#outherine orientations
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Are there any gender loving gender terms for atrinary/outheric genders? I'm making a chart but I can't find any specifically for Atrinary/outheric genders:(
I'm sorry for the swearing but holy shit, I SCOURED for attractional labels for atrinarity and so many orientation terms are either specific to the gender trinary or they use the very broad nonbinary label. Man-loving-gender, woman-loving-gender, nonbinary-loving-gender, agender-loving-gender, and NOTHING outside of that.
The only thing I found was "mavrixian", a term for maverique-loving-maverique whose wiki page is a candidate for deletion because it has no external sources listed. Not even a page for aporagender-loving-gender, which is also a maverine experience.
The entire juvelic system is focused on men, women, and nonbinary people with nothing else included. "Nonbinary" can technically include atrinary identities but people deserve labels that are more specific to their experiences. A handful of juvelic terms also include neutral-aligned identities and even xenogender, which aren't atrinary either!
Too many identities get shoved under the nonbinary label but we have so many incredibly specific words for being men and women: Terms for being in-between, being both at once, being both but it changes, being partially both, being either of them and aligned with certain genders, being either of them and attracted to specific genders, etc. But then anything that isn't a man or a woman just get called nonbinary and that's the end of it. You're either mlm, mlw, wlw, wlm, or some kind of similar nonbinary-loving-gender. It's frustrating.
Where is all the love for atrinary-focused orientations? Does anyone know of any terms?
Also, can I get some help from @our-outherly-experience with this ask? (If you don't mind the ping.) - 💙💚
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radiomogai · 9 months ago
[Image 1 ID: A six striped flag, the colors are as follows from top to bottom, deep maroon, muted purple, desaturated magenta, lavender, desaturated purple, black. In the center is the Quasaric symbol in white and outlined in black, which is a line with a circle in the middle, and two curves at the top and bottom of the circle on opposite sides, the top curve reaching down and bottom curve reaching up. End ID]
[Image 2 ID: The same flag without the symbol.]
[Image 3 ID: The same flag but the symbol does not have an outline.]
IDs by @mogaiswirls
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An orientation label for anyone- regardless of gender, personal alignment(s), or anything else -who is attracted to / prefers to partner with those who are not Binary / Xorgender ( regardless of their alignment / unalignment or any other factors. )
This can include ( but is not limited to ) those who are Agender, Abinary, Atrinary, Anonbinary, Midbinary, Nonbinary, Genderqueer, Xenic, Masc-aligned, Fem-aligned, Unaligned, Androgynous-aligned, and much much more!
( Any future terms which may fit the above definition but are not directly stated or currently exist are also included. )
This is an intentionally broad term and is meant to parallel Uranic, Neptunic, and Saturnic. However, unlike these terms, it is not limited to any form of alignment in it's definition ( e.g. Uranic only includes Masc-aligned nbs, Neptunic only includes Fem-aligned nbs, and Saturnic only includes Androgynous-aligned nbs ) and it explicitly includes attraction to everyone who is not Binary / Xorgender, not just Nonbinary individuals.
All Aspec and Anattractional individuals are welcome to it as well, including Oriented Anattractional and Oriented Aspec individuals! The coiner is Aspec and will not gatekeep anyone who feels that this term- or it's future subterms -are useful to them in some way.
I made this as a personal term for myself and a friend, as I am Multigender + Genderqueer and wanted a label which was not Juvelic ( i.e. did not factor in my gender, as it is flux ), did not include attraction to any Binary / Xorgenders ( I am Dionifreyic ), and also did not require me to label myself or my partner as Nonbinary to be included.
Taglist - @radiomogai, @revenant-coining
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ryanyflags · 10 months ago
A List of Gender Terms !
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So I disappeared for 2 months, but I finally completed this project! :D (Though I've been making some random posts talking about it, so it's not like I was really gone, or what I was working on wasn't obvious.)
It started off as me having trouble keeping track of a couple gender terms (and also not knowing they existed before, since I've never really seen people talk about them), then I thought I should make a list, and if I was going to do that I might as well post it to help other people too. Which I started out trying to make that list on Tumblr, but I found it too limiting so I moved to google docs, which I also found too limiting (I just couldn't achieve my vision, if you will), and now I know html and css.
