#peacock demon of wrath
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penguinotaku · 11 months ago
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ask-the-monster-nest-xxx · 2 years ago
The group of demons looked at each other. All of them wanting to do their own thing but they had to discus things. "What would happen if we ran into other versions of ourselves?" Mammon asked. "The world would explode!!!!" Answered Levi. Satan sighed. "That is not possible. We can't explode." Lucifer huffed. "You are all idiots. You are not to try and mess with them. You don't know what would happen"
Asmo giggles "is there anyone more beautiful then me? I mean I think I'm more beautiful then myself? Wait that sounds odd." Belphie yawned "other me seems even meaner. I mean I don't have a problem with humans... as long as they let me sleep..." Beel got a great idea "I wonder if I could have a eating contest with myself!!!" Everyone turned to look at him and said no in unison. He frowned.
Diavolo smiled "meeting myself would be interesting. Definitely could learn more about myself!" Barbatos rolled his eyes. "No my lord. That is a bad idea."
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obey-me-hoe · 7 months ago
Here are what the brothers pact marks look like for my MCs. I hc that the pact marks appear different for each person but I didn't wanna make two different versions for my two MCs (these took so long to begin with) so they are gonna be the same for both of them. I wanted to go for more of a tattoo look for them. Each mark represents the brother's sin (derived from their symbol) and associated creature (more details and closer look for each below the cut)
Here are all the pact marks together (click the pictures for better resolution):
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Here are all the symbols for reference:
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Each pact mark also features little diamonds (Mammon's is a bit different) that represent the other brothers. I hc that they show up on each pact mark you already have once you make a new pact with one of the other brothers (kind of like a way to show your progress). This represents the bond of the brothers with each other as well as MC.
LUCIFER - Peacock
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💙 For Lucifer's I kind of just flipped his symbol upside down to get the overall shape of the mark.
💙 The top bit is actually part of a peacock feather just like the ones on the back of his coat.
💙 I wanted to give the blue parts a feather like texture but it didn't turn out right so I just left them blue.
💙 The placement is over MC's chest/ribs because when you feel Pride you usually feel it in your chest.
💙 People also tend to puff out their chests when they are proud.
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💛 For Mammon's I started his symbol on MC's hand and had the tails wrap around their arm all the way up to right below the elbow.
💛 The wrapping of the tails represents Mammon's need to have MC all to himself.
💛 His mark manifests on MC's dominant arm (I'm left handed so I did the left arm) as a way to convey his importance to MC.
💛 The placement is the dominant hand/forearm because Greed can be seen as taking as much as you want of something and the dominant arm is the one that is usually used.
💛 I also placed it there because I imagine Mammon being greedy for MC's presence so he keeps his arm wrapped around theirs in an attempt to keep them close.
💛 His mark is the most visible which serves to remind the brothers that he is MC's first man.
💛 It also serves as a warning to any who wish to harm MC (Mammon will always protect HIS human).
💛 His creature is represented by the two little crows on MC's hand that are looking out for MC's safety (that's why they're looking away from MC).
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🧡 For Levi I decided on making his serpent like symbol wrap around MC's thigh.
🧡 The placement is the thigh because Envy is rooted deep down inside and can drag you down with it.
🧡 It also constricts you and makes you feel trapped both physically and mentally just like what some serpents do to their prey.
🧡 It being on the left side is just because I wanted it on the same side as Mammon's (since they're my two faves).
🧡 I hc that Levi likes to wrap his tail around MC's leg as a way to ground himself when he's stressed.
SATAN - Unicorn
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💚 For Satan I just directly used his symbol because it already looks so cool.
💚 The placement is the thigh because much like envy, Wrath can be felt deep down and will pull you down with it.
💚 The horns (although a unicorn only has one) stretch out to both the inner and outer sides of the thigh to represent how wrath can hurt not only others but the one who is feeling the wrath as well (outer thigh is others and inner thigh is self).
💚 The black and green alternating are a nod to the shirt Satan wears while in demon form.
💚 Much like Levi, I hc that Satan wraps his tail around MC's leg (he doesn't realize he's doing it) to help ground him when he feels the wrath taking over.
ASMODEUS - Scorpion
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🩷 For Asmo I went with the idea of his symbol wrapping around MC's lower back around to the front to simulate him hugging MC from behind.
🩷 The mark wrapping around MC's body is also a nod to the scorpion Asmo has wrapped around him in his demon form.
🩷 The curling designs on the mark represent the curling tail of the scorpion.
🩷 The intimate placement is reminiscent of a tramp stamp which people usually associate with Lust.
🩷 The mark also focuses on the the hips which are often touched or grabbed in lustful situations.
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❤️ For Beel I used his symbol directly as it already looks like his wings in demon form.
❤️ The details on the wings are reminiscent of fly wings.
❤️ The placement is right on the stomach over the bellybutton to reference Beel's neverending hunger that's caused by his Gluttony.
❤️ While gluttony doesn't always refer to eating all the time (although that is the case for Beel), it is what people usually think of when they hear the word.
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💜 Belphie's is located on the back of MC's neck/shoulders because those are the spots that usually touch the pillow when sleeping.
💜 Those that are overtaken with Sloth can sometimes be seen slouching which also plays into the placement of the mark.
💜 The top two arms of the mark wrap around to the sides of the neck.
💜 The wrapping is reminiscent of Belphie always cuddling his pillow.
💜 The black and white spots on the shoulders represent Belphie's creature, a cow.
💜 They also match the spots on his demon form clothing.
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I had so much fun making these so I hope y'all enjoy!
[MCs Lore]
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archivedblog16 · 2 months ago
sinsmas is a fun episode to me honestly, but the way they try to gaslight the audience into thinking that cheating is fine as long as youre doing it at the expense of your abusive partner is, regardless of how your kids feel, even supporting the idea they should just roll with it, is.. i hate it? and in stoliz's case, its not even, "stolas cheated on stella with blitz and the two made this family together out of the broken pieces left with their kids," like the humans did. (which realistically probably wouldnt work out, and only does because karen is dead and the daughters arent actual characters with agency like the majority of vivs female characters,) its, "stolas felt so unwanted his entire life because of this arranged marriage that, when his ""first ever friend"" fucked him and stole the grimorie the morning after, his immediate reaction was NOT to get him an asmodean crystal so the two could continue to fuck consensually, without hurting his daughters birthright, but to instead FORCE his ""first ever friend"" while he was literally fighting for his life into having sex once a month for usage to said birthright, that is the entire REASON he had a daughter he didnt want, willingly putting the grimorie in the hands of someone else every month 99% of the time, so he could MAKE that person FUCK HIM because he was a sad innocent uwu boi who never knew what twue wove is and that was totally all he wanted all along!" actually, im just a big dumb idiot, this is fine, and not fucked up at all. i should just turn my brain off so i can buy 69 more stoliz plushies, pins, and shirts from shark robot dot com that i can shove up my anus and shit out - the money im given by the go fund me i set up due to the following anal prolapse it causes, will go directly to viviene "dont say yes until im finished talking" mendrano's disneyland, taxidermy peacock, and kfc in japan budget! just like that queer, totally not white passing, totally not having a history of edgy bigotedness even up into 2023, totally doesnt have a rape fetish, totally not someone who has a pattern of using people and spitting them out, DESERVES to have! :D
In hindsight, I do wish the episode was mainly about IMP and them focusing on their sins. Like how Millie and Moxxie do wrath related things, Loona does gluttony with her friends, etc. Majority of the episode was just Vivziepop gaslighting the audience and the demonizing a woman who is upset she got the short end of the stick.
