#phew this is what. 4 years old at this point
aiura-stan · 5 months
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old saiki k (+beastars) sketch compilation!
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stubz · 11 months
I saw a bunch of humans are space orcs, and humans are feared by aliens, etc. and want to add to it.
Kid centre for all alien children/younglings run by humans.
-"Human Kim! Are you all right? Do you seek medical aid??"
"I'm okay! ...why do you ask?"
"You just got bit by Zyz! I'm so sorry, I've told him to not do that with others but-!"
"Hey, it's okay. Look, these things happen and I know that's just your species' way of showing affection. Just tell him to ask next time and to not bite too hard."
"... 'these things happen' .... 'tell him to ask next- human Kim has this happened to you before?!"
"Oh lots of times! I used to work at a daycare on earth before this. Now, you wanna talk about bites let me tell you about Penny, she was a biter. So was my nephew but that was him stimming. I just asked that he get my attention first so as to not startle me."
"Is this the same Penee who gave you 3 stitches?"
-"Human Kim, thank you for helping Pollix become comrades with the other younglings! May I ask how you did it so I may use it in the future?"
"Of course! It wasn't anything special really, we just wrestled which caught the attention of the other kids and soon enough they were cheering for Pollix to win. Then after that Xw and a few others asked Pollix to teach her how to wrestle as well." they finished with a smile.
"I-I thought play wrestling and fighting was encouraged among young tighalax. I am so sorry if I did something wrong-!"
"Human Kim, you could have DIED."
"Tighalaxes have what you call drugs in the points of our tails and one cut should drive you insane. Not only that but we, as younglings, should be nearly twice your body weight. And at this age have yet to control our strength!"
"Ooh so that's why I felt high! Phew! I thought I accidentally ate my weed muffin instead of the regular one, and we can't have that."
"You felt 'high'?"
"Yeah but only for 10 minutes, luckily I usually just get tired and relaxed when high. And for the weight strength part, I grew up babysitting all of my younger siblings and cousins. My child carrying records are 5 4-6 year olds, 4 7-12 year olds, 3 teenagers, and 2 childish giants who are somehow 21 this year."
"...any chance I can bribe you to quit and come work for me and my pack?"
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klunsgod · 3 months
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Fanverse (and FNaF World) designs. i believe... that's the end of the designs. obviously, like, drawings of those designs will come at a later point. maybe Reupload Gonanza again.
ha ha... probably not.
if you like, my Read More has a lot of my hopeful thoughts on the Fanverse
what a terrible initiative
promoting fans of yours into a much higher ladder of power in the fanbase is a recipe for disaster. the rush of excitement is definitely there at the beginning, but you're ultimately giving unqualified people a lot of power.
with all eyes on them, scrutiny on their actions are much more prevalent. this is very troublesome for a lot of reasons, but it's definitely brought some good. Jonochrome being exposed as a predator would've happened much later if he didn't get Fanverse-promoted.
what this has also caused is a lot of in-fighting. Cawthon says this is "Wave 1" of the Fanverse, so naturally a lot of inexperienced know-it-alls try and up their fangames in hopes of getting picked for the next Waves. give it more lighting, add more detail, make it more cinematic. the standards for a fangame in the fnaf community have risen dramatically, alienating up-and-coming developers and, at worst, causing simpler fangames to be criticized for daring to be simple.
heads will try and gain more power, to be recognized and gain the promise of having your fangame be picked by Scott and be profitable with merch and console releases -- fame, essentially. so they start scheming; gain information for more manipulation. while the fault still lies on the individuals, The Pear wouldn't have happened if not for the holy grail that is the Fanverse Initiative. part of The Pear initially worked because some games by those developers were considered for Wave 2.
i've talked with someone in contact with a leaker that's part of the Fanverse and the picks for Wave 2 were just dreadful. a PG version of Dayshift at Freddy's? come on. good thing Dialtown came out and DirectDoggo could branch out to be an original developer.
that's another thing. your original work can still be profitable without Scott's permission, and the Fanverse has blinded them all from that chance. Playtime with Percy managed to sell plushies, Shipwrecked 64 used to be a FNaTI fangame. your hard work and all profits will go to just you, and not be shared with the 40-year-old Texan that will use the money earned from your characters to donate to candidates you don't agree with.
Candy, Popgoes, Flumpty, they're all original characters that these indie devs could profit from outside of the Freddy brand. The Joy of Creation is the only thing that's forced to be inside of the Fanverse, and what a tragic thing because that's the only game in the Fanverse i honestly am excited for.
phew, okay...
yeah i am not excited for the rest of the slate. Flumpty's 3 could only be celebrated for a short while, but now you can only celebrate it with a giant asterisk hanging above your head so you can't even jump for joy. its Console release is in limbo because nobody at Clickteam wants to release the Games Made By a Pedo.
Candy's 4 has shown literally nothing to bite on, and recent scrutiny placed on the previous three games (lackluster gameplay with a disproportionate focus on story cutscenes) makes the 4th game worrying to look forward to. side content is nothing to be excited about.
despite promises of being different, POPGOES Evergreen sounds like the original 2016 POPGOES and relies on those initial fans being invested rather than bringing in a new audience, causing a static war between the parasocial fans and dickhoppers to anything Carter might say. side content is nothing to be excited about.
myPOPGOES is also just ripped off of a Radiance Team shitpost game, which is extremely funny because Radiance Team is blacklisted from the Fanverse. so imagine getting money off of a game made by a team who aren't allowed the same privileges
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and Freddy's Plus is canceled after being run by someone with the mentality of a middle schooler who still thinks it's cool to be rude to the detriment to the friends around him. right now people are desperately tripping themselves to try and "finish" Plus, but they don't have that middle schooler mindset, that vision, that true drive to one-up whatever you're shitting on, so any recreation is moot. side content has been removed; no excitement there.
i would've shat on Joy of Creation, but Nikson has recently started development and has made an incredible amount of progress in the time he's been back. an actual demo of a stage will be released in early August, isn't that incredible? side content is... not there at all, and yet excitement can be found.
so in summary: hopeless, very hopeless. except the Nikson game. surrounding that is hopeless.
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Another Ava prompt!
Ava doesn't call Tim dad but either 'baby' or 'tim' because Lucy calls him that!
Phew! I’m sorry this one took so long but I finally got inspiration! I hope you like it!
Ava doesn't call Tim dad but either 'baby' or 'tim' because Lucy calls him that!
Or 4 times Ava doesn’t call Tim dad +1 time she does.
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I know a girl; she puts the color inside of my world
“Hi Tim.” Says a small voice behind Tim. Tim frowns and turns around in his seat to see four year old Ava staring up at him innocently.
“What did you call me?” He asks her utterly confused. Ava giggles and then plops down on the floor where her toys are laying.
“I call you Tim!” She says happily. Tim stares at her, her blue eyes wide as she looks up at him innocently.
“Why don’t you call me dad?” He asks and Ava shrugs her shoulders.
“Mommy calls you Tim.” She says. “It’s your name.” Tim stares down at her utterly perplexed.
“Okay but baby mommy can call me Tim. You call me dad or daddy.” He says. It’s not like she hasn’t called Tim dad before. It was to his dismay, her fourth word. After shit, mama and pup.
“But why?” Ava asks. “Why Tim?”
Tim sighs and lifts Ava up and puts her on his hip. “That’s what grownups call me.” He says gently.
“So when I’m a grownup I can call you Tim?” She asks and he sighs wondering how he can explain this to a four year old, a very stubborn and strong willed four year old at that.
“No. You will still call me dad.” He says and Ava’s face scrunches up.
“But I would be a grownup and I can call you Tim!” She says. Tim rubs his hands over his face knowing he probably won’t get anywhere with this today.
He goes to work the next day thinking about how he can get Ava to call him dad again. Her calling him Tim was so out of the blue.
“Something wrong Tim?” Angela asks waving a hand in front of his face. He smacks it away.
“Ava called me Tim yesterday.” He says.
Angela laughs and Tim glares at her. “That’s your name though.” She points out. Tim rolls his eyes. “You are no help.” He grumbles and turns away to walk away. Maybe it was a one time thing.
The next time Ava calls him something other than dad is when she’s dancing in the kitchen while he makes breaking. She is twirling around with her princess doll when she bumps into his leg causing him to drop an egg on the floor, and breaking it. Tim sighs as Ava continues to twirl around the kitchen unaware of what just happened.
“Ava!” Tim scolds and she stops and looks up at him her eyes wide.
“Sorry babe!” She says quickly and he frowns at the word babe.
“What did you just say?” He asks and Ava tilts her head at him.
“I’m sorry!” She says and tears well up in her eyes. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” But Tim shakes his head at her, still trying to digest what she said. “No. What did you call me?”
Ava blinks up at him. “Babe.” She says. Tim stares down at her like he did when she called him Tim.
“Sweetheart. Where did you hear babe from?” He asks her and he swears Ava rolls her eyes at him.
“Mommy! She calls you babe all the time.” Ava says. And Tim smiles a little despite himself.
“What’s wrong with calling me dad?” He asks. Ava shrugs her shoulders.
“Because you are babe.” She says. “And Tim.” Tim sighs and shakes his head knowing he needs to talk to Lucy about this later.
“Ava isn’t calling me dad.” He says to her as she lays Daisy down in her crib. She bends down to kiss their daughter before looking up at him.
“What is she calling you?” Lucy asks. Tim moves forward to kiss Daisy on the forehead.
“Well first it was Tim. And then she called me babe today.” He says and he frowns when Lucy starts laughing.
“It’s not funny Luce!” He says as they leave the nursery. “It’s bad enough her fourth word was dad. Now she won’t even call me that!”
Lucy shuts the door and turns to him. “Baby, she’s four years old. She says whatever she hears. It’s just a phase. She will be back to calling you dad in no time.” Lucy says.
Tim sighs. He sure hopes she’s right.
A few days later, Tim is picking Ava up from preschool and when she sees him she squeals and runs into his arms.
“Hi baby!” She says burying her face into his shoulder. Tim stands up with her in his arms.
“Hi Sweetie.” He says and she pulls back to look at him a big smile on her face. “Ava, did you hear mommy call me baby?”
Ava nods and Tim moves her to his hip and picks up her backpack. “She said it outside Daisy’s room the other night.” Ava says. “She calls you baby all the time!”
