#otp: mean and scary
endiness · 2 years
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itsnotacostume · 1 year
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yeah <3
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violivs · 1 year
I just have such a love for the concept of Beatrice being protective of Ben. Holding him when he feels anxious. Yelling at Rosa for being mean to him. Bea definitely having a Line in the sand where, if you’re just lightly teasing Ben and/or it’s about something he deserves to get ragged on for (like the Rules), that’s fine, but the instant you cross that Line into actually just being super mean to Ben, that’s when Beatrice is immediately At Your Throat. The way she definitely lowkey-aggressively corrects people after they get back together, like, “no, please stop doing that ‘I will hate your ex in solidarity with you’ thing with me, because I still love him actually, and if you even slightly imply to me that I shouldn’t have taken him back, It’s On Sight.” Like she can still tease him and laugh at their friends teasing him in good faith, but anyone who actually tries to be shitty to him, especially about their private relationship business that they’ve already resolved thank you very much- anyone who actually hurts or insults Ben in any way within Beatrice’s earshot better run. And I love that.
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poppitron360 · 4 months
*slides you a 20 [whatever currency you're using] bill* now tell me about how you got to ship valzhang and what you like most about it, along with your headcanons and scenarios
Okay sorry for taking long to reply I needed to schedule 3hrs out of my day to respond to this because I have a LOT of thoughts- Valzhang was my otp LONG before Valgrace. Be prepared for a lot of caps lock, keysmashes and exited ramblings.
We are phenomenally deprived of Valzhang fanart/fanfiction and that is a CRIME. They are so fun and cute to draw next to each other because they’re just so different- I love how Leo looks SO FUNKING TINY next to Frank.
But seriously, we are lacking. I searched up “Valzhang” on Pinterest earlier and there is NO JOKE only 5 pieces of fanart on there. We need to step up our game!
I’ve already posted this, but here is some Valzhang fanart I drew a while back-
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So, how did I come to become the No.1 Valzhang Defender, you ask? Well…
Reading TLH was going slowly (bc of Spotify Audiobooks and their stupid listening hours feature), but I needed to shovel content into my brain like popcorn and so by the end of the first book I’d known all the spoilers and I knew that Frank and Leo would have a rivalry- and I was already SUPER attached to Leo, so I was prepared to HATE Frank.
So imagine my absolute frustration when I read SoN and found myself absolutely falling in love with this massive softie. I tried not to, I really did, but I couldn’t help it.
So, naturally, I was COMPLETELY on board with them becoming besties.
I was also all for their rivalry because it had so much potential for Leo angst- he’s already antagonising himself because of his powers, so someone else treating him like shit would only make him feel worse- thus I have more ways to cathart my own pain through fictional characters, so either way, it was a win-win for me.
But the blossoming bromance we got from it-
Oh my gods.
I already made a post about my feelings on Valzhang and how Caleo is just a shitty re-cycled version of them, but NO WAY was that all my thoughts, so here goes (and bear in mind I am only on HoH so this isn’t even their arc as a whole):
*Clears Throat*
*Shuffles note cards*
*Clears throat again*
*Deep Breath*
1. FRANK IS NO LONGER AFRAID OF FIRE BECAUSE OF LEO!!!!! I mean HOW CUTEE IS THAT!!!!!! He thought that there was nothing worse than fire, he was terrified of it, it was his biggest weakness. And then he met this tiny annoying hyperactive boy who is the MOST UNLIKELY OF FRIENDS- And he taught him to not be afraid. Like there is a moment where his trousers are literally ON FIRE and he doesn’t freak out because Leo taught him to not be afraid anymore. AND IT’S NOT JUST BECAUSE OF THE POUCH!!!! Frank learns to trust Leo with his life- and there’s that moment in that scene where he’s faced with a choice to give him The Stick or not, and he chooses to trust Leo. He learns that fire (Leo) may seem scary and intimidating, but it can also be good and warm and wholesome and healing.
2. AND IT GOES BOTH WAYYYS!!!!! Leo was afraid of opening up to people, of letting down the mask and letting people see the real him. Sure, he did it a bit with Jason and Piper, but notice how in TLH, he only does it bc he didn’t have a choice. He used his fire powers to save them, and then Jason sort of just pieced together what happened the night Leo’s mom died. The first time he actually TELLS someone about it was when he tells Frank- someone who he thought was big and intimidating and so was putting his defences up with the jokes. To him, Frank looked just like someone who would’ve bullied him in the foster homes, he was the last person Leo thought he’d open up to. But he does, and Frank comforts him. They realise they’re not as different as they thought, and bonded over similar trauma and dead moms.
*Takes another deep breath*
3. LEO REALLY IS SO BRILLIANTLY TINY NEXT TO FRANK. IT. IS. SO. CUTE. Unlike Calypso and Leo, who were not planned out, Frank was WRITTEN to be Leo’s rival. They are exact opposites. The Yin and the Yang. The Sun and The Star (lol). They both juxtapose each other so beautifully- on the surface they contrast and clash but looking deeper they actually parallel each other but ultimately they compliment each other both in flaws and in strengths!!!! (*steadies myself on table* “Whoa, flashback to GCSE Eng Lit- using the same analysis structure. Are you proud of me, Miss Cox?”) But seriously, they initially are rivals because they look like complete opposites- tall/short, muscular/built like a twig, calm and careful/reckless and loud, animals/machines, Roman/Greek, Outwardly confident/Outwardly insecure, etc, etc.
4. But, as I said, looking deeper, they actually have a lot in common. Not just losing their moms, but Leo’s just as afraid of fire as Frank is. The only difference being that Frank’s afraid because of how it could hurt him, Leo’s afraid because of how it could hurt others, which directly contradicts Frank’s initial impression that Leo is self-centred and egotistic. Honey, that’s just an act. They’re also both very insecure, and both feel like the least useful member of the seven, and struggle to feel accepted. Because of how Leo felt threatened by Frank, he put his defences up and lashed out with his jokes, attacking Frank where he was most vulnerable, ridiculing him. They completely misjudged each other at first, and had an ANTI-meet-cute (Leo firing on New Rome) and it took a while for them to take down those walls that they’d built up, making it a lot more meaningful when they do open up.
