#people gstaad
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montillopierre · 3 months ago
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Ville de Berne. Suisse 🇨🇭. Le Style Pierre Montillo. Apprécié sur le marché de l’art contemporain international.
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royrockstone · 2 years ago
for the half dozen or so people who care:
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hrrtshape · 25 days ago
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insane, dream-like things that were normal in my better cr . . . in other words, what it was like being part of the 1%
i never carried cash : i didn’t need to. if i ever found myself in a situation where cash was required, idk, a farmer’s market or bribing someone, i’d just apple pay!?
i never waited for anything : reservations were booked months in advance. lines were always skipped. at clubs we just walked right in. theme parks? VIP passes only. i have never stood in a queue longer than 90 seconds in my life...or...in my better cr.
my closet was bigger than a new york apartment : and everything was colour-coded. yep. yep !!!
i never read price tags : not because i was being reckless, because i simply did not need to know. it was always fine.
if i wanted something, i got it : saw a dress in a magazine? had it by the next morning. craved a specific croissant from a bakery in paris? it was flown in. life had no delays.
luxury was so normal i had to actively remind myself it wasn’t : by the 13th day, i would have moments, small ones, where i’d be like, " wait, not everyone has their own perfume custom-blended by a french artisan? " and then i’d move on.
the ‘poor kid’ still had a trust fund. . . they just had less in it.
errands? what errands? dry cleaning, post office, buying toothpaste. these were not my problems.
skincare was medical : not just a ‘good moisturiser’ situation, i mean dermatologist-designed, prescription-only, lab-created serums. my facials involved lasers. my face was someone’s full-time job.
my mom had a florist on retainer : fresh-cut flowers appeared in my room like magic. i never asked for them. they just were.
celebrity run-ins were painfully normal : “oh yeah, we had dinner next to tilda swinton last night.” “who?” WHO?
we never parked our own cars : valet, always. i had a friend who didn’t even know how to use a parking metre.
there was no such thing as ‘saving up’. in those two weeks i never thought, “hmm, should i buy this now or wait till christmas when i get 50 euros from my grandma?” PFTTTTT.
everyone had a ‘family office’ : financial advisers, lawyers, accountants. my money was managed. someone in my school had three.
coffee orders were wildly specific : not ‘latte with oat milk’ specific. i mean custom-roasted beans, flown in from a single farm in costa rica, brewed at a precise temperature, delivered in a monogrammed cup.
doctors made house calls : i have not seen the inside of a waiting room. ever. feeling sick? someone arrived.
vacation homes weren’t a flex, they were a given : there’s the paris apartment (1st arrondissement, obviously), the villa in lake como, the chalet in gstaad. the only real estate question was, “are we summering in capri or st. barths?
your signature scent is impossible to buy : it’s either a discontinued hermès perfume from the ’70s that you miraculously still source, or a custom blend from a perfumer who only takes five clients a year.
flying commercial is a horror story, not an option : tsa? baggage claim? delays? these are foreign concepts. you had a netjets membership at the very least, but most likely, you have a family jet with an interior designed by someone who also did a yacht.
your tastebuds have standards : your daily coffee comes from a faema e61, your eggs are from a private farm, and your idea of a snack is burrata flown in from puglia that morning. did i mention my private school had michelin chefs?? yea.
you own art. like, real art : not prints. not posters. actual, museum-worthy pieces that are either inherited or sourced through galleries that don’t even have websites.
most people don’t know what anything costs : a gallon of milk? no idea. a metro ticket? couldn’t tell you. you swipe, tap, sign, and never check.
you don’t shop in stores like normal people : you go to private showrooms, have pieces sent to your home, or shop off-runway. waiting in line… horrendous.
i’ve had a ‘house account’ somewhere : a boutique, a jeweller, a tailor. places where you don’t pay on the spot, just ‘put it on the account’ and settle later.
i was taught how to eat properly : which fork for what course, how to use a butter knife, the correct way to hold a wine glass. it’s not something i learned. it’s something i absorbed from watching adults at endless dinners, benefits, and polo events.
