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abina- ✦ midba- / mba- ✦ bina- [pt: abina-, midba- slash mba-, bina-]
abina- / abinasexual / abinaromantic / etc. : attraction to aben / abinary people. coining post (by @your-bigender-big-brother).
midba- / midbasexual / midbaromantic / mba- / mbasexual / mbaromantic / etc. : attraction to midben / mben / midbinary people. names based on midban and mban.
bina- / binasexual / binaromantic / etc. : attraction to binan / binary people. name based on binan.
atra- ✦ midtra- ✦ trina- [pt: atra-, midtra-, trina-]
atra- / atrasexual / atraromantic / etc. : attraction to atren / atrinary people. name based on atran.
midtra- / midtrasexual / midtraromantic / etc. : attraction to midtren / midtrinary people. name based on midtran.
trina- / trinasexual / trinaromantic / etc. : attraction to trinen / trinary people. name based on trinan.
anga- ✦ aga- ✦ neutra- / neua- [pt: anga-, aga-, neutra- slash neua-]
anga- / angasexual / angaromantic / etc. : attraction to angen / androgyne people. name based on angan.
aga- / agasexual / agaromantic / etc. : attraction to agen / agender people. name based on agan.
neutra- / neutrasexual / neutraromantic / neua- / neuasexual / neuaromantic / etc. : attraction to neutren / neuen / neutrois people. names based on neutran and neuan
mava- / mavra- ✦ ilya- ✦ apora- [pt: mava- slash mavra-, ilya-, apora-]
mava- / mavasexual / mavaromantic / mavra- / mavrasexual / mavraromantic / etc. : attraction to maven / mavrin / maverique people. names based on mavan and mavraen.
ilya- / ilyasexual / ilyaromantic / etc. : attraction to ilyaens(?) / ilyagender people. coining post (by @your-bigender-big-brother). (?) because I'm not sure what the plural spelling of ilyaen is.
apora- / aporasexual / aporaromantic / etc. : attraction to aporen / aporagender people. name based on aporan.
ouma- / uniqa- ✦ kena- / kea- ✦ xena- [pt: ouma- slash uniqa-, kena- slash kea-, xena-]
ouma- / oumasexual / oumaromantic / uniqa- / uniqasexual / uniqaromantic / etc. : attraction to oumen / uniqen / outherine people. names based on ouman and uniqan.
kena- / kenasexual / kenaromantic / kea- / keasexual / kearomantic / etc. : attraction to omenim / kenochoric people. coining post (by @your-bigender-big-brother).
xena- / xenasexual / xenaromantic / etc. : attraction to xenen / xenogender people. name based on xenan.
Some nonbinary orientations based on ma- / woma- / enba- ! ✲゚。.(✿╹◡╹)☆.*゚✲
So basically, attraction to [gender] without specifying the user's gender, or whether they consider their attraction gay/straight/etc. Anyone of any gender can use these.
I know there are some specific nonbinary orientations (though they are still not as well known / harder to find than man/woman focused orientations), but I didn't know of any in this format. I wanted some matching ones for specific (nonbinary) genders, so here they are :3
(Enba- could be used, if they consider themselves nonbinary, but again, I wanted specific ones too. Also, I use nonbinary as a shorthand, but someone doesn't have to consider themselves nonbinary in addition to the specific labels listed to use these.)
The terms are prefixes, I listed sexual and romantic variants as examples, but they can be used for any attraction type, e.g. alterous, platonic, sensual, aesthetic, tertiary, emotional, physical, etc.
I'm pretty sure the etymology of ma- and woma- is based on man and woman, but without the N. So I followed that idea for my terms, using their respective equivalents to man/woman and removing the N at the end. Specifically, I chose equivalents that would end in A, to match how ma- and woma- end in A.
I couldn't figure out the names for some, and requested those term names from @your-bigender-big-brother (thanks :)
The flags are pretty simple, I just followed the format of the ma- / woma- / enba- flags (five stripes, 4 gradient colours with plain white at the bottom).
The colours are inspired by their common flags.
Specifically though, I use my (alt) abinary, midbinary, atrinary, midtrinary, trinary, and aporagender flags.
And for anga-, to make it more visually distinct from midbinary and binary, I just used shades of purple, instead of the three colours of the original androgyne flag. I did make the purples gradient in hue, so there's bluish purple and pinkish purple, to kind of reference the blue and pink in the original androgyne flag.
Oh and the white of atra- was altered to be lightly yellow, to match how my atrinary flag uses yellow white instead of plain white. It's also a thing I've been doing for many other atrinary related flags. I think it's a cute detail.
I'm not really good at coining terms, so I hope the names are okay, and the flags aren't too generic looking / undistinctive.