“Yeah she does huh?” Says Tim trying to stay calm and not seem upset. “But Aves why don’t you just call me dad or daddy?”
Ava shrugs and lays her head down on his shoulder. “Mommy doesn’t call you dad or daddy.” She points out. “Why do I have to?”
“I’m not mommy’s dad sweetheart and I am your dad so it just makes sense.” He says although he’s not sure how much sense it’s making to his four year old who once she puts her mind to something she won’t give it up. And this is apparently one of those things.
Ava looks at him and shrugs. “I like calling you other names.” She says. “It fun!”
Tim sighs as they walk out the doors of the preschool. It was just a phase. It was just a phase.
A few days after she calls him baby, Ava is at the station with Tim while he drops something off. She’s pulling him ahead so she can get to Angela. “Come on, sexy!” She says impatiently tugging on Tim’s hand. Tim stumbles a little bit over his feet, he gapes at Ava before standing to his feet and staring down at her.
“Excuse me?” He asks her. She sighs and puts her hands on her hips.
“I said come on!” She says stomping her feet. “You are slow!”
“No you said come on sexy.” He says. “Where in the world did you hear that?”
Ava sighs loudly glancing over her shoulder at Angela who is now watching them, a amused expression on her face.
“Mommy called you it the other night in your room.” She says. “I was going potty and when I was going back to my room I heard her say hi sexy.”
Tim gapes at her a little perplexed and mortified that his daughter heard that. He wasn’t even sure where to start with that one. Lucy never really called him that but they were doing stuff the other night.
“What were you doing in there?” Ava asks him suddenly getting Tim out of his trance. “I heard a lot of noises.”
Tim grimaces and takes his daughter’s hand leading her out, ignoring Angela’s laughter behind him.
“Ava called me sexy today.” Tim says to Lucy as they brush their teeth. Lucy nearly chokes and spits before she’s staring at Tim with wide eyes.
“I’m sorry.. what?” She asks him. “Where did she hear that?”
“You.” He says and Lucy stares at him for a few minutes. “She heard it when we were in our room and you said hi sexy.”
Lucy gapes at him and she flushes red. “D-did she hear anything else?”
“She heard noises and wanted to know what we were doing in there.” Tim says. “Do you think it’s still a phase?”
“Tim, she’s four. She doesn’t know what she is saying. She heard me say and thinks it’s okay.” Lucy says coming over and wrapping herself around him. “This is the kid whose first word was shit. Of course she’s going to say whatever she hears.”
Tim sighs and kisses the top of her head. “Okay. I can’t wait for this phase to be over.” He says. “It’s like she doesn’t want me to be her dad or something.”
Lucy smiles softly and reaches up to kiss him. “Baby, I wouldn’t worry about it. She knows who her daddy is and she loves you no matter what she calls you.”
Tim sighs. He just wants to be dad again.
“Daddy.” Says a little voice behind Tim. He turns around to see Ava standing there tears in her eyes as she holds up her elbow that has a tiny cut on it. It’s bleeding a little but not too much.
“Hi sweetheart.” Tim says bending down to her level. “What happened?” Ava sniffs and comes closer to Tim.
“I-I was running and I fell.” She cries. “It hurts daddy.” Tim smiles at daddy because it is music to his ears.
“It’s okay baby.” He says gently standing up and taking her hand. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” Ava limps aside him and he raises his eyebrows at her. “I fell on my knee too.” She says sadly. And Tim looks down to see her leggings are ripped and her knee is also bleeding. He makes a soft noise and lifts her up.
“It’s okay Ava. We will get you cleaned up and then you will be good as new!” Tim says and Ava sniffs and hugs him tightly. “Okay.”
When they get to the bathroom, Tim sets Ava on the counter and pulls out some princess bandaids. And wipes the blood off her elbow and knee. He then puts the bandaids on the cuts and gives a kiss to each one.
“Daddy?” Ava says. Tim looks up at her and he smiles when he sees he’s crying.
“Yeah baby?” He asks. Ava chews on her bottom like Lucy does and then puts her hand on his cheek.
“I like calling you daddy. I won’t call you anything else.” Ava says and Tim smiles at her and hugs her lifting her off the counter.
“I like when you call me that too. Why were you calling me all those other names?” Tim asks her. Ava lays her head down on his shoulder.
“I wanted to be like mommy. She’s so cool and pretty. And you love her. And she has cool names for you.” Ava says. Tim pulls her back so he look at her.
“Your mommy is pretty great huh? I understand why you want to be like her. I do love your mom so much but I love you too Ava so much. It’s just different kind of love.” He says. Ava lays her head back down on his shoulder. Tim shakes his head and holds her close. He doesn’t think it could get better than this.
“I love you daddy.” Ava whispers. Tim smiles and kisses Ava’s cheek and carries her out of the bathroom.
“I love you too Ava bear.” He says.
“Ava called me daddy today.” Tim tells Lucy as they lay in bed that night. “Do you want to know why she was calling me all those other names?”
“Why?” Lucy asks turning to face him a smile on her face.
“Because she wants to be like you.” He says softly. “She’s says you are pretty and cool.” Lucy gets a bigger smile on her face.
“She said that?” Lucy asks in awe. Tim nods and brings her closer.
“You are pretty great.” He says. “Ava and Daisy are lucky to have you.” Lucy leans in to kiss him.
“They are pretty lucky to have you too babe. You are a great dad.” Lucy says and Tim grins as he rolls over so he was hovering over her.
“We have to be quiet.” He says. She grins up at him and pulls his face down to kiss her. They could be quiet…Tim sighs happily. He never thought this would be his life but he’s so grateful for it.
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edogawa-division · 6 months
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ARB Birthday Special 2024: Kanra Akemi
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~~ March 14th ~~
“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.”
Login Lines:
“Oh hey! Sorry! I don’t have time to chat! I'm kinda running from the cops right now!”
“What's this for? A gift for me? Oh, it’s my birthday today! Thanks! I almost forgot! *loud sirens* Ah! That's my cue! Bye!” 
Voice Lines:
“Phew! Managed to escape the cops. It would be terrible if I had to spend my birthday locked up in jail. Asserting dominance over the other prisoners gets boring after a while.” 
“It may not look like it, but I’m turning 18 today! …Well that's what everyone says, but I think saying I'm 4 now is much better…not like anyone will understand it….no one ever does.”
“I always thought becoming an adult would mean I don’t know feeling different, but here I am still feeling the same.”  
“P̸̱̫̈͋̎L̵̬̀̆E̵̗̟̜͑̿Ḁ̸͛̔͘͜S̴͎̟̞̍͝Ẹ̶͈̈́ ̷͎̙̭̆̂S̶̻̟̃̒̌T̴̤͓̯̈́͛Ó̴̢̳̙̏̿P̸͖̝̝̈́̋!̵̭̖̓̕ ̵̰̕̕I̴̖̒̇T̵̡͑ ̷̙͚̬̿Ḧ̷̻̖̗́̌Ṳ̶̫͉̎̍Ŗ̵̛́͝T̴̫̓Ŝ̴̨̫̫̈́!̸̩̝̝̽͐̚ ̷̢̿̕G̵̡̻̫̓̓Ḙ̸̖̀T̵̢̝̗̐ ̸͓̐̎Ą̸̲̖̐́̉Ẉ̷̂̓A̵̻͆Y̸̧̘̼̽̃̃ ̷͔̤́̀̌F̶̨̨̿R̷̝̝̜͂Ő̴̡̪̯̒̕M̷̳̹̻͋̿ ̷͇͐̄͜͝ͅM̷̖͔̣͑E̵͓̲̞͂͘!̸̦̖̚͘ ̸̨̗͆̏I̶̜̠͗̄̿ ̶̲̥̺̎D̸̗̍̆Ô̸̧N̸͚͙̽͋̇’̶͚̍͂̕ͅT̷͔͒ ̴̺͚̐̿W̵͚̾̇ͅA̷̧̋̃N̸̢̥̺̒T̷̢̝͕̍ ̴̤͚͗̓̓T̴̲̹̃͛̾Ó̵͈͝ ̴͚̜̓ͅD̸̩̤̆̀̚Ọ̶̧͖͊̎ ̸̰̈́̇Ť̵̛̤̙̠H̷̪̮̽͜Í̸͔̓S̸̘̩̖̐!̷̛̼̪̿ͅ”
“I had another nightmare last night. It was the same one I have every time. I’m strapped to a table, and a violet-eyed woman is hovering above me with a scalpel in her hand. …I want to k̷̔͜î̷͈l̴͉͘l̴̼͒ her.” 
“Thanks Yuriko-san! I'm finally an adult! Yuriko-saaaan, I’m not a baby anymore. You're being very sentimental today, but I know I'll always be your baby. Ooooh! What did you get me?” 
“Yes! I've been wanting a pair of Demonias for a while now and in my favorite color! Noooo, not you too! Why does everyone keep talking about my height? Level the playing…? They’d still be taller, tho! They’re giants!” 
“Hey! It's not my fault I'm tiny! Again, it's not my fault I can barely look older than an elementary school student! Are you just here to tease me about my height, Kaoru? Because Yuriko-san already did that. I swear if this is another joke that I don’t look my age, Kaoru I’m gonna hit you.”
“Kaoru, you know that Yuriko-san is gonna kill you for giving me this. Like hell, I'm telling her. I've always wanted to try alcohol and this is my chance. So I’m not wasting it. Then what was the point of giving me it? The fun part about drinking is getting drunk!”
Yuriko Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Kanra. Why look at you finally a grown adult. Where does the time fly? No, I suppose not, but you'll always be my baby no matter how old you grow. Now then I got you a little something for your birthday. I hope you enjoy it.” 
“Considering how much you like to look at their catalog, I assumed you'd like a pair. *smirks* Now, with these, at least you'll reach over 5 feet. *laughs* Now Kanra, you have to admit a good chunk of the D.R.B contestants are much taller compared to you. This will just level the playing field.”
Kaoru Lines:
“Happy Birthday, Kanra! Look at you! 18 years old and finally an adult! If only in age because you're sure not one in height. Face it, Kanra, you barely look older than 10 with that baby face of yours. Nah, I can do that any day of the year, but for now, I got you this.”  
