#cleansing magic
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harvestmoss · 12 hours ago
Beginner Witch Tips
Where does one even start? Well, there's hundreds of lovely people both on Tumblr and other blog spaces, as well as wonderful beginner books and online resources out there that love to help. This is just one of many other witches takes on what a beginner witch may want to start researching and do, and some extra bits.
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Before Magic:
What is magic to you? - You can't start performing magic until you learn how magic functions in your eyes. How do you make sure a spell will work? What is energy in magic? It may be a lot to ask, but it's something to keep in mind as you research other topics that might help uncover this question more, or vice versa, it can help you understand other topics.
Meditation is not *just* sitting and doing nothing - In my path I beat myself up so hard for not being able to sit down with my legs crossed and hands on my knees, sitting perfectly still, and just empty my thoughts for 10 boring long minutes. Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind to achieve a state of calm and clarity. Which means that if you can make your mind more clear and calm by sewing, listening to music, doing exercise, chant, etc. Learn what sort of meditation works best for you. I meditate outside by looking down at the ground to find amulets, or swimming, and inside it's when I draw or focus on a task.
Correspondence list - Find out what correspondences (example) basil has, but also, why does it have that? And maybe, it doesn't have those correspondences to you at all! This counts for colours, crystals and other things too.
Closed practices - It's good to know which sorts of practices are closed, semi closed, and open. As well as what practices Wicca preach and so on, it's a way to recognize what perspective your sources are writing from.
Pregnant or medicated people, please be careful - This may seem strange, but before just casting a spell or using herbs, please be mindful of what it contains as some herbs can have negative effects on pregnant people or your medication you're taking. This counts for poisonous herbs as well, know what to avoid or be careful with.
Do your own research - I can spew a lot of things to you, but I can only do it from my perspective. Learn from more than just one place. From both in real life and online.
Time For Magic
Cleansing magic - Figure out how to cleanse a space for magic use, you don't want energies mixing in with your spells. As an example, I can't cook in a kitchen that's filled with dishes and dirty counters. The same goes for spells, I can't perform spells until energies are clear and gone.
Protection magic - Every witch says this. But yes. Protection magic is useful even if you have no enemies. Once you have gotten rid of unwanted energies, it's time to make sure they won't come back in and make sure to up keep your protection regularly.
Warding and banishing magic - Listen, you can clean as much as you want, but you simply won't get rid of mold unless you use bleach. You simply can't get rid of annoying spirits unless you have a good banishing and warding spells you can rely on. Especially if you plan on summoning spirits whenever it's the elements or some high level demon later down your path. You must have a banishing spell in case things go wrong.
Charging and binding magic - Your magic will prove more powerful if you learn how to charge your energy and tools and also binding them to certain powerful uses. You may find a stick and use it as a wand, but it'll be more powerful if you spend the time to charge it, learn about it, and only use it for specific rituals.
Bonus Tips:
Stop researching about different types of witches - Maybe this is a hot take or not. Besides knowing what a pagan and wiccan is and closed practices, there's no need to write about what a sea witch, a hearth witch, a death witch, a divination witch, etc is! When I first started out, I got so stressed out because once I got done writing and research about 10 different witches, another 400 would show up, I gave up about it and used my focus and energy on other more crucial things than "a sea witch is someone who works with the ocean and..." *snores* we know, it's in the name. Besides, you shouldn't focus on labels so early on in your practice.
Amulets are not just shiny jewellery - Movies love to predict amulets and talismans as these hereditary important gemstone necklaces. But honestly, you can make an amulet out of anything. Snail houses, rocks, seashells, bags of herbs, nails, sea glass, horseshoe, or actually your every day jewellery like your wedding ring, earrings, and favourite bracelet.
Self-care witchcraft is not that fantastic - Maybe it's just me but the last thing I wanna do in a "self-care" ritual is clean up all the herb baths and find herbs and grind my own tea. True self-care witchcraft is taking care of your doctors appointment and enchanting them with luck and good news. Or Finally getting around to cleaning the oven (the hearth) so that your home is healthy once again.
Use things you have in your area - Learn what's around you in your city, not just stores but what can you get from parks, lakes, forests, and beaches near you? When do the herbs in your area bloom? When can you harvest acorns? Can you get flowers from the park or do you have to source them somewhere else in your area? Are you able to grow your own stuff in on your balcony or kitchen? And also, be mindful, always leave some left so it can come back next year.