—✦ @orientation-archive
#abina-#midba-#mba-#bina-#atra-#midtra-#trina-#anga-#aga-#neutra-#neua-#mava-#mavra-#ilya-#apora-#ouma-#uniqa-#kena-#kea-#xena-#new term#pride flag#new flag
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Birds of Aotearoa! At the very least, a couple of them!
#artists on tumblr#birds#kakapo#kea#takahe#kereru#fantail#waxeye#kiwi’s WIP! i wasnt happy w the pose so im just sitting on it for a bit longer
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The 3 tallest mountains - depending on how you measure them.
by thinkaboutmaps
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Hermits and birbs…
#fence posts#grian#zedaph#falsesymmetry#skizzleman#xbcrafted#the curse of not being able to draw Xb quite right strikes againnnnnn (dramatic)#birds#hermitcraft#hermitblr#kea bird#eurasian magpie#harpy eagle#great bittern#bleeding heart dove
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I will literally never forget in 2018 when they had to build a gym/playground for kea while they did construction in Fiordland, because otherwise the kea kept stealing road cones and other equipment.
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'nope, i don't get it from this angle either'
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Playtime for young kea birds! There’s a benefit to this apparently carefree behavior. It helps establish long-lasting relationships between the youngsters and even diffuses tension. David Attenborough | BBC Earth
#BBC Earth#birds#parrots#kea#snow#new zealand#aves#psittacidae#omnivore#welcome to Dinosaur Dance Party
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What about your naughtiest, most chaotic birds?
Keas are well known for getting into all kinds of shenanigans... untying peoples shoelaces, getting into their purses bags and pockets, pulling things off of peoples cars...
Kea (Nestor notabilis), family Strigopidae, found on the South Island of New Zealand
A few ornithologists place this genus in its own family, Nestoridae, but this has not been widely adopted by ornithologists.
photos: mikullashbee, Andrew Walmsley/Kea Conservation Trust, long.explorer, cityparrots.org, & Tiffany Stephens
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Sky Thief
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Simplified bird #45 - kea
( requested by @sentientballofpeas )
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Natural History in Zoological Gardens, by Frank E. Beddard. Illustration by Winifred Austen. 1905.
Internet Archive
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Kea, car park warrior
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Decided to post this since i finished it before it got to late. Seeing grians snail coming down the mine was the best thing ever and it live in my head rent free now
#still dont know how to draw backgrounds or expressions so dont mind that please just see my vision😭#wild life smp#wildlife#wild life fanart#wild life spoilers#wild life session 3#avian grian#grian fanart#kea grian#cassius doodles
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LG Bird T
#fence posts#birds#birdblr#pride#lgbt pride#transgender#bisexual#lesbian#gay#kea bird#flamingo#american crow#toco toucan#blue jay
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Кеа - горный попугай, который по умственным способностям превосходит обезьян.
Попугай Кеа (лат. Nestor notabilis)относится к роду Nestor семейству Strigopidae, однако он значительно отличается от других его представителей. По внешнему виду этот пернатый больше похож на ворона или сокола. Длина тела птицы достигает 46 см, а вес варьируется в пределах 0,6-1 кг, при этом самцы крупнее самок. Размах крыльев в полете достигает 1 м.В окрасе попугаев кеа преобладает оливково-зеленый цвет с серым отливом. А перья окантованы черным цветом, что создает впечатление чешуйчатости. Область под крыльями у кеа огненно-оранжевая, поэтому во время полета птицы кажется, что она охвачена пламенем. Голова бронзово-зеленая. Глаза у этих попугаев темно-коричневого оттенка с тонким глазным кольцом желтого цвета. Когти и клюв имеют более темный оттенок. А нижняя сторона тела коричневато-оливковая. Лапы у этих попугаев крепкие, мощные, серые. Они помогают пернатому держаться на любой поверхности и обеспечивают быстрое передвижение на ней. Клюв с удлиненной выгнутой верхней частью, что обеспечивает глубокое зацепление. Из-за его необычного строения кеа еще называют соколиным попугаем. У самки клюв меньшего размера, менее изогнут и значительно короче, чем у самца.
Попугаи кеа обитают сугубо в Новой Зеландии. Их можно встретить в лесах и долинах гор Южного острова на высоте от 600 до 2000 метров. Летом попугаи кеа обитают в кустарниках и альпийской тундре. Осенью перемещаются в более высокие районы, богатые ягодами. А зимой этих птиц можно встретить возле домиков туристов, горнолыжных курортов, кемпингов. Они настолько смогли приспособиться к суровым условиям, что с удовольствием купаются в лужах с ледяной водой, кувыркаются в снегу.
Кеа хоть и питается растениями, плодами и семенами, но при случае не отказывают себе и в животной пище. Это могут быть не только насекомые, мелкие грызуны, но и падаль. По свидетельству фермеров, кеа могут даже напасть на живых овец и довести их смерти, выклевывая подкожный жир у них на спине. Но такое происходит не так так часто и в основном в зимнее голодное время, когда птицам приходится выживать в весьма суровом горном климате.
