#party prince wille
piggyinparadise · 6 months
Butterfly effect 🦋💜
We should all be thanking this guy for wilmon endgame
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25 days till more Wilmon moments to make us scream.. ❤️❤️
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willestears · 4 months
Happy 20th birthday to the bravest boy, I wish you the most normal and peaceful life, you deserve it 🎈🧡
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myladyofmercy · 8 months
I'm just a mirror
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Break my glass to fix your heart
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I'm just a mirror
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Pretty glass, an empty heart
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I'm just a mirror
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I don't exist without your gaze
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thatsmybook · 29 days
As talked about in this podcast episode of @peopledonttalkabout , the music room fight scene in season one episode five encompasses the entire dynamic and arc of Wilmon's relationship in Young Royals. Margaret and Anton point out that this is the first ever time that Simon calls Wille 'Prince'.
My thoughts about Simon's feelings towards Wille from the music room up until the hug at Lucia, is that in this period he views Wille as one of the elite kids all having each others' backs (once a brother always a brother) and using their privilege to scapegoat out of their mistakes. From the moment Wille accuses Simon of being low for providing these elite kids with drugs (which he took) is when the switch happens - from perceiving Wille as just himself to a Prince. Judging as low the lower class kid for providing drugs to the upper class kids who consume them is the equivalent hypocrisy that Simon spoke about in the first episode of the show. Simon: "Why is it called tax 'evasion' but welfare 'scam?' It's all right that rich people cheat, but when poor people do it, it's messed up. For rich people, it's not even called 'welfare' it's called 'deduction'." The language and perception is that one is superior to the other.
[Simon suggests that Wille thinks that his family's reputation and future is superior to Simon's. Wille pauses and doesn't answer and Simon takes that as Wille implying the Royal family's concerns are superior to the Eriksson family's. This comes full circle at the end of season 3 when Simon is struggling with his family's reputation being trashed in comments on social media and Wille dismisses his worries because his mother's health and the state of the royal family is more important. Wille's birthday and how he behaves towards Simon is an escalation of what is happening in this music room in Season one.]
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Simon himself is in trouble with drugs because of the elite kids' need for alcohol and drugs and to prevent one of those kids from predating on his vulnerable sister because of her access to those drugs.
Wille going on to help August with his finance problems with just one phonecall in the next scene illustrates how this class of kids have each others' backs. (My first thought when I first watched this show was that Wille was now going to cover August's debt to Simon so Simon is no longer having to do what he's doing- but, no, Simon is not whose finances he's concerned about. Though, in fairness I doubt that Simon would have accepted Wille's financial help.)
Wille texts Simon that he understands that he is angry and he will fix the problem. Simon is still angry because in my opinion he's like "well of course you should- it's your problem to fix". And he's frustrated that now his fate at the school and future rests in this upper class kid's hands. He has no reason to trust this group of people, and he is still viewing Wille as a representative of them.
Then at Lucia when Wille tells Simon that they threw Alexander under the bus, he's angry again about this elite group using their camaraderie and privilege at a lower class kid's expense. (Alexander may be rich but he is lower class than the Society kids). When Wille tells Simon what he did to save Simon, he wonders what he owes this elite kids' representative in compensation. A thank you? Wille's groups' classicism did this to Simon in the first place. Now Simon has been granted a reprieve because one of these kids needs him as a friend/lover. He shakes his head because it's so messed up and goes against his principles, which waver, the longer he spends at this school.
Now, of course, Wille is not August and there are individual accountabilities amongst these group of elite kids, but throughout this whole period Simon not only perceives Wille as the Prince, but Wille grouped in with these upper class kids diabolically getting away with their misbehaviour. The show shows a montage of the Society all lying to the headmistress to blame Alexander and Wille is just one of them. That scene for me acts as the show reminding us - Wille IS one of them - they share the same values and principles. (Costuming and casting in that scene does a good job with the storytelling- they all look similar and are dressed in similar colours).
