#pagan meditation
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jpblom · 2 months ago
Shamanic Journey To Valheim & Meet Freya
Experience FREYA Like Never Before in This Shamanic Journey To Valheim Join us on a shamanic journey to Valheim and experience the power of Freya like never before. This immersive experience will transport you to the world of Norse mythology and connect you with the goddess Freya in a whole new way. You can also follow This Freya Meditation on Spotify:…
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lancsgreenwitch · 3 months ago
Rekindle Your Spirit: A Powerful Winter Solstice Meditation for Renewal
The Winter Solstice marks a time of profound transformation, symbolising the return of light and the deep stillness of winter. As the longest night of the year, it invites us to pause, reflect, and embrace the quiet energy of the season. This meditation will guide you in releasing what no longer serves you and welcoming new intentions as we celebrate the rebirth of the sun. Purpose of the…
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vivid-asphodelia · 5 months ago
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/// English below \\\
Le dessin est une porte d'entrée. Ou un plongeon, un tempo qui se met au diapason. Vers l'union avec le monde. Dissoudre les frontières, les limites entre le soi et l'autre, le dedans et le dehors, le corps et l'esprit. Suivre la ligne et entrer dans la forme. Par le visible, s'immerger, être immergé dans l'invisible. Ne faire plus qu'un, défaire le surplus, taire les pensées. S'auréoler du silence sacré par la pointe qui trace, se parer du vide bienfaisant et fécond qui étoilent nos contours, terreau d'étincelles muettes qui prospèrent ; creux de l'espace, entre-deux dépouillé des parasites de la pensée consciente.
Dessiner est cheminer, avancée vers l'Être vers le cœur battant et secret de l'âme du monde, ou même le temps s'abolit ou les barreaux tombent et se fracassent, ou tout se condense et s'intensifie.
Drawing is a gateway. Or a plunge, a tempo in tune. Towards union with the world. Dissolve the boundaries, the limits between self and other, inside and outside, body and mind. Follow the line and enter the form. Immerse yourself in the visible, be immersed in the invisible. Becoming one, undoing excess, silencing thoughts. The halo of sacred silence through the point that traces, adorned with the beneficial and fertile void that stars our contours, a breeding ground for silent sparks that thrive; the hollow of space, in-between, stripped of the parasites of conscious thought.
Drawing is a journey, an advance towards Being, towards the beating, secret heart of the world's soul, where even time abolishes itself, or bars fall and shatter, or everything condenses and intensifies.
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wolfhoundwitch · 6 months ago
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Introduction to Shielding
If you haven’t already, check out my lessons on visualisation for the basic knowledge you’ll need to begin practicing shielding.
So what is shielding?
Shielding is a manipulation of energy, used to create a barrier between yourself and unwanted, usually negative or malicious energies. It’s a basic aspect of spellwork that everyone, beginner or experienced, should use to keep themselves safe.
What can I use shielding for?
Some beginner-level uses for shielding are drawing a circle, or casting a spell. A more experienced individual might use shielding in astral travel or spirit work, where there are a lot more malicious energies involved. Personally, I use shielding as often as possible, for instance when I do tarot readings, spells, spirit work, shadow work, and especially cursing. It gives that extra guarantee that you won't flood your personal space with unwanted energies.
Other uses include shielding against real-life dangers, to a certain degree. I often shield when I am walking through town at night for extra protection. But please remember to take other measures too! Call someone, pretend to be on the phone, plan your route, and even carry pepper spray if it's legal where you are.
An easy shielding method:
The easiest way to explain this is to think of your energy as a physical manifestation. Think how power attacks are shown in anime or cartoons - a streak of colour or light, or an element. Make it personable to you: fire signs (Leo/Aries/Sagittarius) might visualise fire, or a red energy or light etc.
Firstly, some people prefer to cleanse before shielding. I don't think its all that necessary but the choice is yours.
Begin by easing yourself into meditation. Get comfortable, and use whichever technique works for you. I have various methods for this in my visualisation lessons if you are struggling.
Attempt to visualise the energies surrounding you in your mind. It might be a swirling colour of light, almost like a cloud of dust. It could be flames, it could be water. Maybe try to see it held within your hand.
Now, attempt to shape this energy around your entire body. You might want to start with a bubble or a cube surrounding you. Feel this shape surrounding and protecting you. Visualise negative and unwanted energies being held back by it.
You can also layer shields, so if you are working with a particularly malicious energy you might want to have multiple shapes surrounding you, all within each other. You can also work with deities or spirits to ask them to shield you too.
