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Je mes sens mal pour bi-gender personnes, le trajet entre Jupiter et collège doit être rude
i feel bad for bigender people, the commute between Jupiter and college has got to be rough
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Baby lo sai quanta rabbia c'ho addosso, quindi tu non chiedermi di chiederti scusa..
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johnny cannot find simon anywhere, not even in his office when he doesn't bother to knock on the door before opening it and entering the room to call for his name. he looks around with a soft smile on his face and is about to leave when he notices a little, dark blue box on the desk and cannot mind his own business to save his life.
so he closes the door behind himself, reaches the desk and picks the box up. it's soft at touch and the blue is not as dark as it seemed from afar. johnny takes a breath and opens it, slowly. the ring pops up almost immediately, it's a thick, white gold one, entirely plain if not for a tiny diamond on the center of it that glimmers so much johnny thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
he looks at it for a bit, before his mind clicks and he realizes what he just saw. he knows simon wants to marry him, they've talked about it, he just thought the proposal would happen in a few years and he was okay with that - he's okay with it happening in a few days too, though. more than okay.
the sgt closes the little blue box and places it exactly where it was on the desk - if simon finds out he snooped around in his office only to ruin the surprise of his proposal, he's gonna kick johnny's ass. he doesn't wanna ruin it for simon, though - and he definitely didn't ruin it for himself, that's for sure. he's the happiest man alive right now -, so he's gonna pretend he never saw anything, keeping his mouth shut for once in his life.
he leaves simon's office without even knowing that would've been the last time he would've seen it, nor that he would've never worn that ring and that's because it all happens before johnny's last mission, the one in which makarov takes his life away from him.
he doesn't even know how these kind of things work, but when he realizes it all is coming to an end - and the realization plus everything that comes with it only last a few instants -, the only thought his mind is able to form is about the only thing he really cares for in that moment: he should've let simon know. he had thought about the ring for the entire time before the mission and, at some point, he had wanted to write down a note to leave on simon's desk, under the ring box;
"be careful where you leave your things, lt. not everyone is scared to enter your office.
yes, simon. you know i've always wanted to"
he didn't. he didn't, because he wanted to wait until he could tell the so important "yes" to his lt with his very own voice. it was never about ruining the proposal for simon, actually - the lieutenant would've been lowkey grateful for not having to kneel down and all those things, even if he would've done it without hesitation for johnny -, it was about making simon aware of how truly happy he was to become his fiancé.
johnny should've written it down and left it there, though, because now he is dead and simon will never know
#yall please remember im currently feverish plus english is not my first language so pardonne moi if this is a complete mess#oh and dont hate me please and thank u#ghostsoap#soapghost#ghoap#simon riley#simon ghost riley#john mactavish#john soap mactavish#call of duty#cod#cod: modern warfare iii spoilers
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Qu’est ce que vous trouvez à melechon ? Et qu’est ce que vous pouvez critiquer chez lui ? (Ce n’est pas une critique, c’est juste que je suis jeune et que je ne connais pas bien son parcours) qu’est-ce qui fait de lui un grand homme politique ? Merciii
C'est difficile de décrire ce que je pense de Mélenchon sans parler aussi de la dimension émotions plus personnelle 😅 Est-ce que tu étais assez grande en 2012 pour suivre la campagne ?
