#somehow they just accepted that i never answer and that they will have to send four or five aditionnal texts to get an answer
starlight-library · 2 days
Impromptu dates | LN4
pairing: lando norris x sick!bookworm!reader
summary: a bookworm & f1 driver + stomach bug = the best lazy date ever.
warnings: none!
fc: none!
wc: 859
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Most people hated being sick.
It’s understandable that people hated being sick. They don’t feel. They feel gross. They feel off. The list goes on and on on why people hated being sick. Especially people who are more independent and hate the idea of someone else taking care of them. Which you understood as it hit a bit too close to home.
Which is why as someone fiercely independent as you are, people never understood why you enjoy being sick. 
You could never find the words to explain it when people ask you on the spot. You try and try yet you’re never happy with your answer and people never quite believed you which was fair but you didn’t care. You enjoyed it when you were sick. 
Not violently ill, which you emphasize. You did not enjoy running a super high fever, or running to the bathroom, or having your head constantly over a toilet vomiting up basically nothing. That was not fun. You enjoy the kind of sickness where you can’t go out into the world for a day or two. Maybe a low grade fever that’ll pass or a quick stomach bug that’s out of your system fast but you still take the precaution and stay indoors. 
Well that’s because it means you can stay under the covers after a shower with your kindle in its little tablet holder. Page turner remote in hand while having your water and drink of choice (mostly iced coffee), and some white noise as background noise. It was truly perfection for you.
Yet it was Lando’s hell.
Lando, your boyfriend, hated when you were sick. It meant no cuddles. No hugs. No kisses. Any physical contact was on halt and it was already torture given his schedule so the rare time he did get to see you in person and you were sick? He was miserable. Sure, you two video called but it just made him more sad that he wasn’t there to take care of you even if you swore that you didn’t need someone to take care of you. He refused to believe it so he would send you meals and medicine. He refused to let you pay him back so you’ve learned to accept it without the guilt weighing on your shoulders. It was a nice agreement you two had silently made and nothing really could beat this.
Until now.
There was a month break in between Singapore and Austin and Lando was going to soak up every second he could get and it was fine till somehow you caught a stomach bug. Lando refused to leave which also meant he caught the stomach bug.
You’re happily half laying/half sitting next to Lando against some pillows under a weighted heated blanket. You have one of his sweatshirts on while sipping your iced coffee and looking at your kindle while Lando tosses and turns next to you. You tried offering him medicine or some crackers and soup but he’s turned all the options down but now it seems he’s settled down. You look over and are greeted with the same green-blue eyes you’ve grown to pick out of the crowd in a moment. You see the curls sticking to his forehead and gently you push some out of the way and smile. “Hey.”
“How are you drinking iced coffee right now?” The Brit asks.
You shrug before smiling, “I don’t know. Guess I feel better after cleaning my stomach out and taking some medicine unlike someone.” Poking his forehead, you giggle while he huffs slightly and moves his head away. You hear Lando grumble something about the medicine tasting bad and you roll your eyes. “You’re such a big baby.”
Lando pouts slightly grumbling he is not a big baby before you return to your book. You look back hearing a huff and raise a brow. “Yes?”
“How do you just lay here and read and do nothing? I’m so bored yet too tired to get up.”
You shrug, “I just get really engrossed in my books sometimes I forget to even eat or pee.”
“You what!?” Lando sits up a bit in surprise before laying down and whining at his upset stomach.
“Oh come here.” You start.
You shift and sit up a bit more and reach over and rearrange your nightstand. You move your drinks further back along with your tablet holder before grabbing your TV remote and turning the TV on. You watch Lando lay there for a moment before shifting closer. He tosses and turns before slowly he settles on his stomach letting a soft sigh of relief out. Wrapping his arms around your waist, the Brit nuzzles his face into your stomach before settling down and looking at the TV. Lando flips through some apps and television options before settling on ‘The Hangover’.
Settling back down against the pillows you run your fingers gently through his hair while you go back to your book, the movie becoming background noise for you. This is how you two spend the evening and it’s the best impromptu date and now becomes your go to date.
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0-k-4 · 4 months
that i still have friends is astounding and does not seem compatible with the amount of ghosting they go through also
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Yandere Elite Serial Killer
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Thinking about the rich hunting the poor plot of thousands of movies
Popular and inexplicably vain it’s a surprise he goes to your college at all
But because of his status and immense popularity you never quite got close to him
Only knowing about him because of gossip 
His existence doesn’t matter to you until the college plans to take everyone on a cross-country trip
That happens to be sponsored by an anonymous donor 
You somehow end up in a travel group with him and his most loyal groupies
You didn’t even know you were in the same class
But when the school asks for a payment he generously pays for all expenses
“If all it takes is a bit of pocket change to have these nerds do my homework, then I’ll pay for it!”
He scoffs in your face if you try to refuse 
having the principal tear your check in front of your face if you try to pay yourself
But you pack your bags prepared to get on the plane booked for the class only for one of the nicer groupies to stop you
“Uh, where do you think you're going?”
“To the plane?”
“Our plane is on the tarmac. We’re not getting packed in like a bunch of sardines.”
“But I already bought the ti-”
“Look nerd stop complaining before he leaves you.”
When you do get on of course it’s a shock to have an attendant nicely handle your bag 
Of course, you fidget as you watch the groupies casually sit in specific padded chairs
As though those were their designated spots 
You’re watching them so intensely you miss the grey eyes watching you
“Huh? Me?”
“Where do you want to sit?”
“Uhm I’ll just sit over here.”
You randomly pick the spot farthest from them 
He scoffs again and snaps his fingers
“No, you won’t you’ll sit over here.”
The seat he’s pointing at is right beside him…
But a girl is already sitting there
You hesitate looking nervously at the girl who’s engrossed in her phone
Wille exasperatedly sighs before turning in his seat to kick the girl off it
It looked like it hurt
But no one reacts…at first
Before one of the groupies chimes in
“Move Piggie! It’s obvious Wille doesn’t want you here!”
The other’s laugh while ‘piggie’ slowly gets up moving her things she gives you a hard glare before moving to the row over
With Wille impatiently snapping his fingers you sit in the seat
Now being weirdly included in the conversation
Though it’s completely out of your realm of understanding they are seemingly including you
You don’t get the chance to ask  why he wanted you here but you couldn’t complain
When an attendant served you a hearty meal that happened to fit all of your likes and dislikes
You are made to hold someone’s bag or do the other’s assignments issued for the class but you can’t complain
Especially when ‘piggie’ is the one who keeps getting pushed around
Once the plane lands it’s constantly like this 
In museums, restaurants, and lectures 
The pattern continues and as expected you feel incredibly indebted to Wille
So of course you’ll look past the slightly demeaning tasks he sends you on
Or when the groupies need the opinion of a ‘commoner’ you answer
It’s never as bad as it is for ‘piggie’ 
Who ends up paying for some of the other groupies’ shopping sprees 
Or when someone deems their outfit ruined or out of style it’s ‘piggie’ who has to buy something new
You feel awful 
But you’re sure if you spoke up they’d absolutely leave you in this foreign country all alone
So you’ll try in another way
“Hey, I uh filled out an extra assignment if you’d like it?”
For once you might see them accept and start coming to you to talk
It’s nice 
To speak to someone more sympathetic to your situation
But things don’t really kick off until the last day 
And you by association are invited to the intense partying of your group who invite others from your college
There Wille demands that everyone in your group come to his vacation home where his family is 
To work off the hangovers and keep the party going he says 
He says it’ll be another week before you all head back to the college
Whether you drink or not you don’t mind the small extension on your trip 
after all, all of your expenses are paid for
So without being able to refuse you join the group  
a butler welcomes you as soon as the chauffeur drops you all off at the castle-like vacation home mansion
Unexpectedly there and looking at watching you all gawk are Wille’s family
His father, his mother, his older sister, and his younger brother
They all are just like him with long wavy hair and cattish grey eyes that seem to see all
They welcome the group but they’re honestly quite cold
You don’t mind all that much though
They’re polite enough for the first three days
But then as the end of the week approaches it just gets stranger
Not just for you but for the others as well
“H-h-hey did any of you guys notice Wille’s little brother has a lot of stuffed pets?”
“Well, did you see how that old man was looking at me? Creepy!”
Finally on the sixth day 
more accurately at midnight, the hunting really begins
Faced with Wille himself smiling wider than you could have ever imagined right along with his family with their own twisted faces
“You won’t believe how many social climbers cling to us like leeches! In our world. They have their protections and safeguards that stop us from bashing their brains in. But you–we could do that and so much more because no one cares about you. No one!”
It’s alarming, to say the least 
The dirt under your nails
The cries of the others
Wille continues
“But it's nice to imagine right? So we’re going to play a little game! You all get until midnight tomorrow to escape our property. If you do you get to keep your little worthless life. As a bonus, we’ll reward you an extra million for all the trouble! So, everyone ready to play?”
