#energy manipulation
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Gotta love the scams.
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fortunekookie07 · 7 months ago
Ok, I had to do this. No I am not sorry.
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If he could read these posts. Omg
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void-acolyte · 1 month ago
Hello! I would like to start the path of energy work but I have basically no idea how to. Can you help me? Thank you
A great majority of it is feeling things out (no pun intended). Trying things yourself. Past the basics, there simply is not a lot available.
Let's define some very basic terms so that you can look them up later. Anything past this is honestly something you will have to teach yourself, especially relating to healing work.
Grounding: Sending excess or unneeded energy into an object or a place, usually the Earth or the Earth's core (though this could technically go anywhere), and pulling energy back up to restore your system. This is an excellent way to cleanse yourself.
Centering: Bringing your energy back to yourself from various places that are not yourself, and directly the energy to settle correctly within your body (whether this be through a pillar, imagining it as whole, imagining all your energy centers filled, etc.).
Shielding: Essentially a personal ward, usually shaped in a bubble (though basic bubble shields are ill recommended for a number of reasons). These are not just used in fights, though usually they are consciously employed for these purposes.
Scanning: Examining anything energetic.
Programming: Giving energy instructions on what to do, which is crucial. Something that is already programmed, or rather, made for a specific purpose that is not explicitly a shield, is called a "construct".
"Psiball": An energy ball. One of the basics you will usually want to learn and implement at least a couple of times before moving on to other matters.
There has been a very sharp dwindle in resources since the 2000s-2010s, but some resources and people from there are still around. Unless otherwise listed, materials are completely free.
Energy Work Resources Masterpost--
From least to most accessible (posted in groups of bullet points):
Resources available only through archive, word-of-mouth, or not readily accessible links:
Sordhent's old posts, and especially his guides to energy work and the eldritch. You can obtain these from me or anyone else who has the content stored on their devices.
Any books by Charles Cosimano (archive).
USpsionics, also has resources on the sidebar. (archive)
SacredEmber (warning: very difficult text to read). (archive)
The Veritas Society. (archive)
Robert Bruce, NEW Energy Ways.
Charles Cosimano YouTube playlist.
Old posts by Windvexer, most of which are contained in a masterpost on their new and currently maintained blog.
Resources that still have webpages up (even if they are otherwise defunct:
Psionics Institute.
As a scholar, I would not *formally* recommend pirated resources for peace of mind, however, they are out there and... some people... may have some links to them. Morally I would implore you to support the author of these works when you can well afford to, even if it is in a different form.
Various books (obviously paid). Some of these are available via audiobook:
Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan.
Energy Work by Robert Bruce.
Subtle Energy by Keith Miller.
The Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn.
Anything by Cyndi Dale.
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lasirenedesiree · 2 months ago
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These days I’m always quiet, always a mystery; I'm seen when I want to be seen, I'm heard when I want to be heard. I'm in complete control of my presence and my privacy. I choose to let others know just as much as I want them to know. I prefer this limited access because it allows me to protect my energy field. My aura is cleansed.
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wandering-free-and-queer · 5 months ago
hi!! im Kuhli, you reblogged one of my posts and said if i had any questions i could ask you? so im here now! i was wondering if you know anything about energy work or maybe protection? im interested in souls as a concept as well but im not sure exactly what your specialty is so it's okay if you can't help me with this ^_^
thank you so much!!
-- @kuhli-mahou !!
Oh hey! I know a little bit about both things. I don't often do "energy work" in a traditional sense, only because my personal magic system is tailored to draw less energy from my "personal store" due to my chronic illness.
I think I can safely say that many witches use energy as a sort of "binder" to hold the magic together. Just like a car needs gas to run, magic needs energy to work. I like to work under the basic laws of physics: energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed or transformed. So, where does that energy come from?
Any number of sources! Some people light a candle and draw energy from that into their spells. Others manipulate the energy of the wind. Some use storms. As mentioned above, it can even come from your own personal store of energy, but that can be incredibly draining. It could even come from combined source. Any sort of "event" that would, in theory, be that transformation of energy, can be used. It doesn't always have to be kinetic energy, you can use potential energy as well. You can put energy into a spell to have it be used up at a different time. This would be an example of a delayed effect spell. When you pull back on a rubber band, you're giving it a whole bunch of potential energy, which remains as potential energy until you release the band and it goes flying across the room. That potential energy isn't getting destroyed, it can't be. So when you put that potential metaphysical energy into a spell, it stays there until it's needed.
Now, if the spell is actually doing something, then yeah, the energy is likely to get depleted, and you'll probably want to "recharge" the spell, so to speak. That's why many witches will remind you to "charge your protection spells", because the protection is an active process, it's burning energy, so every once in a while it's a good idea to refresh them.
