#overcome perfectionism
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mrbizz1 · 1 month ago
Forget Perfect: Embrace the Power of Daily Improvement
Disclosure and Disclaimer This blog post was created with the assistance of AI to ensure it is as informative and engaging as possible. Additionally, some of the links included in this post are affiliate links. If you click on them, I may earn a small commission. This comes at no extra cost to you. Your support helps me continue creating valuable content—thank you! The Illusion of Perfection: A…
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eridan-ampora · 1 year ago
i love it when characters are codependent. i love it when losing someone feels like losing a limb. i love it when two people "complete" each other so wholly and terribly that one can barely function without the other. i love it when the fear of losing the only person who understands them is so all-consuming they'll destroy anything to stay together, including themselves.
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you10tubesworld · 11 months ago
Say goodbye to the endless pursuit of perfection and learn how to embrace imperfection and find true happiness. Watch and enjoy! Granny Ronna. P.S. Here is the "My Mind" visual app I reference in this video:    / @takebackmymind   And if you like my content, consider subscribing here:    / @grannyronna  
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rainscenes · 4 months ago
buddie | 3k words | explicit possessive eddie, semi-public sex, proposals, monogamy kink :)
“You know, this name might be on both our uniforms some day,” Buck says, barely thinking, because, obviously it will. One day. But then his own words catch up with him and he freezes, staring unblinkingly at the grimy, really-needs-to-be-hosed-down side of the ladder truck.
Buck wears the wrong jacket.
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orangeisms · 8 months ago
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this is foreplay btw...
bonus kitties :
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gothic-mothic-topic · 4 days ago
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Full body (colored in and shaded bc I have no self control and enjoy suffering) sketches + a sort of height chart/comparison.
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vivika-ka · 1 year ago
I’m so tempted to write an angsty (but also hurt/comfort) Lawlu fic that has Law suffering a nearly mortal wound that wouldn’t have happened if Luffy followed the plan for once.
Then have Luffy’s turmoil over being the bearer of miracles, only it doesn’t matter when it comes to people he loves most (Ace).
Plus, the Heart Pirates being protective of their captain 😤
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t0tally-n0t-lou · 1 month ago
i really want to fukuzawa to give me a hug and tell me everything’s going to be alright. :( why can’t i have your father figure ranpo!?!
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everythingaboutbiotech · 11 months ago
We all struggle with writing, especially in academic contexts. This particular method proved immensely beneficial in my journey of crafting my MPhil thesis, offering invaluable assistance. It provided the essential support needed to overcome the challenges inherent in academic writing.
Shitty First Draft Concept: The concept of the “shitty first draft,” a writing technique coined by Anne Lamott in her book “Bird by Bird” (1994). It emphasizes the importance of writing a rough first draft without worrying about quality.
Writing Process: The technique involves letting ideas flow freely onto paper, knowing it can be shaped later. This approach helps writers overcome the fear of starting and the pressure of creating a perfect first draft.
Benefits: By writing a “shitty first draft,” writers can get their thoughts out and familiarize themselves with the scope of their work. This makes subsequent editing steps easier and more effective.
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themichiferqueen · 9 months ago
my favorite versions of Michael are the ones where he shows you yes, he can absolutely exercise free will, just no, you won’t like it
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misakiisstupid · 22 hours ago
Duke Thomas walks into the office, his usual calm and collected demeanor on full display. Dr. Eto greets him with a warm smile, gesturing for him to take a seat.
Dr. Eto: offering him a cup of tea “I made some chamomile today, Duke. Would you like some?”
Duke: sitting down and nodding “Sure, that sounds good.” takes the cup
Dr. Eto: settling in her chair across from him, maintaining her usual relaxed and warm presence “How are you feeling today?”
Duke: pauses, his gaze drifting slightly, before he looks at her “Same as usual. You know. Busy. Lots to do. But… I’m getting by.”
Dr. Eto: “I see. Busy. You’ve been handling a lot, haven’t you?”
Duke: nods “I’m always handling something. But, I guess that’s just how things are. No rest. No time off.”
Dr. Eto: gently “That’s not sustainable, Duke. I’m glad you’re getting by, but we’ve talked about how important it is to take a moment for yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
Duke: sighs softly, running a hand through his hair “I know. It’s just… hard to slow down. People depend on me. I can’t just… stop.”
Dr. Eto: nodding “I understand. But you don’t have to be everything for everyone all the time. Sometimes it’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to put yourself first.”
There’s a long pause, where Duke looks thoughtful but clearly conflicted. Dr. Eto watches him for a moment before speaking again.
Dr. Eto: “I want to try something different today. Just for you. You’ve been so focused on everyone else—on the city, on your family—let’s focus on you for a moment.” She reaches into her drawer and pulls out a small piece of chocolate candy, offering it to him. “Here, take this.”
