#permanent great council
agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Do you think ASOIAF is still going to end with Bran on the throne? I kind of find that so incredibly disingenuous. I was so sure pre-GOT Ending that the 7K would all go back to being independent states, since the Targs "unified" (saying this sarcastically) Westeros, and ASOIAF is obviously going to end with the Targs dying out. So it wouldn't make sense to me to still keep that Targ symbolism (the IT and unification of Westeros) intact.
Also, I find such an ending racist. The North is obviously going to secede with Sansa as queen ... But everything that the North wants to be, is what Dorne is. And then Dorne is not going to secede (they're already halfway there anyways) and accept a Stark overlord? There is no way in Hell I see that happening. Dorne has suffered the most from the Targs and has rejected them the most and deserve the independence they have always fought for the most, but they are the ones that are not going to secede? No way.
ASOIAF should end with the full eradication of the Targaryens, the 7K all becoming independent like before, the IT destroyed, and Bran the new Bloodraven overseeing the continent as a tree or whatever. But the North only seceding and another Stark ruling over the rest of the continent? That's just blatant favoritism not to mention an unsatisfactory ending to characters (the Dornish) that have nothing to do with the Starks.
Hi there!
I've made a few post on the subject of what I think the King Bran endgame will be.
Great Council and Harrenhal
Harrenhal and the Starks
Bran the Loophole King by a Lake
Arya prepares Harrenhal
Who stays and who goes independent?
How boy king Bran might work
Bran as a human king not a greenseer
Essentially I think the show ending is a very strongly altered version of it - to the point of absolute absurdity. It feels like they dedicated less time to the political restructuring of Westeros than they did to Tyrion shuffling chairs around before that travesty of a small council meeting. It's nonsense. They didn't care about their ending. Neither should we.
To make my predictions brief: Bran absolutely and definitely will give up his powers in the course of resolving the ice threat. There is absolutely NO way GRRM would place some kind of surveilance godking on a throne and call it a "bittersweet ending". Anyway, KL is done, no more Iron Throne. A Great Council is held to decide the future of Westeros (Congress of Vienna-style but better). They elect a new king (hereditary or electoral, who knows) and the new model of monarchy is likely to be at least somewhat parliamentary with Bran as a figurehead - an intentionally weak figure head! - based on his maternal ancestry line (Tully-Whent) and its connection to Harrenhal, where this new ruling body will be situated.
Very likely Tyrion may be involved in machinations that will raise Bran to the throne, sway the election in his favor in some way. (Foreshadowed by him providing the design for a special saddle for Bran - a special "seat".) His actual endgame will follow after and it will not be happy.
I would be immensely surprised if Dorne did not reestablish independence the same as the North.
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being a freshman in highschool is so crazy
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natalievoncatte · 19 days
She had it. She actually had it, in her hands.
Myriad. The ultimate weapon of a dying race, brought to Earth to subjugate its people and rebuild an empire from a shattered world, possibly the key to saving this one. The key Lena needed to unlock Non Nocere and
(take over)
heal the world. End all strife. Eradicate all conflict. No more pain. No more deceit. No more greed, or cruelty, a world without malice, a peace without end.
No more lies.
It was in her hands, such a small petty little thing, barely more than a trinket.
Lena dropped it too sharply on the stainless steel lab table, took three steps, and vomited, the contents of her stomach noisily splashing at her feet. It was the effects of portal travel, she told herself- like jumping from a great height and into cold water at the same time.
(oh god what did I do)
She just needed a few moments to steady herself, collect her bearings, clean up.
(oh god oh god I hurt her what have I done)
Then, she could begin her work immediately. She shrugged out of her coat and found a bottle of vodka, hardly her weapon of choice, and took a pull straight from it to wash the
(pain away)
sour taste of her own puke out of her mouth and dull the sour churning in her stomach, because she couldn’t get the image out of her head, the image of Kara lying broken on the fortress floor with green lines of agony carved in her flawless skin and the most heartbroken look of remorse and fear in her eyes.
(Lena don’t do this)
(please don’t do this I’m SORRY)
Snatching the Myriad core from the lab table, she went to shove it into place. The final work would take only a few hours and then…
Lena stopped. Her hand hovered inches above her work. All she had to do was make the connection, but something was stopping her, as if her own arm revelled against her. She tasted puke and alcohol in her mouth and she was crying, hot tears burning down her cheeks in razor lines.
(Lena please)
No more lies.
It was heavy in her hand, the alien device suspiciously heavy and cool to her touch. Why didn’t she just do it? She was here, key in hand, ready to open the door and she couldn’t do it. Why?
Gritting her teeth, Lena took it in both hands, staring at it.
This was good. This was right. Lena had given Kara everything. Everything! Her friendship, her support, her comfort, her secret council. She killed her own brother for her and what did she get in return? Lies! Deception!
(soft hugs and kind words and powerful arms shielding her from harm and strong hands… holding her)
It had all meant nothing. It was all a lie.
It was, wasn’t it? It was! It had to be, she needed it to be! If it wasn’t, if she was wrong, then she betrayed and tortured the only person who cared about her for what? For this fucking thing?
Lena held Myriad over her head. She hadn’t even been aware she’d raised it high, ready to smash it to the ground. Bringing it down, she stared at the device and saw a stranger’s face, a distorted visage of a pale, stress-thinned woman with red-rimmed eyes.
Oh God.
The watch! There was still time. It still had the coordinates.
Lena’s hand hovered over the watch. She could push the button and erase the only way she’d ever reach the fortress again, and it would be decided. She’d make it permanent, make it real. She could finalize the destruction of the most important relationship she’d ever had. Deny Kara. Give her up.
(leave her locked in a cage of agony)
Lena pressed the button.
The portal opened behind her with a gust of wind.
She stepped through.
The first thing that hit her was the cold. She didn’t think to put her coat back on.
The second thing was a right hook from Alex Danvers that sent Lena sprawling across the floor and Myriad spinning out of her grip.
“You bitch,” Alex snarled. “I knew it. I fucking knew it. I should have put a bullet in the back of your head the first time you set foot in my town.”
Alex stood over her, boiling with fury.
“I knew it was all a lie. I knew! I know what you did. You and your little lip bites and your flirty looks and your coffee dates. Was breaking my little sister’s heart part of the plan or just a sadistic bonus?”
For once in her life, Lena was truly speechless. She stared up at her attacker, absently touching the trickle of blood from her split lip.
“I didn’t, I wouldn’t,”
“You fucking did,” Alex hissed. “How dare you come back here? Didn’t you steal enough? Was the rest of the armory too much temptation for you?”
“I couldn’t leave her,” Lena choked out.
“Alex,” a harsh voice rasped, “that’s enough.”
Kara was on her feet, clutching her side. The Kryptonite had left her pale and pallid and hunched over a little, her normally bright eyes dull.
Lena pushed herself to her feet, wobbled, and started for Kara.
“Don’t you dare,” Alex stepped between them.
“I said that’s enough,” said Kara, pushing past her.
“I’m sorry,” Lena blurted. “Oh God, I’m sorry, Kara I…”
“Shhh,” Kara whispered. “It’s okay.”
Lena’s hands seemed to move on their own, palms cupping Kara’s cheeks. God, she was cold. She was shivering. Kara was shivering. She leaned into Lena’s grasp, falling against her.
“I’m sorry,” Lena whimpered.
“It’s okay,” Kara said, gathering Lena in her arms.
“The hell it is,” Alex cut in. “Jesus Christ, she robbed the Fortress of Solitude! She hurt you, Kara!”
“I hurt her first.”
“Kara, she’s right.”
Kara shook her head.
“You can’t just forgive her!” Alex almost screamed.
Kara looked at Alex, then at Lena.
“You’re forgetting. I’m Supergirl. I can do anything.”
The tears began to flow and Lena couldn’t stop them. She collapsed into Kara’s arms and sobbed, her body shaking with exertion.
Alex bent down and picked up Myriad.
“Give me that,” said Kara.
Alex looked at her quizzically, and placed the device in Kara’s hand.
She looked at it for a moment, then looked down at Lena.
“Do it,” Lena whispered.
Without the slightest appearance of effort, Kara closed her hand and the device exploded between her fingers, circuits and alien technology clattering to the floor.
“Let’s go home,” said Kara. “I think we need to talk.”
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princessbrunette · 3 months
Jedi John b breaking his code to fuck you, the princess of a distant planet he was assigned to protect
john b had his serious face on today.
his eyes had clouded over almost, brows in a permanent frown and it was like you could see every thought racing through his head though you didn’t know what they were. you’d stayed quiet on the journey, hands in your lap as the stars flash past you through the windows. whatever john b was planning, it must’ve been important.
you’re not expecting to land in the most beautiful planet you’d ever seen. as a princess, you’d had the privilege of getting to see the galaxy. some beautiful, some struck by war and impoverished — but you’d never seen this place before.
when you’d asked “wow, where are we john b?”
he’d simply responded with “uh, very far from home.” before whistling to his droid to get it to follow the two of you down the ramp.
you’d walked for a while, and you didn’t question anything merely because you were too amazed by the beauty of your surroundings. forestscape surrounds you, vibrant purple flowers entwining the thick branches and the sun beginning to set leaving a pink hue over everything light touched. he cranes round to check on you as he leads you through the scenery, eyes lingering on you when he sees you smiling, a bird like creature you’d never seen before fluttering past, your eyes following in amusement. maker, you were beautiful.
you eventually come to a building, seemingly abandoned at the edge of the forest overlooking the great waterfalls and he holds his hand out. this strikes you as odd because john b never offers to hold your hand, attempting to be professional, you usually simply grab it anyway.
soon, you’re standing in the bright orange sunset infront of the open balcony doors, sheet curtains blowing in the gentle humid breeze.
