#part 2 jojo
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kar painting i did ahauahansm d s aa a a a

it took me a little while and i suck at painting so :3
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➸ part 1
do you remember the time when we first met, girl?
[o/n] — old world name
wc 3.7k
the trip was quiet and quite awkward on your end. you couldn't believe you actually went through with such a plan you made up on the spot, but for what? you wished you knew the answer on why you was really going with this mysterious being when all you had was a knot in your stomach that urged you to find out
so far into the ride back to his domain, he had made small talk with you which you only gave short responses to due to your guard remaining up. "do you have any requests for dinner once we reach?" he tilt his head slightly to watch your features as you gave it some thought.
you were starting to feel anxious under his intense gaze and decided to direct your attention out towards the moving scenery. he realized him giving you his full undivided attention was quite too much and internally scolded himself before looking through his own window as well, "there's no rush in what you may crave, dearest. take as much time you deem necessary" he reassured. the endearment caused your cheeks to swell with immense heat, but due to your pigmentation, it couldn't tell on you thankfully
you tried your best not to do your own gazing, but couldn't help but marvel at how handsome his side profile was. from the loose curl that peeked from his headscarf to the ruby colored eyes that held a hint of yearning and resentment that you personally wanted to know what was the cause.
you pondered for some time, not realizing the constant movement of the carriage came to an halt. once coming back from your busy mind, you were face with a hand outstretched towards you.
"may i, o/n?" his voice as gentle as the appearance of his palm. his aura so inviting as if it was a trance of some sort
you almost interlocked fingers, however you knitted your brows at the name he called you. it felt so familiar, so natural to be called that... yet again you don't know why. you took his hand as he assisted you carefully out of the carriage, thanking him quietly as you slip your hand out of his grasp and examine your surroundings.
bloomed floral swaying melodically to the gentle gush of wind as they were having their own little festival. he strode gracefully towards the bouquet of baby pink floral, "the naked-lady-lily some has called it, but i prefer.." you crouched and carefully caressed the petals of said flower.
"..belladonnas" you both said simultaneously. you looked up towards him as he gazed down at you with an unreadable expression. the intensity of his gaze once again made you flustered and cowered a bit
"wamuu they've returned!"
your embarrassment soon turned into confusion at the sound of new voices rippling through the crisp air. a massive man with coarse white hair ran with the energy of a child who haven't seen their parent in a day of school. something about it brought a shy smile to your full lips, but you soon noticed another figure running after the man heading towards your direction. he had a look of annoyance as well a golden piece of jewelry that clung to his bottom lip. you could say these men where otherworldly in their appearance for sure..
the two finally met you where you stood and the one with the lip jewelry instantly kneeled as the other just took your hands in his grasp with a passionate greeting
"oh my! it's so nice to finally meet you, mistress o/n!" he exclaimed following a warm smile and you returned it yet you were becoming more confused on the inside at the name.
you shift your attention from the one now peppering your hands with kisses and praises to the man that got back on his feet, "i hope this numbskull isn't bombarding you too much, mistress o/n" he scolded the excited man, forcing him to release your hands in which you rubbed them on your pants to rid of his saliva
"i'm sorry but you two are sadly mistaken. i'm not this 'o/n' you keep referring to me as" you politely informed and now it was them with the confused expression. the name didn't bother you, but you wanted to know what— or who was this o/n and why did they keep misidentifying you for them
"but you look like the port��"
"could you both give us some time to ourselves, please?" kars interrupted causing you raised a brow at what the man was going to say
the annoyed man noticed his master's demeanor and followed with ease "surely master. come esidisi" he placed a hand on the white haired man's shoulder. he looked towards you with a sadden smile, "it was a pleasure to meet you, mistress" he said as you were carefully escorted away from the two and towards two towering stone doors
the foyer was massive, it looked like it once had humongous events with lots and lots of people. a quiet wow left your lips from the sight of the dark purple and gold decor. "who were those two?" you finally questioned as you continued to follow him subconsciously behind the man
"my loyal subjects, esidisi and wamuu. you'll learn to tolerate esidisi and his.. excitement" his tone seemed less amused at the mention of esidisi's behavior
"what did he mean by he heard stories of me? is this an ambush!?" you said with an accusatory tone. if it was an planned ambush to kill you and take the amulet, you felt so naive to go with this unknown man just based of a feeling that you were still unsure about.
