#or four send five
angelnumber27 · 11 months
hi my angels :)
If anybody could send me $20 please do 🙏🏻 that’s all the remainder of what I need to pick up all of my prescriptions that are filled currently within the next week. Thank you so much to each and every person who has loved helped and supported me, it means more than you know ❤️‍🩹 if you would like to purchase spicy content dm me :)
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meatlurker · 2 months
anyways my brain chemistry has been forever altered
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 10 months
AG: Aw8ken.
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tea-time-terrier · 17 days
Fish tattoos...
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invisible-pink-toast · 4 months
frodo & sam edit | no matter where you are
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Hello there 👋
Can you talk about why you feel the way you do about the female bsd characters? (including the female characters you like) and while I don't think the author doesn't know how to write female characters I think the biggest problem with the female characters is that they're underutilized and barely have much screentime ( the most one we saw recently having screentime currently in the manga is teruko)
Hi!! I love you all SO much but seriously I don't have the mental stability to talk about why the bsd female characters are badly written ahah. Here's my best attempt at it:
I hope it's enough for me to say there's a female / male characters proportion of like 1:10, and no female character has any real repercussion on the plot– literally. Besides from Kyouka and Lucy and maybe Yosano? you could hypothetically erease every other female character and... Realistically, nothing would change. That's just how much irrelevant all but three female characters are, and there's already very few compared to the rest of the male cast. The four main / most popular characters are all males. Dazai is openly sexist and it's just kind of there never to be addressed. Akutagawa is repetedly violent with his female coworker and it's treated as a gag (like you DO realize how repulsive it is to write a character who is obsessed with her abuser and never be intentioned to elaborate on that because I guess that's what women are supposed to do according to author? Like. okay). But honestly the main issue for me is how each of them literally gravitates around another male character. God, it's SO annoying. And I mean every single of them!!! Every. single. Every single!!!! I struggle to come up with even one exception to the pattern. Kyouka has Atsushi as her savior, Lucy has Atsushi as her savior, Higuchi is obsessed with Akutagawa, Naomi is obsessed with Jun'ichirou, Gin literally exists because of Akutagawa, Alcott is just there to aid Fitzgerald, Margaret's only role in the story is to save Hawthorne, Elise is just expression of Mori. Teruko is a person in the body of a child who literally drools over her 50-something superior, like we hadn't as a society come to the common agreement that the “not as old as she looks” trope was disgusting pedophilia apologism like ten years ago (but it's okay though, because pedophilia was established to be okay in this manga at like, chapter 15 or something) (is this the good time to bring up that time Aya asked Kunikida out? No? Okay let's just collectively pretend that never happened). Do I need to go on? I haven't read Gaiden, but do I really need to read it to know Tsujimura gravitates around Ayatsuji? Oh wait, I was just remembered about Gaiden's full title: Bungou Stray Dogs Gaiden: Ayatsuji Yukito VS. Kyougoku Natsuhiko, and if that doesn't speak of the consideration author gives their female characters, I don't know what does. It's just– no female character is ever going to have their own novel. No female character is ever going to be protagonist. They'll just keep being treated as they've always been so far, like flat and personality-less disposable plot devices.
Now. I love Yosano's backstory, I really do- I think it was the best executed arc of the manga, reading those two chapter still gives me chills. But you do have to acknowledge, Yosano herself has no agency in the entire arc development. It's okay, she was eleven, it's natural; but she is just tossed one way to the other by other characters. That, and I can't stretch it enough, is not a bad thing on its own; not all stories have to scream #womanpower to be good stories. It's a good story. But you need to acknowledge it does nothing to empower female characters' role in this manga; it just speaks once again of it being a systematic problem, how author can't write female characters like they were masters of their fate if their life depended on it. And it's not that just because there's one (1) mini arc that happens to have a female character as its protagonist, author knows how to write female characters with depth, or agenda, or an objective, or personality, because... They clearly don't.
Like. I probably became annoying by now but like. When was the last time you found any bsd fan whose favorite character was a woman? When was the last time you found people describing themselves as a Lucy kinnie? If you ask me, it's not a matter of fans' fault for overlooking female characters; the female characters in this franchise are meant to be overlooked, because they're abysmally less stretched out and complex compared to their male counterparts– because male characters are distinctive and unique, while author can't go outside the range of one-dimensional femme fatale, letal woman (Yosano, Kouyou, Teruko, Christie, Gin / Lucy / Elise too to an extent) and woman who's just there to obsess over a male character (Alcott, Higuchi). But do not fret, because author will sometimes go outside that scheme by making a letal femme fatale who also obsesses over a male character! (Naomi). Also this
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(Have you ever wondered why I never talk about Beast Gin? Yeah.)
