#iggy jjba
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nebulaesstar · 8 months ago
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yeah ok i just pick up a pen and do shit
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arbitriumart · 6 months ago
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(With curve/color readjustment, tastier to the eyes)
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pochemyyakema · 6 months ago
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Me and who🤔
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ieatcigarettesyum · 2 months ago
This artwork makes me cry Iggy is so cute hes just a lil baby dog im sobbing
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razables · 2 months ago
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i am obsessed w this post by @hylianane
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epitaph-echoes · 17 days ago
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More of Kakyoin/everyone lives AU in Part 4!
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jhonny · 3 months ago
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stardust crusaders + text posts
(1 2 3)
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san-la-vraie234 · 10 months ago
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chlorophyll-tints · 3 months ago
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in stardust hell rn
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wispypengwan · 9 months ago
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some kakyoin sillies ft. your favorite stardust crusaders!!!
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sheila--e · 7 months ago
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He's my favorite jojo character
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tatangadragon · 8 months ago
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jojo sketchbook pages !!! mostly iggy because I love that funny dog...
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cheesencrackersinprison · 9 months ago
What kind of hugs do you think the Stardust Crusaders give? 🥺
Not sure if you meant platonic or romantic so I put some of both :>
• You'd probably have to be rather close for him to hug you, and he'd probably rather have you initiate.
• He's 100% not a PDA person and kinda of in his emo phase so if he hugged you it would be in private
• I feel like he'd be a surprisingly good hugger after the awkwardness passed
• If you initiated and you were close he'd probably tense up a bit before awkwardly hugging back
• After that he'd probably ask for them rarely putting his head on your shoulder
• I feel like if he felt needy he would end up hugging too hard and apologizing very awkwardly
• His hugs would be surprisingly nice, I feel like he would be rather warm
• Would probably bury his face in your neck if you were dating when cuddling alone
• Emo
• I feel he'd be awkward but would be more approachable for that
• My homeboy hasn't had much experience in the friend department mkay leave my guy alone
• He'd be awkward with PDA but more willing to give you a side hug or straightup cuddle alone in a bro way when watching movies
• He wouldn't know where or how to put his hands when you first hugged him and would be rather nervous
• I feel like he'd be secretly touch starved
• He'd be very chill with cuddling when watching movies or stuff like that but wouldn't really do it around people
• Tbh I feel he'd be rather awkward but would get the hang or it soon enough
• He would probably hug you a lot when dating when there aren't many people around
• Not hugging but I feel like he'd offer his arm for you nervously when walking around if dating bc he's a polite boy (gentleman)
• This man has no shame
• He would bear hug you and crush your organs in front of everyone without a care in the world
• Would tackle-hug you after not seeing you for a long time
• If you're Jotaro's age he would ruffle your hair too
• Would probably treat you as a second grandkid
• Lifts you up
• Very warm hugs (ignore the crushed ribcage)
• My silly banned from seven airline companies man
• Another one with zero shame
• Would give zero fucks if there were people present
• Swings you in circles
• Tight hugs but not rib-crushing like our guy Joseph here
• Makes a fucking spectacle
• PDA fan
• If you are dating he will pick you up and kiss round your face while saying french shit you dont understand because french isn't a real language BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT-
• Biiiiiiiig cuddle fan
• Turns into a fucking octopus wrapping around you
• Baguette
• His hugs would be so nice just bdbrnrbfn
• I feel like he'd feel very fatherly
• And caring
• jdbdnfbfnnfn
• Very warm hugs, man's a human heater
• Comfy
• Makes you feel safe easily with em
• It wouldn't be rib crushing or light, just perfect like that house stealing goldilocks bi-
• I wanna hug him
• Bites you
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nebulaesstar · 9 months ago
Doodle dump :]
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 2 months ago
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Happy birthday, jotaro 🫶
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gingernut1314 · 9 months ago
Call Me Baby
SDC x SDC!GN!Reader
Summary: The Stardust Crusaders need to know why you called them by their name.