Screams are heard 
And a gunshot goes off
Someone else breaks down again
“Good energy, you have until sunrise.”
Like frightened deer you scatter
Part 2
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gay-dorito-dust · 10 months
How about something about being a very soft and feminine person, strong independent in their own way, with Mizu. I like to think she is joins the party and acts as the “woman” for the group, and she just genuinely is a good person. I just want to see Mizu with someone who just cares about them.
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This was way too long and whatever else you wanna call it.
‘You’ll die.’ Mizu puts bluntly.
‘I don’t care. I’m coming with you whether you like it or not.’ You shrugged, mind made up as you already have packed your essentials for the departure overnight.
Mizu closed their eyes, sighing deeply through the nose before opening their eyes once more to look directly at you with their usual stare. ‘I won’t be held responsible if you were killed unawares.’ They said but the fire of excitement and adventure within your eyes hasn’t faltered once.
Mizu can only wonder how they attract people of similar natures in one way or the other to trail after them like a little horde of stubborn ducklings; A question they’ll couldn’t quite find the answer for.
You have been prone to leave Mizu perplexed since your first met after healing them of their wounds after a particularly heinous fight. Your soft touches and kind encouraging words brought about uncertain feelings within Mizu. Making them feel as though they have somehow ventured off into unfamiliar territory, immediately sending them to act out in self defensive tactics.
Constantly looking over their shoulder, hand clutching at the hilt of their sword, ears and eyes honing in on every snaps of branches and the rustling of bushes, waiting for a potential ambushes or ransacking attempts. Anything that would put their life in any and all levels of risk.
Mizu found themself in a battlefield they weren’t well versed in whenever your face shone with a bright smile upon seeing them in the mornings, presenting them with the clothes they’ve entrusted to you to sew up the worn and torn fabric, seeing as how only you were the one with the tools and the experience for the job. Or how you would often help fix up breakfast for everyone but always end up making yours last, when Mizu asked about this, you just shrugged and told them that you’d rather survive off of scraps if it meant others having full, warm and satisfied bellies.
Mizu only scoffs at this, not thinking too much into your words, but their sharp eyes would immeditly notice the difference in the amount of food you gave them before looking at your own proportions; which was enough to satiate your hunger for the time being but it was obvious that you gave larger portions of food to them. Their eyes would soften somewhat at the gesture, knowing that your words were more than just words, only to harden afterwards when catching you given them frequent side glances.
You would also patch up reopened words that were in harder to reach for Mizu or Tiagen to get to by themselves , much to Mizu’s dismay at the thought of being in such a vulnerable and open position for sabotage. However under your watchful eye, Mizu had learnt over a long period of time to put their trust into you and your seemingly never ending well of talents.
‘Stop doing stuff that’ll only reopen your wounds,’ you scolded, finishing sealing up the last of Mizu’s wounds with a final stitch. ‘I’m staring to run out of thread and alcohol to disinfect the needle with the rate you and Taigen are going at!’ You added, putting your hands on your hips like a disappointed parent.
‘If it displeases you so much to waste resources, then why bother healing me in the first place.’ Mizu responded straightforwardly as they slowly refitted their clothing on their body whilst trying not to reopen any wounds as to not waste the effort you put into putting them back together again. You huffed, knowing that Mizu was still a little on edge with you and the kindness you went out of your way to give them.
You didn’t blame them for being the way they were and only accepted this as their way of acting the only way they knew how and went to sit down next to them, remembering to keep some distance for keep Mizu from unwarranted contact. ‘It’s not the resources that I’m worried about. It’s you.’ You admitted, seeing Mizu look at you from the corner of your eye, looking as though they weren’t expecting that type of response to come from your mouth. That reaction only hurt your heart knowing that a concerning about of people lacked empathy towards their fellow man. It genuinely disgusted you at how easy it was for them to show you their back the moment you’ve outgrown your usage.
‘Me? Why?’ Mizu asked.
You chuckled humourlessly. ‘Is it a sin for me to be concerned about you? To worry about you whenever you come back from where ever you wander off to, suddenly unable to stand on your own two feet without collapsing from immense blood loss?’ Mizu reminded silent and so you took that as a sign to continue. ‘Am I expected to just stand there and not do anything? I’m sorry but I’d rather wast every resource I own on you because if it meant bettering your chances of survival, even if by a margin, then I’d do anything to make that possibility into a guarantee.’ You finished with a smile before getting up to your feet and leaving the room to give Mizu privacy and time to process your words.
Meanwhile Mizu was back to feeling those foreign emotions. They weren’t use to someone caring for them to the extent that you did, not without wanting something in exchange but Mizu noticed that you haven’t even once asked for anything in return for making them breakfast, sewing up their clothes, gifting them sharping stones for their sword nor patching up their wounds. All you did was take care of them and their every needs, so much so that they felt a weird warm within their chest at the memory of your bright smile that you gave them after everything.
You were sweet and soft but strong, firm in your beliefs and posses a strong independence. A true diamond in the rough in regard to everything they’ve bore witness to since childhood. Your attitude towards them was an extreme contrast to everyone else’s, it often caught Mizu off guard in the odd occasion but it wasn’t until now did Mizu come to realised how much their body ached to be tended and cared for by someone like you. They’ve persevered through the hardships they’re forced to call life and bore the scars of said hardships in a multitude of places upon their body, both new and old.
Mizu was use to being alone but now that you entered their life, they were starting to think that they don’t wanna be alone anymore but was a tad hesitant to make the first move on their own accord. If Mizu was grateful for one thing in life, it was the fact that you were in it and by their side for the indefinite future.
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popponn · 9 months
so what if mikage reo is running late and crashes to you—a culinary student, also late—on his rush. predictably, the coffee in his hand got spilled all over his expensive coat. unpredictably, you—a scholarship student too busy trying to survive—don't know how rich he actually is and automatically offer to compensate him somehow.
since washing his coat somehow will cost you ten times your rent while buying one is simply asking for a lifelong debt, you offer to him what you do best—your cooking for a full month. at first, reo really doesn't want it as he doesn't mind. also, stranger danger? but since you are adamant enough to even offer him "i will make it in front of you!" he ends up accepting it.
and somehow, as people say, a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. reo kind of falls in love a bit too hard and a bit too clumsily before he knows it. but hey, if the love of his life is offering him lunch with a full-blown smile maybe learning to be a proper domestic husband while juggling soccer and business is worth it.
"so, is it good?" you asked in the manner of a true excited cook.
reo wanted to say that he knew it would be good even before he put your food in his mouth. or say that even if you offer him to eat a marshmallow that is one fire he will still do it for you at this point. or maybe he really should just blurt out, "it is. please marry me and let me have your cooking for the rest of my life. i love you."
but, reo has his pride as your trusted food tester—so, with a wide grin that was objectively handsome if not a bit too full of love, reo answered, "very! guess, studying and testing all those spices really paid off, huh?"
"can you guys—" nagi paused, making a face as if he was tasting the words on his tongue, "—just get it together?"
you blinked. "uh? pardon?"
nagi didn't raise his head from his phone. "reo keeps looking at you like he wants to—"
"dude," chigiri interrupted, kicking nagi's leg visibly. nagi grunted, which chigiri ignored him in favor of offering you a nervous laugh instead. "sorry, reo kind of ruined his game yesterday. he kept grudges—"
"hey, reo kicked my head—"
chigiri immediately kicked nagi's shin hard enough that the table shook. you spared the white-haired male a pitying squint as you tried to not wince too much. you really should have gone to pick up the food with reo.
note: aka a post canon romcom au no plot no braincell just vibe of supportive x supportive. it's reo just falling in love with you who offer good food and good mental support. and hey this au entails classic "rich guy tries domestic mundane things he never even touch once" which of course would let to reo getting your guidance (while staring longing at you like a boy in love). at least this is reo, so through sheer power of natural learning capability and also love, he will do it right at the second or third time. oh, of course nagi and chigiri is there. chigiri wishes reo would stop bragging about your food and you if he isn't going to grow a bone and confess. nagi wishes reo would stop hitting him each time you send him an emoji or a praise—reo you are ruining his full combo. aka do you see idiot 1 & idiot 2? there is never too many idiots to lovers. might have went way too self indulgence thinking about this—"after bllk they still go to uni" this kind of thinking should tell you enough how many braincel is present here. but. uh yeah. "i want to support and comfort reo" is a feeling. anyway ok. thanks for reading this blurb i should be doing something else rn but 🫶 yeah have this. take this. love u.