And now we get onto specific hcs/scenarios I have, and I have a LOT of them:
1. Nico reveals to Leo that Frank’s mom is in Elysium because she gave her life in war to save others, whereas Leo’s mom is not, and instead is in Asphodel, despite all the little things she sacrificed in order to raise him, knowing he’d be important to the fate of the world. This causes a lot of resentment and jealously for Leo, as Frank has the one thing he desperately wants- a chance to see his mom again, make things right, get closure. Frank is annoyed by the fact that Leo is suddenly acting so cold and angry towards him, until Leo finally explains why.
2. Leo’s lactose-free mac n cheese is Frank’s favourite thing on earth. He has some sort of magic ingredient that makes the fake cheese not taste so plasticky, but he refuses to tell Frank what it is so Frank has to keep begging him to make it. Leo also makes it high in fibre and carbs, so it’s good workout food. Leo makes sure all his meals are Frank-Friendly.
3. I need to see them in battle together. Frank is incredibly anxious and overprotective of his tiny reckless bf/bff. Leo’s just a ball of freaking energy bouncing around going “ahahahbahjabkakdfkajkjaaa” and Frank’s like “Leo, no, those have teeth-“ He’s fine though.
4. As much as Frank acts like he hates Leo, he would risk his life for him in a heartbeat. I imagine Leo gets injured in battle and Frank drops whatever he’s doing and just fucking RUNS to help him. I can vividly picture him transforming into an elephant and scooping an unconscious Leo up in his trunk, and carrying him over to the medic tent. Yes, he’s currently being fired on by so many enemies, but nothing matters except getting Leo to safety.
5. Frank helps Leo with his machines. He can turn into small animals and get into tiny spaces, and he can become desert creatures, so the heat in the engine room doesn’t bother him.
6. Frank often finds Leo asleep on top of his blueprints, his welders-goggles askew, and he turns into a cat and curls up next to him to keep him company.
7. Also, when Leo skips meals because he’s spent too long working and he’s lost track of time, Frank makes sure to bring him food and water and his ADHD meds… and then he asks him to make him some mac n cheese.
8. Frank knows about PTSD from seeing his mom and her military friends, and so is often there to comfort Leo when he has flashbacks to the night his mom died, or one of the other miserable things that happened in his childhood.
9. All the things that used to freak Frank out about Leo (Leo making fun of his insecurities, Leo’s fire, the whole Sammy thing-) they are now 100% comfortable joking about together. Before, Frank would get upset when Leo ridiculed him, but now Leo does it as a sign of affection rather than as self-defence, and Frank can tell the difference. It is their love language.
10. When I write fanfiction, I often write important scenes when I think of them, and then write around them. Sometimes, it’s just one or two lines, for example I found this in my notes app the other day:
“I hate Hera,” Leo said, “She yeeted my dad off a cliff.”
“Yote,” Frank corrected.
And I had nothing written around it, nowhere to put it, it was just lying there. Anyway, that was important to share.
11. Also, I have this:
“I’m hugging you now,” Frank said, pulling Leo into an embrace and squeezing him tight.
“O- Okay, big guy,” Leo said, his voice muffled in Frank’s chest. His tiny body was practically swallowed in Frank’s bear-hug. He squirmed and fought and wriggled, but his weakling arms worked about as well as spaghetti against Frank’s brick-like build.
“No,” Frank insisted, “I will smother you with love and affection.”
“Get. Off.”
“Let go of me, Zhang, or I’ll burn you.”
Frank let go. Leo rubbed his bruised arms.
12. I ship them platonically, but the joke-flirting is 1000% a thing they do. Hazel is the main pedaler of this, and often introduces them as “My boyfriend Frank, and Frank’s boyfriend Leo.”
13. Frank reluctantly admits to Leo that he likes Taylor Swift. Leo is obvs a swiftie, so absolutely goes MENTAL at this news, ofc ridicules him mercilessly for it, despite how hypocritical it makes him look (“This is not about me!”), but still insists they sit down with Hazel and make friendship bracelets (Frank no longer has the heart to tell him that he wasn’t actually a huge fan, just had a couple of her albums and liked her songs, unlike Leo who knows every word to every song, all the lore behind it, and Tay’s favourite colour, star sign, and shoe size.) AND I KNOW I HEADCANNON EVERYONE AS A SWIFTIE SHUT UP LET ME PROJECT.
14. Frank buys Leo fidget toys he think’s he’ll like. Sure, Leo can make his own, but it’s the sentiment that counts.
15. And they stay friends after the War. Frank frequently visits from New Rome University. They have long iris messages where they gossip and talk shit.
16. Leo becomes godfather to Frazel’s children. Absolutely SPOILS THEM ROTTEN (I also have a shit-tonne of hcs about Leo babysitting Percabeth’s kids, so lmk if you’d like to hear that.) Will visit the Zhang-Levesque household on the weekends, makes the kids gifts, teaches them how to safely use a fire extinguisher, helps them prank their dad.
17. I know Jason is meant to be Leo’s best friend BUT if Valgrace was cannon then that would leave room for Frank to be the BFF. NO BUT, YOUR HONOUR, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND- They started out hating each other, but then became INSEPARABLE once they took the time to get to know each other and realised they were actually really cool people. It’s not enough for them to be friends, they need to be BEST FRIENDS. They need to be their ONE AND ONLY. They need to knock on each other’s cabin doors on the Argo II at 3am and have long discussions about Their Feelings. They need to be 100% comfortable with each other and tell each other everything. Yes, Leo is annoying but he is Frank’s annoyance. Yes, Frank is a goof but he’s Leo’s goof. BEST. FRIENDS.
