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localfinnfan · 2 months ago
Wanting to interact more with the DW fictionkin + fictive community but having no idea where to start/too anxious to just message one of the people we follow xd
-🌼Dandy and 🍓Sprout
(Edit bc of a pattern we’ve noticed: we’re a mixed origin/traumaendo + pro endo system, so the anti endos commenting pls keep that in mind ok thx)
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berryboy-agere · 16 days ago
Trying to stay big so I can spend time with my friend and play games with them but it’s hard :(
Hugging Cosmo and trying to hide that I’m little; glad it’s not video call so they can’t see Cos! I still get kinda embarassed….
-🌼Dandy (He/It)
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skyedancer-system · 2 months ago
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After over 2 months Uzi is finally free from front 🎉
Which is great since her mental state was NOT good after being stuck out here for so long. Getting emo in more than just aesthetic if you get what I mean. Sprout and Vee left with her since it was getting close to a month for them too
Who’s here now you ask? Well everyone’s favorite rainbow flower of course :)
-🌼Dandy (He/It)
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pastelliek · 2 months ago
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Dandy’s world doodles… I am in the process of redesigning some of them (cough cough glisten coughhh)
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ang3lofdivinity · 3 months ago
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⋆。‧˚ʚ 𝖲𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝖳𝗈𝗈𝗍𝗁! ɞ˚‧。⋆
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Relationship(s): Slightly Yandere!Sprout + GN!Toon!Reader
Genre: Fluff, some angst eventually
Format: Short story + headcanons
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, yandere/possessive behavior, otherwise none!
A/N: Sorry for such the long hiatus! School is CRAZY rn. + my life overall :’)). Take this Sprout stuff because I LOVE Dandy’s. Also, do note that the reader is a bit clumsy! Along with the fact this is a bit self indulgent.. (I promise, I’ll make Cosmo x Reader x Sprout stuff soon… trust)
Part 1: current | Part 2: In the works..
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Now, this is an interesting circumstance you’ve gotten yourself into!
I wanna guess that you’re a toon that works in the diner along with Sprout, and Cosmo.
Maybe you’re a kinda dessert food item? Like, a Milkshake?
I also wanna say that you’re kinda like a waitress for the diner. Someone who runs out the food, rings in food, assigns people to different tables, etc.
You’re a hard-worker, someone who overachieves in their job. Working extra hours to help Sprout and Cosmo, and so on. You love your job, and you love your best-friends!
You and Cosmo’s friendship came before you and Sprout even knew each other. Sure, you’ve heard him be mention by others, especially Cosmo, but never really met him in person before. Well, up until Cosmo asked if you wanted to work with him and Sprout in the diner, given your experience working within the food industry before and such.
And after your interview and background check: you had officially started working as a waitress for the diner!
Cosmo was your only friend for a while, though you were cordial with Sprout- you just didn’t speak to him as much as you did Cosmo.
Though, that was until you had kitchen duty for the night.
You hummed along to the sound of the song that was playing in your headphones, washing dishes in the back of the kitchen while being oblivious to your surroundings. Placing the wet dishes and silverware on the drying mat in their respective places, you felt pleased with your work today and were in a decently good mood: no rude customers, you didn’t have to clean up most of the diner today… it was all going well!!
Well, that was until afterwards.
You checked over everything, making sure every little thing was in its proper place for the night so you could finally clock out for the night.
See, your job here at the diner is simple: serve as a waitress for the costumers, do any extra work such as doing the dishes after closing hours and sweeping the floors, and then finally clock out for the night. Simple as ever, right?
You enjoy your job. You like living here with the rest of the toons in the neighborhood! Sure, you have those bad days that always get you in a sour mood- but everyone has that problem eventually! It’s not just you. Besides, your friends are always gonna be there to help!
Finishing up your business in the kitchen, you sighed. Today was a busy day, and it had DRAINED you! So now, it was time to go home and relax, eat something, and then pass out for the night. It’s a routine that you enjoy. And on the days that you have off from work are pretty uneventful, but still enjoyable in the long run.