Shielding Incantation
When I am shielding, I recite a spell as well as using visualisation techniques.
The shield of protection, I carry it strong, No ill wishes or trouble shall come along, You cannot harm me, or weaken my soul, My light is my weapon, and peace is my goal.
Try it out for yourself and let me know in the comments how it went! Thank you as always for reading. Please message for requests.
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rue-with-the-tarot · 7 months ago
Pagan syncretism is the best. I love being able to worship whomever, whenever. I love being able to study occultism from around the world and put together a practice that is so unique and special to me. I love being able to worship gods from ancient societies like Greece. I love the even more ancient gods from Egypt. And we can go back further and revive the gods from Sumer! I love honoring spirits of the sun, and moon, of death, and love. I love being playful with the faeries, soaring with dragons, and meditating with bodhisattvas. If it is open to me, I am willing to learn and boy has it enriched my life tenfold! I don’t ever want to stop!
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creature-wizard · 7 months ago
Meditation doesn't actually connect you with nature or the cosmos or humanity or literally anything at all. You're just developing a parasocial relationship with it. You have to actually observe and engage.
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bitter-bats-cult-of-the-moon · 11 months ago
Clair-senses & Exercises
Clairvoyance: The ability to see the not so ordinary. Your intuition speaks directly to you in the form of sight. Images form in your mind or interpret information through pictures.
Clairaudience: The ability to hear or interpret information from spirits. Clairaudience is a way of receiving intuitive messages without using your physical ears but rather hearing messages within your mind.
Clairsentiency: The ability to sense the presence or absence of spiritual beings and feel energies.
Clairempathy / Psychic Empathy: The ability to feel another’s feelings as their own. This is different from regular empathy, which is the ability to identify with another’s feelings.
Claircognizance: The ability to just know things out of nowhere. It can tie into Precognition.
Precognition: The ability to know something is going to happen before it does, premonitions.
Clairtangency: The ability to assess metaphysical properties through touch.
Clairalience: The ability to perceive metaphysical smells.
Clairgustance: The ability to perceive the metaphysical through taste.
Artistic and Divine Inspiration: The Poets have given many names to the unprompted artistic impulses found in creatives. The Norse concept for this is oðr. The Welsh and Celtic concept for this is Awen. This is the act of receiving metaphysical or divine information through artistic impulses.
Exercises to Improve Your Clairvoyance Skills
Exercise 1
Sit quietly with your eyes open.
Focus on a still object in front of you.
In your mind, take note of the objects and furniture around you.
If you see shadows, sparks, or movement, keep focused on the item in front of you.
Sit for as long as you feel comfortable.
Make notes on what you saw and felt.
Exercise 2
Sit with your eyes closed.
Clear your mind and thoughts.
Once you feel your thoughts leave you after a comfortable amount of time, focus on your eyelids and that black canvas it is.
Imagine that blank canvas and focus your intentions while keeping an open mind.
Allow whatever images that come to mind to play out. Don’t try to make sense of it.
Document findings in a journal. 
Exercises to Improve Your Clairaudience Skills
Exercise 1
Go to a place where you are most comfortable.
Close your eyes, relax your body, and let hearing be your dominant sense.
Gently tune in to sounds that you don’t normally focus on.
Really pay attention to the layers of sounds and identify what each one is.
Document your findings in a journal or record yourself.
Exercise 2
Sit with your eyes closed.
Clear your mind and thoughts.
Once you feel your thoughts leave, focus on your eyelids and that black canvas it is.
Focus on the sounds around you and slowly try to tune them out.
Imagine an old radio with a frequency dial. Turn the dial through each station.
With an open mind take notice to any sounds chiming through. It’s okay if you hear nothing. Keep moving through each station. You won’t run out of them.
Put your intentions into each turn of the dial taking note of any sound. 
Document your findings in a journal.
Exercises to Improve Your Clairsentiency Skills
Exercise 1
Get more familiar with your energies by touching how your hands, feet, eyes, etcetera feel.
Learn how the environment feels around you rather it be the city or rural areas.
Learn how animals and plants feel from one to the next. Not everything is the same. Become aware of that. Every plant has its own pattern past the base patterns. Every animal has different markings apart from the next. Identify those traits.
Once that is learnt and recognized. Learn to feel the airs around you in different regions if one is able to do so.
Exercise 2
Visit different haunted facilities observing all the key details.
Take note of the atmosphere. How does it feel?
Take note of the emotions you feel during a tour.
Take note of the temperatures surrounding you.
