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nandoartee · 4 months ago
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Quando me sinto careta sei que estou no caminho certo ♥️♥️♥️💕💓💓
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nightingaelic · 10 months ago
Derek nodded solemnly. “I taught Dunk, too. Seemed the best way to pay Lucy back.” 
“For what?” 
“Oh, sorry.” Derek bit his lip. “I didn’t mean to bring her up. RJ’s…” 
“No, it’s fine,” Murphy reassured him. “I know about her. What were you paying her back for?” 
Derek gestured at himself and Machete. “She taught us how to swim. Passing that on feels like some part of her’s getting passed along, too.” 
Murphy watched her son collide with Lucy’s son in a riot of splashing. She smiled. “I wish I could thank her.” 
Derek looked over at MacCready, who’d moved further upriver with his fishing pole. “Just take care of RJ and Dunk. That’s all the thanks she’d want.” 
- Chapter 12: Wellness of the Spirit from The Rest is Merely Tenacity, Part 5 in The Alpha & The Omega, by me
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flannycartoon · 2 years ago
I just finished a drawing for a friend YIPEEE
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phantomstag · 2 months ago
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fuckthevar · 2 years ago
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comunque qui si parla di #Vlahovic come si faceva di Amauri, si schernisce Kean, si schifa Milik, non si rivorrebbe Morata e qualcuno storceva il naso persino quando gli si diceva che poteva tornare Ronaldo: io, però, sono uno che ha visto la nostra 9 sulle spalle di #Pacione
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neotepala000 · 2 years ago
Amor prohibido procuran por las calles es porque somos de distintas sociDADES-
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this one's titled amor prohibido
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pleatedjeans · 10 months ago
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33 Relatable Parenting Tweets From Funny Mom Krista Pacion
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senig-fandom · 9 months ago
cuéntenos más sobre la situación amorosa de FAM y GN, me quedé muy picado con eso 7u7 skkdkdk hay más organizaciones así o solo son esos dos? No les dicen nada por tener "parejas"?
Por momento estoy viendo las de México sin exagerar mucho porque no quisiera meterme en problemas con otras organizaciones XD así que por el momento el enfoque es en las de México, pero si hay otras organizaciones que se relacionan de manera romántica.
FAM por ahora esta en modo haciéndose amigo de la fuerza aérea de Japón, mientras que GN aun esta en paranoia por lo cual aun no es libre del todo.
Las organizaciones siempre van y vienen, sus relaciones nunca duran porque existe la posibilidad que están sean asesinadas por sus paises para crear otra nueva o sean asesinados por otras organizaciones por el mero echo de que son un peligro para ciertas personas, eso sucede cuando esa organización fue creado por una ideología política especifica, sucede mucho con los militres o las organizaciones ideológicas sea de derecha o izquierda, por lo cual nunca dejan sus corazones atados con otros.
Pero hay algunos que perduran ya sea porque solamente siguen reglas y no tienen una posición ideológica, por ejemplo GAFE que a sido militar toda su vida, fue el quien simbolizo primero a los militares en las guerras por la independencia ( junto a SEDENA), pero con el tiempo siguió siendo él, solo cambiando de posición siendo ahora el militar con un mayor poder, la razon es porque quería proteger a México y es todo, lo demás no le importa o por lo menos no mientras no lastime a nadie, esa es la diferencia.
Esos que perduran, se enamoran intensamente que siguen enamorados incluso si su amante murió, 742 es otro ejemplo que sigue amando a 201 aun despues de su muerte y aun si lo veía viejo, porque otra razon los unía y ese era FAM, otro seria FM y Enfermería, que siguen juntos y su relación es una de las mas duraderas, y dar un ejemplo de paciones pasajeras es como la de Secuestro y Atracción, lo cual actualmente ya no tienen ninguna relación mas que la pasional.
Y si tengo que mencionar a los culpables de esta reaccion entre organizaciones, el primero es la muerte de Amor, quien era el que debería haber mejorado las acciones del amor mismo, pero murió y Ágape es muy cobarde en muchos aspectos mientras tanto Atracción a convertido el amor en un enfermizo deseo de placer, que no es malo buscar placer, pero cuando lo es todo, simplemente es algo que puede dañarte mas que darte consuelo.