That first friend/circus episode was so dumb. Not only does it make Stolas and Stoliz look worse in comparison. The two never acknowledge what happened at the mansion at all except when Blitzø attempts to steal the grimoire. Stolas and Blitzø aren’t even friends like Vivziepop wants to imply and milk in the merch. Blitzø was literally Stolas’ temporary slave, forced to hang out with him then the two went their separate ways.
Yes, Anon we should definitely turn our brain off- no we should remove them completely and ignore how messy the plot is, the lack of world building in this story, how one-note and neglected the female characters are, etc. 😔 It’s all about Stoliz
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the-trans-folk-witch · 1 year ago
The Seven Deadly Sins: sins personified via animism and the church.
The arte of the witch is syncretic with the arte of demons. To usurp and overthrow the oppressor, and to cause sins within the souls of men. How does a witch do this? the Seven Deadly Sins or "cardinal sins" are the answer.
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The image above depicts these 7 sins within the man's heart/soul as being animals. As an animist I can not help but view these animals as being true personification. Symbolism is not a thing to me, but a person. Although I'm sure the creator of this image was very much a good Catholic man who was not an animist, we can still utilize this image today as animists.
In traditional witchcraft it's common to call upon familiars associated with cardinal directions.a common example would be the toad, hare, serpent, and crow. However within my own arte I call upon the familiars of the cardinal sins pictured above.
The traditional meanings of these animals are as follows:
The toad- greed
The serpent- envy
The [mountain] lion- wrath
The snail- sloth
The pig- gluttony
The goat- lust
The peacock (or turkey) - pride.
This list although very eurocentric and representative of my own cosmology, can be reworked to fit your own landscape and culture. If you do not have any of the animals near you, change the list! Get to know the spirits of your land and assign your own familars to these sins.
In cases where the witch is cut off from nature, and the animals' parts are not on hand to conjure the spirit, there are demons traditionally associated with these sins as well. And demons are very present within the lives and bodies (posession)of man. The demons are changed in name and sinful virtue based on time period and culture. But the two most popular lists come from "the lantern of light" and Binsfield. Whichever resonates most is the answer.
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The witch may call upon these demons or animal familiars for the arte that is cursing man. What i consider man can very well be the gender or just all humanity (non witches) themselves. But these beliefs are very forcibly removed from modern witch-caucus.
As for the remedy for these sins, one must request the aid of the 7 heavenly virtues. These vurtues are as follows:
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The heavenly virtues being the holy opposites of these Infernal spirits of demons or animals. These virtues are depicted as 7 angels, or 7 saints. Again, whichever list you prefer is the answer. The angels are a more modern concept applied by western occultusts. And are taken from my previous post on the 7 angels of planets. They are the main 7 Archangels found in Manila traditional catholic orders.
There are also lists of saints you can call against certain demons listed in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum which i will share here
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The work is never just left or right, but in between the holy and heretical. The saints and demons are beneficial to the witch just as they are to the church. With sin comes hell, and with the holy spirit comes heaven. God commands both, as do witches. Therefore I am now God.
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gxrefxtish · 9 months ago
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I’m using you as an excuse to rant about it. You are my sacrifice. Bugza.
Spoiler warning
Obey Me! Shall we date? Is a mobile otome game and anime were the MC (you, the player) gets chosen to be a human exchange student for RAD (Royal Academy of Diavolo) where you are taken down to the Devildom (hell) but you end up stuck as a small pink sheep due to not being used to the demon realm.
You were brought to the demon realm to be a human representative of the human world, to help make peace between worlds, being the celestial realm, human world, and Devildom.
You are introduced to the character Diavolo, the Prince of Devildom and heir to the throne, the Avatar of Pride, Lucifer, is introduced as Diavolo’s right hand man.
Lucifer puts you in the care of his younger brother and Second oldest, Avatar of Greed, Mammon, Lucifer giving you a D.D.D (Diavolo’s Devildom Device) which is the human world equivalent to a regular cell phone.
You are told to call Mammon to inform him of his role as your guide, where he very happily says “no” and only agrees once Lucifer starts counting down from 3, Mammon being scared of his brother Lucifer.
You are made to live in the HoL (House of Lamentation) with the 7 deadly sins/Avatars.
Avatar of Pride, Lucifer.
Avatar of Greed, Mammon.
Avatar of Envy, Leviathan.
Avatar of Wrath, Satan.
Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus.
Avatar of Gluttony, Beelzebub.
Avatar of Sloth, Belphegor.
Lucifer is obviously prideful and the strictest of his brothers, being the leader of the HoL. He doesn’t admit he is in the wrong or take anything from anyone to keep his pride. He is the owner of the three headed dog Cerberus after managing to tame him. His banner animal is a Peacock
(I fucking love male peacocks their so amazingly stupid)
Mammon is a greedy demon who will steal and get himself in trouble just to fill his desires for riches and valuables, he is a tsundere that refuses to admit he cares for MC, calling himself their “First man.” His banner animal is a crow.
Leviathan is a self deprecating shut-in otaku, refusing to listen to “normies” including MC. He adores the character Ruri-Chan, having many anime and game figures around his room. He had a pet snake named Henry 1.0 named after a character from his favorite book series, Tale of The 7 Lords, before he lost the snake, replacing it with a fish he named Henry 2.0. He is the admirable of hells navy and can summon Lotan. His banner animal is a snake.
Satan is the book worm 4th born who loves cats and reading, he hates Lucifer and hates when people mistake him for Lucifer and when they’re compared. Satan was born after Lucifer tore off his own wings out of wrath against god for the death of Lilith, leading to only two pairs of wings to grow back while the last pair formed Satan, made from Lucifer’s wrath and hatred, even having some of Lucifer’s memories from the celestial war. His banner animal is a unicorn. (I giggle at this)
Asmodeus is the narcissistic and sexual brother, always bragging about his looks and how he’s the prettiest person to exist, saying he looks better than someone after complimenting them. It is revealed that he is insecure about being a demon, missing his beautiful white wings and angelic aura, now finding disgust in his demon form. In later seasons he admits he loves MC as much as himself. His banner animal is a scorpion.