J'avais 17 ans, mes parents avaient voté Arlette Laguiller toute ma vie sans jamais militer et sans vraiment y croire, ma seule éducation politique c'était mon expérience personnelle de fille d'immigré pauvre et les discussions très générales de ma famille. Quand on a allumé la télé ce printemps là et qu'on a écouté Mélenchon parler avec autant de conviction de ce que pourraient être nos vies, ça a été une révélation. Il y avait quelqu'un, quelqu'un qui était même parfois pris au sérieux, qui dénonçait ce que je haïssais et proposait de le changer. Qui le disait avec passion, sans faire les simagrées du PS, sans refuser de prendre position, en argumentant rigoureusement, parfois avec des références à des livres que je pouvais lire, souvent sans insulter l'intelligence de son public, en faisant des liens que d'autres avaient sans doute fait avant mais jamais là où je pouvais les entendre. J'avais toujours connu la gauche faiblarde, traîtresse, dont on ne pouvait attendre qu'un sursis. Pour moi c'était vote "utile" pour le PS et affiliés, ou vote complètement inutile mais cohérent pour l'extrême-gauche, sans autre possibilité, sans espoir. Et là il y avait autre chose. C'est pas par conviction que l'autre flanby a balbutié son fameux "mon véritable adversaire, c'est la finance" - c'est parce que l'aile gauche de la gauche lui soufflait dans le cou. J'ai entrevu autre chose pour la première fois, et un autre chose qui semblait même assez directement atteignable. J'ai imprimé des tracts en douce avec l'imprimante familiale et séché des cours pour les distribuer - gros acte de rébellion pour moi à l'époque. J'étais sûre que ça allait arriver, en 2012 ou la fois d'après, ça ne pouvait qu'arriver.
Je ne vais pas faire semblant que tout ça n'influence pas mon opinion de Mélenchon. Évidemment que ce souvenir m'encourage toujours à être un peu plus indulgente.
Mais je crois aussi sincèrement que le projet qu'il défend est un projet qui nous rapprocherait d'un monde plus juste.
Impossible de séparer Mélenchon du LFI, alors parlons de ça. Je ne vais pas refaire le programme, mais c'est le seul qui propose une alternative avec un plan d'action concret et plus ou moins immédiat. Et j'ai peut-être tort mais, si LFI ne propose pas en soi de sortir du capitalisme, j'ai toujours pensé que sortir du capitalisme serait plus facile avec le modèle que propose LFI qu'avec le modèle actuel. J'ai parfois même encore la naïveté de penser que c'est le but final, juste à horizon très lointain.
Toutes les critiques que je pourrais faire sur Mélenchon ou LFI, je peux les faire sur la plupart des autres personnalités et partis politiques.
Je trouve leur ligne sur les droits des femmes très faible (mon plus gros problème ; malheureusement pas plus faible qu'ailleurs), j'aimerais qu'ils se battent ouvertement pour la mise à mort du capitalisme (comme je le disais, certaines de leurs positions me laissent penser qu'ils n'y sont pas opposés, mais si c'est le cas il faut être plus clair, et si ce n'est pas le cas c'est une déception ; mais là encore, à moins de regarder vers l'extrême-gauche, ils remettent plus en cause le système capitaliste que les autres partis), et je pense qu'ils passent un peu trop de temps sur certains sujets qui n'ont pas lieu d'être ou qui n'aident pas sur un plan purement stratégique (mais c'est aussi le climat actuel qui veut ça).
En ce qui concerne Mélenchon lui-même, il s'emporte parfois trop. C'est la principale critique qu'on peut lui faire, et qui lui est faite d'ailleurs à longueur de journée. Mais est-ce que c'est le plus important ? Lors de ses interventions, il est la plupart du temps posé malgré les interruptions intempestives et la mauvaise foi chronique de ses interlocuteurs. N'importe qui finirait par s'énerver !
Quant à ses "phrases polémiques", que dire ? On lui a récemment reproché d'avoir dit que l'antisémitisme est résiduel en France. Sans rentrer dans le commentaire de texte, les mots qu'il a employés exactement sont "l'antisémitisme reste résiduel". "Reste" ; or il n'a jamais, à ma connaissance, nié l'Holocauste, donc le sens le plus probable de "résiduel" ici est bien "qui persiste de quelque chose en dépit de tentatives faites pour l'éliminer". Étant donné l'autre sens du mot et la malhonnêteté ambiante, il aurait dû choisir un autre mot, mais de là à utiliser cette phrase comme preuve d'un antisémitisme débridé... On sait tous de toute façon que le problème ici ce n'est pas un quelconque antisémitisme à gauche, mais le refus de LFI de soutenir à 100% le génocide qu'Israël mène contre les Palestiniens.