i don’t remember learning how to ski or ride horses : because i was doing it before i was fully conscious. i have childhood photos in full equestrian gear, little skis strapped to my feet in gstaad or zermatt. it’s just something i always did.
an art education by osmosis : grew up hearing adults talk about rothko, basquiat, and duchamp in casual conversation. dragged to the louvre and the tate before i could even read. instinctively know the difference between an original and a print.
i have a family lawyer on retainer : and not because i ever committed a crime. they exist to handle things. NDAs, reputation management, keeping your name out of the papers. they know where the bodies are buried, metaphorically (or not).
most families’ wealth is so old and so layered in offshore accounts that even they don’t fully understand it : trust funds? sure, but also shell companies in the caymans, art holdings in geneva, real estate portfolios under LLCs. money isn’t in banks. it’s spread across continents.
most parents’ have had affairs with each other for decades, and it’s not even a scandal anymore : it’s just part of the ecosystem. marriages aren’t about love, they’re alliances. the wives turn a blind eye, the husbands keep it discreet, and the real betrayal is talking about it.
i’ve been name-dropped in a deposition : it was a divorce case. i was never involved, but my name was adjacent to power, so it got dragged in. the case was settled out of court, of course.
most families has multiple passports : not for fun, not for aesthetics. because sometimes you need an exit strategy. a villa in capri, a château in france, a penthouse in dubai. doors are always open, should you ever need to disappear.
i’ve seen actual generational feuds play out in real time : my parents have enemies. their parents had enemies. the grudges go back decades, and nobody even remembers what started it.
i grew up around people who have gotten away with actual crimes : white-collar, mostly. insider trading, fraud, tax evasion. but sometimes things darker. people go to rehab, people “retire early,” people take extended trips to monaco until things cool down.
i’ve seen billionaires (and their kids) break down over the pettiest things : a bad seat at a gala, a misplaced monogram on their jet, a slight from someone whose family has less money than theirs. the richer they are, the more fragile they get.
my family has a pr strategy : this is largely because my mom is a ceo of a billion dollar company. and everything is managed. what photos are released, what stories are planted, which journalists are “friendly.” nothing is random.
i know that philanthropy is often just money laundering with better optics : charities set up for tax reasons, “foundations” that quietly funnel wealth back into the family, billionaire donations that conveniently coincide with favourable legislation.
i’ve seen people lose their fortunes overnight : one wrong deal, one lawsuit, one scandal that sticks, and suddenly, the private jets are getting repossessed. the real old money…they watch from a distance. they never risk everything.
i know that some billionaires don’t actually have liquid cash : they’re over-leveraged, playing financial gymnastics with their own net worth. yachts, art, mansions. but the second they need actual money? suddenly, things get complicated. this is why everyone in my school donated possessions instead of actual money.
met people who don’t own their clothes : couture is loaned, jewellery is borrowed, yachts are rented to themselves through shell companies. it’s all about optics. they don’t need to own when they can access.
heard rich kids joke about things that would make normal people physically ill : laughing about tax evasion, casually mentioning private rehabs like summer camp, making bets on stocks that could ruin lives.
met billionaires who are bored of being rich : the thrill is gone. the yachts, the jets, the parties. it’s routine. they start chasing danger. high-stakes gambling, extreme sports, secret societies. anything to feel something.
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all-pacas · 3 months ago
a list of all the times foreman and chase actively shaded one another in s1-3, because i think it's very funny,
PATIENT: [Foreman] doesn't like me. I can tell. CHASE: That's okay. He doesn't like me, either.
sports medicine:
CHASE: House says you were lying. I believe him. FOREMAN: …What’s that? You got a little wet smudge at the end of your nose!
CAMERON [to Chase]: He’s not gonna fire you. FOREMAN: I’d fire you. Bye bye. CHASE: If I screw up, the patient dies… I’ll never get another job. FOREMAN: So go stick your head between your legs and lick your wounds in Gstaad.
mob rules:
CAMERON: Chase has a big mouth. FOREMAN: Yeah. He's probably the one who ratted to Vogler. [of note: Chase did obviously rat to Vogler, but Cameron spends these same episodes defending him and sure he isn't the rat; Foreman immediately jumps to "fire Chase"]
PATIENT: I’m thirsty. CAMERON: Just a little bit longer [with this procedure], and you’ll be done. FOREMAN: Like Dr. Chase.