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luvz-me · 3 months
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being at the last year of your sports medicine university course abroad in america was like a dream come true. but in all honesty you just wanted it to be over and quick. the prospect of having to intern at a random clinic for three months wasn't appealing at all. you made sure to send your cv to different physiotherapy clinics, gyms, sports clubs but still no answer.
watching all your colleagues start earlier than you was discouraging until one afternoon, after watching 2 boring movies a guy at a club told you to watch last night you got a call.
someone with a very poised voice starts talking almost immediately, "good afternoon, i'm speaking on behalf of the sports clinic and i was wondering if you'd be available for an interview tomorrow morning regarding your internship application?"
you almost envied the way there wasn't any hint of nervousness in their voice. it was almost immediate the way you accepted the offer, in all honesty you just wanted to get it over with.
you started your internship there after almost a week until one day, by the evening you witnessed something you never thought you would. tashi fucking duncan walking in the clinic right as you were about to leave. you felt your stomach turn, not in the bad way, but in the - what the fuck, did i hit my head somewhere and wake up in an alternate universe? - way. your anxiety making you want to throw up seeing one of the people you wrote countless essays about stand before you.
"i'm looking to book a sports physician. medium term for art donaldson, need them to be able to come in-house monday through friday." you heard her say to the receptionist, blunt yet always polite. one of your idols standing just a few meters away from you made you weak at the knees. you were aware the clinic was well frequented but you never thought she'd be in your sight ever.
you looked at your nails, pondering if you should start biting them, regaining a bad habit just because you found yourself in a situation you couldn't control sounds very much like you but tashi probably would think that's gross so you stop.
a client you had been assigned to arrives and you curse yourself out for not being able to keep listening to the conversation anymore. the day never ended. each glance you took at the clock just seemed like you were stopped in time. sighing while helping the elder woman stretch her upper body and muttering some words of praise, explaining to her that she'd have to keep coming for at least one more week so the pain could dissipate. you flashed her a smile as she got up and said goodbye, thanking you endlessly for helping her ease the pain.
your supervisor had been watching you. giving some criticism on this session with the client. as you were about to leave she pulled you aside and informed you that starting tomorrow you'd be going to tashi duncans house.
everything inside was pristine, you were even scared to even lean against the furniture in fear you'd somehow break it. tashi had given you a quick house tour, her heels clacking on the hardwood floors as she warmed you up to her, occasionally telling jokes about herself and saying you reminded her of herself. when she was in college. you didn't really know what that meant but you decided to take it as a compliment, nervously fidgeting your fingers. art was nowhere to be seen up until you reached the gym area.
standing there, broad shoulders scrolling through his phone, distracted and flashing a smile towards his wife once she clears her throat and wraps an arm around his shoulder. introducing you to each other and leaving promptly, saying she had a meeting with her pr team and that she'd be back at 8 pm.
you swallow dry. standing there awkwardly with your backpack on your shoulders.
"so.. umm were gonna start with wall angels maybe. tashi told me thats your problem area right now" you blurted out, trying to sound as professional as possible "just. place your arms against the wall in a 90 degree angle and slowly straighten them"
art follows suit, standing against the wall awkwardly moving his arms up and down before asking "how old are you?" breaking the silence
"i'm 21" you mutter in surprise analysing his form and his toned shoulders, and arms.. and muscles. eyes narrowing trying to remind yourself that this is not one of your hookups, this is art fucking donaldson and you're here for an internship. at his house. in his fancy home gym. hes not yours to admire. "why?"
"ah.. just wanted to know" art shrugs, looking at you intently. he gets up suddenly, yet his movements are deliberate. you feel the knot tighten in your stomach, your pulse quicken as i looked at the man before me. "can you show me how to do it properly?" his voice drops to a lower tone and all you can do for a few seconds is flutter your lashes at him
"but this is pretty easy already, i don't know how to ex-"
"i said, i want you to show me" art cuts you off, his gaze literally burning through your skull
art mirrors your movements, his eyes never leaving yours. you hope he doesn't notice the slight tremble in your hands.
"like this?" he asks, his voice even softer now, almost a whisper.
you nod, your breath hitching. "yes, just like that. make sure to keep your back flat against the wall."
he follows your instructions, his body inching closer. you can feel the heat emanating from him, a stark contrast to the cool, clinical setting of the gym. there's a tension in the air, a charged silence that makes your heart race.
"you're good at this," he murmurs, his eyes darkening with an emotion you can't quite place
your cheeks flush, the compliment catching you off guard. "i appreciate that, mr. donaldson."
he moves closer, his body now just inches from yours. you can feel the magnetism between you, a pull that's impossible to ignore. his hand reaches out, gently brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. the gesture is tender, almost too intimate for your professional setting. "it's art, yeah? call me art, i don't want to feel like an old fart" he grins
"i should… i should check your shoulder alignment," you stammer, trying to regain some semblance of professionalism. "you're a bit tight here," you say, your voice trembling slightly. "let me help you."
you guide him through a series of stretches, your hands lingering a bit longer than necessary on his shoulders, his back. the room feels smaller, the air thicker with each passing moment.
the session was over. finally. you gathered your things and slid your backpack over your shoulders. art's gaze is still on you and it's impossible not to feel it "are you in a hurry to leave?"
"umm, no i just. no im not in a hurry" you smile "just don't want to bother you anymore" your breath catches in your throat
"i was hoping we could talk a bit more. get to know each other better." he smirks. what the fuck "tashi told me some things about you but i think one on one conversation is far better" grabbing your hand and guiding you to a small resting area at the gym engaging in some superficial conversation about you while tracing circles in the back of your hand. you can't help but sigh. his hands becoming more and more pervasive, touching your thighs, reaching up up up until he's close to your crotch. a slight whine escapes your mouth. you're not focusing on the conversation at all.
"art, this is not-"
"tashi doesn't have to know" he replies knowing tashi knows damn well. hell, she even planned this for him. it wasn't her intention to scout a pretty little physiotherapist like you at first. but you were at the right place, at the right time. the moment she took a glance at you she knew she had to have you. it was a plus art needed help with his shoulders. his hands roaming on the waistband of your tight leggings, your mouth parting with a sigh. sigh that he takes as opportunity to crash his lips against yours. your eyes narrow at first and for a second you try to pull back but you don't really want to.
his fingers edging closer to your panties, the tightness of the leggings increasing the skin on skin contact. "aw you look so pretty with your lips parted. you wanna take my fingers in you don't you huh?" now hovering over you, caressing you over your top "fucking corrupt that little head of yours"
you can't help but let out a moan that sends him over the edge. sliding your leggings down caressing you over your panties. before pushing two fingers inside your mouth for you to suck. "you want this don't you baby?"
"mhm" you nod trying your hardest not to bite him when he uses his opposite hand to caress your sensitive nub. furrowing your eyebrows trying your hardest not to grab his arm. his calloused fingers leaving your plump mouth suddenly and making a 'pop' sound "but tashi might" cut off by the pads of his fingers circling your clit
"tashi doesn't mind" his voice hungry "im just helping you out yeah? we're just getting acquainted" one of his fingers teases your entrance slowly entering earning a sharp wince from you. the unfamiliar feeling slowly turning into pleasure as he slid it in and out "open your eyes f'me, let me see those pretty eyes"
you bite your lip staring at his face as he does such a lewd thing to you, and you let him. knowing he has a wife. somehow this made it even more arousing. whats wrong with you? "gonna add one more finger, fuck you're so tight around me, so good. i bet that clit would feel so good around my tongue" small tears cornering around your eyes. the soft noises leaving your lips only encouraging him to keep going.
"feels good huh baby?" he coos, his face edging closer and closer to your clit as your hips rise, only to stop once you're about to cum. abruptly sliding your panties back up along with your leggings.
this earns him a well deserved mewl. edging you like this. stopping when you were just so so close was just so mean of him. looking up at him just to see him lick your juices off his fingers, feeding them to you. "suck" he commands "don't be mad, i just need to make sure you come back for more sessions" fixing your hair and picking up your backpack from where you left it on the gym floor
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outsideratheart · 2 months
Snippet - Anyone But You (Alexia Putellas x reader)
It was the most important night in football as players all around the globe gathered in Paris for the prestigious Balon d’Or ceremony. Despite being one of the front runners you really didn’t want to be there have just played the last game in the international break. This was now the third time you have been ranked high but having just lost out in the previous two years, last year’s being to Alexia Putellas. 
The moment your name is called though all irritated feelings disappear and proudness replaces them. You look into the audience and connect eyes with your sister Leah who was hands down your biggest fan, you could ask her and she would say the same thing. Even though Alexia had just lost, she too stood and applauded you with a grin on her face. You can only nod your head as your own sign of respect.
A couple of hours pass by and your social battery is all put empty. When Leah is having a little photoshoot with your trophy you see it as a perfect time to leave given that your younger sister is else wise occupied.
There was a chill in the air are you wait for your car service to arrive. Out the corner of your eye you see Alexia who is also waiting for her getaway car only she has a look a frustration on her face.