La vérité c'est que même les sorties les plus stupides de Mélenchon passeraient inaperçues dans la bouche d'une autre personnalité politique. Le problème ce n'est pas vraiment ce qu'il dit, ou comment il le dit, mais c'est qu'il est le chef de file du parti qui a le plus de chances d'ébranler la dictature de la bourgeoisie en France. S'il se retirait, la prochaine tête de liste serait accueillie exactement de la même manière.
Ni LFI ni Mélenchon lui-même ne sont parfaits, mais si l'on admet qu'ils sont généralement de bonne foi, pourquoi ne pas essayer de les pousser à mieux au lieu de tout condamner ? Ils ont déjà changé d'avis sur certains sujets, ils peuvent le faire encore. Il y a des différences entre le monde qu'ils dessinent et celui que je désire, mais ils ne sont pas si incompatibles qu'il faille tout balayer.
Bref, je n'aime pas trop parler de "grand homme politique" pour plein de raisons (ça a aucun sens, on y met tout et rien, etc.), mais on peut lui reconnaître qu'il n'a pas vacillé malgré un acharnement politique et médiatique de plus en plus intolérable, qu'il a redonné de l'espoir à une grande partie des électeurs de gauche qui ne croyaient plus (2012, j'étais loin d'être la seule, et après la catastrophe Hollande encore plus), et qu'il est vraiment très bon orateur.
#après si tu veux son parcours politique c'est grand admirateur de mitterrand au ps (😔) > alliance pcf (avant la saucisse roussel 😔) > lfi#il a beaucoup évolué sur plein de questions et dans l'ensemble pas en se droitisant comme le reste de ces clowns#donc ça aussi c'est un point positif pour moi#(il me semble qu'il est tjrs fan de mitterrand malheureusement mais bon. je choisis de pardonner ce méfait aujourd'hui)#je mets de côté l'extrême-gauche parce qu'ils ont jamais eu aucune chance aux élections+c'est mm pas leur but premier+leur programme est svt#pas assez concret pour que ça donne qqch immédiatement ou en tt cas pour qu'on puisse facilement imaginer sa mise en oeuvre#pr moi l'extrême-gauche c'est les idéaux et lfi c'est une marche vers ces idéaux. encore une fois c'est mon avis naïf lol#ça aide aussi que j'attende rien d'autre que le moins pire de la part des politiciens en ce qui concerne les femmes... :/#french side of tumblr#upthebaguette#mine
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Bon Soir ☎️ 🆕️ 🧸❤️
Louane 🎶 Pardonne-moi
#new music#louane#music video#pardonne moi#video clip#sentiments#clip music video#youtube#bon soir#fidjie fidjie
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Ça approche....
Plus la date fatidique approche plus je sens cette boule de tristesse se resserrer en moi, je dors moins, mange moins, rigole moins et sa présence me manque de plus en plus.
Je n'ai pas toujours eu une relation très proche avec ma mère, mais elle a toujours été présente quand j'en avais besoin et moi idiot que j'étais, je n'ai même pas été capable de lui dire à quel point je l'aimais et depuis bientôt deux ans ce sentiment de culpabilité vis à vis de ça me ronge de plus en plus.
Il y a déjà 13 ans cette même culpabilité m'a rongé mais là je sens que cela va m'achever tôt ou tard.
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Once there was a small town on the french coast, and in that town was a young lady. She had set up a date with a dashing young man and desperately wanted to impress him, so she started preparing the day before. She went to the tailor to pick up the dress she’d ordered and it was just perfect. Bien. She ensured her stockings had no runs, and checked them off her list, Bien. She picked out her favourite lingerie (just in case) and laid all her clothes out by her boudoir. Bien.