Warnings: Takes place in JJBA part 3, Jotaro's kinda of goes past part 3 cause I wanted to lolol, established relationships, slight misuse of a Star Platinum??? (I say it's the only right way to use a stand buuuuuttt......), I'm pretending like Suzi Q was never in the picture (love you queen, but your husband is hot so you can travel with Lisa-Lisa) but yall are free to do as you do, the slightest mention of spice, Iggy is a PET/DOG only
Word Count: 760+, 680+, 560+, 700+ , 760+, 450+, Total: 3.9K
BABYDOLL Youtube | Spotify
Taglist: @cinnbar-bun @lostfirefly
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Jotaro Kujo 😒🐬
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Jotaro will never admit it, but he loves that you call me baby/babe
At first, he grumbles and tells you to stop but the more you do it, the more it grows on him and the less he’ll complain
When the other Crusaders get on him for it, he’ll tell them to shut the hell up as he simply grabs your upper arm and drags you further along and away from them as they cackle like utter fools.
He’s been through all the teasing and continues to let you call him that silly-ass pet name even when he utterly dislikes it (Errrrrrr--fake. He lies to himself)
So when you call him by his name on a random Tuesday afternoon he doesn’t know what to make of it
What the hell were you doing calling him by his name?
He won't respond and continues to read his book in the living room of your shared home
You’ll call for him again, thinking he didn’t hear you the first time
but this time he’ll turn his sharp, green eyes up to look at you from underneath the visor of his hat
“Who the hell are you calling for?” He asks, letting his irritation get the best of him. You just blink because what is he talking about? It’s only the two of you here. Who else would you be calling for?
“Your name is Jotaro, isn’t it? I’m calling for you so get your ass up and come help me with this. I can’t reach--”
“No.” He simply says, returning his eyes to his book. You grit your teeth and stare daggers into him, trying to think of what the hell he was going on in his mind--what the hell he was playing at
“Jotaro.” No response. “This isn’t funny.” A flip of the page in his book. 
You march over to him with a huff of annoyed air, the book he’s trained his eyes on snapped shut with a simple movement of your hand. You leaned down, placing a hand on the armrest next to him so that you could look upon the entirety of his flawless face under his hat.
“Remember what we’ve gone over together about telling each other our feelings because some of us would prefer to bottle it up and storm around all grumpy?” Those green eyes snapped up to look at you again.
“You’re starting to piss me off now.” You give him an all too bright smile, bringing your other hand up to pat his cheek in a way you knew would only piss him off further.
“Aww see, Jotaro. That’s not so hard.” You tease only for his hand to grab hold of your wrist faster than lighting, yanking you closer so that you see his displeasure up close and personal. 
“You’ll stop calling me that right now.” You blink in utter confusion at his gritted-out words.
“Then what am I supposed to--” It clicked then what he’s so worked up about. Why he keeps insisting you not to use his name. It makes your heart flutter to think that he might actually like being called by that pet name. “Oh--oh you sweet thing.” You purr in teasingly, only making those eyes of his hardened further. His grip on your wrist tightened. “You just want me to call you my baby, right?” 
Jotaro lets you go then, going for the closed book in his lap in his own unique way to end the conversation there. Oh, but you are fully invested. You weren’t going to just drop it as you might usually do. No. Not when he’s put on such a show for you. 
“Baby,” You say, lowly, stopping the books to travel upward. You watched his shoulders relax at the pet name. Such a small release of tension you hadn’t even noticed added before. “Can you please grab the tupperware from the top cabinet for me? The one with the red lid? I need it down so I can pack some goodies for your mother when we go to visit her tonight.” 
“Fine.” He said, going to stand from his seat, but you kept him caged in. You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed over your face as you looked over his features, which he always tried to keep oh so emotionless. 
You leaned in, placing a quick peck to his feather-soft lips. 
“Thank you, babe.” You said, moving away so that he could stand. 