Turning on your heel, you began walking towards the corridor so you could head off and grab your stuff to clock out, before you suddenly stopped.
..why does it feel like you’re forgetting something.
Your brows furrowed, trying to make yourself move forward- but you couldn’t. You physically couldn’t move forward anymore and you have no clue WHY.
Taking a deep breath, you turn to look behind you where you see you’ve left one of the cupboards open! (You swear you closed it, but I guess you just simply forgot to and convinced yourself that you did).
So, you do what you were supposed to do: close it.
But the moment your foot lands when you’re so close to it, though, you feel yourself slipping. Your arms flail wildly, reaching for anything solid to latch onto as the world blurs and spins around you.
With a very futile attempt, you tried to stop your fall by grabbing onto the nearest— ….
Something just grabbed you.
Instead of the inevitable crash, you’re caught.
Though, with your eyes screwed shut with fear, you’re too nervous to see what happened. Your breath comes in short gasps as you cling tightly to whatever—whoever—has kept you upright. Clinging onto whatever you can to keep you from getting any more bruises than your clumsy self gets on a normal basis already is better than nothing.
If staying like this means you’re safe, then you’re willing to stay like this for—
“..You good?”
A voice spoke up. It’s.. rather closer than you would’ve thought, it’s almost as if it was right next to you kinda close. This doesn’t sound like someone you know like Cosmo, but it does sound familiar in some way that you can’t put your finger on.
Slowly, your eyes open up.
And what do you see?
Your best guess is that he probably came into the kitchen while you were walking back, and you hadn’t noticed him until now. Or something banal like that, like in those silly rom-com movies.
To describe Sprout himself… : He’s strawberry that only wears a white scarf with pink stripes wrapped around his neck that also drapes over his back. He has five mint green, simple leaves, three of which rest atop their head while the other two cover his forehead like bangs. He has dark, red blush with three black freckles on each cheek. His limbs are a vivid shade of light red with white gloves covering both hands. You can’t see anything other than that- but you know that he was white and punk striped socks, and a friendship bracelet to match with Cosmo.
Cosmo’s excited look when he showed you his.. it still replays in your mind.
You pop yourself out of your reverie, blinking repeatedly as you focus back on Sprout.
“Oh—yeah—sorry!” You squeaked out, attempting to gather yourself. But you were still too stunned to move, body frozen in place due to the shock. Realizing you weren’t going to get up anytime soon, you sighed, feeling a little defeated.
Sprout didn’t hesitate. “I’ll get you checked out. Here—” he said, scooping you up in his arms before you could protest.
Your face IMMEDIATELY flushed a deep pink as he lifted you bridal style, causing your heart to race even faster.
You opened your mouth to say something, but no words came out. All you could do was wrap your arms around his neck, your embarrassment overwhelming her as you held on tight to him.
It wasn’t meant to be such a romantic gesture, simply just trying to help you!
“Thank you, Sprout..”
That was your first ever meeting!
Cliché, no?
But: you were safe, alive, and your injuries all got healed up (which were a couple burns on your hands from using water which was too warm, and a few cuts here and there).
You found out the reason that he even caught you in the first place is because he had rounded the corridor when you just started walking back over into the kitchen! He had come to check up on you and your work so far because it was late at night.
You thanked Sprout tenfold, offering to do nearly anything as payback for helping you.
Which he then.. forced you to take some baking lessons with him.
He needed more bakers, after all!!
You wondered how this would turn out…
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A/N: IM SORYRYRYE. This is such a bad drabble. It’s 1 am as we speak bro.
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dandysworldhcs · 20 days ago
Whenever Glisten gets sick, he gets SICK.
Like lying on the couch with a bucket of tissues next to him because his nose is running to much to be a sometimes run to the bathroom thing.
But of course he tries his best to mask that because it doesn't fit his 'perfect' image and he doesn't want to seem weak over a silly cold so he usually stays in his room the whole time.
(I'm sick rn so I'm projecting it onto my favorite characters. IF I MUST SUFFER THEY MUST MEET THE SAME FATE ALONG SIDE ME)
LITERALLY ME! Weak immune system.... ough he would get in a pink gorgeous robe and wear a sleeping mask to take naps. He would also probably take bubble baths during sick weeks. Trust me he told me this himself.
