#Shelly was here! 🐚🦖
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gardenview-gang · 2 months ago
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"H-Hello! Boxten here! I wanted everyone to have sort of a group bonding thing, and so I made this! I hope you enjoy! But please be nice! We do have some rules, so hopefully you respect them! Shrimpo, might wanna take it away..."
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"He's just feeling a little silly! Yeah we have some rules and boundaries!"
Don't like, don't look
Don't be a jerk
Ship and Let Ship
No NSWF of the sorts
No harassment, vaugeing, or name dropping.
"Now it's Finn's turn!"
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"AHOY MATEY!!!! I am da fish bowl, here to tell awesome facts and annoy people with my FUNNY.. puns!"
"idk what else to say........"
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”Howdy, everyone! It’s Sprout! I just wanted to say thanks to Boxten for making this blog! I’m just waiting for Cosmo to get here…”
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”Wowzers! Heya! My name is Brightney and It’s so nice to be here! Thank you Boxy- er.. I mean Boxten!
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”hey guys! Its me, Gigi! Remember that 99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big!!!”
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"Hi.. Astro here.. oof.. i need a nap.."
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Sup! I am the one only Connie boolynksi! Look over you shoulder. Hehehhehe~
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“Greetings everyone, Rudie here! Remember to be nice and not naughty!“
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"Hey my lovelies! Glisten here! Always remember I'm perfect.. and you are too <3"
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"hello! Shelly here, Hope all of y'all have a great day! Or night- :D"
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"Heya! Dandy here!"
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I’m here Darlings~ Do you know all day is teatime ^^
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“Hey, I'm Ebony! You got a problem you need fixing, just come to me."
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"Yo, how's everyone? Micheal here, ready to kick things up a notch, let's all keep up to speed, and have some fun!"
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"I would let the others add but I'm impatient as flip and I feel like having a mental breakdown so like...they can add when this is posted! Now roll call!"
BOXTEN! @boxing-confessions ← The Therapist
POPPY! @localpopenjoyer
SHRIMPO! @i-hate-gardenview <- THE BEST ONE HERE!!!💢 (I’ll let you believe that) “debatable” -🎰 “SHUTTUP!!!!💢” “I said what i meant and i meant what i said.” -🎰
FINN! @oh-my-cod-its-finn <- SHRIMPO APPROVED!!!!! - 💢
VEE! @outdated-tech
SCRAPS! @grabby-scrappy
SHELLY! @shelly-the-dinoshell <[definitely talk to this one!. Heh..] <- “I’m sorry, who is this one again? 🍓” [... sprout what the heck... ;_;]
RAZZLE N DAZZLE! @yin-and-yang-showtime
GOOB! @goobzcraft-hugzblog
RUDIE! @realrudie
FLUTTER! @fluttertypes
TOODLES! @toodlesda-awesum
LOOEY! @looey-balloey <- POP HIM!!! - 💢
TISHA! @tishadandysworld
CONNIE! @the-ghost-gal
SPROUT! @berry-boii
COSMO! @cinni-healer <- “The BESTEST baker and BESTEST friend! 🍓” "Aww, thank you! 🍰"
DANDY! @gimme-tapes
ASTRO! @astros-sleepyness <- "my favorite...don't tell anyone else." -🌼 “OOOOOOOOOOH HE LIKES BOOOOOOOYYYYYSSSS (joke)” -🎰
PEBBLE! @pebs-the-rock-dog <- arf
GLISTEN! @glistenisperfect
GIGI! @gigi-gambler <- “guys definitely follow this one” -🎰 “DONT!! SHE SUCKS!!💢” “NUH UH” -🎰
TEAGEN! @teagendarling
BRIGHTNEY! @brightneylikeadiamond
BOBETTE! @bobettethebauble gay bauble ahh
GINGER! @ginger-the-not-bread
COAL! @bwork-bwork-grrrrrr
EBONY (New Rodger): @rodger-the-detective
...ICHOR: @ichor-you-glad-im-here ← "Look what you did, he has anxiety 🎼"
MICHAEL! @michaels-gardenview-blog
ORIGINAL RODGER! @your-favorite-detective (deleted blog)
Boxten's Divider Credits, Finn's Divider Credits, Sprout Divider Credits, Connie's Divider Credits, Glisten Divider Credits, Brightney Divider Credits, Gigi Divider Credits, Shelly Divider Credits, Rudie Divider Credits, Dandy Divider Credits, Pebble Divider Credits, Micheal divider credits
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qibsichan · 3 months ago
AU Announcement! 🌺
Meet Shelly! 🐚🍂
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Thank you, Dandy’s World, for giving me brainrot 😭
She’s part of what I’m going to fittingly call my Dino Shelly AU, in which Shelly is half-transformed and constantly in danger of slipping into the mindset of a Twisted. Her mutation has already broken her body and her mind may follow close behind.
