#the adventures of kim and max running a space child centre
stubz · 11 months
I saw a bunch of humans are space orcs, and humans are feared by aliens, etc. and want to add to it.
Kid centre for all alien children/younglings run by humans.
-"Human Kim! Are you all right? Do you seek medical aid??"
"I'm okay! ...why do you ask?"
"You just got bit by Zyz! I'm so sorry, I've told him to not do that with others but-!"
"Hey, it's okay. Look, these things happen and I know that's just your species' way of showing affection. Just tell him to ask next time and to not bite too hard."
"... 'these things happen' .... 'tell him to ask next- human Kim has this happened to you before?!"
"Oh lots of times! I used to work at a daycare on earth before this. Now, you wanna talk about bites let me tell you about Penny, she was a biter. So was my nephew but that was him stimming. I just asked that he get my attention first so as to not startle me."
"Is this the same Penee who gave you 3 stitches?"
-"Human Kim, thank you for helping Pollix become comrades with the other younglings! May I ask how you did it so I may use it in the future?"
"Of course! It wasn't anything special really, we just wrestled which caught the attention of the other kids and soon enough they were cheering for Pollix to win. Then after that Xw and a few others asked Pollix to teach her how to wrestle as well." they finished with a smile.
"I-I thought play wrestling and fighting was encouraged among young tighalax. I am so sorry if I did something wrong-!"
"Human Kim, you could have DIED."
"Tighalaxes have what you call drugs in the points of our tails and one cut should drive you insane. Not only that but we, as younglings, should be nearly twice your body weight. And at this age have yet to control our strength!"
"Ooh so that's why I felt high! Phew! I thought I accidentally ate my weed muffin instead of the regular one, and we can't have that."
"You felt 'high'?"
"Yeah but only for 10 minutes, luckily I usually just get tired and relaxed when high. And for the weight strength part, I grew up babysitting all of my younger siblings and cousins. My child carrying records are 5 4-6 year olds, 4 7-12 year olds, 3 teenagers, and 2 childish giants who are somehow 21 this year."
"...any chance I can bribe you to quit and come work for me and my pack?"
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stubz · 5 months
"Human Max and Kim?"
"There is something that has been on my mind for quite some time now, a question about your work."
"Okay shoot."
"She means ask away."
"Ah. Yes, well. I was wondering how you two knew to train before coming to work here? As I was under the impression you both joined shortly after the coalition made contact with Earth."
"You mean for taking care of younglings?"
"Yes human Max."
"We didn't. We just used the training we already had and then learned on the job about the finer details."
"What she said. Although we did need to take some first aide courses before opening."
"...come again?"
"We barely had information of other species so we mostly relied on the training and teachings we received at home, Earth."
"Don't worry we took some night classes later on to be more prepared later on."
"How later is 'later on'?"
"About a month."
"...you seem really confused about this."
"That is because I am. . .how were you able to tolerate the biting then? Or the vast difference in height and weight from some of the larger ones? Or keep up with the fast ones?"
"Oh I was bit all the time at home. Both at work and at home."
"I just like running so it's not that hard for me. Kim still struggles though."
"I have tiny legs you jerk."
"But the strength and weight of some of them..."
"Oh right, on Earth you have to be able to lift at least 50 pounds to go into childcare."
"I thought it was 50 kilos..."
"...but that's like a hundred pounds...wait.."
"You have to be able to lift 50-100 pounds with ease!"
"...How heavy are your children?"
"Between 50-100 pounds."
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stubz · 9 months
Injuries and a ship invasion, no one dies
"Why do they let humans take care of our younglings? If it hadn't been for the coalition then it would've been another century till they realize our existence. Their senses have dulled to the point where its laughable that they are the dominating species of their planet. And lets not forget the fact that they're at constant war with each other over the most stupidest things, color of skin, where one lives, who they love, what they believe, etc."
"Calis stop it! Your being a xenophobe. And while some of that is true you should know by now that the humans care deeply for our children."
"I am simply being concerned parent who worries for their young's safety and well-being...we are in a dangerous area right now, the middle of a war zone, and it would make me feel safer if we had some others at the care centre till reinforcements arrive."
"Trust me my brightest, the humans will do everything they can to ensure the safety of our Dali...and knowing them they'll likely surprise you and live up to their reputation."
"...fine, fine, I apologize, you are right. The humans have surprised me so far, what's one more?"
"Calis calm down! Your arm!"
"Calis, your hurt and so is your partner. Think of Gala, they need you right now."
"...Gala is hurt because they were looking for Dali. They got shot because they were heading to the centre...I have to find Dali. For Gala, Captain."
"I'm sure that Kim and Max are doing everything they can to keep them safe."
"With all do respect Captain, how could 2 unarmed humans survive what our force couldn't."
"...I don't know but its probably going to be one hell of a story we'll be telling for the ages. Now go get your arm treated. That's an order."
"oh great stars please no...nonononono DALI!" the Delzah rushed forward, breaking through the search party, only to be stopped by their captain.
"Calis...you have to let them do their job. We, we just have to hope." he could not help the hitch in his breath. Hoping, praying, that his own child was okay underneath the wreckage that was once the youngling care centre.
They fight and thrash until eventually grief overtakes them. They collapse into the captain's arms wailing.
"...what hope do I have that my child is alive under all that rubble. Captain...the only hope I have is that they died quick and that they are with the stars now..."
"Oh Calis..." he sobs. He knows it. There was hardly a chance that anyone was still alive underneath there. Only the strongest younglings who were from a strong species may survive and his child was not one of those few. They were strong but his child was like him...a runt, the joke of the family. Too small, too weak, too soft. She was surely dead...why couldn't it have been him?
One by one, children emerge from an opening made in the rubble, and at the front of them was Dali and a small feline like child.
"my glorious star" flinging themself from the Captain Calis dragged themself to meet Dali who leaped into their Mapa's arms.
The captain was not too far behind, running to his daughter and cradling her close. Words were not exchanged but Calis could feel the vibrations coming from their purrs.
"See...I told you they would be waiting..."
last to emerge from the rubble was the humans, carried out on stretchers. Only one was conscious. Glass glittered from their skin, dirt and dust blended with vibrant red blood, staining their white bandages, and a rebar was poking out of the unconscious one's side.
"You...got everyone right?"