They’re just such an unlikely pairing, I love them sm.
Thank you for sticking with me, I will not apologise for my ramblings, you were warned, but if you did make it to the end, here, have a sweet 🍬 You are clearly just as dedicated a Valzhang stan as I am (It is currently 00:54am where I live)
I will probably have a lot more Thoughts and Feelings coming your way soon, so don’t think for a second that I’ve got it all out of my system. I still haven’t finished the series yet, and I know that as soon as I post this I’ll think of something else that I should’ve added, but I hope this was enough for now.
(Also, I’m British, so I’d use a £20 (“twenty pound”) Note, in case you were curious.)
Again, thank you so much annon for the Ask- as you can see, I LOVE VALZHANG.
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charlieconwayy · 2 years
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OTP Meme [1/2 Seasons]: Season 3
Look, I don’t want to stop you, Pacey, and I don’t want to stop Dawson, and I don’t want to be stopped, not by either of you, not by anyone. I mean, that’s what this whole year has been about. We’ve been trying to stop each other from moving on and from growing up but - but not you. I mean, you’re different, and you’ve challenged me every step of the way and you’ve been there every step of the way… Jo, departure time is in T-minus thirty seconds so if there’s a point, I suggest you get to it. I think I’m in love with you. You think or you know? I know. I’ve known it since the moment you kissed me and maybe even before that. And, scary as it is, I don’t wanna deny it anymore, Pacey. I don’t wanna run from it, and I don’t wanna let it run from me.
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verdemoun · 4 months
Don't know if you've already talked about bill but how is he coping with modern times? I always imagined a modern bill becoming a car mechanic, or something adjacent, maybe even becoming a small influencer where he posts abt trucks and such (and also his dog. I just know that man gets a dog in any type of modern au)
i have not spoken about bill because bill as a character just makes me so sad fam like was he doomed to be the power hungry bastard of toxic masculinity we see in rdr1 or did the events of rdr2 actively make him that way why was everyone so mean to him like you can see the way people treats him chipping away at him it makes me want to scream but back to timewarp au
therapy. my otp is bill and therapy. man needs anger management and to unpack that emotional baggage. it would take a while but once bill made the connection sometimes when he feels angry and acts out he's actually feeling sad/upset he'd start to develop as a person really quickly.
he would be so conflicted about seeing the gang again. why does no one talk about what happened to bill in the gap between rdr1 and 2?? dutch fucking left him behind bill would've followed dutch to the ends of the earth and been the perfect obedient loyal son he always wanted and dutch just threw him away because hunting down arthur and john for betraying him was more important!!
the new main gang would've picked him up because they knew he was going to be timewarped but it would be so uncomfortable.
poor kieran would've been so terrified he had to stay with annabelle and grimshaw until bill left. he usually regresses a little whenever someone timewarps because he has obvious reason to be nervous about the gang but it would've been a full breakdown just knowing bill was coming back. bill would've felt bad about it too because he never made the connection between how the gang's teasing made him feel vs what his bullying was doing to kieran.
the rest of the gang would've gone straight back to teasing bill because that was the dynamic last time they were all together. he would've hated it and lashed out a lot. he became something after they died they better respect it but of course they just don't. bill would've barely understood modern era before he bounced.
happy stuff now i promise. he ended up hitchhiking for a bit and learning about the modern world from truckers. he would love going to bars and truck stops and dodgy mom and pop diners along the highway.
he ends up getting a job on a ranch (ironically the modern day MacFarlane which became a massive multimillion dollar operation) and still gets to ride horses almost every day. he picks up herding super quickly and gets all the validation and care he deserves. the owners love him and are really supportive and patient when it comes to dealing with his temper.
he gets a little power trip out of learning to drive the semi-truck and unlike most of the hands is always super excited and happy to go on cross-country road trips delivering things to processing facilities. his favorite thing though would be the combine harvester he will work 14 hour shifts without complaint harvesting grain.
bill loves dogs almost more than he loves his horses he cannot drive past a sign that says puppies for sale without at least stopping to look. this habit has resulted in him having five dogs and they are his new gang. his first dog was a stray he picked up on the side of the road it's a wire-haired gundog mutt just called Mutt. he also has two cattle dogs (Clem and Roanoke), a long hair shepherd called Mercer and finally a catahoula called Abel. they are all working dogs and he does not go anywhere without all of them. they all sleep on his bed and are just as happy to go on cross country road trips in the semi as he is.
he can control all of them with a whistle or non verbal commands and they are insanely well trained. Micah fucking hates him sure Baymax can bark and growl and look scary on command but the second one of Bill's dogs curls up its lips Baymax is hiding behind Micah terrified and Bill is so fucking smug about it.
through therapy and having his ideals challenged bill starts making an effort to be less racist and sexist and actually confronting some of the gang about the way they treated him in 1899 and mending those relationships because look yeah he went off the deep end after the VDLs but he does still care about them and wants to have good relationships with them he's just got to work through a lot of issues go bill i believe in you
and most importantly he finally got over the internalized homophobia and admitted to himself he's a bit/lot gay. he's not wearing beads at pride levels of comfortable with it yet but he is a classic bear who will protect the gaybies from violence with violence.