Así tambien nace amores tóxicos o amores peligrosos y dependientes, como aquellos que buscan a Anarquía o incluso la reaccion que tiene Prostitución ilegal cuando esta con el, un deseo que puede llegar a ser peligroso. Por dar ejemplos claramente.
Así que no hay ningún problema al unir organizaciones, mientras solo sean entre ellas, ya que no es posible unir organizaciones con pises o estados, por el poder que ellos ejercen (aunque obligar a los paises y estados a hacer lo que ellos digan si es posible, por eso existe la idea de Anarquía [NUNCA SE JUNTAN PAISES O ESTADOS CON ORGANIZACIONES, NUNCA])
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Espero haber respondido bien 🧡🧡🧡
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fipindustries · 10 months ago
also i like to fantasize about brad and janet being left with severe sequels after the events at frank's castle. the boring version of it is that now they are like super sexually promiscuous and more than happy to embrace a kinkier life style or whatever. i think its far more interesting if the results are actually more insidious ans subdued and awkward.
are there nights where brad wakes up and realizes he has been putting on janet's make up while sleep walking? are there moments, when janet is alone listening to music at her house that she cant help but unconciously take a jump -to the left- and then a step to the right? do they both rent old sci fi B movies "because they piqued their interest"? do brad's eyes linger a little too long on the lingerie section at the mall? do they ever stop, even for a microsecond when saying the word antici... pacion? is janet a vegetarian now? does janet ever has to contain herself from whispering "touch-a touch-a touch me" when making boring missionary sex with brad? do they both, in bed, at night, touching each other, cant help but fantasize about... him? do they ever hang in their backyard at night and look at the stars and wonder? where are they now? what are they doing? is there a hope that they might, someday, come back, and do the time warp again?
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
CHICAGO — Chicago has begun evicting some migrants from its shelters, a controversial policy that had been delayed for months but appeared haphazard, a migrant told NBC News on Monday.
Migrants who have been evicted, as well as those who face a rapidly approaching deadline, said there has been widespread confusion about the process and frustration with being forced to leave while they still lack the resources to find their own places to stay.
In the first two days of enforcement, fewer than 10 migrants have been evicted from their shelters, according to the city. Five migrants were forced to leave Monday because of the policy, a city spokesperson said, while three were evicted Sunday.
Franklin Romero, 29, a Venezuelan migrant, said someone told him at the Woodlawn shelter just one day before that he had to leave by 2 p.m. Monday. 
“It was unbelievable. We have no stability,” said Romero, who was wearing a silver coat and black pants after he was forced out on a day with freezing temperatures and snow flurries.
Romero said he tried to explain that he had to work Monday and could not leave the shelter before 2 p.m. with all of his belongings. He also said another person at the shelter told him that he actually needed to leave by 12:30 p.m.
He felt disrespected by being rushed to leave the place he called home for months. 
“It was clear that I needed to leave, and I respected that, but the treatment, it was a lack of respect,” he said. 
The city said Monday that there were 11,253 migrants in 23 city- and state-run shelters and that it has received about 37,308 new arrivals since 2022, when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began sending people to cities across the country.
The city has sought to limit shelter stays to 60 days for the more than 10,000 migrants, requiring them to find housing or apply for other shelter at the city’s “landing zone” for new arrivals after their exit dates arrive. The evictions also come amid a measles outbreak at one of the shelters.
Thousands of migrants, including families with children, have been given extensions. 
On Friday, the city said that nearly three dozen people would be evicted from their shelters Sunday, but by the evening it said 31 migrants received extensions because of the exemptions, which include enrollment in public benefits, pregnancy or infant care, medical care, medical isolation and quarantine, as well as having families with children under 18.
City officials also said Friday that 2,026 people would be evicted from their current shelters by the end of April. 
Enforcement was postponed three times because of extreme winter weather, staffing concerns and backlash from advocates and some elected officials. On Monday, the City Council’s Progressive Reform Caucus released a statement opposing the policy. 
Volunteer Maria Perez, a member of the Southwest Collective, a collection of groups providing social services, said the extensions do not solve the bigger problem of a lack of resources for the migrants to obtain work and housing they can afford.
“Thirty more days is not enough time. They need the tools to set them up in order for them to succeed in this community,” she said Monday outside a shelter where migrants face eviction. 