“¿Esta todo bien?” You took the small of amounts of steps so that you were by her side. Alexia sends you a soft smile as you make the effort to speak her language.
“I wanted to leave but the car is for the team and they are still in there” Alexia points back to the building.
“You’re staying at Le Grand Mazarin, right?” The Spaniard nods her head “Me too. You can share my car if you want” 
Alexia thanks you many times and by the time she is done your car is pulling up. 
Both of you watch the streets of Paris pass by you. The car journey is taking a little while longer due to traffic but neither of you seem to mind. You do find yourself stealing glances at the blonde, choosing to take in the sights of her instead of the french architecture.
Truth is you found her extremely attractive and looked forward to these awards shows because you knew she would also be in attendance.
It is when the car comes to a complete standstill for the fourth time that you decide to make a move.
You place your hand gently on her thigh as a way to get her attention.
“Do you want to walk the rest of the way?”
Alexia glances down at her shoes before asking you how far away you were. When you tell her that it’s only an half hour walk she accepts your invite whilst butterflies flutter in her stomach.
Yes, the hotel was only a short distance but somehow you are both walking the streets of Paris two hours later. You both talk about the pressures of your career, the love you have for your families and the kind of things regular people would talk about on their first date.
When you get back to your hotel Alexia invites you for a night cap in her hotel room. It is an invite that you do not decline. She, like you, had a room with a balcony that overlooked the Eiffel Tower. You never saw Paris as the city of love but with Alexia standing beside you, your outlook began to change.
“Can you believe that this is our lives?” Alexia asks you the unintentionally heavy question.
“Do you ever think about living a different life? Like you are destined for something more?” You answer her question with another question.
“We are Balon d’Or winning football players. What more are you talking about?”
“You wouldn’t understand. You are living your dream at Barcelona”
“And you are at Arsenal. It is your club just as Barcelona is mine”
But what if I don’t want it to be my club anymore? 
You don’t say that or at least you didn’t think you did.
“I cannot imagine you in anything but an Arsenal shirt” Alexia response lets you know that you did in fact say it out loud.
“I can’t either and that’s the problem” you shake your head as you rid you mind of the thoughts “Forget I said anything”
“I can make you forget about it” Alexia closes the space between you, her hand comes to your cheek before leaning in to kiss you.
She did in fact make you forget about football and the stresses you were feeling. 
When you wake up several hours later you do so with her arm wrapped securely around your waist. You feel vulnerable and exposed so you do what you think is best; you leave.
The walk from Alexia’s room to the elevator felt much longer than it did the night before and it makes you realise that you are making a mistake. You have an incredible night with the Barcelona Captain, the best night you have had in a long long while. You are filled with regret as you all but run back to her room only you find the door slightly ajar.
“You never do this Alexia. You slept with Y/N Williamson and she is-“
“It was a mistake. You know how these nights are and I used her as a distraction. It was nothing, a mistake and it shouldn’t have happened”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Last night you felt a connection with Alexia but clearly she didn’t feel the same thing. 
Paris wasn’t the city of love. Paris was the city of lust and severe disappointment.
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sc0tters · 8 months
Three’s the Crowd | Nick Moldenhauer & Luca Fantilli
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summary: at a team party two boys get the chance to have you, but what happens when you want them both?
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (m and fem receiving!), mild degradation, threesome, swearing.
word count: 5.02k
authors note: the Nick and Luca threesome is finally here and I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me… @fantillisdaylight thank you for trusting me with this idea and I hope I have done it justice! this one gets hot people, that was the aim so let’s all hope I did it!
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You had always been someone Luca kept in his mind.
Becoming best friends with Adam when the boys signed to the Chicago Steel was probably one of the best things that had ever happened to you. He was the reason the University of Michigan went from third on your list of potentials to first. The Fantilli boy quickly became your person as he knew you like the back of his hand.
That’s why you ended up a little lost when he made the jump from college to the NHL. The man who kept you sane was no longer there and that what made you sink into the crowd as you needed a new sense of direction. So when Nick showed up it felt like your calls had all been answered with one swift movement.
Luca grew envious by how quickly you rekindled your friendship with the Moldenhauer boy who everyone swore had a crush on you. The thoughts were things that you had heard and anyone would have lied if they said they didn’t enjoy hearing how guys felt about them. But a level of greed seemed to seep into your mind as you turned into a glutton, taking the boys flirting yet still wanting more from other guys.
You thought you were slick as you would have multiple guys in your phone as you basked in the attention, but you had your favourite’s. Your main rule was that you never had these boys in your room, you could flirt but nothing was allowed to cross any lines as you were having fun.
Yet by the time the cold and icy air that January brought, so came a level of frustration that not even watching snow fall outside your window could cure. You were sexually frustrated and after weeks of contemplating and having to accept that your vibrator wasn’t strong enough to cure it. With the help of your friends you came up with the idea that would make you irresistible and if you were lucky more than one guy would end up in your trap.
Just as you hoped from the moment you walked into that party heads turned to watch you. Your black skirt was tight around your ass and your white cropped polo was barely keeping your bra hidden. Luca and Nick each stared at you from where they stood and you did little to hide your smirk “hey boys.” You stopped in front of them as you smiled.
You swore the boys had to be stupid to not see the way you had both of them in your hands “come here with anyone tonight?” Luca asked as he scanned the path behind you only to see a few of your friends from your dorm building walking on together “couldn’t I come see my favorite host alone?” You teased as the sophomore hockey players were hosting tonight after a run of big wins came from the team “you know I won’t turn down seeing you sweets.” The boy had given you the nickname years ago yet somehow it still brought a blush to your cheeks after all this time.
Nick resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he watched the sight before his eyes “you want a drink?” The question slipped from his lips reminding the sophomores that he was there “only if you’ll have one too.” The wink you sent him made any and all jealousy that he had practically vanish from his mind.
He let his hand lock into yours as he pulled you towards the kitchen. A smirk formed on Nicks lips as he could feel the glare that Luca sent him “happy to see you tonight princess.” Nick mumbled sending shivers down your spine.
Luca let a scowl form on his face as bile built up in his throat, if Nick wanted you to play this game then he was going to have a worthy opponent in Luca.
The party continued on and now with a slight buzz and a beer soaked shirt from when Gavin bumped into you. The bathroom seemed to call your name as you pressed your hand against the wall keeping you upright “you enjoying making a mess sweets?” Luca teased turning his attention from the blonde girl who had been up against the wall next to him.
You shook your head as you groaned “Gav did.” His face hardened as he left the girl irritated “gotta help my girl.” Luca shrugged as he sent you a smile.
His hand pressed to the small of your back ignoring her complaints as he ushered you into the bathroom “didn’t need you to come with me.” You mumbled as the door shut behind you “missed you tonight sweets.” Luca smiled as he watched you strip out of your white revealing your sticky pink bra.
He’d be lying if he said that as he watched you pat down your sticky skin, Luca felt his cock throb as his eyes trailed down to your skirt that seemed even shorter “clearly you did.” You scoffed as you shook your head think back to the girl who was next to him not even a few minutes ago.
A laugh left his lips as you furrowed your eyebrows “you jealous?” Sure she was a pretty little blonde, and sure she was exactly his type but she wasn’t you. And for Luca that mattered the most “please you think I care about what you do with some-” you were cut off as his lips hit yours.
His hand reached up as it tugged in your hair “lu.” You moaned leaving your mouth open as it gave him a chance to slide his tongue into your mouth “mhm.” He groaned pushing you against the sink as you sat up on the counter.
He pulled away giving him the chance to see your swollen lips as you looked up at him “some what?” Luca smirked as you sent him a glare “you gonna let me have you pretty girl?” He asked dropping his head to your neck as he began to nip at your skin taking in the taste of the beer.
A whimper left your lips as you pressed your thighs together “you have me Lu.” You nodded as the pool within your panties became far too much for you to handle “fuck who knew I needed to kiss you to get you like this?” The hockey player teased dropping his hand between your legs letting his fingers dance against your thighs.
He watched in awe as you bit your lower lip “fucking do it before I find someone else.” The warning made his eyes go sharp “like who?” Luca didn’t want for your response as he began fiddling with your panties “Nick.” A penny dropped in his mind as Luca ripped the fabric that covered your cunt like it was nothing “Luca!”
Your groan echoed off of the walls as the boy laughed “c’mon you know I’ll get you another pair if that’s what you were worried about sweets.” Luca clicked his tongue as he finally pressed his fingers against your cunt.
You shuddered at his touch feeling himself drive his fingers up and down your slit “you’re fucking soaked.” He gasped into your ear before he went to suck at your ear lobe “please.” You whimpered pushing your hips closer to him.
Luca rolled his eyes as he began letting his lips nip at your skin. Your eyes screwed shut as you were lulled by his actions. His lips moved down your chest as he kissed between the valley of your breasts “just fucking do something god.” You grumbled as you were ready to unclip your bra for him to speed it up.