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elminx · 9 months ago
Elminx's Ritual Walkthrough: A Spell to
Remove Unwanted Things From Your Life
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Note: This ritual is my own creation - it combines the elements of a cleansing spell with cord-cutting. It also involves the basic concepts of sympathetic magic and some candle magic. Feel free to make it your own in any way that fits your personality and practice.
This is one of the most versatile spells in my repertoire - it can be used as a general all-purpose cleansing spell or specifically to target a particular problem you are currently experiencing. I am going to go through the basics of the spell first. The second section will involve how to adapt this spell to varying concerns. Its ingredients are meant to be simple and accessible - you can follow it as written or add more for flare. As always, I assume you will arrange your sacred space before you begin.
At its bare bones, this is a longer-lasting candle ritual of cleansing that involves strong elements of cord-cutting into the mix. You will be asked to actively attend to your candle every 30 minutes while your candle is lit. This is not optional - if you are not willing to do this, this is not the spell for you. A lot of the magic of this spell comes into play with the repetition of action - this is the MOST IMPORTANT element of this ritual, do not skip out on this step.
The Basic Ritual
You will Need:
1 Pillar Candle, preferably a figure candle* A fireproof bowl or tray Salt or Sand 1 or more Cleansing Herbs** A Cleansing oil, olive is fine (optional) A pair of scissors*** A stopwatch (the app of your phone is fine)
*This is especially true when you are new to this ritual. This candle is supposed to represent you and using a figure candle of your gender will reinforce this in your mind. I prefer to use the figure candles by Darknessvoid on Etsy, but any figure candle will do. Beeswax is best for this purpose because it has a long burn time which we want for this rituatl. For those of you who are nonbinary, I know that Madame Pamita sells nonbinary figure candles. Any pillar candle will do in a pinch just keep in mind that we WANT the candle to burn for a long time. I don't find the color of the candle to be important here (I use undyed beeswax) but you can add color magic here if you wish. **This should be a cleansing herb that you have a solid relationship with. I would suggest lemon, mint, sage, hyssop, or cedar as good options for this step but ultimately use what you have and feel comfortable with. For additional fire safety, use fresh herbs when applicable as they are less likely to ignite. ***I use regular old house scissors for this ritual. If you have a cutting device that is sanctified and important to your craft, use that. It does not have to be scissors, a knife or other cutting utensil will be fine
Set up your sacred space - this does not have to be fancy; do what feels right.
Prepare for A Long Burn, aka Candle Burning Safety - This is a long candle ritual - the longer your candle burns, the more effective the end results (in my experience). So we want to set up for candle safety - I do this by choosing a fire-safe plate and lining it with salt (you can use sand as an alternative). I place my candle in a safe space with nothing flammable nearby. Please follow your very best fire safety rules here.
Prepare your candle for burning - Take your pillar candle and become better acquainted with it. This candle is supposed to represent you; you may wish to carve your name and date of birth into the candle. Rub the candle over your entire body - focusing on problem areas (I'll go more into that below). If you do energy work, focus on pulling what you want to remove out of your body and into the candle. You can breathe into the face of the candle - whatever you have to do until you feel like the candle is a representation of you. This is an important step - take as long as you need to here. When this step feels complete, you can anoint your candle with a cleansing oil if you are using it (many traditions will call for holding the candle against your body and anointing the candle from the feet to the wick signifying that we are working on removal.) Place your candle in the center of your plate of salt/sand.
Sanctify or Empower Your Herb(s) - I will not go into details about how to do this because you should have a way that is already in your practice. The goal here is to somehow "wake up" the herbs and inform them of their role in this ritual. I like to arrange the herbs in an ascetic way around my candle, but do what works for you here. They just need to end up on the plate on top of the sand/salt. Keep in mind that dry herbs are quite flammable, so keep them farther away from the candle for fire safety.
Light your candle and begin the ritual - the goal of this ritual is to cut away any problems in your life every 1/2 hour while the candle is burning. The first cut should begin immediately after you have lit the candle and is the most important. I like to speak out loud as I make cuts around the candle with my scissors - I "name" each thing I am cutting as I focus on letting it go to exit my life. As I see it, there are five planes involved in a candle spell like this: to the left and right of the candle, in front of the candle, behind the candle, and above the candle. I was taught that the left side represents the past, the right the future, the back the mental realm, in front the physical realm, and above the spiritual realm. You do not need to use this format, but it can be a helpful way of thinking about WHERE to cut on the candle. Bring whatever is bothering you to mind, speak your intentions to remove it from your life, and then cut the air around the candle in the appropriate location. If you are good at energy work, you may be able to "find" the cord to cut, but it's okay if you can't do this. If something is feeling especially stuck, I sometimes cut the cords from around the candle and then from around my body. I am most likely to do this on the first cut.