This post is chunky so read more if you wish, or just enjoy my gal! :)
Now, in case you’re wondering why her bottom half is hidden, that’s because it looks like this:
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(This is a slightly earlier design for her so some details are a lil different hehe)
So what happened to her?
(Warning: mentions of paralysis, mental illness and addiction)
No one remembered her during the panic timer and the doors banged shut without her
She was left to rot in the factory floor and was attacked by the roaming twisteds
Her spine was snapped and she became paralysed from the waist down
Unable to move and desperate to alleviate her pain somehow, she drank from the ichor machine she’d been backed up against
Ichor sated her hunger but also caused a serious addiction to the substance
Constant exposure to ichor caused her lower body to try and heal itself, but her mitosis was so confused it picked the wrong DNA
Dinosaurs go rawr 🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖
Shelly’s personality is still relatively the same, but thanks to her mutation, she has become much more primal and survival-minded, with her survival typically involving either ichor or Vee, who was the one to eventually rescue her. Shelly’s memory is also extremely poor and she is easily triggered by the sound of cracks or splinters.
(End of warning)
In this AU I think that the toons all get their life force from their trinket, which now multipurposes as the object the toons are based as :) eg. Glisten isn’t an actual mirror anymore but he’s decorated with glass
I don’t know if I’ll design any of the other toons with the same human style but I’m good with the cartoon aesthetic so, here’s half-toon Shelly :)
Regarding Vee’s Involvement 📺🎤
Damn you toxic Shellevision…
Still working this out but I think Vee is both the reason Shelly was left behind and the reason she was recovered at all. At the time, Vee was sort of dealing with a petty frustration over Shelly’s crush on her, and out of spite argued that no one should go back to check after the panic timer. And it took a lot of overnight existentialising and self-hate to change her mind.
“If you hadn’t been so stupid and bitter in the moment, her spine wouldn’t have broken.”
I think she would’ve either found Shelly or sought her out during a solo run, been crippled with guilt, and brought her back to mixed reactions.
Shelly doesn’t acknowledge Vee’s past dislike for her. She’s buried the memory.
Cause Vee came back for her, right?
So surely she loves her this time?
spoilers she changed her mind and now has to live with the guilt for the rest of her life
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yantisocial · 16 days ago
hi . hey. you know what time it is it's dandy's world time I'm not here to overload you with requests but holy shit im so autistic about these stupid ass roblox cartoons and I need MORE OF THEM. A Shelly , Vee , and Glisten ........ The only section we don't want is the paras and we enjoy either shittons of genders or neopronouns. mayhaps both. also MUDs, MUDs my fucking beloved. other than that go off do whatever. enjoy yourself also . while we're here can we claim 💉 anon (or toxinon cuz its fun to say) ,, like sure you already know who we are but. I want my own tag damnit cuz I plan on coming back!! /silly
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I did dinos for a divider (by @\roomwithavoid) because you made me think about shelly too much (i looked at her dialogue on the wiki TvT </3)
oh also this was made with the old req format. and im tired. so im not fixing that. also also i only felt up to linking to art today :sob:
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Name(s): Shelly, Dino, Dianna