it's like a many, many years slow burn but him and alden get together because charlybird's art is one of the only reasons i gave bill a chance as a character and i am a better person for it
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lexleif · 4 months
rant about my life and how it’s going rn (not good and super long)
so I do have a job but since I’m an esthetician it’s commission based which means I only get paid when I have a client. since its summer it’s been dead I’ve been working here for about 3 weeks now and I could probably count how many clients I’ve had on my 1 hand😭 yeah so really bad. so that also means I’m not getting paid even when I am at work just sitting waiting for someone to book or doing promotion things. my industry is REALLY hard so I did expect it to be slow at first but not this bad! another thing is while wasting gas at my current job I have been actively looking for hourly paying jobs and I’ve had like 2 otp interviews and 1 actual in person interview. I’ve basically applied everywhere I can even jobs I don’t necessarily qualify for. all that with nothing to come of it and I do like everybody else have bills to pay like rent and such. I’ve really just been surving off my dead mom’s life insurance policy money and that’s also hard bc my family doesn’t trust me to have access to it on my own. (There’s a whole story behind this but the distrust really comes from them bc they still think of me as a child and had an issue with me using mary jane until i had to tell them my dead MOM was absolutely fine with it and knew about it!) anyway so every time I need money even just for food I have to ask one of my family members to write me a check and it’s embarrassing bc the literal checks have my OWN NAME on them and she still writes that’s it’s for me on them😭! that’s also an added stress to my life bc I already have a hard time asking for help bc most of the time it comes with some sort of judgement (about my career or anything). so I’m super stressed out now bc my family member just lmk that the funds for my mom life insurance policy are frozen and that’s scary asf! I’m grinding for clients but that doesn’t have a guarantee and it also doesn’t help that my bf lost his job a month ago as well. his car being totaled by a tree in January and his family being of no help or support for that at all😭 (mostly his dad bc he had the title to his car and couldn’t find it for months and chose to get it fucking mailed which takes forever) bc we need to try to sell it. of course my bf has been doing his best with trying to find a job that’s close bc he’ll need a bike at the least to get to and from. also our lease on our apartment that we live in (my bf moved in with me a little before my mom died). it’s just the lease is up in July and we’re both pretty much freaking the fuck out about how we’re going to make it. It’s also very hard for me to even try to explain this to my family (older millennials/boomers) about just how hard it’s been to just try to make it and have enough money for food, gas, rent, etc. so if we can’t make rent for next month we’re both pretty much fucked I’ll have to live with my grandparents and my bf will need to move back in with his dad probably but I know he hates even the thought of that bc they’ve always had a bad relationship and he’s just not a good father in general.
I just needed to rant bc I have no one else of than my bf who I can talk about this with so if anyone can relate in the slightest or just understand what I’m talking about please feel free to message me we all need support :)
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lollytea · 5 days
low hanging fruit but Willow for the character thingy :]
How I feel about this character
She is like a squeaky stress toy to me. I like to give her problems. I like to give her treats. She's become deeply special to me. She has melded herself to my insides and has basically become another one of my internal organs. She's also a character who has made me extra passionate about the concept of writing teenage girls as their raw, messy, complicated selves. I think a lot about Willow's trauma. I think a lot about her internalised insecurities that she'll never truly recover from but she can definitely learn to handle better. I think a lot about her rage. About her patience and wisdom. About her silliness. Willow just has SO many layers that I'm always flipping through her like a book. She is my favourite book.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
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My non-romantic OTP for this character
It's very hard to choose!! Willow and Gus have this bond that's like. The school's most levelheaded dunce and the school's most reckless prodigy. Two bullied, isolated kids who took care of each other when nobody else did. They mean so much to me!!!
Also her dynamic with Amity has the potential to be so rough around the edges but imbued with so much love and yearning and hurt and betrayal and lack of communication and UUGGGHH!!! It's so fascinating, I love it!!
My unpopular opinion about this character
I dont think I have any opinion thats unpopular? Umm. I love to focus on her flaws I guess. I feel like sometimes they're overlooked bit in favour of focusing on what a strong independent kind loving sweet funny tragic young girl she is. Not that there's anything wrong with that. That is a huge chunk of her personality. But it would be cool to see some spotlight given to her occasional pettiness, her anger management issues, her tendency to keep her grievances to herself rather than communicate them because she's so averse to confrontation I feel like these are the nitty gritty details that are super fun to incorporate into a Willow characterization. But like. That's not me criticising the way she's usually interpreted. This is fandom. People can do whatever they want.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Yknow....I probably would have been left wanting so much more for Willow if FTF didn't come along and give me everything I could have wanted for her. So I'm honestly pretty satisfied.
I guess, if anything, I wish Willow's negative emotions causing her magic to go haywire had been a bigger issue over the duration of the show, rather than just little hints here and there culminating in the big FTF meltdown. Like I know she was just a secondary character but an episode or two delving into Willow's relationship with her magic and her emotions would have been really cool. Like it must be scary for a little girl, right? To feel like a bomb waiting to explode? I wonder if she was ever afraid of herself.
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getsusekaii · 2 months
Name / Alias: rubii, wubii, roob, puppy all fit haha
Pronouns: they/them
Blog type: single muse | multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other (specify)
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (headcanon based canon characters like tengen and rika)
Triggers people MUST tag: extreme eye gore, insects, trypophobia (for the love of god please)
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | [space for eventual additions / explanations]
i have adhd which means my communication in the beginning is staggered and all, but by no means does it mean i dislike you or anything. i'm actually really shy af too even though i'm also trying to loosen up and be more open to talking to ppl more. more often this results in mild burn out, i just ask for your patience, and to never be afraid to reach out to me (sometimes i just forget to reply to dms bc my life is weird af)
do NOT, do not, do not, do not pressure me into writing ships. there are a select few moots who you may see i add and have an instant shipping connection with, and it's often times bc the mun chemistry is peak, but never forced.
no drama. idc if i follow someone you dislike based off of a tiny fight. unless it's something egregious and serious and something i should 100% be on the look out for, i don't wanna know why you dislike a person based off of something silly or they hurt your feelings. it had nada nothing to do with me. i just wanna write.
do not pester me to reply to threads. i work graveyard shifts, working 9 blogs here and there. a casual reminder here and again is cool, but please don't rush me
force ship, even if it's my OTP
thinking im scary, 'anxiety is preventing me from' etc. etc. idk why this bothers me so much, but it does. i don't know why you follow or anything if you're too scared to interact with me, or anxiety is your reason for not reaching out, esp if you followed me first. its a little strange.
weird ass ships.
too much complaining on the dash, e-begging, gaslighting.
following for follow count. i want people to write with.
strange head canons, general things i just don't vibe with. no offense but we're entitled to our opinion and safe spaces
weird behavior, persistent annoying communication, soft gaslightling regarding threads/life/why don't my mutuals/followers blah blah.
i dont see ourselves vibing in general.
no age/rules/about page that's easily accessible.