Set Your Timer for 30 Minutes - You want to repeat the cutting part of the ritual every 30 minutes for as long as the candle burns. You may find that you are cutting at the same locations every time you return to this action, or you may find areas that need cutting that seem to be revealed as the ritual progresses. You can go with your intuition here or do divination on this subject - I wouldn't start divination for this until you've lit your candle and begun the ritual.
Take an action in your physical life to aid this spell - This is a great opportunity to take real-world steps that reflect the magic you are working on. You could cut your hair. You could clean your space. If you are removing a person from your life, this is the time to block them on social media if you have not done so already.
Rinse and Repeat - You should be cutting as part of this ritual for as long as your candle burns. It is okay to put out and relight your candle as needed; just make sure to burn it in half-hour increments. You could use numerology to your advantage here by burning the candle over nine days (nine is the number of completion). Doing this for the nine days leading up to a new moon would enhance the natural energy of this spell.
Finishing Touches - because this is a spell of removal, you want to clean up and discard any leftover elements of this spell as close to spell completion as possible. These items should be thrown away and I suggest doing so away from your house. I gather the items into a plastic bag and dispose of them in a public trash bin. If you can't do that for whatever reason, at least put them in the bin outside of your house.
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How to Modify This Ritual
This ritual can be modified in any way that you can think of to remove something specific.
To Remove a Person From Your Life - To do a gentle cord cutting, repeat this ritual as written. Specify that you are cutting the ties that bind you and the person you want to remove during the cutting sections. Adding an herb like lavender that has a soft and calming domination element to it can aid in this effect. Here you might put your focus on the past, the future, and the physical sides of the candle.
If you need to forcibly remove a person from your life - add in some banishment herbs. If there is an air of obsession on either of your parts, cut in the mental realms as well.
Hexbreaking - this isn't in and of itself a hex-breaking ritual, but it can be used in conjunction with other magics to mollify some of the effects of baneful magic or the evil eye on your person. In this case, it is best to have a good idea of what effect the baneful magic is having and, from there, cut in the appropriate quadrant of the candle specifying "I am cutting away the baneful magic cast by xxx on my xxx". Add hex-breaking herbs to your ritual for this purpose.
Healing - I can't believe I have to say this, but magic cannot heal you of anything major, life-threatening, or chronic. But this spell is especially good at drawing out SYMPTOMS (I have used it to augment the treatment for my chronic illness and to help with colds and viruses in the past). On the step where you rub your candle over your body, focus on areas where you are symptomatic and draw the symptoms out of your body and into the candle. Add herbs that help you with these symptoms to this ritual.
For Help with Trauma - Please only do this if you have some handle on the trauma you have undergone. If you feel that there is a chance that thinking about the trauma may hurt you further, this is not a helpful ritual for you. When you are at a point where you understand your trauma well and wish to do a ritual to help release it, you can cut it away from your body as part of this ritual. It will help to understand where you are carrying the trauma - cut it away from your mental realm if you keep ruminating on it, or away from the belly of your candle if you carry it as stomach issues. You may need a buddy to be with while you attempt this sort of work; tread with care here.
For Intrusive Thoughts - Again, this ritual cannot cure you of intrusive thoughts, but it can help to manage them for a time. Rub the candle all over your head during step 3, focusing on pushing your intrusive thoughts out and into the head of the candle. During the cutting stage, focus on cutting in the mental realm.
I…could go on. If you need to remove it from your person, this ritual can be adapted for that purpose. If you have an idea in your head but don't know how to actualize it, feel free to send me an ask so I can spitball ideas with you.
A Few Final Thoughts
As humans, we tend to accumulate lots of stuff in our minds and in our bodies. This is a ritual that is designed, at its core, to separate out what is ours to carry forward from what we might just be carrying with us. This may not be the right ritual for you; if so, that is completely okay. You should never perform magic that doesn't feel right.
