#pascaline volant
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Hannah van der Westhuysen as Ersilia Volant
short background: Ersilia Volant was born from wedlock in 1954, with both her parents coming from very influential and wealthy pure-blood families. Unable to keep the baby with her family’s reputation on the line, Ersilia’s mother gave the child up to Ghislaine Volant, the daughter of Floxel Volant and Pascaline Perrott.
I believe Ghislaine and her parents were created by @lazyreinelle. This oc was developed with the help of @harbinger-0f-spring!
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harbinger-0f-spring · 5 days ago
Tatiana Volant (née Lebedev) was a pure-blood witch born into the Russian aristocracy as the daughter of Boris Lebdev and Apollinariya Voronov. Growing up, she was surrounded by pure-blood supremacists and was expected to uphold these purist beliefs by her parents, who instilled in her a deep sense of duty to their lineage. By the 1940s, Tatiana's father, Boris Lebedev, a supporter of Grindelwald, moved his family to France where they'd be closer to the revolt between the rising tides of dark magic and those who opposed it. Boris wanted to align himself with Grindelwald's vision of a world governed by pure-blood dominance, believing it would secure the family's power and influence.
When Tatiana was eleven, she was enrolled at Beauxbatons Academy for Magic, a year after her family moved to France. She was sorted into Ombrelune for her calculative thinking and cunning disposition, traits that highlighted her strategic mindset and ambition. While Tatiana may have appeared to be just a pretty face, beneath her elegant exterior lay a deeply intuitive and knowledgeable mind—qualities that were often deemed "dangerous" for women of her time to possess.
In 1952, Tatiana married Gabriel Volant, son of Pascaline Perrot and Floxel Volant. The two had a daughter together named Apolline, who would later become Madame Delacour, mother of Fleur Weasley (née Delacour) and Gabrielle Delacour.
The writing for this character was done by me and @theblackswan-and-thewhiterose. This original character was created by @konstantynowitz with the purpose of providing a name for Apolline’s mother in the Volant family tree. The original characters Gabriel, Pascaline, and Floxel Volant belong to @lazyreinelle.
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bowtomycoolscissors · 29 days ago
Ghislaine "Issy" Volant
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Ghislaine Volant portrayed by Camille Yolaine.
Ghislaine exists in the same universe as @konstantynowitz, @theblackswan-and-thewhiterose and @harbinger-0f-spring's. All credit to them for helping and allowing me to make this OC!
Born 28 May 1927 | Oldest daughter of Floxel Volant and Pascaline Perrot.
(My attempt at something-)
Ghisaline, despite being born into a prominent pure-blood family, often felt lonely and distant from most people around her. Her parents focused more on her brother, Aramis. Her younger twin, Gaspard found himself on the French Quidditch team, often away. Not to even speak of her baby brothers, Avis and Gabriel. Avis was a plain ass to everyone he met and soon got disowned for getting a young muggle pregnant.
When her cousin, Céléase, arrived to stay in the Volant Maison, she became resentful of Lissie's presence. Her parents doted on her; her younger brother considered her more of a sister than Ghislaine. Years later, she came under the guardianship of a young baby girl who looked a lot like her cousin.
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lesillusionsterrestres · 2 years ago
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Demain, je prends une grande machine volante pour aller dans un endroit où les gens ont la peau pâle. On m’a dit que cet endroit s’appelait La France, et que ce continent s’appelait L’Europe. Mes parents y sont déjà, mais moi, je ne sais pas si j’ai envie d’y aller. Je ne connais qu’un seul pays, Le Togo, je ne connais qu’un seul continent, L’Afrique. Je suis bien ici. Là-bas, il n’y a pas grand-mère et les cousins-cousines, les oncles et tantes, il n’y a pas mon école et le grand marché, il n’y a pas le soleil ardent qui colore la peau et l’ombre des manguiers pour se reposer. Là-bas il n’y a pas le fufu que l’on pilonne à bout de bras dans le mortier, les brochettes pimentées qui piquent la langue et réchauffent le ventre affamé, il n’y a pas tout ça, là-bas. Cet endroit ne m’attend pas et je ne l’attends pas non plus. Alors je ferais mieux de rester ici, dans mon pays, pauvre oui, mais riche de tous les rires.