"Yes, human Max."
"Good...that's good..." and finally did they lose consciousness.
"Apparently they covered the windows and hid the kids in the storage room, putting them to the farthest corner while they formed a human wall in front of the door.
When those quiznaking bastards couldn't break down the door they rigged the centre with explosives. Lucky for us the humans personally requested that the storage room be made durable for the equivalent of their disasters on earth so it held up decently well."
"But how did they get so injured?"
"Decently well, meaning the room wasn't completely stable. Eventually the walls started to give and the humans had to improvise by becoming the new pillars. They took shifts until they both had to hold up the weight for what the kids guess to be 3 hours...imagine holding up all of that weight until you were on your hands and knees with rebars, broken glass, and debris piercing into your body."
"...Gala said that Human Max nearly flatlined and Human Kim needed 2 liters of blood."
"You seem confused."
"...Humans are impressive but how did they do all of that? They were already injured and yet managed to hold up a collapsed ceiling for hours until help arrived, I thought they were completely average and even weaker than us."
"Apparently when their loved ones, especially children, are in danger they tap into their more primal instincts. Allowing them to withstand a shot to the side, a slab of concrete to the head, and hours of keeping a ceiling from collapsing until they know everyone is safe.
Heard a story of a human who died only after he saw his kids was safe from a fire."
"Looks like Gala was right. Humans have surprised me once again."
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stubz · 10 months
another humans are space orcs/humans are space oddities who run a care centre for alien younglings
"Excuse me, caretaker Kim?"
"Yes Tarlak?"
"Can Mira spend a night cycle at my home?"
"Uhhh, your gonna have to ask her parents for that. Do you want me to ask them for you?"
"Are you not one of her parents?"
"No..? What gave you that idea?"
"Because she has called you 'mama' 3 times before. As have Fredric, Yasmine, and several other human children...except for Danny...he called you 'papa'."
"Oooh, right, right, uh I'm actually not anyone's parent."
"...then why do they call you that? It does not make sense."
"Well, as you know, humans can form connections with just about anyone and sometimes those connections resemble the ones we have with our family members. So when kids call me mom or sometimes dad even, it's because I remind them of that parent."
"Remind? But you look nothing like Mira's mom."
"Yeah, but I remind her of how she feels with her mom. Does that make sense?"
"Yes, that is understood. Thank you for explaining this to me *whistle chirp*"
"Yeah no problem. Wish I could whistle like that."
A few days later...
"Oh, hey Max!"
"How did you and every other parent...become a thing?"
"I'm sorry what now???"
"Look, I know you guys have been pretty quiet about it but, come on. Having the kids call you mom or the equivalent of mom in public? Pretty obvious buddy."
"...is that what they've been calling me?"
"You didn't know? How did you not know?? See this is why you should have taken linguistics with me...wait does this mean your not dating every other parent?"
"Max, the fact that you think I have that much game is the most flattering thing anyone has ever thought of me."
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stubz · 7 months
"Okay everyone floor is lava in 10..."
children scatter across the in door park.
some leap onto nearby benches. Others climb nearby trees.
the nearby safe spots become too crowded. Some force their way in while others sprint for the only place with enough room for the remaining few. The water fountain.
the fountain can hold them all but is far. The slow one's won't make it.
Some of the strong ones carry the slowest. their kindness is their downfall.
the lava takes them.
"Okay everyone on the ground is out!"
*chorus of groaning*
"So we have, 1, 2, 3...8...11...wait. Everyone hold still for a sec." the human recounts the children. And then again. And again.
"Where's Piper?"
"She was running that way!"
"Yeah towards the field!"
"The field? But there's nothing to climb there.."
"Is the floor still lava!?!"
Out in the field is Piper, sitting on top of her other teacher Kim's shoulders.
"Piper your out, you know the rules. You can't ask someone to carry you when the floor is lava."
"I didn't carry her."
"Kim no fibbing. Kids don't like it when it comes to floor is lava."
"No really I didn't. She climbed me," the woman picks the girl off her and put her down "show them Piper."
The 7 year old smiles and goes behind Kim and then starts to climb. Using the adults calves as a step she boosts her other foot to Kim's hip and then latches onto her neck with her arms. From their she shimmies herself onto her teacher's shoulders. All while Kim keeps her arms to her sides.
"...how long has she been able to do this?"
"Since yesterday."
"That's really cool."
"I know, right?"
"Human Kim I'd like to ask you a question about...human children."
"Yeah sure, go ahead."
"So as you know I am courting Morgan, who has 2 children, and I was wondering if it's normal for them at their age to not be able to climb me or him?"
"Climb you?"
"Yes, like that human child with blonde hair. Harrison is about her age yet he can't climb us like she can climb you."
"...Ohhh, yeah that's not a normal thing."
"Really?? But she does it with such ease and you look so, so, used to it. As if it was normal behavior."
"Piper is incredibly flexible and strong for her age, and while yes I am used to it that's because I'm used to kids climbing me while I'm sitting or helping them."
"So human children do climb their caretakers?"
"But Piper's climbing is not normal?"
"...yes. Wait. Hold on...So human children do climb on their family members but most of them can't climb to an adult's shoulders like that without help. Only a few like Piper are strong enough to do that."
"Ah. So I should not be concerned that Morgan's children can't do that?"
"No, you should not."
"Okay then. Humans are strange."
"That they are!"
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stubz · 2 months
"Hey guys! 4 days and the rescue team will be here!...any luck with setting up that emergency shelter?" Quip looked towards the others.
They all groan and curse in response. The small group surrounded by pieces and parts and an instruction sheet.
"It's not hard...it's not! We have everything we need; food, water, first aid, enough to last us weeks! ...So why does our downfall have to because of a faulty packaging?!!" screams Glip throwing down the piece she was holding.
"We're not going to die! We'll just have to sleep in the shuttle tonight and bundle up close tonight..." sighs Quip.
The shuttle had crashed thanks to a malfunction on the navigation system which lead to the shuttle getting blindsided by a meteor shower.
No one was killed and the most injured would surely live and the planet they crashed on was a favorable one. They had plenty of emergency food and water but what they didn't have was a proper shelter. The planet they landed on was freezing cold in the night, reaching far below the negatives.
If only the emergency shelter included the much needed tools necessary to build it...
