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aakipple · 1 day ago
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surgery (based on the latest minigram)
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prepschooltrash · 3 days ago
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she should have been at the clubbb
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fomaxd · 2 days ago
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I can't even imagine how Amane managed to recruit Fuuta but I like it
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skeledough · 1 day ago
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amaneism thursday
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wow I'm going to draw Hong Lu
? why are you here
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poorlydrawnmilgram · 2 days ago
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submissions that made me giggle. cackle even
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cheddyamaneist · 2 days ago
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im normal about fictional siblings
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bakaamaa · 2 days ago
why would you do this to meeeee
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a million people have already pointed this out but you can just kill me now
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nomeniko · 6 hours ago
no pressure req: Coud you draw rei milgram
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hi lemon!!! rei milgramed
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0809sysblings · 13 hours ago
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The more I wish "I want to live", the more I want you to forgive me for thinking "I want to die"
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azraelslullabyers · 3 days ago
Milgram x that is not my neighbour AU:
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The guard (ES) will have to judge whether the prisoner is "real" or an "imposter". Prisoners judged as "real" will become more "humanlike", while the opposite turns into monsters that correspond to their sins.
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TW: Body Horror
Haruka: Nightmare (presence and power depends on how much others value it) Yuno: Demogorgon (eats people and souls) Fuuta: Dullahan (headless, but their environment fills their eyes) Mu: Queen Bee Shidou: Frankenstein / Wood Demon Mahiru: Slime (Encompasses, dissolves, becomes one.) Kazui: Mist monster Amane: Outer God (God's body) Mikoto: (as drawn) (inspo: tomie) Kotoko: Werewolf
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mukuroom · 2 days ago
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poorlydrawnmilgram · 2 days ago
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this one was originally going to have more parts to it but i'm gonna be away from my pc for a while so. no ms paint for the next like 3-4 days
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kypaskco · 2 days ago
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It’s not her fault chat, trust!!
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prepschooltrash · 3 days ago
Okay well I would like to take this opportunity to argue that you don’t know what sentiment I am going for here and whatever strawman you have built up to argue against does not particularly interest me. I apologize that my short, 5 sentence post was not specific and nuanced enough for you to not draw the most bad faith interpretations about my intentions and worldview possible. It really was my bad and ableist of me to assume that we were all on the same page about what disability Haruka was confirmed in text to have.
To be clear, while there are certainly types of intellectual disabilities that could render a person “unable to connect actions to consequences” those are NOT the type of disability that Haruka is textually stated as having. The writers CLEARLY and SPECIFICALLY state that the disability Haruka has is Developmental Delay which is not the world-ending diagnosis that you seem to think it is. It simply means being slower to reach developmental milestones than one’s peers. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1 in 6 children in the U.S. has at least 1 developmental delay, the majority of whose delays resolve over time.
Now I am not arguing that growing up with Developmental Delay is easy. There are certainly a variety of things that are more difficult and require more work than they would for someone else depending on which areas of development you experience delays in. My younger sister is around Haruka’s age, her developmental delay manifests very similarly to how Haruka has been portrayed in his interrogations. There are things that she struggles with that her peers don’t, but knowing that it is wrong to kill children simply is not one of them.
Acknowledging that disabilities can cause someone to be unable to do certain things as they pertain to that disability is not demeaning. What IS demeaning is YOUR assertion that a common disability like Developmental Delay—which some people IN THIS FANDOM have—renders a person completely incapable existing in society without being an inherent danger to it. That is what is insulting and that is what I was expressing an issue with in my original post.
I don’t care that you feel like an ally when you advocate for a character to be disabled just so you can throw all the real people with that disability under the bus. I’m sorry the writers didn’t give him the type of disability that would make it easy to absolve him of any moral obligation not to kill children, but this is the story we were given. Haruka did not kill because he’s disabled, he killed because he was ostracized and made to feel powerless and inferior by the people around him, so he lashed out at those he knew couldn’t fight back. The emotions that lead him to make the decision to kill, are the exact same emotions that lead many non-disabled people to become school shooters. Once more for emphasis: his disability is not what caused him to become a killer.
In summary, it is not ableist to assert that Developmental Delay neither predisposes someone to commit first degree murder, nor does it excuse it. Once again, sometimes it is better to just say “yeah he did all that but I love him anyway” instead of saying someone isn’t capable or cognizant enough to be responsible for their actions.
TLDR; talking about the possibility of someone having a disability isn’t an insult, willfully mischaracterizing a person’s disability in a way that invalidates the abilities that they do possess IS an insult. Information is at your fingertips, you just have to look for it.
Hey guys, I know we’re all recovering from the t3 video, but infantilizing Haruka and robbing him of his agency by repeatedly saying that he did nothing wrong and that he’s innocent because he has a developmental delay disability is not the inclusivity win that you think it is. Killing that little girl was wrong. Haruka knew that before he did it and he recognized it after as well. To argue otherwise would be an insult to his character. sometimes its better to just say “yeah he did all that but i love him anyway” instead of saying someone isn’t capable enough to be responsible for their actions
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