On m’a dit que là-bas, ce sera vraiment mieux qu’ici. Vraiment ? On m’a dit que là-bas j’irai dans de bonnes écoles où l’on m’apprendra à bien penser et à bien dire. Vraiment ? On m’a dit que là-bas, je serai bien habillée, bien coiffée, bien nourrie et choyée. Vraiment ? On m’a dit que là-bas j’aurai le droit de rêver, et même le droit de réaliser mes rêves. Vraiment ? Mais si mon rêve c’est de rester ici, à quoi me servira de partir là-bas ?
Là-bas, je rêverai d’ici.
Ici, c’est les histoires et les chants de grand-mère, les jeux avec Bienvenu, Pascaline, Espoir et Dagobert. C’est la tante Rose qui coud une robe pour la communion de Lucia, la tante Afi qui fait frire les bananes plantains et les patates douces. Ici, c’est la tante Essie qui donne le bain au petit dernier dans la calebasse en bois. C’est tonton Koffi qui répare sa moto, qui depuis quelques jours ne sait plus rouler. Là-bas, je rêverai de traverser encore la grande cour intérieure de la maison familiale, pour franchir le portail qui mène dehors.
Dehors, c’est Lomé. La ville et son fracas. C’est la boulangère ambulante qui fait sa tournée dès l’aube et dont le cri se rapproche lentement : « Petit pain, 500 francs, gros pain, 1 000 francs. Ma chérie, je te fais un prix, pour toi, gros pain, 800 francs. » Dehors, c’est le coq qui libère son plus beau cocorico pour annoncer la naissance du jour, qu’il fête chaque fois avec l’euphorie d’un premier matin. C’est les poules et les chèvres qui vous accompagnent pour un bout de chemin avant de s’arrêter pour brouter de l’herbe sèche sur le sol. Dehors, c’est la vendeuse de mandarine, qui s’appelle Clémentine, qui vous salue en levant la main, vous demande si vous allez venir à la messe le lendemain et qui rappelle avec entrain que « Il faut s’en remettre à Dieu. Dieu est grand ma soeur, et il peut tout ». Dehors, c’est les taxis-motos qui se bousculent pour prendre des voyageurs et qui ne manquent pas de vous bousculer au passage. Dehors, c’est Dodo, le patron du maquis qui ouvre son établissement Jésus sauve, où l’on se retrouvera avec les copains et les copines le soir venu pour rigoler et papoter autour d’une bouteille de Pompon ou de Malta. Dehors, c’est le vendeur de yaourt glacé qui fait résonner le bruit inimitable de son klaxon pour signaler que sa glacière est pleine. Dehors, c’est Félicie la coiffeuse qui vous demande de passer la voir bientôt parce que ça fait longtemps qu’elle ne vous a pas tressé. Dehors, c’est le brouhaha des moteurs, l’odeur féroce des pots d’échappement, les mots-colères des automobilistes. C’est la terre argileuse d’un chemin qui n’est pas une route mais un parcours vertigineux semé d’embûches rocailleuses et boueuses. C’est un peuple de déchets qui jonchent les pieds. Ce sont des rues sans nom qui défilent, des maisons sans numéro, des murs qui disent Il est interdit d’uriner et sur lesquels les gens urinent quand même. Les enfants courent. Les jeunes discutent. Les vieux sont assis et observent le silence. Est-ce que là-bas, ces gens que je ne connais pas savent observer le silence ? Il faudrait qu’ils apprennent à observer le silence. Alors, peut-être, je pourrai entrevoir la musique d’une grande espérance, le rythme enjoué d’un bonheur loin de chez moi.
