#binding spells
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hiddenhearthwitch · 9 months ago
Keep My Name Out Of Your Fucking Mouth ~ Binding curse
Howdy y'all! I was dealing with some bullshit that I would rather not deal with but a las, here I am. Anyways, did a little thing and thought I'd share for anyone who has to work with absolute vain, dumb pieces of shit like me. Please excuse how cringe the writing is, I really let my 13 year old emo me run wild with this but it felt fantastic to cast. As always, when cursing and hexing please make sure you stay safe. Ground yourself before hand, cleanse yourself after, don't damage yourself just to get one over on someone else. Happy casting.
your rage
a black candle(ideally taper but a tealight or whatever will do just fine)
twine(so they feel like they're suffocating)
a sharp utensil or needle to carve said candle
Carve the target's name into the black taper candle with the needle . Put a circle around their name and a giant X over the circle. This is to symbolize a bound mouth.
Wrap the candle with twine, visualizing the person being bound and silenced. Please practice fire safety. DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED. Keep in a safe dish or simply opt out of the twine if you know you don't want to sit there the whole time.
Light the black taper and say the incantation below. Let the candle burn down completely or fully past the engraving, focusing on your intent throughout the process.
Dispose of any left over remnants in a way that suits you. Throw it in the trash, a curse box, your jobs dumpster, just be eco-friendly please.
"May your lies and slander turn to dust,
In your mouth, words of me shall rust.
When you speak, the twine constrains,
Your words of me, bound in chains.
Feel the pressure, feel the strain,
Each attempt will be in vain.
By this candle, black as pitch,
Your mouth shall twitch, your tongue shall stitch.
Silence now, hold your breath,
Speak of me and feel my wrath.
This spell I weave, this curse I cast,
Keep my name out of your fucking mouth,
And let this silence last."
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harvestmoss · 2 months ago
Beginner Witch Tips
Where does one even start? Well, there's hundreds of lovely people both on Tumblr and other blog spaces, as well as wonderful beginner books and online resources out there that love to help. This is just one of many other witches takes on what a beginner witch may want to start researching and do, and some extra bits.
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Before Magic:
What is magic to you? - You can't start performing magic until you learn how magic functions in your eyes. How do you make sure a spell will work? What is energy in magic? It may be a lot to ask, but it's something to keep in mind as you research other topics that might help uncover this question more, or vice versa, it can help you understand other topics.
Meditation is not *just* sitting and doing nothing - In my path I beat myself up so hard for not being able to sit down with my legs crossed and hands on my knees, sitting perfectly still, and just empty my thoughts for 10 boring long minutes. Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind to achieve a state of calm and clarity. Which means that if you can make your mind more clear and calm by sewing, listening to music, doing exercise, chant, etc. Learn what sort of meditation works best for you. I meditate outside by looking down at the ground to find amulets, or swimming, and inside it's when I draw or focus on a task.
Correspondence list - Find out what correspondences (example) basil has, but also, why does it have that? And maybe, it doesn't have those correspondences to you at all! This counts for colours, crystals and other things too.
Closed practices - It's good to know which sorts of practices are closed, semi closed, and open. As well as what practices Wicca preach and so on, it's a way to recognize what perspective your sources are writing from.
Pregnant or medicated people, please be careful - This may seem strange, but before just casting a spell or using herbs, please be mindful of what it contains as some herbs can have negative effects on pregnant people or your medication you're taking. This counts for poisonous herbs as well, know what to avoid or be careful with.
Do your own research - I can spew a lot of things to you, but I can only do it from my perspective. Learn from more than just one place. From both in real life and online.
Time For Magic
Cleansing magic - Figure out how to cleanse a space for magic use, you don't want energies mixing in with your spells. As an example, I can't cook in a kitchen that's filled with dishes and dirty counters. The same goes for spells, I can't perform spells until energies are clear and gone.