That said, keep in mind that when you clear out a lot of stuff, you can create a bit of a vacuum. Once whatever you want gone IS gone, you should take steps to protect yourself from its return. As always, I hope that this post was helpful. Do you like my work? You can support me by tipping me on KoFi or purchasing an astrology report written just for you.
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tenofmuses · 5 months ago
Sometimes the “cleansing” you require isn’t what we typically view as magic, and can be quite mundane:
Open your windows to air out your room/house if the energy or air inside is feeling stagnant.
Wash your surfaces with thieves vinegar or your favourite cleaner. Get rid of that dust.
Clean up clutter and mess. Put away that laundry you did last week. Tidy your altar and clean your magical items. Change your sheets. Have a bath.
To some, this may not seem like cleansing magic, but to me it very much is. The relief I feel when I clean my room as my depression starts to lift, for example, is palpable. Cleansing your home and yourself, keeping your space tidy, etc., it all helps! And like all things, you can imbue many of these tasks with magic, if you would like, though it isn’t necessary. Do what feels right for you.
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herballwitch · 6 months ago
Moon and Sea Healing + Cleansing Spell
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Hello, My name is Alva Tauri! I am an herbalist, spirit worker, tarot and oracle reader, and lunar and herbal witch dedicated to closing the education gap when it comes to herbalism and witch practices!
Today I wanted to share a spell I made myself that I often use for healing and cleansing, as I have noticed there are not a lot of people discussing healing magic on tumblr.
I created this spell relatively recently to correspond with the Waning Gibbous moon cycle, as it is meant to be a time of cleansing and healing and is known to be a blessed time for water/ocean magic. (I am a lunar witch, so I do tend to do spells and perform magic in relation to the moon)
If you have any questions about the spell, how it's used, why certain ingredients are used, etc. please feel free to send an ask to my ask box!
With that being said, here is my moon and sea healing and cleansing spell!
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Ingredients Needed for This Spell:
moon water
a bowl
a tealight candle
sea salt
How to Perform the Spell:
as always, before you do anything, you should cleanse your tools and your space. this is immensely important. if you are new to cleansing, I have made a post about the many ways you can do this here that you may want to check out!
once your tools and space having been cleansed, take your bowl and pour moon water inside, only leaving about a quarter of an inch of room off the top.
then take your sea salt, mint, and rosemary and sprinkle each of them on the top one at a time. make sure that as you are doing this you are asking each herb to bless you, to aid you in healing, and to cleanse you and your space to ensure that it is a safe space for healing. remember to thank your herbs as well! gratitude goes a long way.
(optional step) take your tealight candle and carve a protection and/or cleansing sigil on the top. if you do not have a sigil to use check out my post here where I discuss what protection sigils I use. you can use one of these for this spell! if you are new to sigils and would like to learn more so that you can make your own, check out my sigil navigation post linked here.
now, place your tealight candle in the center of the water and light it.
grab your jade and hold it in your hands, clasping it firmly. while jade is normally representative of harmony and eternity, it is also known to take away stress and to support the bodies natural healing process.
now, you may call upon the gods, deities, and/or spirit guides that you work with and pray to them. ask them to aid you in this journey of healing, ask them to protect you and to cleanse your space so that you may grow and heal. if it feels right, you may leave them an additional offering to them at this time. however, in my experience the spell itself stands as an offering and this is not necessary.
let the tealight candle burn out completely. you do not have to sit at the altar the entire time it is burning. however, leaving it burning allows your connection with the gods/deities/spirits to remain open and allows the bowl and the gods/deities/spirits to absorb its energy.
when the candle has burned out you may get rid of the bowl and clean your space, as the spell is now complete.
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That's all for the moon and sea healing and cleansing spell! I hope that you found this helpful in your spiritual journey and I hope that you are able to apply this information to your practice.
if you have any questions regarding anything discussed here or anything you feel that I have missed, please send an ask to my ask box! I appreciate all comments and questions and would be more than happy to go into more detail about spirit work!
For more information on my practice, witchcraft, herbalism, spirit work, and divination please check out the guide on my page (linked here)! Everything I have ever posted can be found there!
I wish you all a blessed day filled with peace, endless wealth, and eternal health! Until the next time we meet!
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breelandwalker · 1 year ago
Hey Bree! Quick question for you: in one of your podcast episodes, you mention a little cleaning rhyme that starts with “out, out dirt and dust” and my garbage adhd brain can neither remember the rest nor which episode it’s from. Help?
Never fear! My penchant for archiving will help!