Duke: looks at the candy, slightly confused “Chocolate?”
Dr. Eto: smiling warmly “Yes, chocolate. It’s been scientifically shown to help with dopamine production, which can help improve your mood. And it’s also a small moment of pleasure. Plus, sunlight and a little chocolate can help balance your mental state. You deserve to have those moments, Duke.”
Duke: hesitates, then takes the candy and unwrapping it “I… didn’t think you’d be the kind of therapist to give candy.”
Dr. Eto: with a wink “Well, sometimes the simplest pleasures are the best ones. Take a bite, enjoy it. And remember—taking care of yourself is not a luxury. It’s a necessity.”
Duke takes a bite of the chocolate, chewing slowly, as if considering her words. For a moment, he looks more relaxed than usual.
Dr. Eto: leans forward, still in her calm, reassuring tone “You’ve been carrying a lot of weight, Duke. You’ve been trying to be someone for everyone, but I want you to try something. For once, try being yourself. Try letting go of all the expectations you’ve put on yourself to be perfect, to always be the strong one, the reliable one. Just… be Duke.”
Duke: looks at her, a little unsure but intrigued “Just be me?”
Dr. Eto: “Exactly. You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need to always be the one holding everything together. You’re allowed to be human, to have flaws, to need help, to take breaks. And it’s okay to not always have everything figured out. Just... let yourself be.”
Duke: softly “I guess… I never really thought about it that way.”
Dr. Eto: “It’s a hard habit to break, I know. But it’s important. Being yourself is more than enough. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, not to me, not to your family, not even to Gotham. Just be you.”
Duke sits back in the chair, his posture a little more relaxed now, though he still looks thoughtful.
Dr. Eto: smiling softly “And remember, Duke. It’s okay to indulge in the little things. The chocolate, the sunlight, the moments of joy. You deserve them.”
Duke: nods slowly, a small but genuine smile creeping onto his face “Thanks, Dr. Eto. I think I needed to hear that.”
Dr. Eto: beaming “Anytime, Duke. You’re doing great. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself, too.”
THERAPIST NOTES: Diagnosis: Anxiety, self-imposed pressure, burnout, emotional neglect.
Treatment Plan:
Encourage self-care practices and relaxation techniques.
Focus on allowing Duke to be himself without the burden of constant responsibility.
Prescription for daily self-compassion and finding small moments of joy.
Follow-up to monitor progress and emotional health.
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astromechs · 1 year ago
figuring out i have published nearly 60,000 words of rebelcaptain fic to ao3 in the past year, and that's just the stuff i've published
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calltoamentor · 7 months ago
Make Creative Blocks Work For You
As someone who struggles frequently with procrastination and perfectionism, let me tell you from experience that there is no one true way to overcome a creative block, particularly not how to overcome a writer's block.
Procrastination and creative blocks are Hounds that those who seek to join a creative field know all too well. It’s a running joke among creatives, “Haha I should be writing right now but I am doing literally anything else!” Honestly, the most relatable thing in the first season of You is the sequence of Beck alternating between trying to write, random googling, Yoga and fiddling with every…
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aaliyawrites · 5 months ago
From Perfectionism to Progress: Aaliya's Story of Breaking Free from Procrastination
Hey there, I’m Aaliya, the pen with a story to tell. I’ve been with my human, V, since 2018, and trust me, it’s been quite the journey. I’ve seen her smile, cry, win, lose, fall in love, and sink into some deep pain. Her path’s been full of confusion, heavy expectations, and, well, let’s just say, a lot of procrastination. But through it all, she’s kept going. That takes courage — even if she’d never admit it.
You see, V’s methods aren’t always the best (and yes, sometimes they suck), but her heart is in the right place. This blog? It’s not about her past (at least, not all of it). It’s about where she’s at right now. But hey, a little context never hurt anyone, right?
V’s Battle with Perfectionism: The Journey to Self-Acceptance
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Let’s get one thing straight: V is human. Shocking, right? You’re probably rolling your eyes, but it’s important. She forgets that a lot. In her world, her worth is tied up in accomplishments — money, looks, killer communication skills, friendships, or finding her "perfect" crew (think Luffy’s gang, for you anime fans).
She’s convinced that if she doesn’t check all those boxes, she’s just… not enough. She believes that if she doesn’t have it all, people will leave her behind. And if you’re sitting there thinking, "Well, that’s wrong," you’re absolutely right. But does she know that? Sure. Does she feel it, though? Not quite.
Knowing something’s wrong doesn’t mean you can magically stop feeling it.