Simon pushing past all this at Lucia to once again perceive Wille as himself to comfort him, because of Wille's loneliness, is testament to Simon's character. This is the reason their love story exists. Because Simon is a person with strong integrity but also one who gives people that he loves second chances. He is brave with his heart like that. In that scene at Lucia, I personally did not want Simon to forgive Wille for his classism both in the music room and concerning Alexander. But Simon cares enough for Wille to forgive him and move on.
This entire event is one of those instances that Simon is referring to in the tent in season three when he says that Wille does not recognise his own privilege at times. Deciding not to be part of the succession in the monarchy at the end of season three will not have rid Wille of his class status and innate classicism (however minor it is compared to the outright bigots at Hillerska). This, as a 17 year old, will take some time to unlearn. Many of us as adults are still unlearning problematic takes from the environments we were brought up in. I'm sure Simon will never miss an opportunity to call him out on it in their future.
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fan-of-young-royals · 6 months
I know Simon is so much stronger than me because that final fight in the music room would’ve been the Moment I decided to break up with Wille
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 6 months
ok yeah, I'm willing to put Young Royals up as one of, if not the best teen drama ever written
and not just writing! cinematography, costumes, music, performances! this show truly is a masterpiece
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Can't stop thinking about how Linda could be not so on board with Simon getting back together with Wille for a while because she was so happy about Simon and Marcus and she literally saw her son suffer after being involved with Wille and how she can probably see Simon's decision as him repeating the same mistakes she made with Micke-
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unavailabletozombies · 10 months
Benophie au where Sophie is called in last minute to be a Party Princess for Amelia’s 4th birthday party - Daphne had hired the company Penwood’s Once Upon a Party to supply the Princesses - because Posy’s sick.
She arrives at Hasting House with the other 3 performers (an Ariel, Tiana, and Rapunzel) dressed as Cinderella and is swept immediately into the chaos of a party full of 4-5 year olds.
All of the Bridgerton sibs had been begged to dress up by their niece (none of whom can withstand the puppy eyes she has expertly mastered), and Benedict is in the middle of complaining to Colin about his itchy Prince Charming costume when the Princesses arrive. He is immediately enchanted by the Cinderella and doesn’t even notice Colin laughing as he stares at her with the same look of awe the kids have.
He spends the next hour trying to work out how to appropriately flirt with a Princess at his niece’s birthday when Amelia practically drags the Cinderella over to “Uncle Benny!” to meet her “Prince Charming”. Sophie is desperately trying to withhold a laugh at the girl’s enthusiasm and curtesies to the man standing in front of her.
Amelia’s “Uncle Benny you have to dance with her, she’s your Princess!” is all it takes for Ben to offer his hand to the performer and lead her to the ‘dance floor’ (the circle of garden full of children on sugar highs) where some ridiculous KidsBop music is playing. The pair dance as Amelia starts telling her parents, aunts, uncles, and grandmother to come join as well - she makes Colin dance with the Ariel (Anthony mutters something about Colin and Redheads to a bemused Kate) - and soon the garden is full of adults dancing “like they do in the balls!” between running children.
Benedict uses this chaos to try and find out all he can about the mysterious princess, his attempts being hampered by the Cinderella (because she refuses to tell him her actual name and risk breaking the magic if a child overhears) only answering in character.
“What do you do for fun?” “Oh, I listen to the wonderful stories of GusGus, and talk to the geese.”
“What’s your favourite colour?” “Well many think it’s blue, and my mother’s was pink, but I love silver. It’s why my fairy godmother made my dress like this.”
“Do you have any siblings? I have frankly too many.” “Only two step-sisters, they try their best but they can struggle to be kind.”
“Please tell me what your real name is.” “You may call me Ella if you so wish.”
The conversation goes in circles with Ben trying to control his growing frustration at her evasion as she smiles more broadly with each line.
Sophie is eventually pulled away by Amelia to go to the craft table and Benedict is left bereft and nursing a crush that has definitely been clocked by the many Bridgertons.
The party eventually winds to a close with the princesses saying their goodbyes to the children and parents arriving to pick them up. With the last guests gone, and only Bridgertons at the house, Benedict tries one last time to speak to the Cinderella hoping to ask her out for a drink, when he gets swept up by a tired Amelia asking to be carried. By the time she’s settled on his back the princesses have vanished and his heart starts to sink mentally kicking himself for missing his chance.