The night was cold and unforgiving. The shuttle creaked and groaned from the violent winds and accumulating snow on it's roof. The beings inside shivered and prayed that when they fell asleep they would wake up in the morning.
When morning came they had to dig themselves out of the shuttle. Over 3 feet of snow from last night. The roof sank in the center in a way that made everyone nervous.
"...just 3 days. We just have to make it through 3 more days and we'll be rescued." muttered Quip.
"If we don't get suffocated in our sleep that is...or freeze." grumbles Glip.
"Would it kill you to be positive?"
"Oh, I'm sorry! Unlike you I don't have a fur coat to keep me warm in the night and stayed up all night worried that I wouldn't wake up if went to sleep!"
"Stop yelling! You're making the others worry!"
"The human is awake! She woke up!" shouted a purple looking avian.
During the crash the only one to really get injured was the human on board, having hit their head on impact and been unconscious for the past 30 hours.
"...how is she?!" calls Glip
"She's lost it! She's digging through the snow like a lunatic!"
Glip and Quip share a look before heading to the other side of the shuttle where the avian was and looked.
There several yards away was the human who was digging through the snow with her bare hands.
"What's she doing?" asks Quip.
"No idea! She was already awake when I went to check on her looking for something in the shuttle and then made break for it once she saw the door was open...think she's brain damaged or something." they muttered.
"...someone should check on her." Glip says before shoving Quip forward.
After some arguing and reminders that out of the three of them he was the most people friendly Quip trudged out where the human was to check on her.
She had dug a hole nearly 4 feet deep and showed no signs of stopping. The look in her eyes and bloody bandages on her head made Quip feel she was too far gone to the Great Stars but he had to the right thing.
"...heeyyyy...Kim...what uh, watcha doing there?" he asked a safe 5 feet away.
"Looking for tools...need tools for the shelter." she muttered.
"Tools? ...Kim the shelter didn't come with tools; they weren't lost in he crash." he tried to gently explain.
"Not those, different tools. Good tools that every planet has."
"And what...tools, are those?"
"Rocks and sticks!"
"...great! Good luck on that!" he walked as fast he could to the others, practicing how to gently break the news that the human was broken.
Hours passed and the human Kim had founded 3 rocks of different sizes, some large sticks, and taken whatever pieces of the shuttle that had broken off and put them in a pile in front of the Emergency Instantaneous Shelter manual.
The others looked on with pity with some looking disturbed at how proud she was for her findings.
No one stopped her when she started to grab the pieces of the E.I.S. and smash them together with her rocks and hunks of broken metal. Nor when they heard the scraping and screeching of the metal shards she twisted against them. Without tools it was worthless...plus the determined manic look in her eyes scared everyone too much.
When night was starting to fall everyone had taken refuge in the shelter again. Everyone but the human who was too focused and entertained by the smashing of rocks and scratching of metal.
"Kim! Come inside! You'll freeze out here!" ordered Quip.
"Human! You don't have fur or anything to keep you warm during the night!" Glip shouted.
The human looked at them and smiled, waving and shouting that she was almost finished.
"...she's a little out of it but she's well enough to come inside when she should." Glip pushed her friend through the shuttle door and together they joined the sleep pile.
When Glip surfaced from the snow that landed on her face she screamed for everyone to leave. The roof had finally gave and was seconds away from dropping a mountain of snow onto them all.
She grabbed Quip and the purple avian, Kal, and dragged their half-asleep panicked bodies out of the shuttle. When out she watched with them and the others the shuttle concaving from the snow.
The wind and snow bit and scratched their faces and exposed flesh. The shrieks and howls from the dying shuttle, their only hope of surviving the nights, seemed almost organic. The fear and realization of their fate made them shiver more than the cold did.
"DONE! ITS FINALLY FINISHED! LOOK! LOOK AT WHAT I BUILT!!!" The human popped up from the other side of the destroyed shuttle, eyes wide and glowing from the flare she held for light.
When no one came forward fast enough for her liking she scrambled over and grabbed Kal and dragged them towards the thing she built.
The two disappeared from view for a minute before Kal popped his head out screaming.
She had built the Emergency Instantaneous Shelter. With nothing but the rocks and pieces of metal she found. It wasn't perfect; a wall or two was dented, the roof was scratched and somewhat held up by two strong sticks she dug up, but it was warm, safe, and dry.
"...how in the f*ck did you build this?" Quip shivered as he climbed inside.
"I just followed the instructions, its pretty simple really." the human smiled.
"...but you didn't have any of the tools!" Glip shrieked.
"Well after reading the instructions I realized that a good rock would perfectly substitute like half of the tools I didn't have. And the metals shards I found worked great as screwdrivers!"
Glip opened her mouth to argue, to scream that a rock was nothing like the sophisticated tools that great engineering minds had invented...until she realized the human was right. The tools simply added the instant to instantaneous shelter. With them you build this grand 20 person shelter in 2 minutes. Without them it would take hours of hard labor.
"...how did you know that a rock would be the perfect substitute?"
"...I don't know. Its basically instinct to most of us. The perfect tool for a simple job is a big heavy object... rock."
"...rock." Glip repeated.
"Rock." the human confirmed.
*weeks later*
"Oh my god it is instinct!" Glip screams as she watches a group of human younglings use rocks to crack open other rocks to simply see the shiny patterns on the inside at the indoor park she walks through. With others using sticks to dig up more rocks to smash.
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stubz · 3 months
"CAPTAIN!" Calis bursted through the doors panting.
"Yes, Calis?"
"Ki- The humans...the human!" they panted.
"The humans?"
"Yes! I have...urgent news about them. Everyone, out."
The control goes quiet. All eyes on the captain and his second in command.
"Give the room to me and Commander Calis." When everyone leaves he sighs and takes a seat in his chair.
"Captain...the human has betrayed us. My scouts who follow General Morbius spotted Kim along with several other humans conversing with him. Numerous times have they seen them together...surely they have betrayed us."
The Captain looks at Calis and pulls out a drink. He sips it. "What I'm about to tell you does not leave this room." He motions for them to sit.
Calis sits and accepts the drink offered by their Captain. Strong yenx.
"When we discovered that Morbius was feeding classified information to enemy forces we had you follow him with your best scouts. And for a time that was sufficient...until recently." Calis nods.