Then she called the restaurant to make sure her reservations were still held, and the host asked if she wanted them to specifically hold a patio table or an indoor one, since she hasn’t specified in the reservation. She politely asked for a patio table and hung up, only to realize in horror that all of her preparations had assumed the weather would be neither too cold nor too hot, nor wet nor dusty. Oh, merde. C’est tres mal. Her dress was too short for rain and her stockings were too thick for heat. Her lingerie was, well. It didn’t exactly breathe well, so she could end up with a puddle between her breasts from either sweat or rain. Then she was anxious - she could have to start all over with her preparations - so she called up her brother who lives by the beach, since the town’s weather came from that direction and he had a good view out over the ocean.
“Please,” she almost begs, “can you tell, is the weather going to be good or bad in town tomorrow?”
Her brother went to his window and looked out at the horizon thoughtfully. Finally, after a long pause, he replied, “Neither, bein’ normal sea.”
#bad linguistic puns#it's not even a pun really#neither bien nor mal sea#neither: being normalcy#idfk#I don't really do the whole joke thing much#je suis un anglophone#pardonne-moi s'il vous plait
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wasn't going to change the rating of NT to E until the smut scenes...but, yk...if anne's going to keep telling ppl to stop sucking dick.........maybe one should.........elevate the rating.....
#ahnfsdflsj#read more for blue#the only other thing coming up blue in nature#is actually ab and cromwell going over reports of monasteries together#she asks him what a specific latin phrase means and he's like uuuuuuuuuhm. i'd rather not say...#and she's like you will say.#and he answers and she's like...we're recording that?#pardonne-moi??
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liste des lectures favorites des rpgistes en 2024
je récapitule avec les titres qui ont été proposés en public et privé pour le moment, si quelqu'un veut en faire un challenge lecture 😌 merci encore à celleux qui ont envoyé leurs lectures favorites de 2024, c'est super !! (j'espère que c'est ok si je tag vos noms à côté, n'hésitez pas à me dire si vous préférez que je le retire évidemment ♡)
par ordre alphabétique
Akata Witch, book 3: Akata Woman, Nnedi Okorafor (suggéré par @dochasmillis-stuff)
All About Love, Bell Hooks (suggéré par @alexandra-lives-here)
À quoi rêvent les loups, Yasmina Khadra (suggéré par @thiphus)
Betty, Tiffany McDaniel (suggéré par soeurdelune)
Je pleure encore la beauté du monde, Charlotte McConaghy (suggéré par @soletear)
L'Énéide, Virgile (suggéré par @gareauxtrains)
La Dame en Blanc, W. Wilkie Collins (suggéré par @wickedwitches)
La Séquence Aardtman, Saul Pandelakis (suggéré par @gareauxtrains)
La Maison aux chiens, Caroline Husser (suggéré par @thiphus)
La Mort d'un frère, Olesya Khromeychuk (suggéré par @thiphus)
La Rage, Emilie Hemery (suggéré par @zaynsjm)
La version qui n'intéresse personne, Emmanuelle Pierrot (suggéré par @thiphus)
Le Fort intérieur et La Sorcière de l'île Moufle, Stella Benson (suggérés par @lisan-algaib)
Les Chroniques du Radch, Ann Leckie (suggéré par @wickedwitches)
Les ombres familières, Vincent Brault (suggéré par @barbe-noire-2)
Les raisins de la colère, John Steinbeck (suggéré par @thiphus)
Les tribulations d'Esther Parmentier, sorcière stagiaire, Maëlle Desard (suggéré par @crococookie)
Little Women, Louisa May Alcott (suggéré par @adeadpoetsociety)
Nous, Christelle Dabos (suggéré par @valhdia)
Nous rêvions juste de liberté, Henri Loevenbruck (suggéré par @zaynsjm)
Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen (suggéré par @gareauxtrains)
Piranesi, Susanna Clarke (suggéré par @brunswicked)
Pourquoi je suis comme ça, Jenny Jordhal (suggéré par @thiphus)
The Coven, Harper L. Woods (suggéré en privé)
The Starless Sea, Erin Morgenstern (suggéré par @sokosid-cc)
The Will of the Many, James Islington (suggéré par @ohdaylight)
Under the Whispering Door, TJ Klune (suggéré par @zaynsjm)
Us Dark Few et Us Deadly Few, Alexis Patton (suggérés par @hellska)
l'année s'achève doucement, c'est quoi le meilleur livre que vous avez lu en 2024?