As usual, I kinda overdid it, but I think I should be a little proud of myself. I had 0 knowledge of html and css, and 2 months later I've made my own website. (I could have made it much quicker, but I often had to take breaks, a bit overwhelmed by all that new stuff.)
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Anyways, it has a ton of terms on there.
I have sections for nonbinary, abinary, midbinary, atrinary, midtrinary, androgyne, agender, neutrois, maverique, ilyagender, aporagender, outherine, kenochoric, and xenogender.
For 7 categories (sex terms, adult, general term, child, gender quality, gender-quality-in-nature genders, and spectrum / -iagender spectrum).
And they all have sources on both Archive Today, Wayback Machine, and if still existing, the original post too. (At least to the best of my abilities, and there are a couple of exceptions that I couldn't figure out.)
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I did put effort into this, but it's possible I missed something. So if I made a mistake anywhere, or if anyone has any extra information to add on, or if you just have some comments, you can tell me. My ask box is open, but comments on this post would probably be fine too.
Also, I checked on a couple of different browsers, mobile too, and read up on web accessibility and checked and all that (I tried using a screen reader, I'm not a pro at it though, so it's possible I may have missed something obvious), so I hope the website itself is useable. But if there's any bugs there, just tell me (it'll be appreciated).
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I'm also thinking of making another compilation, but for flags (for all of the terms listed here), and maybe orientations too, but maybe later haha
I also don't know how to write a image id for the top picture, if anyone wants to write to one I'll add it.
Below the cut is a short little video scrolling through the site.
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gender-jargon · 10 months ago
Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist
[pt: Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist ./. End PT]
I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it.
[PT: I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it. ./. End PT]
Tagging @imoga-pride and @in-nature-archive.
Here is a list of GIN ([Gender]-in-nature) terms that I used on my old blog (Gender-Resource) for tagging. I have also included more recent GIN terms that either I have coined or has been coined by others that I currently use or likely will use in the future for tagging.
If anyone has any questions about the terms here, just let me know and I would be happy to answer them :-)
Fin: (Feminine-in-nature)
Unfin: (Unfeminine-in nature)
Troin: (Troinine-in-nature)
Min: (Masculine-in-nature)
Droin: (Droxinine-in-nature)
Unmin: (Unmasculine-in-nature)
Lin: (Androgynous-in-nature)
Unlin: (Unandrogynous-in-nature)
Femain: (Femasline-in-nature)
Ambiguin: (Ambiguine-in-nature)
Altrin: (Altraeninine-in-nature)
Nin: (Neutral-in-nature)
Unin: (Unneutral-in-nature)
Neuin: (Neutrine-in-nature)
Epin: (Epicene-in-nature)
Trinin: (Trinterine-in-nature)
Amin: (Ambiguous-in-nature)
Perin: (Peraine-in-nature)
Ilyin: (Ilyagine-in-nature)
Mvin: (Mavriquine-in-nature)
Auin: (Autonomous-in-nature)
Othin: (Other-in-nature)
Nuin: (Null-in-nature)
Vin: (Void-in-nature)
Agin: (Agender-in-nature)
Glin: (Genderless-in-nature)
Gein: (Generic-in-nature)
Kein: (Kenochoric-in-nature)
Luxin: (Luxine-in-nature)
Inbin: (Inbissiec-in-nature)
Enmin: (Enmitiec-in-nature)
Shocin: (Shocking-in-nature)
Uin: (Undescribable-in-nature)
Din: (Describable-in-nature)
Apin: (Apathetic-in-nature)
Usin: (Confused-in-nature)
Main: (Male-in-nature)
Fein: (Female-in-nature)
Lein: (Femache-in-nature)
Buin: (Butch-in-nature)
Sobin: (Soft Butch-in-nature)
Fuin: (Futch-in-nature)
Femin: (Femme-in-nature)