[later, House asks who Foreman would fire:]
FOREMAN: Chase. HOUSE: What — because he screwed up an angio a month ago? FOREMAN: Anyone can make a mistake. HOUSE: Right, it’s the money. You resent it, but you’re going to tell me he doesn’t need the job. FOREMAN: He doesn’t appreciate the job. HOUSE: He was ready to go three rounds with Cameron for it. FOREMAN: He wants the job. He just doesn’t appreciate it. There’s nothing wrong with just wanting to hang out, but this is not the place to do it.
babies and bathwater:
FOREMAN: [under his breath] Here, pussy, pussy, pussy. CHASE: I didn’t do anything. FOREMAN: Exactly my point. CHASE: You wanted me to yell at him? What the hell would that have achieved? What, is he going to jump into his time machine and fix everything? FOREMAN: When a dog dumps on the floor, do you pat its head and call it a genius? No, you smack it in the nose with a newspaper! CHASE: Dogs can learn things, House can’t. FOREMAN: Coward. CHASE: Child.
FOREMAN: If someone asks you to describe me to them, what’s the first thing you’d tell them? CHASE: Insecure.
tb or not tb:
CAMERON: I wrote your people a check last month. PATIENT: Oh, well… write us another one. FOREMAN: Talk to Chase, he’s rich. CHASE: My dad, not me. [i think offering chase's money to a stranger counts as shade]
the mistake:
STACY: Why did Chase screw up? FOREMAN: Because he doesn't give a crap about patients. STACY: He always gets positive patient reviews. FOREMAN: Yeah. He smiles all 84 of his teeth, tells them his tonsil story. STACY: It's a nice story. FOREMAN: He still has his tonsils! As soon as he's out of the room, which is as soon as he can be out of the room, he starts in on the trash talk. Thinks not giving a crap makes him like House. Like it’s something to aspire to. Am I going to have to testify? STACY: I… won't be encouraging them to call you.
failure to communicate:
CHASE: Even if he fell, drug use is far more likely. I’m ordering a tox screen. FOREMAN: Chase, we're not done with the differential. CHASE: You're not my boss. FOREMAN: I'm House's boss, House is your boss. The math is pretty simple. CHASE: Are you signing my paychecks? Are you hiring or firing? FOREMAN: This is not about that. CHASE: The only thing you've been asked to do is supervise House in case he does something insane.
FOREMAN: Plug it in. CHASE: You plug it in. FOREMAN: Fine, give me the cord. [under his breath:] Wuss.
who's your daddy?
[during a procedure] HOUSE: Chase, high right atrium, please. CHASE: Her heart’s fragile after that last attack. The chances of tachycardia – HOUSE: You have my permission to blame Foreman at any negligence trial. [chase does as he's told]
cane and able:
CHASE: How could I screw up a simple bleeding time test? FOREMAN: Maybe you were abducted; lost time. [later:] HOUSE: So you’re saying Chase did screw up. CHASE: Or Foreman screwed up. FOREMAN: Big hand points to minutes. Maybe you got them mixed up? [later:] CHASE: We’ve had three results that haven’t been consistent. One of them must be wrong. FOREMAN: Or two of them.
fools for love:
[house is trying to bet foreman on wilson's new girlfriend. foreman hasn't accepted the bet:]
HOUSE: We could spend all day arguing whether we bet or not. Give me the hundred bucks. CHASE: Come on Foreman, pay up. He won! Or we could just never finished the DDX.
HOUSE: Aha! Brochure to a jazz festival in the Poconos this weekend. CHASE: Wilson likes jazz. Foreman, pay the man.
[later:] CHASE: If [the patients] can live here without killing each other, they must really be in love. It’s tiny. FOREMAN: Then how come it’s taking you so long to search it? CHASE: Box of condoms in his jacket. FOREMAN: I know you’re poor now, but buy your own.