Beelzebub is the always hungry older twin, he is constantly raiding the kitchen and anywhere for food, never being able to satiate his hunger. (Personally) he is one of the nicest and caring brothers, talking a lot about how he misses his brother who is said to be in the human world, when he’s actually locked in the attic by Lucifer for disobeying Diavolo. He regrets the death of Lilith, after he tried to save Belphegor but Lilith getting killed in the process, blaming himself for it. His banner animal is a fly.
Belphegor is the cat napping younger twin, constantly sleeping and napping, he was locked in the attic by Lucifer for disobeying Diavolo, hating the humans and blaming humans for Lilith death, he tries to convince MC that he is a human like us that was trapped by the demons but we find out that’s a lie and he’s actually a demon, he gets us to help him out by making pacts with his brothers, he thanks us by asking to give us a hug, where he strangles us to death before we are brought back to life. His banner animal is a cow. (I accidentally got lesson 16 spoiled to me)
We are told to make pacts with the brothers by Belphie to get him out.
We make a pact in order with:
And then Lucifer.
Lucifer is the most difficult for us to get, him refusing to make one with us due to thinking we have an ulterior motive (we do) but give a different excuse to why we want a pact, saying we want to prove our worth to him as the human exchange student.
Mammon is one you make the quickest. Ofc.
The Royals.
The royals consist of Lord Diavolo and Barbatos.
Diavolo is the demon prince and heir to the throne of Devildom, Diavolo is serious when he needs to but is a very nice and overall lighthearted character. He does not have a good relationship with his father, the current king of Devildom but is in a deep sleep, his son Diavolo taking his role while still Prince. His mother died while giving birth to him, and he thinks it’s possibly why his father was so strict and hard in him, blaming Diavolo for his mothers death.
Barbatos is the royal Butler to Diavolo, being a neat and orderly character, he is known as a the Greatest Pastry Chef, and being very good with tea and being a tea expert, he played a big role in Diavolo’s life, even as a child. Barbatos became Diavolo’s butler after a child Diavolo lured Barbatos into the castle with rare tea leaves, Diavolo saying barbatos couldn’t leave until he agreed to be his butler, Barbatos later said he thought this interaction was adorable. No one knows when Barbatos was born, or how long he’s been around, but he’s been around before the world and Devildom itself. Barbatos would not hesitate to destroy a building over a rat.
The Angels
The angels consist of Simeon and Luke.
Simeon is a very polite and caring Archangel , he is here for the exchange program as a representative for the celestial realm, he doesn’t hate anyone or anything. He is a writer going under the Pen Name Christopher Peugeot. He is a great cook and a mentor for Luke alongside Barbatos.
Luke a young Angel, about 10 in human years, he is the youngest of the group (except for MC he’s been around for centuries maturity wise tho he’s young) he doesn’t like demons especially Lucifer, but really likes Barbatos, being taught by him in baking and being mentored by him. Hes constantly being made fun of by the demon brothers, specifically Lucifer, and Mammon, having the nicknames, “Chihuahua”, “Fido”, and “Dog” making him very irritated whenever he’s called them.
The Sorcerer
There’s only one sorcerer, being Solomon.
Solomon is a representative of the human world, he’s a very powerful sorcerer, having 72 pacts with demons, including Barbatos. Barbatos holds a grudge throughout Obey Me! Nightbringer, which the sorcerer doesn’t even remember why, it is later revealed that Barbatos was upset he was placed 8th on Solomon’s pact list, being petty about it and hating Solomon (Drama queen Barbie). Despite Solomon being a skilled sorcerer and great with potions and mixing ingredients, this does not translate in his cooking abilities, often making his food a biohazard for anyone to consume and a danger for botulism, but he does not realize and thinks his food is fine.
The Human
You are the human, the MC, that little sheep.
You were brought to Devildom as the second human exchange student for the program, your avatar was made a sheep and the game uses they/them pronouns to make the game as inclusive to any player. You are the Main Character.
Anyways that’s what happens when you say you don’t know what my interest is about @blackoutbugza this is the consequences of your words. Thanks for a reason to rant tho:)
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subzerosongie · 1 year ago
Omnisexual and Demiromantic, Lucifer finds beauty in just about everyone. 
Struggles with affection, Lucifer's rank as an Angel wasn't known for being overly affectionate. Lucifer can come across as suffocating and controlling when he shows affection. 
Has deep tissue scars where his angel wings used to be, he did rip them clean off his body.
On the rare occasion he misses his old life but that's a rare feeling, usually when he's heavily intoxicated 
He's aware that he misses the memories and not the Celestial Realm himself
His feelings towards the Celestial Realm are mixed at best and negative at worst. 
He wishes he could goof off like the others, but understands his role
Struggles with emotions, both others and his own. 
Admittedly self indulgent, he makes no effort to hide his fondness for alcohol 
Knows how much he has to drink to get to the level of intoxicated he desires
Insists he's not addicted
Smokes when he's particularly stressed out.
Was a leading example of virtue while in the Celestial realm for most of his time there. 
Had a rebellious teen phase
Thinks about having kids more often than he'd even admit to
The idea of Romantic relationships with him makes him uneasy, he hasn't been in one in ages and the last one didn't end well. 
This is because despite all his good traits as a romantic partner his struggles with affection and general tendencies to be protective, even overprotective at times make him worry about chasing people away
This said, Lucifer loves simple pet names like Darling, My Sweet, Love, Babe/Baby, Honey. He does have a few special ones he's fond of using towards his lover.
Scars litter his body, most are superficial but aside from the wings one, other deep scars are on his chest, lower back, neck, face, arms and legs. 
Finds humans endlessly fascinating 
Fangs adorn his top and bottom jaws where human canines are located. 
Has a beastly demon form, he's rarely had to use it and are a mix of a demon and his symbolic animals of Peacock and Bat. He also hates this form.
Likes the harder musical genres outside cursed records. Metal and Rock are his favourites
Cat person, dogs can be too demanding for his tastes
Likes Salty foods
Winter is favourite season
Heat is actually hard for him to deal with
Devildom's natural climate is perfect for him
He regrets his fall, if he could do it again he'd make sure his brothers got to stay.
Had a decent singing voice, he doesn't sing very often though
Slightly an ambivert, heavily leaning introvert. 
He craves social interaction but it drains him pretty fast
Mammon is as much his favourite brother as Mammon is the bane of his existence 
Easily flustered when it comes to personal matters
One of his few fears are dying and being called back to the Celestial Realm and losing his family
Likes True Crime
Has PTSD the worst of his Brothers
Also has Depression, it presents through anger and bouts of despondency, he rarely cries or expresses his emotions any other way
He doesn't like this, but doesn't know any other way.
However one way to loosen him up to cry is again, make him intoxicated.
Pride, Lust, Wrath, Envy, Greed, Gluttony and Sloth are the sins ranked in order of intensity 
Rarely eats, when he does he eats larger portions to counteract the frequency 
Has a hard time sleeping, usually naps throughout the day or when everyone else is sleeping
Lucifer has fallen asleep at his desk more than once.