Demain, je prends une grande machine volante pour aller dans un endroit où les gens ont la peau pâle. Moi, qui n’ai jamais connu que Le Togo, je vais rencontrer cet endroit qu'ils appellent La France. // Dédé ANYOH //
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plumedepoete · 5 years ago
.     Dans les années passées, au siècle dernier, par la grâce de Dieu et de sa manne, j'avais installé notre base avancée sur une terre d’Auvergne.     Elle était aride, inhospitalière et suspicieuse, à l'image de ses habitants qui, défenseurs d'un Massif Central, voyaient d'un œil mauvais, tout intrus, tout étranger « qui n'était pas d'ici ».     Récemment, des Arvernes avaient botté le cul d'un Jules nommé CESAR, qui avait tenté de chambouler leurs habitudes alimentaires...les « pizzaïolos no pasaran » et « avanti la camioneta ».     Leur réponse fut claire « un chou c'est un chou ».    A l'ombre d'un sanctuaire de pierres sombres de Volvic, dans la  "Arverna civitas nobilissima"  (la très noble cité des Arvernes), cette citation prit toute son importance puisqu'un Pascal prénommé Blaise inventa la Pascaline, ancêtre de la calculette.     La réputation d'avarice viendrait-elle de là ?.     L'homme de ces hautes terres est un besogneux bourru et renfrogné. La terre qu'il garde jalousement lui procure le stricte nécessaire à le nourrir, lui et ses bêtes.     Pour rendre la vie plus facile, il a fait appel à l'inventeur de la calculatrice, en lui demandant de créer un outil pour le transport du fruit de son labeur... ainsi est née la « brouette » ; puis ayant besoin d'un coup de main pour manipuler cet engin.... alors un Dieu facétieux offrit la femme Auvergnate.      Le bruit de leurs sabots « dondaine oh oh oh » martelant cette terre chiche en mots de bienvenus résonnent encore dans mon cœur.     Il y eut plus de bras armés pour nous chasser que de bras ouverts pour nous accueillir.     Bêtes et gens faisaient partie d'un tout, formant une communauté, une patrie bien décidée à résister à l'envahisseur que serait l’Étranger.     Seul rescapé pouvant échappé à leur courroux, peut être un automobiliste en panne et « qui ne l'aurait pas fait exprès » ou un vol de corbeaux volant sur le dos pour ne pas voir la misère.     De temps à autre, cette forteresse de basalte laissait échapper un des siens pour aller à la conquête du reste du monde, Bougnats, cafetiers et pire encore président de la rue publique.     Prés de cet endroit, se situe le village de La Sauvetat.     Au moyen-âge, il avait vocation de recueillir et de préserver des foudres de la royauté, toutes sortes d'individus qui vivaient en marge de la société du moment.     Ce village va devenir « une Sauveté », d’où son ancien nom de Salvetat tiré du latin barbare salvitatem.     C’était le nom donné à toutes les villes de refuge, dans lesquelles se trouvaient à l’abri des poursuites de la justice du dehors, non seulement les habitants, mais aussi les étrangers accourus pour se mettre sous la protection de leurs franchises et de leurs privilèges.     Hors les sauvetés, seules les églises jouissaient alors du droit d’asile qui, dans ces temps malheureux où le droit du plus fort faisait partout la loi, servit à protéger de nombreux innocents contre les fureurs de la vengeance et contre la violence des seigneurs, toujours armés.     Les archers du roi ne pouvaient pas investir les lieux pour appréhender un Mandrin quelconque. Mais hors de cette citadelle point de salut, les gibets étaient réservés à ceux qui s'aventuraient en rase campagne.     Quel rapport entre cette petite histoire de la France de l'époque, et les frasques d'un Rabouin ignorant ?     Certainement une bonne blague que m'a joué un Dieu pas avare de « blagues dans le coin » dans ce monde parallèle du monde des Gens du voyage.     Si mes aventures ne vous ont pas "cassé pas les pieds''....     Prenez vos jambes à votre cou pour me suivre dans la suite de cette vieille nouvelle. . ©Philippe X - 04/03/2020
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harbinger-0f-spring · 2 months ago
Here is a continuation of the family tree collaboration project with @konstantynowitz. Originally, my main focus was on the Rosier family, but before we get into that side of the tree, I'm going to introduce you to earlier generations of the Volants. I have been connected to the French branch of the Lestrange family through a Volant ancestor, and this might be a long shot, but just bear with me. Benouét Volant was born in 1794 as the nephew of Jodelle Lestrange (née Volant) who married Floxel Lestrange. In the year 1782, Jodelle had one daughter with her husband: Quintilla Lestrange, the mother of Nozéa Lestrange. Benouét was taken in by his aunt and uncle as a child when his parents died of a dragon pox outbreak. He was raised by Jodelle and Floxel, growing up alongside Quintilla as if she were his elder sister. Benouét later named his son Floxel Volant (I) in honor of his uncle.
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For the time being, I do not have a name for Benouét's spouse, but I suspect that I'll make her a close relative of Floxel maybe through his mother Luminosa. Floxel Volant's mother may be a descendant from the Trouche family as I'm sure Benouét must've interacted with his uncle's extended family growing up, perhaps developing a close relationship with a potential bride through the Trouches.
I believe that Jodelle would have arranged for Benouét to marry a relative of her husband so that he could stay closely connected with the family. Floxel and Jodelle cared for Benouét as if he were their own child, so I think they thought that marrying him off to a Trouche was almost like an affectionate way of officially recognizing their nephew as an adoptive son of sorts.