he stopped dead in his tracks at your tone and turned to face you. seeing you distressed, made him a bit worried. "this isn't an ambush of any sort, o/n. i give you my word." he attempted to reassure as he inched towards you with out hand, but stopped once you took a couple steps back with a wry gaze. the thought that you now feared him made his chest tightened; it was the last thing he wanted you feel towards him
"my name is y/n. it is the name lisa lisa has given me since i've came across her, please refer to me as such" you demanded with tense brows.
kars admired you dearly, but didn't mean your demands will be taken with a grain of salt. "well, i believe it's now appropriate to introduce myself because what kind of host would i be?" he quipped as a smile danced across his lips. "i am kars and y/n, if you don't mind me asking, do you remember how you came across ms lisa lisa?" curiousity laced his question
"i.." it's been so long since your run in with lisa, it was now a fuzzy memory with incoherent sentences. something like white noise in your head and it was starting make your head throb
"you don't remember, do you?"
"why am i here?" you changed the subject before the white noise ringing throughout your mind caused a migraine of some sort. he cleared his throat as he began to walk around the foyer, optics bouncing from fixtures to fixtures "to spend 5 days and 5 nights in my home"
"what is the reasoning for such an bizarre request?"
"you'll learn in time.. o/n or should i say y/n"
the two men that you now knew as wamuu and esidisi, showed you to your living quarters. "master kars knew due to it being your first night in our home, it was best to give you your own wing of the palace"
you shared a gentle smile at the two gentlemen. "he has my greatest thanks as well as you two" you grasped each of their hands with gratitude
"anything for you mistress o/— y/n" esidisi bowed under your touch, hoping you didn't take offense to his slip up. you pat his head gently, letting him know you weren't upset with him
"no need to bow. i bleed just like you bleed, remember that"
"still pragmatic.." you heard wamuu mumbled before he cleared his throat
"master kars said to us to meet with him after guiding you to your residence, so enjoy your new room. santana will fetch you once dinner is ready, mistress y/n" wamuu informed before turning and walking away causing esidisi to scramble to his feet and go after the man but not before yelling
"yell if you need anything. no matter how big or small the request may be!"
"you have my thanks again" you yelled back before turning and facing the giant door once again, exhaling a breath you didn't know you were holding. you grabbed the knob and pushed, which you didn't put much effort in
the room was nothing you could've ever imagine. the bed was most likely a king-sized with royal purple silk sheets with a enchanting gold canopy drawn back so invitingly; the walls were a creamish beige color with white accents on the ceiling along with gold embroideries aesthetically patterned around the room. however what really capture your attention was the large vanity near the balcony that was ajar; the vanity reminded you of lisa lisa and how she would asked you to brush her hair for her after an exhausting day with jojo
now your mind was on jojo, which made you subconsciously took a seat on the plush mound of the back-less chair. you missed joseph and his antics as well as his worrying over you. he treated you like a little sister, always so teasing, yet always so kind with him. you were happy to be apart of this little family with him and lisa lisa, but sometimes it saddens you because you didn't know or matter of fact, remember who was your family before. you pray someday you'll be united
you sighed dolefully and right after you yawned unexpectedly. you never realized how tired you were from this journey and the things you've encountered so far. you looked over to the bed, it was so alluring; it felt like it was inviting you to rest with just it looks, and it must've been true with how you slipped your boots off and shuffled your feet over. at the first touch of the sheets, you felt your tiredness intensify. there was no fighting it now as you climbed in and snuggle up against the cool pillow
as you now laid peacefully in your slumber, there was a thudding sound coming from the balcony that soon started to irritate you as you slept. pulling yourself from your well-deserved rest, you dragged your feet to the source and swiftly closed the doors. as you turned to return back to bed, you collided with something and before you could fall two colossal arms wrapped around your waist
you looked up and was met with a pair of red eyes. "kars...?" you whispered and oh how'd you whispered his name could remove all oxygen from his lungs and breathe life into another. "yes, y/n?"
"w-what are you doing here?"