Okay but you see the problem here? You see how it's impossible to make the same kind of argument for the male characters, because they're all diverse and various and multilayered as much as their little screentime allows? Higuchi doesn't exist outside Akutagawa, Lucy doesn't exist outside Atsushi; but it's not like you can say the same goes the other way round. That is, crossing out the various parallels drawn between male characters, but that only speaks more of how precisely curated male characters are, while all female characters... I'll be honest, aren't written as people. Author really sounds like your average Washington Post best selling psychological thriller author of the week that writes women like an alien species from another planet. It would have spared me having been writing this whole post for an hour (two hours? Which is definitely not the time I wanted to spend on this, man) if only author would have formed the thought, at the start of the serialization: “perhaps! Perhaps I should write women as people instead of writing them as female characters (whatever that means)”. Alas, we ended up with the infamous Naomi description from Untold Origins (what the fuck. who in their right mind would ever think of writing something like that. what the fuck.)
Now, I know if you're here reading this you most definitely like bsd. It's okay, really. Unpopular opinion, but people are perfectly allowed to like things that are flawed (and this is a big flaw). What's extremely important, seriously, I'm on my knees begging you, is to be critical of the media you consume. All kinds of media. Even if you end up disagreeing with me on this matter, really!! Just be able to tell apart the things that make appealing a series for you from whatever kind of agenda / worldview the author is pushing through, and peacefully acknowledge you can like something despite it having issues (because bsd has issues). I don't know who needs to hear this, but someone definitely does: “I love s/kk!!” “the bsd storytelling has many compelling aspects!!” and “I recognize the bsd writing has flaws some of which actively harm an already disadvantaged part of society” are statements that can and should coexist, and if anything - and I know you hate to hear this, I'm sorry, I'm sorry - it should be kept in mind when deciding to support the franchise by buying its products.
One final note is that like... I'm sorry if this comes off as pretentious but I seriously feel like people have NO idea what media with well written female characters look like, because for people to even question bsd being sexist is just insane to me (in the way: do we really need to to talk about it, isn't it obvious like ten seconds in the show??). And this is probably the least good place to advertise things, but please do yourself a favor and read The Promised Neverland and learn what well written female characters read like.
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#Me writing this: I guess this is why everyone hates political sciences students uh#Following up: Why Romanticizing Mafia Is Actually Very Bad (no click bait ‼️‼️ )#Also since I brought up tpn: do you really think that it's a coincidence that the manga with incredibly well written female characters–#and a socialist agenda who was in the top ten Japan's yearly best selling franchises for the entirety of its four years serialization–#got an insulting two seasons anime adaptation that completely narrated another story from the manga‚ a live action movie and THAT'S IT#While series like bsd which didn't even enter the top 20 selling franchises like? Ever? are at their tenth year of serialization–#an excellent four seasons (and counting) anime adaptation five spin-off manga one of which has its own anime–#nine novels as many stage plays and two movies? Do you REALLY think it's a coincidence?#anti bsd#For blacklisting purposes ಥ_ಥ#I know there's some people who won't like reading this but let's be honest... That's probably the people that need to read this the most ;;#bsd analysis#Of sorts...#mine#people asks me stuff#This post contains the several reasons why Tumblr can't become like Twitter namely 1) author in question has Twitter#2) Tumblr is anonymous so people can't send me personally death threats#3) It's Tumblr so people won't send me death threats at all (... Hopefully)#Also I'M SO SORRY I know I have dms pending I'm just the worst at answering them 😭😭😭#I swear I'll do my best to get to them eventually ;;;;;;
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maize-is-lost · 1 year
I've recently started working on a Pikmin AU story. Not quite done with the first chapter but I figured it would be fun to post what I've got so far.
There’s something funny about how different characters will start the same story. No matter how far apart they live, no matter how they were raised, no matter what they’re doing at the start, eventually they will all spin into the same yarn.
For Olimar, the story begins with an unexpected banging against the hull of the S.S. Dolphin as it flies through deep space. 
For Louie, the story begins when he’s called to the President’s office for an “imperative” mission.
A little over a month has passed since his coworker’s disappearance. At first he doesn’t realize anything’s wrong. Anyone who’s spent any time with Olimar knows how much the man loves his family; and while he loves his job, he often laments how it keeps him away from his wife and children. When he doesn’t come back from vacation on time, Louie just assumes the man had quit and moved on to better things. He wouldn’t have blamed him. The assumption explains why the President becomes more and more nervous in the following days. What it doesn’t explain is why Olimar’s wife keeps showing up at Hocotate Freight’s headquarters to yell at Louie’s boss.