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Floxel Volant (I) was born in 1826 to Benouét Volant and his wife, his father was thirty-two at the time of his birth. Floxel remained a bachelor for the majority of his adulthood, enjoying the luxuries and privileges of his family's wealth. He was quite the lady-killer in his youth, so if he did have any children they'd be unacknowledged bastards that he never involved himself with, even if he was aware of their existence. Within the year 1870, at the age of forty-four, an unmarried Floxel impregnated his young mistress at the time, but the only difference between his current mistress and his mistresses of the past was that she also came from an influential French pure-blood family. Because of this, Floxel would be forced to marry his mistress who would later give birth to their only son Étienne Volant.
Something that needs to be acknowledged: I cannot take credit for this next half of the tree, as I had the help of @lazyreinelle when coming up with the backgrounds and names of the characters about to be mentioned. Of course, I've made a few little tweaks of my own when it comes to birth dates and certain aspects of their backstories, but really it is all thanks to the creative mind of @lazyreinelle that I was able to fill in the blanks of the tree.
Étienne Volant was born in 1870 and married Clotilde de Trefle-Picques, a seemingly mild-mannered girl, yet popular because of her family. She is betrothed off to Étienne during her penultimate year at Beauxbatons. Despite being ten years her senior, Étienne often acted like a man-child and was incredibly irresponsible. So, when it came to raising children, he would mostly never be around, goofing around in bars or sleeping with any veela he met. Clotilde had to raise her children: an elder daughter Eglantine (b. 1904), and two younger twin sons Floxel (II) and Claude (b. 1906), all by herself naturally instilling them with rather harsh views of blood purity.
In spite of his absence, Étienne was closest to his daughter Eglantine, who inherited his free-spirit, although it was much more reigned in than her father's was. Even so, she was frequently challenging authority and diving headfirst into escapades that left her mother exasperated. Clotilde always cursed her husband for passing on such a wild spirit to Eglantine, wishing instead that their daughter possessed a more measured temperament that would ease her worries and keep her out of trouble. Eglantine did not want to follow the expected societal norms for young witches of the time, nor did she wish to conform to the wishes and expectations of a future spouse, believing that her personal freedoms should be valued if she were to find herself married one day. Eglantine Volant harbored a fondness for her father, as he was the only one who could ever understand her. He never saw her as being unreasonable when voicing her standards for a hypothetical husband. Clotilde always believed that her daughter was being ridiculous when forming these ideas of a marriage of compromise, dismissing them as fanciful daydreams. Whenever Étienne was around he'd spoil his little daughter with small gifts and let her skip piano lessons or her early homeschooling to spend time "adventuring" with him on the estate's property. She grew up knowing that her father was not a dependable man, but that did not make him a bad parent to his children, at least during the times he occasionally visited them.
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The Volants were deeply in debt because of Étienne's tendencies to gamble away a lot of his inheritance at the bars he frequented at. Clotilde, who came from a family who specialized in concealment charms, was able to hide the decline in the Volant's wealth by casting mirages that could make a simple lump of coal appear to be a bar of gold or some type of jewel. These charms especially helped in regard to paying off Étienne's debts, often conning the people he owed money to with his wife's illusions. Although, after a while, the charm of their fabricated wealth began to wear off and those who Étienne paid his debts to with these charmed objects would find out that they were tricked once the enchantments wore off.
As a result, one night when Étienne was drunk at a bar, he was confronted by one of the men he conned. Étienne was challenged in a magical duel by the man, but ultimately lost and was killed. This is why Clotilde was overjoyed when Eglantine got a proposal from the Rosier family, especially Laurent Rosier. The Rosiers, having already established themselves long back in France, were practically akin to wizarding nobility, matching the Blacks. Eglantine's marriage ensured that the Volants would not go bankrupt and reinstated stability within the family.
Featured at the top, is a tree which connects the Rosier family to the French branch of the Lestrange family. As I mentioned in my first post for the tree, Laurent Rosier is the great-great-nephew of Minette Rosier, making him third cousins with Leta Lestrange and her younger half-brother Corvus V. In addition to this, Laurent's father was first cousins with Fèlicule Lestrange (née Rosier), also known as F. Lestrange, the grandmother of Radolphus Lestrange II.