“why are we here, john b?” your voice is soft like fine silk a hand gently touching his back as he faces away from you.
“so… the other night you begged me for something.” he begins sincerely, staring into your eyes in the intense way he always did once he turns to face you. you’re immediately swarmed by the memory of you begging him to touch you and physically cringe.
“john b, i’m terribly sorry. i had simply had too much wine at the senate gala and i was absolutely beside myself. i shouldn’t have—”
“no just… listen, okay?” he raises his eyebrows, forehead crinkling at the stress on his face and you sink, nodding as you hear him out. he wipes a hand along his jaw in thought before speaking once more. “people seem to think i’m this… perfect jedi, as if that even exists.” he rants, shaking his head, voice low and timbery. “truth is it’s never been hard for me to act like one. i believe in all the rules so, why would i disobey them right?”
he steps closer to you, tilting his head as your eyes drift off in thought to catch your gaze, his own eyes wide and puppy like.
“you make that hard for me because i… just wanna have you all to myself.”
your breath hitches in your throat. he looked insanely gorgeous in that moment, orange glow of the sunset casting shadows across him and warming the highest points of his face, his brown wavy hair lit up and highlighted by the unrelenting sun.
“you do?” you whisper but it’s barely audible. he presses his lips together, brows raised as he nods slowly, taking another step until you were practically chest to chest.
“yep, yes. i do.” his deep voice rumbles infront of you. your brows furrow sympathetically, doe eyes making it hard for him to resist you.
“i’m sorry john b. i never wanted to make it difficult to remain faithful to the jedi council.” you shake your head in worry and he stills you with a soft hand on your cheek, ducking his head.
“hey. don’t be sorry. you… make me feel like a person.” his voice lowers, and you can’t help but selfishly glance at his mouth — in which he does the same.
“s’that why you brought me here john b? to feel like a person?” you breathe, practically sharing oxygen.
“i brought you here…” he begins to walk you slowly backwards towards the large bed. “to make you feel as good as you make me feel. without the concern of anyone else catching us.” he promises and your legs hit the back of the bed, sitting you down with a bounce. you feel the heat rush over your body, the same arousal you felt the night you begged him to touch you — already feeling the slick coating your opening, body desperate to take him. “if, you know… that’s alright with you ma’am.” his lips twitch a little and you bite your smile back, nodding violently.
one thing about the jedi, they had phenomenal stamina. it feels like you’re in and out of consciousness at some points, so lost in a haze of pleasure that you’d forgotten where you were and what was happening. nothing else in the galaxy mattered but john b’s head between your legs, his thick arms, toned from the extensive training a jedi goes through wrapped around your thighs to hold you open, naked body glowing with perspiration as you writhe on the bed.
“m’mph— john—john b, my goodness i’m—” you cry, like actually cry — because it had been such a long time coming. he lifts his head with a sweet smile, chin glossed with your slick and he pushes himself up to hover over you, lips ghosting over yours. you can smell yourself, taste yourself on him, it was all too much.
“you’re crying sweet girl?” he hums in awe, nudging your legs open with his own to slot himself over you.
“please let me feel you. please!” you beg once more, this time with no shame and he pecks your cheek.
“oh you will. it’s a good thing being a jedi taught me patience, right? because… i’m not done making you cum on my tongue.” he drops his voice for the last part, tilting his head, hot breath on your jaw as you shudder. he was right, he was patient — but even you could see the way he was throbbing in his pants for you.
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aeithalian · 1 year
Hermes: the ultimate middle child
And now for the other promised meta!
There was a great discussion on the TOA discord earlier that I got the chance to read once it was over that was basically exactly what I wanted to talk about - Hermes as a character and how he is very subtly contrasted with Apollo in multiple ways.
First, for a curiosity I've had ever since I finished TON. We learn several very interesting things about Hermes in the scene when Apollo returns to the Council:
He initiated the bets on Apollo's success (and then has the nerve to say he was worried about Apollo)
He bet against Apollo (and it was enough money to make him look visibly upset by the loss)
He was not among the gods who looked happy at Zeus' proclamation of Apollo's success (Artemis makes sense for being happy, Dionysus makes sense for not, but Hermes is supposedly a close brother figure in the myths, so what gives?)
He immediately suggested that Apollo cause outright harm to some mortals with his renewed power, despite displaying no such malice in his previous appearances
There is an interesting play of contrast here when you look at Hermes' other notable scene in the Riordanverse - his conversation with Percy at the end of TLO.
Hermes is generally portrayed as much more serious right here. He's grieving Luke's death at this point, but Hermes knew that was coming, and this demeanor is consistent with his other appearances up until this point: put-together, down-to-business, pragmatic, and so on.
This doesn't seem like the same person we see at the end of TON: making jokes, placing bets, and the like. And THEN you go back to the myths and the Hermes there seems much more similar to the one we meet in TON.
My point being, there is a very obvious disconnect here between who Hermes used to be, who he is now, and who he is pretending to be.
And it has a lot to do with Zeus, and as a result, Apollo.
I think there's a twofold reason for this dichotomy: one, Hermes and Apollo have fundamentally contradictory views on both fate and change which have larger implications for Hermes' overall morality; and two, Hermes resents Apollo for being Zeus' favorite when Apollo probably doesn't deserve it (or Hermes believes he deserves it more).
Part I: Fate and Change
I'd like to go back to that conversation between Percy and Hermes at the end of The Last Olympian. The entire conversation is so strange to me: here's a sixteen-year-old who has never had a positive father figure in his life (save Paul, who is still a recent addition to his family at this point) trying to comfort a 4,000-year-old god that he's not a bad father:
"I thought you were a bad father," I admitted. "I thought you abandoned Luke because you knew his future and didn't do anything to stop it."
The main point of that conversation comes from Hermes' response to Percy's statement. To paraphrase, Hermes says 'I couldn't have saved Luke, it's against the laws and I can't defy the fates. I loved him, yes, but I couldn't save him. Those laws aren't going to change anytime soon, and neither are the gods.'
What we get from this conversation is this: Hermes was resigned to being unable to help Luke because he views the future as inevitable and the Fates as all-powerful (as does Zeus). He also doesn't believe that gods can change in the ways Percy wants them to; he scoffs at the idea that Percy's proposed changes will be permanent:
"No one can tamper with fate, Percy. Not even a god."
and then:
He laughed. "After three thousand years, you think gods can change their nature?"
To Hermes? Fate is inevitable and the gods can't change.
On the other hand, to Apollo? The future is behind any number of unlocked doors, and the only thing stopping the gods from changing are themselves:
[Regarding Frank burning his stick in TTT] "Frank went into that tunnel knowing he might die. He willingly sacrificed himself for a noble cause. In doing so, he broke free of his own fate. By burning his own tinder, he kind of... I don't know, started a new fire with it. He's in charge of his own destiny now."
Frank broke free of his fate, and the way Apollo talks about it indicates that he believes that such things are certainly possible.
And this:
[After regaining his godhood in TON] I could only try to be different from [Zeus]. Better. More... human.
Apollo intends to change the way he acts now that he is returned to Olympus, and has the support of everyone else who noted that he has already grown as a person: Jason, Sally, Will, Reyna, and so many more.
I feel like Hermes has always felt that he has the excuse of being a god when Percy asks him to do better for the sake of Luke's memory: "We gods have never been very good at keeping oaths." and "Eventually we'll become forgetful. We always do." and generally lots of other sentiments that give the impression that he believes that failure to do right by mortals is inevitable for gods. He's been so used to thinking that Luke was resigned to his fate from the very beginning, and that Hermes was never capable of changing it. Hermes didn't fail because he didn't try to succeed.
But Apollo ruins that for him when he returns - Apollo has not and will not let that same excuse stop him, and now Hermes is losing the only reason he had for not helping Luke. If Hermes is right, that gods can never help their mortal children and Luke was born to die at Kronos' hand, it was excusable for Hermes to turn his back on his own son. But if Apollo is right that gods can change and you can shape your own destiny, then it was Hermes and his inaction that killed Luke, not Kronos.
And we know that Apollo is right. Apollo did defy his fate. Apollo did change. And Hermes saw it all from the safety of his throne on Olympus.
Which means that Hermes was always wrong, and he knows it now. Hermes says that not helping Luke was the hardest thing he's ever done, because it would have amounted to nothing. Hermes thought he was completely incapable of helping Luke, but Apollo is living proof that he could have.
So now, Apollo is a daily reminder that Hermes failed Luke. Every day.
That would be enough to drive a wedge between any two people, much less two gods. And I don't think Apollo would ever truly realize that this is the case, so one day, Hermes is going to break, and Apollo will be left blindsided.
It only makes sense that Hermes might have some very heavy clown makeup on when we see him at the end of TON. I can't speak for him when we talk about the gambling, but I bet it's because Hermes, like he did with Luke, thought that Apollo would be resigned to his death the very moment Delphi-Python said that "Apollo will fall". And the fact that Apollo survived against all the odds (and seemingly against the Fates themselves) is just another smack to the face. I believe his behavior and comments in this scene are him lashing out in anger and frustration at the solid fact of the matter; that Hermes failed his own family, which is something he values to no end.
That's got to suck.
But now I think we have to closely examine why Hermes believes those things. Hermes has been brainwashed in a sense to believe that he can't defy fate and can't change. By who, then?
Do I really need to answer that? You have a brain. It's obvious, isn't it?
Part II: The fight to be the golden child
Let's rewind a bit, shall we?
The entire discussion had over on discord was started with talking about the potentials of Apollo's relationships with Ares and the rest of his siblings, then someone (I believe it was @fearlessinger, along with some very valid points made by uke) said this:
...but Ares, who was always the least favored of Zeus's children, the family's scapegoat, and who gave up on trying to get on Zeus's good side basically as soon as he was born and deemed a failure… he of all ppl would actually have no reason to resent Apollo for his success, nor for throwing away that success
To which I replied:
so i wonder then who has the reason to resent Apollo the most?... it’s probably a son, because they’re the ones who have to fight the most for Zeus’ approval ... maybe Hermes? because he’s never really done anything wrong and still doesn’t receive the title he deserves ...