The cleaning rhyme is from Hex Positive, Ep. 037 - Cleaning, Cleansing, and Magical Germophobia (August 2023). It's a little something I occasionally mutter while using general household cleaning as a vehicle for cleansing magic, and it runs thus:
Out out, dirt and dust Out out, mold and must Gone you be at count of three And take my ills away with thee
Have fun!
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raining-tulips · 8 months ago
magic checklist for tomorrow:
✦ cleanse new apartment ✦ cleanse myself (smoke, then bath) ✦ protect, protect, protect ✦money / luck spell
✦ and if i'm feeling up for it, journaling mid-year reflections
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annoyingnightlightbug · 1 year ago
Have you cleansed your home yet? Have you cleansed yourself (I desperately need to do an egg cleansed and just haven't had the energy)?
There's a lot happening in the world. Don't forget to scrub and shake and smoke that negative sludge clinging to you off (literal and metaphorical).
Also, don't forget to fight for the people of Palestine. It is our duty. In whatever way we are able. 🍉🇵🇸✨️
I do not post here often. At all. And this isn't entirely on theme. But there's the door 🚪 if you don't like it. Don't let it hit you on the way out (it is hexed).
Light a candle for the lost children. Light the darkness till they get home (their respective gods arms) if you're able. I've dedicated every last piece of advantage chocolate to them. Because it's what I have. And otherwise I likely wouldn't have eaten it.
So, at least once a day. Stop. Think of them. If you cannot do anything else. Just don't forget them.
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felixlunallena · 2 years ago
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It's cleansing sunday and I've made this cute cinnamon stick 🌙🔮👁
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the-lunar-vixen · 3 months ago
Totally agree! I always think of cleaning as part of my witchcraft! I often sage my apartment afterward too ❤️
one of the best minimalistic witchy things you can do is clean your house.
seriously. light a candle and go to town. in the process of cleaning, you’re also metaphysically cleansing your space which opens doors to renew wards and put up additional barriers if necessary.
you’ll feel much better afterwards, and remember to take breaks if you need to.
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vigilskeep · 4 months ago
the mortalitasi may be the funniest mages in thedas because as far as i can tell their entire strategy is just to do blood magic with so much confidence nobody questions it
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amethyst-pendulum · 24 days ago
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brila1997 · 3 months ago
Maid to Service
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tenofmuses · 7 months ago
One of my favourite parts of delving into folk magic in my practice has been the various realizations of things my family does that seemed mundane but are, in fact, quite magical.
The best example of this that I can think of is the simmer pot. Aka: when you have a bunch of citrus scraps to use up, so you put them in a pot with water and herbs and simmer them on low heat and it makes your house smell fucking delicious.
Growing up, simmer pots were something my mum just kind of did, and so she taught me how to do them too. She learned it from her mum, who probably learned it from hers, and so on. And with each subsequent generation in my family, there seems to have been a dilution of the magical meaning behind the action. To my Grammie, simmer pots are a way to cleanse the air in your home, to “freshen things up”; to my mum, they’re a way to use up scraps and make your house smell nice.
It’s interesting to me that what is clearly a cleansing spell would never be labeled as such by my family. Even if it serves the exact same purpose as one. It’s just something you do.
And that’s one of the most interesting parts of folk magic, to me. People who aren’t practitioners rarely view what they’re doing as folk magic, because it’s just something they’ve always done. That makes these practices all the more rich, since they’re usually so embedded in people’s lives, and have important cosmological reasons for existing, even when they seem mundane. But at the same time, this makes folk magic really hard to research, because most of the time people don’t even consider these sorts of things as magical.
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hearth-and-veil · 2 years ago
Pssst hey kid. Wanna cleanse your home for free with no effort?
Open a window.
That's it. That's all you have to do. Open a window and let Nature cleanse the space. Free and easy down the road we go.
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apiswitchcraft · 4 months ago
protecting your space
hi all! i just moved and was cleansing my new home; prepping it to be lived in and all that. i got to thinking about what other people do for themselves and, well, that's where this came from! the order of step one and two is unimportant, plus keep in mind that everyone does things differently. every culture has their own idea about how to cleanse a space/person, and none of them are wrong.
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Immediate Disclaimer: Anyone/anyplace that uses the term "smudging" (using it out of it's cultural context) is a source you should be wary of. Smudging is a set of very specific rituals that were created and are used by indigenous americans. The use of sage, palo santo, sweet grass, hawk feathers, evil eyes/hamsa are all practices specific to certain cultures. If you're just someone not of those cultures trying to cleanse your space, I recommend the following techniques.