CHASE: Hey, Foreman, can you wear the beeper for a couple hours this weekend? [off his look:] What? FOREMAN: We just destroyed two peoples’ lives. CHASE: I’m not allowed to run errands any more? FOREMAN: I’d like to see some sign that it affects you, or that you recognize that it affects other people. CHASE: So are you going to wear the beeper or not?
finding judas:
CHASE: I wasn't kissing his ass. FOREMAN: It just looked that way from our angle. You on your knees, House bending over. CHASE: He predicted the pancreatitis. CAMERON: It's his dad's fault. CHASE: My dad was an ass. CAMERON: But you did everything he wanted you to and, in return, you got everything you wanted. CHASE: Yeah! It's that simple. CAMERON: His strategy worked. Dad got him a cushy job, paid for his cushy life. CHASE: Cut me out of his cushy will. [cameron looks surprised/apologetic here; foreman continues:] FOREMAN: I told you, just his nature. Poor guy's hardwired to kiss ass.
CHASE: Tritter finally froze my accounts. FOREMAN: Really? CHASE: You surprised? Why wouldn't he? FOREMAN: I figured if he was singling you out, you must have done something different. CHASE: What? Like talking? FOREMAN: Yeah. And now that he's frozen your accounts, you probably will. You need the cash, right? CHASE: He doesn't freeze my accounts, I'm guilty. He does freeze my accounts, I'm guilty. [foreman shrugs]
top secret:
FOREMAN: House would do Wilson before you'd do Chase. CAMERON: No, you would do House and Wilson before I do Chase. Now can we get back to work? CHASE: She did me once! FOREMAN: [laughing] She was stoned!
act your age:
CHASE: For the record, Cameron's the one who broke it off. FOREMAN: Not interested. No masses in the hypothalamus. CHASE: I wanted more. She didn't share my feelings. FOREMAN: I feel like I'm in a similar position.
CHASE: So, why are you leaving? Or is it just some sort of power play? FOREMAN: You can have my parking space. My locker. CHASE: Is it about House? FOREMAN: Let me get all sensitive and confide in you. CHASE: Why wouldn't you want to tell me? FOREMAN: I don't like you. Never have, never will. You want me to share some more?
the jerk:
FOREMAN: I'll do it. But I've got a job interview after work. Anything comes up later, you guys handle it. CAMERON: Need a peer recommendation? FOREMAN: Thanks. [he looks at chase, who sort of shrugs] CHASE: Cameron's should suffice.
CAMERON: Foreman's interview in New York got screwed up. CHASE: I heard. CAMERON: Foreman thought it was House, House thought it was Cuddy. Cuddy thought it was Wilson, Wilson thought it was me. CHASE: And you think it was me? [chuckles] God… you think I… sabotaged Foreman? I don't even want him here. CAMERON: I know. CHASE: Then why would I do…? CAMERON: I think you sabotaged Foreman just to sabotage Foreman.
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andreablog2 · 23 days ago
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Lol. So amazing how ski resorts in gstaad now commission murals that are amalgamations of like… old text book designs and airbrushed art/velvet art, typically associated with black American artists in the turn of the millennium. I’m familiar w the whole tradition of like the fine arts “adopting” what they constitute as lower brow art cliches into their repertoire…but this particular instance feels so poorly executed. I like this artist at times but it’s functionally gen ai of what’s its meant to be human sold to people so out of touch they need to be at 1049 elevation to have permission to feel something
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fashionbooksmilano · 11 months ago
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Slim Aarons # A Place in the Sun
Introduction by Christopher Sweet
Abrams Books, New York 2005, 260 pages, 250 colour photographs, 26x31,5cm, ISBN 9780810959354
euro 75,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
A Place in the Sun collects Slim Aarons’s photographs capturing the glamorous lifestyles of some of high society’s most prominent people.
“Slim Aarons is known for his dreamy lifestyle photographs of celebrities and socialites in jaw-dropping locations around the world.” —Architectural Digest
Since 1940 Slim Aarons has been hard at work, first as a war photographer, then with unprecedented access as a photographer to the rich and famous. In this book, he develops the environmental portrait to the level of art, always showing his subjects in their natural setting, in a circumstance synonymous with their station in life.