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gardenview-gang · 2 months ago
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"H-Hello! Boxten here! I wanted everyone to have sort of a group bonding thing, and so I made this! I hope you enjoy! But please be nice! We do have some rules, so hopefully you respect them! Shrimpo, might wanna take it away..."
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"He's just feeling a little silly! Yeah we have some rules and boundaries!"
Don't like, don't look
Don't be a jerk
Ship and Let Ship
No NSWF of the sorts
No harassment, vaugeing, or name dropping.
"Now it's Finn's turn!"
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"AHOY MATEY!!!! I am da fish bowl, here to tell awesome facts and annoy people with my FUNNY.. puns!"
"idk what else to say........"
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”Howdy, everyone! It’s Sprout! I just wanted to say thanks to Boxten for making this blog! I’m just waiting for Cosmo to get here…”
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”Wowzers! Heya! My name is Brightney and It’s so nice to be here! Thank you Boxy- er.. I mean Boxten!
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”hey guys! Its me, Gigi! Remember that 99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big!!!”
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"Hi.. Astro here.. oof.. i need a nap.."
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Sup! I am the one only Connie boolynksi! Look over you shoulder. Hehehhehe~
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“Greetings everyone, Rudie here! Remember to be nice and not naughty!“
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"Hey my lovelies! Glisten here! Always remember I'm perfect.. and you are too <3"
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"hello! Shelly here, Hope all of y'all have a great day! Or night- :D"
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"Heya! Dandy here!"
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I’m here Darlings~ Do you know all day is teatime ^^
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“Hey, I'm Ebony! You got a problem you need fixing, just come to me."
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"Yo, how's everyone? Micheal here, ready to kick things up a notch, let's all keep up to speed, and have some fun!"
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"I would let the others add but I'm impatient as flip and I feel like having a mental breakdown so like...they can add when this is posted! Now roll call!"
BOXTEN! @boxing-confessions ← The Therapist
POPPY! @localpopenjoyer
SHRIMPO! @i-hate-gardenview <- THE BEST ONE HERE!!!💢 (I’ll let you believe that) “debatable” -🎰 “SHUTTUP!!!!💢” “I said what i meant and i meant what i said.” -🎰
FINN! @oh-my-cod-its-finn <- SHRIMPO APPROVED!!!!! - 💢
VEE! @outdated-tech
SCRAPS! @grabby-scrappy
SHELLY! @shelly-the-dinoshell <[definitely talk to this one!. Heh..] <- “I’m sorry, who is this one again? 🍓” [... sprout what the heck... ;_;]
RAZZLE N DAZZLE! @yin-and-yang-showtime
GOOB! @goobzcraft-hugzblog
RUDIE! @realrudie
FLUTTER! @fluttertypes
TOODLES! @toodlesda-awesum
LOOEY! @looey-balloey <- POP HIM!!! - 💢
TISHA! @tishadandysworld
CONNIE! @the-ghost-gal
SPROUT! @berry-boii
COSMO! @cinni-healer <- “The BESTEST baker and BESTEST friend! 🍓” "Aww, thank you! 🍰"
DANDY! @gimme-tapes
ASTRO! @astros-sleepyness <- "my favorite...don't tell anyone else." -🌼 “OOOOOOOOOOH HE LIKES BOOOOOOOYYYYYSSSS (joke)” -🎰
PEBBLE! @pebs-the-rock-dog <- arf
GLISTEN! @glistenisperfect
GIGI! @gigi-gambler <- “guys definitely follow this one” -🎰 “DONT!! SHE SUCKS!!💢” “NUH UH” -🎰
TEAGEN! @teagendarling
BRIGHTNEY! @brightneylikeadiamond
BOBETTE! @bobettethebauble gay bauble ahh
GINGER! @ginger-the-not-bread
COAL! @bwork-bwork-grrrrrr
EBONY (New Rodger): @rodger-the-detective
...ICHOR: @ichor-you-glad-im-here ← "Look what you did, he has anxiety 🎼"
MICHAEL! @michaels-gardenview-blog
ORIGINAL RODGER! @your-favorite-detective (deleted blog)
Boxten's Divider Credits, Finn's Divider Credits, Sprout Divider Credits, Connie's Divider Credits, Glisten Divider Credits, Brightney Divider Credits, Gigi Divider Credits, Shelly Divider Credits, Rudie Divider Credits, Dandy Divider Credits, Pebble Divider Credits, Micheal divider credits
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dandytherainbowflower · 1 month ago
What does tapes taste like I’m sure nobody will notice if I just eat one
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dandys-handler · 8 months ago
Ah, Joanne! Been a hot second, huh?