“As far as Yuriko is concerned, I didn’t give you this. So don’t snitch. Anyway, I got you something disgustingly sweet for your first time drinking. Besides, I don't think it’s going to affect you much. By my calculation, your metabolism will burn through the alcohol before it can even get you buzzed.”
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sagiow · 1 year
15 questions
tagged by @tough-n-dumb, thanks friend!
Were you named after anyone?
Not ��after”, per se, but my dad “discovered” my name after making a new friend in the glorious Montreal Red Light Disco District... who turned out to be an Italian exotic male dancer (he never told my mom that’s where he got the inspiration from until 30-some years later)
My middle name is my mom’s because my frazzled, mid-20s, overwhelmed first-time parents hadn’t thought of one before he went to register my birth so he kinda blanked and went with hers and she was pissed off because she doesn’t  like her name.
0/2, Papa.
When was the last time you cried?
Some time in the last month.
Do you have kids?
Two, elementary school age, although the eldest is solidly in his tweens and giving me a fantastic preview of the fun years ahead.
Do you use sarcasm?
Just did, didn’t I?
Actually, much less than I used to when I was younger. Mostly for joking around  or ranting about our incompetent colleagues with my work wife.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Not to sound like a hippie on Main, but I’d say their energy? Their vibe? Some people come off as very warm, and others colder (and some, downright antipathic). Some have this bubbling, crackling energy to them, others are super chill and calm. Some have this spark of intelligence or quick wit about them, and others make you wonder if there’s anybody home. So a bit of all of that.
A smile, greeting and eye contact (can all be super quick, just acknowledge you see the other person) go a long way in giving off good vibes, so we’ll definitely start on the wrong foot if the other person doesn’t do any of those. Be polite.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t like scary / horror movies with gore and torture. I do enjoy a good ghost story (the Gothicker, the better) and some psychological horror.
Love happy endings although unhappy ones definitely inspire a lot more fanfic.
Any special talents?
I never look at the picture when doing jigsaw puzzles and WILL complete it before you do.
Where were you born?
Province of Québec, Canada
What are your hobbies?
Phew... there’s a few, and they tend to be seasonal. Summer is reading, hiking, baseball, gardening, camping. Other seasons have baking, crochet, watching TV, playing old-school computer games, and getting ready for whatever holiday or birthday is upcoming. Puzzles and writing year-round (if inspiration striked and fellow fans are around!)
Have any pets?
2 cats (and often at least another because we are a foster family to our local rescue), 2 rabbits and 4 3 chicken (found one dead yesterday after that major storm / tornado passed. Her ancient 3 year old heart couldn’t handle it. RIP Matante.)
What sports do/have you played?
Phew... there’s a few there too. I’m always down to play pretty much anything with a ball (beach volleyball! street ball hockey!), but on the other hand, will probably get my Canadian citizenship revoked at some point because I do no winter sport except for snowshoeing and some shitty skating.
I played provincial-level softball and badminton in school. I did recreational synchronized swimming, various styles of dance, varsity basketball. Now, I play softball, tennis (although my dad is aggressively trying to draft me into pickleball), try to get in a game of golf or two per summer (every addition to this sentence makes me feel 10 years older). In non-summer, I practice aikido, and love hiking, especially in the fall.
How tall are you?
5′7″, or 170cm
Favorite subject at school?
History and Drama in High School, Anthropology and some of my Forensics classes in University (”no applied science”, you ask? meh, not really. Science was me playing Life on Safe Mode).
Dream Job?
I would’ve loved to study Anthropology further and become an archeologist (although I did take one Biological / Genetic Anthro class that was absolutely fascinating and made me reconsider Things) but I’d had enough Academia back then. I wanted to get a job, stop being beyond broke, and travel.
Nowadays I get this massive urge to dump everything corporate and move someplace with shorter, kinder winters, ideally not too far from the sea, and get a bunch of goats and chicken, fruit trees and grapevines, grow a shitload of tomatoes and eggplant, bake bread daily, and write in the evenings. Just need to win the lottery first but then I’m makin’ it happen.
tagging (apologies for the double tags if you got them, I lost track) @jomiddlemarch, @tortoisesshells, @fericita-s, @combat-librarian, @divinecomedienne, @luarenah
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gren-arlio · 1 year
Episode 8 is out. Can't even believe it myself.
We did it boys. We reached the fake ending, and the journey...least for a bit, will come to a end. Mostly.
You see, I found other videos from different old Youtubers (AKA 5-6 years ago) with extra content for the other episodes. So when I'm done with Schezo's story, I plan to do extras for his route. Things I missed, extra text, that sort of thing. After this, I might do Arle's storyline, but yeah. 4 months of work is somewhat coming to an end soon. Next episode will be long though.
The new portraits are for Mamono, Dark Prince (Or just Satan,) and Incubus:
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And the video itself:
Nothing for the intro, just the usual "Alright, let's go inside".
Incubus Midboss: (4:10, defeat is at 10:40)
Orb Gotten and Door Stuff: (11:45 to 12:25)
Mamono Midboss: (14:50, defeat is at 18:10)
Satan Boss: (19:20, defeat is at 28:10)
Credits: (30:35, will not be translating but it's just for people to see.)
But Wait! There's More!: (33:55)
Bulletin stuff: (35:00)
Still can't believe we're at this point in 4 months. Can't wait to do extras.
With that...Enjoy.
Incubus Midboss: (4:10)
Well, well, you're here early.
I was hoping we'd have enough time for a cup of tea.
Tea? You know about that skeleton guy?
No! Me?
You seem to be lacking a sense of humor.
You seem to lack a lot more than just a sense of humor.
...Well, my hunch says that there's treasure in this room...
Seems like there's no chest with that thing in it, by the looks of it...
Don't speak to me like I'm trying to hide something. (He says "Like I'm trying to hide my feet with shoes on but man...that doesn't make much sense.)
I already have the orb.
...You also have an orb!
I see...Then there's no point of talking! If I beat you, then that orb is mine!
Seems like you're up for it. Okay! I'll play with you.
Who will the goddess smile upon, me or you...
The smile of a goddess? I'll give you something like that! (Or "I'll make you see her!"
Alright! Come on!
Incubus Defeat: (10:40)
Oh shit! I messed up! (Referencing his Puyo SUN line.)
Don't mess with me!
Orb Gotten and Door Stuff: (11:45 and 12:25)
Oh, there's an orb in here, a white one!
Alright! That makes 6 orbs.
[After getting the orb, takes a bit to get to the door.]
There's something written on here...
Door: (Doesn't say it in game but just to avoid confusion.)
He who has 6 orbs, raise them.
Orbs...I believe I have 6 of them...
(Schezo raised the six orbs.)
Okay, now we can proceed.
Mamono Midboss: (14:50)
You're...a demon! (They are.)
Don't tell me you're guarding the treasure?
I can't speak to you! Get out of the way! Move, or I'll cut you down!
Mamono Defeat: (18:10)
Phew. Jerk... [He does swear from most translations I did, ranging from bastard to bitch, but I went with the more...family friendly option.]
Satan Boss: (19:20)
Satan? So you're the boss here...
Well done, Dark Mage.
Did you enjoy my "Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Land?"
"My"? Did you create this amusement park?
Well, yeah, something like that.
That's strange...It can't be that...
W-what do you mean?
I know a place like this one.
It was another dungeon that changed shape every time you entered.
And what's wrong with that?
Here's that crystal...no...
There must be an item called an "Amazing Magic Item"!
...Crystal? How do you know that?
Maybe...you have it!?
What're you talking about?
Hiding it won't help you.
Well, well, don't be so hasty. We've come so far.
Enjoy the Puyo Puyo Dungeon until the end. However, this isn't the end just yet.
I didn't come here to play. I came here to take you out and get the treasure!
Hmmm...you're very motivated.
This'll be the last and greatest Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Land event.
The Prince of the Demon World, Satan, versus The Mage of Darkness, Schezo Wegey!
[...you can also say Prince of the Underworld.]
Satan Defeat: (28:10)
This is ridiculous...
You see, this is what I'm capable of.
I never thought I would fall behind..
What? You're back on your feet already? Are you...a monster?
You're calling the Prince of the Demon World a monster!
You're the one who's a pervert!
What the hell?
I won't be called by a pervert by you! I'll cut you down!
No...wait...you win for now.
I'll admit, I don't want to fight anymore.
(I'm pretty tired...)
Alright, if that's the case...
Shall you give me this "Amazing Magic Item"?
Whare you talking about? I know of no such things.
It's embarrassing to keep your mouth shut after of all of this...
Huh...I really don't have it.
...Well, it looks like the case. I always thought it was strange.
I don't think even you can handle the power of that crystal.
...How do you know the magic item was a crystal?
Even I didn't know what it was...Schezo, what do you know?
Huh. You don't have it. It has nothing to do with you then.
...I don't know for sure if I have one, but...
It seems like there's one in this place!
You didn't even know what the item was. That's weird.
Satan: if you don't want to believe it, that's fine by me.
But sooner or later, Arle or Rulue will find the item. Are you okay with that?
...I won't fall for that trick.
If you don't have the item, I have no further use of being here.
What a wate of time! You're an idiot!
But Wait! There's More!: (33:55)
Hm? What's that?
Mysterious Voice:
...You beat Satan.
Huh? Where are you!? Satan?
No...That's not how Satan talks.
Mysterious Voice:
Hmpf, you're looking as good as ever. You're in better shape than I thought.
Mysterious Voice:
Yes, a total of 3. 3 until you're ready.
You might want to spend time in that castle. It's not clear to you yet, but...
3 people? Qualifications? What the hell? What do you mean!?
Mysterious Voice:
You'll soon understand.
(Player kicked something like 5 seconds later)
What? You mean it's not over yet?
You don't think there's a magic item in the castle?
There's nowhere else to go. It's worth a shot.
Bulletin Board
[Ah, good old menus. As usual:
Listen <-
What do you want me to explain?
[Menu again:
Cleared Attractions
About Rare Items
About the Black Market
When in Need
Back <-
Player goes back to the other menu to go to Bulletins. It goes:
Peddler Fufufu
You Who Has a Grimoire,
Don't Throw it away! (STILL confused if they're 2 different things.)
Mysterious Castle Appears! <-]
Bulletin Board:
A mysterious floating castle appeared above the sky of Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Land!
It's full of danger and thrills! A battle full of tough enemies awaits you!