"oh," he realized he let his embrace last a bit longer than expected and quickly brought you to an upright position to stand before taking a step back. "santana came to fetch you for dinner, however you didn't show.." his eyes shift elsewhere and you could tell your absence was quite disheartening
"my apologies. the trip here was quite a long one and i didn't realize how tiring it was until i got into this room, which is gorgeous to mention"
"i should've been considerate of your well being once we've arrived, my deepest apologies" he turned his back to you as he walked further into your room
"it's fine really" you reassured as you came up behind him and placing a hand against his back. he smiled at your touch and sighed
"well since your awake now, would you like dinner?" he asked. you already felt bad for missing out on a meal that specifically prepared for you and would hate for him to waste even more food on another dish
so you immediately began protesting, "i don't want to be difficul—"
"lamb or cow?" he interrupted, towering over you with a blank stare. you knew there was so winning this so you might as well play along
"lamb" you answered bashfully
"i present to you spring lamb ragù" he grinned as he revealed the simmering dish and you were taken back how delicious it looked and the smell it emitted was even better. he placed the plate in front of you as he went to his end of the table. you took your cutlery and dig in without hesitation
"this is really delicious" you complimented as you continued to feast. through your lashes you noticed him staring once again, however his expression was unreadable once again as he slouched back in his chair with his fingers interlocked just below his eyes, covering his nose and mouth
"is something the matter?" you swallowed
he waved a hand, "no... it's just the necklace.. really suits you" he shyly complimented. even though the only light that was emitting the dinner table was candles, you could see the slight change his complexion around his cheeks
“why, how sweet of you” you thanked before taking a sip of your wine. it velvety in texture, ruby red in appearance and you couldn’t help but notice the cherry and raspberry aftertaste with the sudden aroma of vanilla. it had to be one of the best wines you ever came across so far
you both sat in silence for a while and it was starting to bother you with its heavy tension, so you decided to break the silence first
"what are you if you don't mind me asking, kars?" you asked
"i’m many things: god, an ancient king, father nature and many more, but i am just a man who wants to be with his beloved again” his eyes locked with yours for that last part and it was all starting to make sense to you now. this agreement wasn’t about the amulet but it didn’t make sense
“and you’re saying.. i am her?”
“without a doubt in my soul”
he continued to explain and express how you were his lost lover and strangely enough it was making sense but not at the same time, but one thing you are sure about was he did made you feel something and you were more than willing to explore a bit more..
ever since the first night you had dinner with the men, you became to relax more within their presence. in a strange way it became nostalgic to you, as if you already had this ongoing bond with them. you spent quite a lot of time at night with kars; getting to know him and sharing thoughts on what the future may hold over your secret nightly dinners, which started moving to his bedroom quickly
“thank you for the night. i’ve really enjoyed this” you smiled as you twiddled with your fingers whilst the both you traveled to your side of the palace. with all this time spent, you were comfortable with him, at peace to say the least. this feeling was starting to feel very nostalgic for you. you stopped and offered a hug which he obliged to. your fingers combed the nape of hair that was sleeked up into a ponytail and gazed admirably over his features
"i'm glad i could make this experience joyous for you" a low groan bubbling in the pit of his stomach as his ribs expand to accommodate the stretch of his lungs as he eagerly breathes you in. it's overwhelming, the sweetness of your scent being something he'll never dare to forget
"i believe this is where we part ways" you pulled in your bottom lip, nervous at what you were going to suggest next. you didn't know if it was the tension or the wine causing the millions of butterflies to flutter sporadically in your abdomen but you were feeling bold
"..it don't have to..." a small smile tugged at your pump lips as you stared up at the man. he returned the gesture as well as placing a calloused hand under your chin and a thumb caressing the small of your cheek
"as tempting as your offer is..." the space left between the both of you was torture. you just wanted to touch him, see if his lips could compare to those of the finest silk. you leaned more as well as him and waited to for your question to be answered. the ghost of his breath so alluring against your lips. unfortunately, it just stayed a ghost since nothing came except for a peck on your cheek "you must rest, little one" you opened your eyes once again with longing and he could feel his heart twist
a man you were incredibly fond of...maybe even smitten with. You weren't sure, but you could feel your heart swell when you were around him. his gentle touches and tender kisses to your cheeks, hands, and forehead filled you with an inexpressible warmth and his smile... you'd move mountains to see his smile or hear the deep rumble of his laughter. it's only been three days and your thoughts were consumed with him
your 5 days past so quickly. it left you yearning for his company like a throbbing wound begging to be attended to. the trip back to lisa lisa's residence was quite resentful to say the least. you were greeted with worried jojo and his literal breathtaking embrace. you reassure the young joestar there's nothing to worry about and you were scratch-free from any wounds he may have thought you'd endure during your stay
"never go off with a strange random man thing ever again, you hear me!?" he scolded with a hard gaze. you shrugged, eyes drifting down to the red jewel that grace your neck and gently stroke around its edges. lisa lisa took notice your absentminded demeanor and quickly thrown out a random exercise for jojo to occupy himself with so you could spend some time to grieve your departure.