That is until Simon walks up to him and passes him a card with a knowing look. Glancing down Benedict sees the logo of Penwood’s Once Upon A Party, and underneath, a quickly drawn shoe.
“Not quite an actual glass slipper, but good luck mate”.
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littlebabywille · 2 years
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he’s giving absolute loser here 😍
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watchandyoullsee · 1 year
Ariel Takes the Wheel
Scene 1: Ariel "Just Forgot"
King Triton (1989): "I just don't know what we're going to do with you, young lady."
Ariel (1989): "Daddy, I'm sorry, I just forgot, I--"
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King Triton (2023): "It's irresponsible. Your sisters are only here for one phase of the Coral Moon. Can you imagine any one of them missing the gathering?"
Ariel (2023): "No, you're right. I'm sorry." (Excuse the watermark; I don't know where else to find images.) Of course, Flounder comes to her defense in the LA just like the 1989 version, saying it wasn't her fault, but Ariel realizes her mistake and takes full responsibility.
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Scene 2: Blaming Sebastian
Ariel never blames anyone but herself in the 2023 version. She knows it's wrong to make the deal with Ursula in both versions, but the Live Action Ariel does not do it just for herself, but for both worlds -- after all, humans and merpeople may be different, but that doesn't make them enemies. Shipwrecks are alarmingly frequent, taking the lives of humans and damaging the seafloor below. Were the relations between the two peoples mended, perhaps their respective worlds could mend as well.
Thus, the stakes are higher. Had Triton been willing to listen while she had her voice (and it is understandable why he wasn't), she would never have had to give it up to be heard. 2023 Ariel not only rebels against her father because he made her upset (and she's obsessed with a human prince), but because she is doing what she believes is right for herself and her people. Since she heard Eric express a similar desire to bridge the gap between their kingdoms and the rest of the world (a desire she has never heard expressed by anyone else), it is only natural that she forms an immediate attachment to him. His beautiful face is not a motivating factor, but a nice bonus, and proof that humans are not all monsters.
Scene 3: Ariel "Didn't Mean To"
Ariel (1989): "Daddy, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to! I didn't know!"
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Ariel (2023): "I'm sorry, Father, this was all my fault."
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The point of this comparison is to highlight how important it was that Ariel took the wheel of the ship at the end. These are two very different characters, and thus their character arcs are different. Ariel in 1989 was curious, naïve, stubborn, rebellious in the typical adolescent fashion, and innocent as an infant. Her arc wasn't the noblest for a princess, as notwithstanding her mistakes and lack of character growth, she managed to receive all that she desired in the end. She didn't need to kill Ursula because Eric was there to do it for her, just as Scuttle was there to stall the wedding and retrieve her voice, and Sebastian was there all the way along to get her closer to Eric. Animated Ariel did not take responsibility for her actions. How could she, when she didn't know any better? Every movement she made was in her own self-interest (though I think by the end she really did love Eric as a person and not just a pretty face). Still, we love her because she is the picture of wide-eyed, adventurous youth, and there is much room for her yet to grow up, even after she's married. Because of her carefree innocence, it's nigh impossible to hate her.
Live Action Ariel is also carefree to a point, but the weight of her title and responsibilities shines through in her character. She is ignorant about the Above World (by no means from lack of effort), but clearly educated as a princess should be regarding her own. She is less stubborn in her naivety and more secure in her sense of right and wrong. There is an important distinction to be made between knowing what is right and remaining steadfast in that knowledge, versus remaining immovable in one's obliviousness.
So why was it important that Ariel took the wheel in the climax? Because she had taken the wheel all along. Had she been trapped in a vortex like in the cartoon, a damsel in distress, it would have been a disservice to her particular character arc -- that of a girl who took responsibility for her actions at every turn. "Those sacrifices you made were a choice that you can't undo," she sings in 'For the First Time.' This thread of action->consequence->action would have been left dangling, unresolved if she had suddenly lost all power.