#y en a qui ont triché#et qui ont mis plusieurs titres#mais je vous pardonne#moi aussi je saurais pas en choisir qu'un seul 😔#to read
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Un jour, une chanson : Faites de la musique ! Louane " Pardonne-moi " extrait de l'album " Sentiments " 2023
Louane – Cannes 2023 Louane Emera, née le 26 novembre 1996 à Hénin-Beaumont, est une chanteuse et actrice française. Elle s’est faite connaître en 2013 grâce à sa participation à l’émission The Voice, où elle atteint les quarts de finale. L’année suivante, elle décroche le rôle principal du film La Famille Bélier, dans lequel elle interprète le personnage de Paula, une adolescente sourde et…
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#Un jour#une chanson : Faites de la musique ! Louane " Pardonne-moi " extrait de l&039;album " Sentiments " 2023
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frederick ii may have been a racist fuckwad but goddamn if he didn't have a compelling love story
#michi.txt#'veuillez-pardoner mon cher. au nom de dieu pardonne-moi' vs. 'i die for you with joy in my heart'
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he is SO FINE
#il a commencé la guerre de cent ans ? c’est PAS GRAVE#moi je lui pardonne#parce que monseigneur est beau#que monseigneur est drôle#et que monseigneur est celui qui a le moins fait de coups bas#je dis pas qu’il a jamais fait deux trois saloperies#mais globalement il annonçait ce qu’il allait faire à pas mal de gens#robert d’artois forever les loulous#les rois maudits
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● YOUR SONG (SIDE A) #003 ★ ma vie pardonne moi by Nazim & @jacquesdor-poesie
Si les mots doux vous manquent, écrivez des lettres d'amour et postez-les à votre nom, à votre adresse. Ne vous privez pas d'y répondre ; il est important de s'aimer un peu.
jacques dor
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sweet talker | s.r.
in which french!reader gets caught using a special nickname for a particular genius
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: fluff content warnings: french. guys i don't speak french. bad french. bad flirting. but wholesome content all around. word count: 639 a/n: i do not speak french but this was a request and i live to serve the people of tumblr. if this offends the french i think that's just a risk i have to take.
Something about it felt like home. Not necessarily like the bullpen compared in the slightest to where you grew up, but the hustle and bustle of the BAU, while they were in the depths of a case, had the same feeling of a home.
As you rushed around the floor, placing files on desks and picking old ones up as you went, dropping soft thank you’s to the people in the office rounding the corner of Morgan’s desk, scooping his files from his desk and placing them in your own collection, “Merci, mon chou,” you thanked quickly.
Your co-worker smiled in response, “Anything for you, sweet talker,” he said, leaning back in his desk chair.
Scoffing, you shook your head. To Derek Morgan, anything said in French counted as sweet talking.
Balancing all of the files against your hip, you prepared to pick up the stack of papers on Spencer’s desk, but he stood up and gathered them in his own arms, “I’ll get them,” he offered. Although, it wasn’t much of an offer, seeing as he was already carrying his files.
It would be worse if you were to attempt to carry all of the files on your lonesome, so you decided to follow his lead to the file room.
Spencer was somewhat of a guiding light for you in the BAU. You considered yourself lucky to have been placed with a team that had two members who spoke French, which came in handy when you forgot certain English words, Emily and Spencer were usually there to save you.