They stopped the general from leaking information but they still have yet to gather enough evidence to charge him with treason. Not only that but he has gotten more cautious and rarely leaves his home when not at work.
"Well we went through the data base of the Coalition looking for clues or evidence to use when I stumbled upon Kim Greene's file. Here," he hands them the electronic document. "you'll see why Kim, along with some other humans, are conversing with the general so much."
Calis read over the document. At first glance it was nothing special. References, personal information, education, etc. normal things. Until they saw the green triangle next to one of the interview questions.
"...Why is she marked down for secret intelligence? In brackets, honorary...what is a honorary secret intelligence?"
"It's because she along with all the other humans you spotted have experience in befriending the enemy in order to report them to their superiors.
During her interview we asked about what was the toughest thing she had to do at her previous job.
The previous child centre she worked at had several people who were spreading false accusations against their fellow co-workers. One even falsely accused her mentor of illegal activity."
"At a child centre??"
"Yes, I can't believe it either. Carrying on, she was rather quiet at the time and always did her duty with a smile so the enemy ignored her. She used that to become a spy of sorts for her superiors who she respected very much.
Eventually she managed to gather enough information for them that they managed to fire and report the enemies to the proper authorities."
"Are the other humans like this?"
"In a way yes. Steven Smith one of our cafeteria chefs, worked at a restaurant as a waiter and has the patience of a god. He can be belittled, insulted, and be stuck in a never ending conversation that would rot your braincells without cracking."
"Something that would be perfect for the general."
"Indeed. Rebecca Cheng, worked at a cleaning service company and has mastered the art of being unseen whenever she wishes. She has caught several of her employers doing illegal acts or being unfaithful to their spouse simply because they forgot all about her.
And that's just the first few, we have at least a dozen of humans like them who are capable of hiding their presence while at the same time capable of 'befriending' the most unpleasant, foul, and infuriating beings."
"I shudder at the thought of going through the training they went through to achieve this."
The Captain regretfully shakes his head. "This wasn't no training Commander...this was them adapting so that they may survive."
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stubz · 2 months
"Human Kim's mate is dead?!" cries Calis.
"What?! Kim has a mate?!" cries Max
"She is your comrade! How did you not know she has-had a mate?!?"
"But what about Fenrir-wait is Fenrir dead???"
"Human Kim had her bonding band before courting Fenrir, I'm talking about her other mate."
"She's cheating?? Fenrir is the other man...orc???"
"Do humans not have multiple mates?"
"I mean...not usually no...but wait lets back up a minute. How do you know Kim's mate is dead and what do you mean by bonding band, do you mean a ring that goes on a finger?"
"I cannot believe you, her comrade of 5 years, have not noticed her longing rubbing her ankle. How she no longer has the bright orange band on her left ankle. How she looks at her communication device...phone? and looks at what I guess is a photo."
"...wait the orange band? Made out of fabric? Like string?"
"So you have noticed, why have you not consoled her then??"
"...hold on a sec. I'll be back in a moment."
"Are you getting her? Bring her to the command room then, we shall have something for her."
"....how many people think her mate is dead!?"
"Why are we going to the command room?"
"Just keep walking. I have a question for you but I need you to answer in front of a lot of people."
"Ookay?" the humans enter the command room and see it decorated dark and somber. Friends and close co-workers are there dressed in black or their respective mourning attire. Calis steps forward.
"Hu-Kim...Kim we are so very sorry for the loss of your mate...may they join the galaxy as a brilliant star and may you both reunite someday in the great beyond..." They slowly grab her five fingered hand with their four fingered hand.
"...If anything were to happen to Gala...I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. If there's anything you need, anything at all, just ask."
"...Calis...thank you so much...but I don't have a mate?"
"That's what I was saying!" exclaims Max. "If she did then she would've told me, her work best friend!!"
"...but the band on your ankle and your sadness?"
"...Kay I did not notice that but yeah what's up? You alright?" he turns to his short friend
"Ohhh, you mean my friendship anklet?"
"Friend-ship anklet? ...not a bonding band?"
"It was made by my best friend, no offense Max, on Earth the last time I saw her in person 'bout...almost 2 years ago? Anyways it finally fell off since its string and I just miss having it."
"None taken."
"So no one died? She's still alive?"
"Yeah, I just texted her yesterday about the anklet and she said she'll just tattoo one on me cause it'll ward off Max...no offense Max...she just can't accept that I have more than one best friend."
"Again none taken...wait is this the friend who hated you at first and you didn't know so you kept being friendly to her until eventually she accepted you and you've been best friends for like almost 10 years?"
"She...hated you?"
"Oh yeah, she thought I was really annoying but I'm pretty dense so I just kept being nice and going to eat lunch with her throughout high school until after like...2-3 months she gave up and accepted my friendship. Oh! and I didn't know any of this until like this year." she grins
"That's a beautiful friendship right there...makes me jealous about how boringly we met and bonded over anime and musicals."
"On most planets beings would maul you over your annoyance...would you like some of the cake we got you before we knew no one died?"
"Yes please! Also thank you everybody but sadly...and luckily no one died!!" she calls out to the dozen or so aliens and humans in the command room.
"...wait you thought I was having an affair with Fenrir!?" cries a horrified Kim
"That's what I was saying!!" screams Max
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stubz · 9 months
"Human Max?"
"Why'd you ruffle my feathers?"
"Oh, I used to do that to your sister when she came here. I won't do it anymore if you don't like it though."
"No. I liked it. It was kinda like when Mom and Dad clean my feathers. Tickly and scratchy."
"Well that's good."
"...Human Max?"
"Why did you ruffle Salia's feathers?"
"Hmmmm, Iiiiiii don't know. I just did it without thinking."
"Maybe because my family did that to me when I was a kid and so I wanted to continue that with you kids."
"Why I wanted to continue it or why my family did that to me?"
"Emira why do you do this to me. Oookay! Lemme think for a sec" they said while thinking of an answer to hopefully prevent the why apocalypse.
"Uhhh-I think it's because humans just like physical touch from people we like, love and care about...Yeah! In fact, if we don't get enough we get touch-starved."
"This sounds like a trick."
"Would I ever trick you?"
"Yes, you said that humans will die from loudness to keep us from screaming too much."
"...you got me there but I promise you I am not lying."
"...you really get 'starved' if you don't get touched enough?"