Does this in any way diminish Eric's character? Not at all. He was willing to sacrifice his life to be with Ariel through the storm. He did everything in his power to save her. He still threw the spear, which undoubtedly saved her life in that moment (and, might I say, was a display of incredible competence to have an aim underwater like that). In that way, he repays her in kind, after she'd rescued him from drowning.
As an aside, she mimics his exact movement when he had steered the ship earlier in the film. Had she not observed what he did in that storm, she might not have known what to do in the final battle.
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Ariel still needed help -- she still needed the support and aid of her animal companions, Eric, the castle staff, and her father. BUT she also took plenty of action to satisfy her arc, avenged her father's death, and she gave credit where it was due:
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Ariel (2023): "You gave your life for me."
King Triton (2023): "And you fought to get my life back."
Ariel (2023): "I didn't fight alone, Father. Eric was with me."
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I hope this post makes it a little clearer why robbing Ariel of her ability to act in the climax of the film would have been a poor choice, specifically in the Live Action. And, by the way, you can still prefer one or the other, or neither. While I don't dislike the cartoon, I obviously prefer the more mature and responsible Ariel.
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remy-lys · 10 months
so i made an edit today. i dunno how good it is bir ar least i tried 🤷‍♀️
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Thinking about the intensity (greatness) of these moments again, just... the way initially they're both overcome with fret, heartache, despair. I'll leave you alone now.. i'm just trying to move on.. But, buuut that pull, their connection, it's so strong (special) and they miss each other so much. So absolutely (inevitably) kisses happen and oh my, it's easy to breathe again! But of course Wille smiles in disbelief. Feels giddy with the knowledge Simon still cares, after such a moment! 💜❤️
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unfortunate17 · 2 years
Besties, I don’t give a fuck if Simon isn’t Wille’s first - the narrative (and as I’ve learned from some of y’all - Lisa and Rojda in interviews) just implies that he was & having self proclaimed rebel prince Wille fall in love with the first person he fucks is endlessly hilarious to me so I like to roll with it
That post was more about how I think Wille knew he was queer on some level before he met Simon 😃
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unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
also given that the logic of said superiority authoriority is an entitlement to deny someone's personhood & use them as an object for your purposes, from obviously getting to direct what they must do & can't do, to enjoying whatever gratification from lashing out / demeaning which is also going to serve as an affirming exercise in authority when one can do that from an insulated elevated place....a crucial part of whatever form of this violence, from the most nanoscopic triangle in the sierpiński triangle pyramid scheme hierarchy, to the hypothetical largest (zoom in or out to whatever degree: the same shit also), being that indeed the superior parties need the deserved insulation from any Consequence to exerting their superior status, including indeed from having to witness the consequences For the "inferior" parties, such as whatever externalizations of suffering they recognize as such, which either (a) need to be put away (b) are manipulative performances or otherwise exaggerated (e.g. being a pussy / not even having the sense to realize how little suffering they're Really experiencing) or (c) can be fun to witness if you decide you enjoy that as an affirmation of power as per your ability to completely detach from any avoidance of causing pain, harming for its own sake, b/c you Can
all which is to frame how Interesting it is that after all those moments of going "well, they keep bothering with reaction shots of winston noticeably feeling hurt & expressing it, sometimes also verbally. it's like it could be setting up something" it set up Nothing; while once again just like has been done dozens of times a scene just Ends on winston being rejected &/or hurt, no resolution then, no resolution ever, and in the case of 7x03 was so significant an attack that just like in 4x11 when mafee gets to take out his own Loyalty Insecurity on winston while everyone else hangs around in tacit to overt approval, everyone just leaves the room & we get winston staying behind in the Most distant position aaand scene's over! thread's over! david levien get back here after you Liked that 4x12 livetweet of mine pointing out "so see & winston was right anyways??" like....that is: we are given the Perspective of someone who is also now Leaving winston behind, thus immune to the consequences of however that treatment could actually affect him or how he might struggle to deal with that now (who cares! the answer is: Alone) like Whatever, next time we see him he's completely fine