“Why are we reprocessing them, right?" she asked. "So we’re just putting these people back into this situation again where they’re going to be migrating everywhere.”
Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration has said the policy is needed to “decompress” some shelters, especially three that house single migrants, including the Woodlawn facility. 
“These are some of our more expensive shelters to operate, and what we’re trying to do is optimize the resources that we have to be able to carry through,” Cristina Pacione-Zayas, the mayor’s deputy chief of staff, said at a recent briefing. 
Johnson said Friday that “by encouraging resettlement while also providing case-specific extensions with a focus on health and safety, we are advancing a pathway to stability and self-sufficiency.” 
Romero went to the landing zone Monday to seek placement at another shelter, but after his new exit day was processed, he still did not know where he was being placed.
“I still don’t know,” he said before he headed to a warming bus for migrants at the landing zone. “Let’s wait and see where they take me.”
The city said in a statement Monday evening, "Those exiting have the option to return to the Landing Zone and be reprocessed and placed in shelter once again if appropriate beds are available or opt for onward movement."
Yorman Yepez, 25, a Venezuelan migrant, stood for hours in the freezing cold waiting for his friend Romero to return from inside the landing zone as occasional snow flurries fell. The two would not be able to communicate because they lacked Wi-Fi, and Yepez wanted to accompany Romero to his new placement.
“How would you feel if someone told you that you have to leave today from the place where you’ve been living?” said Yepez, wearing a gray hoodie and white sandals with socks. His exit date is April 8. “It’s not pretty. You feel cast aside," he said.
Yepez said the policy disrupts friendships and the camaraderie that builds between shelter residents who come to the U.S. not knowing anyone in the country.
“It’s really difficult. We’re here alone,” he said.
Multiple migrants at the former Wadsworth Elementary School in Woodlawn said that the shelter had cots and rooms still empty and that they did not understand why people had to be evicted. 
Lisbeth Velasquez Mambel, 36, said she was anxious about her exit day in a few weeks, but then she was given an extension Monday because she is in the process of getting an apartment.
Her new exit day is in May, but she fears some fellow migrants will be forced onto the street in the cold, like when she had to sleep on cardboard outside shelters at police stations.
“This is not the solution,” she said. 
Romero said his question about where he would be placed next ended in a bus ride that brought him back to the same shelter he left that morning. 
He now has 60 more days before he faces eviction again.
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soy-alejo · 1 year ago
Siempre he amado los pequeños placeres de la vida, la suavidad de las cobijas en la mañana, el olor a café recién hecho, la paz que trae consigo el amanecer y esa plenitud cuando cae el atardecer,
Pero si me preguntas por un placer que pocos entienden, te diría que, un pequeño placer de la vida es el placer de un beso prohibido, de esos que deben ser secretos.
Pero seamos honestos amor, es un secreto que no sabemos guardar muy bien, pues tú boca me llama, me invita a buscarla de la forma más pacional posible y al mismo tiempo de la más sutil y perfecta, esos dos momentos donde, en el primero se desborda el deseo patente del cuerpo y en el otro, dónde se busca de forma suave y tierna la más grande conexión de dos mundos
Estan siempre mi mente buscando el momento seguro para robarte un beso.