“Good grief.” He grumbled, sounding and looking all so annoyed, but he couldn’t control Star Platinum from popping an arm out to give your hand a quick squeeze.
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Joseph Joestar 🏃‍♂️🛬
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He’s calling you babe/baby
You’re calling him babe/baby
He hasn’t given you a choice in the matter and neither have you
It’s second nature
It’s his and yours second name
So when you call him by his first name, it can only mean one of three things
1) You’re in his arms moaning it for all to hear and making his already too-big ego even bigger
2) he’s dying/in danger and you're screaming at him to not be as such
Or 3) you’re completely and utterly furious with him and are about to murder him
But, as he’s joining the other Crusaders all gathered in the hallway of the hotel room they had picked out and hears his name growled out like it had come from the lips of some great bloodthirsty beast, he knows he’s about to get completely wiped from the face of the earth by your hand 
“OH MY GOD!” Joseph shouts, heart coming to a full stop in his chest. “Hide me! Hide me now.” He all but begs to the group.
“What? Trouble in paradise?” Polnareff teases as Joseph grabs for his arm.
“What the hell did you do now, old man?” Jotaro asks, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
“I don’t know!” Joseph just managed to get out before the door to your hotel room swung open with a bang. He gives a shout in fright as he pulls Polnareff in front of him in an attempt to hide himself. 
“Joseph Joestar.” You fume, marching down the hall towards the group. 
“Last name too. Huh.” Kakyoin observes from where he stood next to Jotaro. 
“Get your ass over here. Right. Now.” You hiss, shoving Polnareff out of your way. The Frenchman began to laugh hysterically, unable to keep it down any longer.
“What? You’re gonna have to speak up, my sweet honey bunch, sugar pie, love of my life. My hearing isn’t how it once was.” Joseph panicked, reaching for Avdol’s arm only for the fortuneteller to move out of the way. 
“Forgive me, friend. This is your battle alone.”
“But--but--” A hand grabbing hold of his shirt froze him in his place. “B-baby…hey. Mornin’.” He said, slowly turning around to face your wrath. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today? No?” He gently unraveled your fingers from his shirt to hold it, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “Just--look at you. You take my damn breath--”
“Joseph.” The man gave a sharp gulp at his name spoken in such a threatening way.
“Yes, sweetness?” He said, trying to soften your anger one last time with pet names and caresses against the skin of your hand.
“What is the one thing I have asked you to stop doing time and time again?” Joseph’s brown eyes flickered towards his grandson as he thought. Jotaro only pulled his hat further down his head to keep himself out of it. 
“Uh--not to use your hairbrush?” You shook your head. “Not to…eat your snacks?” Yet another shake of your head. 
“Nope. Want to take one more guess?”
“I--Do I want to?” Joseph said with a nervous laugh. 
“Next you’ll say: Sorry, babe. I was in such a rush this morning I completely forgot to not use your hair products because my hair could never be as beautiful and luscious as yours.” You said all too sweetly in the face of such anger you had been presenting.
“Heh, heh…babe, you know that's my lin--OH NO!” Joseph shouted, as you yanked him down, knocked his hat off his head, and gave his hair a good ruffle to mess up all the work he had done using your products. 
“Don’t do it again, Joestar.” You hissed, in his face, now sporting a too-cute pout. It made your anger bank the slightest. You could never resist that face, even when he drove you utterly crazy. “Find us a good breakfast place baby, and I’ll forgive you.” Joseph’s face instantly brightened and he placed a big, old smooch on your cheek. 
“You’re in luck, baby because I know just the place.”
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Muhammad Avdol 🔥🦅
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He’s not going to be the biggest when it comes to calling you baby/babe
But please go ahead and call him baby/babe
He loves it
He loves it so much he finds himself doing more and more romantic things for you just to keep pulling the pet name from your lips
He’ll shower you in flowers and small gifts and forehead kisses and praises all to have you call him baby
When he’s feeling more goofy or happy, you’ll find him calling you baby/babe right back
So on the rare occasion you call him by name, he can’t help but feel disappointed
“Have I done something to upset you?” He’ll ask softly, brows furrowed as he focused his whole attention onto you. 
