#or putin! or bibi!
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tunneldweller · 2 months ago
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mysharona1987 · 8 months ago
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rotzaprachim · 3 months ago
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charlesoberonn · 2 years ago
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All three of these men have active criminal proceedings against them.
Two of them are currently the leaders of their respective countries and the third is a former leader and the frontrunner of one of the only two major parties in his.
All three are fascists who did much to dismantle whatever democracy their country had.
The world would be better off if all three dropped dead this moment.
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aunti-christ-ine · 10 months ago
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Pootie's deliberate distraction
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gregor-samsung · 1 year ago
“ La Guerra fredda aveva un senso. Fu una guerra ideologica in cui il vincitore, verosimilmente, avrebbe imposto al nemico sconfitto, per usare parole ormai screditate dal troppo uso, la propria filosofia e i propri valori. Può sembrare retorico, ma vi era in quello scontro fra giganti una certa nobiltà. Due grandi idee – la dittatura del proletariato e il capitalismo democratico – offrivano al mondo due strade diverse verso un futuro migliore. Le due diverse prospettive hanno creato speranze, attese, impegno e sacrifici che non sarebbe giusto ignorare. Oggi ogni traccia di nobiltà è scomparsa. Il comunismo è fallito e, come accade sempre in queste circostanze, la memoria collettiva ricorda soltanto le sue pagine peggiori: i massacri della fase rivoluzionaria, la fame ucraina, la persecuzione del clero, le purghe, i gulag, il lavoro coatto, i popoli trasferiti con la forza da una regione all’altra. La democrazia capitalista non è in migliori condizioni. Il trasferimento del potere economico dai produttori di beni ai produttori di denaro ha enormemente allargato il divario fra gli immensamente ricchi e i drammaticamente poveri. Il denaro governa le campagne elettorali. Le grandi piaghe della prima metà del Novecento – nazionalismo, militarismo, razzismo – si sono nuovamente aperte. Il linguaggio della competizione politica è diventato becero e volgare. Le convention americane sono diventate un circo equestre in cui i candidati esibiscono i muscoli della loro retorica. Il meritato riposo e un busto nel Pantheon della nazione, che attendevano gli uomini di Stato alla fine della loro carriera politica, sono stati sostituiti da posti nei consigli d’amministrazione, laute consulenze e conferenze generosamente retribuite (come i 225.000 dollari pagati da Goldman Sachs a Hillary Clinton per un dibattito dopo i suoi quattro anni al Dipartimento di Stato). Anziché affidarsi a leader saggi e prudenti, molti popoli sembrano preferire i demagoghi, i tribuni della plebe, i caudillos. Anche Putin appartiene per molti aspetti a un club frequentato da Erdoğan, Al Sisi, Orbán, Jaroslaw Kaczyński, Bibi Netanyahu, Xi Jinping, Lukašenko, per non parlare dei loro numerosi cugini in Africa e in Asia. Ma ha anche altre caratteristiche.
Deve governare un enorme spazio geografico popolato da una moltitudine di gruppi nazionali e religiosi. È il leader di un grande Paese che ha interessi legittimi e ambizioni comprensibili. È responsabile di una potenza che è anche un tassello indispensabile per l’amministrazione di un mondo caotico e pericoloso. Possiamo deplorare molti aspetti del suo carattere e della sua politica. Ma vedo sempre meno persone in Occidente che abbiano il diritto di impartirgli lezioni di democrazia. Occorrono 541 giorni per formare un governo in Belgio. Occorrono due elezioni politiche a distanza di sei mesi per formare un governo in Spagna. Occorrono tre commissioni bicamerali e due riforme costituzionali approvate dal Parlamento, ma sottoposte a referendum popolare, per cercare di modificare la costituzione in Italia. Nell’Unione Europea sono sempre più numerosi i cittadini che invocano il ritorno alle sovranità nazionali, ma in alcuni Stati nazionali (Belgio, Gran Bretagna, Spagna) la sovranità nazionale è contestata da regioni che chiedono il diritto di secessione. Mi chiedo: la democrazia è ancora un modello virtuoso che l’Europa delle democrazie malate e gli Stati Uniti delle sciagurate avventure mediorientali e del nuovo razzismo hanno il diritto di proporre alla Russia? “
Sergio Romano, Putin e la ricostruzione della grande Russia, Longanesi, 2016¹. [Libro elettronico]
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We will continue to be fucked as long as liberal USAmericans stick to the idea that a given state’s actions are bad not because the mechanisms it wields exist at all, but because of who is behind the wheel.
