#or something else idk
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lilislegacy · 9 months ago
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“honey” is such an ‘old married couple’ nickname. i usually hate pet names, especially for percy and annabeth, but i’m not gonna lie guys…. i kinda love the thought of them sometimes referring to each other as honey?? like, i can just hear it. “honey you know i respect and value your opinions so so much, but can you shut up for like 2 minutes?” “honey you know i love you and your great plans, but can you not get us fucking killed?” “hey honey can you use your sword to cut the tag off my dress?” “wise girl, honey, why is nico asleep in our guest room… again?” peak romance? i think yes. also annabeth is from the south, so it actually makes so much sense.
it’s so unexpected, but also so fitting?? idk for some reason i love it. just me? send help
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apartfromgod · 8 days ago
if melissa makes shauna smile this season i'll write a five chapter shaunahat fic.
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evilstalks · 8 months ago
remind me to make a supernatural verse
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unch4rtedwxters · 2 years ago
i swear if i forgot someone AGAIN-
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she-anemone · 3 months ago
im almost done with metaphor. almost. allllmost
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tujhse-raabta · 9 months ago
have you listened to the Odyssey Musical Concept?
do you mean Epic? cause yeah, I've heard that - love it<3 odysseus my dumdum babygirl<3
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pikachu-deluxe · 2 years ago
i notice i tend to laugh when i'm nervous.
was feeling lightheaded for a while and ended up crying a little
felt a little better after that but it wouldn't go away. so i got off bed to see if it would go away, and it's sort of working but i also ended up worried that it might be something Bad
still feeling some stuff but hopefully it goes away
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lilacwriter07 · 11 months ago
I sometimes think they have brain damage in hell bc of the fall, but that's perhaps just me ofcourse 👀
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Why he blink like that tho?
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ccherrycolouredfunk · 5 months ago
hurricane milton is headed our way and of course now i’ve come down with some sort of upper respiratory infection
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wormspoodle · 3 months ago
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something something personal hell paved with good intentions
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chloesimaginationthings · 3 months ago
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Doggo will haunt FNAF series forever
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biggest-gaudiest-patronuses · 4 months ago
main take aways from Halloween (1978) rewatch:
michael myers is canonically 21??? this bitch should be at the club
*sees tiddies* ***MURDEROUS RAMPAGE NOISES***
that's it that's the movie
outside of the fact that everyone who has sex is murdered by the narrative, this is a surprisingly chill portrayal of female sexuality? these teen girls are horny and actively enjoying Getting It On with their boytoys. no pushy boyfriends sneaking in through their bedroom windows--these ladies are taking the initiative to sneak out and GET SOME. one of them gets laid and then immediately orders her boyfriend to get her a beer. (yes she gets Slashered soon afterward, but so does the boyfriend so honestly, gender equality.) yes the Final Girl is the only one not having sex, but she's not bullied for that, nor are her friends slut shamed except possibly by being murdered by the narrative
actually the only character who is shown being morally condemned on-screen is michael myers. specifically FOR his violent overreaction to other people's sex lives. (people he is spying on). metaphorically, the villain is American Puritanism sticking its judgy nose into other people's business.
aka Michael Myers Is A Republican
but actually the real villain is the doctor. guy's a judgemental, shaming, pathologizing asshole. and he's been in charge of michael's care since he was SIX YEARS OLD? kid never had a chance. i'd go on a killing spree too
also the parents. where are the parents? it's halloween night and all the teenage girls are home babysitting their younger siblings? come to think of it, michael's first victim was his own older sister, whom he killed while she was babysitting him. teen girls are really shouldering a labour burden here. maybe parentification is the true villain
side note: mike commits his first murder wearing a clown costume...which is never referenced again? his 'iconic' costume is a generic mask and wig and jumpsuit, when we coulda had a Killer Clown Michael Myers??? travesty
i like how the Final Girl and her friend casually smoke weed in her car. yeah she's an honor student and her friend is the sheriff's daughter. yeah they smoke weed. so what it's 1978
(to reiterate, mike is 21 and should be at the club. im not saying he shouldn't be rampaging, im saying it's sad that he broke out, tasted freedom for the first time in his life, and immediately snuck back into his childhood home to go rampaging. let's have a remake where he goes to a nightclub and has a few beers. maybe some slutty dancing. then rampage)
oh no he's hot
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#HALLOWEEN#halloween the movie#michael myers#do you think he's a mike? mikey? to his friends? if slashers had friends?#i'll be honest i was expecting this movie to be way more of a bitch to its female characters#i mean yeah they died but so did some dudes#there's just a lack of cattiness compared to the way most later movies portrayed teenage girls idk#yeah the Final Girl is a Virgin and a Bookworm. but there's no bullying or any strong sense that's she's morally superior to everyone else#mostly she AND the other girls feel a bit sorry for her lack of a social life. one even tries to set her up with a date to the school dance#solidarity! trying to get your nerd friend laid!#overall it's just teenagers being teenagers and then a slasher comes in and ruins everything with his Lack Of Chill#like yeah dude sometimes teenagers have sex. get over it#also something to be said about how while the girl who survives is the one who isn't sexually active and dresses conservatively...#ultimately those things aren't ENOUGH to prevent her from being targeted#you could say that the other girls 'provoked' the villain (the same way women irl are so often accused of provoking their attackers)#but ultimately that doesn't keep the Final Girl safe. it just delays the inevitable.#because violent men never need excuses. no matter how eager society is to provide them.#ultimately she is at the mercy of the same violent whims because it was never her behavior that invited the violence.#gendered violence doesn't need an invitation.#also she doesn't save herself the doctor saves her#it's not her actions or choices that put her in danger OR save her from it--once again it is the whim of a man#no this wasn't intended to be a feminist movie it's just fun how you could argue it that way
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strze-lec · 3 months ago
"Can't ya just make me a normal picture?"