And that's it for today. Next episode might take a week or two, so heads up. Thanks for reading so far, it means a lot.
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missn11 · 2 years
Top five VtM characters that are NOT LaCroix, Ming-Xiao, or Nines ;D
@ryttu3k lol damn! XD well I'll make it harder for me by also not having vtmb characters too! XD (and that includes Beckett which is a shame since you know he would've been on this listt!)
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Jan Pieterzoon, he's at number five since the best I've read about him was in the epilogue that wasn't by Gherbod Fleming and gave me a ton of feels. I really like the idea of a Ventrue that actually believes in the noble oblige the clan is meant to have, and the struggles he has to deal with his feeding restriction and having a sire that constantly mindwipes him and tricked him into destroying things that could've protected the world from Gehenna and how angry he was when he found out the truth. I have to admit I like his potential that is expanded on in fandom rather in canon XD
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Lettow Kaminsky from vtm: nightroad, I really enjoyed Lettow as a character and romance option in nightroad, it was refreshing to have a Camarilla Prince who was both a Gangrel and also trying his damnest to do right by those he was responsible for, even when things are falling apart or when things get harder and harder to be morally good. Of course he isn't morally perfect, he still has some shadiness but that'd what you need in order to survive in the World of Darkness, though he tries to be fair especially to the courier. Also his annoyed filled banter with Juilan is really funny! XD
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D’Angelo from vtm: Coteries of New York and Shadows of New York
D' Angelo was one of the higlights of my first playthrough of Coteries and honestly for me his story was one of the strongest in that game. I love that he narrates like an old noir detective(though in this case its him narrating like the main character of his novel) and he really does try to do the right thing even when it can backfire on him and remade himself to help cope with his unlife. He really is interesting and would love to see more of him in later games or in the New York by Night web series.
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Ecaterina the Wise more specially from Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, although her place in vtm canon is really interesting too. I found Ecaterina an really interesting character in seeing how a person's idealism can take them into some messy places, and her understandable hatred does leave her to joining the Sabbat(which at the beginning weren't so bad but got worse as time went on). She definitely has the scholarly mindset of the older Brujah while also having the passion of the younger Brujah. In the dark ages parts of Redemption she was a sort of good sire to Christof (despite embracing him against his will and all) but its interesting how the years had changed her so much where to the point when they reunite in the modern nights, (we find out in the 'Bad ending' of Shadows of New York) she has Christof break Hana's jaw so she could be Ecaterina's double which is all kinds of screwed up.
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Julia Sowinski from vtm: shadows of new york
Julia is one of the most interesting and relatable protagonists I've played in a vtm game where you don't get to design your character. From her depression, her struggles in the world of darkness and her slowly troubled relationship with her human girlfriend Dakota, I couldn't help but feel for her and relate a little as well. I also enjoyed her sarcastic humor and her observations of the world around her, her interactions with the other characters, her banter and relationship with Qadir al-Asmai was the most enjoyable. There is a lot I could say but that would be getting into too many spoilers and I still need to play through the 'Good ending'
Phew, that was tricky but I hope this answered your question and this was fun to think through why I like each character a lot.
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alena-reblobs · 10 months
Why not: A CCS reread, Part 3
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It's saturday and I cannot stop myself from reading more. Time to go on with Chapter 13!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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I'm just now catching on the resemblance of Nadeshiko to Kotoki from X...
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Batting Fujitaka with a stick because for heaven's sake you don't hit on your students, ESPECIALLY when they are still under 18. And not with these cheesy lines, too, sigh.
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Oh Tomoyo, you're so dear to me <3 I met her first when I read Tsubasa Chronicles, because I read Cardcaptor Sakua later (I don't even know when the anime aired in Germany. Probably way before my time) It was nice seeing her here in the story where she originates and where her character can be more child and follow her hobbies (cause tsubasa is a bit darker in its theme)
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Saving this for reference for when I might want to photoshop something stupid onto the newspaper
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Loving the little "yikes" at the size of the bread :DD
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I definitely forgot about this woman and that she and Touya had been..a thing? (Geez. I try not to think too much about the ages of the characters in CLAMP works)
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You know what, I would have loved to get to know Shaoran's siblings!
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Hihihihihi *giggling and kicking my feet*
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Awww he's so cute when embarrassed
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Sometimes it's a wonder how oblivious Yukito can be.
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oooh I'm saving this for a drawing reference because I want to try to imitate this beautiful light effects! Gonna try with ink if I find time.
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No, Fujitaka, when an adult man offers your 10 year old daughter some tea and biskuits and invites her to come over the other day, you don't just smile and tell her to go back. I'm shaking my head here very disappointedly. (I know it's a childrens' story so it isn't supposed to be taken that seriously, but if you try to look at it from an older perspective? Phew :D Some choices are really dubious.) (I'm only making fun of this, I'm still very much enjoying this manga. It's just interesting to see how different you can see things once you are NOT the target audience's age anymore) Oh yeah I forgot Fujitaka probably knows the man is Nadeshiko's grandfather, but my point still stands. Ch20:
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I'm at the screen play now, and Yamazaki really is the perfect cast for that role hehe
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You know I really like drawing style with the no hatching, and the light greytones. Normally we don't see shadows really so scenes like this with dark and light really stand out more. Also I think, this drawing style of the manga might look easy, because it's just outlines, and they are all the same line weight mostly...but I've seen other mangas trying to do it like this and I feel like they didn't pull it off this well. I'm wondering, if you don't really use grey tones to give your characters and objects depth, then at LEAST you gotta have a good feeling for shapes and panel arrangement and such to make it all work.
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Good to see that the Light and Dark cards are just your average sweet lesbian couple. Good for them! *thumbs up*
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I think I want a fic with Touya working at the most obscure places.
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Touya: Bitch, don't be giving me love advice when you're the one who broke up. Sooo this is long enough for a post! Time to make a new one! :)
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racheljsk · 1 year
Week 4 Tumblr Case Study
Blogging My Feelings Away
It’s the year 2014. Every teenager is blasting Halsey’s ‘Badlands’ album while scrolling through Tumblr. The aesthetic pictures, the dark yet pretty poems that expressed how a heartbroken teenager felt, everyone loved to blog their feelings away during that era.
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"But wait, what is blogging?"
A blog is like a digital diary, instead of writing it on paper, we would write it on blogging platforms such as Tumblr. Besides yourself, anyone can participate in making entries in your blog or even just read them, so I guess you can say that it is not really a diary (because most of the time, diaries are a secret you know). Now back to teens on Tumblr, technically they know more about Tumblr so naturally, it makes them good at digital strategy. For example, user Pizza hit 100, 000 followers on Tumblr after more than 2 years on the blogging platform. From posting party outfits pictures to funny one-liners, she had a whopping 90,000 followers, earning her fame in her circle. That all happened at the end of 2012, the same year she turned 15 years old.
Speaking of Tumblr, it was officially launched in February 2007 and gained over 75 000 users in 2 weeks. After 2 months after Tumblr launched its first major brand advertising campaign with Adidas, which launched an official soccer Tumblr blog and bought placements on the user dashboard, Tumblr announced that it would be moving towards paid advertising on its site.
Phew, that was a lot of history, now moving on to what you can do on this platform (think of this post as an intro to Tumblr). Of course, we can blog anonymously, that is. Unlike Facebook or Instagram, we don’t have to put our real names, therefore creating a safe space for many marginalised groups. (You can talk about how much you like Levi Ackerman and not get judged because no one knows who you really are, people only know you as that one Levi Tumblr account).
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Tumblr is a relatively public place to blog your feelings away as users do not need to follow each other to see their contents and users cannot tell when someone is online as the date and time stamps are not prioritised. Lastly, did you know that Tumblr was one of the first social media sites to use hashtags as a community building tool? (I didn’t either until I read the module).
Speaking of building a community, there are 5 stages of building a community on a blog. The first stage is simply you. The way you write your blogs and express yourself in a way that is relatable and can make you gain readers. This leads to stage 2 which is readers engaging with you. This is when your readers share their feedback, by leaving comments and you as the blogger, need to take the initiative to respond to them hence engaging with your readers. Not only do your readers engage with you but they can also engage with one another, which brings us to stage 3. At this stage, this means that you have a much deeper level of community engagement than you did when you were the central point of contact for everyone. Moving on to stage 4, when you see your readers engaging with one another, they like the things that you wrote and decided to tell other people about it. The more followers you have, the bigger your blog will become and soon your loyal followers will become moderators for the discussion forums in your blog. Lastly, stage 5, is engagement. This is when you as the blogger are still there, but interactions and relationships go on.
In conclusion, Tumblr is a place where people blog their feelings away.
Misman, N 2023, ‘MDA 20009 Digital Communities Week 4 Digital Community and Blogging: Tumblr Case Study’, MDA20009 Digital Communities, Learning materials via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 13 April, viewed 2 May 2023.
Reeve, E 2016, ‘The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens’, The New Republic, 17 February, viewed 2 May, <https://newrepublic.com/article/129002/secret-lives-tumblr-teens>.
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
The Dark Picture ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Operation Drawcia Pt. 19 ~
"50 years ago in Sonic's world..."
"Stage 4 : The Doom"
[The Doom by Yutaka Minobe]
Grim : I gotta stop the Military from killing Shadow! But there's too many humans and machines that are needed to be dealt with!
G.U.N Solider : There he is! It's darn reaper again!
Grim : Out of my way, sinners!
*DBZ SFX : Slashing+Cut*
(Gun soldiers deathly grunts)
Grim : How can this happen? Why did this happened?
(cuts to Shadow and Maria)
Maria : Oh, Shadow! Why did this ever happened!
Shadow : It's Daddy issues! The Government that I was created from BAD FATHERS! I'm getting us out of here!
G.U.N Soldier : Search the Hedgehog and the Girl, find them before they escape! Take them alive
Old G.U.N Commander : (via radio) Members of G.U.N, you must locate the hedgehog and take him alive! You know what happens if you fail!
G.U.N Soldier : 10-4! It's gonna take 10 minutes to--*SLASH!* (screams in pain) My Hand! Eh?
Grim : Pay for your transgressions! *Gunshot*
ARK Researcher : Hello? Is someone there for my rescue? Oh man! the Grim Reaper!