“What? No. Why would I be upset with you?” You asked, turning to face him fully, your own concern etched onto your face. “I was just asking for you to pass me another napkin.” 
“Oh.” Avdol mutters in a small voice you hardly ever heard him speak in. He hadn’t even heard your question, just the utter lack of the pet name. You watched him carefully as he grabbed a napkin from the small pile the waiter had brought the group. “Here you go.” 
“Thank you.” You said, taking the napkin from his warm fingers. He turned back to the food on his plate, taking his fork back into his hand but making no move to begin eating. 
Had you done something to upset him? 
You couldn’t think of a single thing that might have done that, but something was clearly wrong. You reached a hand out to brush your knuckles over his cheek, gaining the attention of those bright brown eyes of his. He leaned into your touch, giving you an all too pinched smile. 
“What’s up?” You asked, moving you knuckles over his cheek once more. 
“Nothing. Truly. How are you liking--” “Hey--stop. Tell me what I did, okay.” You watched him pause, eyes taking in yours before his hand came up to keep yours against his cheek.
“It’s silly.” He said and you could see the slight embarrassment rising in his features. 
“I doubt it. You can tell me.” He gave you a lovely smile, squeezing your hand gently. 
“You said my name. I told you, it’s very silly.” You knew what you’d done instantly. 
“Oh baby, I’m sorry.” That smile of his only grew at the pet name. “I--you’re name is just so beautiful I just want to use it here and there.” You felt the skin of his cheek grow even warmer at your words. 
“Geez--can you two get a room.” Polnareff huffed from where you sat beside Avdol, arms crossed and a deep pout on his lips.
“Jealous?” Avdol teased the Frenchmen with a rumbling chuckle. “I don’t have any doubt you’ll find someone to call baby soon.” You couldn’t help the smile that pulled to your lips at the flutter of happiness in your chest. 
“Me? Jealous? Never.” Polnareff contiuned as you moved to take Avdol’s hand within your own. You brought it to your lips, pressing a soft kiss his skin. Those brilliantly bright eyes turned back to find you once more at the touch. 
“I love you, baby.” You murmured against his skin. 
“I love you too…baby.” He said a small smirk on his lips that had a small laugh pull at your throat.
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Noriaki Kakyoin 🍒💚
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He’s not used to the whole relationship thing
So don’t expect him to instantly be calling you baby/babe 
He might not even say it all, feeling too--strange saying it
But go ahead a call him baby/babe
He likes it
No--no he loves it
He especially loves it when you call him baby/babe when excited
The spark in your eyes as you jump and giggle and call for him using that pet name to show him whatever had gotten you this excited is addicting to him
It's especially addicting when you take his hand in your excitement 
So when you call for him using his name, he’s frozen in his spot looking towards Mr. Joestar, Polnareff, and Avdol for help
Because they might have more insight into the situation than he ever would hope to have
“Oooo--you’re in trouble now.” Polnareff teases, making Kakyoin’s anxiety spike in his chest as the Frenchmen elbows Advol playfully, though the fortune teller made no move to help or laugh. 
“T-trouble? What did I do?” Kakyoin asked, racking his brain for anything he could have done to upset you. 
“Beats us bud.” Mr. Joestar added, his own snickers adding to Kakyoin’s stress. “I’m sure you’ll find out.”
“But--I didn’t do--” You call his name again, cutting off Kakyoin’s frantic rush to figure out what might be wrong off. He snapped around to find you all but bouncing down the street towards the group, Joatro following behind in his typical unhurried state. Kakyoin tried to catch Jotaro’s eye, to try to keep figuring out why you might possibly be using his name, but his friend kept the visor of his hat down. 