"Erm, by 'touched' I mean hugged, high-fived, hand-holding, head pats, stuff like that. Not something that sounds like the start of a dirty joke..."
Few days later~~~
"Max! Get in here! Now!
"What?! Did someone get hurt?! Did Qiqi eat glue again???"
Max finally came around the corner and saw the other human trapped in the most adorable way ever imaginable. Younglings hugged and clung to Kim like they were a lifesaver in a terrible storm. Legs were trapped and sat on, weighted to the ground by children. Waist and torso were covered by living backpacks/frontpacks. Arms shaking while trying to hold the younglings in their arms while steadying the ones clambering on their shoulders.
"Help. Me."
"Let me get my phone I need this as my new wallpaper."
"Max! I'm seriously about to crush like 10 kids with my fat arse if I don't stand properly in the next 10 seconds."
"Got it, can't have you manslaughter children. Hug time's over kids, off of Kim."
"But Maxie if we do then Kim will die!"
"Marl for the 5th time I'm not dying."
"But your starving!"
"Sweetheart please, I am most defiantly not starving."
"Emira said so tho!"
"Yeah! You were stuck in your room for days with no one to hug you! And Max told me that if humans don't get enough hugs or pats you'll starve!!" her beak quivered, eyes starting to get glassy.
"Oooh, Emira, kids, Kim is fine. Yes no one was there to give Kim hugs but she's fine. For a human to starve for hugs will take some time, and Kim wasn't gone for that long."
"Really, besides I was there to give her soup and high-fives so she wouldn't get lonely."
"...can we still hug you for a bit longer?"
"Of course, but let me sit down so I don't fall down."
The younglings clamber of her and allow the human to sit and then climb back ontop her. Noting how not everyone got to hug Kim, Max came in and together the humans were trapped by a mesh of children clinging tightly to their favorite humans.
"Yeah Kim."
"As punishment for what happened your buying lunch...and carrying me to lunch cause my legs are in a coma right now."
"Fair enough."
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stubz · 2 months
"Sunscreen time! Everybody go to me or Kim for sunscreen."
Younglings run to either teacher, all except for their newest Fore, a Fyreian youngling.
"...sun scream? What is sun scream?"
"Sun-screen, its a cream we put on to protect us from the sun." explained Max.
"But teacher, cream can't protect us from the sun! We'll still burn if we touch it."
"It's for the sunlight. To let us, especially the ones with more sensitive skin, stay outside longer."
"Oh, I don't need it then. Fryeian's don't burn from sunlight."
"Yes but the sun also puts out harmful stuff, at least this one does, and that can hurt your skin after a long time."
"...are you tricking me? So that I'll put on the cream?" the youngling asked, arms crossed, ears flickering in annoyance.
"No, see?" the human points to his fellow teacher who's putting sunscreen on other children and younglings.
"Kim is putting sunscreen on Malaika, who doesn't get sunburned like the other human kids. Her skin is hard to burn, like you." he points to Malaika, who's giggling as Kim puts sunscreen on her cheeks and neck. "But she still wears it because she and her parents know that the sun can still hurt her."
"...Does Kim put on sunscreen too?"
"...yes. In fact, thank you for reminding me to remind her. She forgets after having to apply it to all the others," Max grins before turning to Kim. "Kim, don't forget yourself!"
"What! ...put sunscreen on me?! ...but I don't-!"
"You don't have enough sunscreen?! Okay I'll give you some of mine!!" he shouts before sprinting over to Kim.
"Wait, I don't need it! I don't sunburn, my skin is-MAX WAIT!" she was restrained before she could run.
A chorus of screaming 'yeses' fill the park, dozens of tiny hands, claws, paws, and pincers, reach out to the two with sunscreeny hands.
"MAX! WHY!!" Kim screams before they descend on her.
"TO KEEP THE BALANCE!!" he screams closing his eyes and mentally preparing himself for what is about to happen.
*5 minutes later*
"See Fore? Even teacher Kim wears sunscreen." smiles a very shiny and white Max.
"...yeah, and if I have to wear sunscreen so do you." frowns a very shiny and 2 shades lighter Kim.
"...Okay!" smiles a happy Fore.
"...I hate you...I have sunscreen in my ears..." grumbles Kim
"For the balance...also I've been telling you for years to wear sunscreen so you don't get skin cancer." Max whispers, now happy that now his friend must finally wear proper sun protection.
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stubz · 10 months
Kim and Max and the adventures of running an alien child care centre
"Human Max I'd like you to meet Ezshi, they will be joining you soon in the youngling centre."
"Oh hey there buddy, nice to meet you!"
"Now, what do we say Ezshi?"
*croc sounding hissing and snarling*
"Ezshi! You apologize right this instant!!"
"...oh boy"
days later~
"I don't know what to do! The kid won't stop hissing at me everytime they see me! As soon as they spot me they flare up and won't stop hissing at me, they almost bit me when I tried giving them their chocolate milk!! I don't know how I'll survive this year Kim."
"That's rough buddy," she gives sympathy pats to him. "but why don't you try my method? Y'know, the one I used with my siblings and cousins."
"Kim if I did that I would get fired."
"Yes, in an earth school you would without question buuut...here?"
"...here I wouldn't! Kim you genius!"
"Ah, human Kim, I am here to pick up Ezshi early today. May you point me to them?"
"Yeah sure, right over there with Max." she points to a large crowd of children and parents.
"Thank you Human Kim."
"Of course....maybe I should've stalled them for a bit...shoot."
"Ezshi! Where are you? Ah, there you-- oh my."
In the middle of the crowd is Ezshi and Max both hissing and snarling at each other. The young reptilian slowly advancing towards the human, eyes slitted.
"EZSHI! Youngling you will stop this at--!"
"Wait Mx. Ezshi's Bubba! Maxie is okay, look look!"
"Youngling Human please release your tiny hands off me, I must save your 'Maxee'...huh."
Max advances as well but more predatory like, circling around the youngling until their back hits a table. Jumping onto it thinking it'll make them look more intimidating, Ezshi hisses down at the lowly human. No one interferes, especially the other reptilian and predator like species.
"Okay now here it comes Max, remember not too much spit and be aggressive!"