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mysharona1987 · 3 months ago
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haikyou · 3 months ago
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Rivolte in canna
Crisi internazionali
Per quante volte
Il vento ha risposto,
Per quante volte ?
Non c’è peggiore sordo
Di chi non sa ascoltare.
BaoUtnaFèretWaka, 2 dicembre 2024 - 8.46, Kontowood.
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scottiestoybox · 5 months ago
Let's talk about Trump, Biden, Putin, and secrets....
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tomorrowusa · 5 months ago
Putin and Netanyahu are both sleazy and corrupt autocrats. They want their sleazoid buddy Donald Trump to win so they can continue their wars and anti-democratic repression.
If Donald Trump wins the election, both wars will get much, much worse.  Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu both want Trump to win the American presidential election so that they can prolong and intensify their brutal wars without the possibility of American interference. Netanyahu has conducted his war in Gaza believing that the Biden administration can’t rein him in before the presidential election without risking severe damage to the political prospects of Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Netanyahu has purposefully sought to put the Democrats in a bind between the conflicting political demands of two components of the party’s base — a progressive constituency appalled by the war and a centrist faction that backs Israel. Netanyahu has thus forced the Biden administration to engage in a difficult balancing act: supporting Israel, while still pushing for a ceasefire and the long-term goal of the creation of a Palestinian state — a compromise stance that has outraged progressives while also upsetting many conservative Jewish voters. But Netanyahu also knows that if Trump wins, he will give Israel a green light to conduct a far more brutal campaign in Gaza, southern Lebanon, and the West Bank than he has during the Biden administration.
The moment that it becomes apparent that Trump lost the election, Netanyahu will immediately start thinking that a ceasefire is in his best interest.
Bibi's war in Lebanon is a last ditch effort to give a boost to Trump.
For Netanyahu, escalating the war into a regional conflict against Hezbollah and Iran also provides an October surprise designed to damage Democratic chances in the U.S. election.
As for Putin, he might as well be on the ballot with Trump and J.D..
In fact, it is no secret that Trump, Vance, and the MAGA cult that now dominates the Republican Party support Putin and want Russia to win the war and conquer Ukraine. Vance is part of the Christian nationalist base of the party, which loves Putin largely because he has cracked down on gay rights. For his part, Putin sees Trump as his puppet who will meekly stand by while he conquers Ukraine and rebuilds the Russian empire in Eastern Europe. Putin is once again working to help Trump win, and just as he did in 2016, he is using the internet to do it. Russian disinformation designed to help Trump is accelerating in the weeks leading up to the election. In September, the U.S. government alleged that a group of right-wing influencers were secretly being funded by Russia. Moscow has worked hard to amplify conspiracy theories and right-wing narratives.
With Trump back in the Oval Office, Putin and Netanyahu will have carte blanche to do whatever they want. A vote for Trump is a vote against American independence.
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rotzaprachim · 2 months ago
definitely an interesting phenomenon where a certain number of the very online (but not so widely read or in fact involved off line) fandom people who complain about the “puriteens” and censorship and so forth seem to get how the “depiction does not entail support” thing applies to sex but like. Not to any other area of human life or society.