Take note of any odd experiences and the people with you.
Exercise 3
Meditate with a specific spirit.
Take in the surroundings before starting.
Consider your moods beforehand. Noting them down.
Focus on the intentions for communication.
How do you feel during the meditation? What about after?
Did anything in the environment change?
Did temperatures in the environment change?
Did you feel hot or cold?
Did you feel any movements outside yourself?
Document your findings.
Exercise to Improve Your Clairempathy Skills
Ask someone you know to show you a picture of somebody they know very well, but you’ve never met at all.
Look at the picture and feel into it by observing all aspects. Focus on how this person was feeling when the picture was taken.
Ask yourself what kind of person this individual is.
Share your findings with your friend.
Now, ask your friend for feedback. How correct were you? Repeat this exercise as many times as you want with different people. Remember to keep a journal for any findings.
Exercises to Improve Your Claircognizance Skills
Exercise 1
Grab a pen and pull out your notebook. Before you start writing, ask yourself a question. What guidance do I need today? How can I find a resolution with a problem? How can I be helpful today?
Then set a timer for five to twenty minutes and write whatever comes to you. Don’t edit yourself. Express yourself fully and write whatever comes to you.
The more you do this exercise, the easier it will be.
Exercise 2
Meditate before bed falling asleep to a method of relaxation.
Clear your mind during this meditation pushing away any internal thoughts.
Focus your intention on an open mind and dreams. 
If a dream begins let it play out.
Upon waking write down your findings. Keep a dream journal taking note of anything that happens later in this world.
Compare and contrast experiences in this world versus your dreams.
Exercise 3
When topics are being discussed among individuals take note of things you know but have not studied or read about or heard about from any other source.
Document any experiences keeping notes on things if any. 
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grimoirey · 3 months ago
✨ The Clairs ✨
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Main Types of Clairs
(Clear Seeing)
The ability to perceive visual information beyond the physical senses. This can include seeing images, colors, symbols, or even visions of future events.
Visualization Exercises
Sit quietly, close your eyes, and visualize objects, scenes, or colors in your mind’s eye. Practice daily with simple images and gradually move to more complex visuals to strengthen your “inner sight.” Meditation on the third eye (between the eyebrows) can also help.
(Clear Hearing)
The ability to hear sounds or voices that aren’t audible to others, often experienced as inner guidance, hearing someone’s thoughts, or messages from spirits or guides.
Sound Awareness Meditation
Focus on ambient sounds around you, then shift to imagining sounds or inner voices in your mind. Practice discerning subtle sounds in your environment and try listening to soft, repetitive sounds like a ticking clock, letting them guide you inward to hear more subtle messages.
(Clear Feeling)
A heightened sense of feeling, where someone can intuitively sense emotions, physical sensations, or energies of others or places. This includes physical sensations that convey information.
Body Scanning and Emotion Sensing
Practice a body scan by closing your eyes and paying attention to sensations in each body part. Then, imagine yourself in various environments and “tune in” to sense the emotions associated with each. Journaling afterward can help you interpret the emotions and sensations you pick up.
(Clear Knowing)
A strong inner knowledge or “gut feeling” without any logical explanation. People with this gift receive sudden insights or knowledge about a person, place, or event.
Intuitive Journaling
Start with a question and free-write the answers that come to mind without filtering them. Over time, this practice can reveal patterns and strengthen your intuitive knowing. Meditation can also help you recognize the feeling of knowing distinct from thought.
(Clear Smelling)
The ability to smell scents that don’t have a physical source nearby, like smelling someone’s perfume after they've passed on or a certain aroma associated with a place or memory.
Scent Memory Practice
Smell different essential oils or spices, then close your eyes and try to recall the scent without it being present. Gradually, this can enhance your ability to “smell” or recall scents intuitively, which may help with connecting to people or memories associated with those smells.
(Clear Tasting)
The ability to taste something without it being present, often linked to memories or associations that provide information about someone or something.
Taste Meditation
Focus on tasting different foods mindfully, paying attention to each layer of flavor. Then, try to “imagine” the taste of different foods without eating them, as this practice can enhance your ability to pick up tastes associated with people or memories.
(Clear Touching or Psychometry)
The ability to receive information by touching an object, which can hold energy or memories of people or events connected to it.
Object Reading Practice
Hold an object that belongs to someone and tune into any feelings, images, or thoughts that arise. Let your impressions flow without judgment. Practicing with a variety of objects can help refine your ability to pick up on energies connected to them.