Grim : I'm Grim the Hedgehog, the Death God of Mobius! Where did Shadow and the girl he run off with?
ARK Researcher : He went that way, Reaper!
Grim : Got it! (Runs off)
ARK Researcher : But hey, at least he healed like only 8 of us and the last two should be healed by them now!
Grim : The last two! But doesn't that make Shadow and the girl named Maria that could be the last two? I better hurry up! Gotta make it to this point!
*DBZ SFX : Slashing*
Grim : Ha! There's no strength in numbers! Only I, Grim the Hedgehog and Death God of Mobius, can outnumber them! Mere beings who committed every sin on the planet, must be punished at all costs and all who are innocent shall be spared!
Grim : Humph! Not even a challenge!
"Hours of venturing The Doom Stage later..."
Shadow : Phew! I think that's the last one. All 10 ARK researchers have been healed..
Maria : Except the part that we defeated like 35 Artificial Chaos in one setting at the Lost Impact Stage.
Shadow : Really? That's a no brainier.
(Jet Engine Roaring)
Shadow : Hey, do you hear something roaring?
[Shadow Incoming - Jun Senoue]
Heavy Dog Pilot : Mantis Platoon Heavy Dog reporting in. Primary Target and the girl have been located.
Grim : You there! STOOOOOP!
Maria : Please, Shadow! Help me!
Grim : No!
[Foolish Humans - Jun Senoue]
Grim : That does it. I have had it up with Sinners on Mobius for a long time, I already had enough of this planet problems and same goes to Black Doom! Humanity had been arrogant species since Chaos flooded the entire world and I was there to observe the situation that causes the events and incidents in the later past. Alright, sinner! I'll put a stop to you, if it means to pay your sins!
[G.U.N Mobile (Heavy Dog Ver.) by Jun Senoue Plays]
Shadow : Time to give it up, human scum!
Grim : I gotta stop that thing before it destroys the ARK! But I need to strip all of it's weaponry! This should work!
Grim : Nice and easy!
Heavy Dog Pilot : Critical Damage taken to fuselage! We're losing...AAAAAAARGH!
Shadow : That was easy.
Grim : Now then...where's the girl name Maria!
[Sea of Sorrow - Jun Senoue]
Shadow : Maria!
Grim : NOOOOOOO!!!
Maria : Please, Shadow. Forgive me. Everyone's fate depends on you.
Shadow : Maria! (flies down to Mobius)
Grim : Shadow! You're all gonna pay...YOU'RE ALL GONNA PAAAAAAY!!!
(G.U.N Soldiers screaming)
(scene later transits to the present)
"Mirage Road Zone...(Present Day Egypt)"
Grim (Metal Sonic) : This was probably my fault that the inhabitants of Sonic's World were stubborn and arrogant because Aliens wanted to arrive Mobius, and Robotnik will never find out why. So after the child's death, Gerald was executed and I kill the humans on Prison Island. I, A Death God of Mobius, had never been this angry towards the humans and despite of Robotnik's recklessness, I pity them for the troubles that Black Doom caused everything for shadow's life, what a messed up family he had and now I understand why Shadow wanted me to kill Black Doom.
Seto : Hey, Master. What's the matter?
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Nothing! I'm fine, that's all.
Seto : So, you couldn't save someone who was killed by other humans and they say what made them arrogant species? I had to believe that. That's what led the incidents in the Dreamcast Era that happened about 7 years ago. So I was right, although Robotnik or the other Metal Sonic did made a mess back there and they couldn't agree with you more, Master Grim. Just to believe that were on a tight schedule.
Solva : Just a reminder. We'll be happy to know it. So this is the Mirage Road Zone.
[Ethno Circus (Digital Remakin' Mix) - Hideki Naganuma]
Solva : So, come on! Let's get to the treasure first.
Seto : You're on, Solva!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : I better find out what Anubis is up to his old tricks again.
Seto : Whatever is Anubis doing, It's no surprise to search for Anubis! Ikuzo!
[montage begins]
Seto : Still anything, finding Anubis?
Solva : Keep looking! He's gotta be here somewhere!
(we then show the three sliding in sand)
Seto : This isn't a water slide ya know! This is only sandy water slide!
Solva : This is a bit too much!
(we then show the three in a room full of Egg Bishops and Egg Hammers)
Egg Bishop : Oh, uhh, Lord Grim! I never expected to see you here.
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Bishop. What are you doing here?
Egg Bishop : Well...Ever since Metal Sonic's crimes, I've been looking around some research at the Mirage road just to keep some heavy contact with Anubis, but personally, all information from DWMA was cut short when the Real Anubis think of that Pyramid Anubis was not his place, it's actually a base for the Heartless and it was a major set up. So Anubis destroyed the Pyramid of Anubis scheme anyway with his powers. But now that Eggman Nega is on the run, that man has gone nuts with power that is literally driven with mad power from 200 years in the future of Sonic's World.
Grim (Metal Sonic) : So that's what the man was up to. He's gotta be freaking out by now.
Egg Hammer : My lord! Terrible News! That pile of Scrap is going to destroy Anubis' treasures!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : What machinery is it, Hammer.
Egg Hammer : It appears to be a machine that looks like the sacred bug thing called the Scarab and it really rolls a ball with it, that has spikes!
Seto : Eh? A Scarab rolling a ball with spikes? Heh. Don't worry, we'll find that hunk of junk in no time.
Solva : Let's get to it!
(montage continues)
(montage ends)
Seto : Well, this is the place!
Anubis : Seto! It's been a long time! You have finally come across Egypt!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Anubis! We meet at last.
"Anubis : Egyptian God of Death"
Anubis : Grim the Hedgehog. Legendary Death God of Sonic's World, this is a fine discovery that you have an army of 100 men. Strong military stronghold that resides in the glories of old Hang Castle. Remind you one thing, Pumpkin Hill was finally free from G.U.N's Control since you drove those robots away.
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Personally, I did, and at the Aquatic Mines, I had to figure that Pumpkin Hill has an easy access to the Aquatic Mines that was abandoned along time ago. If only Humanity of Sonic's World would confess their crimes against other speices.
Anubis : You got yourself a deal. Hope I don't mind that Eggman's Base would be looking alot like Pyramid Cave, it used an ancient tomb home to the pharaoh before Eggman changed it. Now, understand that I confess Black Doom would easily get the glory from him. If anyone is feeding us bull...(Seto gives Anubis a look) I mean..."Bogus" stuff about what's gonna happen to this world from the influence of Maka Albarn.
Solva : So where's the machine that is going to destroy your treasures?
Seto : Like behind us.
[The Crawler Tank (Stage 3 Boss) - Sota Fujimori]
Seto : More importantly! It's going to squash us with that spiky ball! Don't worry, I'll take it easy with my own eyes on this mechanical monster!
Solva : Whatever you do, don't get hurt! It'll be easy as pie! So, good luck out there and get a good clean--
Solva : [To Anubis] Certainly, I think it has something to do with the ball that is going to hurt Seto. Wait, if the Seto can hit the ball back to the scarab, that's the weakness she must defeat! [To Seto] Seto I finally figured it out how to stop that thing! The only way to defeat the scarab is that you must kick the ball back to hit in it's own face! It's how their attacks turn against them.
Seto : Alright, got it covered, Solva.
Solva : You did?
Seto : That's when I realized I had to defeat this thing so easily. (the Egg Scarab is shown being destroyed after she defeated)
Solva : ...Never mind.
Seto : Alright, time for me to find out who or what is controlling! (knocks on the window) Alright, scientist! Come on out with your hands up!
*hatch open*
Neoshadow : (falls on the floor) Bleh!
Seto : Huh? What the--A heartless? So the Egg Scarab was just a decoy, a Heartless controlling it?
Solva : You're right about that, Seto. There's more than one thing that's for sure. You see, someone's using these heartless as a distraction to destroy the other heartless, what on earth is going on here?
Anubis : I'm afraid it's like this. The one man who runs Death Weapon Meister Academy is a sneaky bastard that is lurking through the shadows or hiding secrets that knows about Shinra's legacy. Behold. (snaps fingers magically to summon a mural depicting Darkside Death holding Earth in his hands)
Solva : No way! This is the real Charlatan of Soul Eater?
Anubis : Indeed, when the devil recreated his burned out world sabotaged by the great Demon Vibe, he created a heartless that will eventually goes insane with power and wants to hold the planet in the palm of his hands. All part of his plans of conquering real world AU as his own. It turns out the world of Soul Eater didn't exist. It was not meant to be created to protect witchkind, it was meant to destroy other heartless and non-heartlesses. This one wielding a powerful scythe has been using Teenagers to defeat the evil forces of Soul Eater proclaiming that it was only a diversion set up by himself, to make a fool out of Maka Albarn and the witches their selves.
[The Barrier - Yutaka Minobe]
Solva : Maka Albarn and the witches their selves? So the witches that were originated from Inca Kasugatani were...
*images flashing*
Solva : Heartless as well? That's why Kingdom Hearts debuted in 2002, so I was right and Maka Albarn would've known that Darkside Death was cleverly a heartless to make the heroes and villains of Soul World a fool out of them. They were so arrogant, and like this girl named Kimial Diehl, she knew about the truth about her past and her family's origins, she knew that Inca Kasugatani wasn't the witch of light, she was called the Witch of Darkness. What a strange phenomenon.
Seto : All of the conflicts, all of the pain, the hatred, and everything made Shotaro the Dokeshi being an arrogant charlatan that knows nothing about being a Shinigami! Only I am Shinigami, and I have proof that I have power of a Grim Reaper!
Solva : Seto...You are truly one genius! I should doubt about that you are someone's favorite girl. I know how to put a stop this, it's you are the only one who is a better Shinigami. A Shinigami that has a heart and her name is Seto. That's what you really are.
Seto : Heh, I am! A Shinigami that has a heart. Only just to be perfected as always! Hey, I bet there is some kind of rocket ship that was used to go to the ARK from Sonic's world. But there's another Space Station that the scientist built, I think it's called the Dead Line, Isn't it?
Anubis : The Space Transporter to the Space Colony ARK is located inside the room. The Mad genius himself have left some machinery to deal with.
[Way to the Ark - Jun Senoue]
Solva : True! Exactly!
Seto : Disc-Chan! We're ready!