now. and i'm just so happening to think that all the little moments of getting to see winston wither & withdraw & etc in reaction to being shitted on was also us being granted the perspective of Gratification that he's punished for speaking or existing or whatever, without it ever going anywhere or mattering beyond that instant. we too are the ones who surely get to relentlessly bully the autistic person & damn if we don't at least enjoy someone getting to go off the rails restoring their ego by doing absolutely whatever they want to him, which just so happens to be perfectly aligned with getting him Back In Line. pull yourself together winston! the only consequences you're experiencing we wanna deal with are the ones where you give us the algorithm we decided we want, actually. and now let's look across the rest of the season where the consequences for wags for being this way (or anyone else for standing by, ready to benefit, with philip bafflingly declaring as well how actually it was brutal in a good way) is approximately fuckall even as of course nobody's pretending he's one of the personal growth guys out here: rian is though, and didn't have to "grow" out of abusing winston or thinking that was fine & good or that of course she's inherently superior! and in the end we have more affection and interest for the Epic Asshole than their Cringe Targets
#yeah once again really appreciate being given the Rewards of that Fantasy of pwning these losers#we get to Glimpse winston going :/ :( b/c that's how we know he was aptly punished for trying to act like he's a fellow person#when we're grabbing his head forcing him back into place in a bigger way it's more important we then dust our hands off & Leave#winston leaving May be that eventual acknowledgment of consequence for w/e scraps of sympathy (pity) billions has for him#but it's made into an episode abt wags w/marked Little care for winston's role & once again Just A Fun Power Trip! for us viewers too!#thoughts amped up from the harmonic resonance of a more zoomed out triangle in the self similar fractal of pyramid scheme hierarchy....#the inferior may be beset w/mass death & violence but um my nice dinner out please?? same No Consequences For The Superior logics#prince shits on winston ep 1? cool! we're giving him a chance. shits on rian ep 12? whoa! whadda hell blunosaur....hang on a minute....#winston billions#how gracious to align us as viewers with the people comfortably shitting on those Beneath Them for kicks & status#and ''pitying'' the Inferior parties doesn't disrupt your superiority so don't worry about that#rian talking to winston like a dog & pitching right in for hurting him via ''he wasn't ever worth listening to But here ya go'' as Pity....#taylor moved away from their being willing to hire him; listen to him; even At All step in even a Tiny bit to insulate him....#towards wanting to forever ignore him & express contempt & tell rian the pitying is Too Much & be right there w/wags in 7x03...?#guess that was just like ''well they can't possibly have an arc of keeping up Any supportiveness / basic recognition of this loser''#but they also don't have to interact w/their own willingness to Insistence on being awful to him either#wasn't even the consequence of [once again we need his epic output...but have treated him like shit?] nah just took it from him :)#anyways; riled. riling times#sure having plenty of firsthand experience with a Refusal to accept like responsibility of produced suffering#there's plenty of room for distress; particularly if translated into irritation/anger; as dismissable to ''haha funny. now anyways''#then there's the option of Resenting whatever evident pain. you can't Tyrannically impose that consequence on Me!!! why i oughta#see also the tyranny of winston Speaking (demanding listening) Being Present (demanding navigation of that) having wants; feelings (NO)....#or you're at more of a loss? you ofc simply get to literally/figuratively walk away :) turning away from winston. ending the scene. shrug#anyways winston is inherently an Other who just so happens to deserve to be Our punching bag & inferior in life yippee wahoo#and by ''just so happens'' we mean clearly Deserves it based on nothing abt what Consequences his actions do or don't have lol lmao#his deserving this inferiority is something more Inherent about him okay lol lmao XD a sentiment unchallenged all 5 seasons he's here#how fun every time rian starts talking to winston with insults & punishment Prompted by his audacity in existing loserishly#what a rollicking episode as wags decides he'll prove his superiority over someone today & everyone claps as he assaults winston. nice!#it was so essential b/c now we can Take his coding w/o having to interact w/him (save 1 meeting just w/sacker!) cool!!! good!!!#lord even knows Where Do I Start Where Do I End It well anywhere & nowhere always & never. the lil topic of ableism & abuse
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bi-miself-05 · 2 years
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When he closes the curtains the camera stays on them instead of following Wille
He's closed the curtains to get privacy and that's exactly what they get by the camera staying off them
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