To summarize: Apollo was the golden child, and used to be Zeus' favorite. We are certain he faces a lot of resentment for this fact (he admits to it himself), and Hermes definitely fits the bill.
Think about it.
Besides Luke, what has Hermes ever done that would put him out of the running for golden child? He's useful, talented, powerful enough to be on the Council, and despite being a god of liars and thieves, is work-driven enough that his father still trusts him. Even in the myths, he's clever in a very Zeus-y way.
Apollo, on the other hand, acts like a complete and utter fool pre-trials. He's vain, self-centered, and shallow. He's a chronic attention-seeker, and, in the myths tried to overthrow Zeus, and had angered him to the point of turning him mortal, not once, but twice. So what gives? Why is Apollo the favorite son, and not Hermes?
Honestly, I couldn't say, besides vague suggestions that it's because Zeus likes the idea of having the powerful and popular son as a favorite, rather than the less noticeable behind-the-scenes son. But who knows how Zeus and his favoritism work. Apollo doesn't, and I don't think Hermes does either.
I rather think Hermes is, as I said in the title, the ultimate middle child. Overlooked by his father in favor of his siblings, whether they be rebellious (Apollo), perfect in every way (Athena or Artemis) or just plain failures (Ares or Dionysus). In comparison, Hermes is invisible, having never done anything to make him stand out in the eyes of his father, nor having done anything that deserves a strict punishment. Nothing worthy of attention.
I've seen people wonder why Hermes never suffered the same consequences for Luke's actions in the way Apollo did for Octavian. But that's because Hermes never broke Zeus' fundamental law: do not interact with your mortal children.
The problems Octavian caused were supposedly because Apollo defied Zeus and created a forbidden connection with his legacy.
On the other hand, the problems Luke caused were because Hermes obeyed Zeus to the letter.
Why would Zeus punish Hermes for being obedient? And why wouldn't Zeus punish Apollo for breaking the 'ancient laws'?
Arguably, Hermes is Zeus' best behaved child (which is ironic, considering a few notable domains of his). Hermes is one of a trend that we see a lot with toxic parents who don't give attention and approval freely - Hermes and Apollo are on opposite sides of this spectrum. Apollo in the past has acted out in order to gain attention, whereas Hermes has glued himself to Zeus' side in an attempt to be perfect.
And this perfection includes indoctrinating into Zeus' belief systems and fears. Zeus fears the inevitability of fate. So does Hermes. Zeus refuses to let the gods change. So Hermes believes change impossible. Zeus says that you may not have contact with your mortal children. And although to Hermes this is the hardest of all, he turns his back on Luke.
And yet, 'golden child' is still not his title to claim. That rests with Apollo, still, who has not met Zeus' standards, openly rejects Zeus' belief systems, and yet continues to rise above the rest.
That is the formula for a deteriorating relationship between brothers: Apollo's mere existence being an everyday reminder to Hermes that he is a failure both to his son and to his father.
Everyone say hello to our old friend resentment.
Now, I'm not necessarily saying that Hermes and Apollo's relationship is inherently negative. But there's a lot of reason for there to be some contention coming from Hermes (and I didn't even touch on May Castellan - basically, I think Apollo refused to oversee her attempt to become the next Oracle because he knew it wouldn't work, which is why he wasn't present for May's attempt, but was for Rachel's; later on, Hermes could start seeing Apollo's domain and subsequent absence as the thing that drove her mad).
We don't have a lot of hints for whether or not he plans to act on those feelings of resentment. But they're there. And in a new, post-trials Olympus, they're going to come to light sooner or later.
Because Percy was right.
"I thought you were a bad father," I admitted. "I thought you abandoned Luke because you knew his future and didn't do anything to stop it."
That's exactly what happened. And because of Apollo, Hermes now knows it.
(a list of my other metas if you'd like to read)
And a very special shoutout to @firealder2005 for writing this absolutely gut-wrenching and angsty but super cool fic based around this very idea that i am absolutely in love with and everyone should go read it ❤️
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transboysokka · 9 months
Here’s another one that is So Canon To Me that I forget I’m not on the same page as everyone else about it:
Katara gets elected Chief of the Southern Water Tribe and Sokka pretty much never goes back
Let’s please give Katara something permanent to do oh my god. Aang is the Avatar, Toph ends up a cop, Sokka is involved in the running of Republic City. Can Katara please get another role other than Avatar’s Wife Who’s Also A Good Healer??
We’ve seen in the show that she’s a very inspiring leader with a huge sense of loyalty. It seems to me like she’d be a natural at politics and strategically a great choice to lead because of her relationship with the world’s other leaders. Also as the last Southern Waterbender and a great healer, she’d have a lot of respect in the tribe as a warrior and as someone also knowledgeable about spiritual matters.
She’s always had a strong connection to her people and her culture and she’s still living there during Korra. I think she trained to be chief under Hakoda and she and Aang and their family split their time between Republic City and the SWT at first. She probably gets elected a few years later and they live there more permanently, then when her term ends they focus more on RC for a while. I think when Aang dies she’s so happy to move back permanently, having moved away due to duty but her heart has always belonged in the South and its next generation of benders.
Sokka meanwhile… We’ve talked about his trauma. I made a post about this somewhere before I think he’s one of those guys that definitely prefers to visit back home than to spend time there permanently. The memories of losing essentially both his parents and being responsible for all his people’s survival… I don’t think he ever fully deals with those. He’s always had a more global outlook on life and I think his skills in engineering and diplomacy would be better used in the Fir Nation and eventually Republic City. I know we hear him called Chief Sokka in I think S3 of Korra but it’s always made way more sense to me that he would be appointed chief of the Water Tribe folks living in the United Republic, which would reconcile the role we see him in on its council.
Also with his disability later in life… the cold weather in the South would probably not be great for him at all…
I do see a lot of stuff about Sokka being chief post-canon and then Katara just kind of fades into oblivion and I mean we know why that is but consider this instead.. ^^
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dawnrina · 3 months
(004) — the mural.
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Taein nervously shuffled into the art room, glancing around at the familiar faces of her fellow art club members and a few representatives from the student council. The air buzzed with a mix of excitement and anticipation as everyone awaited the meeting to start.
Minjeong, the ever-composed student council president, stood at the front of the room, meticulously organizing her notes. Taein couldn't help but notice her poised demeanor, a blend of seriousness and determination. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.
"Alright, everyone, thank you for coming," Minjeong began, her voice commanding immediate attention. "As you all know, the cultural festival is fast approaching, and our goal is to make this year's event the best one yet."
Murmurs of agreement rippled through the room, and Taein found herself nodding along despite the knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach.
"To start, let's go over the main objectives for the festival," Minjeong continued. "We aim to create an inclusive, engaging experience that showcases the talents and diversity of our student body. Each task will have one member from the club and one from the council as leaders, who will then select their teams accordingly."
She began assigning roles, each met with a mix of enthusiasm and determination from the students. Taein tried to focus on the details, but her mind kept wandering to the uncertainty of her own role.
"Yeji and Aeri, you'll coordinate the performances and add your artistic touch to the decorations," Minjeong listed off, each name acknowledged with a nod. "Wonyoung and Jimin, you'll oversee logistics for the food stalls and help design them to be visually appealing. Seungkwan and Joshua, you'll handle promotional activities, creating eye-catching posters and flyers."
Finally, Minjeong looked up from her notes, her gaze sweeping across the room. "Now, for the mural," she announced, her voice neutral and serious. "The school has granted permission for us to paint a mural in the central courtyard as a permanent reminder of this year's festival."
Gasps of surprise and excitement filled the room. Taein's eyes widened, her heart pounding nervously. Could that really be her role?
"And," Minjeong continued, looking around, "I'll oversee the mural, with Choi Taein as the lead artist."
All eyes turned to Taein, and she felt heat rise to her cheeks. The room buzzed with murmurs and curious glances, but all she could focus on was the realization that she would be working closely with Minjeong.
Yeji was the first to approach Taein with a bright smile. "I'm sure you'll do great, Taein! I can't wait to see what you create," she said enthusiastically, patting Taein's shoulder before leaving.
Seungkwan's eyes sparkled with excitement. "This is amazing!"
"You really are one lucky motherfucker," Yunjin added, still surprised by the roles assigned.
Seungkwan nudged her gently. "Remember what Ningning said about not having any regrets in your last school year," he whispered.
Taein managed a slight nod. She knew this was a chance she couldn't let slip away, no matter how nervous she felt.
Lost in thought, Taein didn't notice Minjeong approaching with a serious expression. "I'm looking forward to working with you, Taein. Let's make this mural something memorable."
Taein was taken aback by Minjeong's proximity and the directness of her statement. Her heart skipped a beat, anxiety and determination swirling inside her. She took a deep breath, recalling Ningning's advice. "Thank you," she replied softly, her voice steadier now.
Yunjin raised her brows in surprise, impressed that Taein not only stayed put but also managed to respond to Minjeong. Seungkwan draped an arm around Taein's shoulder, silently ensuring she wouldn't run at any moment.
Minjeong nodded, satisfied. "Great. Let's make the most of this festival."
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TAGLIST ; @saysirhc @yjiminswallet @le3-r1n @thefckghost @brocoliisscared @roarrawrno @winieter
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mxtantrights · 8 months
Bounded by shadow and blood (6)
Azriel x magic!fem!reader grab your popcorn, we're meeting some new faces! I promise I'm not making the inner court into villains, it's just the way I see them and how they fit into the plot. things will change!!