His first thought is that maybe she was just that salty over how much her husband had been overworked these last few months. 
Then he realizes the S.S. Dolphin isn’t where it’s usually stored. Olimar loved that ship, but he definitely wasn’t making enough money to buy it off of the company.
There’s whispers of a lawsuit.
Or worse, an internal investigation.
The company must have hooked her up with some really good insurance though, because she stops coming around after a few weeks. Everyone who didn’t quit during the chaos breathes a sigh of relief. It’s pretty easy to move on after that, they just have to work a little harder while the company hires new workers to replace what they’ve lost. 
Not long after that, people start receiving The Transmission.
Yeah, capital “The,” capital “T.” It’s necessary.
Most people hear about it from, well, the news. Louie doesn’t watch the news, though. Instead, he gets called up to the President’s office.
“Louie, my boy, you remember Olimar, don’t you?” Louie nods. He’s never been the best at remembering faces, but he imagines he could pick Olimar out in a photo (as long as he was surrounded by people who looked nothing like Olimar. It had been almost two months since he’d last seen his coworker, after all). “I’m sure you’ve been worried sick ever since he disappeared, I know I have!” the President wipes a nonexistent tear from his eye. Louie tries to keep from rolling his.
“Anyway, some great news has just come in. Have you seen Space Broadcast Inc.’s latest report?” Louie shakes his head. The President picks up a remote and turns, switching on a large TV on the other side of the room. It flickers on to a news report narrated by a woman with a swoop of pink hair covering her face. “Looks like they’re showing it again,” the President chortles.
“Earlier today, several parties received a mysterious transmission from a previously undiscovered planet,” the pink haired woman reports from a spaceship launch site. “This transmission shook the stars when it was discovered that it was sent by a missing captain from Hocotate Freight.”
Louie’s stomach turns. It hasn’t escaped his notice that he’s the only person the President called. He doesn’t like where this is going.
The video of the pink haired woman changes to a split screen. One side shows Olimar’s work ID photo while the other side shows captions as the transmission plays.
“My name is Captain Olimar. I am a delivery pilot with Hocotate Freight. While traveling, I crash landed on an undetected planet. I have limited life support remaining and am unable to repair my ship. Please send help as soon as possible.”
This time, Louie can’t help but shiver at the voice that plays while his coworker’s face is on screen. The audio is crunchy, but he can tell that the speaker’s voice is a smooth baritone, like honey dripping off a spoon. It’s oddly calm given the situation that had been described. 
There’s one thing he knows for certain.
That wasn’t Olimar’s voice.
The two of them hadn’t spent much time together in the month after Louie started working at Hocotate Freight, but what time they had worked together had often been filled with Olimar’s anecdotes or analyses. The man filled the silence wherever he went. At the time, Louie hadn’t minded. Olimar never expected him to respond verbally like most other people did. He wouldn’t have minded working with Olimar longer, really. But either way, Louie had heard enough of Olimar’s voice to recognize it even after all this time. The voice in the video was similar, sure, but it wasn’t nearly as expressive as the Captain’s. And there was something about the tone, something he couldn’t place, that didn’t settle right in his stomach.
Louie opens his mouth to say something, but the President has been talking this whole time and doesn’t notice Louie’s poor attempt to interrupt.
“-anyway I read the data logs he sent with the message and it looks like this mysterious planet is full of treasure! Enough to pull us out of debt and keep us out of the red for decades! So as soon as I heard other crews were heading to that planet I decided that I’d send you, one of my best workers, to find Olimar and track down that treasure!”  
Louie leaves the office with a mission and a newfound sense of dread. He doesn’t have long before he’s expected to leave, and there’s no telling when he’ll be back. He needs to pack. He needs to call his grandmother.
What are you supposed to say to someone when you don’t know if you’ll come home alive?
(Update: second part has been posted)
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devildom-fashion-week · 8 months
List of all Ruri Tunes outfits I don't have
Minus the ones I already got offered the screenshots for, of course!
If you have any on the list & would be willing to share some screenshots of their lines with me, please shoot me a DM!
In case you want to help out, here's what I need:
screenshots of the character saying each of his outfit lines
screen recordings of the character saying his lines
That's more or less it! There are a few minor things to keep in mind for both of these things, but I'll let you know about them once you've messaged me!!