The boy shook his head as be smiled “you gonna let me taste you before you start acting like a brat?” Luca quipped back making you nod your head repeatedly as though he couldn’t see you.
He didn’t take long as he dropped to his knees hooking his hands under your legs pulling you closer to the edge of the sink “such a pretty pussy.” The hockey players mumbled kissing up your thighs as he made sure to not miss a spot “god please.” You begged feeling his breath against your cunt.
Time seemed to stop as your body almost double downed in pleasure when his tongue lay flat on your slit “that’s how I got to shut you up?” Luca clicked his tongue as he let out a chuckle. The boy squeezed your legs as he moaned at the mere tug of your hand through his hair.
His tongue focused on your clit like you were his last meal “right there.” You mumbled rolling your hips against him. As his cock now hurt in his boxers Luca didn’t even care about it as he watched you have that fucked out look on your face.
In fact he was so focused on you that he didn’t notice the door opening “oh.” Nick looked at the sight with wide eyes and as he spoke it made you use the little energy you had left to look at him “fucking shut the door!” Luca groaned replacing his tongue with his thumb on your clit.
Nick was quickly brought back to wart as he was reminded of the fact that there was a party literally on the other side of the wall “c’mere Nick.” You cooed curling your finger in your direction as you looked at him “we won’t bite.” You added letting your lips form a loose smile.
He nodded finally shutting the door making the effort to lock the door “this what you wanted baby?” Luca teased pulling his head back to your cunt where he went back to his meal “wanted to both.” You confessed making Nick smile as he finally walked over to you.
You watched Nick as he cupped your jaw “want to kiss you.” You mewled as Nick finally listened to you. His lips were rough against yours as you melted at his touch.
Luca couldn’t help it as he pinched your hip reminding you that he was still there “fuck!” You groaned pushing your head against the mirror “enjoying this baby?” Luca teased bringing you back to the image of him between your thighs.
Nick continued to kiss down your neck as he sucked at your sensitive skin “so much.” You whimpered as the boy reached behind your back with one hand to unclasp your bra. Both boys looked in awe as your breasts were freed from their constraints as your bra was thrown to the floor “you been hiding these from us?” Nick let out a grunt as he rolled your nipple between his fingers.
The room grew hot as you had one nipping at your breast and the other between your legs “you see how fucking needy she is for us?” Luca’s rough voice had you shivering as your thighs squeezed his head “can’t wait to see what she’s like around a cock.” Nicks vulgar words made Luca laugh as he kissed your cunt.
His tongue lashed against you and with each swipe your strength wavered “more?” You whimpered now infatuated with the idea of both boys sending you over the edge as their cocks stuffed your cunt and your mouth. Nick seemed to be on the same wavelength as you as he nodded “go make a mess on his tongue pretty girl and then I’ll let you get a taste okay?” The freshman watched in awe as your hair began to stick to the back of your neck from swear as your body shook almost overwhelmed from the pleasure you felt “Lu I’m gonna come.” You announced and you swore it only made him increase the pace of his tongue.
Feelings overwhelmed you as your mouth fell open yet it seemed that not a single sound left your lips as your eyes rolled back “fuck she’s a needy little thing huh?” Nick laughed as he kept his hands on your shoulders forcing your body to stay still as you came “fuck off!” You groaned making him scoff “gonna make you wish you didn’t say that.” Luca was too focused still lapping up the taste of your release to even notice that Nick had his hand pressed against the shell of your ear as he whispered.
As you tugged on Luca’s hair once more he finally pulled away as he was reminded of the fact that he wanted at least one more orgasm out of you. A smirk laced his facial expressions as his chin glistened from your juices that had made a mess on his face “you’ve got such a sweet fucking cunt.” Luca announced as he ran his fingers through your folds separating them in the process “look at how soaked she is.” Nick swore he had gone to heaven when he got the chance to look at you.
A look of almost shame found itself on your face “all for us isn’t it baby?” The freshman spoke in a hushed tone that had you just about ready to roll over and turn into a puddle “I need your cocks.” You groaned as the sudden feeling of Lucas fingers teasing your hole and Nick’s thumb on your cunt growing too overstimulating for you.
That was all it seemed to take from you to have Nick helping you off of the sink as you stood up straight “who do you want first?” Luca palmed his boner through his pants “want him in my mouth.” Your eyes locked with Nick as the image of Luca between your legs became just as strong.
The movements were quick, like in the blink of an eye and you were between both boys with Nicks hands around your neck and Luca’s one pinching into your hip “god you don’t know how much I’ve wanted this.” Luca felt like he forgot to breathe as he guided his cock to your clit spreading his precum over the sensitive nub as he teased your slit.
Your mouth far too occupied to complain though as Nick had his lips against yours. If this was any other moment Luca could have possibly found it in his heart to see the boys joy in the fact that Nick was finally getting with the girl of his dreams. But as you paid little attention to Luca it made him grow jealous, so with that he didn’t hesitate to slam his hips against yours as he gave you little time to adjust to how your walls swallowed his cock “fuck!” You moaned almost watching your legs give out as surprise mixed with amusement and you began to feel your mind go numb.
You let your hand brush down Nicks torso as it slid beneath the drawstring of his shorts “you want me that bad princess?” It took everything from Nick to not pass out in that very moment as he watched your eyes go full as your breasts bounced each time Luca bottomed you out.
It seemed that Nick was no longer going to try to have you in his tough guy act as he instead gave you what he wanted pulling his boner from his boxers as he let it hit his pubic bone “bro you should have gotten this pussy.” Luca groaned as he slapped your ass.
As your mouth fell open Nick took the opportunity to slide his cock into it “there you go pretty girl.” The freshman cooed as he clutched his fingers into your hair as it made you moan out in pleasure “think this is what she wanted all along?” Luca asked as the squelching sounds of your cunt that mixed with the sounds of your gags were like music to his ears.
You couldn’t help but let your cunt clench around him as your walls squeezed his length as you attempted to look up at Nick “looks like you fucking love being our little slut don’t ya?” When you didn’t answer him his hand tugged at your roots unintentionally making you open your mouth wider “hmm.” Your voice came with an inaudible moan that sent vibrations through Nicks body.
Luca let out a grunt as you hadn’t let up on the squeeze around his cock “fuck sweets if you don’t loosen yourself I’m not gonna last.” The warning made you whimper as you swirled your tongue around Nicks cock forcing your back to arch as you tried to take most of his cock forcing yourself to breathe through your nose.
This new angle also meant that Luca was hitting a further spot within you and with that came even more pleasure for all three of you as your throat loosened as the strain on your neck softened “think she deserves her second?” Nick had pushed his fingers to the base of your scalp forming a makeshift ponytail to get better control of his thrusts as he fucked your face.
The Fantilli boy shook his head as he heard you moan at the offer “no I think little sweets here should make you come first.” His words came with his hand on your clit like a bit of encouragement to get you to make him last longer than his younger teammate.
Your eyes were close to rolling back into your head as you gasped swirling your tongue around Nick’s cock like your life depended on it “don’t stop pretty girl.” The coo had your legs shaking as you were left certain that without Luca hand gripping at your hip you would have had your face in the floor “I’m gonna come fuck!” Nick let out a groan as he let his cock slide out from your mouth before his hand replaced where your tongue was “open those pretty little lips f’me.” As his hand began to jerk himself of Nick finally hit his release.
He watched in awe as the warm sticky ropes of his release shot from his aching cock and began to paint your lower face and even found as far as to land on your collar bones only making you moan louder as you felt it. Luca kept his hand locked in your hair as he kept your face from dropping “you close sweets?” The boys wanton expression made you mewl as his other hand stayed pressed against your stomach forcing you to feel how deep his cock went in your cunt.
A flurry of incoherent words flew from your lips as you nodded “so big.” Was the only thing that either of them could understand “is that a yes princess?” Nick let out a grunt as he found his lips hovering over yours as he took the moment to see the mess he had made on your skin “please.” The relentless pounding of Luca’s cock had your legs shaking as your ears rang.
The boys laughter taunted you “know you can beg better than that you.” Nick clicked his tongue as he pecked your lips watching your eyes flutter “want to make a mess for you please.” You whimpered feeling your cunt throb around his teammates cock “let yourself go then pretty girl.” As Luca huffed the words out wondering how much longer he could last within the bounds of your heavenly cunt.
You didn’t need to be told twice as Nick let your lips go as your moans echoed off of the walls as Luca’s orgasm was brought on by yours “right there sweets.” The sophomore grunted as his cock coated your walls fucking you through your orgasm.
Your chest heaved as you came down from it still feeling your core full as his thumb drew faint circles on your clit “enough.” You squirmed feeling a level of sensitivity build up between your legs once more “since you asked so nicely sweets.” Luca teased sliding his cock out of you letting you fall into Nicks arms.