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It’s been about a week since you caught Lars. Azriel left the next morning. He hadn’t even said goodbye. Which you thought was rude seeing as you were the reason the mission went so well but you didn’t take it personally. 
You wanted him gone anyways. He was asking too many questions about you.
And now that he was gone you could finally think. Think about all the stress that waits for you. Your brother gone, the throne empty and the council wishing for you to take the seat. You have about ten weeks left until you would have to go home. If you didn’t find your way there, they would find their way here and take you back.
Thesan knows everything now. You figured you couldn’t keep him in the dark about this. Especially if you were going to ask him for resources to help you look for your brother. According to Cyril he was headed for the night court. A pit grew in your chest at that information. 
What business did your brother have there? And why hasn’t he returned? 
If you wanted to avoid sitting on the throne you’d have to play nice with the night court. Even though two of its members seem to want to know more about you.
This was the type of spy work you loathed. You liked the violence of it, the attacking and planning. But you didn’t like the political aspects to it. The lie and alliances and backstabbing. You had enough of that when you grew up in Sangri. 
Right now all you wanted to do was find your brother but you would have to wait. Thesan was helping you figure out a way into the night court without having to tell them your real business being there. He had said that would be half the battle.
Apparently the high lord could enter peoples minds. Which meant even thinking about your plan could put you in danger. 
Today was the test run. Thesan invited the high lord and some members of his inner circle to a casual meeting. He’s going to spring the idea of you visiting their court. 
You could hear the talking and commotion from the tea room. You brushed down the frills of the dress you were wearing. Thesan told you very last minute that your guests tend to dress formal for almost everything. 
Right now the deep red dress was the only thing you had. Or, it was the only thing you felt comfortable in because everything else was for infiltration missions and you can’t be seen wearing them to this meeting. Also they were too dressy for you.
You take a deep breath and walk down the hall. The tea room doors were open. Great. You keep walking until you enter the room. All the talking stops. 
It’s a full house you realize. Thesan guessed that only four or five of them would show up but all eight of them are here. He had ran down the names for you this morning.
You obviously knew Nesta, who was sitting next to Cassian. They sit facing towards you at the table. And you knew Azriel. He was sitting next to a blonde, Morrigan. And Rhysand was sitting next to his high lady Feyre at one end of the table. Your eyes don’t quite catch who the eighth person is, their back to you. Thesan is at the other end of the table. An empty chair beside him and next to the unknown person.
“I was thinking you weren’t going to show.” Thesan joked.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “how could I miss tiny sandwich time.” 
You walk over to your seat, pulling the chair out. The person you are going to sit next to you becoming familiar all at once.
It had been a long time since you had seen her. Amren. Or at least that is the name she took after being in this world for so long. She looked almost the same as the last time you saw her, which had been some centuries ago. Right before you had come to live in the dawn court permanently you had traveled around. You ran into her once, in the middle of one of her bloodbaths. You had helped her secure the blood more easily.
“Amren?” You ask.
She smiles and launches out of her seat. She wraps her arms around you almost lifting you off the ground. You wrap your arms around her too. 
She pulls away from you first.
“How are you here right now?” She asks.
“I’m Thesan’s emissary.” You answer.
She makes a face, but she seems to pick up on the tone of your answer. You do not want to talk about it in the open.
“How do you two know each other?” 
You turn the voice that asked the question. Nesta. You should have known. 
“That’s private.” You answer.
“Rhysand could just read your mind.” Nesta argues.
“I can’t.” The high lord says.
You look over at him, “You can’t or you won’t.”
He places his elbows on the table and peers closer at you.
“I didn’t misspeak.” 
Huh. That was interesting. 
“Well, I guess tea time will finally be interesting this time Thesan.” You joke.
Thesan, who was sipping on water, almost chocked and spilt it all out. But he regained his composure and diplomacy. You take a seat next to Amren.
The meeting was winding down. Thesan had talked you up a bunch to the high lord. And he of course insisted that even you could visit the night court and still return to the dawn court.
Rhysand had said that the sights would surprise you but you remained confident it wouldn’t. You two had a bit of a push and pull throughout the whole meeting that seemed to intrigue everyone.
While the rest of the inner circle lingered in the tea room and you Amren stepped out to talk in private. You brought her to one of the sitting rooms and closed the door. 
“Okay, explain yourself right now.” She speaks.
“It’s a very long story, but I need you to do your best to keep my powers a secret.” You say.
Amren makes a face at that, crosses her arms across her chest too. She wasn’t going to like doing it, but for the time being your abilities are on a need to know basis. The rest of the inner circle doesn’t need to know.
“Azriel told all of us how you took him down. It won’t be hard for them to go digging around with what they know.” She replies.
You nod your head at her words. She is right. It was stupid pulling a movie like that over Azriel. If he didn’t figure it out on his own surely having the help of the rest of the inner circle would help. You just wanted to wipe the smugness that he exuded. 
“My brother has gone missing.” You admit.
Amren uncrosses her arms.
“For how long?” She asks.
You shrug your shoulders, “I mean the council says he was away on a month long trip, but now I’m thinking it was a month long head start.”
“You think he ran?” She asks again.
“I don’t know, no one will tell me anything besides the fact that I am next in line.” You explain.
“What?!” She shouts.
You try to quiet her and grab her hands in yours, “My sentiments exactly. He spawned no children and we have no uncles or aunts. I’m the only one.” 
“So you’re to be queen?” Amren says, shocked.
“I am not to be queen, Amren. I am to find my brother and tie him to the throne if I have to. And I wouldn’t even be queen if I took the throne, I’d be empress.” You clarify.
She lets out a laugh, “And you don’t want that?” 
“Amren the last thing I want to do is rule over people. I just want to do what I want.”
She grips your hands tighter, “And if your brother…”
You know what she means when she lets the words trail off. What if your brother is dead. You can't imagine it, you can't think it. You can't.
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. That is why I’m going to visit your court soon.” you say.
“To look for him?” 
You nod, “Apparently he was headed there.”
She gives you a look. As if to ask you if you really believe that he would tell the people he was running from his next location. You sigh. It was the only piece of information you had on the matter. That and the fact that he wasn’t home.
“I’ll put in a word about wanting you to visit to Rhys.” She says.
At that you wrap your arms around her in a hug. She hugs you back.
“Thank you Amren. You don’t know how much this means to me.” You smile.
“If it comes down to them or you, I pick you every time.” She admits.
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southernsolarpunk · 3 months
Hey what the fuck is this news story?
“ But the world’s largest economies are already there: The total fertility rate among the OECD’s 38 member countries dropped to just 1.5 children per woman in 2022 from 3.3 children in 1960. That’s well below the “replacement level” of 2.1 children per woman needed to keep populations constant.
That means the supply of workers in many countries is quickly diminishing.
In the 1960s, there were six people of working age for every retired person, according to the World Economic Forum. Today, the ratio is closer to three-to-one. By 2035, it’s expected to be two-to-one.
Top executives at publicly traded US companies mentioned labor shortages nearly 7,000 times in earnings calls over the last decade, according to an analysis by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis last week.
“A reduction in the share of workers can lead to labor shortages, which may raise the bargaining power of employees and lift wages — all of which is ultimately inflationary,” Simona Paravani-Mellinghoff, managing director at BlackRock, wrote in an analysis last year. “
Is this seriously how normal people think? Improving the bargaining power of workers and increased wages are bad?
“ And while net immigration has helped offset demographic problems facing rich countries in the past, the shrinking population is now a global phenomenon. “This is critical because it implies advanced economies may start to struggle to ‘import’ labour from such places either via migration or sourcing goods,” wrote Paravani-Mellinghoff.
By 2100, only six countries are expected to be having enough children to keep their populations stable: Africa’s Chad, Niger and Somalia, the Pacific islands of Samoa and Tonga, and Tajikistan, according to research published by the Lancet, a medical journal.
BlackRock’s expert advises her clients to invest in inflation-linked bonds, as well as inflation-hedging commodities like energy, industrial metals and agriculture and livestock.
Import labor via migration or sourcing goods? My brother in Christ they are modern day slaves!! I feel like I’m in backwards town reading this what the fuck?!
“ Elon Musk, father of 12 children, has remarked that falling birthrates will lead to “a civilization that ends not with a bang but a whimper, in adult diapers.”
While his words are incendiary, they’re not entirely wrong
P&G and Kimberly-Clark, which together make up more than half of the US diaper market, have seen baby diaper sales decline over the past few years. But adult diapers sales, they say, are a bright spot in their portfolios. “
Oh now the guy with a breeding kink is going to lecture us. Great. /s
“ The AI solution: Some business leaders and technologists see the boom in productivity through artificial intelligence as a potential solution.
“Here are the facts. We are not having enough children, and we have not been having enough children for long enough that there is a demographic crisis, former Google CEO and executive chairman Eric Schmidt said at the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit in London last year.
“In aggregate, all the demographics say there’s going to be shortage of humans for jobs. Literally too many jobs and not enough people for at least the next 30 years,” Schmidt said.
Oh god not the AI tech bros coming into this shit too. Wasn’t the purpose of improving tech to give people more free time? So they can relax and spend time with family more and actually enjoy life? Isn’t our economy already bloated with useless pencil-pushing number-crunching desk jobs that ultimately don’t serve a purpose?
I’m not going to post the entire article but give it a read. It’s… certainly something. Anyway degrowth is the way of the future.
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workersolidarity · 3 months
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[ 📹 Civil Defense crews work to recover the dead and wounded after yet another Zionist army airstrike targeted a civilian residence in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, killing 6 Palestinians and wounding several others. 📈 The current death toll in Gaza now exceeds 37'232 Palestinians killed, while another 85'037 others have been wounded. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 251st day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 3 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 30 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 105 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands, of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
Speaking at a press conference published on its social media platforms, the World Health Organization's Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned that the organization had documented “32 deaths in Gaza as a result of malnutrition, including 28 cases of children under the age of five.”