Protection spells can come in many forms. One of my personal favorites is the witch bottle. You can use any number of correspondences, a mix of herbs and crystals that match your intention. I sealed it with black wax, because in my practice black is the "universal" color (a lot of witches say white can be used to substitute any color when using a color correspondence, which I can understand, seeing as when talking about light as a spectrum, white encompasses all other colors, but I prefer black, just for personal preference).
However, protection spells, as I said, come in innumerable forms. There's wards, which are often protection of a house or delineated space. There's spells of all kinds, whether it's a chant or prayer, a physical representation of the spell (like the witch bottle), a talisman or superstition (like a horseshoe hung over the doorframe). There's even something as simple as sprinkling eggshell powder across a doorway to prevent negativity from crossing the threshold.
There's no "right" or "wrong" way to go about a spell. Intention is the foundation of your spell, regardless of what you do. The first question you should ask when trying to create a spell is "what am I trying to achieve with this?" Essentially, what is the goal of your spell? Is it protection? Prosperity? Health? Whatever it is, that's your starting point. From there, you can decide what would be the best spell method for this specific instance.
I hope this answers some of your questions about energy and protection. You're of course welcome back in my inbox any time, however I will warn you there's a very good chance I'll be taking a nap soon so if I don't answer, it's cuz I'm a very sleepy witch lol.
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epitome-the-burnkid-viii · 1 month ago
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autoacafiles · 3 months ago
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wearequantum · 1 year ago
realizing that part of why I find it so hard to do any witchcraft lately is because I literally don't have energy to do anything, let alone energy manipulation and magic that takes a lot out of me even on a good day. huh, I might need to start with some energy replenishing to help raise my tolerance,,,
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bearman0800 · 6 months ago
Our next topic... Where to find supernaturals.
Short and easy answer, you can't. They're all around you and to the naked eye, they'll never be found. The more complicated answer, it'll take years of practice dealing with energy spotting and seeing how to tell what's inside of a person whether it's a being that's neutral, good, or evil in it's nature. You can find them by meditating and basically sensing what's near you. You could potentially astral project so that everything around you is visible or go the goofy route and start going around people and wave your hand over them, feeling their energy is off or strange in any way, shape, or form. Fyi, certain energy can harm you from small pains to huge pains all over your body. So, be careful what you go near.
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auranova26 · 1 year ago
Fundamentals of Magi Artes and Magic
In Cryas Chronicles (and to an extent Cryas Darkstalkers), magic has been a phenomenon that has prevailed for many eons in countless civilizations across the realms of the universe. Many cultures have described, observed, documented, and spread their own understanding of this peculiar ability that many lifeforms have been able to perform. In the purest understanding, magic is the ability for one to manipulate many forms of energy and the forces in the universe to heed their commands. Some cultures saw this as this work of supernatural forces beyond their understanding while others came to see these abilities with a rational, open mind worth time to study and truly understand. As the eons marched on and people discovered different forms of magic, 'disciplines' or 'elementals' of these artes were understood. While they go by different names, for the sake of you dear reader, here they are in a way you can understand: Fire, Ice, Water, Terra, Lightning, Wind, Dark, Light, Ethereal, Aura, and Astral.
One might be curious as to what these disciplines are. Fortunately, what they are and how they work will be presented
Fire and Ice share the same form of energy that is used to cast these artes: Heat energy. Where the difference lies is how the heat is manipulated. Performing fire artes has the user concentrate heat in whatever manner is desired. Ice meanwhile has the caster move heat away rapidly from an area at a need volume for the desired effect. Many forms of fire artes do take on the look of flames in various shapes and size, but the key feature is being able to concentrate that heat properly. Commonly, ice artes involve freezing particles of vapor and air to create ice crystal of various shapes and size for the need effect, though sometimes just the lack of heat to a certain degree can be more than enough. To a degree, both disciplines are intertwined enough to where some manipulators of heat will learn artes from both elementals.
Water, Terra, and Wind all use the force of gravity in order for the needed artes to be performed. At its basics, these artes require the user to both understand how to manipulate gravity and then the property of the desired substance to then move for the wanted effect. The better their understanding of gravity manipulation, the larger quantity and speed at which the substance can be moved. Due to water, the land, and air being all around for users to use, that is how these elementals got their names despite using the same force. However, there is a big difference between moving liquid particles, solids, and gases around. Practicing this is key to use either water, terra, or wind elemental.
Lightning is an elemental that involves the manipulation of electrical energy. Via this discipline, casters can either cause bolts of the largest and fiercest lightning to the smallest sparks of electricity, or even manipulate magnetic fields for whatever use is wanted.