Other Types of Clairs
(Clear Emotion)
Similar to clairsentience but focused on emotions. People with this ability feel the emotions of others deeply, often as if they were their own, and may intuitively understand others’ emotional states without verbal communication.
Emotion Meditation and Energy Shielding
Practice by focusing on your own emotions and then imagine how others may feel in certain situations. To avoid emotional overwhelm, also practice grounding and shielding by visualizing yourself surrounded by protective light.
(Clear Movement Awareness)
The ability to feel or sense physical movement that hasn’t occurred yet or even movement on an energetic level, such as shifts in someone’s energy field.
Body Awareness Exercises
Practice sensing subtle movements, such as the feeling of a breeze or the shift of your own muscles. You can also try gentle tai chi or qi gong movements to help you become more sensitive to the flow of energy and movement.
(Clear Inspiration/Creativity)
The sense of receiving creative ideas, such as art, music, writing, or inventions, seemingly from beyond one's own conscious mind. Many artists, writers, and musicians describe a feeling of “receiving” their work from an outside source.
Open-Ended Creative Meditation
Sit quietly with an open mind, asking for inspiration or guidance on a question. Remain in a relaxed, open state, and note any ideas that “pop up.” Regular meditation or creative flow exercises, such as drawing without a plan, can encourage inspiration.
(Clear Presence Awareness)
The ability to sense the presence of a spirit, entity, or energy without necessarily seeing or hearing it. People often describe this as the feeling of “not being alone” or of a particular being nearby.
Awareness Meditation for Presence Sensing
Practice meditating in silence, attuning to the feeling of your environment. Occasionally pause to sense if there is a “shift” in the atmosphere, such as a feeling of warmth or cold. This helps you discern subtle presences.
(Clear Universal Knowledge)
This refers to a sense of connection with universal or cosmic knowledge, as if receiving insights about humanity, existence, or spiritual truths. It’s often described as a sudden deep understanding of complex, spiritual, or existential concepts.
Contemplative Meditation
Spend time in contemplation of big questions about life, the universe, or spiritual concepts. Keep an open mind and let insights come naturally. Journaling after meditation can help you capture sudden insights or “downloads” related to universal knowledge.
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lilitdraws · 1 year ago
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David Garland (1987 - 2015). Photo of reflected sunlight.
Instagram: @ davidgarlandmakes
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astra-ravana · 9 days ago
Automatic Writing
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Automatic writing is a form of divination, taking words from the subconscious mind, and translating them onto paper. It is not just a form of divination, but a common method of receiving messages from spirits and other entities. From this it gets its other name: 'spirit writing'. When you do this you are effectively asking a spirit to possess your hand in order to communicate. In the practice of spiritualism spirits are said to take control of the hand to write messages, draw pictures and symbols, write letters, or even entire books.
Many will point out how similar automatic writing is to a talking (ouija) board. It is quite similar in the sense of using spelled-out messages as a means of communication. If you plan to contact entities have protections in place and do a cleansing, just as you would for a talking board session. Anything you call on, you must be prepared to banish.
Automatic writing is typically done on paper with pencil/pen/crayon/paint/etc. But, some people do actually use the notes application on their phone or a laptop keyboard as their medium. There are different ways to practice automatic writing, but they are all capable of achieving results.
Automatic Writing With Spirits
• It shouldn't matter what you're writing on, it could be a designated journal, notebook, or copy paper, or on the ground with chalk. Just make sure spirit has enough room.
• You should practice a fair amount of meditation before hand and be capable of entering a 'trance state' to allow spirit to clearly communicate.
• When you reach a trance state let the spirit know they are welcome to use your hand to write. Don't focus on what the spirit is writing or the letters your hand is shaping, concentrate instead on the meditation and your connection to spirit.
• When you are satisfied that they got their message through, open your eyes and scan the paper for letters, words, symbols, images, etc.
Automatic Writing Divination
• Meditate on what you want to know for a few minutes and then begin your writing. You may also keep your eyes open and jot down any words that come to mind immediately.
• You may cross out anything that doesn't make sense to decipher a clearer message.
It's important to remember that automatic writing gets clearer with practice. Your first several tries may yield little to no results. Patience will pay off and it can become a reliable form of divination and spirit communication and is a powerful addition to any craft.
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For those of us in the US, the current election results are incredibly stressful. For those of us who are pagans, especially of the pop-culture variety, these results are likely disappointing, disgusting, and terrifying.