Protection magic - Every witch says this. But yes. Protection magic is useful even if you have no enemies. Once you have gotten rid of unwanted energies, it's time to make sure they won't come back in and make sure to up keep your protection regularly.
Warding and banishing magic - Listen, you can clean as much as you want, but you simply won't get rid of mold unless you use bleach. You simply can't get rid of annoying spirits unless you have a good banishing and warding spells you can rely on. Especially if you plan on summoning spirits whenever it's the elements or some high level demon later down your path. You must have a banishing spell in case things go wrong.
Charging and binding magic - Your magic will prove more powerful if you learn how to charge your energy and tools and also binding them to certain powerful uses. You may find a stick and use it as a wand, but it'll be more powerful if you spend the time to charge it, learn about it, and only use it for specific rituals.
Bonus Tips:
Stop researching about different types of witches - Maybe this is a hot take or not. Besides knowing what a pagan and wiccan is and closed practices, there's no need to write about what a sea witch, a hearth witch, a death witch, a divination witch, etc is! When I first started out, I got so stressed out because once I got done writing and research about 10 different witches, another 400 would show up, I gave up about it and used my focus and energy on other more crucial things than "a sea witch is someone who works with the ocean and..." *snores* we know, it's in the name. Besides, you shouldn't focus on labels so early on in your practice.
Amulets are not just shiny jewellery - Movies love to predict amulets and talismans as these hereditary important gemstone necklaces. But honestly, you can make an amulet out of anything. Snail houses, rocks, seashells, bags of herbs, nails, sea glass, horseshoe, or actually your every day jewellery like your wedding ring, earrings, and favourite bracelet.
Self-care witchcraft is not that fantastic - Maybe it's just me but the last thing I wanna do in a "self-care" ritual is clean up all the herb baths and find herbs and grind my own tea. True self-care witchcraft is taking care of your doctors appointment and enchanting them with luck and good news. Or Finally getting around to cleaning the oven (the hearth) so that your home is healthy once again.
Use things you have in your area - Learn what's around you in your city, not just stores but what can you get from parks, lakes, forests, and beaches near you? When do the herbs in your area bloom? When can you harvest acorns? Can you get flowers from the park or do you have to source them somewhere else in your area? Are you able to grow your own stuff in on your balcony or kitchen? And also, be mindful, always leave some left so it can come back next year.
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goeticdaemons · 6 months ago
Transmute Gossip Into Abundance 🔆🧘🏼‍♀️
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This is a great way to turn negative thoughts and words about you into something positive for you. Take the negative energy they’re sending you and transmute it into luck, power, and abundance!
It’s also a binding spell for victims of jealousy and resentment, when others speak or think negatively about them. But instead of simply deflecting it, we are using the negativity and using it to our advantage.
Zagan, the Great King and President of Hell, is known for His ability to transform substances. A sort of infernal alchemist, He can turn wine into water, blood into wine, and make fools wise. This transformative power is not only physical but metaphysical. Zagan has the ability to facilitate inner transformations, inciting change in perspective, attitude, and personal understanding. He’s perfect for transmuting energy.
Offerings for Zagan
Write out the gossip on one side (you can just put “gossip,” or “all negativity and ill intent”) on a piece of paper, and write what you wish to transmute the negative energy into on the other side (e.g. luck, prosperity, power).
Anay on ca secore Zagan tasa
Negative energy → Postive energy
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themanicnami · 2 years ago
Catch All Titanium Spider Web (Totally Spies Inspired Binding Spell)
A binding spell to prevent another from being an obstacle to you or your goals.
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Craft Wire or Pipe Cleaners or other thin wire
Paper or Cloth Poppet
Jar with a lid
Black Peppercorn
(Optional) Garnet Chips/Pieces
(Optional) Obsidian Pieces
Black Candle
Make your poppet/doll of the target you are intending to bind. Using your marker write onto the poppet the target's name
Using your craft wire bind up the poppet thoroughly and tightly in a manner like you tying someone up. While you are doing so, verbally or mentally chant: "Spider web, spider web - tie you tight. Spider web, spider web - bind you tight" or anything else you may prefer.