Gifted in Mathematics 
Actually doesn't like to use his powers outside of necessity 
Tries to get into or research his brother's hobbies to try and bond with them, with varying rates of success. Works out with Beel, Reads what Satan is reading, lets Asmo paint his nails, etc
More compassionate and caring than his demeanour shows 
Wishes to amend things with Satan but understands that to do that, it is on Satan's terms to do so and not a moment sooner
Lucifer's favourite holiday is Halloween
When not working, he's usually reading or corralling his brothers in someway
Takes comfort in Diavolo
Probably needs glasses 
Unhealthily relies on Coffee
One of the other brothers have to go in and give him food/drink or drag him from his desk from time to time
Bad at charging his phone
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years ago
Hi! I love your characters and writing a lot! They keep me warm during cold winter nights. Not to sound like a whore, but I was wondering if Kalymir goes through heats?
[A heem heem, thenk you. :''7. This'll be fun.]
Oh boy, does he. Kalymir's heats are, well, more like a survival horror video game from your point of view- Let's put it that way...
Pre-heat signs are hard to gauge since he's already so irritable normally, but you might pick up on a spike of frustration if you've known him for a while. He has a tendency to grind his teeth and huff a lot. Kalymir actually gets quieter around this time. He's thinking about you during these early stages, so he makes it a point to stash most of his weapons away (so that he can't grab them when hormones take his mind). Although, in his usually dickish fashion, the demonlord won't tell you he's going into heat- He'll just tell you to be ready for the next day, because he'll be coming for you.
Kalymir doesn't necessarily nest. In typical wrath demon fashion, the first thing he's doing is hunting for himself, eating lots, then gunning straight for your ass. Hopefully, you take his advice to heart and stay alert, wake up early, enough to have a running start when you hear him howling your name as he starts fucking barreling through the halls of his own mansion. Hiding can be a good strategy, but not for long, he'll dismantle entire rooms if he's sure you're there.
It's safe to say it's only a matter of time until you're found. Make no mistake, imps will not come to your aid, at most, they'll tell you to actively harm the King. Stab him, throw projectiles, claw and bite and shriek- Sure, it only arouses him more, but it can also buy you more time to escape (remember that one time you bit his slit?). Though taken with heat, Kaly's drilled it into his brain that you're fragile, so he's not too likely to crush you, unless you deliberately reject him- Rest in pieces then.
When you're caught, his hand is tight on your neck as you're led to your own bedroom (shared bed chambers really) and savagely fucked. That knot will hurt, but at the very least, he only flares the literal spikes on his dick when he's peacocking for attention. You can try to fight for dominance over these encounters, but he's significantly less gentle than usual, there's room for you to get seriously injured. Perhaps, if you can somehow sedate him, Kalymir will be more manageable. He's still loud as fuck.
Courtship displays include bringing you severed heads, teeth, horns, pelts, etc... He'll also come back covered head to toe in blood and stand in front of you, like that's supposed to be the hottest trick he could ever pull. The demonlord will sometimes attempt to initiate games of cat and mouse by stomping his feet to startle you and keeping doors wide open. Speaking of, he doesn't lock anything, feel free to run, at your own peril that is.
If you don't want to run, or rather, if you're scared shitless and want to risk the least amount of bodily harm, you can always surrender early. The same gestures you'd do with Breg count- Belly exposed, neck bared, palms up. You can also just kneel in front of him. Kalymir will puff up and get very smug, dragging his little trophy mate away.
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celestiall0tus · 1 month ago
So now that we've seen all the designs of the Seven Princes in Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, what do you think of each of their designs and the designs of their sigils (which can be seen here https://www.deviantart.com/moheart7/art/Hellaverse-The-7-Sins-of-Hell-1128188249)?
I'm being asked to give my design opinions on something? Holy shit
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Rolls up sleeves Let's get into this!
I'm going to cover the sigils all in one because I have no real other opinion besides I like them. I think they did an amazing job incorporating the design of the sins and condensing it down into a sigil.
Now, the real shit
I was honestly amazed with his design. I wasn't sure what we were going to get other than him loosely being based on the imps since most of the sins seem to reflect the demons they likely created, but for the man to be a dragon is the most metal thing ever. And the western aesthetic added in was just amazing. I love the reds and orange of his skin contrasted with the dark clothing. And the fact he is so big and intimidating works so well for the sin of wrath.
My favorite out of all of them because it's just beautiful. I love the lava lamp torso and hair, doubling that torso burning away the shit she consumes so she's never truly full is just fucking genius. Add to that her hair and tail kinda look a little like honey, the fennec fox motif is cute as shit, and despite what people say, there are definite bee motifs in her design. Her larger hips and thighs to be a bee butt, her legs shaped like bee legs instead of typical hellhound legs, her little bee wings, the antenna on her ears ad eyelashes, the extra arms, it's all there. And to make gluttony a party girl? I fucking love it. Better than the boring typical depictions of a fat ass that just pigs out all the time.
I hate this fucker so much, but he fits greed so well. Being this big, fat cat type of character just screams typical evil business CEO man from old school media that you knew immediately was the villain. Though him being a spider wasn't quite on my bingo card still, even with all the webs around and seeing him transform.
I loved Asmodeus from when we first saw him in Ozzie's. I loved seeing him being this big ass rooster (a cock) with his fancy feathers, extra little faces in his hair/feathers, the wide ass chest, everything about him has the swagger of a peacocking rooster. Which, I will say, it might have been interesting to see him as a peacock given the flamboyance of those birds and all the fancy to attract a mate, but we got a closeted Andrealphus, so I can't complain. I will say I'm not the biggest fan of Ozzie in disguise where he's this twink ass twig. It just looks unsettling, but I mean, it works, yeah? Oh! And can't forget the fiery form he takes that is just fucking amazing. I love that his role with the fire dancer or whatever it's called for the circus Luci once ran. Lust and love burn hot like a fire and I love it.
This will be quick since we only saw a little of them, but I love them. I love the two faces, the two heads, them being the freak show, their colors are just so appealing. I love how the three big envy demons we've seen so far take after each of the heads, which makes sense because envy, they'd want to be like someone else and who better than their prince? Also, side note, I love that one of the heads was into Mammon and the other was like "Uh, yeah, no." It was honestly really cute and showed they are two separate people. I really hope we see more of them.
Bel is so fucking cute! I really want to see more of her because she's too stinking cute! The bits of sheep inspiration because sleep, counting sheep, though I've seen people point out there's some llama or alpaca or something else with her longer neck (can't remember which one). I would definitely need to see more of her to give a greater opinion, but for now, I think she's fucking adorable.