Many of us are neurodivergent, queer, or both. We are other. We are likely in danger. Grieve, be angry, whatever you need. Reach out for help if you need support. All of you are loved. Every single one. Once you have felt your feelings, try to turn back to hope and fighting like hell to keep yourselves safe and change this mess we’re in.
The goddesses are with you, loving you, holding you close. Trust them to heal your heart and grant you stability in these trying times.
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Art by @estmorzel on Twitter
May the Goddess Smile Upon You
-Florian Knight
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harvest-of-the-present · 3 months ago
that Dionysus who shows calmness and a serious expression on the outside while carrying the most fierce will to change things and take the action necessary in the inside
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vivid-asphodelia · 1 year ago
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\\English Below//
La nuit déborde sur le jour. La lumière boit l'obscur et s'étiole, et frémit. Réconfort, repos, gestation. Les ombres se repaissent, grandissent et disloquent la certitude, les pensées ternes, les émotions faciles. Elles révèlent les combats, la guerre en soi, les déchirements de nos multiples voix, de nos passés, présents et futurs entremêlés, de nos léthargies innées, de nos soumissions choisies.
La nuit déborde sur le jour. Et il n'y a rien à vaincre, il n'y a rien à gagner. La lumière n'est pas le but, mais seulement un appui, ou un rêve illusoire, tout dépend ce que l'on y met. La clarté se rend et vaincue, et défaite, et presque éteinte. Il n'y a qu'ainsi qu'elle peut jaillir et devenir flamme. Flamme choyée par les ténèbres, aimée, nourrit, dans le berceau de la nuit.
La nuit déborde sur le jour. Le point de jonction, le moment où l'un commence et où l'autre finit, si indistincts que l'un et l'autre se fondent, se perdent, prennent les apparences et les facultés de l'autre. Voir au-delà. Entendre les frémissements, la communauté pérenne des sans-corps à l'énergie virevoltante. Certains hurlent un grand silence, d'autres murmures des cris qui font déborder les rivières ou souffler la flamme taciturne des comètes.
La nuit enclot le jour, et à genoux le jour survit. Avant que la braise ne rougeoie à nouveau.
Photo de Justin Chavanelle sur Unsplash
Night overflows into day. The light drinks up the darkness and withers, and shudders. Comfort, rest, gestation. The shadows feed, grow and dislocate certainty, dull thoughts and easy emotions. They reveal the battles, the war within, the tearing apart of our many voices, our intertwined pasts, presents and futures, our innate lethargies, our chosen submissions.
Night overflows into day. And there is nothing to conquer, nothing to gain. Light is not the goal, but only a support, or an illusory dream, depending on what you put into it. Light is defeated and defeated and almost extinguished. Only in this way can it burst forth and become flame. A flame pampered by darkness, loved and nurtured in the cradle of night.
Night overflows into day. The point of junction, the moment when one begins and the other ends, so indistinct that one and the other merge, are lost, take on the appearances and faculties of the other. Seeing beyond. To hear the tremors, the perennial community of bodiless people with twirling energy. Some howl a great silence, others murmur cries that make rivers overflow or blow the taciturn flame of comets.
Night engulfs day, and on its knees day survives. Before the embers glow red again.
Photo of Justin Chavanelle on Unsplash
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thejournallo · 8 months ago
Explain the basic: Offerings
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
Offering to deities and entities in general is a practice found in many cultures and religions around the world. Every deity or entity that you make an offering for has its own symbol. For example, Apollo is the god of the sun; music, art, and poetry; writing something or singing for him can be offerings. 
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There are many religions that take on the act of offering as a sign of respect and devotion to that specific religion. Here are some examples:
Hinduism: Offerings (puja) often include fruits, flowers, incense, and food, placed before images of deities in temples or home altars.
Buddhism: Offerings may include candles, incense, flowers, and food, placed before statues of the Buddha and bodhisattvas.
Christianity: Candles, bread, and wine are common offerings, especially in the context of the Eucharist.
Shinto: Offerings of rice, sake, and other food items are made at shrines to honor kami (spirits or gods).
Paganism and Wicca: Offerings might include seasonal fruits, flowers, wine, and personal tokens, placed on altars dedicated to specific deities or nature spirits.
All these religions have common practices that we can see and see over time; all of those are not rules but more something you can do or not do. (Especially because no one has the same opportunities.)
Altars: A dedicated space where offerings are made. This can be a simple shelf at home or an elaborate structure in a temple.
Purity: Many traditions emphasize the importance of purity in the offerings, meaning they should be clean and handled with respect.
Timing: Offerings are often made at specific times, such as during festivals, holy days, or particular phases of the moon.