Bufin: (Butchy Femme-in-nature)
Genoin: (GNC-in-nature)
Qin: (Queer-in-nature)
Ain: (Aporine-in-nature)
Ouin: (Outherine-in-nature)
Diasin: (Diastine-in-nature)
Xin: (Xenine-in-nature)
Oriein: (Orientation-in-nature)
Lexin: (Lexcial-in-nature)
Gsrin: (Gesneriad-in-nature)
Aesin: (Aesthetic-in-nature)
Coriin: (Coric-in-nature)
Whilin: (Whilom-in-nature)
Roin: (Neuroine-in-nature)
Iin: (Intersex Exclusive-in-nature)
Altin: (Altersex-in-nature)
Yin: (Yonderine-in-nature)
Cuin: (Culturally Exclusive-in-nature)
2sin: (Twospirit-in-nature)
Amplin: (Amplusian-in-nature)
Chin: (Changing-in-nature)
Plasmin: (Genderplasmic-in-nature)
Cinn: (Choice-in-nature)
Idin: (Fluid-in-nature)
Uxin: (Flux-in-nature)
Flin: (Fluix-in-nature)
Aporin: (Nonspecific-in-nature)
Porin: (Specific-in-nature)
Unrelin: (Unrelated-in-nature)
Relin: (Related-in-nature)
Plin: (Partial-in-nature)
Poin: (Polygender/Omnigender/Pangender-in-nature)
Antin: (Antigender-in-nature)
Novin: (Novel/New-in-nature)
Infin: (infinite-in-nature)
Doxin (Paradoxical-in-nature)
Oposin (Opposite-in-nature)
Contrin (Contradictory-in-nature)
Vain: (Vague-in-nature)
Vasin: (Vast-in-nature)
Win: (Weak/Disconnected-in-nature)
Reclin: (Reclaimed-in-nature)
Rin: (Rejected/Repulsed-in-nature)
Contrin: (Contraversial-in-nature)
Polin: (Political-in-nature)
Sucuin: (Subcultural-in-nature)
Cocuin: (Countercultural-in-nature)
Quesin: (Questioning-in-nature)
Virin: (Virine-in-nature)
Lierin: (Eraine-in-nature)
Commin: (Commidine-in-nature)
Ithin: (Itherinine-in-nature)
Andin: (Anderine-in-nature)
Diphin: (Dipherine-in-nature)
Umbin: (Umbinine-in-nature)
Pretin: (Preterine-in-nature)
Bin: (Binarine-in-nature)
Nobin: (Nonbinarine-in-nature)
Enbin: (Enbinine-in-nature)
Midbin: (Midbinaraine-in-nature)
Nomidbin: (Nonmidbinarine-in-nature)
Abin: (Abinarine-in-nature)
Noabin: (Nonabinarine-in-nature)
Trin: (Trinarine-in-nature)
Midtrin: (Midtrinarine-in-nature)
Atrin: (Atrinarine-in-nature)
Noatrin: (Nonatrinarine-in-nature)
Tin: (Trans-in-nature)
Cin: (Cis-in-nature)
Trisin: (Tris-in-nature)
Ipsin: (Ipso-in-nature)
Ultin: (Ulter-in-nature)
Iptin: (Ipter-in-nature)
— Gent (link)
[PT: -- Gent (link) ./. End PT]
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dhddmods · 6 months ago
Multiellic: The exclusive attraction to multigender people. This could be people with any number of genders, or a specific number. If it is a specific number, -ellic or -llic can be added at the end of it (for example, biellic, triellic, quadellic, quintellic, hexallic, septallic, octallic, enneallic, decallic, panellic, omniellic, fluidellic, etc.)
Bigeninic and paninic can be considered alternative names for biellic and panellic.
We (Weniviere & Angel) decided to recoin the orientation "multigenic" and its flag, which we made years ago, because that terminology is used for systems with multiple origins, which we didn't know at the time, and it has bothered us ever since we found out. The -ellic theme is inspired by other tria- microlabels (lunaric, solaric, saturnic, apstellic, neustellic, oustellic, stellaric, and spacialic.)
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On the flag, the black represents genderlessness, demigenders, and multiellic people that are aro-spec. Magenta represents feminine genders and sexual attraction. The purplish-pink represents a combination of romantic and sexual attraction. The purple represents androgynous genders and multiellic people that are ace-spec. Brown represents cultural genders and BIPOC people. Orange represents outherine genders and alterous attraction. Yellow represents xenic genders and queerplatonic attraction. Blue represents masculine genders. Green represents neutral genders. White represents fluid/flux genders, attraction, or relationships.
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database-of-maverinities · 3 months ago
What is Maverine?