"problematic" ships (adult/underage)
tagged by: yoiked by @hazubekimono tagging: you're it now
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yae-energy · 1 year
pick up the phone !!! pt2: electric boogaloo
synopsis: my take on whether they’re a caller or texter
cast: maki zenin, yuta okkotsu, toge inumaki x black fem reader
cw: cursing, (yuta’s part is a teeny tiny bit self indulgent 😬 <3 mb y’all)
maki - texter (occasional caller)
- doesn’t mind being on the phone since it’s you, but is more of a texter
- answers immediately like it’s almost scary
- is a bullet texter 🤷🏽‍♀️ idk she give me those vibes
- like i feel if you’re asleep or smth and she wants to talk to you she WILL spam you
- does not care
- has dnd on but allows your notifs to go through <3
- calls you when she can’t sleep but the second y’all get otp she’s knocked out
- like you’re talking about smth stupid and when you don’t hear her answer you’re like
“this bitch 😶”
- will facetime you but her camera is always off when she does
- however, if your camera is off she will be mad
“yeah go ahead and turn that camera back on you’re not slick 😐”
“mmcht 😒”
- has your contact photo as the picture she took of you kissing her cheek on y’all’s first date
- but then has your name saved as smth like
- “weirdo 🤥”
- always, always. ALWAYS. texts you good night
- she will not sleep until she does
yuta - caller (facetime)
- loves seeing your face
- facetimes you nonstop
- litterally twice a day he is obsessed with you
“babe can we facetime ☹️ i miss you”
“baby i wanna see your face, facetime me”
“facetime??? 😁”
- loves when you guys eat on the phone together cause he thinks its a date !
“bae can you pass the salt? 😋”
“boy if you don’t getcho corny ass on somewhere 😭”
- you still do it though cause it makes him laugh, it’s y’all’s little inside joke
- loves facetiming you on wash day cause he likes to watch you detangle your hair
- finds the way you work the different moisturizers and curl definers through your hair satisfying
- tells you you’re pretty nonstop
- has your contact saved as “my pretty girl 💕”
- and the photo is of a picture he took of you during golden hour when the sun was hitting you just right
- sends you good morning and goodnight texts
“good morning beautiful, hope you slept well <3”
“goodnight my love 😴”
inumaki - texter
- this man is a menace
- litterally texts you all day
- like you could be at work and here he is blowing up your phone like a madman
“love, im at work 😭”
“i didn’t ask all that but ok”
- does not give 1, 2, or 3 fucks
- is always
- and i mean
- sending you those flirty meme pictures
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- he thinks they’re so funny 😭😭😭
- sends hella tiktoks
- doesn’t know how to start a conversation to save his life though so he’ll usually just send something random asf in hopes of getting your attention
- works every time though
- checks on you to make sure you’re having a good day and to remind you to eat and drink water
- sends imsg games
- is an 8 ball god so you hate playing with him
- whenever you start losing you send darts and he get real quiet
“you always do this bs 😒”
- your contact photo is of you wearing a tinfoil hat he made cause he’s gotta protect you from the aliens !!!
- your name is set as “❤️❤️❤️”
- gets the point across perfectly in his opinion
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
Seeing how angry people get at anyone mentioning "yeah kids were rude to other kids who weren't into a popular thing" makes me wonder if anyone reading your blog interacts with children. HP wasn't a big thing in my country, but kids absolutely are snooty little jerks to other kids for liking or not liking the right/wrong TV shows, music and clothes. That some people are so terminally online that they're like "😂you expect me to believe a kid was rude to another kid 😂that's crazy like gtfo fr on god" is sad. Speak to a child. Talk to a teacher. At the school I work at, kids get made fun of for not being into Minecraft or, past the age of ten, still being into it because it's a baby game. Is every child lying to me? Is every kid who makes fun of a kid in front of me lying and actually is secretly totally fine with their peers liking the thing?
Kids are sometimes jerks. I know. It's a scary thought. Kids are the sugary sweet props for your babies-ever-after fanfics who have the eyes of one parent and the hair of another, named after a dead character, here to signal to the audience that all is well. They're not supposed to have negative traits, they're here to signal the OTP is truly the one true pairing. But much to the dismay of many a writer and parent, the crotch dumpling often grows to express feelings and thoughts and, regrettably, not all of them are sweet Hallmark card shit.
One kid has been bullied so badly at the school I teach at that his parents are withdrawing him from school. He's very smart and skipped two years. "😂you're saying he's #Different" yes. And I don't think any amount of emojis is going to make his stuff being tossed in the trash and having water dumped on it less bad for him, I don't think any amount of "you expect me to believe a kid was mean to another kid?!" is going to make another kid shoving him down the stairs and him breaking his ankle better, and I don't think any degree of "faaaake everyone knows kids are nice" is going to make coming to school and finding a drawing someone did of him hanging himself less traumatic.
I get it. Imagining kids as sweet innocent babies is a nice coping mechanism to deal with adult life. Creating the construct of a gentler world where no one is ever cruel serves a psychological purpose. But maybe try doing that with fanfic? Because this "pfft kids are never bad" take is how you get parents who go, "I don't care that you have security cam footage of my daughter pushing him down the stairs, she would never do that, she's just a kid" in spite of the evidence directly in front of their eyes.
I knew people in fandom were socially lagging but to be so far behind as to not know kids are jerks... this is just pathetic. Please go interact with a human being outside of Discord and tumblr.