Once bond, drop your poppet into the jar with the crystals and black peppercorns.
Seal the jars lid tightly then burn the candle long enough to either melt it on top of the jar or have enough melted wax to pour it over the lid to seal it up.
Store the jar somewhere dark and hidden.
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mothervicious · 1 year ago
The Witch’s Bridle - A Spell for Silence
As the bard once said, ‘two may keep counsel, putting one away’ . When you find need to recant your statement and to make sure what you said travels no further than the ears that first heard it then this is the spell to cast. I’ve created the poppet a couple of ways now over the years, first with stitched paper painted in wax, then with stuffed fabric stitched into lips and then tonight again with sculpture wire and yarn. Regardless of the method create yourself a poppet of sorts, in the shape of lips. Make sure to affix the name of the intended gossip to the charm as it is created, either write it down or recite it to the spirits you ask to empower your working. Next seal the lips closed by whatever means are available to you, although I personally prefer to stitch them, and recite;
‘I bind her tongue and lip and tooth, I bind her now from speaking truth, I bind her now from passing blame, I bind her now from causing shame, what she face she’ll face alone, I bind her lip and tongue and bone, no word to pass no chance to speak, our secret I’ll make sure you keep’
Obviously adjust the pronouns as necessary for the intended. Further ritual should not be necessary but to enforce the potency of this binding it would not be unwise to work in bindweed to the creation of the poppet or to work a nine knot charm or a nine thread braid around it.
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thenightling · 1 year ago
Explaining Binding Spells
Last night I was forced to come to the unpleasant realization that a lot of people don't really do their research. They just assume that what they see in the movies or TV is accurate and then emulate it.
I was in a witch group on Facebook (those places are cesspits of misinformation) and there was someone there completely convinced that binding spells strip a witch of her powers and "sometimes that's necessary."
Okay. There's a lot to unpack here. The very first time I have ever so much as heard of a binding spell taking a witch's ability to use magick was in The Craft movies and later in the TV show Charmed. Charmed borrowed a lot from The Craft right down to using "How Soon is Now?" for the theme song.
At first I tried to calmly explain to that person that binding spells are to bind against "doing harm." There was no binding spell (before those movies and TV show) that ever suggested "I bind you from ever being able to use magick ever again."
"From doing harm" is not a blanket term to mean 'stripped of being able to cast spells." It simply means what it says on the label, "doing harm."
This does not take away benign spells or even defensive magick. If "doing harm" meant stripped of all magick that is the same as insultingly suggesting all magick is harmful by default. And that is not something most practitioners would ever claim.
The person rudely replied by condescendingly asking "Have you ever worked with deities or angels? I have seen Hecate take away a person's magick because they were misusing it. And I know for a fact binding spells work. Do your research!"
Of course they work, but not in the way she thinks. They were never meant to strip someone of all ability to use magick. In witchcraft that is the same as crippling. You might as well ask that the person's eyes be gouged out or their hands be cut off. Magick is an essential aspect of all life.
Outside of Wicca there are few versions of witchcraft that would even believe Hecate would consider any use of magick a "misuse." She's the goddess of ALL witchcraft. Not just "light and love."
Not to mention taking away the ability to cast magick could never be justified. It's like taking away one of someone's senses. That doesn't fall into the rule of three. It's exponential harm. There's nothing that can justify it and you're likely to offend whatever you invoke to try to ask it be done.
I tried to explain to the person that to believe "I bind you from doing harm" means "never use magick again" is very insulting and implies that all magick is harmful by default. And that is not how binding spells even work. There are no real spells for stripping another witch of all her power forever and ever. This was something invented for the plot convenience of The Craft movies and the TV show Charmed.
It's far worse than even the silly phone emoji spells that sometimes turn up on Tumblr.
She replied by saying "You sure were triggered by that movie!"