Maverine (also called verine) is a gender quality typically connected to maverique, a gender that is outside of masculine, feminine, male, female, and neutral while having a distinct gendered feeling. As such, its maverine quality exists outside of masculine, feminine, neutral, and null - this is known as outherine. Maverinity is tied to personal inner conviction of gender and is therefore autonomous.
Maverine falls under the qualities of outherine, itherine, aporine, and abinarine, but it does not fall under xenity. It is maverine-in-nature, or MVIN/mvingender.
Maverine is, by definition, both autonomous (AUIN) and outherine (OUIN) at the same time, and lacks gender apathy.
Maverine is not a gender quality that is unorthodox by choice (which is why the main maverine gender - maverique - is “maverick-like”, a key distinction that differentiates it from the more voluntary gendermaverick identity.) Therefore, it is not related to being genderqueer or genderpunk.
(All of the above links redirect to the YB3 Wiki.)
Why "Maverinities"?
Taking inspiration from @/theoutherlings, a blog that discusses outherinities, I find it valuable to talk about maverinities in the plural. Maverinities make up a galaxy of individual maverine experiences as well as neighboring ones. Maveriquinities are qualities and genders specific to the maverique experience. My goal is to pull the focus away from maverinity as THE quality of maverique and delve into the complexities of maverinity on its own. But maverique is not forgotten here!
Helpful Tags
Maverine/Transmaverine - all posts have the maverine tag, some others will have transmaverine/transmav
Ouiaspec/Xiaspec/Agiaspec/Niaspec/Liaspec - spectra of identities; I might forget to update this, but it's likely there's a tag for whatever is missing
Orientation - juvelic terms, X4X terms, and anything involving orientation labels
Firsthand Experiences - people's firsthand maverine experiences
Text Post - no images, just text
Info - informative posts
Coining Post - coining posts for maverine identities
Art - not just art, but also maverine-inspired stimboards, userboxes, wallpapers, and more
Other Websites - links to info and other content from non-Tumblr websites
Videos - video content about maverinity, usually YouTube links
I tend to prioritize coining posts, firsthand experiences, and informative posts, but you can tag me in any maverine-related post if you want it reblogged here! You can also contact me if you want any content removed.
See Also
Related Concepts (a page on this blog)
Every maverine gender I could find (Google Docs)
Every maverine gender coined by me (YB3 Wiki)
Maverine coining
Transmaverine flags (coining?)
Maverique FAQ (Tumblr page)
What Does Transmaverinity Look Like? (blog post)
A Deep Dive Into Outherinity (blog post)
The introduction of recontextualization and disidentification (sent as an ask to the YB3 blog)
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neopronouns · 7 months ago
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flag id: four flags with 6 stripes. the top left flag's stripes are soft copper brown, orange, yellow-orange, light greenish-yellow, soft green, and bluish-green. the top right flag's stripes are soft copper brown, orange, yellow-orange, light greenish-yellow, dull light purple-pink, and dull purple-pink. the bottom left flag's stripes are soft copper brown, orange, yellow-orange, light greenish-yellow, dull light turquoise, and dull turquoise. the bottom right flag's stripes are soft copper brown, orange, yellow-orange, light greenish-yellow, dull light purple, and dull purple. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
fortitudian | cuancoanic smertrian | velesian
anon asked for alternate fortitudian and velesian flags and i figured i'd make alt flags for the other terms coined alongside those as well!
in all flags, the brown, orange, and yellow stripes represent autonomous/maverine/outherine genders; the greens in the fortitudian flag are more colors i associate with gender autonomy; and the cuancoanic, smertrian, and velesian flags use colors from my ainemine, ainuline, and altraenine redesigns (version one, version two)!
tags: @radiomogai, @orientation-archive, @theoutherlings | dni link
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creepybah · 5 months ago
Seriousness themed alter that’s masc, outherine, zombiekin, delusion holder, emotion holder, and a misanthropy holder?
Everything else is up to you!!