Like the ones who make it a competition to write the most dead dove don’t eat (whatever your cup of tea is, I just don’t care) incest or rpf fics or whatever and then act like any police procedural is a “quasi fascist copaganda support for the police state” or any work of art by an Israeli is “Zionist propaganda” commissioned by Bibi Netanyahu personally or learning the Russian language is support for Putin or works of art about Nazism that display the Nazis as anything OTHER than cartoon comic book villains are support for Nazism. Like guys if you can take this concept for sex why can’t you take it for anything else? I think it’s leading to this weird moment for fandom but also wider literature in general where like we can have sex as explicit as we like (in a certain very prescribed way) but the other aspects of a work have to be very clear and properly labeled This is A Work About Imperialism Which is Bad Bad Bad kinda of stuff. Neo-Victorian erotica. No one is free
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diabetesnscoliosis · 4 months ago
Not to mention that trump is ok with Russia genociding Ukrainians. We live in a world of too many genocides an ethnic cleanings. If yanks can vote in a candidate that will guaranteed reduce the number, why the fuck wouldn't you
While we're waiting around for your perfect, beautiful, lovely revolution, please vote for Kamala Harris
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Ok so I can't screenshot so I'm putting this in the asks but people are talking about netanyahu because he's getting the attention right now. And that's because he's genociding Gaza right now and nothing else of that scale happened since. So of course he's the it girl rn.
Like I wholeheartedly agree with you, we shouldn't be saying people "deserve to die", I just want to point out that I don't like it whenever people go "but why are people talking about this figure (who's getting all the attention right now) and not these other figures? (Who aren't getting attention)"
But TLDR netanyahu's doing some fuck shit that's getting reported on so obviously he's getting talked about the most generally.
To bring it back to the original conversation, people were talking about Putin when the Russo Ukraine war was going on. I saw people get excited at the idea that he might have cancer when that lump on his face showed up. Putin was the it girl and now it's netanyahu.
Look I'm sure you don't mean it this way, but the original comment I was responding to was antisemitic and your comments excusing it are microaggressions.
[Original post for reference]
There are a few things going on here:
1. People are giving a hugely disproportionate amount of attention to Israel's military response to the October 7th massacre in Gaza because they are antisemitic. There have been plenty of humanitarian crises affecting Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt, yet the world literally only cares about them if they can use it as a cudgel against Jews. Obviously it's a humanitarian crisis and it deserves attention, and Israel deserves scrutiny and accountability for its actions. But the laser focus on Israel and only Israel belies the true motivation.
2. There are numerous other humanitarian crises happening right now that affect substantially more people, and which are unquestionably genocide. Can you name them? Can you tell me the relevant major players by name? Can you tell me the number of people murdered? Why or why not?
3. Specifically naming Bibi out of every possible vile human one could name, to me, specifically, a Jew - that's extra sus. Taken in combination with the previous points? Yeah, it's antisemitic.
4. The genocide of Ukraine by Russia is still ongoing, and ignorance about it is leading to dwindling support to such an extent that Ukrainians are having to ration bullets to defend themselves with. This one isn't meant as a scold, by the way — the plight of Ukraine is getting intentionally buried. Please don't stop talking about Ukraine, they need all the help they can get.
[And in b4 someone thinks I'm trying to say you shouldn't pay attention to what is happening in Gaza: please DO keep paying attention to Gaza and keep holding Bibi's feet to the fire. He's awful, his policies are awful, and he's encouraging the absolute worst members of Israeli society for his own selfish reasons. The people of Gaza are going through hell and need our help. Just please, for the love of G-d fact check things first and make sure you're not "supporting Palestine" by being antisemitic. Also make sure you are holding Hamas responsible for its part in the humanitarian crisis.]
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mysharona1987 · 2 months ago
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mariacallous · 5 months ago
I love the media (not) Bob Woodward's new book shows that Trump A) has been in phone contact with Putin since his Presidency ended and B) sent Covid tests, secretly, to Russia during the test shortage
the news the media wants to report? Biden has been frustrated with Netanyahu and called him a "bad guy", Bibi is literally one of the most frustrating human beings alive and everyone who's ever worked with him hates him, this is not news. The part where Trump is directly working for Putin is the news guys! get it together.
I mean, this is how it always is. And the media is weird about Russian stuff anyway, which doesn’t help.
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