And, saved the best for last, Lucifer:
The man of pride, the first fallen angel, the light bringer, the morning star, Lucifer. I love the design inspiration making him based off porcelain dolls. It gives this almost innocent but unsettling look (like the dolls themselves). The apple theme of him from his apple core tuxedo, staff, and on his hat are nice touches, love the snake wrapped around his hat, and his ducktail hair. It all just wraps up what he is and is rumored to be with the symbols that became associated with him, that may or may not be associated with him. The only thing that confuses me is his place in the hierarchy of heaven. He has six wings like the Seraphim, but I don't think he was a Seraph. I thought he might be one of the Cherubim, which are traditionally just below the Seraphim, but we've seen Cherubs, but I also don't know if they're exactly the same since Cherubim have four wings, not just two. There was also the consideration of an Archangel like Michael and the others, but the Archangels are amongst the lowest on the hierarchy with common angels just under them at the bottom. Granted things are likely different in Vivzie's version of heaven, but it still leaves me to wonder where Lucifer was in the hierarchy to have six wings. Also, side note, I thought Cherubim before because of him shapeshifting into different animals to fight Adam and the Cherubim are more animal in appearance (much like some of the Cherubs in the show) and Lucifer has a snake face shape. I thought this might contribute to why Charlie almost looks more dog-like? That's a topic for another time, but yeah, I love his design minus that one element that makes me question everything.
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ruhorih4ra · 2 years ago
Part. 6! ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
(⁠ ⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠☞ 5 4 3 2 1.
Get out of my way 🌈
Inside the House of Lamentation, in the middle of the main corridor, Lucifer was waiting patiently for you. Next to him his impersonator, imitating his frown, exaggerating his grimace surely trying to mock the prideful demon. It was fucking hilarious.
“Care to explain what's so funny?” Your smile died as soon as you heard him. “I'm just happy to finally be here.” Not exactly a lie, you were exhausted. You just wanted a quick meal and a long night’s sleep. “Oh, your classes must have drained your energy.”
Mammon stepped in front of you, giving you a brief worried look. “Come on, Lucifer, let them get away with it. Just this time.” Your protector, always coming to your aid. Although he had been so distant, his hurry to help you brought back the previous guilt. “Quiet, Mammon. I'm waiting for an explanation.”
Your eyes left Lucifer to see something that made you do a double take, the transformed Little D. was dressed as a peacock, performing an alarmingly good imitation of Lucifer's scolding. “Your classes *peacock cries* sure drained *peacock cries* your energy!!” You bit your lip, stifling a laugh.
“MC.” Your attention returned to the real Lucifer. “I needed something from the library.” *Peacock cries* “You missed all your classes!” It was an almost impossible task to concentrate in Lucifer’s lecture when his peacock-dressed copy was dancing around him without a care in the world. “Ah, yes, well. I was looking for something.” *Peacock cries* “What?” “I said I was loo-” “What were you looking for?”
As the cries of the Little D. increased, the eyes of Lucifer narrowed. “You were slacking off, weren't you?” *Peacock cries* He sighed. You recognized that face, the "I'm so disappointed in you"
“No! I wasn't! I was really looking for something!” *Peacock cries* “What exactly?!” You didn't want to tell him, but your mind wasn't cooperating with a good lie. All the while that damn demon kept shouting. “Well I-” You looked at Mammon, he shrugged slightly and mouthed a “just tell him”. *Peacock cries*
“Mc…” You shook your head while the Little D. cries seemed to increase in volumen, both Lucifer and Mammon exchanged curious glances. “SHUT UP, DAMN IT!!”
Silence fell and you felt relieved. At least until you looked the angry face of Lucifer. “No! I wasn't -” talking to you! “Silence, human!” You wanted to explain yourself, pride be damned. You were ready to tell him everything. “First you act like a child, faking an accident so we all worry-” It took you a few moments to process his words. “What are you talking about? I've never...”
“Then what happened yesterday?! Why was your blood all over the floor?!” Until that moment, Mammon had remained still, quietly looking the scene. “You faked it?” he looked at you, a deep frown on his face. “Do you really think I would?” The pain you had felt before was nothing compared to this. Your heart was being squeezed with no remorse.
“What else could have happened? You seem perfectly fine and-” You couldn't have explained how, the wrath you had been harboring inside of you came out like an explosion. “EVERYTHING!!! Everything could have happened!! You stupid, arrogant excuse for a demon!!” The shock on Lucifer's features didn't last, instead rage took over him. “Go to your room immediately before I-”
“What!? Before what!? Before you kill me!? I can't believe how fucking obtuse you are!” The gloomy aura around Lucifer became hard to fight, a black fog started rising. It was difficult to breath, as if you were too deep in the sea. “Enough. Whatever you think you're doing, stop.”
“No!! I won't!!” You ignored how Lucifer had changed into his demons form, you didn't care how Mammon seemed paralyzed with fear. You stood your ground. “You'll shut up right now AND won't make a move or sound until I say so!!” The order took effect instantly, bringing Lucifer to a halt.
“You’re all A BUNCH OF LIARS, you told me that you loved me!!” You started walking towards Lucifer, your index finger pointing at him. “You told me I was special to you, that it was lonely without me around! Lies! All of them!!” Lucifer’s face saddened, but you didn’t notice it too caught up in the heat of the argument.
Mammon tried to reach you, he tried to speak as Simeon would. Calm you down as you would do with Satan. “M-mc.” “YOU SHUT UP.” The walls cracked and the photo frames started to fall.
You couldn't keep Mammon's gaze, his troubled face cooling your rage.
You didn't want that “How dare they do this to me?!”
You turned your attention to Lucifer. His face was no better than the one of his younger brother. “Seems like you’ve forgotten about me!! After everything I did for you!! I feel so abandoned!! Do not look at me like that!! I have nothing but hatr-” The words died in your mouth.
You expected a Little D. of Wrath to appear, even a copy of Satan. You weren't prepared to see a perfect copy of yourself, nothing but black and green. You paled and shook your head, the finger that was still pointing accusingly at Lucifer was now trembling uncontrollably. Your sobs were the only sound filling the hallway.
“How dare they?! After everything we did!! All of the things we forgave!! Oh those brothers deserve to fall again and again!! They deserved their father’s punishment, they’re rotten work.” You listened in silence to your impersonator “We’ll teach them! They’ll pay for their sins!” It was strange to hear you say such things. The silence became overwhelming.
That was until Lucifer moved, with groans of immense pain coming from him. He raised his arm and tried to reach you. You were in a shock, the only logical explanation at that moment was that maybe he wanted to hurt you and so you closed your eyes, unable to move.
You felt the softness of his glove, the one you had felt so many times before. His hand on your cheek. You opened your eyes to see a sweaty Lucifer, the veins in his neck showing the effort of defying your order. “M-Mc.” a trickle of blood slipped from his lips and through his chin.
Your eyes grew wide but you couldn't move, staring in fear at the horrible scene. “How inept we are, we made you doubt your place, love.” The way he said that last word made you stumble out of his touch, shaking your head.
“You can move, y-you can speak now.” You muttered under your breath before running past him. “Get out of my way!” You ran to your room as if your life depended on it.