Back straight, toes pointed, chin up, the young man closes the gap between them with a headbutt while releasing a roar. Silence. Until finally, with eyes dilated, Ezshi chirps and bows their little head.
"Aw, its okay buddy. Now go get your stuff, your Bubba is here."
"Thank you caretaker Maxee! Lets do that again!"
"Human Max how did you know how to assert dominance among my people? Was it Tarlak's family? Tigihalaxes and Repilixes do share similar customs..." they muse.
"Oh it was Kim."
"And how, may I ask, do you know how to assert dominance among my people Human Kim?"
"My siblings and cousins."
"....you were taught by your human kin?"
"Some of them started to roar and hiss while we goofed around and to make sure they still listened to me while we did this I would 'assert dominance' by doing exactly what Max did."
"I thought humans did not have displays of dominance and that everyone is to be treated equally, like a herd."
"Yes thats right."
"But you just said..."
"Oh that was just us playing around. We still do it every now and then, just over the holidays my little sister and me did the equivalent of the gorlazitics display of dominance."
"For fun??? And not to be the new leader? No one was killed?"
"Save for our mother's opinion of us, no."
"Are you sure you two are herbivores?"
"The proper term is vegetarian, which is what I am, Kim is a pescatarian."
"May the fish forgive me for finding them so delicious in sushi form."
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stubz · 3 months
"Teacher Kim can my friends come over into the centre?"
"Sorry bud but they're not part of the centre so I'm not allowed."
"Teacher Kim can Fleet have some of the treats?"
"I really wish I could but since they're not part of the centre and Max really doesn't want another incident I can't."
"I wish Teacher Kim would let us bring you guys in." grumbled the youngling.
The others groaned in agreement.
"Okay kids time to come in! The suns are too hot now and it's time to eat!"
The children walk begrudgingly towards the centre through the tall orange grass. The suns on this planet were so hot that even the children didn't complain when it was time to go back inside.
The ones part of the youngling centre made their way inside, waving goodbye to their friends who were not.
"..five, seven, aannd ten! Wow small group today." The human turned to head inside with the younglings when they realized something.
"...where are your parents?"
"Ours or Quin's?"
"They're in a meeting."
"On the ship." Juno pointed up.
"Do you know how long they'll be gone."
"I don't know. They left in a hurry...I think they forgot us."
"...get in." the human sighed and walked inside.
"REALLY!?" screamed the children.
"Teacher Kim you said that kids who aren't part of the centre can't come in!"
"I know I know and they're not! But I can't just leave three unsupervised kids out in this heat! Now get in, its hot and Quin your face is redder than usual."
"You get water, you get water, everybody gets water! Now who's hungry?"
Hands go up.
"So everyone. Alrighty then."
"Why is she letting us have water and food?" whispered Quin.
"I don't know...maybe it's a apex thing?" whispered back Juno. Her little brother simply chugged his third cup of water.
"Not an apex thing," replied Xw. "I think it's a pack thing?"
"Not a pack thing!" shouted Nova. "Most packs only share food with babies and the sick. Its a herd thing."
"Nope." said Marl.
"Herds only share with those who are family or have family status." explained Tarlak.
And on went the conversation. Each child trying to figure out what type of dynamic humans have. Meanwhile their teacher looks on with amusement.
"Oh my stars I am SO SORRY! Thank you so much human Kim!! I swear I thought I grabbed them when I brought their bags with me!" stressed the parent hugging her children with two arms while shaking the humans hands with the other two.
"No worries!" she smiled.
"And kids, I'm so sorry! You must be starving!"
"Oh I gave them some food, so they might not be that hungry. Also Judo had lots of water so he may want to use the bathroom first."
"Oh, how much do we owe you?"
"How much do we have to give you to replace the food and water they had?"
"Uh nothing?"
"They were hungry and thirsty and I just did what any other adult-human! Would do...it's a human thing."
"....alright then. Thank you very much human Kim. Come along children."
And thus the younglings and adults learned what dynamic type the humans have. The human type. Which is honestly pretty stupid to the adults because just giving food to unknown children who aren't even their species? Are they trying to go extinct??
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stubz · 4 months
"Human Kim! Wait!"
"Sorry Op! Can't talk! Date night with Fenrir!"
"But Kim! Your jacket!" but it was too late. The human was already out of earshot.
Oh well they thought, I can just stop by their room tomorrow and return it.
*the next day*
"Hey Kim, you left your jacket in the storage room yesterday. I'm heading to your room to give it to you."
"Oh thanks Op," she winced as she heard the human go into a coughing fit. "I'll come down and get it." she heard rustling.
"Are you in bed?"
"Yeah but it's fine. 'ust a cold." oh so she's just cold, Op thought.
"T'anks Op. I was wondering where 'is was."
"What happened to you??" the human looked 2 shades paler, was shivering in her hoodie and was dripping slime from her nose.
"I have the cold...I'm sick."
"But yesterday you help carried 20 pound storage containers, clean the whole east section of the storage unit and sprinted max speed to get ready for your date."
"Yeah, cause I told my body to suck it up."
"...you told your body to what?"
"I knew I was getting sick on Monday but 'is week was gonna be busy so I 'old my body to power through and suck it up. You can be sick on the weekend not Friday though cause we've been waiting all month for 'is date!" the human nodded to herself.
"Humans can do that?!"
" 'hose determined enough can."
"But is this safe? Healthy?"
"No idea but I couldn't miss work cause we're short on staff. Plus 'is gives me guilt points on captin."
"Okay change of plans. I'm staying here and making you some food and then you are going back to bed."
"And I'm giving captain a heads up that your probably staying home on Monday."
"Probably th' smart thing to do."
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stubz · 8 months
late shift
Shuttle for Mars is departing now. Please keep hands, feet, tails, and other appendages clear of the yellow line.
‘Nice, finally get off work on time for once! Man is it empty, way less busy than the 5:45 one…
Are they sleeping? Please tell me they’re sleeping…’
‘Oh good they are, oooh lots of empty seats next to them! Nice.’
The young human sits across the large figure and looks around.
‘Wonder why everyone else is sitting so far away from this guy? He’s not that much scarier than a Alteauh…OH! He’s an Orc! An actual Orc, oh this is so cool! Wait. Calm down, control yourself. Orc’s are people too, not some exotic animal in a zoo….he’s sooo cool looking tho!’