Ghebreyesus went on to add that “Since October 7, we have documented 480 attacks on health facilities in the West Bank, resulting in 16 deaths and 95 injuries.”
Continuing, Ghebreyesus went on to state that “Peace is the best medicine” to the catastrophic conditions faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Additionally, Ghebreyesus said he welcomed the resolution passed by the United Nations Security Council proposing a ceasefire and prisoner exchange deal, urging all parties to "take steps to immediately implement the ceasefire decision in Gaza and put a permanent end to the suffering of millions of people."
Additionally, in separate comments, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) issued a warning about the catastrophic environmental and health risks faced by the Palestinian population of Gaza.
UNRWA cautioned that "As of 9 June, over 330,000 tons of waste have accumulated in or near populated areas across Gaza, posing catastrophic environmental [and] health risks. Children rummage through trash daily."
The Palestinian refugee organization went on to state that "Unimpeded humanitarian access and [a] ceasefire now are crucial to restore humane living conditions."
In other news, an opinion poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, conducted in the Gaza Strip, found that 80% of residents of the Strip have lost a relative or had a relative injured in Israel's ongoing genocidal war.
Further, 61% of Palestinians said that one or more members of their family had been killed during the war, while 65% said one or more members of their family were injured in the Israeli entity's war of genocide.
With regards to civilian resources, just 26% of Gazans said they were able to reach a place where they could receive assistance, while 72% say they can receive assistance but with great difficulty or risk, and another 2% said they could not.
Additionally, 64% of residents of the Gaza Strip said they only have enough food for one or two days, while 36% said that they do not have enough food for even one or two days.
According to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, which is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental academic research Institution, the sample size of the poll conducted included 1'570 people, of whom, 760 were interviewed face-to-face in the occupied West Bank in 76 residential locations, and 750 people were surveyed from the Gaza Strip in 75 locations.
In more news, according to data analyzed by the United Nations and published in the Hebrew
media, more than half of Gaza's agricultural lands have been degraded by the by the Israeli occupation's ongoing genocidal war in Gaza.
The data accumulated for the study revealed a large rise in the destruction of orchards, field crops and vegetables in the Gaza Strip.
The UN used imagery taken between 2017 and 2025 by UN Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) found that 57% of Gaza's permanent crop fields and arable lands critical for food security have shown a major decline in density and health.
"In May 2024, crop health and density across the Gaza Strip showed a marked decline compared to the average of the previous seven seasons,” UNOSAT said, adding that “this deterioration is attributed to conflict-related activities, including razing, heavy vehicle movement, bombing, and shelling.”
The UN also found that crop fields, orchards and greenhouses across the Gaza Strip had sustained significant damage, with an estimated 151-sq. km of agricultural land, making up about 41% of the enclave's territory.
Meanwhile, the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip continues unabated as the occupation continued committing massacres across the enclave.
Following a tour of West Asia by US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, where the US's top diplomat attempted to secure a ceasefire and prisoner exchange deal, violent airstrikes and artillery shelling targeted several areas of the Gaza Strip.
In the Central Gaza Governate, the area's Civil Defense announced the recovery of three bodies found in a bombed-out house in the Nuseirat Camp.
In the meantime, Gaza's Media Office confirmed that the number of humanitarian aid trucks entering the Gaza Strip had decreased by 12% from levels last week, further exacerbating the catastrophic humanitarian conditions being endured by starving Gazans.
South of Gaza, the Al-Qassam Brigades, belonging to the Hamas resistance movement, stated that its forces were engaged in street fighting with the invading Israeli occupation army west of Rafah, while witnesses reported seeing Israeli Apache helicopters and Zionist gunboats opening fire towards the neighborhood.
Reporting states that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) started a new ground operation, invading west of Rafah, near the Al-Alam roundabout near the coast.
More than 30'000 displaced Palestinians were forcibly displaced again, abandoning their tents to sleep in the streets a distance from the occupation's advancing Merkava tanks and armored vehicles, while large numbers of displaced civilians were wounded as a result falling artillery shells and Israeli gunfire.
Similarly, occupation forces detonated entire residential squares in the Yabna and Shaboura Refugee Camps in the Rafah Governate, while intense artillery shelling pummeled neighborhoods east of Khan Yunis.
Local sources are also reporting intense occupation artillery shelling of residential homes in the Al-Mawasi area, north of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, wounding a number of civilians.
Meanwhile, north of Gaza, several civilians were killed, and others wounded, following the bombing of the Israeli occupation army on a house for the Shanioura family, in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
Similarly, IOF warplanes bombed a residential home belonging to the Azzam family, also in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, killing 6 civilians and wounding a number of others.
Israeli occupation forces also began a new invasion into the south of the Gaza City, coinciding with violent artillery shelling and airstrikes.
Further, an occupation bombing on the Ezbet-Beit Hanoun area in northern Gaza killed one civilian and wounded several others.
Additionally, an Israeli drone bombed a gathering of Palestinian civilians on Al-Rashid Street near the Gaza Port, resulting in the death of one person and the injury of several others.
Zionist artillery shelling also hammered Al-Sika Street in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
In the Central Governate, Zionist fighter jets bombed a residential house belonging to the Al-Louh family in the Al-Hasayna neighborhood of Al-Nuseirat, resulting in the deaths and wounding of four Palestinians, most of them being children. The deaths included Shams Al-Louh, his wife, and their two children.
Another occupation air raid targeted the village of Al-Mughraqa, north of the Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing 5 Palestinians.
In a statement, medical staff from Al-Awda Hospital in the Nuseirat Camp stated that the medical center had “received 5 martyrs and 8 injured, as a result of an occupation bombing that targeted a gathering of civilians in the town of Al-Mughraqa.”
Another civilian was murdered, and several others wounded, after occupation warplanes bombed a civilian residence belonging to the Jabr family in the Bureij Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, after which, the wounded were transported to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah.
Zionist aircraft also bombed an area in the vicinity of the power plant north of the Nuseirat Camp.
In more tragic news, a young man and a child, a young girl, died as a result of wounds sustained during the Al-Nuseirat massacre last weekend.
Elsewhere, another civilian was killed, and two more wounded, resulting from an Israeli bombing of a civilian home in the Bureij Camp, in central Gaza, on Wednesday evening.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the endlessly rising death toll now exceeds 37'232 Palestinians killed, including over 15'000 children and upwards of 10'000 women, while another 85'037 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
June 13th, 2024.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
I know I'm on record saying it will be Tyrion who makes Bran king, but the more I think about Samwell's successful election campaign on behalf of Jon Snow... he's going to have a hand in it. Convincing a diverse range of voters to choose an unlikely candidate based on identifying and explaining how this candidate can serve their individual interests in different ways?
That's Sam.
Sam who independently met Bran in a magical context, understanding his purpose at least in part, therefore having a credible set-up for a collaboration of a different kind later on, removing the idea that he would simply be supporting Jon's little brother out of loyalty to Jon.
As a Tarly of the Reach he is unlikely to appear terribly biased to the members of a Great Council, in general. A trustworthy source of information.
The Great Council having a great deal of trouble coming to a decision and then electing the least likely little king with Tully-Whent blood to preside over the new permanent parliament at Harrenhal? That's the fitting sequel to the Night's Watch election.
If Tyrion gets the soup going, it's Sam who will put the finishing touches on it.
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kieren-fucking-walker · 9 months
Hi friends!
As most of you know I'm having an ongoing family crisis that doesn't show much sign of slowing down. 2024 is (I'm hoping) going to be a year of getting things done, and part of that is finding my mother a home and my sister something that works with her disability.
My mum finally left my abusive dad which is great, but she doesn't have anywhere permanent to live which is not so great. My youngest sister has recently been diagnosed with an illness that affects her ability to work which is taking its toll on her since she was supporting my mum (she moved out too but is staying with her boyfriend so the situation is less desperate, my mum is on the council housing list but it's not short and she's not a priority.)
I have things going on too, namely my cat needing blood work and dental treatment that is incredibly expensive, and that work made me take leave unpaid to deal with the family situation which has hit my pay pretty hard and will for the next few months which is making keeping the gas and electric on and paying for food even more difficult.
If you'd like to help my Ko-Fi is here and my PayPal is here, I also have Monzo but would prefer to be messaged for that. If you can't or don't want to this isn't for you, everything is hella expensive at the moment and I definitely don't want anyone putting themselves out for my sake.
I hope you all have a wonderful 2024 and that this year brings some relief for all of us 💜
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I have been in my mind palace, building my pretend Florrick-Ulder Buddy Cop dollhouse and filling it with my favorite things: drama, female background characters and crackships thereof, and elaborate Mad Libs stories cobbled together from vaguely-defined Lore. Also, a special guest star: Helia, the halfling werewolf character scrapped early in development
Brain dump below
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as usual, Lore Mistakes are just part of the AU so I'm not worried about it
The first question is of course "when could it have been possible for Florrick and Ulder to Buddy Cop Adventure together?" Placing Ulder at about 55 years old as of 1492, if I wanted him to be about 20 during the adventure (a few years of "adult" life under his belt, but a Fist grunt still, yearning for a role model), that would take me back to 1457.
Florrick's age is less important to nail down, but according to my headcanon placing her around 125 years old in 1492, she'd be around 90 in 1457. I'm still workshopping exactly what I think her life course was in Baldur's Gate - my firm headcanon is that she was born and raised in the Forest of Tethir, and left as a young adult to pursue travel and magical education, but when exactly she ended up in the Gate and what exactly she was up between then and ~1480 is TBD. Regardless, by 1457, she's long since completed a wizardry apprenticeship, and having attained the rank of Flaming Fist Manip, she has young Ulder under her command.