The younger boy placed a kiss to your head as he smiled “Luca you in there!” Rutger groaned as he knocked on the door reminding the three of you that the party was still coming on downstairs.
Luca couldn’t help but groan as he watched Nick smirk “yeah.” Luca raked his fingers through his hair “we’re downstairs playing beer pong so hurry up!” the blondes words made a smile form on your face as you laughed “maybe leave the girl in there though.” He trailed off making your eyes go wide as you were reminded of the fact that they could hear you.
The Fantilli boy sighed as he pecked your lips reaching down for his shorts that were on the floor “stay with me?” You croaked out throat still raw as you looked at Nick.
He nodded as he lifted you back onto the sink as you both watched the older boy leave before Nick locked the door again “how are you feeling pretty girl?” The words made you smile as a giddy feeling built in your chest “this your version of after talk?” You let out a laugh as you watched him walk over to you.
The way his eyes stared at you made you feel so exposed, even as you were naked “liked making a mess on you.” He confessed as he brushed his fingers over your collarbone when he smiled.
Your hand was as placed over his as you nodded “it doesn’t have to end there Nick.” Your proposal made his ears perk up in surprise “what do you mean?” He mumbled as you cupped his face letting your hands squeeze his cheeks.
His eyes intently stared at yours as he waited for your answer “just that I wanna spend just a little more time with ya Nicky.” You cooed letting your lips hover over his “don’t know if I can do it.” His confession made you frown as he feared he had done the wrong thing “you trust me to walk you through it?” Your strong demeanour was replaced by this soft one.
A smile sat strong on his face as he nodded “have me just how you want me tonight.” Nick mumbled as you were fully in control of him. He was surprised as he watched you tug at his shirt “then it’s not fair that I’m the only one who is naked.” There was a hint of amusement in your words as you helped him get rid of his shirt and his shorts.
Just like before Nick was attractive to you as you couldn’t help but smile “you’re such a pretty boy.” You cooed letting your saliva drop to his cock as you began to run your hand up his length as you pumped his cock in an attempt to get him hard again “just for you.” Nick groaned as you kissed his lips reminding him of the fact that he was now the centre of your attention.
It took a few more pumps of your hand for him to grow hard again and you did a few more just to tease him “I’m not gonna last if you keep doing that.” He gasped letting his teeth sink into your shoulder as his cock began to throb in your hand as the precum oozed from his tip “watch this f’me pretty boy.” You ordered feeling a sense of power over the boy as he nodded practically lapping up your demands like they were nothing.
You drove the swollen head over your clit making you both shudder in the process “please.” Nick whined desperate to have more of you “since you asked so nicely.” You teased sliding his cock down your slit before you let it slowly slide into your cunt.
The air around you both grew warm as you both watched how your soaked pussy swallowed his cock like it was nothing “fuck!” You gaped biting down on your lip as you saw his pubic bone hit your clit as your legs went up on either side of him to accommodate him.
A smile formed on his face as he let out a little laugh “you good princess?” He asked as he let his hands setting on your hips “think I should be asking you that.” You quipped back finally losing your strong expression as he pinched the flesh of your ass.
It made him roll his eyes as he began slowly pulling his hips away from you before he brought them back “you can go harder pretty boy.” You mumbled wrapping your arms around his neck.
The thought was hot in your brain as you realised that Nick was fucking you with Luca’s come as his lube since it still coated your cunt “you still so needy after all that?” Nick let out a dry laugh as he began to taunt you “f’you.” You swore your brain was being rewired as it only made his confidence grow.
Nick began to pick up his pace as he nipped at your throat “was waiting to get you like this.” The freshman revealed as his voice was a low rasp “had to watch you be his girl.” He grumbled making his efforts stronger as it caused your breasts to bounce with each thrust.
A low moan left your lips “wanted to have you be all mine but you just had to be a little slut and want us both huh?” Part of you was surprised at how vocal he was “wanted to be your girl too.” You mewled bringing your hand between you two as you began to rub at your clit still feeling sensitive from your first two orgasms.
The sound of your squelching cunt echoed off of the walls “you get to show me that now.” Nick had been jealous the entire night having to fight Luca for every bit of your attention and he had now grown tired of it.
His cock pulsed in your core as his hands kept you planted on the counter “you’re so big.” You whined locking your legs on Nicks hips “should have let you fuck me in Chicago.” He tensed at the mention of your home city but as it made you moan he thought he was unnoticed.
Nick grew tired of kissing your neck as he swatted your hand away from your clit as he replaced it with his own “you don’t know how long I have been thinking about this pretty little cunt of yours.” You clenched around him as you heard his words “but I think you already knew how good you are.” He scoffed pinching your skin as he knew how the other guys were around you.
You were keeping your eyes screwed shut as you felt your stomach tighten “I’m gonna-“ the words couldn’t leave your lips before Nick cut you off “fucking hold it.” The hockey player growled having other things in mind for you.
A whimper was stuck in your throat “you wanted to come then you have to fucking beg.” Nick spat as his free hand was pressed up against the mirror behind you.
If this was any other moment you would have put up a fight but as your cunt was clenched and your body was close to losing it “I just want to be your little slut Nick.” You announced pressing your head against the glass behind you “make a mess on your cock and make you feel so fucking good.” Your promise made him smirk as he kissed your lips letting his teeth nip at your lower lip “make that mess.”
It was as though the heavens opened as you swore you heard the sounds of prayer bells playing in your ears “don’t fucking stop please.” You begged using the little strength that you had left to writhe your hips against him “come in me.” The words left your lips washing away any nerves that the boy might have had.
The room felt warm as your eyes fluttered “shit shit shit!” You chanted as you came clenching his cock as you spurred in his orgasm “right there!” Nick gritted as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm.
As he finally slowed down Nick watched your chest heave “you okay pretty girl?” His voice was soft as he kissed your cheek letting his cock slide out of your cunt “I’m good.” You mumbled as you nodded.
It was sweet as Nick smiled “you want a moment up here or you ready to go down?” He asked as he reached down for your panties “let’s go.” You felt your heart grow full at the gesture and you were going to be excited to learn that his levels of aftercare would only grow to improve from that night onwards.
You had felt weird the last few weeks. Sure the memory of that night was on replay in your mind as you started seeing the boys more frequently, both together and alone. So like any normal and responsible young adult you googled your symptoms and found three different things you could have been going through. One was something that you were about thirty years too young to be experiencing, the second was one you hoped it wasn’t. And the third was one you could have proven wrong with the simple action of peeing on a stick.
Truly you thought it was going to be nothing. Which is why you didn’t mind waiting for those three minutes to run right by. Of course though luck was never meant to truly be on your side as this was college and what better way to add stress to your life than a baby. But it didn’t end there, you didn’t even know who the father was because you had been sleeping with two guys who were also best friends.
So as the two thick lines stared back at you as though it was trying to mock you, you couldn’t help but groan “fuck!” As you slammed the test on the ground hoping that it would erase your current reality.
That wasn’t going to work though as this baby wasn’t going anywhere and you had somethings you needed to figure out, starting with whose goddamn baby, were you carrying?
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Extracurriculars (S.R.)
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Summary: Reader saves her TA from a frathouse.
Request: gradstudent!Spencer getting dragged to a frat party and hooking up with a girl in her undergrad (someone he's been interested in) A/N: Who wouldn’t want to deflower sweet Spencer? Characters are both around 21. Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Smut (NSFW, 18+) Content Warning: Virgin!Spencer, frat house, college party, alcohol, drunken sexual activity, heavy petting, kissing, making out, loss of virginity (male) penetrative sex, protected sex (condom), TA/Student relationship Word Count: 5k
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When I was younger, my mother taught me a few key lessons about growing up. She had to teach me those things because, while they seemed to come naturally to other kids, they never came to me.
It seemed fundamentally unfair that I could do the quadratic formula before I could tie my shoes. Of course, with that, I could just insist I preferred Velcro. My inability to recognize the socially acceptable way to care for my body, or even recognize the signals it was sending to me, was a little harder to explain. It was even harder to calibrate.
By the time I reached college, I became obsessed with cleanliness to an unhealthy degree. I would avoid any situations where I could find myself fixated on dirt beneath my fingernails or anything that could be even tangentially described as ‘sticky.’
I was petrified of being perceived as anything but pure. I had been that way for long enough that it had basically become my defining character trait.
And then, on one very lonely and poorly planned night in grad school, I decided to challenge the idea that I could only be one thing.
That night, I went to a frat house.
Between the pulsing speakers that measured up to my hips and the remnants of discarded beer bottles, I realized that I had made a number of miscalculations—the kind that my mother had most certainly not prepared me for.
“Come on, man, live a little!” the student beside me shouted over impossibly loud music.