HEADMATE PACK FOR @cherishedverses
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name(s) - castor
pronouns - they/he
genders - outherine demimaverique monachoric butchboy
neu + masc terms
orientations - grayaroace unlabeled (doesn’t care enough to label it)
ages - 23
species - zombie
roles - delusion holder, emotion holder, misanthropy holder
likes - everything being neat, colder weather, nature walks, the quiet
dislikes - people, messes, strong perfumes / colognes / scents, parties (or just places that have a lot of people in general)
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HEX CODE #009d1d
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redtail-lol · 1 year ago
Coining Aporagender orientation labels for myself. I'll make more eventually for other people and myself
None of these are inherently exclusive
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[Image ID: A 5 striped flag. Colors, in descending order, are: light pink; reddish pink; orange; pale yellow-orange; light yellow. End ID.]
An umbrella term for any relationships or attraction between women and aporagender people
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Almandian | Apelline | Lolitic
[Image ID: 3 5 striped flags. The colors for the first, in descending order, are: orange; pale yellow-orange; light yellow; white; pink. The second's colors, in descending order, are: orange; pale yellow-orange; light yellow; white; reddish orange. The third's colors, in descending order, are: dark-ish pink; pink; light pink; white; pale golden yellow. End ID.]
An aporagender person who is attracted to women | an aporagender person who is attracted to aporagender people | a woman who is attracted to aporagender people
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Sapphiric | Apellitrix
[Image ID: 2 5 striped flags. Colors on the first, in descending order, are: dark-ish pink; pink; white; pale yellow-orange; reddish pink. Colors on the second, in descending order, are: orange; yellow; white; pale yellow-orange; reddish pink. End ID.]
A woman who is attracted to aporagender people and women | an aporagender person who is attracted to aporagender people and women
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Apellolitic | Sapphellitrix
[Image ID: 2 5-striped flags. Colors on the first, in descending order, are: dark-ish pink; reddish pink; orange; white; pale golden yellow. The second's colors, in descending order, are: dark-ish pink; reddish pink; orange; white; pink. End ID.]
A woman and aporagender person who is attracted to aporagender people | A woman and aporagender person who is attracted to women.
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[Image ID: A 7 striped flag. Colors, in descending order, are: dark pink; dark-ish pink; pink; white; pale light yellow; yellow-orange; orange. End ID.]
A woman and aporagender person who is attracted to women and aporagender people
Though this was made with aporagender people in mind, outherine, maverique, gendered neutrois and nonbinary people, and anyone who feels they have a distinct gender removed from "male" and "female" may use these if they want to! Though maverique, neutrois, and outherine versions will be made, if you want you can use these too
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bilesproblems · 3 months ago
Ultimate Vocabulary I Use on the Blog List!
Some of these terms are used more than others.
Mspec Lesbian - any lesbian who is attracted to more than one gender. Many, many experiences fall under this. See my explanation list for more details! Mspec lesbians may identify just as an mspec lesbian, or with other specific mspec labels such as bi, pan, poly (the orientation not polyam), omni, abro, neptunic, trixen, etc.
Lunian - Another word for an mspec lesbian
Exclusive Lesbian - A lesbian who is not attracted to men in at least one form of attraction, while attracted to other genders in that same form of attraction. This is not an exclusion*ist* lesbian, nor does it mean one isn't an mspec lesbian. Also called a Sea Lesbian as per my recent coining
Exclus Lesbian - Exclusionist lesbian
Nonexclusive Lesbian - A lesbian who is attracted to men, but still calls themselves a lesbian. Also called a Moon Lesbian as per my recent coining.
Mono lesbian - A lesbian who is only attracted to one gender (which is almost always women)
Exclus: An exclusionist, particularly an mspec lesbian exclusionist since it's a themed blog
Multilesbophobia - Discrimination and hate against mspec lesbians, for being mspec and a lesbian at the same time
Luniaphobia - Synonymous with multilesbophobia, shorter to say but might confuse people unfamiliar with the term "lunian."
New Moon Springtide (lunian, mspec/bi/pan/etc lesbian) - an mspec lesbian who uses the split attraction model. Their romantic orientation is either an mspec identity, or lesbian, and their sexual orientation is the other. For example, a bisexual lesbiromantic or a lesbisexual panromantic.
First Quarter Neaptide (lunian, mspec/bi/pan/etc lesbian) - An mspec lesbian who identifies as such because they are mspec, but their attraction towards women, or those who fall under modern lesbian attraction, is much greater than their attraction to other genders, or than their attraction to men. This can be more frequency or stronger attraction. Such a person may feel they are directly between mspec and a lesbian. For example a bisexual who feels more deeply in love when they're with a woman than with anybody else.