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To give you guys a little bit more background of Clotilde Volant (née de Trefle-Picques), she was born to Adélard Duc de Trefle-Picques, a descendant of Vincent Duc de Trefle-Picques, a French nobleman and wizard active around the time of the French Revolution. Her mother was originally introduced as Faustine Escoffier-Floquet, but I changed my mind and renamed her as Touènette de Trefle-Picques (née Beaufort). There is not much I have to tell you about them right now, but soon I will post another update on this tree and hopefully by that time I'll have a little more to share on them. As for their grandsons, Eglantine's younger brothers that were created by @lazyreinelle: Floxel II and Claude Volant, I do have a bit more to share about them.
Floxel Volant II married Pascaline Volant (née Perrott), a classmate of his elder sister during her years at Beauxbatons. Floxel had a few children with Pascaline, namely their daughter Ghislaine Volant. There are a few more which I will be sharing in the near future, but right now Ghislaine is the only one who will be mentioned at the moment since the other children have more expanded and complex trees in regard to their future descendants.
Before Floxel's marriage to Pascaline, Clotilde started to be a lot more harsh with him, scrutinizing every move of his, and forcibly making him meet potential brides for him yet not allowing him to choose. The Volant heir longed to be free like his twin, Claude without any worry in the world, without someone constantly breathing down your neck. Being the older twin by five minutes was perhaps the only thing Floxel could uphold Claude over. The younger had all the other luxuries to bed, flirt with any one he liked, regardless of blood-status. As the second son, Claude was the spare and therefore didn't have as much responsibility to the family. Claude could often cross the line, becoming even worse than his father Étienne.
Claude Volant was notorious for philandering about, oftentimes bedding attractive veela ballerinas. He would later be disowned by his family for impregnating his veela mistress, leading to a bitter estrangement that would cause him to lose contact with his elder sister and twin brother.
Well, that's it for now! The next post I make will probably be more focused on the Rosier-Volant descendants, and maybe I'll give a little more insight on the Rosier family itself, especially Laurent and Vinda Rosier's parents.
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harbinger-0f-spring · 2 months ago
Céléase Rosier - Headcanons Pt.1
Céléase Rosier is my own OC I made to be the sister of Druella Black (née Rosier) and @konstantynowitz's Étienne Rosier.
Keep in mind this is just a brain dump so not everything typed is going to give the full picture, but it should at least give you guys an idea and better outlook on this oc.
Céléase Rosier was born in 1934 to Eglantine Volant and Laurent Rosier, the younger brother of Grindelwald's most loyal acolyte Vinda Rosier. She had two elder siblings: Étienne Rosier, the father of Evan and Felix; and Druella Rosier, who married Cygnus Black and with whom she had three daughters with: Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa.
She grew up in the shadow of her sister Druella, the most desired of the two. Ella was already out in society by the time Céléase was fourteen, collecting suitors left and right, all of which were from noble pure-blood families of their own.
Despite being only two years younger than her sister, Céléase often found herself overlooked by wizards eager to win Druella's favor. As the suitors scrambled for Druella's hand, Céléase was frequently forgotten, even though her own introduction to society was approaching soon.
Eglantine was very protective of Céléase and had the tendency of treating her like a fragile little flower, refusing to accept that like the rest of her children, her youngest was also beginning to grow up. Her mother's insistence on keeping Céléase sheltered served as a kind of confinement for the youngest Rosier sibling.
Some could say that Céléase was Eglantine's favorite child, but others would say that Eglantine's constant smothering was more suffocating than nurturing. While Eglantine believed she was shielding Céléase from the harsh realities of the world, her overprotectiveness stifled her daughter’s independence.
The only taste of freedom she managed to get during her youth was through Étienne, who would usually be tasked by Eglantine to accompany his sister if she wished to go somewhere off the estate property; Céléase could only leave the manor when a chaperone was present.
Arm-in-arm they'd walk with one another, Étienne always being the one on the sidewalk nearest to the road just in case a carriage passed by. He wouldn't want his little sister being trampled by a Pegasus or have an allergic reaction to their feathers.
(because Céléase was indeed allergic and it would not be a pleasant sight for Étienne to see his sister breaking out in hives)
Eglantine would've killed her son if that were to have happened.
Anyways, compared to his mother, Étienne wasn't as overbearing. While Eglantine's protective nature often bordered on suffocating, Étienne understood the importance of allowing Céléase some freedom to explore. He balanced his instinct to safeguard her with the realization that his sister needed the space to grow and discover the world on her own terms.
This nuanced approach made their relationship more open and trusting; Céléase knew that she was able to depend on Étienne to provide support and exhibit respect in areas that their mother lacked when it came to her own independence.