I hadn’t the slightest clue what he was asking me to do, but I could tell from the taunt that my answer would be the same regardless:
“N-No thanks.”
I looked down at the glass bottle still dripping beer from its lip. My stomach churned at the sight. I was so distracted by the thought of spit coating the finish that I had failed to connect the dots to realize that the group was planning to play the aptly named game ‘spin the bottle.’
That was, until the older but somehow less mature man to my side jeered, “Why not? Have you never kissed a girl before?”
My cheeks burned with some mixture of embarrassment and rage. I’d hoped that they would confuse it for drunkenness, if they’d thought about it at all.
I wanted to open my mouth to defend my decision without sounding pathetic, but my lips stayed tightly shut.
Then, just a second before the pause became awkward, a second voice chimed in.
“Piss off, idiot.”
I heard her right before I felt her. Her arm slung around my neck brought with it the comforting scent of jasmine and vanilla. Her heated skin somehow stayed warm but never sticky, and my body quickly corrected its instinct to move closer to her.
She’s my student, I reminded myself.
My favorite student, though.
Although the feeling was shared by the man she was speaking to, he wasn’t so clear about it. He seemed almost sarcastic when he shouted, “Whoa! Careful there (y/n), you might make me think you like me.”
By contrast, she was outright in her apathy when she droned, “No one likes you.”
“Ouch,” he replied with a hand clutching his chest, “You wound me.”
I’d half expected her to respond to him in kind. My mind ran a million confusing calculations to try to determine whether this was just harmless flirting or actual annoyance. All I knew for certain was that my chest burned with jealousy that dissipated within a second of her speaking again.
“Hey cutie, which of these jackasses brought you here?” she asked so sweetly I could taste sugar on my tongue as I tried to answer.
“Huh? Oh, u-uh. No… jackasses.”
Smooth as the cheap liquor we’re drinking.
“Yeah, right,” she chuckled in disbelief before explaining, “That’s all that’s here besides you.”
… Besides me?
“You wanna leave?”
My heart stopped at the mere thought. For a moment, I convinced myself that I had fantasized the question. Perhaps someone had slipped something into my drink that had turned me into a blubbering fool. Perhaps it was something more nefarious.
She wouldn’t.
Wouldn’t what?
“What?” I asked.
Before she could clarify, the now very unwelcome third presence chimed in, “He just got here! Let him stay.”
I watched as she bristled in response. Her fingernails dug slightly into my shoulder and she pulled me closer.
It must have been instinct. There was no way she could have meant it on purpose.
It felt nice, though, to be closer to her.
“I also just got here, and yet, I want to leave,” she sneered.
When he made a motion to touch her shoulder the same way she’d been touching mine, she jumped back with a stern warning.
“Touch me and lose at least one testicle.”
He put his hands up in surrender. She scoffed. Her hand dropped from my shoulder, but I never had time to miss her. She took my hand so quickly that I didn’t have time to think about my response. So, I held hers back.
My heart had finally made up its mind before she spoke.
“Come on, sweetheart. We’re leaving,” she ordered.
I followed.
“W-Where are we going?”
She shrugged.
“I don’t know. Somewhere else.”
She turned to look at me with the utmost skepticism, or, dare I say it, fascination with what she found.
“You have somewhere to be?” she asked.
“Um… no?”
I prayed it had been the right answer.
It was.
“Wanna come back to my place?” she offered with a smile, “It’s not far from here.”
She’d said it so casually that I couldn’t help but feel I’d missed something. Surely, she couldn’t be offering the normal incidental activities typically involved with accompanying someone ‘back to their place.’
I had been so certain of it that I’d even possessed the courage to ask.
“Uh… to do… what?”
She laughed. It wasn’t a painful sound; it was kind and airy. The music of her laughter lined the increasingly quiet streets as the music faded away in the background.
“You’re cute,” she hummed. Then, with a wicked smirk, she purred, “You got something in mind?”
My face filled with what felt like half the blood in my body. The rest went to another, somehow even more embarrassing aspect of my anatomy.
She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she seemed emboldened and excited by how smitten I seemed. It all felt so idyllic that I didn’t even question when she’d taken my hand in hers again.
“Come on, cutie,” she instructed.
My heart quivered at the compliment. I didn’t even try to convince myself that it had been uttered with condescension or sarcasm. I enjoyed, even just for a moment, the idea that I might be seen as something desirable to her.
I had many reasons not to trust women like her. I had been burned in the past, with ropes and blindfolds that still felt paralyzing. But in that moment, those cruel memories felt worlds away.
She had just seemed so… calm. So happy to flaunt our intertwined fingers no matter how many familiar faces we passed.
“What were you doing in a place like that, anyway?” she asked.
I laughed before I thought not to.
“Did I seem that uncomfortable?”
“Weren’t you?”
“Yeah, I was.”
The admission didn’t seem as humiliating as I’d expected it to. The girl swaying closer with each step seemed pleased at the answer. I realized that she might’ve carried her own concern that perhaps she had overstepped bounds by assuming she was doing me a favor.
“Thanks for saving me,” I reassured her.
“Please,” she sighed, “I was looking for a reason to leave.”
It was a genuine, if not puzzling statement. Although I’d failed to realize in the moment, I would come to learn that we had both arrived at the party with the exact same motivations.
“Why’d you go then?” I asked.
The glitter on her face paled in comparison to her eyes among the streetlights. While she stared at me, I lost myself in the mesmerizing cascade of fluttering incandescence among the backdrop of her irises.
It was not the alcohol in my veins that made my cheeks tinge pink. It was not the bitter heat of the drought, nor the fear of whatever was making my shoes stick to cement.
It was the sound of her sigh and the way she looked at me like I might know the solution to the problem that landed us there together.
“Hell if I know,” she laughed solemnly. “Lonely, I guess.”
That makes two of us, I wanted to say. But it could be zero. If you wanted it to.
I wasn’t drunk enough to say that, though. Just enough to not stop the seemingly rude question from slipping out.
“Do any of those people actually… like each other?”
“Definitely not,” she laughed again.
I wanted to hear it again, but I didn’t know how to make sure of that.
So, instead, I just smiled and said, “Noted.”
By some miracle, she giggled again. Once she finished, she turned to look at me. At first, I met her eyes, but the intensity caused a shiver to spark throughout my entire body. Goosebumps rippled as my heart struggled to make sense of the feelings her eyes stirred inside me.
She laughed again. I wouldn’t care if it was the hundredth time. I savored the sweet sound in each of its iterations.
With her bitten lip and her half-lidded eyes, she swayed closer to me until our bodies bumped. I wondered if she could feel the way I shivered in response.
“What?” I asked.
“You’re cute,” she answered.
It was such a strange thing for her to repeat that the insecurity riding the waves of alcohol bubbled over again.
“You aren’t drunk, right?”
Again, she laughed.
Again, I begged.
“No, silly! I know my limits.”
She certainly hadn’t been shy with sharing the lack of them, either. Her arm wrapped around mine and pulled me even closer. It took every bit of focus I could muster not to trip and bring an end to the most wonderful waking dream.
Of course, that focus vanished almost immediately once I realized what part of her anatomy was now pressed against my arm.
So soft and warm and—
“Why are you worried about it, anyway?” she hummed.
At the same time, she dipped her head down to force me to meet her eyes instead of staring at her chest. Somehow, that wasn’t the most humiliating part of the exchange. No, that honor was reserved for the question that followed.
“Are you sure you don’t have any extracurriculars in mind for when we get to my place?”
“I was just making sure!” I yelped in the most pathetic kind of defense. It took me a moment and her own wayward glances down my body to realize that the tease hadn’t been an accusation.
If anything, it felt more like an offer.
Pride and confusion swelled in my chest. In the chaos, a few words tumbled out of my mouth that I hadn’t pre-prepared.
“I-I mean, you keep calling me cute, so… Sounds like something a drunk girl would say,” I laughed.
She didn’t, though. Instead, she came to a sudden stop and her lips curled into a slightly unnerving curvature. A hungry, stomach turning desire for… something.
It couldn’t be.
I stopped, too, holding my breath and waiting for some permission or instruction to do anything but wait. Thankfully, she turned and climbed the stairs of what I could now safely assume was her porch.
She threw the door open without further fanfare but a little bit of a tease.
“Get inside, idiot,” she laughed.
I followed her instruction. Of course, I paused at the door and waited for her to show me the way. I nearly passed out when she intertwined our fingers once more and led me through the darkness of her otherwise unoccupied apartment.
My training to hopefully get into the FBI would have had me carefully inspecting her surroundings to learn more about this tantalizing woman. It wouldn’t have been a bad idea, but I knew there was no way I could focus on anything other than how it felt when she looked at me.
Especially then. Together in the light polluted darkness, she didn’t stray too far. Even when she reached behind me to shut the door to her room, she lingered.