Waxing Gibbous Springtide (lunian, mspec/bi/pan/etc lesbian) - an mspec lesbian who uses the split attraction model, where they are either mspec or a lesbian sexually and/or romantically, but experience strong tertiary attraction of the other. Originally, it was just strong mspec tertiary attraction, but then I remembered it should be both ways. For example, an asexual, panromantic lesbiaesthetic person, or a lesbirose omniplatonic person.
Full Moon Springtide (lunian, mspec/bi/pan/etc lesbian) - An mspec lesbian who identifies as such because they are attracted to more than one gender that fits under modern exclusive usage of lesbian. For example, they're polysexual for women, outherine identities, androgynous identities, and neutral identities, but never solely man-aligned people.
Waning Gibbous Neaptide (lunian, mspec/bi/pan/etc lesbian) - Someone who is sure that they are attracted to women, and may or may not be sure that they're attracted to elsegender people, but is not certain if they are attracted to men or not. This is different from feeling in between mspec and a lesbian, because it is characterized by a distinct uncertainty in your attraction. Is it romantic/sexual or is it tertiary attraction? Is it even real? Is it comphet? Am I imagining it?
Third Quarter Neaptide (lunian, mspec/bi/pan/etc lesbian) - An mspec person who identifies as a lesbian as an act of reclamation of the historical, nonexclusive meaning of the word "lesbian." Because lesbian separatism which changed the meaning was a TERF led movement, many people feel like it's only right to reclaim their place.
Ecliptic (lunian, mspec/bi/pan/etc lesbian) - An mspec lesbian who is also aspec, and their unique aspec experience with attraction was influential or the entire reason they identify with both labels. This includes orchidspec and cupiospec reasons. For example, a cupio-asexual lesbiromantic who isn't attracted to men at all, but would find themselves sex favorable for a person of any gender, or a grayrose person who's only ever been sexually or romantically attracted to women, but feels they could be hypothetically attracted to men, and feels very strong platonic attraction towards men (which they feel more often or more weakly than romantic or sexual attraction.)
Midtide (lunian, mspec/bi/pan/etc lesbian) - an mspec lesbian who has a different, unique experience from these microlabels. I'm not able to account for everyone even if I try to think of more possibilities.
Tidalphasic (lunian, mspec/bi/pan/etc lesbian) - An mspec lesbian who's reason for identifying as an mspec lesbian changes. For example an abrosexual who overall identifies with midtide or with first quarter neaptide, when they're not attracted to men identifies with full moon springtide, and when they are attracted to men identifies as third quarter neaptide.
I will add more eventually
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your-bigender-big-brother · 4 months ago
Could you coin a outherine galactic alignment gender. (If it isn’t to much to ask)
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Spherian: An outherine-aligned identity that is part of the Galactian Alignment System.
The name refers to the celestial sphere, a radius of astronomical observation oriented around Earth. Since outherine genders are typically non-xenine, basing it on how Earth views the cosmos is parallel to the idea of basing genders on human gender concepts.
Space is everything to me and I love the chance to coin genders based on astronomical concepts. I might coin at least one more galactian term soon, if I can think of a symbol.
Also, I made the yellow stripe more orange to help it stand out, which I will do for any other abinarine galactian alignments I happen to coin. - 💙💚
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daybreakthing · 22 hours ago
We don’t exactly know how to word this, sorry if this is a confusing request. But can we please request “an mspec orientation in which one is attracted to all forms/presentations of femininity, androgyny, neutrality, and xenine presentation, as well as optionally towards neogender presentations (such as outherine, dimensic, costuline, etc.), but one’s attraction to masculinity is strict to queer-masculinity and/or non-conforming-masculinity.”
*by all forms/presentations we’re referring to how while using the same presentation label (eg, feminine) there’s still a difference between individuals using that label (eg, two feminine labelled individuals still viewing and presenting their femininity in different ways than one another)
Queer-masculinity meaning masculinity that is inherently queer-in-nature, and non-conforming-masculinity meaning masculinity that is inherently non-conforming-in-nature
queued !