your eyes stayed on the glimmering jewelry and more disorienting moments appeared in your mind. this time it was the same necklace but someone was placing it for you before placing a kiss to your nape before whispering something incoherent. you reached the end of the hallway where your room resided and entered. you looked around the luxurious space, and unintentionally compared to the room you stayed in with kars.
you reached your bed and dragged your fingertips along the fabric of the sheets, reminiscing on the nights you shared engrossed in deep conversation with the man. you continued to reminisce as you changed out the clothes you traveled in to the articles of clothing that was away in the small chest given to you.
you didn't realized how much of your skin was exposed until you feel almost every goosebump over your skin once you heard a voice from behind you.
"how could you be shy of your own beauty?"
"who are you… and who am i?" you whispered so softly your voice could become one with the wind. the intense gaze of admiration and curiosity was drowning his heart out; the urge to just stop the cat and mouse game and just capture your glossed lips was all too much for him to bare
"i am icarus and i loved the sun too much. do you still not remember us?" his question almost sounded like a desperate whine for your memory and you were truly trying to search the vast recollection, however only bits and pieces of laughs and vows of devotion to a being with those same rubellite iris
tears clung to your lashes as they threatened to stream like lonely rivers, "i.. i remember moments of a love so beautiful... so kind and gracious and only i wish i haven't fallen ill so they would've heard my confession of love for them.." you turned your head away so the man wouldn't witness your moment of weakness as those tears escaped in pairs. "all i have to remember him by is that amulet you were after and a phrase that was said" you sighed defeatedly as begged your conscience to help you remember that man.
he embraced you, falling to his knees. he placed soft kisses to your collarbone, chest, naval, the top of your thighs before rising back up to your lovely face. seeing you in this outfit brought back so many memories, so many emotions that he had to act upon. his arms wrapped around your waist whilst he dipped you slightly with eyes of anguish. his mind had stopped being so loud and now his heart was the one to take accordingly.
he needed you more than you could ever imagine; you’re too precious for anyone except for him. “she is more precious than rubies; nothing no man desire can compare to her” your bodies became one as he latch his lips on to yours eagerly. the sweet taste of your lipstick satiated a deep hunger within him as his tongue continued to explore the wonders of your mouth. you were starting to feel dizzy from the intensity of the kiss and unwillingly pulled back for a breath of air
that phrase he said before taking you echoed by the doubles in your mind and you felt your heart stop as everything started to piece together finally
"my love..." you gazed up towards him with shocked and a warmth of nostalgia. you were finally infront of the man that made you feel like the most precious thing known to mankind. "it's been so long my love" you could see the glistening in his eyes as he grinned happily, "but it doesn't have to be that way no more"
"stay at the palace with me. you can either give jojo the amulet or keep it. it doesn't matter to me no more knowing you now remember our lost love" it was now settled. you told lisa lisa and joseph the news and though they were saddened at your permanent departure for the residence, they were glad your memory was restored and you could be with your beloved and the family you left unintentionally once again. you said your farewells and made promises to visit every once in a while before entering the carriage you grew custom with
“this will be a new chapter in our lives, so what do you want to go by within this new chapter?” he asked as your hand rested comfortably in his
“your wife.”
reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated <3.

#jjba#jjba kars#jojo part two#part 2 jojo#jojo’s bizzare adventure x reader#kars x black! reader#jjba x black reader#kars x black y/n#kars x reader
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Joseph Joestar Playlist

Down - Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne
#Spotify#joseph joestar playlist#joseph joestar my first jojo love#part 2 jojo#battle tendency#idc if this ages me fuck you
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tears are worth their weight in gold
(happy new year!!!)
