#pas France
justarandomllamacorn · 4 months
So against my better judgement I started watching a French documentary on what's happening in Nouméa, Kanaky New Caledonia and first image:
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For those who don't know, Nouméa is in Kanaky New Caledonia, an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, close to Australia. It is at about 24 000 km away from France and it takes around 24h to go from France to KNC.
KNC is a melting pot, more Pasifika than French and today, in French media it is acceptable to forgo it's name and simply say 'Nouméa, France' as though they don't exist.
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sportsallover · 3 months
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Affiche officielle du Tour de France 2024, par Nicolò Canova 
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gay-impressionist · 20 days
i can't believe macron just nominated a prime minister from a party that has 8% of the seats at the national assembly. i mean i can because he's the worst but. 8%. there are three coalitions that have more seats than that.
he just. threw suprise elections then refused to nominate a PM for two months... only to appoint someone from the party who came 4th. someone who's 73yo and the most stereotypical right-wing politician you could dream of. even though the left-wing coalition got the most votes.
fucking bullshit.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
"Do better" is one of the most annoying, condescending internet phrases of recent years. People react to your opinion not in a spirit of disagreement between grown-ups but like they're disciplining a puppy and wonder why they just get blocked
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elmaxlys · 11 months
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Françaises, Français, mes chers compatriotes.... Sujet de tension et de controverse, on se retrouve cette semaine afin de déterminer où commence le Sud de la France hexagonale.
J'ai donc placé 7 lignes sur cette carte à des endroits où potentiellement faire commencer le Sud. Votez ce qui s'en approche le plus pour vous et n'hésitez pas à préciser dans les tags si mes découpages ne vous conviennent pas.
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theworldatwar · 5 months
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Massive German concrete fortifications under construction in the Pas de Calais - 1942
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thebusylilbee · 3 months
on devrait attaquer Macron pour trahison franchement. à un moment c'est plus juste de la bêtise politique c'est du sabotage
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transperceneige · 3 months
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Peak France
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missanathea · 3 months
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Quand t’es jaloux du résultat des élections au Royaume-Uni, c’est que vraiment y’a un problème
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senditothemoonn · 1 year
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Small shitty comic inspired by What the Heart Forgets that really doesn’t do the beautiful series any justice but I thought I’d post anyway !
For context: the fic is a heart-wrenching reincarnation au in which Arthur is the only one who remembers their previous lives as nations. In this scene, Francis comes across an object from their past in Arthur’s attic and, for a moment, remembers who ‘Arthur’ really is - or used to be. This scene in particular broke my heart and I really wanted to draw something based on it 💔
Also shoutout to @oumaheroes and their equally heart-wrenching fic The Grace of Forgetting from the same au, without which I wouldn’t have found the original !
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vedast · 2 years
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un peu de verdure.
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the-spirit-of-yore · 1 month
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Achille blessé au talon par la flèche de Pâris, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, 1850, copie d'un original du Musée des Beaux Arts de Valenciennes, Valenciennes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
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iamacolor · 9 months
the new immigration law that was just voted in france... every single one of the 349 deputies who voted yes is a disgusting racist far-right pig (and same for the senators) - it wasn't enough to let a palestinian man die because you only wanted some of his kids to come to France despite him working for France for years as though there should be a quota now you've decided to actually impose a quota on immigration, distribute social benefits based on origins thereby implementing a national preference on social services, take away the long standing right of any kid born in france from foreign parents to be automatically french (edit: it was not granted automatically upon birth but later on if the kid asked for it when they reached their majority), ask a deposit from foreign students that would only be given back on the basis of them leaving the country once they've finished their studies, allow residential permits based on job sectors with lack of workforce and so many more stuffs and all of that under the cheers of the far right party the current government was supposed to oppose... this country is making me sick!!!
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y'know people were saying before that the green apple in Kazui's first music video was a reference to one of the surrealist René Magritte's famous works (The Son of Man), but the second video is just really doubling down on his stuff as a theme huh
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belphegor1982 · 3 months
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yuzu-balignon · 10 months
SNCF and Astom are working on TGV-M, the latest french high-speed train iteration, and just. Look at her
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My gorgeous and menacing 400T baby <3
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