college,” Alex said, “They probably have an idea. I doubt you have changed much since then.”
“I…um, I’ll think about it,” Jay promised him, avoiding his eyes.
The sooner he got Jay out of here, the better for everyone. 
If Jay left, then Tim would forget as well. And everything would be just fine.
And if not… Well, it would be easier to catch Jay off guard if he didn’t remember the last time they had seen each other.
Alex left the kitchen, and did not notice the knowing and weary look Jay pinned on his retreating back.
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