#my art#jjba#giorno giovanna#jojo’s bizarre adventure#jojo#jojo fanart#vento aureo#golden wind#this is probably one of the drawings that took the longest to make#6 hours for this one#i usually take like 1 - 2 hours on a drawing#anyway 3 jojos down i got 6 more to go#i wanted to make this drawing as a way to wrap up this year :P#jojo part 5
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they put the cool in polycule
#caejoseq#caejose#joseph joestar#caesar zeppeli#suzi q#battle tendency#jjba part 2#jojo part 2#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojo's#art
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if you're wondering if Suzie Q is grabbing their asses, the answer is yes, because I too would do it
#jojo's bizarre adventure#jjba#jjba part 2#battle tendency#joseph joestar#lisa lisa#caesar zeppeli#suzie q#caejose#josecae#caejoseq#she's asking the right question
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fem kars yippee
#jjba#jjba fanart#jojos bizzare adventure#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jojo#jojo fanart#my art#genderbend#kars jjba#kars jojo#battle tendency#jjba part 2#genderbend cw
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ive been playing a lot of minecraft lately so now theyre also playing minecraft !!!!
#weird family dynamic means he doesn't call her ''mom'' imo its too weird#dani said to make him build giant dicks in mc so maybe thatll get drawn one day.. well see#joseph joestar#battle tendency#jjba fanart#jojo fanart#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojos bizarre adventure#digital art#jjba#fanart#part 2#jojo part 2#jjba art#jojo art#part 2 fanart#caesar zeppeli fanart#caesar anthonio zeppeli#caesar zeppeli#caejose#caejose fanart#minecraft#minecraft fanart#minecraft art
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steady breathing now, jojo!
(this is a redraw hehe)
#jjba#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jojo’s bizarre adventure#caejose#caesar zeppeli#joseph joestar#jjba fanart#anime#jjba part 2#jojo fanart#jojo part 2#jjba battle tendency#jojo battle tendency#shounen#gay people#i just think the hamon mask is a very uhhhhhhhh versatile device#redraw#anyway i just think the leap from 2019 to 2024 is cool#can’t believe i drew that five years ago that’s nuts#it feels like yesterday but also it’s so bad#IF YOU LIKE IT THATS COOL BUT HHHAJBFBJG IM SO BOTHERED BY HOW I DREW CAESAR HAHAA#clearly i think this is way better clearly#but also it’s really sweet that so many people liked the og in the first place#I think even catney lang monarch of caejose either liked or reblogged it#it shattered my entire earth#anyway peace love hearts xoxo#$wag money
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concept idea: the pillar men have pointy ears like vampires (i’m obsessed with giving dio pointy ears and the disease is spreading)
if this flops, i want my 8 hours back
#jjba#ong this took forever#jojo's bizarre adventure#artwork#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jjba fanart#jojo no kimyō na bōken#jjba battle tendency#battle tendency#jojo part 2#jjba part 2#pillar men#kars#kars jjba#esidisi#jjba esidisi#jjba wamuu#wamuu
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Il mare eterno nella mia anima
#They were crazy af making the lyrics of his death scene be like ‘my love will be in your life forever’ or something#caejose#jojo’s bizarre adventure#jjba#my art#battle tendency#joseph joestar#caesar zeppeli#jjba part 2#anyway its that time of year where i get sad about them again
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i had a fever three weeks ago. original under the cut

#jjba#jojo’s bizarre adventure#jjba part 2#battle tendency#joseph joestar#caesar zeppeli#wamuu#caejose#this is an unused panel that araki gave me. Trust.
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"There can be just ONLY ONE The Ultimate Life-form"
(some local joke that I love really muchhhh)
#inktober#jojotober#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojo no kimyou na bouken#traditional art#fan art#kars jojo#kars jjba#shadow the hedgehog#shadow#shadow fanart#crossover#battle tendency#jojo part 2#the ultimate life form#sorry I'm silly
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TF2 x JJBA ???
#team fortress 2#team fortress 2 fanart#tf2#tf2 fanart#tf2 demoman#tf2 soldier#jjba part 3#jojo's bizarre adventure
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joseph would say that fr
#jjba#jojos bizzare adventure#jjba part 2#battle tendency#joseph joestar#caesar zeppeli#jojo#caejose#immortal classic of a text
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I fear this may just be canon.
Reference image down there ⬇️
#joseph joestar#caesar zeppeli#caejose#battle tendency#jjba part 2#jjba#jojos bizarre adventure#jjba fanart
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