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hellsjay · 11 months
OKAY I'M TIRED someone please, PLEASE I'm begging you, tell me how to get through 4-48. My main team dies despite max lvl and I don't know what to do and who to use. Flower phase just too powerful TT
I don't have any EGO or identity for Ryōshū (unfortunately, cause I love her she's my precious queen) aaaand I only have Shi association for Don Quixote (0 EGO for her yeah). My others sinners with their EGO and identities are right here and I'll be super-grateful for advices :“)
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an-ruraiocht · 2 months
hung out with actual humans for three hours and now i'm like, a solid 30% less deranged, i will learn nothing from this
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Look I love a good ‘dick aged down so he can have more of a sibling relationship with his brothers’ story but I desperately need more ‘canon ages and dick getting made fun of constantly for being old as dirt’ stories
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bloodenjoyer · 11 months
im going to turn into the fucking jigsaw killer
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0-k-4 · 4 months
that i still have friends is astounding and does not seem compatible with the amount of ghosting they go through also
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sparxwrites · 1 year
Any thoughts on the recent Hermitcraft (or whatever mcyt) videos? Just curious about what's up recently besides spambots on ao3. Hope you're doing well!
you might have to be a bit more specific than that! there's been a lot of videos. i am glad mumscarian are back to their usual "doing crimes, but primarly through the vector of having a negative iq when in each others' presence" behaviour, because that's one of my fave genres of content <3
(and i'm fine! just very, very busy - we're up at a full-time job and two part-time jobs now, hobbies and social life and personal freelance projects not included - and i've not been terribly inspired to write fic right now. unforch, i'm extremely dependent on sth being my special interest to produce fic for it, and whilst i still like hermitcraft it's no longer a special interest. i've been busy working on some original writing tho, which tragically will probably never make its way on here, but please rest assured that it's absolutely baller.)
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fighterbound · 6 months
“why are you so afraid of being honest with me?” izuku @ kacchan <3333
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"I ain't afraid," he instantly points out, upper lip curling into half snarl. Clenching his hand into a fist, he draws back to put space between them. Shoving his fist into his pocket, he leans back against his desk. Cool down he reminds himself, remembering the fact that the nerd ain't trying to imply shit.
Once he's down from that spark of anger, he takes a steadying breath. Studying Izuku for a quiet moment, he finds himself asking.
"You sayin' you honest with me all the time Deku?" As soon as that question leaves his mouth, he frowns as a thought strikes him. Being honest with Deku always leaves him feeling like's been chewed up and spit out. He's left trying to figure out what's up and down, left and right. Everything with Deku is more complicated, more layered, more everything. Compared to someone like Kirishima, shit is far more straightforward. Direct and steadying. That's his friend, one of his best friends. The lines are clear.
With Deku it's so blurred and mixed up. He knows so much about him, actually it's more than that. He's always been a part of his life, even during his shittier moments. The nerd stayed, keeps choosing to stay. That's a part of him he can't comprehend. How he keeps choosing to stay, keeps choosing to stand by him. For how much longer? He ignores that too honest thought.
Some days they feel alright, others it's like their clear path been blown to bits. He doesn't know what to make of it. Yet he don't wanna say any of that to him. Not when he doesn't understand much of it. Or maybe he does but he can't face his own truths yet. It pisses him off, but he's aware there's just some crap you have to come to terms on your own.
"...we're a lot," he mutters, settling for that.
@fightaers / ★; addressing the elephant in the room sentence starters.
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backhurtyy · 2 years
29. This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory -- Steddie If you're lonely, no need to show me If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
"Sometimes I wonder," Steve confesses, words as heavy as the tears hanging off his eyelashes, "how much longer I can keep going like this. Like, it feels like my heart has been scooped out sometimes, I'm so... So lonely. You know what I mean?"
Eddie looks at him- so beautiful even when he's heartbroken, so breathtaking even when his shoulders are slumped in defeat and there are tears glittering on his eyelashes the same way the stars glitter in the sky- and swallows thickly.
"Yeah," he whispers, lacing their fingers together, "yeah, I think I do. I..." He pauses, swallows again, and continues thickly, "I wish I could take all your hurt away, scoop up your heart and place it back in your chest for you. But I'll tell you what- whenever you get lonely, just give me a call and I'll come over, and we can be lonely together."
Steve's head rolls over towards Eddie, eyes searching his face as if looking for a sign that he really means it. He must find it, because Steve squeezes Eddie's hand and says, "Yeah, okay. That would... That would be nice."
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