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officeobject · 27 days ago
Part 2 of me making y'all discover gender and/or orientation stuff, because I got 1 like on my previous post:
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(Outherine - LGBTQIA+ Wiki , for more blue Loki cube
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/officeobject/775547052482560000/the-amanian-flag-looks-very-similar-to-the-aroace?source=share).
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ryanyflags · 7 months ago
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abina- ✦ midba- / mba- ✦ bina- [pt: abina-, midba- slash mba-, bina-]
abina- / abinasexual / abinaromantic / etc. : attraction to aben / abinary people. coining post (by @your-bigender-big-brother).
midba- / midbasexual / midbaromantic / mba- / mbasexual / mbaromantic / etc. : attraction to midben / mben / midbinary people. names based on midban and mban.
bina- / binasexual / binaromantic / etc. : attraction to binan / binary people. name based on binan.
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atra- ✦ midtra- ✦ trina- [pt: atra-, midtra-, trina-]
atra- / atrasexual / atraromantic / etc. : attraction to atren / atrinary people. name based on atran.
midtra- / midtrasexual / midtraromantic / etc. : attraction to midtren / midtrinary people. name based on midtran.
trina- / trinasexual / trinaromantic / etc. : attraction to trinen / trinary people. name based on trinan.
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anga- ✦ aga- ✦ neutra- / neua- [pt: anga-, aga-, neutra- slash neua-]
anga- / angasexual / angaromantic / etc. : attraction to angen / androgyne people. name based on angan.
aga- / agasexual / agaromantic / etc. : attraction to agen / agender people. name based on agan.
neutra- / neutrasexual / neutraromantic / neua- / neuasexual / neuaromantic / etc. : attraction to neutren / neuen / neutrois people. names based on neutran and neuan
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mava- / mavra- ✦ ilya- ✦ apora- [pt: mava- slash mavra-, ilya-, apora-]
mava- / mavasexual / mavaromantic / mavra- / mavrasexual / mavraromantic / etc. : attraction to maven / mavrin / maverique people. names based on mavan and mavraen.
ilya- / ilyasexual / ilyaromantic / etc. : attraction to ilyaens(?) / ilyagender people. coining post (by @your-bigender-big-brother). (?) because I'm not sure what the plural spelling of ilyaen is.
apora- / aporasexual / aporaromantic / etc. : attraction to aporen / aporagender people. name based on aporan.
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ouma- / uniqa- ✦ kena- / kea- ✦ xena- [pt: ouma- slash uniqa-, kena- slash kea-, xena-]
ouma- / oumasexual / oumaromantic / uniqa- / uniqasexual / uniqaromantic / etc. : attraction to oumen / uniqen / outherine people. names based on ouman and uniqan.
kena- / kenasexual / kenaromantic / kea- / keasexual / kearomantic / etc. : attraction to omenim / kenochoric people. coining post (by @your-bigender-big-brother).
xena- / xenasexual / xenaromantic / etc. : attraction to xenen / xenogender people. name based on xenan.
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Some nonbinary orientations based on ma- / woma- / enba- ! ✲゚。.(✿╹◡╹)☆.*゚✲
So basically, attraction to [gender] without specifying the user's gender, or whether they consider their attraction gay/straight/etc. Anyone of any gender can use these.
I know there are some specific nonbinary orientations (though they are still not as well known / harder to find than man/woman focused orientations), but I didn't know of any in this format. I wanted some matching ones for specific (nonbinary) genders, so here they are :3
(Enba- could be used, if they consider themselves nonbinary, but again, I wanted specific ones too. Also, I use nonbinary as a shorthand, but someone doesn't have to consider themselves nonbinary in addition to the specific labels listed to use these.)
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The terms are prefixes, I listed sexual and romantic variants as examples, but they can be used for any attraction type, e.g. alterous, platonic, sensual, aesthetic, tertiary, emotional, physical, etc.
I'm pretty sure the etymology of ma- and woma- is based on man and woman, but without the N. So I followed that idea for my terms, using their respective equivalents to man/woman and removing the N at the end. Specifically, I chose equivalents that would end in A, to match how ma- and woma- end in A.
I couldn't figure out the names for some, and requested those term names from @your-bigender-big-brother (thanks :)
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The flags are pretty simple, I just followed the format of the ma- / woma- / enba- flags (five stripes, 4 gradient colours with plain white at the bottom).
