#personal 🌼
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visionsofmagic · 7 months ago
sukuna and toji skins in fortnite is a NEED
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littlelamblita · 1 month ago
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loud shout-out to the other regressors , dreamers , and critters who want a caregiver but are scared of finding one because of the fear of being a handful , too much , unlovable , or fear they're going to be harmful to you or not a good match
I see you and I understand you completely
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jkvjimin · 10 months ago
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KIM SEOKJIN + music videos ↳ happy birthday, kayla! @cordiallyfuturedwight 🤍🌼
(beautiful background art made by @kithtaehyung)
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snowdin-stims · 1 year ago
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⛰️ | source
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headmateelevator · 3 months ago
hello! could we please request a level two ranboo (dsmp)? including typing example and excluding front triggers and roles!
with a space and winter/snow theme! a fem gender. and a few non-noun neopronouns please! also. idk if we are allowed to ask for things not on the template. but a few 1st person neopronouns too?
thank you! this blog is great btw! :D!!! -green anon
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order up!
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name(s) - Lumi , Boreas , Khione , Chióni , Eira , North , Frostine , Frost , Blizzard , Alba , Boo , Altitude , Apricity , Aquilo , Arctic , Blanca , Blizzard , Boreas , Chione , Crystal , Demetria , Freeze , Frost , Frostbite , Miyuki , Neve , Nevis , Andromeda , Apollo , Artemis , Aster , Asteroid , Astraios , Astro , Celeste , Celestia , Comet , Cos , Cosmos , Esther , Exo , Kulpar , Beloved , Luna , Matter , Moon , Nebula , Nova , Oranos , Orion , Sol , Soliel , Star , Starshine , Stella , Sun , Void , Nueve , Pan , Permafrost , Snow , Uncia , Viola , Winter , Xuĕ , Yukina , Snow , Andri , Bylur , Snowstorm , Permafrost , Aneira , Nevada , Alaska , Aquilo.
pronouns - they / them / she / her / ey / em / er / ers / hy / hyr / hy / hymn / ae / aer / it / that / thing / thon / thons / vae / vaer / se / sim / ny / nym / th-y / th-m / shy / shyr / thy / thym / x / xs / sh* / h*r / shx / hxr / hx / hxm / thxy / thxm / snow / snows / winter / winters / snow / flake / cold / colds / fre / freeze / bliz / blizzard / frost / frosts / chill / chills / frostbite / frostbites / tundra / tundras / arctic / arctics / shiver / shivers / ❄️ / ❄️s / 🌨️ / 🌨️s / 🧊 / 🧊s / spa / space / spaces / sta / star / stars / co / comet / comets / pla / planet / planets / gal / galaxy / galaxys / li / light / lights / mo / moon / moons / shi / shine / shines / tu / turn / turns / spi / spin / spins / su / sun / suns / bri / bright / brights / cro / crown / crowns / 🌌 / 🌌s / ✨/✨s / 🎇 / 🎇s / 🪐 / 🪐s / ⭐ / ⭐s / 🌟 / 🌟s / 🌀 / 🌀s / ☄ / ☄s / 🌠 / 🌠s / 🌙 / 🌙s / 👽 / 👽s / 👾 / 👾s / 👑 / 👑s / 💎 / 💎s / 🔭 / 🔭s / 🚀 / 🚀s / 🛰 / 🛰s.
1st person pronouns - i / me / my / mine / myself / ar / ar / arc / tic / arcself / mrri / mrre / mrry / mrrine / mrryself / i / ce / ice / icine / iceself / dai / dae / dy / daine / daiself / spi / spa / space / spacine / spaceself / sti / sta / star / starine / starself / X / X / Xy / Xine / Xself / li / love / lovely / lovine / loveself / ei / e / en / end / endself / dar / dare / darly / darling / darlingself / eye / meye / meye / meyene / meyeself.
gender(s) - girlish , genderflir , etheria , neogirl , nymgirl , luveratix , neigean , kalanagender , snowgirl , snowfallgender , lumilexic , noxventic , pleiadessidrea , spacegender , stargender , fargalaxian , astroscenic , galaxyflower , cosmiclatteic , galain , sueaumoc , noctichrine , canistellation , heavoid , beltzelestial , spacecoric , moongender , galasterios , staric , stargalactic , destria.
orientations - bisexual , masc leaning attraction.
species - half-enderman.
source(s) - c!ranboo , dsmp.
emoji(s) - ⬛ , ⬜ , 🌻 , ❄️ , 🌨️ , 🧤 , 🌌 , 🌠 , ✨ , 🌙 , ☄️
likes - cold weather , flowers , sweaters , comfortable clothes , friends , peaceful music , minecraft and other games , reading , watching youtube videos , meeting new people , stargazing , learning about space , aliens , cats , any animals or pets , going on walks , coffee , repeating things said by others (echolalia) , watching cartoons , cooking.
dislikes - sudden or loud noises , overheating , pain , loneliness , rude people , tags in shirts , cheap jumpscares (they always get hyr and shy hates it.) , sparkling water , feeling grimy or gross , picking sides.
personality description - a friendly and polite alter, they enjoy speaking to friends and people in the systems life any time they front, and love to meet new people when given the chance, once shy makes a friend, shy will remain loyal to them and stick with them in whatever situation they may need help with. while x loves meeting new people, ny often enjoys staying in and watching things on tv, or cooking something nice when given the time. she can often be a bit forgetful, but tries vaer hardest to keep up with things and people in their life, often writing things down in a notebook or notes app to keep track.
typing example / small message - hello, hello! I'm Boo, and it's nice to meet you!! li just thought mrri should write a little message to.. say hello and everything! dai'm honesty very excited to meet everyone in person!! this message probably isn't really enough to say hello properly.. or really say anthing about iceself.. but sti'm sure dai can give a better hello when I finally actually get there!! x'll hopefully see you later?