No one said any of this. They just thought that other anon's way of writing was histrionic.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Daemyra stans on Twitter are so misogynistic, illiterate, and racists. They missed the entire point of Rhaenyra’s story. It’s scary how they refuse to admit that people have several loves in their lives. I hope they never met a remarried widow/widower irl.
*EDITED POST* (10/8/23)
Please refer to this post to get a more in-depth answer.
It's pretty clear that in both the show and the original story these two would have preferred to marry each other from the beginning. I am not totally sure if book!Daemon would have actually pursued, developed a relationship, or "looked" at Laena while married to Rhaenyra like I suspect he did "when developed a romance/had sex with/pursued/"looked" at Rhaenyra when she arrived at Driftmark and visited during the duration of her friendship with Laena.
Repeating myself, which is most likely? IF Rhaenyra was not okay with an open marriage nor in love with/attracted to Laena herself: Book!Daemyra marry from the jump and Daemon has a relationship with Laena or acting on the attraction I think he'd still have & pursuing a relationship with her? Or Daemon and Laena being married & later Rhaenyra shows up and he pursues/looks/develops a relationship with her while married to Laena?
I do not think he stopped loving or caring for Rhaenyra in their unique way after he married Laena. However, in the original story it is more than obvious he loved & cared for Laena.
Here's the thing, I was/am a Daemyra Stan before and after HotD existed and I love their story. I read them as intentionally the OTP of the narrative. But I also don't really get how book!Daemon was seen as uncaring didn't love or wasn't at least emotionally as well as physically attracted to Laena in the beginning and came to lover her more beyond that.
I as a reader/audience/consumer of stories do prefer soulmate and one-true-love stories over many other types of love stories, but it's not enough for me to measure a person or character's worthiness based on how many people they've been with. And in real life, it's just a fact that people fall in love (and I still don't know what that's supposed to mean myself, what "love" is) more than once in their lives. Doesn't seem fair to be so repressive and deny the possibility for DaemonxLaena to have more respect, affection, or care in a TV adaptation, which is what some do. The show we do have barely delivered and made it seem that Daemon cares but is much more distant than even what the original text shows.
So I don't begrudge people for saying show!Daemon should have been genuinely in love with or loved and cared for Laena, even while also in love with Rhaenyra. One, the text supports that possibility, and two, love could be different without being less or "more" or "less" as in quantity, whatever that is supposed to mean.
Outside of narrative, yes I do think it's possible for a person to want to be with one person more than another person, and the original story gives enough for us to believe that there was real love and caring between Laena & Daemon. In canon, they marry they married in 115. In 116 A.C., he took it upon himself to write a letter to Viserys un-flashingly (as is his way) to get him and his family to stay at Driftmark so their daughters could grow up in one of their ancestral homes. Before that, they lived together touring several Essosi cities before settling in Pentos so Laena could birth the dragon twins 116. Only a few months pass before they move to Driftmark so the girls can grow up there. So they had been married for a year or so, alone, for a year. At some point in 117, Rhaenyra becomes friends with Laena. Laena died in 120 A.C., so Laena-Daemon-Rhaenyra was a unit of some kind longer than Daemon and Laena were but Daemon was obviously still sleeping with Laena for her to be pregnant and die of her labors in 120 A.C. The man also grieved heavily after she died.
Meanwhile, he spent a few months with Rhaenyra after he came back from the Stepstones in 111 A.C. and before his next exile. Still, Rhaenyra admired him familially/platonically before Mysaria's exit and for years. I do not think he ignored her or did not spend some time with her before he went to the Stepstones, and he was not responsive to that, even if not to the same degree. There was a bond made there that facilitated/informed their later bonding after he returned and began to court/"court" her.
This is what I think DaemonxLaena's pre-marriage relationship was like and why he chose her/she chose him in the first place.
I don't think he loved her exactly like how he loved Rhaenyra nor that they immediately built a relationship like the one he does with Rhaenyra, but these women are two different people and the circumstances of their getting together are very different. And I am not sure if Laena thought of him as her great love so much as her partner because it likely wasn't that type of relationship, as: the text centers Daemyra more; we do not get a clue as to Laena's feelings for Daemon as much as we have considerations for how he felt for her besides her wanting to marry him (and not likely not wanting to marry a freeloading poor Braavosi boy-man); and the text emphasizes how much Laena loved dragon-riding and her bonding with Vhagar at 12 over any romantic feelings for Daemon while they were married. Her relationship & feelings of love (of any kind) for Rhaenyra also seem evidently stronger than her feelings for Daemon to me during the actual marriage. (But IDK, bc we don't have actual details!)
Is this because Laena had a smaller role to play in the story and did not do any political act besides marry Daemon have his kids and betroth her kids to Rhaenyra's and therefore there was less attention paid to her and her feelings for Daemon? Is this because those who could have brought more insight for us were at the Essosi cities the couple spent more time in than in Driftmark? Or is this because she just actually didn't express affection with Daemon in their time at Driftmark? IDK.
It's also safe to say that he really did love/care about Laena when we know how he treated Rhea Royce. But, I can see how Daemon would love Rhaenyra more...intensely, I guess? There's a je-nais-se-quois to it.
Because it is without a doubt true that he spent with Rhaenyra not very long after Laena's death if he hadn't already been doing so before she died. Pretty sure that post-death sex was for intimacy and to "consummate" something interrupted and thus longed for.
Like I said in an earlier post, it's better to say that book!Rhaenyra was Daemon's first, enduring, and most intense(?) love. It's hard to impossible to quantify the unquantifiable.
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cool-thymus · 5 months
can i get uhhh no3 and a no10 for the nart questions pls? (hi thymus!!)