Aarons documented a particular world that has vanished. A Place in the Sun is that special glimpse of privilege under a bright and beaming sky, whether on sandy shore, snowy slope, or elegant home where cares are few. Through 250 stunning color pictures, Aarons provides a veritable Who’s Who of high society: Aristotle Onassis with his first wife, Tina, and their children, C. Z. Guest at her villa in Palm Beach, the Aga Khan at his Sardinian resort, Truman Capote in Palm Springs.
From Mustique to Monaco, from Aspen to Gstaad, only Aarons can take us on a journey to the most exclusive playgrounds of the rich, inspiring even the most jaded armchair traveler.
Aarons never used a stylist, a makeup artist, or anything but natural light. Since the settings encouraged swimwear, it is astonishing how beautiful these men, women, and children were. There is a shimmering sensuality about this bygone world. Astonishing, too, is the vibrant intensity of the colors.
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darkmaga-returns · 17 days ago
The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.” -Cicero, 55 BC
It was Peter Bauer who pointed out that foreign aid is the means by which poor people in rich countries are forced to give money to rich people in poor countries. After all, how else are the families of African dictators and their ministers going to maintain their mansions along the French Riviera? How would they be able to navigate Europe’s roads? If not for American and British foreign aid, luxurious chateaus would go empty, unsold. And bank accounts in Switzerland, Grand Cayman, Panamá, and elsewhere just don’t get filled by themselves.
No doubt the people of North Carolina who are homeless because of the hurricane can sleep better knowing that African dictators’ families have a roof over their heads in Gstaad and Lake Como. Americans who have not received help from FEMA because the money allocated to that agency went toward illegal immigrants’ welfare and because some had Vote Trump signs in their yard should realize that there are priorities and they should not be heartless.
And to be fair, it is not just dictators who receive the benefits from the money. It seems that $35,000 went toward providing Cameroons with comic books, $1.5 million to promote homosexuality in Serbia, and $2 million to make the Ethiopians wear shoes. 
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f0point5 · 1 year ago
I just wanna know which Lando’s story inspired that mean comment (that I completely agree with)?
Lando does look like a little rich boy who spends summer between Mykonos and Ibiza.
I think he deleted it, but it was a a picture of him and several other people showing off Richard Mille watches. Just gave me flashbacks to like 2017 when all the rich boys would be taking pictures and videos of pouring champagne over their expensive watches.
Lando definitely has that vibe lol. Winters is Gstaad, summer in Mykonos and St Tropez. He gives Bagatelle and Club 55.
I don’t make the rules.
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ncisladaily · 8 months ago
@ericcolsen - One of the most magical days in Gstaad. The pool of Winter's dreams. A room with views of the Bernese mountains. Absolutely stunning Swiss design. A gym I could live in. Moto Adventures high in the mountains. A 300 year old farm. Cheese handmade by a married couple that have been working together for 37 years. Maybe the most amazing playground and petting zoo I've ever seen, maintained by 53 people with health conditions, impairments and/or learning differences. They live on the property and also build arts and crafts and help in the shop and cafe. What a staggering example of giving purpose and identity in something so compelling. The beauty of the place is a reflection of the beauty of the people. I celebrate all of this. #inlovewithswitzerland #myswitzerland
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montillopierre · 3 months ago
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A PARTIR DU 10 JANVIER 2025 JUSQU’AU 1 MARS 2025. EXPOSITION PIERRE MONTILLO. GALERIE DE LA TOUR LOMBARDE. SAINT SÉVERIN. CONTHEY. SUISSE 🇨🇭 🇨🇭🇨🇭( COLLECTION 2025 ). #illustration #conthey. #suisse #pierremontillo #zermatt #verbier. #bern #montreux. #martigny #sierre #cranmontana #sion #davos #gstaad #saintmoritz. www.pierremontillo.com. LOMBARD TOWER GALLERY. SAINT SEVERIN. CONTHEY. 🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭SWITZERLAND PIERRE MONTILLO EXHIBITION FROM JANUARY 10 TO MARCH 1, 2025. (2025 COLLECTION).