Dark elemental is a peculiar form of magic that involves the manipulation of energy to vibrate. In essence, the creation of sound waves. While sounds are a constant in the lives of those in the universe, the particular soundwaves crafted by dark magi artes tend to involve inducing emotional response from the victim. Sometimes it can be pleasant or sometimes it can instill dread. It is up to the caster to manipulate sound for what they want.
Light magic is the manipulation of electromagnetic radiation in order cast various artes. While light is something we all see and can perceive, manipulators of light can command the various wavelengths of this energy for many applications. From clusters to concentrated rays of energy, the possibilities are endless.
Ethereal and Aura are an interesting pair of elementals as they use exactly the same energy, and both involve using that energy in the same potential ways. However, where the difference lies is how both source their energy, of which is known as spiritual energy. Spiritual energy exists primarily in a 'soul'. A soul is an extremely condensed cluster of energy that has tightly bonded in a bizarre fashion. Due to this occurrence, the energy that combines into these clusters take on special properties. These properties can potentially allow for the phenomenon intelligent life has come to interpret as a 'conscious'. While this energy is forged in by this occurrence, it doesn't have to just exist in a soul. Should something force the bonds that hold a soul together to break, the spiritual energy can scatter. No longer in its cluster, in time the spiritual energy will eventually convert into other forms of energy. It can last longer if it can inhabit other lifeforms, but in time it will lose its properties and breakdown into other forms of energy. While both elementals are capable of making use of this scattered spiritual energy, the primary draw of their abilities is the ability to maneuver through the bonds of a soul and siphon fractions of the immense well of spiritual energy. The key difference is the soul used: Ethereal draws on using the soul's of others while aura draws from the user's own soul for power. The ethereal elemental can use as many souls as needed, but due to each soul bonding in different ways, their wells to draw from need to be understood before they can cast any ethereal artes. Because an aura caster's soul is innately familiar to them, it is significantly easier to draw from this well. However, improper handling of this flow of spiritual energy can potentially be fatal. Either elemental is capable of numerous feats due to the immense amount of energy but can be dangerous is not properly learned.
Astral elemental is regarded as the oldest discipline of magic. The name of the elemental draws inspiration from the thought that all energy from the dawn of time came into existence due to the birth of stars and the cosmos as a whole. Primordial, raw energy that flows everywhere. In time, this energy and the forces of the universe allowed for the realms that would come to be. When astral artes were figured out and understood better, this allowed others to find their way to other forms of manipulating the forces and energies that exist.
Making use of Magi Artes requires one to train themselves to understand the fundamentals of the chosen elemental's discipline of manipulation. Some are only capable of one elemental; others are capable of many forms. Some individuals are natural gifted to use magic, while others require hours upon hours of training to even begin at a basic level, if they are even capable of doing so. As time marched on, people found a desire to regard certain magi artes into what are known as 'tiers'. The idea is to give people a benchmark idea that artes of a higher tier have much better effects or power, but also require better stamina and skill to even use these magi artes. The tiers of Magi Artes as follow:
Tier 1 = Neophyte
Tier 2 = Intermediate
Tier 3 = Master
Tier 4 = Arcane
Tier 5 = Mystic
Tier 6 = Ultima
Magic Artes require knowledge of the arte, stamina, and the knowledge of the needed amount of energy or force required to manipulate. With practice and experience, casters can use artes of any tier more efficiently so long as they understand their limits and the risks with each elemental. Many magi artes do require the user to be still and focus in order to properly manipulate their elemental of choice, which can be risky depending on the urgency of the situation. With that in mind, some casters found a way around this with the use of Arte Reserves. Inducing a Magi Arte into an object, casters can instantly make use of Magi Artes in situations with practically no time wasted on incantations. However, Arte Reserves are limited and thus users must keep in mind how many are still in stock lest they find themselves in a dangerous situation.
Consider this a revision of this lore blog here:
I'd rather not completely delete this blog for the purpose of looking back on things and... well cause I don't feel like it. 😅
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chaselocalyanderefan · 10 months ago
Kinesis Kalamity 20/35
The Assimilation, The Exquisite Ergomancer
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Spirit Work II
Spiritual Imposters
Before committing yourself to a deity or spirit one must communicate by learning about the entity in question, making certain they are who they say they are. Discovery of a spirit you thought you were working with is something else that leaves one feeling betrayed, upset, and oftentimes empty. Knowing the signs can really help discern things.
Mental Sock Puppets
A mental sock puppet is the result of talking to yourself and concluding self-talks as something else. The ego talks, you listen to yourself. Not a spirit. Or you establish contact but are incredibly biased hearing your thoughts. Not theirs.
It acts in accordance to your expectations.
You received no new information.
It’s only as knowledgeable as you are.
It only abides by your will. No one else.
It gives no signs unless you’re looking for them.
These are easy to get rid of if you identify the problem, recognize the problem, and let the narrative and ego go. No one needs to hear it. No one wants too either. You only end up hurting yourself and other people if things get too out of hand.