Disc-Chan : (via radio) : You got yourself a deal! Next stop...Returning to the Space Colony ARK! (the two runs off)
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Sonic must be on his way to the Dead Line! I better get going now! Hey, Anubis! Take care of things, will ya?
Anubis : Absolutely!
(Grim Runs off)
Anubis : However, somethings in the real world can be really quite the challenge.
~ Mission 18 : Fulfillment of Death ~
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racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2013: Race 12 - Italy
si ragazzi etc etc etc
Seb's third win in Italy! But That year was also McLaren's 50th anniversary race... spoiler alert it did not go well.
I don't really remember much from this one, though I think Alonso was on the podium as well? Anyway let's jump in!
Once again going to be that person and say how I still miss the old F1 intro :(
The new one is fun and all but can you say 'nnnnneow' at the end? no you can't
Anyway, Monza v v pretty
aaaaand starting grid: SEB POLE!!!,
What the fuck is a polar bear doing in Arlington, Texas?!
(I legit had to pause to process that, wtf)
ahem, moving on: Alonso P5, Dan P7, Jenson P9, Jev P10, Lewis P12 (ouch :()
Truly that was the most whiplash I've had during a starting grid overview. Yikes.
There is something hilarious about a Ferrari powered Sauber out qualifying both Ferraris at Monza though
[Formation Lap]: ooh Lewis starting on hards, makes sense considering his starting spot (also set to be the best race tyre according to Bono on team radio).
The mediums are the other dry tyres for this race
ayyy there's some of the McLaren guys in their vintage style team uniforms (dare I say this maybe be the origin of the dress up race curse, bc I'm pretty sure both Jenson and Perez finish outside the points despite starting in the top 10).
Oh! The thermal image camera! I remember that!
svsvhfdh a Maurizio Arrivabene sighting in the Ferrari garage, two whole years before he became TP.
[Start/Lap 1]: many, many things happening in the braking zone for turn 1...
Seb had a good start though!!!
Top 10 is Seb, Massa, Webber, Fernando, Hulkenberg, Rosberg, Dan, Perez, Jev and Raikkonen
cut to Di Resta missing a front wing and out the race already
[Lap 2]: Mild violence on that first lap ngl
and there's a yellow flag somewhere
aaaaand it's gone
something about Seb driving off into the distance while war crimes happen behind him
[Lap 3]: Lewis is up to P10!!!
Not Alonso and Webber going through a chicane side by side, fellas...
[Lap 4]: Jenson down to P11 :(
oh he had an awful start that's why
[Lap 5]: Seb watch: he has a 2.6 second lead over Massa
[Lap 6]: Top 5 now Seb, Massa, Fernando, Webber and Hulkenberg
Rosberg I need you to be the superior Nico rn and get past him
...and Lewis has team radio problems (Bono can't hear him)
And Rosberg is already being asked to cool his car it is not a good day for Mercedes
[Lap 8]: A Seb fastest lap and Fernando overtaking Massa for P2 happening at the exact same time
oop Jev and Lewis are squabbling
Jenson takes advantage and takes P10!
cut to a mildly concerned Jock Clear on the pit wall
[Lap 9]: "We're monitoring right front at all times, we know it's not good" Rocky you can't just say things like that
I mean Seb is 4.5 seconds ahead of Fernando, but still
[Lap 10]: But Seb sets another fastest lap regardless, howling
[Lap 11]: Ah Lewis has caught up to the back of Jenson, maybe the hard tyres are starting to work
Cut to Seb, now 5.5 seconds ahead of Alonso
and PHEW the front right Rocky was speaking about was the tyre, not the brake
[Lap 12]: ...Lewis has a slow front right puncture
His not good quite bad Italian GP, I have no idea if his radio is still broken
oh Andrea Stella spoke to Fernando in Italian, that's fun
[Lap 13]: Lewis hasn't pitted. 🙃
Bono once again asking Lewis to pit, and the mechanics are in the pit lane.
Apparently someone from Merc was very aggressively waving Lewis' pit board so he could see it.
Why am I getting mildly anxious over a race I watched live a decade ago?! 😭
[Lap 14]: Lewis finally pits, and someone held up a sign for him while he was stationary. He's on the mediums and in 19th
His not good very bad Italian GP
[Lap 15]: At least Seb is having a good race 🥲
It's wild bc I was so unbothered about Lewis in 2013 and now I'm in distress
He's stopped on track 😭
Engine may have gone poof :(
[Lap 16]: I refer back to my earlier comment about Seb driving into the distance while atrocities occur to everyone else
Wild how a lot has gone on... while there hasn't been much actual racing
[Lap 17]: Seb now 6.5 seconds ahead of Fernando
Not a shot of Jev while his car smokes in the background 😭😭😭
oh Dan had already been announced as Seb's team mate for 2014 at this point, I could swear that was between this race and Singapore, oh well
[Lap 18]: Brundle: Speaking about how Fernando wants to get Adrian Newey on his team to be able to win WDCs sooner rather than later. Merc, about to dominate the next 7 seasons: 👀
[Lap 19]: Speaking of Merc, Rosberg how tf are you still in P6????Did you not listen when I told you to be the superior Nico???? smh
[Lap 21]: Meanwhile the frontrunners are all still to pit, which for them to do a one stop at Monza in 2013 is really quite impressive
Webber continues to chase down Massa
[Lap 22]: and Jenson pits for a set of hards, so that'll be him till the end on paper
oooh a lesser spotted for 2013 Lewis fastest lap!!
[Lap 24]: And Seb also pits for hards, he's the first of the frontrunners to do so
oh and in comes Webber too! Not quite a double stack considering their gap on track but still impressive
another Lewis fastest lap
[Lap 25]: Fernando and Andrea are continuing to chat over the radio in Italian, Crofty is twisting himself into knots trying to translate
and another Lewis fastest lap, it's like a 2014 season preview
He's in 10th though, and chasing Bottas down for 9th
[Lap 26]: So currently top 5 is: Alonso*, Rosberg*, Seb, Gutierrez* and Webber. (* = still to stop)
Lewis is up into P9!!
Hmm, Fernando has a 17.9 gap over Seb, which isn't quite big enough for a pit window
[Lap 27]: Meanwhile Rosberg pits, so Seb's now up to 2nd
This race really has been eventful and uneventful at the same time, it's wild
[Lap 28]: And Alonso finally pits while Rocky tells Seb off for going too fast
Seb re-takes the lead
Top 5 after the first/only stops: Seb, Fernando, Webber, Massa and Raikkonen
[Lap 29]: Oh damn Lewis has caught up to the back of Rosberg
aaaand Lewis got past him for P7
[Lap 31]: Raikkonen makes his second stop, he made a very early first stop due to getting damage at the start
Another Lewis fastest lap, and he's battling Hulkenberg for P6, though he may be stopping again too
[Lap 32]: His mediums are 18 laps old, so maybe the logic is to burn through them putting himself as par up the road as possible to minimise the damage from his second stop?
And while I typed that Lewis did a SEXY move through the inside of Curva Grande, he's now in 5th
[Lap 33]: Meanwhile on Seb watch, he's 11 seconds ahead of Fernando
and the McLarens are in 9th and 10th (Jenson, then Perez)
[Lap 34]: 🚨20 laps to go klaxon!🚨
[Lap 36]: Rosberg has caught up to Hulkenberg
...and went off at the first chicane
(I refuse to have Hulkenberg win the Nico war)
[Lap 37]: Merc mechanics out in the pit lane, possibly for Lewis
...or not they've gone back in
and cut to the Merc pit wall
Was it the classic Merc fake pit stop or is Lewis' radio still fucked? We may never know
[Lap 38]: Bono telling Lewis to pit
... and he once again doesn't come in
Meanwhile Grosjean takes Perez for 10th
[Lap 39]: And in comes Lewis for his second stop and another set of mediums, he comes out in 14th
[Lap 40]: Oh Webber has caught up to the back of Alonso 👀
If they go side by side through a chicane again I might die
They're 12 second behind Seb, who is continuing to do Seb things
[Lap 41]: And cue Webber bad luck, he's having to short shift in the lower gears
[Lap 42]: Another Lewis fastest lap for F1 bingo
cut to some midfield fisticuffs
[Lap 43]: Lewis chasing down Gutierrez for 13th, who fun fact is a test driver for Mercedes now
[Lap 44]: Seb's being told to short shift as well but in different gears (2-3 for Webber, 5-6 for Seb). RBR I know it's been ten years but I am going to slap you.
Meanwhile, Lewis passes Gutierrez for 13th
I once again had to pause but for the good whiplash 🥰
*blows a kiss to the sky for Dani*
yes it was for 12th but still, SEXY
[Lap 46]: Webber now being told that he *has* to shortshift in order to finish the race 😳
see, that's not good
[Lap 47]: And yet Webber is still able to keep pace with Alonso, DAMN
Lewis v Raikkonen you say? 👀🍿
[Lap 48]: oof they almost go side by side into the first chicane
The battle for 7th graphic showing seven cars within 4.5 seconds of each other... MADNESS
(I love it though)
[Lap 49]: 🚨5 Laps remaining klaxon!!!🚨
Seb's lead down to 9.8 seconds over Alonso
Lewis once again goes round the outside of Curva Grande and takes 11th off Raikkonen
something something hammertime something
(I say that, feeling quite certain that wasn't a thing until 2014/2015)
[Lap 50]: And Lewis gets past Perez like slicing through butter down the start-finish straight to take P10
[Lap 51]: a Rosberg fastest lap????
And Lewis overtakes Jenson for 9th
[Lap 52]: A Seb sighting!!!! He's still leading by about 8 seconds
Raikkonen takes Perez for P11
[Lap 53]: "We've got enough issues, just bring it home" Local man is passive aggressive with little shit colleague
Lewis locks up going into the second chicane and has to let Grosjean back through
meanwhile SEB WINS IN MONZA!!!!!!!
(yes, that's how far ahead he was)
I am a teary eyed Adrian Newey and he is me
Rest of the top 10 - P2: Alonso, P3: Webber, P4: Massa, P5: Hulkenberg, P6: Rosberg, P7: Ricciardo, P8: Grosjean, P9: Lewis, P10: Jenson (one solitary point for McLaren's 50th anniversary race 🥲)
ngl, that race was quite odd. Stuff happened but there wasn't that much racing until the last few laps but the race wasn't completely boring either???? So yeah, odd.