“Y-yes?” He asked as you came to a stop before him, a bright smile on your lips. 
You didn’t seem upset. You looked all too happy to be upset…but maybe it was a trap of some sort? Maybe you were trying to get him to drop his guard so you could better shout your anger at him. 
You paused in what you were about to say, brows furrowing as you took in his panicked and stressed state. 
“Something wrong?” You asked, only making the snickering from Polnareff and Mr. Joestar harder. You took in this and then his state and felt anger begin to build in your chest.
Had they said something to him? If they had, oh were you more than ready to give them hell. 
“Kakyoin, what happened?” He seemed to sink into himself, eyes winching as he scanned over your features, which were growing more and more pissed by the second. 
“I-I don’t know. I think--did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?”
“Do something wrong? Why would you think you did something wrong?” You asked, placing a hand on his arm in comfort. 
“I don’t know. You just said my name and I don’t know--” He gave a deep sigh, looking away from you as embarrassment began to creep into his eyes. 
“Wait--You’re name? That’s why you think something’s wrong? Because I said your name?” Kakyoin glanced back at you, a small shrug on his shoulders. 
“You only ever call me baby.” Your heart hurt a bit when he finally expressed what was truly bugging him. 
“I’m--no I’m not upset at you. I like your name. I like calling you baby. I like both so I just--switched. I’m sorry sweetheart.” You said, rubbing his arm to try and soothe him. Kakyoin seemed to relax, a smile pulling at his thin lips. 
“O-oh…I feel a bit silly now.” You pulled a bright smile to your lips as you shook your head.
“No. Baby, I don’t think so at all.” That stress continued to ease within Kakyoin and it only made you even happier. “Especially when you have those two idiots whispering in your ear no doubt.” You said, shooting them a daggered glare that had their snickers turned into their own panic. 
“Come on, I found this little tea shop that’s selling a cherry tea you need to try. It’s to die for!” You said, moving your hand down his arm to interlock your fingers within his. Kakyoin was more than happy to take it and follow you.
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Jean Pierre Polnareff 💔🗡️
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Deep inhale…
He needs you to call him every last pet name in the world and then some
And he’ll do it back
He’ll do it back SO MUCH LIKE
It’s in his DNA. He can’t help it. It needs to be said right alongside every other pet name and praise he can think up 
He’s bursting at the seams every morning to wake up and whisper a “good morning, baby.” against your lips 
And he’s just as excited to whisper a “good night, baby.” before you two drift asleep wrapped in each other's arms
He melts into a puddle every time you call him baby/babe
Like--just puddy in your hand
So when you say his name--not even his first name--he’s completely coming apart at the seams panicked.
“Mon coeur, what have I done to deserve such harsh treatment?” He cried, tears brimming in his gray eyes as he grabbed your hands up in his own. His lips peppered each with kisses, flipping them over so he could do the same thing to your palms and inner wrists. It was a flurry of kisses that had your slight annoyance ebbing in your chest even when you fought so hard to keep it. 
“You didn’t take me with you to grab supplies.” You played up your anger with a humph, turning your face away from his utterly forlorned one. 
“Forgive me, please. You were sleeping so peacefully. Like an angel. Mon Ange.” His kisses continued to travel up your arm. It made your skin tingle and your heart begin to beat rapidly in your chest. 
“When have I ever cared about you waking me up, Polnareff?” You said his name only to pull a mournful cry from his lips. “What if something had happened to you? What if you had gotten hurt? Hum? What then? That would kill me.” Polnareff’s lips left your skin only so that he could pull you into his arms, trying his best to find your gaze but you continued to look away. To turn him into a near whiny mess as you crossed your arms, preventing him from pulling you flush against his chest. 
You were serious about him going off on his own. He should never go off on his own while on this journey. Not when he had been attacked while all on his lonesome one too many times for your liking.
“Je suis désolé. Please forgive me.” You peeked a glance his way, keeping your features and eyes stern compared to his pleading, pouting face that nearly had you breaking down and forgetting about the whole thing.