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exandr0th-0f-viscera · 4 months ago
PwNPD, I'm making a video on why I would argue that the use of the word "narc" in the context of a narcotics officer/someone who would snitch to the cops does not negate the derogatory meaning. However, I wanted to hear what the rest of you had to say on it since I think feedback will help me create a more satisfactory script.
Unless you are someone from the opposition who has a different point than 1. just stating the definition of the word as if I don't understand it or 2. mocking people because "then wouldn't it be pronounced narse?" ...Yeah, I've already heard those 'arguments'. I'm primarily looking for feedback from pwNPD that are of the same opinion as me, but may have different argumentation I didn't think of. Anonymous asks are allowed on my blog, so if you don't want your name attached then I am happy to receive feedback that way.
I DO plan on integrating anything helpful into my video, so I may end up messaging people if there's anything that stands out and may need further discussion privately. I will be sure to give proper credits where it's due.
Other than that, either way you fall in the discourse, feel free to answer the following poll. "Narcissist" includes anyone who identifies as one, whether you have NPD traits, self dx or are clinically diagnosed. I may make a follow-up poll later if I end up feeling there wasn't a good enough variety of options.
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twistedappletree · 1 year ago
In my ✨delulu✨ headcanon where Jiang Yanli and Qin Su both survive, they’re getting Jin Ling ready for his official initiation as sect leader by giving him Yunmeng braids and decorating his hair with pretty golden Jin accessories 😌
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siriuslupine · 8 days ago
In my mind Laios stays an unmarried king because he’s not really interested in marriage, but also if anyone, he’d rather marry both Marcille and Kabru rather than just one of them (and he doesn’t really feel that close to anyone else), but legally and diplomatically that would be impossible, so they’re just all going to continue to have this weird undeclared thing going on between them forever and it would be really funny tbh
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blossom-boo · 3 months ago
driving theory test tomorrow everyone say good luck blossom
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localfinnfan · 2 months ago
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Started as a vent thing but it got a bit out of hand lol; enjoy some Dandy angst I guess?
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soulless-prince · 11 months ago
i offer flowey a chocolate bar
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[The chocolate bar reminds Flowey of...someone.]
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* Thanks. I guess.
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asteracaea · 1 year ago
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narcissisticpdcultureis · 1 year ago
NPD culture is never understanding being told narcs aren't aware before diagnosis bc hello? i have "im special" disorder and having a special name for it proves I'm special thank you very much! 🐾🌼
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gwalch-mei · 3 months ago
Void, clay pot, bublgum, bannaner, and orb for ask game!!!
🥹🥹 SARAH!!! you’re too kind i’m gonna cry <33 and i am SO sorry for your sleep schedule dhxkenfhxjwnf but i love talking with you sm!!!!
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headmateelevator · 3 months ago
can we have a songtive of IDOLiZER by STYXVII? preferably nonhuman and femmasc :] thank u!
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order up!
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name(s) - Lily , Vinny , Ardie , Colere , Wrathes , Nemesis , Nuri , Burn , Adored , Cupid , Amour , Amias , Hart , Eros , Pip , Red , Desi , Toby , Corwin , Ambrose , Anya , Darrel , Dilan , Devo , Cherish , Bow , Dyre , Valentine , Cain.
pronouns - they / she / he / it / gore / love / flame / burn / hate / hurt / rot / dae / dusk / end / thorn / heart / harm / hy / hymn / hyr / blood / vile / villain / thxy / thxm / th-y / th-m / thy / thm / scratch / bite / claw / pink / demon / stare.
gender(s) - femmasc , femmasclexic , boygirl , liquilfemmasc , femmasc-spike , phoembian , femmascic , bloodyspiral , bloodyheartgoric , evilbodiment , consumlovic , loveheartfem , lovecorefreakbitch , Decayedgender , Pinkvampgender , Zombimutt , Horrorboy. Horrorgirl , Redpinkic , lovegoric , dognipic , gendervoid , carnimeange.
orientations - bisexual, fem leaning attraction. Ambiamorous.
role(s) - anger holder , avenger , sister / brother / sibling figure.
species - demon , HUMAN:) , dear...? ,
source(s) - IDOLiZER , STYXVII
emoji(s) - 🎬 , 📷 , 📸 . 📹 , 📼 , 🌸 , 💮 , 💌 , 🩸 , 🔪
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jkvjimin · 7 months ago
just a little -which was not in the schedules- pause
my computer has been experiencing some video and software glitches, so i'm going to send it to technical assistance and i won't be able to edit or post anything here for a few days.
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