The human smiles and takes out their headphones and listens to some music and take in the view they see through the shuttle’s windows. From time to time they peek at the orc, can’t helping themselves from people-watching him.
Like what most humans imagined, he was huge. Easily more than 7 feet tall, with large calloused hands bigger than their head. He had large tusks but unlike the stereotypes he was well trimmed with well relatively kept hair. It would have neater had there not been dust in it. The orc wore dirty cloths and work boots. Beside them what looked like a tool box and bag.
‘Must be a construction worker or works in a trade’ they mused
‘Poor guy, he’s gotta be exhausted to sleep here. At least he gets to go home now.’
The shuttle shakes and with it so does the sleeping giant. Rocking side to side.
'That's not good.' They nervously slide off their headphones.
The turbulence increases until the sleeping orc leans too far and starts fall face first off his seat.
“OH SHIT!” Diving to their knees they manage to catch his head and shoulders.
“You okay?” Damn he's heavy!
“Mmm…sorry.” Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he slowly got back into his seat, the turbulence now gone.
“No worries, I just didn’t want you to hit your head.”
“Heh, wouldn't be the first time I’ve done it.”
after rubbing his eyes a bit more and a crack of the neck he looks at them, brain finally working to some degree.
“…wait. You caught me?”
“But you’re so small! Are you hurt?”
“You're not the first sleeping giant I’ve caught. I’m alright.”
“I am so sorry for that. I just finished working a 12 hour shift fixing the 1st and 3rd engine rooms and couldn’t help myself from dozing off.”
They whistle. “12 hours? No wonder you’re tired! If I were you I’d be in a coma.”
“Ah but surely you have a difficult job yourself. How else would you be able to catch me?”
“No, nothing like yours! I just work at a youngling centre.”
“The one on the ship?”
“That’s the one.”
“…you’ve heard of us?”
“Every orc and warrior worth their blade knows of your valiant deeds!! Tell me, what is your name??”
“Kim, uh and you are?”
“Fenrir. It is truly an honor to meet someone of your bravery and intelligence."
"Likewise! I've heard that the orc species are a true warrior race."
For the rest of the trip the two talked. Kim sharing how her and Max built such a safe room in the centre, which lead to the two realizing how similar each other's planets are.
"You have wind whirlpools as well? I thought they only existed on Bantor!"
"Well we call them hurricanes and tornadoes but yeah. Do you guys have hail?"
"Not where I grew up but nearby farther up they get a week or two of light hail showers during the fall. What about animals? Do you have reptiles bigger than an adult with large teeth and live in rivers? We call them darthrang."
"Oh we call them crocodiles!"
"Amazing! To think that your species live in a world much like mine!"
When the shuttle finally reached it's destination the two went their separate ways. A few days later they meet again, this time on the later shuttle. They sit and talk and create a routine of sorts where they became each others travelling companion for the trip to Mars.
One day however, Fenrir stopped coming. The human was saddened as she enjoyed his company but was soon surprised when seeing him at the centre.
"Kim! I've been transferred to stay on the ship so I won't be taking the shuttle to Mars anymore."
"Oh...well, as you know I only go home at the end of the week so maybe we can hang out now. Like eat lunch together or have a drink after work...or something like that!"
"Actually we'll be seeing each other everyday now. But if you don't get sick of me then yes, lets each lunch together."
"Great! But why will I be seeing you everyday?"
"Because after telling my family about you and the centre they've enrolled my nieces and nephews and younger siblings here...and I offered to drop them off and pick them up."
It was then that Kim noticed the dozen of orc children hiding behind Fenrir. The tallest and what looked the eldest of them stepped forward.
"Hello, I am Athea, uncle Fenrir said your one of the ones who saved the centre."
"Yes, my name is Kim. It's great to meet you AtheaaAA!" The orc girl pulled the human into a tight hug, lifting the adult woman off of her feet.
"Thank you for saving Nova." she mumbled into her chest.
'Ah, the Captain's daughter' Kim thought. "I was just doing what any teacher would do."
After a moment the human was put down and lead the children into the centre. The day went well. Fenrir's young family members were quickly won over by the humans, first with the saving of the centre, then with how they understood how wonderful their planet was rather than terrifying or deadly.
They were also greatly intrigued by how such a small species could survive in a planet that was thought to only be habitable to orcs.
"How can you carry us?" asked Thor, one of Fenrir's youngest brothers. "We're much bigger than a human child."
"Yeah but your not bigger than my cousins who are teenagers. Also just last month I had like 10 kids climbing on me. Two were tighalaxes."
"Your joking!"
"It that tumpon?!"
"Hm? We call it maafe, but it's also known as peanut stew, do you want some? It doesn't have any meat in it though."
"Guys Max has tumpon!! Can you tell Fenrir where we can buy the ingredients?"
"Of course. Finally I'll finish what gran gave me without having to gain 10 pounds."
And thus the first day ended on a high note! Now if only Kim could figure out why the children looked at her and nodded while talking to Fenrir...
So this based off of a post by @llamagoddessofficial about humans meeting actual space orcs. Sadly I can't find the actual post. but yeah, here u go, space orc and human meet cute
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stubz · 4 months
"Hey guys I got whooping cough."
"Woah calm down--"
"Do not tell me to calm down! Do you have any idea how contagious this shit is?!?!"
"Well, I heard but I'm wearing a mask and I'm literally on the other side of the glass wall, talking to you on the phone right now!"
"Like I give a rat's ass! I work at the child centre!! I. CAN'T. GET. WHOOPING. COUGH. BEGONE. NOW."
"Okay okay okay! I get it, going now! only like 8 of the kids could get it anyways...not even the same species."
"Love you!! I'll make you some cabbage soup!" with that she goes back to her lunch. Oblivious to the strange looks from her co-workers.
"Uh, what's whooping cough?" asked Op reaching for the salt with her tail.
"A very contagious human disease that gives you a nasty cough for several days to a few weeks."
"Oh, that doesn't sound too bad."
"Yeah but it can make you feel just awful and is actually very dangerous for infants, young children, and the elderly."
"How dangerous?" Fenrir asked
"Well...they could die."
"Its not often though, usually rare, they're just more at risk. I mean I had it when I was a baby and look! I'm perfectly fine."
For a while no one said anything. Just eating. Until Fenrir asked another question.