The colours are inspired by their common flags.
Specifically though, I use my (alt) abinary, midbinary, atrinary, midtrinary, trinary, and aporagender flags.
And for anga-, to make it more visually distinct from midbinary and binary, I just used shades of purple, instead of the three colours of the original androgyne flag. I did make the purples gradient in hue, so there's bluish purple and pinkish purple, to kind of reference the blue and pink in the original androgyne flag.
Oh and the white of atra- was altered to be lightly yellow, to match how my atrinary flag uses yellow white instead of plain white. It's also a thing I've been doing for many other atrinary related flags. I think it's a cute detail.
I'm not really good at coining terms, so I hope the names are okay, and the flags aren't too generic looking / undistinctive.
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—✦ @orientation-archive
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gender-jargon · 10 months ago
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[Image ID: The Liberec pride flag by Gent (Gender-Jargon). The flag is primarily diagonal, oriented so that the origin was in the bottom-left corner and extended to the upper-right corner. The upper-left and lower-right portions form triangles, with the space in between being thicker than both triangle. The upper-left corner is steel blue and the lower-right corner is jade green. The diagonal between is off-white. In the middle of the flag is a centered horizontal stripe. This stripe is a saturated yellow. ./. End ID}
Liberec: a gender that is rooted in a sense of liberation from traditional, established and mainstream concepts of gender, sex, description, modality, presentation, expression, performance, attribution, alignment, self-reference, conformance, pursuit of transition, etc. prescribed by kyriarchial authority.
[PT: Liberec: a gender that is rooted in a sense of liberation from traditional, established and mainstream concepts of gender, sex, description, modality, presentation, expression, performance, attribution, alignment, self-reference, conformance, pursuit of transition, etc. prescribed by kyriarchial authority. ./. End PT]
[PT: Etymology ./. End PT]
From Esperanto, "Libereco" meaning "Liberty", shortened to "Liberec". Coined by Gent (Gender-Jargon) in June 2024.
[PT: Elaboration ./. End PT]
Liberec is loosely related to Liberique (link) [PT: Liberique ./. End PT], coined by tumblr user Mogai-Archive in August 2014. A pride flag was made for Liberique (link) [PT: A pride flag was made for Liberique (link) ./. End PT] by user Pride-Color-Schemes in July 2016. The concept of liberty is key to both identities, but the similarities end there. Liberec shares some qualities with Maverique and Alithix.
Liberec experiences can vary greatly from individual to individual, but every Liberec individual embodies a sense of freedom from all oppressive entities that effect their personal experience.
Elements that are essential to the identity include:
a sense of self that feels free from control, interference, obligation, restriction or other hampering condition imposed upon one's. experience and/or identity in any regard
...a sense of self that is free of kyriarchial prescriptions.
freedom of thought and action.
Liberec is an outherine gender identity related to a personal sense of liberty. It is autonomous (AUIN) and variant (VARIN) in it's nature.
Pride Flag
[PT: Pride Flag ./. End PT]
The pride flag was created at the same time as the term by the coiner (Gent, GJ, 6/24). The flag is a diagonal design, originating from the bottom-left corner to the upper-right corner in three parts. The middle diagonal is slightly larger than the each corner. The upper-left corner is steel blue and the lower-right is jade green. The middle portion is off-white. A central, horizontal line is in the middle. The central, horizontal line is a saturated yellow. The colors have the following meanings:
The steel blue corner represents autonomy and freedom of thought and action.
The jade green corner represents freedom from the prescriptions of the kyriarchy.
The off-white diagonal line represents variance.
The yellow stripe represents a sense of liberty.
[PT: The steel blue corner represents autonomy and freedom of thought and action. The jade green corner represents freedom from the prescriptions of the kyriarchy. The off-white diagonal line represents variance. The yellow stripe represents a sense of liberty. ./. End PT]
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database-of-maverinities · 21 days ago
Something like this would be a huge undertaking, but I can no longer add links to my giant post of every maverine gender possible (plus, that list is just genders. Having orientations would be useful too.)
Would this even be useful to the community? If I had enough help, I'd attempt a Wiki for outherinity in general, but that expands the number of labels to an ungodly amount and that seems daunting.
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