Setting your files down on the spare table in the room, you started to organize them by which cabinet they went in as Spencer went ahead and returned his folders based on memory. “Do you think Morgan knows what you’re saying when you speak to him in French?”
Chuckling, you shook your head, “Non, mon cœur,” the words easily slipped out of your mouth. “I think Derek gave up on comprehending me the first week I joined the team,” you responded, checking the front and back of a file to make sure you were sorting it into the correct drawer.
“Yeah,” he agreed, “His English-to-French dictionary sits pretty untouched.” No one was of the mindset that you shouldn’t speak French at work, and you didn’t ask them to learn for you. Besides, work allowed you to strengthen your English skills.
Frowning at the same folder, you held the folder out to Spencer, “Do you know where this one goes?”
Accepting the folder from you, Spencer flipped through the first couple of pages before deftly slipping it into a drawer, “Sometimes I wish I could just know where things were, I’d never lose my car keys again.”
Spencer hummed in response, “I wish I spoke French like you.”
“Oh,” you said, “I think you speak French very well.”
Sliding another drawer shut, Spencer stepped over to a new one a few feet closer to you, “Thank you, but if I ever go to France, I’m taking you with me.”
You smiled to yourself at his proclamation, biting your tongue as the door swung open and Emily stepped in, “Hey, do you have that file on the Montana killer? I need it back.”
Spinning on your heel, you looked around for it, only to realize that it had already been put away, “Sorry,” you said, forgetting your proximity to Spencer as you stepped to the side.
He closed his drawer, “Pardonne moi, mon ange,” he said, grabbing a folder from your pile on the table and slipping out of the file room, “I still need this one.”
With Emily’s folder in your hand, you turned to look at your shell-shocked co-worker, “Did he...? And you two...?”
Thrusting the file in her direction, you looked at her with equally wide eyes, “Tais-toi.”
#criminal minds#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds fanfic#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid fluff#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds fluff#spencer reid x you#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fic#criminal minds fic#spencer reid x fem!reader#written by margot
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okay okay, pardonne moi, I am currently rewatching umbara for fic writing purposes and I have a lot of other things to say but the first thing is highly inappropriate and only funny if you have mental health issues BUT YOU KNOW WHAT WE WERE ROBBED OF???
When the clones first turn on Krell and he jumps out the tower? The clones down there attack him, but Rex and some others are still in the tower. THAT ELEVATOR RIDE??? I WANNA FUCKING SEE THAT ELEVATOR RIDE DOWN. GIVE ME HARDCORE ACTION INTERRUPTED BY *robotic voice* “you are on the top floor” “you have selected bottom floor” *generic elevator music that lasts way to fucking long* “you are at the bottom flo—“ and then it cuts off because Fives shot the sound system
#pls someone find this funny also#I know it’s not what I’m supposed to be thinking of while watching this but Jesus Christ it’s so fucking funny#captain rex#arc trooper fives#umbara arc#darkness on umbara#star wars#the clone wars#clone wars#clones#General Krell#pong krell
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.。*♡ Day two: Rook scaring his darling.
.。*♡ A/n: Any and all excuses that let me write for Rook, I'm happy. He is my silly little guy with his silly ways 🥺
The phone rang, shattering the serene silence of your room. You glanced at the clock, your eyes tired and strained from the intense focus on your alchemy homework. It was 10:30 PM and pretty chilly, as you took to wrap yourself on your warm covers while studying. You ignored the first ring, your head already aching from the complexities of your studies.
Like... Why is alchemy so hard? And why you have to learn this? And why you need to know this?
The phone rang again, persistent and noisy. Your annoyance grew with each shrill ring, breaking your concentration at each passing second. You just wanted to get done with this and then to sleep. Finally, you picked up the phone, noticing the caller ID was from an unknown number. Usually you wouldn't answer.
But you were exasperated and tired. "Hello?"
A raspy, menacing voice replied, "Oh my, you finally answered. I hope you're enjoying your quiet night?"