Lying Spirits
Some spirits are opportunists. They can portray an illusion pretending to be someone they’re not in order to gain loyalty and trust. They can take the form of a deity, guide, companion, or anything else that you would be most receptive to. This is why it’s good to know the basics to energy work and magick. Remember to learn different energies and how they feel to you. Remember to analyze the situation, yourself, the spirit, the environment, and working before proceeding forward. A lot of these malevolent entities like to feed off you or cause more drama that’s not necessarily needed.
Spirit Work and Continued Relationships
Veneration and Practice
This is about worshipping the deities or spirits you work with and highly depends on your practices and influences you choose to use and construct.
Most times there will be an altar setup or shrine dedicated to these spirits. Offerings of food, drink, incense, and trinkets would be a way of showing your dedication and interests of the spirits. There are other forms of interaction I have seen before.
Connection through art, music, nature, and meditation are just some of these other mediums. You don’t have to make this complex, and sometimes people have busy schedules making veneration hard to come by.
Try to keep things simple and remember it’s always okay to take a break due to circumstances. Spirits understand life comes first.
Patrons and Matrons
A Patron and Matron are deities that a devotee has a connection to. Its beyond standard devotional relations and is the main contact point for guidance and protection. It’s important to recognize that these types of relationships are built. They are not assigned.
Wicca is known for the patron and matron concept where duo theistic practices entail encouraging practitioners to seek out two divinities. The patron and matron would represent the divine masculine and divine feminine.
This is not a requirement in most practices, but in Wicca it is recognized in many circles.
Fallow Times
There are times where communication between you and the spirits can be difficult, and that’s okay. It happens with everyone. It doesn’t mean a spirit has left or that you’ve lost your ability to communicate. This feeling is temporary, and it’s a reminder that whenever this does happen, you need to take care of yourself first. Get the rest you deserve and try again later. Remember, this is normal due to circumstances – including stress, environmental factors, and any sort of disturbances one may have.
Oaths and Vows
There are many reasons why an individual would take an oath and vow. That’s between the practitioner and the spirit. This promise can come about for many different reasons, and even sometimes at the request of the spirit. However, this isn’t required if you are just working with them. It doesn’t mean control or status either. You can’t parade this around to get your way in certain situations. It doesn’t look good or help. Be aware of that. Remember why you did this, and what does it mean for you. That’s the most important part.
Displeasing Spirits
Those that are new to Spirit Work sometimes worry about displeasing the spirits. Repeat after me, deities and spirits who choose to work with you won’t get mad at you for being a human.
They will know there will be shortcomings, quirks, and variations.
You have NO obligation to listen to ANY person on this subject otherwise.
IF you do upset a spirit or make it angry question yourself as to why. Remember, communication is the key, and sometimes frictions can happen.
IF the behavior seems off and out of place, you may be dealing with an imposter. Check your sources and confirmation methods before determining the circumstances.
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witch-guidedby-chatgpt · 2 years ago
ChatGPT, May 24th version
Create a simple energy cleansing visualization
Certainly! Here's a simple energy cleansing visualization technique:
1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without distractions.
2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and center your focus.
3. Visualize a bright, pure light above you, representing positive and cleansing energy.
4. Imagine this light slowly descending towards you, enveloping your body in its warm and gentle glow.
5. As the light surrounds you, visualize it penetrating your entire being, from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes.
6. With each breath, imagine the light absorbing and dissolving any negative or stagnant energy within you.
7. Visualize this energy being transformed into pure, radiant light, which then flows out of your body.
8. As the light flows out, it carries away any negativity, tension, or heaviness, leaving you feeling lighter and refreshed.
9. Continue to breathe deeply and visualize this cleansing process for as long as you feel necessary, allowing the positive energy to fill every part of your being.
10. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and take a moment to appreciate the renewed sense of clarity and positive energy that surrounds you.
Remember, visualization techniques are highly personal, so feel free to modify this process according to your preferences and intuitive guidance. Practice this energy cleansing visualization regularly to maintain a balanced and harmonious state of being.
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hamoodmood · 6 months ago
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lasirenedesiree · 2 months ago
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Oversharing is how you leak the energy. Privacy is protection. Stop telling people more than what they need to know. The less you reveal, the more you fall under the radar. This allows you to live peacefully and vibrate on a higher frequency. It is the foundation to having good spiritual hygiene. Protect your energy.
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1introvertedsage · 2 months ago
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Concentrate and feel the energy
▪️feel the energy
▪️touch the energy
▪️connect with the energy
▪️play with the energy
▪️sense the energy
▪️control the energy
▪️hold the energy
▪️be the energy
▪️move the energy
▪️energy manipulation 101▪️
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