"Why is it called whooping cough?"
"Because that's what it sounds like. The inhale sounds like a whooping noise. But according to my parents I sounded more like a barking seal."
"What does a seal sound like?"
"Hold on." she fishes out her phone and finds a video of a seal barking.
*Seal noises*
"...and what does whooping cough sound like?"
*Whooping coughing noises, which honestly sounds like someone coughing up their heart and soul*
"...how the f*ck are you alive???"
"I second that."
"My Dad tucked me into his coat and walked out in the winter air so that it would clear my lungs."
"That's it?!"
"Cold air is what saved you from death?!"
"...I mean I probably had some antibiotics but yeah. There's no real cure, just a vaccine."
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stubz · 5 months
Drill Day
'Attention participants, the drill will be starting in 1 minute. Take this time to prepare yourselves and to remember that everything that will happen is a simulation. Nothing can or will legitimately hurt you. Should you wish to stop the simulation tap the centerpiece of your vest and you will escorted off, should you be unable to do so simply say 'moon' and you will escorted off.'
"Okay the sound system is good, the holograms and drones are a go, and our actors are ready."
"I still don't know why we need actors when we have perfectly good holograms and drones." Glip didn't want to admit but she was a little hurt that Calis and the Captain didn't trust her work.
"We've been over this. As good as your holograms are they aren't physical which can lower the realism and while your drones are physical they can can be too predictable which is something we don't want. Hence the actors."
"Doubt they'll even be convincing." she grumbled.
To Glip's annoyance and Quip's entertainment the actor's where in fact convincing.
"What are you doing you idiot?! Your in a supply closet with tons of stuff around to use and you use a towel?? You deserve to be captured by enemy forces."
The poor Vrool get's tackled to the ground by an actor who roars in their face, fake fangs and mandibles making them ink themselves.
"Aw buddy, aw there we go! Good sportsmanship actor!" the actor uses the towel to clean the Vrool best they can before finding them a new uniform to change into them a before sending them to the 'jail' set up.
"Shlip who did they hire for this?" honestly this was some of the best simulation acting she's seen in a while.
"Some random ship members who had too much time and was down for a free dinner on Cap."
"Huh, any apexes?"
"Oh yeah, like two thirds of them. Those big ones dressed like a Mors Crawlers? That's a tighalax and a rextalian."
"Great asteroids no wonder those orcs were shaking."
"Yep," he said popping the p. "almost as terrifying as the real thing."
"Wait wait wait, hold the shlipping communicator, we got younglings doing this?"
"Oh quiznack. . .well it's probably gonna be toned down right, right?" he asked looking at his co-worker.
"Yeah, yeah it should be. Look. Like half the actors are leaving...leaving only the scariest ones left." they looked at each other concerned.
"What!? Damnit Quip and Glip don't yell into the comms!"
"Are we actually sending younglings into this??"
"Isn't this like youngling endangerment?"
"The kids have been briefed about this and their parents signed off on this. Perfectly legal and safe. I also brought in some experts on this."
"Experts on scaring children?" who the shlip does that??
"Just do your jobs."
"how the deq are these kids fine with this..."
Said younglings are being chased by actors, dressed as Mors Crawlers and Domitors, the actors giving them very little breathing room.
One of them swipe at the younglings with their prosthetic claws, catching on the little ones clothes. They yank back and the child is sent sprawling towards the jaws of the Domitor, the child's vest lights up red. They're out.
Some more children get caught by claws, tails, and wings. Each one of them are out.
The remaining few duck into an open vent too small for the predators to follow. They claw and roar at the entrance.
"HA! Can't get them now, score one nothing for the younglings!"
"Nope, look at screen 3."
While the actors at the entrance roared and thrashed a few of them ran through the halls until reaching the other side of the vent. Just as the children were coming out.
They could run but to where? Back into the vent? Forward into their pursuers?
Well they tried both.
The largest and strongest charged forward while the smallest ran back.
While the larger and stronger ones were from species known for their power and abilities, they were still younglings going against adults. After some struggling their vests turned red.
Only a handful of younglings reached the vent without getting caught. The ones inside were safe...for now.
'Only 5 minutes before the simulation is over. 5 minutes.'
"Well, looks the kids win this one."
"Good for them. They earned it."
"Yeah-hold up...what are they doing?"
The actors were...breaking the wall. They had grabbed chairs and any heavy objects they could and were using them to break down the wall.
"THERE'S NO WAY IT IS....gods wrath it is...JUST LET THE KIDS HAVE THIS!!"
When a foot of the vent was now revealed they grabbed it and started to pull. The other side, now aware of what was happening, started to push and increase their efforts in grabbing the younglings.
"They're pulling it...oh my gods they're pulling it out of the actual wall!"
Inch by inch the predators pulled out sections of the vent. Almost a third of the way done. The hole left behind now big enough to send over their smallest predator on the other side.
The beast crawled as fast as it could through the tunnel. The younglings yell and kick at its claws.
A child screams while being dragged out of the body cams view.
"They're dead."
"Yep, you owe me five tix."
"No, I betted on the other rextali-"
Quip and Glip quieted. Then went into a flurry finding the right camera, searching for the child who said the safe word.
They found the child; Zyz, age 6 years old, species rextalian, being comforted by an actor. Face pressed into the adults fake fur while stroking the child's spine with their palms. Keeping their face and claws out of Zyz's view.
All the other actors around them softly put down the vent pieces and children already caught.
They then step back and then kneel or crouch. Claws are up or by their sides.
The children go to one another, checking up on each other, a few check on Zyz.
One of the actors slowly approaches Zyz on their knees. Hand out holding a tissue.
A tiny hand takes it. Along with the tissue.
And just like that all the other adults scoop up the children. Some are cradled into their chests, needing comfort and to not have them see their masks. Others are put onto their shoulders and backs, not as riled up or in a more playful mood. Some are tossed and dangled, to put them at ease despite the adrenaline coursing through their small bodies.
Soon the sniffles and hiccups are replaced by laughter and cheers.
The claws are replaced by warm sweaty hands.
Fangs and mandibles are replaced by sweaty smiling faces.
Wings and extra appendages are replaced by children hugging the tired actors.
"...they were HUMANS?!?"
"Hey it's Max! ...Ohhh that's whose a professional in scaring kids. That makes sense now."
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