Once in your chamber, the fire within you consummated, leaving you with nothing but emptiness. “I hurt him.” You couldn't shake the picture of Lucifer's mouth, his blood staining his lips.
“He has hurt you too, human. Much worse.” A Little D. of wrath was in front of you. “I'm so sorry.” You weren't talking to anyone in particular, but the Little D. came up to you and hugged you. “What the hell are you doing?!” The Little D. took the form of Satan. When the pang of pain hit you square in the stomach you understood, he wasn't comforting you. He was torturing you.
“I want the real one.” you muttered. “This is all you have now.” He replied quietly.
Part 7 ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
I'm sorry for the peacock spam xD
Taglist: @yuumaofc @sc4ry4l3x @kodasstar
Thank youuu for reading! ⋋⁠✿⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠✿⁠⋌
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
Mr Chai, Mr Chai!! The audience wants to know: how would you personally rewrite helluva boss if it was entirely up to you? Any changes to casting, animation and story you want are on the table, and you have unlimited peacock taxidermy money to spend!
- 🍳
Here's an extremely rough outline of Helluva Boss: Chai's the Captain Now.
Very similar in tone to the pilot. Lots of loud, crass, chaotic nonsense but with heart. Very edgy for the sake of it, very Brandon Rogers.
A lot of focus on I.M.P.'s day-to-day work life, which frequently involves the sinners but also takes us all around Hell.
Hellhounds have ravenous appetites and are responsible for hunting and eating sinners that attempt to leave Pride. Loona, like all hellhounds, is constantly noshing.
Stolas is in line with his pilot self, less cold and manipulative and more foppish and delusional, but still the embodiment of everything awful about Hell's ruling class and an obstacle for Blitzo to navigate. He's a fallen angel in a miserable marriage of convenience, and between his long lifespan and unhappy relationship, Blitzo is a burst of color and excitement.
There's no full moon deal but Blitzo's still uncomfortably indebted to Stolas, has to appease him in other ways, and Stolas continuously sexually harasses him. It's initially played for comedy, but gets less funny as time goes on.
Stella's every bit as entitled and awful as her husband, but not impossible to reach, and she sincerely adores Octavia.
The overarching theme is just how much it sucks to be an imp or a hellhound, but even middle class demons like the succubi don't have it all that great.
Octavia's birth and conception are a very, very big deal because the children of Goetias are some of the only demons in Hell that stand to survive the apocalypse.
Millie actually does things. Her trans brother is allowed to stay trans, and because life on the Wrath ring is especially hard, we see a fair bit of her family.
Striker marks the start of the show morphing into an "eat the rich" story.
As I.M.P. grow closer and Blitzo slowly but surely faces his demons and becomes a better person for the sake of his employees who depend on him, he pushes away from Stolas. This in turn has the effect of making Stolas do some thinking about the kind of person he wants to be, but they don't end up together in the end.
Last but not least, Millie's still Erica and Stolas is still Brock. Because this is my party.
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ukokunet · 2 years ago
Doumeki's Tattoo (chapter 51)
Apologies if just the title is a spoiler (I tried with the tags 😭), but I wanted to share my speculative information on Doumeki's tattoo, so folks outside discord could see it too.
As most folks know, Yakuza sometimes get elaborate tattoos called irezumi, usually on the back and arms, which mark them out as outsiders from society. I'm not going to go into the techniques and history here, that stuff is easy to find with a search of course. I'm just going to look at the content of the tattoo.
Source: my useless college degree, and my irl pals in the tattoo industry.
First I'll add: "Doumeki has a secret tattoo" was definitely something speculated by the fandom. Good job, everyone. 👍
We don't get to see a complete image of Doumeki's new ink, we only see a couple flashes under his shirt, and one larger panel of the "reveal". It's basically a swirl of motifs (you can find people posting it on the terrible-bluebird-site if you haven't seen). I think it's shown this way because Yashiro wouldn't really "see" any specific image or theme, and would only see a mishmash of typical fancy Yakuza-esque motifs. That's the point between our boys, of course, since it "proves" Doumeki is a "real" Yakuza and can never go back to "normal" life.
The motifs we see are: • a long thin snake or dragon • peacock feathers • edges of swirling robes on a (maybe feminine?) humanoid • a lotus With a traditional irezumi tattoo, the image choice is somewhat picked by the artist, and then discussed with the recipient. (I think the idea is they're supposed to be "inspired" by the "sense" of the individual.) Normally, Yakuza want images that enhance their tough-guy image, of course. Buddhist themes, along with other traditional cultural symbols like koi, sakura, and samurai, are very typical choices for tattoos.
• The lotus is a standard symbol in Buddhist images. Many Buddhist deities are depicted either sitting on or holding a lotus.
• Dragons are of course common for tattoos, and would be appropriate for a tough-guy, but we don't see any claws/horns/heads etc here, plus the body is very long and thin. Therefore I think this is a snake and not a dragon. There are various uses of Buddhist snake symbols.
• Robes would of course indicate a Buddhist deity if the rest of the theme is Buddhist, as opposed to some other humanoid like a samurai or kabuki figure. Some readers felt there was a feminine quality to the figure though maybe that's hard to tell.
• Peacock feathers are the most interesting point here. They are indeed a symbol used in Buddhist art. Naturally we all expected bird themes for Saezuru. But specifically peacock ones really narrow down the image, I think.
My conclusion is this tattoo features Kujaku Myōō (孔雀明王), known as Mahamayuri in Sanskrit. She is a Wisdom King, a class of protective deities, and she is generally depicted as female. She rides a peacock and holds a feather in one hand, and a lotus in another (and other symbolic objects). Peacocks eat snakes, and therefore symbolize protection from poison, both literal and spiritual. Kujaku Myōō is invoked for the removal of poison and pain.
Interestingly, most Wisdom Kings are depicted in "wrathful" aspect, looking like angry demons; Fudō Myōō is a popular deity in Japan and would be a very typical tattoo choice, especially for a tough-guy. But Kujaku Myōō is always shown in "merciful" aspect with a peaceful loving face.
All of this is very interesting to consider for Doumeki. It's perfectly possible that Doumeki himself would not actually be familiar with any of this symbolic meaning, and not be intending to mean anything in particular outside "I'm a dedicated Yakuza". It's also possible that Yoneda-sensei also doesn't mean anything so specific, but only picked the motifs for more vague reasons ("peacocks are birds"). We'll have to wait to see as the plot unfolds. But even as a happy accident, we have a great symbol for Doumeki, don't we?
(I'll also note, there seems to be a hiccup in the timeline. Doumeki's back was partly revealed several chapters ago and there was no tattoo. But not enough time has passed realistically to get such a large one. So either (a) they didn't know how long tattoos actually take to get, or (b) they forgot to draw it on that panel. A mistake either way, but let's just pretend we didn't see it, okay?)
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msclaritea · 8 months ago
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According to Occult Lore, LUCIFER fell from HEAVEN due to his PRIDE.