No, I'm just explaining that it IS fiction. Back in the 90s I knew of a lot of Wiccans and other Neo Pagans who were very bothered by The Craft movie and its depictions but The Craft 2 made it so much worse by explicitly claiming binding spells take away a witch's ability to use any and all magick even to protect herself. And the TV show Charmed is equally as guilty of perpetuating this idea.
That's not how it works.
Think of an actual binding spell as being like having a profanity filter on your phone. The person can still text. They just can't text the F word to you. That's what a binding spell does. It prevents harm.
You won't find any spell from before 1996 that claims a binding spell is the same as "You will never be able to use magick ever again." No witch has that kind of power to take away another's power, and no entity invoked would ever want to do that for you, they are not your hired thugs. That's the magical equivalent of asking that an artist's hands be smashed with a mallet on your behalf.
In fact to even try casting that kind of spell is pretty offensive. And not only not likely to work but also likely to backfire.
But, you can't tell Facebook occultists anything.
The fact that this person suggested I "do my research" was very dismissive and insulting. I'm forty-two-years-old. I've studied the arcane since I was a teenager. I have an honorary doctorate in Divinity and another in Metaphysics. I have a diploma in Parapsychology / Astrology from SCI (Stratford Career Institute).
Please... for the sake of the sanity of elder witches... Stop trusting TV shows and movies to be accurate.
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lavender-pebbles · 9 months ago
Looking for advice for a binding spell to be used on a trickster spirit that has been causing problems in my home. We have tried reasoning with them and being diplomatic but they are not respecting our house rules so we are going to try a binding spell, as they have been there longer than we have and we’d prefer to not banish them if we can avoid it.
My current plan is to create an effigy to represent the spirit, bind it in thread or rope and place it inside a container sealed in wax. I think I will put a paper inside the container that says the conditions of the spell and other materials like maybe black salt.
I would love any advice from someone who has dealt with a similar situation or just knows more than me about this type of spell :)
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wildkinwitch · 9 months ago
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Abundant bindweed threading through the hedges in my back garden. Forgotten places holding homes for pollinators from far and wide, the convolvulus hawk moth, thorn-tailed and inhabiter of nicotiana. Waiting for spells, a witch's bindings from those who would bind, dried petals for amulets and long cords for tying. Witches meet your ally.
Read on https://wildkinwitchcraft.wordpress.com
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cosmicbirch8 · 2 years ago
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wickedappalachian · 1 year ago
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Binding Spell Jar ⛓️
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kawoyaa4 · 2 years ago
What are love spells and why would someone need genuine spell?
According to Dr Kawoyaa, Love spells are rituals or magical practices that are intended to manipulate or influence the emotions, thoughts, or actions of a specific person or to attract love into one’s life. Dr Kawoyaa often performs them with the aim of enhancing romantic feelings, attracting a specific person, or resolving relationship issues. 1. Attracting love: Some individuals may seek for…
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honeygloom · 1 year ago
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psychicpremium · 2 years ago
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Know about the intent of Binding Spells in Connecticut
Binding spells are spells that are cast to protect someone from harm or evil energies cast by enemies or others. Couples use binding spells in Connecticut to ensure that a partner remains loyal. Binding spells work by forming an energetic shield around a person, preventing evil energies from acting against your intentions. So, if you're looking for a binding spell caster, Master Eshwar Ji is the best person for you.
Contact mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1 202-714-3327
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yashley · 8 months ago
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"Beauregard, yes. We are quite familiar."
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tk-duveraun · 3 months ago
This is probably retreading crow Yuan ground, but crow spirit Shen Yuan to transmigrated into a crow!! When SJ didn't die as expected. The system gives him a little boost to get started on cultivation as well as "mini games" that increase his cultivation and but the time LBH comes out of the abyss, SY has a golden core and can communicate with lbh though he's a long way from a human transformation.