Landing the timing in 1457 is convenient, because upon googling the historical events of Baldur's Gate, I found that there was as significant event around 1450: the attempted coup by Duke Valarken, in which he was supported by a group of lycanthropes in his attempt to overthrow the Council of Four and become sole leader of Baldur's Gate. Following this, the Parliament of Peers was formed and the office of Grand Duke, created. Certainly, the ensuing decade or so was a time of great turmoil as the dust settled - the perfect time for the dynamic duo and a friendship of a lifetime to form.
That timing and event is also convenient, because what other female background character am I in love with, whom I also lightly ship with my beloved Florrick?
Dalyria - according to her journal, once the Physician General to the Parliament. When exactly she was turned and enslaved by Cazador is unknown, but it must have been sometime after 1450 for her title to even exist. Which means she could certainly have "gone missing" in, say, 1457, and, say, leave a lover reeling and desperate for closure...
This setup is great because it gives Florrick and Ulder something to be buddy-cop about: a high-profile missing persons case, with perhaps more of a heart than Florrick wants to share with this kid, and a dynamic formative event for the young Ravengard.
With limited clues to go off of, the streets teeming with the big and little fishes of the city snapping up whatever scraps of power they can find, etc etc etc, obviously Florrick and Ulder would need companions in this quest.
So, who else could have been a) alive and b) active and c) potentially helpful and/or suspicious in Baldur's Gate in 1457?
Obviously Jaheira is always around for whatever bullshit is assailing the city she has, perhaps, only recently settled in permanently to take over an old family home and, perhaps, raise some orphans. Certainly, she'd answer the call to help her old uh *cough* friend Florrick in her time of need. Could the Bhaalists be back at it, aiming to pick off the parliament one by one? Not on Jaheira's watch!! At about 110 years old, Jaheira is also probably in her MILF prime at this point (before ascending to her GILF prime in BG3). Not relevant, just FYI.
On the 'suspicious' front, we have Araj Oblodra, eccentric apothecary of the Lower City. Living in exile since her House was cast into the Clawrift in 1358 (an event she was alive, but not present, for), perhaps Araj is unduly invested in finding the vampire coven physician general, and her alchemical skills as well as proficiency as a rogue are too compelling to pass on, sketchy as she is. I didn't get much farther than that, but she's sexy and I love her, so she gets to be a main character.
In my mind, the ideal "party size" would be 5, so who else? There are a few other options - Volo is certainly around somewhere and definitely not minding his business, Elminster must be lurking as usual, Abdel Adrian probably cares about this, etc - but I just didn't want any more elves or wizards. But wait, did I say lycanthropes were behind the failed coup?
You know who's a werewolf? Helia, the halfling bard orgin/companion scrapped early on in development. Listening to her datamined dialogue, she seems to have been a scrappy, no-nonsense kind of gal and an older lady in 1492, so a young woman in 1457. Pending more research on the context of werewolves/lycanthropes in the Forgotten Realms world, but perhaps she's been wrongly imprisoned since the failed coup. Perhaps, suspecting a second attempt by the same group could be behind the attack on the parliament, she's busted out of prison by a pair of enterprising young Fists, promising a chance to earn her freedom.
This will probably just remain a Concept, so I don't want to get myself bogged down in Plot, but there's really only one conclusion:
In the end, the investigators are thwarted by Cazador Szarr, who is too wealthy and powerful to convince the Parliament and Council to take on. The case of the missing Physician General is closed - ruled a suicide, likely, based on bunk evidence - and a broken-hearted Florrick and disheartened Ulder have no consolation except the friendship they've forged, and a promise to one another:
That, even if it takes half a century, they will work together to see Baldur's Gate to a more just future.
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triptychgrip · 2 months
Yuri!!! on Ice post-canon headcanons - Part 1
-Yuuri becomes the first skater to ratify the quad flip in-combination, with a triple toe-loop. When he lands the combo at the 2018 Winter Olympics, it predictably breaks the internet and becomes known as the Katsuki Combo. Phichit becomes the second person to cleanly land it
-Minako bartends at the Viktuuri wedding reception in Hasetsu, and is single-handedly responsible for getting everyone trashed on their 'Stammi Vicino' signature cocktail. Things get pretty risque towards the end of the night when the new grooms begin to make exceedingly over-the-top declarations of love for one another. Neither Hiroko nor Toshiya bat an eye at any of this
-The first 'Viktor and Friends' ice show -- even with the Chihoko drama -- was such an incredible success that the Katsuki-Nikiforovs make it an annual excuse for all of their friends to get together in the off-season. The Hasetsu City Council becomes so fearful over liability issues when they notice how many tourists try to scale Hasetsu Castle to get pics in 'Shining Chihoko' pose, that they permanently install guardrails on the top of the Castle
-Viktor begins learning how to pole-dance under Yuuri's instruction. It's a 50-50 in terms of whether their lessons are actually productive versus them just ending up having sex, lol. B/c they are the most extra ppl imaginable, they work with Christophe to come up with a routine to perform at the 2022 Beijing Games banquet. This is their "last hurrah" in terms of banquet shenanigans, as the 2022 Olympics marks Yuuri's last competition before retiring
-Mila and Sara begin dating during the 2019 off-season, and Sara eventually moves to St. Petersburg so they can live together. Mila has Viktor choreograph a gala skate proposal routine, and when she performs it for Sara, everyone thinks it's amazing/adorable that she caps it off with her new fiance's damnably difficult signature jump combo (the triple lutz-triple loop)
-After a few years in St. Petersburg, Viktor and Yuuri move permanently to Fukuoka, Japan, where they coach/train at the same rink as Kenjirou (who never quite gets over his Yuuri hero worship, but does learn to tone it down...somehow). The move to Japan allows the Katsuki-Nikiforovs to begin working with the Nishigoris on long-term plans to expand Ice Castle Hasetsu into a top-tier training center
-Once Yakov retires, Yurio "follows" Viktor/Yuuri to Fukuoka and becomes Viktor's second student. This "works" in some respects, and is a disaster in others. With his ample free time upon retirement, Yakov attempts to repair things with Lilia
If any of the above headcanons sound interesting to you, you might be interested in my 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic series, which is currently comprised of 7 different parts! When I first began posting part 1 (currently at 212K words and counting) last November, I didn't do a great job of promoting it. So, as it (and the overall series) gets closer to completion, I'm striving to do better around that!
I originally set out to write an in-depth, post-canon series for two main reasons:
1) I find the politics of competitive sport really interesting and, obviously, canon Yuri!!! on Ice doesn't really touch on this in just 12 episodes. But politics/bureaucracy truly do weave into just about every aspect of an athlete's career, and particularly with such a talented/prominent Japanese skater moving to St. Petersburg to live and train alongside the sport's "Living Legend", I found myself ideating around what the implications of that would mean in-universe, particularly for the Winter Olympics
and 2) I wanted to see more of the "give and take" that we know to be true of Viktor and Yuuri's relationship. Naturally, as Viktor grows into his role as Yuuri's coach in canon, the narrative is largely about how he supports Yuuri, and I wanted to be able to explore more of the opposite (Yuuri learning to support Viktor in a more overt way than is implied).
Part 1 of the series is centered around the 2022 Olympic Games, but jumps back and forth in time so that you are able to get glimpses of how their relationship has evolved from their earlier days, as well as to see the ripple effect of a big event that took place at the PyeongChang Games.
Last but not least, if you like reading post-canon Yuri!!! on Ice but don't have energy/interest in reading a very long WIP, I have lot of other stories up on ao3, which you can find here
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strqyr · 5 months
Way back when during volume 6 I made a post during the height of Ozpin discourse wars. I said he was a great morally gray character. Now that i'm older, I've changed my mind. He's not morally gray at all! He's good! despite everything that's happened to him, he wants to help humanity not so that he can rest, but he genuinely believes in the good in every one
idk, i would still say he's morally gray but not in like oh, he's secretly Evil™ or the worse option or anything like that kind of way like
he wants to do good. by gods he wants to do good and help and try to keep everything together before it falls apart permanently, but he doesn't want to be the puppeteer controlling everything—he was the king of vale and then he changed the system and now he has one seat on the council as the headmaster instead of ruling it all—but it's a thin line to walk, and sometimes good intentions fall short or the greater good comes with a costly price (e.g. the end of the great war)
and the thing with his more shady actions is that you can still understand the why behind it; why he thinks it was necessary, why he chose the way he did, why he kept secrets, and the like. it all makes sense. like it's not so much like his own morality is gray, it's his actions at times, if that makes sense? like he knows it's fucked up and he'd rather avoid it altogether but. . . there's always the but. and he hates it.
he's a fantastic character, and i think at this point he's just trying to keep remnant from being destroyed; sure, he'd like to be rid of his own curse and not just rest but to ensure that no one else has to go through the reincarnation process ever again (how many lives has ozma changed, ruined in his mind, for a choice only he made? that would weight heavy on anyone's mind), but he can't really do that without risking the whole world, so the best he can do is to keep the relics locked up and safe.
(but for real. let him rest he's been through enough lol)
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wonderbias · 1 year
Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) - Chapter One
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x OC (Visenya Targaryen)
Warnings: MDNI, +18, language, violence, manipulation, sexism (style a la medieval), blood, angst, kinda dark?, kinslayer Aemond.
AN: The dividers are from @itbmojojoejo. Their work is awesome, and they make one of the prettiest dividers I've seen. Any questions/asks/any kind of message, feel free to contact me. Enjoy!
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Dearest daughter, I've accepted the terms. You are right, as always, and this war will only lead to more losses. I cannot say that your father is of the same opinion, but I managed to convince him. We've lost too much…and I am a selfish woman, I cannot bear to lose another one of my children. I'll be seeing you in two weeks and I only pray for the time to go by faster. All my love for you, my sweet girl. Mother.