Now, we are told that JUNE is PRIDE MONTH. You see what T.H.E.Y. have done... RIGHT?
T.H.E.Y. (= The Heirarchy Enslaving YOU) are MOCKING YOU!
T.H.E.Y. LAUGH as you SIGN your NAME on the DOTTED LINE.
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We LIVE (🪞 EVIL) in the Kingdom of Duality.
Hot. Cold.
Yin. Yang.
Positive. Negative.
Male. Female.
Dark. Light.
Mind. Spirit.
SATANIST, or what you believe "SATANISTS" to be [Absence of GOD]), are ANCIENT Psychologists who INVERT LIES into TRUTH, TRUTH into LIES.
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Aren't the SEVEN Deadly Sins an ABRAHAMIC Concept?!
These concepts are ARCHAIC; simply adopted by the Church FATHERS and integrated into their LEXICON.
Nothing NEW under the SUN.
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The LGBQ "Rainbow Flag" is literally the Colors of the CHAKRAS (Emotions = Energy in Motions) in REVERSE, the INVERSION of the Natural Flow of ENERGY (INNER G).
Is this an ACCIDENT?
Why is there a DEMON in the MIDDLE of "priDEMONth"?
YOU have been outsmarted by the WRONG SIDE.
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The "Phoenix is known as Nimrod being reborn as Tammuz. And June is Tammuz in the Hebrew calendar. Also there is Melek Taus the Peacock Angel worshipped by the gnostic Yazidis."
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kathyprior4200 · 1 year ago
Hell Sin Rulers and Heaven Virtue Rulers for Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Inspired by:
Tree of Life/Death
1 Kether/Crown (Satan/Moloch) fused two headed demon
Satan ruling Wrath Ring and wanting to conquer Earth with an army
(Opposite angel – Metatron/Enoch, scribe of God, leader of the angels)
2 Chokmah/Wisdom (Adam-Belial) Belial Ars Goetia King – sons of darkness fighting sons of light
(Opposite angel – Raziel, angel of secrets and knowledge)
3 Binah/Understanding (Lucifuge) jester, three horned prime minister treasurer of Hell (Mammon similarities)
(Opposite angel – Tzaphkiel – chief of the Thrones, sometimes listed as an Archangel, one of 9 angels that rule Heaven, “knowledge of God”)
4 Chesed/Mercy/Kindness (Astaroth) demonized Astarte.
(Opposite angel – Tzadkiel – Archangel of mercy, held back Abraham to prevent him from sacrificing his son, associated with the virtue of “Kindness” the opposite sin being “Envy”)
5 Geburah/Strength (Asmodeus) King of Lust Ring, Ars Goetia King, 5th in Tree of Death, conquering Earth by sending succubi to Earth
(Opposite angel – Chamael – angel of justice, war, and courage)
6 Tiphareth/Beauty (Belphegor) Sloth Ring ruler + drugs, plague doctors to spread disease on Earth to bring souls to Hell
(Opposite angel – Raphael, Archangel of Healing – could fight the disease-spreaders and help eliminate drugs)
7 Netzach/Victory (Baal) Ars Goetia King – Beelzebub Lord of the Flies (Baal, former god of storms/fertility – would want revenge against Yahweh (the Israelites God and former Canaanite god of war for stealing away followers and separating from the pantheon)
(Opposite angel – Haniel, sometimes listed as one of the seven Archangels, “Grace/Joy of God” brings peace, charm, joy to counter the effects of war)
8 Hod/Glory (Samael/Andramalek) peacock like Andrealphus, Samael is the “poison of God” angel judge, fallen angel and a husband of Lilith, often equated with Satan.
(Opposite angel – Michael, Archangel of protection, strength – Michael fighting Samael to claim humanity’s goodness instead of flaws)
9 Yesod/Foundation (Lilith) wife of Lucifer, queen of Hell, leads revolution against Exorcists, wants more people in Hell to counter the exterminations
(Opposite angel – Archangel Gabriel, messenger of God – could spread messages of Heaven/Jesus and lead people to Heaven instead.)
10 Malkuth/Kingdom (Naamah) pleasure demon, succubus, sister of Lilith
(Opposite angel – Sandalphon, tall feminine-like presence of the Shekhinah, receives human prayers to God)
Main demons and angels known/likely in the show: Satan (Wrath), Asmodeus (Lust), Belphegor (Sloth), Beelzebub (Gluttony), Lilith, Andrealphus
Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, Samael, maybe Metatron, maybe Eve, Adam (either a separate first man character or will just be the Exorcist villain)
Lucifer (Pride)
Satan (Wrath)
Beelzebub (Gluttony)
Mammon (Greed)
Asmodeus (Lust)
Leviathan (Envy)
Belphegor (Sloth)
Heavenly Boss (Reverse Helluva Boss) potential opposites – Seven Virtuous Saints of the Halos: (changing it yet again)
Metatron – an opposite of Satan (Wrath) in Tree of Life, leader of the angels, leads and works with the other angels, particularly Michael in the Humility Halo.
Michael (Humility - protection) rival of Lucifer – Pride opposite (Sky-Blue instead of red)
Jophiel (female) (Patience – angel of love and beauty opposite of the violent fighting Wrath Ring) – Wrath opposite (Sea-Blue instead of orange desert)
Gabriel (“strength of God” takes much strength for self-discipline, Temperance, leads people to God via messages) – Gluttony opposite (Lavender)
Uriel (Charity, giver of divine knowledge) – Greed opposite (Pink/love)
Camael (Chasity – genuine love, war, serious about duty) an opposite of the more laid-back Asmodeus in Tree of Life – Lust opposite (Light Yellow, daytime opposite of rainy night)
Zadkiel (female) (Kindness/Chesed/Mercy)  - Envy opposite (Golden/Sunset/sky realm opposite of sea)
Raphael (Diligence) Archangel of Healing – opposite of Belphegor in Tree of Life (the demon of the hospital Sloth Ring and plague doctors in the show/Beelzebub (disease) - Sloth opposite (Light Emerald Green instead of pink)
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moskeetees · 1 year ago
Here are my depictions of the seven demons/sins!
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From left to right: Leviathan, Beelzebub, Mammon, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Lucifer, and Iblis (aka Satan)
Individual images/descriptions under the cut!
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Leviathan - Envy. She is based on snakes, apples, and the mother/sister character (the one who always gossips)
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Beelzebub - Gluttony. He is based on flies and army generals, and he wears a funeral veil. He has an insatiable hunger for victory.
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Mammon - Greed. She is based on foxes, nine tailed foxes, and pirates! She has a desire for anything gold or valuable, although sometimes she has a hard time determining what is considered “valuable”.
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Asmodeus - Lust. When Asmodeus was still a prince of Hell, he grew bored of sowing temptation. As he learned what true, genuine love was, he felt he had to do something to amend his ways. But upon committing good deeds, he was cast out of Hell and out of his family. Now, he is a doctor in the overworld!
