#personal s
prismbearer · 1 year
Feeling wildly nostalgic as a form of escapism from the Midwest ATM and I'm debating moving to any place I've ever lived in the past instead. 😅
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somnaliusfern · 1 year
Nerevar is really such a concept.
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soursoppi · 4 months
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Who gets dibs on the chicken wing?
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lavendervirgos · 4 months
Doms can ask for attention too.
Doms can be needy for attention too.
Doms can ask for reassurance too.
Doms can be clingy too.
Doms can be not in the mood too.
Doms can get jealous and insecure too.
They're not weaker or less of a dom for any of it. They're humans, too, not just Doms. And the fact that people genuinely think otherwise is kind of weird to me.
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canisalbus · 5 months
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egophiliac · 3 months
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WAIT when did he get FANGS
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wu-does-art · 7 months
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coming out as a "Will snores obnoxiously loud" and "Nico breaths so quietly you can barely tell hes alive" truther
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hinamie · 3 months
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realizing how much i like drawing him a million years too late :<
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zoneofsmites · 10 months
Im of the full (possibly delusional) belief that Durge is not the species that they physically appear to be.
You’re telling me this being crafted from nothing but bhaal’s flesh and his blood - this demigod - is actually a dragonborn/tiefling/human/elf/etc.
No. This thing is bhaal’s flesh and it just happens to look like that. They’re an imitation of a species, they’re not truly a (full)mortal being, they have no heritage aside from bhaal.
As a result I’m sure there’s some…oddities.
For example, a demigod child, not fully mortal. I doubt they adhere to the lifespan of whatever species they look like. Looking younger than they should. (less so perhaps with long lived races like elfs and half-elves where that is par for the course).
A dragonborn durge that by all accounts looks like a blue dragonborn but their breathweapon is acid. A tiefling durge that seems to be a Mephistopheles tiefling but they cannot cast mage hand, instead smiting like a zariel bloodline tiefling.
An elf or tiefling durge that doesn’t read as fey or infernal trough identification spells. Because they aren’t either of those things. Perhaps they could read as divine but not quite.
Members of a race that durge is supposed to be looking at them and sometimes when making eye contact they read as wrong. And some kind of uncanny effect triggers in their brain.
Give me more freaky durge who isn’t really what they appear to be at all. Just a little murder demigod crafted from dead god flesh to be the shape of something else.
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stompandhollar · 3 months
reminding everyone that the in-universe problem with The Doctor and The Master isn’t “ooo horrible nasty enemies who hate each other and don’t get along and fight all the time but are also in love”
the problem is that they get along. the problem is that they can’t stop themselves from falling naturally into a rhythm of riffing off one another and enjoying the other’s company. THAT is the problem. the problem is that it works and that’s the thing that caused all their issues. they like one another. they just click.
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whimsicalgoose · 2 months
thinking about spock being too human for vulcan, and too vulcan for most humans... and then there's kirk who looks at him with huge homosexual eyes and trusts spock with his life time and time again. and compliments his mind. and compliments the glimpses of his emotions. THEY MAKE ME ILL!!!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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The girls are here!!!
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karouvas · 4 months
something I like about Blue Sargent is that she’s so believably seventeen years old. she misses her mom and yearns to keep her friendships and also to pursue her future and grow. she insults her cousin to her face but loves and is very protective of her. she wears fingerless gloves to cemeteries to look cool even though she knows trying to look cool will bite her in the ass, she monologues about how if she opens her pink switchblade she’s sure she’ll cut herself as a sensible teen but also monologues about how she looves the idea of herself as a badass with a switchblade, and then she does indeed open it and cut herself and connects it to her emotional hurt. she’s both self-conscious and confident, and highly pretentious. She’s a one thousand year old condescending brat who wishes she was surrounded by fellow one thousand year old condescending brats at all times. she’s impulsive and idealistic and empathetic and sensible and stubborn and judgemental and curious and compassionate and playful and fiercely loving. she’s a fanciful sensible thing, she’s good but she’s not nice, she’s brave because she’s full of fear. I love her
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somnaliusfern · 1 year
Doing the Knights of the Nine quest-line in Oblivion for the first time has really influenced my character aesthetics for Anadrya.
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bewarethetooth · 1 month
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Now excuse me while i sleep until 5pm because the sun IS rising and i AM so tired
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imethirdperson · 8 months
What I like most about farcille is that I think its a perfect encapsulation of Ryoko Kui's signature mixture of the cozy and the horrific. Overall Marcille has this clean pristine aura that she breaks only for Falin's sake. She's uppity, rigid and idealistic almost childishly, then she shows this immense drive, gets her hands dirty, and bends and bends. Dungeon Meshi is about how all beings become objects of consumption, and Marcille wouldn't have arrived at that conclusion if Falin hadn't died. She also wouldn't have if she hadn't befriended her in the first place. The course for Marcille's life was set when she was just open-minded enough to follow the weird girl to the cave in the woods. Forever cursed to eat wildlife
It's that contrast between cleanliness and filth that interests me, the interactions between the comfort and the horror, the uncanniness of the familiar and the familiar in the uncanny.
Every bit of Marcille's characterization points to a type of immaturity (the picky eating, the detached romance obsession, the failure at foreseeing the obvious consequences of her actions, the ridiculous plans to equalize all lifespans, the death crisis). Even in her dream she appears as stuck in childhood due to her loss trauma. Her development throughout the manga consists of coming to terms with grime and disgust, learning where food comes from, learning her limitations, coming to terms with death and decay... And it's all powered ironically by her drive to save Falin
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