If you've watched FBWTFT then you'd remember the jazz club disguised by that enchanted advertisement on the wall. Well, lets just say that when Céléase was a little older, maybe around the ages of sixteen or seventeen, her brother would take her to something like that.
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Sometimes on Céléase's little excursions with Étienne, the siblings would visit hidden bars or clubs so that she could see a little bit more their world had to offer, rather than being stuck at home with Eglantine breathing down her neck.
By this time, Étienne was twenty-four and had already graduated from Hogwarts, dedicating himself to the early uprising of Voldemort as one of his Death Eaters. In spite of this, he still made time to look after his little sister.
Céléase always admired the jazz singers that would perform on stage in the late evenings when her brother would take her. She'd love to sing along to the music, especially to the ones her mother usually forbade her to listen to when in the house.
There was this one special singer that Céléase loved the most: Imelda, a half-goblin, half-elf who frequently sang at the club Étienne took her to (which he did with purpose since he knew that his sister loved Imelda and he'd always be looking at her schedule so that he knew when she was going to be on stage).
When Imelda started releasing her own albums, Étienne would purchase them for his sister without their mother's knowledge so that she could listen to them from the comfort of her own room on the nights when she couldn't go out.
One evening, Étienne took Céléase backstage before one of Imelda’s performances as a surprise and by the end of the night she found herself singing alongside her idol.
Let’s just say that this is when Céléase really began to break free from the golden cage she’d been living in for so long, having finally just seen a glimpse of a life she could only ever imagine in a fever dream.
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Due to Grindelwald’s imprisonment in 1945, the Rosier family were permitted to return to France. At this time, Céléase was expected to be enrolling at Hogwarts like her elder siblings before her, but instead her mother decided to send her to Beauxbatons now that they were allowed to return to their home country.
Céléase went to live with her uncle Floxel Volant and his wife Pascaline, staying with them for seven years while she attended Beauxbatons. To their niece, Floxel and Pascaline became second parents and treated her like their daughter.
Druella was already in her third year at Hogwarts so she wasn't going to be transferring to Beauxbatons and go to live with her mother's family like her sister was.
Besides, one of the main reasons why Eglantine wanted her youngest daughter to go to France was to find a potential husband. Ella herself had already been offered plenty of promising betrothals so her mother wasn't worried about her eldest finding a good husband while remaining in England.
Eglantine tasked her sister-in-law Pascaline to introduce her daughter to a few pure-blood nobles within French society, hoping that in time one of them would ask for Céléase's hand in marriage.
While living with her aunt and uncle, she was closest with her cousin Gabriel Volant, who like Céléase, was not an extremist when it came to their family's purist ideologies. He was more open-minded and accepting towards muggles, and did not believe that just because he was a pure-blood he had the right to belittle and oppress them.
Gabriel was the youngest of Floxel and Pascaline's children, having been born around 1931, making him only three years older than his little cousin. Due to the slight age gap, this would mean that Gabriel was already in his fourth year at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic when Céléase enrolled.
The cousins did not interact with each other much during their early childhoods because of the Rosier family's inability to return to France during Grindelwald's uprising. Even so, Céléase and Gabriel managed to reconnect fairly quickly. Gabriel did not shy away from his little cousin, in spite of their earlier estrangement.
The last time the two saw each other was in 1936, before Laurent Rosier moved his family to England. At the time, Gabriel would've only been five and Céléase was two. Of course, the cousins would correspond through letters on holidays and birthdays, but they never met again in person up until Céléase went to live with Floxel and Pascaline.
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harbinger-0f-spring · 2 months ago
Who is Ghislaine Volant and how is she related to the Rosier siblings? I’ve read the tree, but I’m just a little confused on their relation to each other.
Ghislaine Volant is the first cousin of the Rosier siblings through their mother Eglantine. Ghislaine’s father is Floxel Volant, the younger brother of Eglantine Rosier and the mother of the Rosier siblings.
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konstantynowitz · 29 days ago
I’ve been waiting for this! I can’t wait to hear more about her!! So excited!
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Hannah van der Westhuysen as Ersilia Volant
short background: Ersilia Volant was born from wedlock in 1954, with both her parents coming from very influential and wealthy pure-blood families. Unable to keep the baby with her family’s reputation on the line, Ersilia’s mother gave the child up to Ghislaine Volant, the daughter of Floxel Volant and Pascaline Perrott.
I believe Ghislaine and her parents were created by @lazyreinelle. This oc was developed with the help of @harbinger-0f-spring!
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