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twopoppies · 11 months ago
People said loro piana doesn't advertise because they're "quiet luxury" and "if you know you know" and yet their ads are plastered all over lol. This is absolute bullshit, they can call it what they want but they absolutely do pay people or "gift" them their stuff. Harry is at the point of his career where he's not getting out of bed for free so let's not be naive here. The whole outfits were from them and the articles pointed every single thing out, including vogue?? Yeah come on
Speaking of Loro Piana, have you seen Gstaad Guy? 🤣
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jellogram · 2 years ago
I wish "I didn't grow up in a rich family" was a more polite response to answer questions with. Because sometimes my coworkers will be like "You've never been to Paris???? 🤨" my guy our family vacations were to a beach four hours away and those ended when the recession hit. No I've never gone skiing in Gstaad no I don't have a favorite beach in Bali what the FUCK are you people talking about, I feel like a completely different species
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capyphoenix · 2 months ago
What i want to see is Stan. People say he's with Max like every year but we usually have proof of that from the beginning. This time I haven't seen him yet. It seems to be leech exclusive.//
Here are Stan And Coco in Zürs. Wait till Max posts a photo with them. He did last three years after NY. , Miami, St. Barth, Gstaad. They are always celebrating NY Eve together, certainly the last 4 years
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nativescontent2024 · 3 months ago
Redefining Success in Influencer Marketing and Content Creation
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In an era dominated by influencer marketing and the mantra that ‘authenticity’ is the key to success, we’re exploring the idea that influencer activity can still thrive by being, as we like to call it, ‘authentically inauthentic’.
While it may seem paradoxical, there are certain scenarios and niches where inauthenticity can actually be a strategic advantage rather than a hindrance.
It’s not a new idea that people turn to influencers for entertainment and amusement, and comedy influencers creating parody and satirical content thrive by embracing one or more inauthentic personas. These creators openly admit that their content is scripted or exaggerated for comedic effect, and their audience appreciates the transparency in their inauthenticity. For brands or an influencer agency, this approach presents a unique opportunity to connect with audiences seeking escapism and entertainment.
Such elaborate characters blur the lines between fiction and reality, flooding their TikTok comment sections with questions such as, ‘surely this is satire?’ However, these personas can be just as engaging and relatable as real-life authenticity. Audiences are drawn to the aspect of storytelling, and however exaggerated the characters, we definitely all know someone similar…
Similarly, in the world of luxury, influencers who embody aspirational ideals and showcase a seemingly ‘out of reach’ lifestyle can maintain their allure and grow a following precisely because they are unrelatable. Their content allows audiences to escape from their everyday lives and indulge in fantasy. This creates a sense of detachment from reality, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in a captivating narrative or aesthetic without the constraints of authenticity. For a production agency in London, understanding this dynamic is key to crafting content that resonates with diverse audience preferences.
In recent times, both the challenges posed by Covid and the rising cost of living have driven audiences to seek an escape in social media and short-form content. These platforms have become the new-age TV. Once your favorite aspirational series ends, just open TikTok and see what your favorite outlandish creator is up to.
While authenticity remains a powerful and valuable aspect of influencer marketing, there are situations where being authentically inauthentic can be just as effective. It all depends on the niche, audience, and the specific goals of the influencer. In the diverse landscape of influencer activity, there is room for both authenticity and inauthenticity to coexist and cater to a wide range of audience preferences and desires.
Take, for instance, ‘The Rochambeau Club’, a fictitious tennis club born in 2021 on Instagram, leading the charge in the realm of spoof and satirical luxury. Created by London-based entrepreneur Christopher Seddon and writer Joseph Bullmore, their winning formula combines a nostalgic ‘I’ve definitely seen that somewhere before’ retro aesthetic, inside jokes that make you want to feel a part of it, and a meticulously thought-through look and feel, which any production agency in London could appreciate, for an approach to content that is gaining them a rapidly growing online audience. But, you may ask, if it doesn’t actually exist, to what end?