Intention: The mindset and intention behind the offering are crucial. It should be given with respect, devotion, and a pure heart.
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These offerings can take various forms, each carrying its own significance and purpose. Here's an overview of the different types of offerings and the common practices associated with them:
Types of Offerings
Food and Drink:
Fruits, grains, and vegetables: Often used in offerings to symbolize abundance and gratitude.
Cooked meals: Specific dishes that are favored by the deity or entity.
Drinks: This can include water, wine, milk, or other beverages. In some traditions, alcoholic drinks like mead or sake are common.
Sweets and desserts: Cakes, candies, or other sweet treats, especially those that are traditional or culturally significant.
Flowers and Plants:
Fresh flowers: Often chosen for their beauty and fragrance. Certain flowers are associated with specific deities.
Herbs:: Sacred or medicinal herbs may be offered for their symbolic properties.
Incense and Aromatics:
incense: Burned to create a fragrant smoke that is believed to please the deities.
Essential oils: Used for anointing or in diffusers to create a sacred atmosphere.
Candles and Lights:
Candles: Lit to symbolize light, purity, and the presence of the divine.
Oil lamps: Used in many traditions, often with ghee or olive oil.
Objects and Symbols:
Statues or images: Placed on altars as representations of the deity or entity.
Jewelry or precious items: Offered as a sign of respect and devotion.
Money and Valuables:
Coins or currency: Offered in temples or shrines, sometimes used to support the upkeep of the place of worship.
Jewelry or precious items: Given as a form of sacrifice or in seeking favor.
Actions and Devotions:
Prayers and chants: Recited to honor the deity or entity.
Songs and music: Played or sung as a form of praise.
Dance: Performed in some cultures as an offering of movement and energy.
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Offering to deities and entities is a deeply personal and culturally rich practice. It serves as a way to connect with the divine, show gratitude, seek blessings, and maintain a reciprocal relationship with the spiritual world. The specific items and practices may vary, but the underlying principles of respect, devotion, and intention remain consistent across different traditions.
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wolfhoundwitch · 6 months ago
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Reupload from my old account but with some changes! I was @fangwitch before.
Part two here.
Visualisation is incredibly useful in witchcraft as it is the base of energy work. From this, you can do all kinds of practices.
You can use visualisation as a tool for meditation, astral travel, and wider spellwork such as sending energy into objects among other things.
So, how do I start?
Here’s a few basic exercises for you to practice. They're very simple and many of you will probably be able to pick it up easily if you’ve already done visualisation techniques!
Exercise One
1.  If you're new to visualisation, you’ll need a quiet area where you’ll be comfortable. Even lying in bed and putting white noise in your headphones works. Get rid of all distractions, put your phone on silent if you can.
2.  Close your eyes, and imagine a mountain. It's important to remember that not everyone is capable of picturing an exact image in their head - some people only conjure the idea of a mountain or a blurry image instead. Don't get frustrated with yourself, these techniques can be built on over time but should still be personalised to your abilities
3. Allow any passing thoughts to float by like clouds, inconsequential to the strength of your mountain. Breathe slow and deep as they pass you by. Bring your focus back to the mountain each time your mind drifts away.
4. You can use this technique as a way to ease yourself into practicing regular meditation too. Try it for five minutes a day, and you can even expand on what the mountain looks like, what animals might be there, and what it sounds and smells like, in time.
Exercise Two
1. Begin again by getting comfortable somewhere quiet and without distractions. Take some slow, deep breaths and close your eyes.
2. Imagine an apple, any old apple. Slowly, focus in on the details. Does it have leaves, more than one colour? Consider each tiny detail of the apple you’ve created.
3. Next, imagine a knife. Consider the size, the weight of the handle and what kind of metal it might be made of. Once you have an understanding of the details of your knife, take it and cut the apple in half. Focus on the detail inside:  the colour, how many seeds there are etc. The more detail, the better.
4. Now, use your senses. What does the apple feel like, smell like? Bite into it and taste it. You’re using visualisation to not only see the apple but understand everything about it, how it interacts with the world around it.
5. With regular practice, you should be able to visualise and interact with objects in your mind. Practice often with anything you like.
Thank you for reading. I am trying to write regular lessons again, so please reply or message with any witchy info you would be interested in learning!
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etherealtrashrat · 7 months ago
Please adhd I just wanna meditate please just let me sit with no thoughts in my brain for more than 2 seconds I want to connect with deities and myself and the world please just let me hear it all without my brain please
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