Buuut, next race - my most most beloved Singapore!!!
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jacks-tracks · 1 year
Last blog
Well probably, as I am leaving mexico tomorrow for Canada, and I did not keep the blog going last year.
Public transit in Mexico city is good if you know where to catch what Happily there is transit to the airport and the bus ran right beside my hotel, where I,d seen buses marked Buenavista /aeropuerto. Having gotten the right bus(6pesos) i rode to the transfer point(with much useful advice) and no crowding at 10 am. My Metro pass was empty, but the driver let me on anyway, and I had to refill it at the station. Again a helpful employee showed me how and i put another 30 pesos in, the fare to the aeropuerto. Delivered right to the Terminal 1, and still time for an ice cream, before struggling with the crowds surging into Volaris airlines(cheapo flights, full) Had a few bum steers, but having done this before I was able to find the security entrance(no signs, just follow the anxious looking people), and passed after emptying out all orifices. Being the cheapo Volaris gets the end gates so it,s a walk, but at least it was not the delivery busses that Aeromexico uses to get passengers to planes waiting on the tarmac. I was anxious about my boarding pass, printed out by the cooperative lady at Hotel Isabel, but when the time came the harrased attendent did not even scan the bar code, just a wave through. Full plane, easy flight and down into the hot air blast of Puerto at 3 pm. Phew, it got hotter over my 2 week absence! No signage for collectivos, did I want a taxi? More asking and presto here is a collectivo, only 80 pesos to Casa Dan. Taxi 200+. By 4 oclock I was back in room #3 and showered, unpacked and in the pool. Water , which was chilly in January is now soup, a tepid bath, but floating free was very relaxing.
Made a trip the next AM to the old mercado for nuts, coffee, and fresh fruit, a huge bag. Prices a re climbing, and though I shop at the wholesalers I see things generally costing 20% more than in October. Cabs have doubled in a year, and collectivo trucks up 30%. Room rates at Dans are up 20% too, so my room is now $1200 canadian a
month, still a good deal, and my favorito.
Only 5 days in town, so I went to Playa Manzanillo for a swim, but the sea was covered in brown scummy foam. probably harmless die off of algae in cold water, but definitely not appealing, so I just loafed on the beach in palm a shade. By 11 the beach was filling up, time to go to Tere comedor for Huevos Mexicana with those fresh tortillas. Place is always busy, as the food is cheap and traditional, and the service is surprisingly good. All I could eat, a nice break, and back to the pool. And that,s where I,ve been, reading in my hammock, watching the sun go down from the top terrace, and eating well. Got a few things at Super Che like granola and yogurt, big juice boxes, etc. so am stocked up till departure.
Mornings walking my daily mile along the beach and back on Calla Morro. There.s a new boutique hotel there that looks good, AC rooms, cafe, shared kitchen, reasonable privacy, gringa owned with a pool in the works. No I,m not leaving Dans, but it,s good to have on site knowledge of alternatives, so 1400 Can a month , new clean, a bit away from the strip so quieter, but not yet a place I,d be comfortable walking to after dark. Of course I,m always home by dark, and Taxis are an alternative if I,d gone to the Split. Speaking of the Split, 1st I,d heard that Aldy had bought it, and 2nd Barry fell down drunk. Situation normal. Aldy from Quadra island in BC is a character, one of those people who can drink beyond believable amounts, and who has WCB pension for life that allows him to indulge in a series of follies.
Peaches and Barry have left, and i,m the only old guy/long stay left. Effusive welcome from the staff, and they have been enjoying more fruit smoothies. I arranged to leave a tip for all 10 of them , only 100 pesos each, but equitable. The maids get tips en season. The 100 is sort of a thank you for all their kindnesses.
Confirmed my flight and bus times. looks like I can take the Sur bus at 11 am and be at the airport by 1pm, 4 hours before my flight, in case of immigration difficulties. Packed sandwiches for travel (Westjet does not feed the cattle car section) and spent many hours cramming my load into the overloaded suitcase. Booze for friends, coffee, cinnamon, nuts, vanilla, the things that are here. I did get all the leavers into the bucket for the bodega storage, then decided to add a cardboard box of bits to the pile. Suitcase came in overweight but I don't believe the bathroom scale as It,s older than me. Oddly, the real hassle is clothes. I live in flip flops and shorts, now I must put on underwear, long pants, t shirt ,long sleeved shirt, vest , coat and raincoat, socks are wool, all is heavy. I'll try to take most in a bag and put it on as I progress . Vancouver is 12 degrees daytime, 4 degrees at night. Brrr!
And just to encourage my leaving we had a 5,1 earthquake at 8 pm, a bed shaker, but no damage or aftershocks. I,ve ridden out a 6.1 and a 6.5 here, so a teremoto tremblor is nothing. Maru wrote that she was at her ancient aunties 17th floor apartment when the sirens went off, but there was nothing she could do but hope. Mexico city shook , but no damage. Seems the subways are built to float, bridges are engineered for quakes, and people just carry on. New in CDMX is an aerial tramway 4 miles long linking the favellas on the steep slopes to transit. People can take the tram(9 pesos) to the subway in 10 minutes instead of 1 hour in a mini van. Looked very odd sweeping over the city. like where,s the snow? With 35 million people to move its an alternative.
A few emails home, much packing, I,m ready! Watching the sunset last night a thrush warbled in the fig tree and the sound was so like robins in the spring that i got choked up. Memories , lost love, springs we'll never share. I shall throw myself back into Lasqueti society and move on.
So blog fans, keep well. dream big. live life fully, and there will be more...... Jack
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thelonelycrone · 1 year
Well. They say the best place to start is at the beginning, so, let’s start there.
I must warn readers that my material can be dark, heavy, and full of crappy things. This blog is dedicated to my truth and anything written here is true to the best of my own memories and experiences. If you are triggered by certain things, this is not the blog for you - as whatever it is that triggers you is probably going to show up in this blog at some point.
Now, let’s begin.
My biological mother was 13 when I was born and my father 26. To this day, I have not been told a clear story of my conception, but I’ve been able to piece enough together on my own to figure it out. As that part is speculation, I’ll not comment further on that.
My mother got pregnant with me when she was still 12. The state we lived in would not approve of the marriage that my grandmother was trying to push. They did manage to go to another country and legalize the marriage there - so, I wasn’t born a bastard. Phew. My father left when I was still an infant. I’m told there was a bit of a custody battle with my fathers family, but eventually my mother and her parents won. With my grandparents raising me, my mother was able to still finish high school. I do vaguely remember her graduation. I was wearing a pink dress with star buttons.
Shortly after my mother graduated high school, I learned she had found a man to marry, and that we’d be moving away from my grandparents. This is the point in my life when I really start to remember things.
I remember the day I found out I’d be starting a new life - as much as a 4 year old could comprehend, anyways. My mother came back from a wedding and honeymoon I didn’t attend or really know about. I knew she was going on a trip, but that’s about it. She came back and told me she had a surprise for me. Silly me - I asked her if it was a dollhouse. What a silly thing to ask for as a child. No, she said, it was a new dad and a new home somewhere else. Well neat!
Our new home turned out to be a tiny apartment in the next town over. It was a duplex home split into two apartments. The smaller apartment on the left was ours, and had a small kitchen near the front door and a living area on the first floor. Up the stairs was an open bedroom with an attached smaller room and the only bathroom attached to the smaller bedroom. There was also a shared basement for laundry.
Most of my life in this apartment was me spending time by myself playing with plastic animals in my bedroom, or playing My Little Ponies on the train tracks out back. My mother never seemed to worry about me getting hit by the trains. I appreciate how much she thought of my intelligence to just let me play by myself on train tracks at such a young age. Sometimes I’d wander over to the other side of the tracks to a church in a shed. In my older age I wonder if the church was ever really held in a shed, or, if it was a weird thing my mini self imagined, but I definitely think it was a church in a shed.
Anyways, sometimes when I really craved some human attention, I would wander over to the church and just go in and sit and listen. Sometimes I’d join their Sunday school classes. And I don’t remember too much of what they talked about, but they were all so nice to me. My mom was always in her own little world, and I rarely even saw her new husband. No one ever questioned why I was there alone.
I was put into preschool, too. I liked it well enough. I played by myself a lot, because that’s what I was used to. The preschool didn’t last long before I was forced into kindergarten. I liked that a lot less. I had less freedom to do what I wanted and had to sit still and learn. I learned things faster than most kids in my class. I remember thinking that the faster I got done, the sooner the teacher would let me play - but we know that’s not how school works. Instead, I had to sit quietly until everyone else was done. That made me resent everyone for being slow, because I was bored and wanted to play.
First grade was better, because I learned how to read. Finally. It was the only thing I wanted out of school. I got the hang of it so fast, and started helping classmates. I had some books at home, but I wasn’t ready for those yet. Luckily, my mother went to the library regularly, so, I could find books more for beginners. Curious George and Ranger Rick magazines were popular. As well as Eyewitness books. I never really saw much of my mother despite living in such tight quarters, but somehow she always managed to remember to take me to the library with her and I guess I have that to be thankful for.
Sometime later in first grade, I was sent to vacation at my maternal grandparents house for a week or two while my mother and her husband took their own vacation to North Carolina. My mother promised she would have another surprise for me when she returned.
And I’ll leave that surprise for another day.
Until next time. X - The Crone
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3/12/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Deuteronomy 3-4
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill. It's so good to be back with you here on this twelfth day of March. It's a brand new week around here and I'm excited, really excited to be back with you. I miss you when I'm away and it's it's felt like I've been away a month this last week. It's been a full week, and maybe it's been a full week for you. So I'm glad that you're here. Just take a deep breath. Exhale all of the worries, the cares of the day, all of the things that are left undone from last week that we cannot, should not take with us into the freshness, the newness of where we're headed together. So take a deep breath inhale. Hold it and exhale. Phew. And just let it go. Roll your head, drop your shoulders, take a smile. Let's dig in. Today we're reading Deuteronomy, chapters 3 and 4. And this week starts a brand new translation. Brand new translation to me here at Chronological as well. We're reading from the new Revised Standard version updated edition. Deuteronomy, chapter three. 