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Belphegor - Sloth. They are based on snails. Their outfit is designed so they can sleep comfortably wherever they are, with their cape turning into a nice and comfy quilt, and the hood being cushioned like a pillow.
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Lucifer (left) - Pride. He is based on peacocks and lions, and is capable of performing magic, as well as creating images. He is twins with Iblis.
Iblis (right) - Wrath. They are based on tigers, and creates hard surfaces like mirrors, wooden boards, or bricks (things often known for being broken). When Iblis and Lucifer work together, Iblis creates mirrors and Lucifer creates a warped image, with the goal of causing a bloated sense of pride or wrath.
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toranoya · 3 months ago
ABOUT: Andrealphus
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"Hmm, well this kind of situation is extremely unique. A Goetia has never behaved like this before… But with him alive, we have options, opportunities… Eternity is a long time, my dear. I say we bide our time, and wait for the chance to gain the upper hand."
Marquis Andrealphus is a demon within Hell’s aristocracy and a key member of the powerful Ars Goetia, a noble family of Hell. Known for his cold demeanor and calculating mind, Andrealphus is as frigid as the ice he commands. He embodies the meticulousness and elegance of his station, using both magic and influence to climb Hell's complex social hierarchy.
Born into a prestigious lineage, Andrealphus is one of Hell's most prominent social strategists. His mastery of manipulation is unparalleled, and he is feared for his ability to turn any situation to his advantage with mere words. Andrealphus sees relationships and alliances as tools to be wielded in his relentless pursuit of power and influence.
Full Name: Andrealphus Ars Goetia Aliases: The Frost Marquis, Marquis of Ice, The Master of Influence, Andre Species: Demon (Avian-Peacock) Features: White feathers, turquoise eyes and beak, and periwinkle hair. Gender: Male Orientation: Homosexual hc Height: 9 feet (2.7 m) Weight: 437 pounds (198 kg) Affiliation: The Ars Goetia Occupation: Aristocrat, Strategist, Manipulator Powers: Ice Manipulation, Status Manipulation, Mental Manipulation, Hypnosis, Social Influence, Limited Flight, Genius Verses: Affair with Stolas (botanikos), Twin AU where he is named Andras (redemonarc)
HEADCANON: -Academic Genius: Andrealphus has a scholarly streak and is deeply knowledgeable about the history of Hell's nobility, celestial politics, and even ancient magics. He hoards rare tomes in an extensive library, believing knowledge to be power. -Artisan of Ice: His control over ice magic is so precise that he’s an unparalleled sculptor. He creates lifelike ice statues as a form of meditation, many of which are stored in his palace as a personal gallery.
-Despises Wrath Demons: He has a particular disdain for demons from the Wrath ring, viewing their lack of refinement and brute force as a stark contrast to his composed, icy nature. -Freezes with a Touch: When angered, Andrealphus can lower the temperature of a room instantly, creating frost that spreads from his feet or hands without him needing to focus consciously.
-Chills as a Sign of Presence: His arrival is heralded by a sudden drop in temperature and visible condensation, even in Hell's hotter rings, making him an imposing figure wherever he goes. -Aurora Lights: His ice magic sometimes emits soft, shimmering lights, similar to the Northern Lights. This ability makes him stand out during formal gatherings and is a subtle display of dominance.
-Self-Crafted "Crown": His icy appearance is partially intentional; he regularly crafts himself an ice crown or adornments as a symbol of status. The designs change depending on his mood or the occasion. -Mirror of Truth: Andrealphus possesses a magical mirror that reflects not just the physical appearance but also the true nature of those who gaze into it. He uses it to manipulate others by exposing their insecurities.
-Rivalry with Mammon: He sees Mammon’s ostentatious displays of wealth and power as gaudy and unbecoming of nobility, leading to subtle yet sharp public confrontations during Hell’s high-society gatherings. -Reluctant Admirer of Blitzo: Though he'd never admit it, Andrealphus secretly admires Blitzo's brazen attitude and ability to act freely, without the constraints of nobility. This frustrates him to no end.
-Schemer Supreme: Behind the scenes, he manipulates events in Hell's political and social spheres, often setting up others to take the fall for his own machinations. -Octavia: His relationship with Octavia is surprisingly soft. He sees her as the "better" representative of the family bloodline and occasionally sends her small, icy gifts, such as enchanted snowflakes that never melt.
APPEARANCE: Andrealphus presents himself with the grace of a nobleman and the cold beauty of an ice sculpture. His avian features—large, crystalline wings resembling that of an icy peacock—are his most striking trait, along with his sharp eyes that gleam with intelligence and cunning. His clothing is regal and immaculate, typically adorned with icy blues, whites, and silver tones, reflecting his cold nature and elemental abilities.
PERSONALITY: Andrealphus is an aristocrat to the core—poised, composed, and calculating. He values intelligence, refinement, and social status above all else and views emotions as a weakness to be exploited. He maintains a calm and collected exterior, rarely revealing his true thoughts or feelings. Beneath this calm, however, lies a ruthless desire for power, and he is willing to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his goals.
While many fear him for his manipulative nature, Andrealphus commands respect within Hell's elite for his unwavering composure and strategic brilliance with many owing him favors. He often seeks to influence or control others from the shadows, viewing direct confrontation as a last resort.
POWERS: Ice Manipulation: Andrealphus can control ice with exceptional precision, creating structures, barriers, and weapons from nothing but frost. His icy magic is known to freeze even the hottest fires in Hell. Social Influence: A master manipulator, Andrealphus can sway the minds of others through charm, coercion, and subtle persuasion, often without them realizing they are being controlled. Status Perception: He has an uncanny ability to perceive social dynamics, power shifts, and weaknesses in his adversaries, making him a formidable political player. Hypnosis: When he spreads his wings, the crystals within his feathers are capable of drawing the eye in hypnotic fashion. Limited flight: His wings are too weak for full flight, but he can do extended jumps and leap up to tree height or use them to glide down.
RELATIONSHIPS: Stella (Sister): Andrealphus is Stella’s brother, and he shares a close, if somewhat strained, relationship with her. He supports her in her vendetta against her husband, Stolas, seeing it as a way to further their family's power.
Stolas (Brother-in-law): Andrealphus holds disdain for Stolas, particularly for Stolas's relationship with the imp Blitzo, which Andrealphus sees as a disgrace to their noble bloodline. He actively works against Stolas to undermine his standing in Hell. Note: In some universes, Andrealphus is engaged in an affair with Stolas, often sneaking out to make out with Stolas during the divorce meetings.
Octavia (Niece): His relationship with Octavia is surprisingly soft. He sees her as the "better" representative of the family bloodline and occasionally sends her small, icy gifts, such as enchanted snowflakes that never melt.
Blitzo: While Andrealphus views Blitzo as beneath him, he recognizes the imp’s influence on Stolas and considers him a nuisance that must be dealt with carefully. He secretly admires Blitzo's brazen attitude and ability to act freely, without the constraints of nobility.
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