“Promise me you’ll never do it again.” Polnareff nodded, pulling a hand away from you only so he could stick a pinky finger up. 
“I pinky promise, mon amour.” You eyed his pinky, then his big old puppy eyes and gave a soft sigh. Your pinky found its way around his and he gave it a gentle squeeze, which you gave right back. 
“I’m serious. I don’t know what I would do if you got--really hurt.” You said, feeling your heart twist painfully at the thought of your best friend and the love of your life getting more than hurt. Polnareff’s soft, needy features shifted suddenly into that of complete and utter seriousness as he leaned in closer to you. 
“I will try my best to keep myself safe, but I will do everything in my power to keep you safe above all else.” You watched him for a long moment. Watched him and just felt your love for him grow with each passing second. 
You gave in fully then, pulling your hand away from his so that you could gently cup his cheeks. You stood on your tippy toes to press a soft, tender kiss to those warm lips of his. Lips that had stars bursting behind your eyes and making you feel like you were standing on top of the world. He sighed into your kiss, holding you tighter against him and never once threatening to let go.
“Amour?” He questioned, keeping his forehead pressed to yours. You opened your eyes to find that soft, needy look had returned. 
“Please call me baby. I cannot take it any longer.” He begged, a deep blush crawling over his cheeks and neck. You chuckled, rubbing circles into his pink-dusted cheeks. 
“Baby,” A bright smile pulled at his lips, his grip pulling you ever closer. “I love you.”
“Je t’amie.” He whispered before claiming your lips all over again.
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Iggy 🐕💨
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Give him some coffee-flavored gum while you do and you’ve got yourself a loyal companion for life
Will only let you pick him up, pet him, and scratch his belly once you’ve gained his trust
He’ll grow so loyal he’ll start getting a bit possessive of you if any other the Crasuders make you upset or threaten to even touch you
Their hair
Their lungs
Invaded with the foul smell of a ripe fart
Call him a baby while he falls asleep in your lap 
Please call him a good, sweet baby
He’s ugly and a bit of a menace but he just needs someone to be gentle and sweet to him
“Whose the best baby boy in the world? Hum? Who is?” You ask as you pepper kiss upon kiss to his ugly little face. Iggy's little tail is waggling so much it's moving his whole body in his excitement. “The most handsome baby boy in the whole world.” 
“The most handsome? Hardly.” Polnareff huffs from where he sits next to you on the ground, arms crossed and eyes staring daggers up at the dog. “Have you seen me? I’m a cute baby boy too.” He huffs, making Iggy pause in his excitement. 
“Polnareff, you are fighting with a dog.” Polnareff growls. 
“That is no mere dog. No. That’s a devil. A foul beast come straight from hell itself to torment my innocent soul.” Polnareff hisses making you roll your eyes. 
“So mean to the itty bitty baby.” You said, voice turning back into that of a coo, placing another smooching kiss on Iggy’s stubby muzzle. Though, Iggy had now set his buggish blue eyes on Polnareff. 
“What’s he looking at?” Polnareff asked, panic rising in his voice.  
“What? This baby? He’s just looking at you. Probably wants a pet.” Polnareff’s eyes fly wide as he rushes to his feet, trying to create as much distance as he can between him and the dog. 
“Keep the demon away from me and my hair. I just fixed it.” He all but whined as Iggy began to wiggle in your grip, a growl on his lips. 
“He hardly did any damage. He’s just a good baby.” You said, loosening your grip on the short-haired dog. 
“Hardly any damage!” Polnareff shouted, taking on a defensive stance. “He tore it out!” You huffed, patting Iggy’s round belly as he continued to pull himself from your grip. 
“It wasn’t that--” Iggy shot from your arms and latched onto Polnareff’s face, becoming a storm of teeth and farts and growls that had you wincing in pity for the Frenchman, who shouted and screamed away. “…bad.”
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