-Burning lavender, rosemary, or cedar bundles
-Burning incense
-Burning frankincense/myrrh
-Putting salt at the boundaries of your home, inside or out
-Putting ground eggshells at the boundaries of your home, probably best to do this outside for the smell
-Actually cleaning your home
-Sprinkle essential oils on the corners of a room or in doorways
-Selenite is also a great cleansing stone, although I usually use it for individual items instead of a whole space
-Moon water can also be a good replacement for essential oils
-Ring sacred (to you) or enchanted bells throughout the home
This is a step that varies a lot more from person to person. There are certainly plenty of spells out there available to you, but some people have created their own spells, others will use certain iconography, herbs, etc. Either way, know that it is not necessary for you to do every one of these things--I honestly doubt a space will get any more or less safe depending on how many of these you do. Also, for your own safety, make sure you're doing the appropriate non-witchy things to keep yourself safe. Just because you have a nice sigil above your unlocked door doesn't mean that someone will be automatically unable to rob you. Anways, here are just some of my ideas.
-Put a bundle of rosemary above a doorway
-Create a spell jar/bag with any of these materials or these, I also recommend including some of yourself in a jar like this
-Sprinkle black salt around entryways
-Use a spell like this or this
-Draw a rune (i use algiz) on entryways (i use essential oils and blood for this, but to each their own)
-Draw a sigil like this or these on entryways
-Pray to a certain deity for protection, or put their iconography up (for example, an ansuz rune for odin)
-Burning incense and using essential oils will ward away negativity, but they don't last for long periods of time in my experience
-Make use of a crystal grid to manifest your intentions
-Salt and eggshells also help to ward off negativity entering your space!
Now, how do we keep the wards and cleansing sustained? Well, there are a variety of methods. A lot of these can be done as your intuition tells you they need to be renewed, or done at a regular interval that works for you. Still, upkeep is important!
-Redo the spell you did every full moon or at another important time for you
-Refresh herbs and salt/eggshells when they get old or fall apart
-Break open your spell jar/sachet and recleanse the ingredients or just add new ones
-Clean up any salt/black salt/eggshells and put down new lines
-Add more essential oil/moon water to the locations you put them in before
-Redraw sigils/runes when they fade or get scratched off
-Pray to the deity who is looking out for you often/do devotional activities
-Burn more incense, herbs, or frankincense/myrrh, or cleanse with bells again
-Clean your room/house/depression hovel
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adobealmanac · 7 months ago
The magic of scissors ✂️
There are many often negative superstitions surrounding scissors, from the Indigenous idea that using scissors during a wedding will cause the groom to become impotent to the notion that breaking a pair of scissors is a bad omen of arguments and distress in the home. However, in colonial New Mexico there was a vastly different notion, that being that scissors can be a positive and protective amulet.
In brujeria and curanderismo, scissors, specifically made of iron, are seen as deeply protective objects. While often said to be protective against witchcraft, modern pagans are welcome to use them as a general protective tool. Typically open scissors are used to protect against malevolent entities and fairies, however they may be used while closed too. Cutting the cord in a cord cutting ritual with iron scissors may aid in cutting off a psychic vampire.
Some superstitions from here include cutting spider webs with iron scissors to prevent the witches in the form of guajalote (the turkey) from sucking the blood of your children. It is also common to see a pair of open or closed scissors hung above the entryway to prevent evil from entering the home. This tradition is one of my favorites, as the scissors always feel so powerful and protecting whenever I walk beneath them. They may also be placed under the bed to prevent bad dreams.
New Mexico is an interesting place for folklore such as this to exist, as we tend to be very isolated from other cultures other than our Indigenous neighbors, which causes many of our own traditions to persevere for quite some time, along with our cultures blending with that of the natives who belong to this place. While in recent times it has become easier to travel here, it is still a relatively unpopulous place, with roughly 2.1 million inhabitants spread out over 121,280 square miles. With such space and isolation comes many tales.. such as that of the chupacabra, el coco, thunderbirds, and skinw**kers. If you choose to wander into our land, do, proceed with caution. That being said, we do have some phenomenal natural wonders such as white sands and cool festivals such as the balloon fiesta in ABQ. It's worth the trek, but be prepared and be safe.
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