Father, we do thank you for your word today. We thank you for the newness of this week. We thank you for the newness that has represented in a week that is a reminder as we read today, a reminder of the newness of who you are, that you make all things new. So often when we want to return. To the old and live life from there. But the true nature of who you are is to redeem all things, all things new. And so we release the things that are out of our control, out of our grasp, out of our jurisdiction, to be worrying about holding on till we lay them at your feet, giving them to you, not taking them into th newness of what is new, what you have for us. And we consecrate this week holy to you, asking you to do what it is that you would want to do in us, giving you permission and giving you full access to our hearts, to our vines, to our souls, our spirits as we are reminded of ourselves, a living vessel. May it be holy, pleasing and acceptable to you. Do what you want in us, through us, among us, and may we be pleasing representatives of the body of Christ. I pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Looking forward to an incredible week together. I'm Jill. We'll turn the page together tomorrow and the stories of our lives, Lord willin and the creek don't rise. And in the story of the greatest book, the greatest love story ever told. Until then, love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Hi, this is Desperate in PA. I'm requesting prayer. I've been in a marriage for 29 years. I've been...he's a narcissist. Very verbally, mentally abusive. He doesn't see a problem with the way he behaves. And at this point I'm not asking to save the marriage because I know he can't change. It's not possible. I've been waiting for 29 years for that to happen and it hasn't happened. So the only good thing I got out of the whole situation has been my children. And I kind of would just like to, I think, relieve the toxicity that they see. And it probably still wouldn't relieve all of the toxicity because I know that if he would split, he's going to completely trash talk me to everybody. Already is doing it with his side of the family to the point that one of his cousins asked me whether everything's okay because he heard we're getting divorced, which hasn't even been a serious discussion in our house, but anyway, not to my face. His mother's very much liked it to him. So I think it's kind of where he got it. And he will talk to other people. Everybody thinks he's wonderful. That isn't our circle of friends. And to raise the moment, my biggest problem is that I have so far been just like a self employed, small, home based business and that has been very slow. So I cannot support myself with that. I've been applying for jobs, just trying to figure out a way to get myself and my daughter out of the situation and maybe help him kind of get out on his own and realize I was really a jerk. But if he's truly a narcissist, I don't think you will realize that. So just please pray for our family, for peace and tranquility and relief from the toxic abuse. Thank you.
Hi guys. I can't say very much about this, but please pray for Stephanie. She was in a terrible accident and just please pray for her. Thanks.
Hello. This is Prodigal Princess from Massachusetts. I have previously called in to the DAB. This is my first time calling into the DAB Chronological. This is also my first year listening to the DAB Chronological. And I just wanted to call in to express my thanks to my gratitude for these ministries. Thank you so much to all of the hardened family for everything that you've poured in to this ministry into all of our lives. Feel blessed to be a member around this global campfire and I don't know where I'd be without DAB. Thank you. Have a great day.
Hello. DABC wanted to call in and pray for the woman who calls for her mother who doesn't approve of the man she is dating because of the color of his skin. And so Lord, I just want to pray for this, our Father in heaven. Lord, please soften this woman's heart. Let her remember that in Revelation you talk about heaven and you talk about every tribe, tongue, nation being represented in heaven and by one man. Lord, you made so many groups of people diverse in how they look, their cultures, their food, their languages, traditions, Lord, and help her to realize that the color of someone's skin doesn't really matter, and it shouldn't make you judge them in a harsh way. But, Lord, may she see you and that man and the beauty and the heart that he has, lord, please soften her heart and please help in a situation, Lord. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
Hi. This is Laurie. I'm calling for Debbie from Wisconsin and wanted to let her know that I know that her request came in a little bit ago, but I've been sick. But I wanted to let you know that I've been praying for you about your hand and your shoulder pain. And I know I have a lot of hand pain myself, so every time my hand hurts, I'm thinking of you and praying for you and hoping that you heal up and things feel better for you. So I just want to let you know Debbie from Wisconsin.
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ngmn2002 · 2 years
Hi sis… I made up a question for you… what do you love most about Tsukasa?
Hi!! Sis!!!
Hmm… what I love the most about Tsukasa… ….. It's simply, 'everything'. Everything about him is amazing to me. Hmm… Let's try to go in detail a little with this 'everything', shall we? Ok, let's start with…
His own name:
It's nice. Awesome for someone like him, with his nature, he brings out all its beauty, spectacularity, uniqueness. Saying/ writing/ seeing his name is always amazing, it can simply put a smile on my face so easily. 'Tsukasa'… such a beautiful name. Its meaning is also great. It's a really strong name to me. A ruling and controlling name… wow! It suits him a lot! Also… the connection that is made between Tsukasa and the moon is amazing to me! Him being Amane's moon is great too! Ahem! He is my moon, too! *Amane is running toward me with super speed with a storm of dust behind him* Oh… we have Amane here… Hi! (why does he… look upset?) Amane: …….! …..? …..! ……What….? Amane: Take that back! What do you mean by 'he is my moon, too'? Don't copy me! Well, both of us love him so much… so…. Amane: Unacceptable. Stop copying me! Ah… let's talk later then… about this… please…? Amane: ……….. Please? Amane: fine. *leaves* Phew…! oh… sorry about that… where were we…? Oh! I was saying I like Tsu's name and… he is my moon too. *whispers this part* -yes, I also like to call him Tsu! Tsuki is a sweet nickname too.- Are we done with the name now? let's move on!
His character design:
He is sipmly so handsome? It's well known so I can safely skip this point. What he wears is so cool, whether it was a school uniform, or him as his 4 years old self, or what he is wearing now (I like it a lot) or even anything he wears in the official arts. I like his sense of fashion a lot, especially the way he wears his shirt with. I guess you know about that as well… so… let's skip going into details here.
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Take a look at all this beauty and grace! ♡
I will simply find him so handsome whatever he wears, and his sense of fashion is so great to me. It's so elegant in his own Tsukasa way. It's so Tsukasa. In sorth, he is so graceful. The color purple is great for him! it suits him a lot! I always love it when he is wearing clothes with that color or simply when he is associated with it! Tsukasa = purple. NICE!!!
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Some additional features: His eyes: what is not to like about cat-like (fox? tiger?) eyes? They are magic, one time golden… the other black, and some other times both! My sweet kitty!! It's also like his eyes color changes represent his mood status, which is amazing as well! He captures hearts with his eyes alone, one look is enough for me. Haha he is just perfect in any regard. His fangs: oh… his sweet beautiful fangs… cat-like… wild… perfect. So perfect for him! ♡ ♡
His hair: I find it magical personally, if I can stroke it for him I would. It feels soooo soft and beautiful.
His smile (or smirk): that smile and what it does, it plays with hearts as it desires, has them melting, holds them captive. Make a combo of his eyes and smile together? Enchanting, captivating, mesmerizing, irresistible, unmatched, inescapable. Oh… I can allow myself to easily go his way: such a nice face. ~
His hands: a mix of gentle and powerful, I admire that. A Tsukasa two-sided nature. Admirable. Magnificent.
Do we even add his fingers? They have such a nice shape, just saying. XD Ahem, you can just put a 'Tsukasa-adj' and see the glory. But that 'Tsukasa-ness' only him possesses. haha Personality sides and actions: The other side of his 'Tsukasa-ness'...
I adore all the sides of his personality… even if most of the time… I can't understand his feelings, how his mind works, what he is thinking, etc. I gave him a loving nickname: The Inside of his Head. Him being compared to a cat in the story is awesome, since he is really like a cat. So chill at times… so chaotic in others… has a fun -loving nature... a free spirit… just like a cat. He is my sweet kittycat. I want to give him so many head pats. Him being carefree, sometimes childish, cheerful, chaotic, super curious, happy-go-lucky, a fun-loving guy and super cute at times are things I like about him so much! so adorable! Also, his caring nature, softness and kindness… Oh! It needs to be talked about individually… it makes me feel so soft and proud of him to hold such a big sweet heart. A heart of pure gold. He has a really very pure heart… and one of the purest souls ever. I love it so much when he is so caring and soft with those he loves and cares about.
He is so gentle! ♡
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Soft boy.... ♡
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Sweet, friendly boy... ♡
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Nice ~
His sadistic, manipulative, scary, ruthless and angry sides… I love them all so much! Each one is captivating and super cool in its own way! Such a strong and capable young man!
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*** Cool him? Don't ask. He can have my heart whenever he asks for it. not to mention that he already has it in his hands, please have mercy on me, dear Tsu. ♡ His wild nature… sly nature (with his plans)… wow. They make me call him 'as wild as a cat… as sly as a fox'. ♡
Ahem! Let's add this!
'His innocence'
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A brief summary of him… can we call it... like that...?
Him being a clear and candid person are things I enjoy and love about him. He is clear. He always says all he has freely and out loud regardless if it hurt the other side or not. He doesn't hide his true nature. He doesn't fear to talk openly about his thoughts. He doesn't even fear a thing… it seems… He doesn't hold back. Just like he doesn't want others to hold back. Isn't that admirable about him? he doesn't go and say: 'hey people! Stop holding back!' While he does so. His way of thinking… is really unique and special. Totally different from all the other characters. The way he sees things with… is 'his own Tsukasa way' really. He doesn't accept to be ruled or controlled by anything, especially if it was wrong or unworthy in his belief system. He doesn't do things that he finds don't matter, boring, stupid or unworthy of his time and efforts. ' Simply, because he ''doesn't care''. ' ~ He has his own goal and beliefs and is working *patiently* to achieve them. Oh, he is so patient when it comes to his important work and plans. Really admirable. ♡ In normal situations, he may be a little demanding (which is cute), but when it comes to serious work? He is in his 'serious / cool Tsukasa mood'. Hmm… like a boss… ♡
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I adore his way of thinking and looking into things, it's so special, unique and different from the other characters. He has his own rules, beliefs, and way of thinking and follows them. He is unique. Always surprises me with new things that would leave me in confusion for so long, he leaves me to spin around myself, while he is just smiling and having a full day… he is so sweet and lovely. ♡ Like… sometimes I get to some kind of conclusion, and Tsukasa just gracefully throws them out the window. So fascinating and graceful, in his own amazing Tsukasa way! He is so unpredictable! He is so lovely, super special and charming. He is such a free spirit and I love that about him. ♡ ~
I have to add this here... because of 'limits'.....
part (2)
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