Are you still carrying out your handler duties? How are the toons?
( @hannahhandler )
Oh, hello there, Hannah. Good to hear from you. Yes, I am working as usual. The Toons, as far as I can see, are doing just fine! Pebble has been a little... jumpy, as of late, but that can be solved easily enough. How about you?
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gardenview-kins · 2 months ago
Twisted sprout icons demi boy and trans??
Of course! Hope you like them! Gave you a couple shape options because it was so simple :)
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~ 🌼
All of our icons are free to use
Requests are open!
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clovers-misprints · 2 months ago
Ooh, hi regular toons! What do y'all think of your misprint counterparts?
🌼: Ooh, this Clover fella is a little grumpy, but I’m sure he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed!
📺: This… this is just half of me. What am I supposed to do with this…?
🎭: I think they’re fun!
( a little too cheery, though, don’t you think…? )
🎉: He’s fun!! It’s sad he can’t hug, though. :(
🎱: Where’s her face?
🪞: …the first thing he did when he saw me was yell at me.
🦋: !!!
( She’s really nice! She knows a lot, too! )
[ 1/5 ]
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localfinnfan · 2 months ago
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Started as a vent thing but it got a bit out of hand lol; enjoy some Dandy angst I guess?
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berryboy-agere · 15 days ago
Vent/talking about source memories
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I want my dad… Why did Miss Delilah not let me and Pebble go with him? He wanted to actually adopt us when Gardenview shut down but she made him and all my friends’ handlers (who wanted to adopt them too!) leave us behind…
Delilah was a big meanie and wouldn’t let any of us leave Gardenview even after it shut down…. We were all locked in for who knows how long and had to survive on whatever was left behind with us… I remember dad and some of the other humans trying to come back but everything was locked so tight they couldn’t get in to help…. I tried to get it open from the inside too and it wouldn’t work!
I tried to be a leader and keep all the other Toons happy and safe but it’s hard when almost 30 people are relying on you and you’re loosing hope too..
I just want to see my dad again…. I don’t want him trying to break in and get us all out and safe to be my last memory of him….
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pastelliek · 1 month ago
SHOW.ME.MORE.OF.YOUR.ART... NEOOW! 😡 (I love you by the way <3)
All I have is my dandy’s world art. I haven’t drawn much but here are some precious scraps 💔💔
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+ this animation meme wip (im gonna tween it 🫶)
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ps: art req for dandy’s world is open!
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sirius-motes · 1 month ago
Could I please request a set of fox head emotion emotes please?
Similar to
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Depicting a nod/yes, head shake/no, anger, happy
/no pressure
Thank you for your time, please have a nice timezone
Here are your emotes!! Hope they’re good!
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Yes / No by Dandy
Anger by (Unsure but possibly) Phyce [<- We were kinda disassociating]
Happy by Host!
Sorry these are kinda low quality n not shaded at all but we wanted to make sure we finished these!
- Host 🫀 [No Prns/They/Star/He]
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dandysworldhcs · 18 days ago
shrimpo is strong but not in the "excersizes a lot" way. in a "adrenaline rush when your baby is stuck under a car" way. he's just constantly over-working his muscles
This is such a comparison I just giggled OUT LOUD anon it is 2:12 AM my time. Yes i agree wholeheartedly with you this guy is NOT resting. Always on that grind fr...
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