Hiiii, Ard! thanks for being interested in my opinion xD I'll start with THE question hehe
10. OTP Who could that be...? 🤔😅 I'm going to use this opportunity to finally make a verbal statement about why i love my otp so much. I started watching Naruto as an experiment in 2022 (at the ripe age of 28) and the land of waves arc got to me: Haku's death (and the way Zabuza used him -yes, i have beef with that guy) got my empathy involved, and Kakashi-sensei charmed me by being incredibly cool AND mysterious. The mysterious part about the origin of his sharingan intrigued me the most: what do you mean "a friend gave it to him"??? who is this friend? where is he? are they still friends? All those questions needed answers. So i learned about Obito Uchiha (mostly through fanart). Then i cried my eyes out watching Kakashi Gaiden and stalled the war arc as long as i could because i knew what was going to happen, and by then i’d already fallen in love with them beyond reason.
Before anything else, this ship is so powerful because separately Kakashi and Obito are incredibly well-written characters. Yes, they complete each other and share their arc till the end, but nevertheless, each of them is autonomous, believable, complex, and deep. They are both the main dish. So the dynamic, the bond they establish between them feels true and natural. One has this sunshine personality, is kind, caring, tenderhearted, and fun; the other has too much to deal with for his age: being a genius will mess with your pride and sense of worth, but not with your tiny, pure, brave heart. Kid Obito and kid Kakashi are so precious, you wanna shield them from everything that is wrong with the world. And then tragedy №1 and tragedy №2 happen that push these two boys to realize they were supposed to be each other’s lifeline. Obito got a head start over Kakashi though. When Kakashi finally sees Obito for who he really is, the sacrifice is already made, leaving Kakashi attached to his lifeline that goes nowhere. 
Tragedy №3 crushes their souls one more time and marks the beginning of the horrendous paths they take: Kakashi drowning himself in guilt and the violence of ANBU missions; Obito being groomed, brainwashed and manipulated into a gruesome conspiracy that perverted his ideals. And despite everything that happens next, they still hold on to their lifeline (the shared sharingan serving as the visualization). They are loyal to each other in their own ways. Kakashi lets his memory of Obito guide him and help him live, while Obito never seeks vengeance or takes the eye back. He even goes beyond imaginable and saves Kakashi’s life one last time. 
They were written to be tragic, but they were also meant to be special. If only Kishimoto had more sympathy and allowed Obito another chance. Those two precious boys could start all over. And this time, post war, their respect, longing, sorrow, adoration, grief, regrets, hopes would be shared, and the love that had struggled to grow for so long would finally be in full blossom.
(and they’re both hot af)
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3. Favorite villain
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(No worries, sweet anon, i don’t consider Obito a villain xD) The key villains like Madara or Danzo remind me of middle-aged men who get hung up on conspiracy theories and start believing that they have the world figured out. So they are more annoying than scary to me. And a villain should be frightening, i think. In the ninja world this would be Orochimaru. He’s an egomaniac, a sensible madman, who is deceitful, merciless, and cruel. We were shown such atrocities, so much abuse, torture, and physical pain inflicted on innocent people. And for what? I’m not sure i fully understand his motives: was it out of fear of death? Or is this just him doing what he loves? He IS the worst, and yet, by the end of shippuden he turns into a comedy bit?! Seriously?! This is all kinds of wrong xD But the facts remain, he is a good villain, creepy and scary.
To lighten up the mood i'll attach this scene from Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals that shows the funniest wtf-ish way to defeat Orochimaru xD (now i wonder what else Kakashi can do with his water jutsu ..)
the nart questions
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princesssarisa · 7 months
Character ask: Willy Wonka (any version)
These answers apply to every adaptation – that I know, anyway – of the story of Charlie/Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, as well as the original book and its sequel Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. I haven't seen Wonka yet.
Favorite thing about them: He's a fun character all around. I love his creative genius, with all the fantastical candies and treats he creates and all the fantastical rooms in his factory. I love his blend of weirdness, cleverness, mischief, and passion for his work. His hints of moral grayness and insanity make him interesting, but his underlying warmth and kindness, especially to Charlie, prevent him from seeming like a villain. (At least I don't think so: more on that below.) He's like an eccentric wizard from a fantasy story, but with a more modern, candy-themed twist.
Least favorite thing about them:
Original book: The whole story of how the Oompa Loompas came to work for him has unfortunate implications. Even after Dahl revised the text and changed the Oompa Loompas from black African Pygmies to light-skinned dwarfs from Loompaland, the concept is still very iffy. A businessman "importing" a tribe of people from a foreign country to work in his factory, where he never lets them leave the premises, pays them in food instead of in money, and tests his experimental foods and drinks on them, which sometimes cause them bodily harm... it wouldn't fly in a book written today.
1971 film: To a sensitive child viewer (as I was), his angry outburst at Charlie and Grandpa Joe for stealing the Fizzy Lifting Drinks is scary and mean, even if it is just a test.
2005 film: I don't like the subplot about his controlling dentist father. A character like Wonka doesn't need daddy issues to explain him.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I love chocolate.
*I'm at least a little eccentric.
*I often wear purple.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a chocolatier, an inventor, or a factory-owner.
*I'm female.
*I've never met an Oompa Loompa.
Favorite line:
Original book:
(Explaining why he won't let Augustus be cooked into fudge): Because the taste would be terrible. Just imagine it! Augustus-flavored chocolate-coated Gloop! No one would buy it."
"Whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips! Just as a poached egg isn't a poached egg unless it's been stolen from the woods in the dead of night!"
And the full text of his "There's no earthly way of knowing" poem and the funny, creepy poems he recites in the Space Hotel to scare the White House in the sequel.
1971 film:
"We have so much time and so little to see!... Wait a minute! Strike that. Reverse it." (and the later variation with "...so little to do")
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
"But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted... He lived happily ever after."
And of course his various quotes from Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, and other literature.
brOTP: The Oompa Loompas, and Charlie by the end.
OTP: None, he's happily single.
nOTP: Charlie or any of the other kids.