"Trip, this is going to be in the engine manual and probably a couple of history books," Archer scolded his Chief Engineer playfully. "You need to look presentable."
"Don't I always?" Trip rolled his eyes, turning sideways to hide his reaction from the captain.
"Maybe go sit on the engine?" Hoshi chimed in, the camera loosely hanging in her hand. She pointed to the ladder leading to the top of the construction. "Right there."
Trip pushed his tongue in his cheek for a second, stopping himself from further complaints. Dutifully, he made his way to the place Hoshi asked him to and climbed up the ladder. When rungs ended, he turned around and looked to where the ensign stood a moment before, only to realize she was in the process of climbing a ladder herself - this one leading up to the second floor of engineering.
In a couple of graceful movements, she closed the gap between herself and the railing securing the edge of the floor. She crunched, then placed the camera back at her eye level.
"That's great, sir. Now, just try to look natural," she encouraged in a cheerful tone.
Trip grimanced - all of a sudden, he had no idea how his regular expression felt like. It would be easier if he had a mirror.
"That's definitely not the one, Trip," Archer quipped from below.
This time, the chief engineer didn't hide the eyeroll.
Yet, to make up for his less than enthusiastic reaction, he tried to remeber how the captain posed for the pictures taken of him previously. Trip took a deep breath, straightened up, and did his best to look... decisive? confident?
"Hmmm," mused Hoshi, her face back in the view, "that looks really forced. Maybe just smile? You're often smiling."
Trip consciously relaxed his posture and moved a couple of face muscles in a comical way - at least for his audience, which consisted of captain and communications officer watching him openly, and the rest of the goddamn department working up a cross-eye, pretending to be busy in this area and peeking at him at the same time.
The streching didn't help to loose him up, so Trip tried remembering something at least remotely funny, hoping that the expression in his eyes would match the other part of his face.
"You look like you're trying to enjoy watching paint dry, but failing miserably," unmistakably British accent sounded up from a place opposite from Hoshi. Trip's head whipped automatically, spotting a very content Malcolm Reed leaning on the railing with his arms closed.
"Ya too? Don't ya people have actual jobs to do?" The last part Trip spoke while catching gazes of a couple of his engineers, who hurriedly moved along back to their assigned tasks.
"And we could go back to them if you would just give it a good shot," captain commented, patting Trip on the shin as he moved from his previous position. "I hope to hear good news soon," he added, sending Trip one last glance before he stepped out of the department.
In the meantime, Malcolm walked closer to Hoshi and put his hands behind his back in a way that - against all odds - was probably comfortable for him.
"Okay, I have an idea," security officer announced, earning focus from both of his friends. "Commander, lean slightly forward and clasp your hands, but loosely, don't hold on for your dear life."
Was it the third eyeroll in five minutes? Probably. Not that Trip counted.
Eventually, he followed Malcolm's guidance and placed his forearms on his thighs. So far, so good.
"Okay, now look down."
"Oh, just look down."
"Malcolm, ya'r not helpin'-"
"For queen's sake, Commander, just humor me," Reed shook his head minutely in reaction to Trip's antics.
The chief engineer made a ya'r-so-annoyin'-me-now face at Malcolm, but hanged his head down obediently. He waited for further instructions.
"Okay, now, when I tell you a command, you'll look at Hoshi and make the face I will ask you to make and hold it for three seconds, so Hoshi can snap you a picture."
"Ya've been waitin' to give me a command f'r a while now, didn't ya?" Trip raised his voice slightly to make sure his friend heard him.
Malcolm kept the thought - that run through his head in return - private. "I'll tell you what face to make on three," then, he corrected himself immediately, "I'll say one, two and then you look up."
"I know how 'on three' works, Malcolm!"
"Okay, okay... Ready?"
"As I'll ever be."
"Great. So- one, two-"
Trip held his breath as he redied himself to look up.
"Give me your best T'Pol!"
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Commander Tucker
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steiiaoctangula · 9 months ago
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happy birthday slender fella
like the idea that he has no sinister intentions hes just a guy who lost his art in the woods and is also like 9ft tall with no face in a 3 piece. to each their own, though.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year ago
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Let me show you one of my original concepts :>
Because. Why not haha👍
Characters refs Masterpost
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frags-fragzzzzz · 24 days ago
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Hello ghost trick fandom
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