Кеа не чураются общения с человеком. Они охотно вселяются поближе к человеческим жилищам и могут питаться пищевыми отходами, как бродячие собаки и кошки. Только, в отличие от них, кеа прекрасно могут вскрыть жестяные и пластиковые банки, мусорные баки и прочее. Мало того, они таким образом могут изуродовать автомобили, выдирая из них разные детали.Везде, где кеа обитают, стоят плакаты, призывающие не кормить попугаев. Но люди всё равно их кормят, превращая дикую птицу в попрошайку.Кеа могут нападать на группы туристов с целью найти и отнять что-то съестное. Рюкзаки, сумочки, зонтики, кошельки и другие подобные вещи – все интересует попугаев своей новизной и необычностью. В горах, недалеко от их местообитания, периодически находят «заначки» – спрятанные и различным образом отсортированные предметы.
Попугаи Кеа давно известны орнитологам своим уникальным умом. Птица легко обучается, с легкостью решает логические задачи, различает цвета и обладает отличной памятью. Обезьяны не смогли пройти все те испытания, которые с легкостью преодолели кеа. Также кеа способны обучаться, просто наблюдая за сородичем. Они хорошо работают как самостоятельно, так и в команде.
Kea is a mountain parrot that surpasses monkeys in intelligence.
The Kea parrot (lat. Nestor notabilis) belongs to the genus Nestor of the family Strigopidae, but it differs significantly from its other representatives. In appearance, this bird is more like a raven or a falcon. The body length of the bird reaches 46 cm, and the weight varies between 0.6-1 kg, with males larger than females. The wingspan in flight reaches 1 m. The color of kea parrots is predominantly olive-green with a gray tint. And the feathers are edged with black, which creates the impression of scaly. The area under the wings of the kea is fiery orange, so during the flight the bird seems to be engulfed in flames. The head is bronze-green. The eyes of these parrots are dark brown with a thin eye ring of yellow color. The claws and beak have a darker shade. And the underside of the body is brownish-olive. The paws of these parrots are strong, powerful, gray. They help the bird to stay on any surface and ensure fast movement on it. The beak has an elongated curved upper part, which provides a deep grip. Because of its unusual structure, the kea is also called a falcon parrot. The female's beak is smaller, less curved and significantly shorter than the male's.
Kea parrots live exclusively in New Zealand. They can be found in the forests and valleys of the mountains of the South Island at an altitude of 600 to 2000 meters. In the summer, kea parrots live in bushes and alpine tundra. In the fall, they move to higher areas rich in berries. And in winter, these birds can be found near tourist houses, ski resorts, campsites. They have adapted to the harsh conditions so well that they enjoy swimming in puddles of icy water and tumbling in the snow.
Although keas eat plants, fruits and seeds, they will also eat animal food if the opportunity arises. These can be not only insects, small rodents, but also carrion. According to farmers, keas can even attack live sheep and kill them by pecking out the subcutaneous fat on their backs. But this does not happen very often and mainly during the winter hungry season, when the birds have to survive in a very harsh mountain climate.
Keas do not shy away from communication with humans. They willingly settle closer to human dwellings and can feed on food waste, like stray dogs and cats. However, unlike them, keas can easily open tin and plastic cans, garbage cans, etc. Moreover, they can damage cars by tearing out various parts. Everywhere where kea live, there are posters calling not to feed the parrots. But people still feed them, turning the wild bird into a beggar. Kea can attack groups of tourists in order to find and take away something edible. Backpacks, handbags, umbrellas, wallets and other similar things - everything interests parrots because of their novelty and unusualness. In the mountains, not far from their habitat, "stashes" are periodically found - hidden and variously sorted objects.
Kea parrots have long been known to ornithologists for their unique intelligence. The bird is easy to learn, easily solves logical problems, distinguishes colors and has an excellent memory. Monkeys could not pass all the tests that kea easily overcame. Kea are also able to learn simply by observing their relatives. They work well both independently and in teams.
Источник://parrotologia.com/species/parrot-kea/,/dzen.ru/a / XlZe6sxX7yNJsynI, /dzen.ru/a/ZktjUgR6Im6eO1zM, /sharker. livejournal.com/128651.html, //pikabu.ru/story/kea__gornyiy _ popugay_kotoryiy_po_umstvennyim_sposobnostyam_prevoskhodit_obezyan_4425421, //4parrots.ru/5450-popugaj-kea/.
#New Zealand#nature#nature aesthetic#bird photography#Kea parrot#Nestor notabilis#ornithology#mountains#snow#rain#birds video#Новая Зеландия#природа#фотографии птиц#видео птиц#попугай#Кеа#орнитология#горы#снег#дождь#природнаякрасота
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