Random headcanon:
*In all versions, he's on the autism spectrum – it just manifests in different ways for each different Wonka.
*In the 1971 film, he's Jewish, just like Gene Wilder was in real life (and like Timothée Chalamet, for that matter). Maybe this is true in other versions too. I chiefly like to imagine this as a "take that" to Roald Dahl's antisemitism.
Unpopular opinion: The popular "Wonka is a villain" take is overdone. Yes, he has some moral ambiguity to him, but he's not evil. People often seem to forget that the fates of Augustus, Violet, Veruca, and Mike aren't "punishments" that he deals out. They're accidents that each child causes himself or herself by ignoring his warnings. Now, I don't mind it when adaptations imply that he deliberately sets up those accidents to occur if the kids disobey him, or at least show him as unconcerned with stopping or rescuing them. But I don't think either of those things are true to his portrayal in the book, per se.
Song I associate with them:
"Pure Imagination."
Favorite picture of them:
This classic illustration of him by Joseph Schindelman:
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This illustration by Quentin Blake:
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This book cover illustration, from the edition I grew up with:
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This much-memed image of Gene Wilder in the 1971 film:
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Johnny Depp in the 2005 film:
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Douglas Hodge in the 2013 stage musical (the only Wonka I know of in an adaptation to have his signature black goatee from the book):
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Timothée Chalamet in Wonka, 2023:
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relax-and-read-on · 1 year
My favorite primarch ship is Rogal Dorn/ Konrad Curze. It's... weird, but I just feel like it would work. Dorn's so stable and rational and could be there for Konrad when things are tough. Being affectionate would also be so beneficial for both of them. Also I feel like Konrad would clean up real nice and make some pretty-scary arm candy. I'm probably crazy. IDK. Do any rare pairs interest you at all?
No no, I actually REALLY like this ship!!!
I think that both their brand of neurodivergent would work nicely together. Not only that, but sexually, Konrad sadism would work wonder with Dorn masochism! But, since you asked me for my fav crackship... Here they GO:
Ciaphas Cain/Ibram Gaunt: Listen. I want them to fuck. I want them to do the nasty. And I want Cain to be "ohmygod he know he know HE KNOW IM A FRAUD" while Gaunt is like "What a charming, kind commissar :)". Also I want Jurgen and Rawne to hiss at each others like angry cats.
Mortarion/Vulkan: Wdym they don't interact in canon, they are in LOVE they are SOULMATE they are PERFECT FOR ONE ANOTHER. My warhammer OTP. I could write essay about those two. I adore them so much....
Konrad/Roboute: A wild one. I don't even know how to justify it. I just... I love them.... They deserve happiness, they deserve to be one another rock, they deserve to be not be shackled by the Imperium.
Ursula Creed/Morvenn Vahl: LESBIAN. L E S B I A N. I I had ursula for 5 minute and I fell in love, I immediately needed to ship her with the only other badass woman that was also single in that setting. Why yes, I do have deep fantasy about about a Ursula/Celestine/Morvenn/Greyfax foursome. It would be so hot.
Corvus/Sigismund: I one time requested this as a joke in an exchange, and got an amazing fic. Guys. It's not a joke anymore. I actually really enjoy the fucking ship. Help.
Sevatar/Lucius: I'm still yelling and screaming that Lucius never hung out in the fighting pit. I would have LOVED to see those two mean girls be murder besty.
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blubushie · 4 months
as someone who loves both sniperscout and sniperspy, you hit the nail on the head with the toxic shippers, not to mention so many of them project so much onto scout or spy that they become practically unrecognizable as characters, like mama, just self-ship at that point and quit lying to yourself pffffft-
In my experience toxic SniperSpy fans seem to be worse, though I'm highly aware that I'm biased because my worst experience was with a toxic SniperSpy fan who got a little too into "Blu is IRL Sniper" lmfao. They seem to idolise the absolute worst traits of Spy's character/job—manipulation and deception. This bleeds out into everything else, including their friendships, as they try to act like irl incarnations of their idol. Instead they come off as arseholes because these are the ONLY facets of him they ever end up mimicking. Ooooh so scary and edgy, so mysterious, so fancy. Except they're not scary because they're teenagers, they're not edgy cuz they're liars, they're not mysterious cuz they can't keep their mouths shut enough to be, and they don't have the class of cultural background to be a drop as fancy as they think themselves are. These are teenagers who think "fancy" is just nice clothes they can't afford, sticking your little finger out while drinking things that aren't wine from a wine glass, and not putting your elbows on the table.
My experiences with toxic SniperScout fans have been more limited. I'm sure things are worse on Twitter, but I avoid Twitter like the plague. Most I've seen from that batch on Tumblr is them mischaracterising Scout as uwu-shyboy with Sniper and completely ignoring his loud and brash nature and how readily be flirts with Miss P when his brain isn't stalling.
But they also heavily mischaracterise Sniper too. "Ohh Sniper is so comforting, Sniper would never yell at Scout for being annoying–" Yes he fucking would. He would tell Scout to shut the fuck up for all of five minutes. I know they like to think that Sniper wouldn't do it because it means he would do it to them, but yes he fucking would. His job depends on it, and while some babble is fine, Scout also needs to learn to shut the fuck up when he's supposed to. Because Sniper, who hasn't had a holiday in at least 4 years, puts the job and professionalism above everything, even his partner. And Scout, who's also a mercenary, knows that life or death rides on that.
Basically toxic SniperSpy fans try to become Spy, and toxic SniperScout fans make Scout become them. There's other things surely but these are first to mind. The one thing they have in common is both have to ferally attack and harrass each other to convince people that their ship is superior so that their feelings for Sniper are validated.
Disclaimer: everything stated above is restricted ONLY to TOXIC fans of these ships and traits I've noted being a common trend among them. If you're not harrassing people over your OTP, congrats—none of this applies to you.
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