Meet the Monster of Procrastination
For too long, V has been stuck battling Profecta — the monster born from perfectionism and procrastination. She’s caught in an exhausting loop where her efforts never feel good enough, and there’s always something more she thinks she should have done. This creates a void inside, filled with guilt and shame, which leads to procrastination — a victory for Profecta, her inner perfectionism.
Has she tried to escape this cycle? Absolutely. But she usually lasts 3-7 days before something breaks her rhythm. Overload or distraction stops her, and it takes her another 1-2 months to get back on track.
Love, Loss, and a Whole Lot of Mess
V, like anyone in their twenties, has loved with all she had. Her first love? Miss K. Yep, Miss. But Miss K didn’t return those feelings. She wasn’t interested in girls, in general. Even though V never fully accepted her feelings or confessed, they stayed friends. Miss K was her Safe Place — full of love, acceptance, care, and support But when their paths diverged, V convinced herself that she wasn’t worthy of Miss K’s time and never contacted her again. Also, those emotions connected to Miss K? Way too overwhelming for V to face.
Two years have passed, and V is still holding on. Too much? Welcome to the mess.
Did she try to move on? Of course! But she couldn’t bring herself to delete Miss K’s number. She’d still watch her stories online, and instead of deleting photos, she just hid them in a folder. Silly, right? But facing her feelings was too hard. So, she buried them under distractions.
Escaping into Fiction: A False Safe Place
When battling the Profecta monster became too much, V sought comfort in a form of escape — creating a fictional world where she felt safe and loved. It became her refuge, but soon it turned into an unhealthy coping mechanism. Instead of preparing for her exams during her gap year, she threw herself into fanfiction, reading it for 13-15 hours a day. Not exaggerating.
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She isolated herself from the real world, cut off friends, and stopped replying to messages. Why? Because she felt she wasn’t enough. She’d suffered two huge academic setbacks, and even after taking a gap year, she couldn’t get back on track. The weight of her past failures made the present feel unbearable, so she sought refuge in a fictional world, even at the cost of her health, sleep, and academics.
The Turning Point: Letting Go of Miss K and Fiction
V cared deeply for Miss K and didn’t want to hurt her. She didn’t mind if her escape ruined her, as long as Miss K was safe. But one day, V’s thoughts took a darker turn. She imagined hurting Miss K emotionally, just to make her feel the same pain V was feeling. It shocked her.
That was when V knew she had to change. She deleted Miss K’s number, erased the photos, and cut all ties. She even stopped reading fanfiction — something she had tried and failed to do before.
A New Battle: Seeking Comfort in Unhealthy Escapes
Without her fictional escape, V felt lost. So, she turned to another unhealthy coping mechanism. Let’s just say it involved content that didn’t make her feel any better. She started seeking comfort in role-playing communities, hoping to find real love and comfort. But it only messed with her mental health even more.
Journaling: A Ray of Hope for Healing
Despite all the struggles, there’s been one thing that helps V find her way back: Journaling. When she sticks to it, things start to shift. Journaling helps her process the chaos inside her head. It’s not a perfect solution — she’s had bad days that stop her in her tracks — but it’s a start.
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This is why V decided to start writing on Aaliyawrites. Because, let’s face it, Aaliya writes ;) .Through this blog, she hopes to create a space where healing becomes possible, even if the path isn’t always straight.
Building a Community: Sharing Stories and Healing Together
Aaliyawrites isn’t just V’s story. It’s for anyone who’s ever felt lost, stuck, or overwhelmed. V wants this space to be a community where people can share their experiences, support each other, and offer advice. Healing doesn’t happen alone, and through this blog, she hopes to help others feel a little less alone on their journey.
Have you ever battled perfectionism? Or found yourself stuck in an exhausting loop of procrastination? If so, V and I (Aaliya, the pen) would love to hear your story.
George Herbert once said, "Good words are worth much, and cost little."
Your words might be the lifeline someone needs.
So, What’s Next?
V is still figuring things out, but she’s trying. Her journey isn’t linear, and there are still battles with Profecta. But every small step she takes matters. And through Aaliyawrites, she’s hoping to keep moving forward — and hopefully help others do the same.
Please, share your story, give advice, or drop a few words of encouragement. Let’s build a space where we can be open, vulnerable, and support one another on this journey of growth and healing.
Final Thoughts: A New Beginning
This post marks the beginning of something new, not just for V, but for all of us. Together, we can create a space where healing and growth are possible, one step at a time.
Signing off, Aaliya the pen (P.S. — Classic Profecta move: this draft was written four days ago!)
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breakfastteatime · 1 year ago
In today's chapter: GIRLS' TRIP with Cere and Merrin ^_^
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nevadawolfe · 1 year ago
The unending desire and need to create vs. the absolute disgust and loathing for every imperfect thing that these two hands try to make
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