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goalhofer · 11 months ago
2024 Cleveland Guardians Roster
#24 Triston McKenzie (Palm Beach County, Florida)
#28 Tanner Bibee (Mission Viejo, California)
#29 Tim Herrin (Terre Haute, Indiana)
#31 Sam Hentges (Arden Hills, Minnesota)
#32 Gavin Williams (Fayetteville, North Carolina)
#33 Hunter Gaddis (Canton, Georgia)
#36 Cade Smith (Abbotsford, British Columbia)**
#39 Edward Lively (Gulf Breeze, Florida)*
#41 Logan Allen (Deltona, Florida)
#44 Xzavion Curry (Atlanta, Georgia)
#46 Tyler Beede (Auburn, Massachusetts)*
#48 Emmanuel Clase (Río San Juan, Dominican Republic)
#49 Eli Morgan (Rancho Palos Verdes, California)
#52 Nick Sandlin (Columbia County, Georgia)
#57 Shane Bieber (Laguna Hills, California)
#58 Scott Barlow (Santa Clarita, California)*
#59 Carlos Carrasco (Barquisimeto, Venezuela)*
#99 James Karinchak (Montgomery, New York)
#6 David Fry (Grapevine, Texas)
#23 Noah-Gibson Naylor (Mississauga, Ontario)
#27 Austin Hedges (San Juan Capistrano, California)*
#0 Andrés Giménez (Barquisimeto, Venezuela)
#4 Brayan Rocchio (Santiago De León De Caracas, Venezuela)
#11 José Ramírez (Baní, Dominican Republic)
#13 Gabriel Arias (La Victoria, Venezuela)
#22 Joshua-Douglas Naylor (Mississauga, Ontario)
#79 Ángel Martínez; Jr. (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)**
#2 Tyler Freeman (Rancho Cucamonga, California)
#10 Ramón Laureano; Jr. (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
#17 Will Brennan (Overland Park, Kansas)
#38 Steven Kwan (Fremont, California)
#90 Estevan Florial (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)*
Manager Stephen Vogt (Visalia, California)
Bench coach Craig Albernaz (Somerset, Massachusetts)
Hitting coach Chris Valaika (Santa Clarita, California)
Assistant hitting coach Juan Puente (Galesburg, Illinois)
Assistant hitting coach Josh Tubbs (Nashville, Tennessee)
Assistant hitting coach Joe Torres (Kissimmee, Florida)
Pitching coach Carl Willis (Yanceyville, North Carolina)
Bullpen coach Brad Goldberg (Beachwood, Ohio)
Bullpen catcher Armando Camacaro (Santiago De León De Caracas)
Bullpen catcher Ricky Pacione (Newburgh, New York)
Outfield coach J.T. Maguire (Harford County, Maryland)
1B/catching coach Santos Alomar; Jr. (Ciudad Salinas, Puerto Rico)
3B/infield coach Rouglas Odor (Maracaibo, Venezuela)
Field coordinator Kai Correa (Hawaii County, Hawaii)
Assistant coach Jason Esposito (Bethany, Connecticut)
Assistant coach Agustin Rivero (New York, New York)
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ichigoalxs · 2 years ago
𝘼𝙫𝙢 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙣
Fue criado en una granja (de hay su amor y pacion por los animales)
Por su tono de color. Su madre era de color rojo y su padre era un rosa fuerte (de hay saco un tono mas parecido a su madre)
Su madre era de color blanco, y amaba la magia
Su padre era azul (no es navy) y le gustaba cuidar/curar a los seres vivos (humanos o animales)
Sobre la cocina, digamos que le gustaba ayudar a su madre en esta labor
Oh green green o mejor dicho ¿Lime?
Musica es la pasion de su padre, un hombre de color verde
Su madre era una gran constructora, ella era de color amarillo
Literalmente nada, nadie sabe de donde salio un stickman amarillo, pues es un color imposible de conseguir entre la mezcla de dos colores. Dejemos en que es huerfana, de hay su insistencia en llamar la atencion o en ser perfecta/buena en todo.
Ya todos sabemos 😔
(Perdon pero necesitaba eliminar mi esquizofrenia 😭)
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georgebleach · 19 days ago
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yoonsukyeol892 · 3 months ago
The competition will kick off at 7 p.m. on Friday with a match between Team Elite and Black Label. The strongest club,
Owl, will start the competition with a match against MI at 7 p.m. on Saturday. 다파벳우회주소The competition among elite high school teams will also begin on Sunday. Hongik University High School will play against Pacion, while Kyungbok will meet Haitai.
Yongsan High 해외배팅사이트가입School will prepare for the first game against the team's elite-black label game winning team and Bae Jae-gi against the More-Slow game winning team.
As the tournament system, which is eliminated immediately if one loses, will be held, 메이저사이트a close game will be held from the first game.
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sublimeretreat · 4 months ago
Psychic functions, postmodern poetical romanticism and paranormal phenomena are summoned to generate an absorbing, menacing, dreary, ecstatic and eerie cinematic experience. At a stylistic cross between Eric Holm, Mauricio Bianchi, Jim O Rourke, KTL, CM von Hausswolff, Christoph de Babalon, and Adam Pacione. Warmly recommended to any fan of adventurous and cerebral music with a strong, darkly cinematic and melancholic rumbling quality. 20-minutes of pure and exquisite musical levitation in the brooding spheres of the psyche.
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