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Visenya, All is fucked, sister. Mother and Daemon are devastated, she took the only thing that kept him away from his grief: the war, and he's fucking pissed. Joffrey pulled a joke on him…didn't work. Baela cut her hair short…nobody bat an eye. Rhaena, I'm so worried for her, before he was her betrothed Luc was her friend…the tear marks seem like they are permanent on her face. This war has taken their strength to live and, honestly, I don't give a shit about the Throne (like, Aegon can get impaled on a sword and I wouldn't care) when my family is suffering. I wish things were like before. All of us playing on the beach, Luke alive and you not married to the Kinslayer. I've tried…like you asked me, but he took our brother Vis…and, as much as I wish for him to be dead, I know it wouldn't be possible without hurting you in the process. So I'll be visiting the Red Keep for one last time…and you're welcome to visit me and Baela (she misses you too) in Driftmark. I need you. I need my sister. I miss you. But don't ever ask me again to make a truce with Aemond. Jace.
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The Red Keep had never been livelier.
The walls had been covered with more heraldry of the Seven but also the old Targaryen and Valyrian decorations had been placed back. Servants ran quickly through the halls, carrying food or clothes; the King's Guards armor had been polished until it shined like silver under the sun.
The new Targaryen heraldry hung proudly at the entrance of the Great Hall, and inside it was filled with more. It was truly a lavish and expensive Targaryen party, a banquet and hunting celebration for the newfound peace in the Realm.
But Aemond paid attention to the details…
Like the green drapes, or the green tablecloths. The maids and servants were also in green, and the whole family had expensive clothes made in green for the occasion.
It was a Targaryen party, yes, but the Hightowers were the ones celebrating the rendition of Rhaenyra.
When he walked into the Great Council, everyone turned to look at him. An already drunk Aegon smiled -the same disgusting smile he had given Aemond before making fun of him-.
"There he is, Mother. Ask him and don't bother me," Aegon said as he raised his cup to be filled.
Her mother's tense gaze found his eye, "Is it true?"
His tongue poked his cheek while he sat down, his grandfather calculated eye didn't leave him, "Is what true?"
"That Alys Rivers has come as the Lady of House Strong," there was a plea in Alicient's eyes. 
His face was devoid of any expression, "Aegon legitimized her and she's an ally. I don't see any problem." His fingers moved to touch the pad of his thumb. Once. Twice. Thrice.
Alicient's face fell, her heartbeat pounding in her ears and desperation creeping up her muscles. Her face turned to her father, but he didn't return her look, Aegon seemed preoccupied by the fact that the wine didn't last too much. Was she the only sane person here?
"Aemond, if they find out-"
"I'm taking her as a second wife. The official version will be that Visenya is barren…and that she wasn't able to give me an heir," his tone was flat and devoid of any kind of emotion.
His mother looked like the Stranger had appeared in front of her eyes. 
Then Aegon laughed, a loud and unfunny sound, one that the maids knew well when he forced himself upon them, "You fucker! You're really humiliating our sister! Oh, Aemond, I never knew you were this funny!"
His mother grabbed her necklace, the points of the Star digging in her skin, "This isn't right. Rhaenyra will think that this is an insult…all of this will be for nothing…"
"If I may speak, my Queen," Lord Larys whispering voice was finally heard, "It is not a bad idea. It would weaken Princess Rhaenyra's claim even more."
"Rhaenyra and her family are coming to sign a peace treaty. We are walking on thin ice with them, and it is only by your wife's intervention that we have come to this point. If she comes to sign and finds her only daughter, unhappy and surrounded by rumors of infertility, with her husband taking a second wife…I'm afraid she'll have enough reason to put our heads on pikes," Alicient remarked, her voice trembling at the thought of everything going wrong.
There was a silence in the room, only interrupted by Aegon sipping sounds. For a King he has the manners of a drunken peasant.
"Prince Aemond will wed Alys Rivers a fortnight after the signing of the treaty. You must not be seen in public with the woman," the Hand finally spoke, calculating eyes fixed on Aemond.
Alicient's mouth went agape, "Father you surely-"
"This is for the sake of the Realm, my Queen. Besides, the Princess has no lands to her name…while Lady Alys does. Your son will be the next Lord of Harrenhall…you must think with perspective," the tone of his voice made Alicient blush and sit back on the chair.
From the corner of his eye Aemond noticed Aegon's smile…he took great joy at seeing his mother reprimanded like some little girl. Maybe that explained why he let their grandfather rule in his name.
Aemond stood, "If that's all, I shall retire. My King."
He didn't wait for Aegon's dismissal to leave.
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As soon as the door opened, Aemond was greeted with the sun peeking through the curtains and the room filled with his wife's perfume.
They had been moved to bigger chambers after their marriage, ones that his mother had cautiously decorated in black and red, to try to make Visenya feel at home. The last rays of sunlight made it look more spacious and the view to the Blackwater Bay gave the sensation of being on the edge of the world…where nothing could stop you and nothing could reach you.
He walked into the room, his footsteps resounding in the emptiness of the chamber, and stopped at one of the chairs in front of the window.
"Wife," was all he said.
The woman in the chair turned, "Husband."
Visenya Targaryen was everything a woman of their house was supposed to be. Her beauty could only resemble that of the Goddesses of Old Valyria, with high cheekbones, plump lips and a soft straight nose. Her hair was the same shade of her mother's, but longer and always styled with intricate braids, while her eyes were a bright purple.
Sometimes Aemond wondered if her beauty was what made her so hard to love.
She was ethereal, a true beauty with impeccable manners, a proud daughter of Old Valyria.
He had been ecstatic when their engagement had been announced. Aemond Targaryen, the scarred prince, was to wed the most beautiful maiden House Targaryen had seen in years? A pure Valyrian bride just for him?
It was as if the Gods were compensating him for his losses, for his place in birth, for the lack of love he had.
So he had married her. Bedded her. Made her scream his name in pleasure, over and over again.
He had found a partner, the friend he had always needed, and a lover…all in the same person.
They were happy. 
But shit happens.
After his father had died, his mother had ordered for her to be locked in their rooms. Visenya had asked him, day after day, to set her free, to let her write to her mother, to use her as a messenger and a bridge for peace.
Otto had dismissed her and so had Alicient, when she had asked for reason, to let her intervene. Aemond had talked with his wife, over and over again, trying to convince her to stay quiet and to obey.
But she was too much like…them.
And then, Storm's End had happened.
Water dripped from his thick coat and from his hair while he walked through the hallways to their chambers.
He knew he had a report to make, but right now he needed…he needed peace.
When the doors closed behind him, he started to undress, his clothes leaving a puddle of water on the floor. 
He needed them out. It…it felt like the water was pulling him down like…
Like the tides over Luke's body…
Gods…he hadn't meant to. No, no, he didn't kill him, Vhagar attacked Arrax…yes, Vhagar had defended herself and her rider…she was old, surely everyone would understand…and she was a war dragon…she had tried to protect him…Arrax should…should have flown faster…but…maybe it was Luke's fault…who takes a dragon like that in the heavy rain? Yes, it…it was Luke's fault…
"Aemond…?" her voice sounded from the spot on their bed. "Aemond what…? What happened? You're dripping wet!"
Her footsteps resounded in their chamber and, suddenly, she was in front of him, her hair shining gold from the light of the candles. Her hands helped him take off his clothes quickly and covered him in dry clothes, her mouth moved but he couldn't understand her words.
He shook his head, trying to focus on her soft voice while her hands worked on him.
"...and you're gone. What's happening? Please, Aemond, tell me…I'm going mad and my husband leaves without telling me to Gods only know where and-"
"Storm's End," was his shaky answer. Gods, he was freezing.
Visenya furrowed her brows and moved him closer to the fire, her hands rubbing his chest to warm him, "What were you doing there?"
It was obvious she was deceiving herself, she knew what had happened the past days…there could only be one reason for his presence in Storm's End.
Still, his mouth and his mind weren't in the same rhythm, he had never been this cold, "Allies…Luke."
Her brows furrowed even more as she understood the meaning: he had been sent by his brother to seek an alliance with House Baratheon, her mother had apparently had the same idea so she sent Luke there too.
"Oh…" what more could she say? Every word she spoke about this matter left her in a more dangerous position. "I'll give you some wine to warm you up."
She moved off him and went to the little table where the pitcher and two cups were, after filling one she returned by his side and helped him drink, "Well…maybe this…this will bring a peaceful solution. I'm sure Luke will-"
"He had an accident," the wine had helped him get warmer…and to make his tongue loose.
At that, he felt her body stiffening and she moved to look him straight in the eye, "Luke…what? Is he alright?"
"He fell off his dragon…to the sea," was his only answer.
A gasp left her lips, her hands already shaking, "What? H-How?!"
When he didn't answer, her hands went to the collar of his shirt. The tears were already coating her beautiful face…she looked like the statue of The Maiden crying for losing her virtue, "What happened Aemond?! Tell me?!"
His hands gripped her wrists, his voice coming now a little more stable, "Calm down, woman. It…it just…happened."
Her cries were heartbreaking, "Why?! He…He was just a child! How…how did it happen?"
He moved to wrap his arms around her, her tears wetting his neck, "He fell off his saddle…Arrax was already dead."
They stayed like that for a few moments, hugging each other tightly. It had been a horrible accident…but Luke had should known better than to fly with-
"What do you mean that Arrax was already dead, Aemond?" her voice was only a whisper, her hands slowly falling from his shoulders while her head moved away from his neck. When her eyes found his she pulled away, eyes wide open and her lips curved into a sinister sneer, as if she couldn't control her face and emotions.
"I-I…" his mouth opened and closed, not knowing how to answer his wife. What could he tell her? "He…Arrax came too close to Vhagar…and his fire hurt Vhagar so…she chased him…" 
Her nostrils flared and her eyes still shined with tears, "You fucker…tell me the truth." 