The club is banking on its 'genuine membership' of over 2,000 to naturally transition into real-world customers of their ‘Racquet Rosé,’ a wine retailing at £117 for a case of six bottles, available in selected London restaurants and bars. Despite existing solely in the digital realm, it has become a tangible business, registered in the UK as a wholesaler of alcoholic beverages, hinting at future drink offerings inspired by their 80s preppy universe.
On a similar note, consider ‘Gstaad Guy’, who has carved a niche by satirising the lives of the rich and, to put it frankly, snobby. His content has resonated with, and amused, the more affluent of Instagram users, and his penchant to mock the aspirational lifestyles often seen on social media has gained him a ticket to almost every FROW. It’s the type of creative strategy an innovative influencer agency might champion to stand out in today’s competitive market.
Beyond our phones and in the world of television, the concept of authenticity is also being redefined. The BBC’s Amazing Hotels series, which sees Monica Galetti and Rob Rinder visit Puglia to go behind the scenes of a hotel merely modelled on its historical local villages, and whose staff is carefully curating a ‘genuine’ version of Italy within a replica.
While authenticity remains a powerful currency for creators and brands alike, the rise of spoof accounts and satirical content cannot be ignored. This evolution encourages us to reconsider the usual ‘authenticity or nothing’ approach. It’s a reminder to creators, brands, and even a forward-thinking production agency in London, that the digital entertainment landscape is constantly changing and evolving.
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cafe-parl · 4 months ago
Swis culture in th
Permanent in th
Gstaad ch activity news
Swis news in th
Walkable street
Parliament th
Collab with p sd hn, only
Dont wac any one of
C prp not above law
Thank you whole of th for seleact tuna us in parl
Bath and spa
Go wabi
Thank you
Wash trash
4 ocean
Ocean clean up
Automatic trash truck, inside and outside, no touchy
Wash trash before trash
Water truck at buildings
Data and e privacy
No other peoples words and post can reach me or any one, reject every thing
Rgn date may 7 
Scl media and wrds is not a wpn, nothing affects any one else, people are allow to have i*trusive thoughts that dnt affect any one else
No md allow, jl, lfe sentence, no pwr
Unity college
Colour black and green
Didnt study for him
Ap car in street
Ldn plstc seat taxi
Remove traffic light skmvt road, drive 30 give space, can park any where
Delivery bike lane
Remove traffic light
Pedestrian crossing feet button
Dnt lnk me with any prnt, relatives, blced
Dnt jdge peopel if you dnt know them
Rejct ilns thrt
Artst mngmnt
R u ok, can you pst abt deletng pics, reply to email and you can ersng pss, cafe-parl.tumblr.com
Can keep face bk
Can some one save as pdf, del r wiki, untitled
There is nthng wrrtn abt k c prp in kr same in th
0 k
No r gv in any blb
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stateofsport211 · 7 months ago
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📸 ATP official website
An all-French classic battle featuring two people with contrasting career trajectories occurred in the Zug Challenger, where Quentin Halys, who just became the runner-up to Matteo Berrettini 3-6, 1-6 in Gstaad (250) last week, took on Benoit Paire, who lost to eventual champion Marcos Giron 4-6, 7-5, 6-4 despite leading 3-0 in the final set in the second round back in Newport (250). This match might have delivered in some ways, but the one remaining consistent toward the end prevailed in this match.
Even though Halys' erratic start (including a double fault in the beginning of the match) resulted in Paire's early break to 1-0, including an erratic response to the latter's backhand for his latest break point, the former broke back thanks to his forehand passes that set up his 2-point lead before creating his break point, converting it to 1-1 at the end. There were fair chances, but Halys consolidated to 2-1 to confirm the equal playing level.
Five games later, Paire started with another erroneous showing in following things up, where his double fault midway did not help except forcing another deuce, and it took two more points before Paire's backhand error converted Halys' break point to 5-3. As a result, Halys earned his opportunity to serve for the first set, which he successfully did (6-3) despite conceding a point in the ninth game to steadily take the first set.
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