Nickname(s): Shels, Lia, Lee, Lili, Di
Age: mentally 26, has existed physically for 10 years
Gender(s): dinogal, dinoplushgirl, galligirl, fossilgirl, lesboy, girlboy
Orientation(s): asexual lesbian
Pronouns: dino/dinos/dinoself, she/her/hers/herself, he/him/his/himself it/its/itself, fos/fossil/fossils/fossilself
Interests: fossils, dinosaurs, collecting dino plushies and dino (+other prehistoric animals) facts. LOVES anything dino-print (example)
(Cis)IDs: extroverted, toon, ammonite, fossil, cute, dinosaur fact hoarder, autistic, fragile x syndrome
TransIDs: transpopular, transwell-known, perma-many friends, null-lonely, transarthritis, transpots (alt 1 / alt 2), transtourettes
Role (if any): gayxenorole, dinoxenorole and archeologyxenorole, adhd holder, hyperfixation keeper (in general, but especially Roblox + Dandy’s World related things), rolemaster, stim holder
Emoji and/or Proxy Tag: 🐚🦖 or 🦴📜 or 🪨🕸️ or {SHELLY}[txt]
Appearance: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8
Extra: kingenic, isolgenic & lonelagenic
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Name(s): Vee, Veronica, TeeVee
Nickname(s): Tech, Tee, TV
Age: mentally 20, has existed physically for 10 years
Gender(s): ASPDbodiment, glitchboy, tvgirl, staticthing, computergirl, voidboy
Orientation(s): bisexual lesbian
Pronouns: tee/vee/tvs/tvself, green/greens/greenself, screen/screens/screenself, mon/moni/mons/monitorself, game/games/gameself, mic/mics/micself + they/it ++ no gendered pronouns!
Interests: game shows, winning, competing, sports (only to win lol), gambling (safely!)
(Cis)IDs: Computer, Toon, Scammer, NPD, ASPD
TransIDs: TrisSZPD, veroKorean, TransGameShowHost, transhater, transgamer
MUDs: SDZD, PermaDD, AAS, Verdenopia, GMD
Role (if any): Plurvigil, Narcmate, NPD Holder, Overwatcher, Overseer, Perceptionalist
Emoji and/or Proxy Tag: 🖥️💚 or 💚🤍🖤 or 🔋📡 or 📺⚡️ or VEE-![text] or [text]-vee⚡️
Source: Dandy’s World ; Vee
Source Talk: sometimes, always ask
Appearance: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8
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Name(s): Glisten
Nickname(s): Glis, Mir
Age: mentally 28, has existed physically for 10 years
Gender(s): MeanttoBeYoursSongic, FUInMyHeadSongic, AgainstTheKitchenFloorSongic, NPDAngel, BlueStaric, Anxiefemme, YanDeity, HPDollic/NPDollic, Calmgelique
Orientation(s): HyperRo due to DPD, Asexual, Thistlian (Flag)
Pronouns: he/they/she/it + Glis/Glisten/Glistenself, shine/shines/shineself, mir/mirror/mirrors/mirrorself, ref/reflect/reflects/reflectself, cute/cutie/cuties/cutieself
Interests: Roger (lmao), Dandy’s World, Rooms-style games, ballet, ice skating
(Cis)IDs: CisManipulover, Toon, NPD, HPD, Mirror
TransIDs: TransPolish, TransDPD, TransAvPD, TransAutistic, TransFigureSkater
MUDs: MMrD, MOD, OCRD, MPD, ICCD, UORD, InPhD, PDyD, Reflexunopia, GPPD
Role (if any): subsystem Corelet, Chaosnaut, Narcmate
Emoji and/or Proxy Tag: 🪞💖 or 💕✨ or 💘♠️✨ or ✨glisten✨[text] or glisten~💖[text]
Source: Dandy’s World ; Glisten
Source Talk: Yep!
Style: Casual Balletcore ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6
Appearance: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8
Extra: CritHarmed/Harmful, Ichorist
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ask-shelly-fossilian · 4 months ago
=» WELCOME❗️❗️
Welcome to the blog!!
This is an ask blog made for purely out for fun, i will try to be online as long as i can here, if i start to not post for awhile i may be in a break or not using this blog anymore.
Main acc
@ks09t - Mod Peso Sign
[Tiktok : link here]
Age gap
Magic Anons
Other AUS
Designs For The TOONS!!
SHELLY - link
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