Suddenly, their doors opened and Alicient came running , followed by Aegon and the Hand, the older woman's face contorted in pain and…anger.
"What did you do?! You cursed us all!" his mother's hands grabbed his face painfully.
"Mother I-" she didn't gave him time before a slap hit his scarred side.
Aegon was already laughing, delighted in the pain of others, "Oh, niece. My condolences. If you miss your younger brother search in Vhagar's mouth…some people say that his Velaryon cape is between her teeth. Keep it as a memory, your King allows it."
A toe curling scream was her only answer, her hands going to her chest…as if wanting to rip her heart out.
After that he had given her space while he distracted himself with his brother's duties. After a few weeks she had allowed him to touch her, some weeks later she had finally allowed him to bed her again. But there was something missing…
After that, fucking her had become something distant, her presence a memory of his new gained title and, slowly but surely, every little thing about her that he held dear in his heart just…turned into things he despised.
That's why when he had met Alys it had been easy to let her into his bed, and not only her some other women too. He found himself enjoying their touch upon his skin, his confidence coming back. After all…what better thing than to carry a Targaryen bastard?
Alys had been so different to Visenya, always answering his demands and searching for his company.
Alys knew the hardships of the world, knew how unfair it was and how hard one had to fight to be heard. Her drive and ambition was what had pulled him to her, the fact that she was everything that his mother would hate in a woman made it even more exciting, a witch that wasn't afraid to play with magic to get what she wanted.
Visenya wasn't like that. 
She had been handed everything in a silver platter. Name it, she had it. Love, richness, luxurious clothes and people kneeling at her feet. 
A mother that loved her, a grandfather who had loved her even more than he had loved his own daughter, three father figures that protected her and loved her fiercely. 
A dragon. Because of course that Visenya had to claim Silverwing at seven namedays. 
(His father had thrown a feast for a week after that. Everyone already calling her "the Good Princess")
Even his own mother loved Visenya, her hate always directed to the bastards, one could see it in the way Alicient's eyes shined with nostalgia and love every time the Queen looked at her.
He took a deep breath and sat beside her, "Visenya, I need you to listen-"
She held up a hand, she didn't like to be interrupted when writing.
He closed his mouth and pressed his lips tightly, for a few seconds the only sound that was heard was that of her quill against parchment. His fingers tapped rhythmically the arm of the chair, impatiens growing on him.
The door opened and two servants walked with their hands full of clothes, but they knew better than to be seen or heard. Their light footsteps were added to the sounds in the room.
Finally, her quill stopped moving, "Sorry, Aemond. I didn't mean to interrupt you, please, tell me."
His jaw clenched a few times, "Tomorrow your mother arrives and, I'm sure, she will hear of our troubles-"
"Troubles that all couples have," her lilac eyes were soft. This is weird.
"Yes. But, as I was saying, if she's displeased, the Peace Treaty is in danger and we can't afford that, can we?" his tone was condescending, as if speaking with a child.
Because you are a child, always sticking your nose where it isn't called.
To his surprise her hands moved to grasp his softly, "Aemond…I'm sorry."
"F-For what?" just what was she saying?
"I haven't been the best wife for you. I placed a blame on you because I was angry and torn with grief, and that was wrong and uncalled for. Day by day, I ask myself 'what could have been if…?' but recently I have started to ask myself 'What can I do now?'
But now I know: we have to work for our future. And my future is with you, giving you babies and loving them. And loving you…I have never stopped loving you. So, I'm asking you for another chance, to give our marriage a second chance for love."
His mouth was closed but his eye was wide open, confusion and surprise mixed in the lilac of his eye, "I…"
Be calm. Be calm. Be calm.
A sigh left her lips and her hands gave him a soft squeeze, "Think about it, please. We…can take one step at a time…so that we can remember why we fell in love with each other."
She stood up and grabbed her letter, then leaned down to kiss his forehead, her sweet and fruity perfume invading his nose.
When the door had closed behind her and the maids, he went in search of the pitcher and took a great swig of wine.
What the fuck was that?
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Rhaenyra arrived the next day.
On dragon back, obviously. 
He saw his mother swallow and close her eyes in a quick prayer at the roaring of the dragons, Helaena beside her with her usual disperse demeanor and Aegon sitting on the chair at the head of the table looking…well, absolutely miserable. The only one who looked truly happy was Otto: he could swore he had never seen his grandfather's smile. The rest of the Councilmen were present, the Lords barely holding their excitement at the perspective of "Maegor with teats" kneeling.
The Great Hall was covered on Aegon's and Rhaenyra's heraldry, a symbol of the union and peace between the two factions of House Targaryen, and a huge banner of the red dragon in a black background was displayed behind Aegon. Just for this occasion, they all were wearing black and red.
"You should have brought your wife, Aemond. That would make Rhaenyra feel…at ease," whispered Alicient, her hand against her chest.
He bit his tongue before answering, "She didn't want to be here, mother."
Visenya and him had spoken the night before about this and she had expressed her desire to not be present at the moment of signing the treaty, a frown and sadness in her face as she said it.
Just then, the doors opened and then his half-sister appeared, followed by his uncle and their offspring. It was evident that no one except Rhaenyra wanted this: Daemon had a expression of disgust and his hand was at the pommel of Dark Sister, ready for a fight; Jacaerys seemed like he would rather swallow shattered glass than being here, and his betrothed had the same expression, and Lord Corlys looked absolutely furious…another chance lost for the Velaryons for their "blood" to sit on the Throne.
The expression on Rhaenyra's face was…shocking, to say the least. She looked like the shell of the woman he had met and heard of, her lilac eyes seemed…lifeless.
He was surprised to see the twin of Ser Erryk move forward, "Queen Rhaenyra, first of her name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Lady of the Seven Kingdoms. Protector of the Realm."
They all watched as she walked forward, followed by two members of her Queensguard and Daemon, until she was face to face with Aegon.
In an extremely surprising act of manners, Aegon had offered his sister his arm. If Rhaenyra was shocked by it she hid it very well, the only sign of her surprise was a slight twitch on her mouth corner, and her hand placed on top of his arm, accepting his offer.
When they finally reached the table, where two parchments and two quills waited for them, Otto couldn't hold back and finally spoke, "It is a wise decision Princess. You are preventing unnecessary bloodshed."
Daemon looked ready to go over the man and make mincemeat out of him.
"Then my baby and my son were blood that needed to be spilled?" her voice was filled with anger despite it's tone.
She turned around to look at Aemond, pure hate in her eyes. It was obvious that Otto had fucked up and the treaty hung on a thin thread.
Alicient moved forwards as a last attempt to stop violence before it began, her hands clasped on the front of her gown and already bloody, "No one is implying that, Princess. We mourn the deaths of Princess Visenya and…Prince Lucerys, we are family after all."
Daemon scoffed and muttered "fucking cunt".
Taking advantage of the distraction, Aegon's Master of Laws moved forward, "If I may interrupt, your highnesses, we should proceed with the signing."
He handed Rhaenyra her copy of the treaty and motioned to a chair. After her eyes scanned those of Aemond and Alicient, she moved and sat down on the offered chair. Her eyes moved along the parchment, her face still devoid of any emotion as she analyzed the contents. After what felt like hours she reached for the quill.
That was it. That was the moment they were all waiting…the moment where she would finally renounce any claim for her and for her line.
"Is there any reason why my daughter is not here?" she asked no one in particular.
Alicient's eyes opened wide and her mouth opened and closed a few times.
"My wife didn't want to be present," Aemond stepped forward.
Daemon raised an eyebrow, "And why is that?"
Rhaenyra placed a hand on the parchment and looked at the Dowager Queen, "I will sign…but I would like to see my daughter. Surely you can understand…"
The soft and broken lilac eyes melted Alicient and she found herself incapable of denying a mother that simple plea -after all, Rhaenyra had lost two children and her only daughter was the one that tried to mend things between the two factions-.
The Dowager Queen searched Aemond's face but it was Aegon who gave the order, "Brother, go and fetch your wife. Now."
Aemond took a deep breath and nodded, before turning on his heels and walking out of the Great Hall, the path to the chambers on Maegor's Holdfast took him some time.
The door was unguarded -he had ordered all the white cloaks and yellow cloaks to be on guard earlier that day- so he twisted the knob for himself.
The chamber was dark, someone had pulled the curtains blocking the sunlight, "Visenya? Your mother requests your presence…"
He walked in and tried to navigate, as best as he could, in the darkness of their room. 
"Visenya?" He repeats again.
By the corner of his eye he noticed a thin strip of light, so he walked to it and extended a hand, making contact with the thick cloth of the curtains.
With a movement of his arm, he pulls the curtains away, light invading the room and hitting every corner. Things are just like he left them this morning: a linen shirt on the back of a chair, the teapot and two cups on the table against the window, and one of his daggers on the nightstand.
But there's one thing that has changed.
His wife is nowhere in sight.
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The sixth day of the seventh month - 127 AC I proposed. I have never heard of a woman who propositions a man -not a decent one, at last. But I did. I proposed to my uncle. And he said yes. His beautiful purple eye opened wide in shock when I asked him…as if he couldn’t believe it and then he grabbed me by my neck and asked if I was playing a game, that he would take one of my eyes if I kept on teasing him. I was not. I confessed my feelings. How I had always loved him -first as a sweet boy, now as a woman can love a man-, how I mourned for him when my brother took his eye, and how I wished for him to be my King Consort when my mother died.�� I told him I loved him. He kissed me, and was not soft, his mouth on mine was demanding, but his hands on my hips were gentle, as if I was made of the finest porcelain. He is the only one I desire. The only one I will love for the rest of my days. Even if he does not know it, my heart already belongs to him.
Taglist: @snh96
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