Your heart skipped a beat, unsure. For a second you though you were dreaming but quickly discarded this when you blinked, drowsiness still present on your eyelids. "Uh… who is this?"
"That's not important," The voice hummed softly, a little laugh escaping his throat. You strained your ears, trying to hear something, anything at all as you let your notebook and pens at your table, rubbing your eyes slowly. "What is important is that I have been watching you for the last few hours. Your face is so cute when you don't understand a simple concept. Don't know what those ingredients are used to? I could help you with it."
Your mind raced, trying to place the voice. It was familiar, yet distorted with a sinister edge to it. "What do you want?"
A low chuckle came from the other end. "Oh, it's not what I want but what you fear. Do you remember leaving your window slightly open last night?"
You stiffened, recalling the slight breeze that roused you in the middle of the night, thinking nothing of it at the time. "How do you know that?"
"Let's just say I have my ways," The voice continued, dripping with malice. "You should be more careful, mon lapin. There are dangerous people out there, and they might want to pay you a visit."
A cold sweat broke out on your forehead, your heart pounding as you fiddled with your pen. "If you're trying to scare me, it's working. But you won't get away with this."
"Oh, but I already have," The voice taunted. You could almost feel his smile through the phone. "Look behind you, mon amour."
Fear paralyzed you, your breath hitching as you slowly turned around, expecting the worst. You were ready to strike whoever was behind you with your pen. But there was no one there. Just your room, exactly as it had been for the last few hours. You exhaled a shaky breath.
You rethink everything for a second, massaging your temple as you placed the phone back to your ear. "Ha ha, very funny, Rook. Only you throw around some french words"
Of course this was a prank, you thought bitterly.
Then the voice on the phone burst into laughter —familiar, musical laughter. Your fear turned into exhaustion. And the laughter continued for a moment before the voice softened, becoming the one you knew so well.
"Ah, mon trésor, you should have seen your face! You were so brave, so deliciously frightened. Pardonne-moi." Rook's breath hitched. He sounds like he was running or climbing something. You'd rather not know.
You stared at your shaky hands, your heart still racing. You wondered why you still loved him, then his smile, blushy face came to your mind. You sighed, you loved him, that's why you put up with his antics. "One of these days, your pranks are going to give me a heart attack."
"Forgive me, my love," Rook said, half chuckling half meaning his words. "But you must admit, life with me is never dull," His voice was full of warmth and affection.
You shook your head, a reluctant smile tugging at your lips. "Yes, Rook. Life with you is definitely never dull. Just… next time, maybe choose a prank that doesn't involve scaring me half to death?"
"Ah, mon ange, I will consider it," He promised, though you could hear the playful tone still lingering. "But I cannot make any guarantees. After all, where is the fun without a little thrill?"
You rolled your eyes, feeling your heartbeat finally returning to normal. "Alright, alright. Just get over here, you mischievous hunter. I think you owe me a relaxing evening after that scare."
"I'm already here, my love," Rook purred. Then you saw; he was climbing through your window, still wearing his vampire costume, little red details clinging to his face and lips. His face blushy and a trickle of sweat running through his temple. "And as a token of my apology I brought you something sweet to soothe your nerves."
"Oh! That sounds perfect," You replied, locking your eyes with his. "Won't you share those sweets while we cuddle, mister Hunt?"
"As you wish, mon trésor."
Hanging up the phone, you couldn't help but shake your head again, a fond smile playing on your lips. Life with Rook was certainly unpredictable, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
#twisted wonderland#yandere twisted wonderland#yandere rook#yandere rook hunt#yandere rook x mc#yandere rook x yuu#yandere rook x reader#yandere rook hunt x mc#yandere rook hunt x yuu#yandere rook hunt x reader#twst rook x reader#rook hunt#rook x reader#rook x yuu#rook x mc#rook x you#rook hunt x reader#rook hunt x mc#rook hunt x yuu#tw yandere#male yandere
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