But this point in his life, LBH knows to be wary of everything, but also that crows are intelligent and loyal so he gives SY a chance and once he discovers they can communicate easily, allows the bird to hang around.
It's good to have a spy - and not even a demonic one or one first loyal to MBJ (looking at you, shishu). Crow Yuan is very supportive of LBH's schemes and plans, but extremely critical of LBH's women. It should take more than a "you deserve better than her" and a few squawks to dissuade LBH from his conquests, but something is sharp and bright and he DOES deserve better
When LBH has a breakdown over QWY forcing herself on him by coercion, SY goes into overdrive. He'd thought that scene was sus but now he's on the war path.
He goes and retrieves a ton of magical items and precious manuscripts to help LBH handle xinmo so he's never forced again. SY keeps waiting to feel bad as some woman dies bc LBH refuses to save her with his dick, but that feeling never comes. He feels a little upset, but mostly at airplane for designing the world that way
LBH still knows sy is upset and eventually research reveals there was a non heavenly pillar cure AND the woman's village should have known it. He goes back and strongarms them into doing regular sex pollen education.
Then it happens again
And again.
SY is starting to get confused about LBH's conquest against wife plots. Shouldn't he be, you know, conquering the land?? Not that SY is complaining. LBH never seemed to enjoy his power, he just never wanted to be trampled on again. It was like that study about how money does buy happiness, but only to a certain point. Maybe power was the same?
After sy learns SQH is airplane, he whole -heartedly encourages LBH to force more and more demonic sovereignty on the North just to give airplane more work. Especially since SY, with his front row seat on LBH's shoulder, has seen tons of demonic courting live and knows MBJ wants a piece of that.
Meanwhile, SY's cultivation improves by leaps and bounds with the help of LBH's blood and various gifts from the protagonist.
SY really wants to hate all of the silver bangles and other decorations he's gifted, but his brain is still a crow's brain at the end of the day so he suffers it with dignity.
At one point he realizes maybe he should stop cultivating. After all, if he's a human, the dynamic will change. LBH might see him rejecting marriage offers as a threat rather than good advice. LBH might think sy wants more power and riches for himself rather than for LBH
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sillimoff · 5 months ago
@enby-and-a-twink take a wild guess to who i cast this on
Keep My Name Out Of Your Fucking Mouth ~ Binding curse
Howdy y'all! I was dealing with some bullshit that I would rather not deal with but a las, here I am. Anyways, did a little thing and thought I'd share for anyone who has to work with absolute vain, dumb pieces of shit like me. Please excuse how cringe the writing is, I really let my 13 year old emo me run wild with this but it felt fantastic to cast. As always, when cursing and hexing please make sure you stay safe. Ground yourself before hand, cleanse yourself after, don't damage yourself just to get one over on someone else. Happy casting.
your rage
a black candle(ideally taper but a tealight or whatever will do just fine)
twine(so they feel like they're suffocating)
a sharp utensil or needle to carve said candle
Carve the target's name into the black taper candle with the needle . Put a circle around their name and a giant X over the circle. This is to symbolize a bound mouth.
Wrap the candle with twine, visualizing the person being bound and silenced. Please practice fire safety. DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED. Keep in a safe dish or simply opt out of the twine if you know you don't want to sit there the whole time.
Light the black taper and say the incantation below. Let the candle burn down completely or fully past the engraving, focusing on your intent throughout the process.
Dispose of any left over remnants in a way that suits you. Throw it in the trash, a curse box, your jobs dumpster, just be eco-friendly please.
"May your lies and slander turn to dust,
In your mouth, words of me shall rust.
When you speak, the twine constrains,
Your words of me, bound in chains.
Feel the pressure, feel the strain,
Each attempt will be in vain.
By this candle, black as pitch,
Your mouth shall twitch, your tongue shall stitch.
Silence now, hold your breath,
Speak of me and feel my wrath.
This spell I weave, this curse I cast,
Keep my name out of your fucking mouth,
And let this silence last."
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