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mercury-waters · 29 days ago
obsessed with how fixable society is, on a structural level.
obsessed with how all you need to do is throw money at public education and eliminate most standardized testing and you will start getting smarter, more engaged, kinder adults. obsessed with how giving people safe housing, reliable access to good food, and decent wages dramatically reduces drug overdoses and gun violence. obsessed with how much people actually want to get together and fix infrastructure, invent new ways of helping each other, and create global ways of living sustainably once you give them livable pay to do so. obsessed with how tracking diseases, developing medicines, and improving public health becomes so much easier when you just make healthcare free at point of use.
obsessed with how easy it all becomes, if we can just figure out how to wrench the wealth out of the hands of the hoarders.
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neurodivergenttales · 2 years ago
Shoutout to everyone who…
Relies on ‘junk food’ to eat
Is not able to or does not have the spoons to cook regularly
Whose relationship with food was damaged by their parents
Struggles to eat fresh fruit and veg
Has a limited diet due to sensory issues
Is made fun of for their restricted diet
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ladyflybutterbug · 9 months ago
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In my last post I shared my empty notebook collection. Now here I present my finished journals aka the story of my (conscious) life, literally.
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fennopunk · 4 months ago
One of the problems with ADHD is that even when you're sick and don't have the energy to do anything, your brain doesn't actually slow down and needs the constant stimulation or you get ✨bored✨. And being bored is so illegal for my brand of ADHD at least, that the concept barely even exists (same reason I struggle with meditation).
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valokuvapaivakirja · 1 month ago
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gardening--tools · 3 months ago
me, this morning: Oh Boy! i sure am proud of this big project i finished!! i should take some time to rest and relax before i start any new ones.
inspiration, not two seconds later:
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evergreen-femme · 2 years ago
i honestly hate the trans girl narrative that we were all always women no questions full stop. i get why it needs to exist and like i won't break the orthodoxy right now but to be honest that isn't really my experience. i was a boy who really desperately wanted to be a "girl" growing up, whatever that meant to me. now, i am a woman but i'm still that boy inside - he's my inner child. it may not be the nicest truth but it's my reality. it's immensely sad. but i need to acknowledge him if im ever going to have a sense of continuity in my life. so yea that's what the femboy stuff has been all about and why it feels so completely healing for me. its hot too yeah i know but i feel like i need to explain that it has a much deeper meaning to me than that as a "fetish." it's literally the narrative of my life, and me being happy enough with the results of my transition on a more or less every day basis to try and acknowledge and embrace the part of me i've always been the most ashamed of.
and also im really afraid of people saying shit because of this like "you aren't really a woman and you definitely aren't a lesbian!" bc i am still a woman. my adult self is a woman. acknowledging my womanhood meant acknowledging the 17 years of my life i spent fully dissociated from my body or any real sense of self, which was a terrifying thing to do that i think a lot of people would lack the courage for. and my lesbian and especially femme identity (to me, i'm a femme first, and a lesbian second) is incredibly important to my sense of womanhood. i had to embrace my womanhood to grow up, basically, and i delayed that for way too long. WAY too long. but i was still existing during that waiting time and i'm not going to just throw away 17 years of my life because it doesn't make sense to dumbass queer discoursers. i'm a boy who grew up into a woman. ppl like me do exist.
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velvetporcelain · 5 months ago
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gayjewishwerewolf · 2 months ago
my friend and i have been roped into putting together a purim spiel for this year and (zero experience writing or directing or producing plays) (not a lot of time to organise it) (the chair has put out multiple announcements about how we have it totally under control already) it'll be fine!
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filminah · 20 days ago
a reminder for you (but mainly for me)
the ideal university experience is a myth - all your mutuals on instagram posting about all their cool parties and cool friends don't live everyday like that, they probably don't look like that everyday either, people will only show you their best moments. people can be immature in uni just like they were in college and in school, coming to uni doesn't suddenly make you mature and neither does it make anyone else either. friendship breakups and all that petty shit happens to everyone. you're there to get a degree and not make friends, if the living environment or the people put you off, do you really want it that badly? i think i lost all my uni friends today because of a misunderstanding, some of them are in my classes and one is my flatmate who i can't avoid. but its only my foundation year and i'll meet other people next year. and when people have real jobs they have to work with people they dont like aswell, so its kinda like practice for the future. i think i'm gonna get back into movie reviews, drawing and painting again, and i was considering starting fencing? i think it would be fun. and i'm going to take my iron medication and vitamins too. because being alone isn't the end of the world. until next time (which is probably soon) Amina
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mercury-waters · 3 months ago
The UnitedHealth CEO shooting takes have all been made, but I do think that even beyond the core that healthcare should never ever ever be private or for profit, it's kind of crazy the scheme that all these companies are allowed to get away with.
When I was fighting with my insurance to cover my top surgery (Aetna), I couldn't find the number to actually call my insurance. There were two different numbers on my insurance card to call, and NEITHER of them called Aetna, they called third-party companies that Aetna paid to give me plan information or to complain to (to no avail). These were the only numbers I could find, not just for this, but also later when the company suddenly started denying the asthma inhaler I've had to use several times a week since I was 6, and other things.
The entire situation was fucked top-to-bottom, but that additional layer, which is pretty standard across most healthcare, is buck-wild to me. If you are going to fight me tooth and nail to stop me accessing benefits *THAT I PAY FOR*, there should be a fucking law that the company itself actually has to tell me to my face. You don't get to hire underpaid call-center workers to do it. Your company has to hire its own workers, who, if they get fed up with their own company's bullshit, can strike on behalf of the goddamn general public to get their shit in line.
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neurodivergenttales · 2 years ago
People talk about wanting to recover so that they can re-gain their old selves, their old passions, their old interests
What do you do when you don't have an old self to go back to and re-gain? There wasn't a 'me' before mental illness or if there was I don't remember them
When you start struggling with your mental health at a young age, it becomes all that you know and your identity can become distorted around it
Now I'm an adult who has no idea what they like, what they enjoy or even how to comfort themselves
What am I supposed to do with myself and how am I supposed to find reasons to recover when it feels like drowning is all I know?
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fennopunk · 8 months ago
It's kinda funny when someone sees me unravel a fiber project either partially or completely, and gets distressed on my behalf and I have to go "No no no, it's part of the process! You gotta trust the process."
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valokuvapaivakirja · 4 months ago
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Muska auttaa
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art-gelayn · 3 months ago
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Haven't been posting lately because I have now started working! I'm still trying to juggle my job, house chores and my habits but so far I'm satisfied.
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dslur · 5 days ago
every time I go out in public with my hot femme girlfriend we get stopped and complimented multiple times and people will b so nice to us and smile and talk to us and servers will give us free shit for being so cute OR she/both of us will get catcalled and men will get really creepy. I am still adjusting to this because it's so different from how I move throughout the world as a butch when I'm alone. trying to get used to it
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