I stumbled backwards, not in fear, but as a horrible overcorrection to what I wanted to do.
To my surprise, it didn’t dissuade her.
In fact, she came even closer. She stepped forward until her chest was pressed against mine and her breath ghosted over my ear.
“Was he right, by the way?”
She let go of my hand and began trailing her fingers softly up my arm until I honestly couldn’t see straight anymore.
I wanted her so badly. Almost on cue, she splayed her hand across my lower back and held my hips against hers.
Again, I whimpered. Again, she giggled.
Her hips rolled forward against my now very prominent erection wedged between us. Just before she spoke, she took a sharp inhale that was released with a shaky breath.
“Have you ever kissed a girl before?” she asked.
I couldn’t even think to speak, let alone lie.
I shook my head no. Her free hand immediately tangled in my hair, tilting my head to the side just to see whether I would resist.
I didn’t.
“Do you want to?” she asked.
That time, I had to say something. I was too afraid the moment would slip away.
“Um… are you… asking me to kiss you?”
Immediately, she returned the question with a question.
“Are you telling me no?”
Her hand in my hair held me steady while she retreated. The room felt hopelessly cold without her body heat.
“No, no, I’m not telling you no,” I babbled while she looked on with that same wicked smile. “As in, I think my answer is… yes?”
Before I could resort to begging, she closed the distance between us. Her hands held my cheeks and pulled me forward until our lips crashed together.
I knew my kissing her was clumsy and naive, but I couldn’t help it. The moment I tasted faded fruit flavored chapstick, my mind gave up on any hope for reason.
Just when I thought she was done with me, she kissed me again. She kept kissing me—the action becoming sloppier and sweeter with every passing second.
Her hands dropped to grip fistfuls of my shirt at the same time mine jumped to cup her face.
She was so soft. The pillowy feeling of her lips made me forget how much I normally hated stickiness on my skin. Because I loved how it felt when her lips lingered.
I would’ve kissed her for hours, forever, but she ended that hope with a firm tug of my shirt before she tossed me towards her bed.
My heart leapt into my throat. It lodged itself just behind the Adam’s apple like it could hide its blatant affection from her somehow.
She stalked closer like she had before. She drew feathery patterns up my goosebump riddled arms before she whispered in my ear.
“You’re fun to kiss.”
“I-Is it bad?” I stammered, for some reason.
“No, it’s fun,” she repeated.
She didn’t dwell for a second on my insecurity and momentary idiocy. Instead, she began lowering her fingers down my stomach and giggling as she felt the muscles tense.
“You wanna do something more fun, Spencer?”
Completely lacking any oxygen, I breathed, “Like what?”
“You’re a genius, right?”
Just like that, she firmly grabbed hold of me through my pants. I responded with a broken, strangled cry that fell away the moment she started to drum her fingers against the burning fabric. 
“Do I need to say it?” she teased.
Her tongue peeked out between her teeth when she pulled back to look at me. At the same time, she began palming my erection with such familiarity that I nearly fell apart in her hand.
“Fuck,” I groaned involuntarily.
“Never heard you talk like that before,” she whispered, “Hope it’s a nice word.”
Euphoria flooded my senses that were dangerously heightened by the alcohol I’d consumed to make it through the party. Not enough to be inebriated, but enough to make me stupid.
Even more stupid than I was already made by the blood pooling in the appendage fighting against my pants.
“Fuck, please don’t stop,” I gasped. My hips started bucking against her, and for a moment, I thought she would grant me mercy.
But then her hand slowed to a stop.
“Gonna have to stop if you want to get to the fun part,” she cooed.
Half-joking, I slurred back, “Is this not the fun part?”
Then the world came to a standstill, the universe pausing its incessant tumbling to allow me to hear her next words with a crystal-like clarity.
“Do you want to fuck me, Spencer?”
I nodded without hesitation or shame.
“Use your pretty voice,” she chastised so kindly it made my heart ache.
“Yes,” I pleaded. “Yes, I want to f-fuck you.”
She smiled and it didn’t feel like a mockery, somehow.
“Good,” she chirped. Then, without hesitation, she began steadfastly undoing my pants.
She seemed so skilled at the movements that I doubted whether she’d had any alcohol at all.
I’d been so caught up in the wonder of her that every ounce of fight left my body. I let her undress me and barely managed to help in my stupor.
She still didn’t mind. The smile on her face persisted the entire time.
“Lay down,” she commanded.
I followed. I scrambled back onto her bed without ever taking my eyes off her.
She moved so elegantly, so graceful as she stripped and presented me with the most beautiful sight. My heart was pounding so hard against my rib cage that I was worried it might break free to find her.
Yet when she finally crawled on top of me, my body tried to sink into the mattress. As if to stop me, she wrapped her devilishly warm fingers around my dick.
Still, I’d managed to squeak, “Aren’t you worried that we’re… moving a little fast?”
“Are you worried?” she shot back without judgement.
My mind was caught in two types of fog, however. I tried to breathe through it, tried to think of anything besides how nice it felt when her fingers ghosted over the bare tip, but I couldn’t.
“Are you sure you’re not drunk?” I laughed again, the words getting caught on soft moans still pouring from my mouth.
“You tell me,” she dared.
Then she kissed me. This time, she didn’t stop at my lips. Her lithe tongue slipped between my teeth and nearly wrapped around my own.
The muffled sounds of pleasure between us were getting harder to bear. That energy, the pent up frustration of almost a full year of wanting her had to come out somehow.
I grabbed her hips harder than I thought I was capable of. My nails dug into soft flesh and it caused her to make the most beautiful sound.
That beautiful girl gasped before she moaned against my cheek. Her hips dug harder into my lap, bucking against the hardness wedged between her thighs.
I dragged my nails down her legs, surprising us both at how much I loved to watch her writhe.
Still, I knew she was the one in control. She looked down at me like a toy that played perfectly along with her fantasies.
I wanted to let her have her way with me. But when she leaned over my body, I couldn’t stop myself. My lips caught her breast the moment she came close enough.
My hands were gentler there, palming at the supple tissue that slipped between my fingers. I lavished the hardened peak at the center for as long as she would let me, suckling at her breast like a man starved.
Eventually, though, she wound a hand through my hair and pulled me back against the pillow.
In my daze, I hardly noticed the condom in her hand until she rolled the latex over my dick.
Suddenly, and without thinking, I sputtered out a confounding command.
She froze. Her flushed chest heaved, still glistening with evidence of my affection.
“Are you alright?” she asked, her voice filled with the most genuine concern.
“Yes. Yes, I’m fine, I just…” I tried to assure her and myself.
The poor girl looked horrified, like she was waiting for me to condemn her for her absolutely delightful enthusiasm up to this point.
It was such a silly worry that it almost made me laugh. It almost made the vulnerability that would follow feel like no risk at all.
“I need to tell you something first,” I explained.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at her. I really looked at her—that dazzling star of a girl. My student, my favorite student that I’d watched and lusted over in every class. My mind simmered with that feeling; the knowing that the thing I coveted most might actually be mine.
“I… like you,” I said.
Less eloquent than I’d hoped.
If her bubbly, wholehearted laugh was any indication, she still didn’t mind.
“Well, I’d sure hope so!” she snickered.
I felt compelled to explain.
“No, I mean, I’ve liked you for a while now. Like, I really like you,” I insisted.
That time when she kissed me, it felt like her own confession. Scooting forward until her heat was pressed against my own, she sighed happily against my lips.
“You’re so sweet, Spencer,” she hummed, “I really like-like you, too.”
Even though my mind tried to deny it, my foolhardy heart recognized the truth in her words. It clung to her the same as my hands drifting over the new marks on her thighs.
“But we don’t have to do this,” she assured me. “Do you want to do this, or do you want to stop?”
“I want you so bad,” I whined without any hesitation. “Please, please—I want you.”
That cruel twist of her lips returned. The sound of my begging urged her on until she lifted herself just above where I wanted her. She leaned forward again, propping herself up above me while her hair tickled my face.
“Kiss me,” she slurred against my lips.
I did. I kissed her even more feverishly than before and used all the air in my chest to worship her.
I was convinced my lungs would collapse when she finally started to ease her way onto my aching cock. Each second of tortuous pleasure, the scorching heat of her enveloping me like flames kissing desiccated wood.
My jaw was dropped open, my mouth losing all moisture as I panted and twitched with pleasure. I could barely keep my eyes open, but I saw her. I watched as she winced at how far her walls had to stretch around me.
Yet I felt her desire dripping at the base of me, glistening the same as my spit spread across her breast.
“That’s it, baby,” she purred as she settled at the base of me.
I looked down at where I’d disappeared inside of her and decided it was better than any magic trick I’d ever hoped to master.
“Does that feel good?” she whispered when she saw the wonder in my eyes.
Involuntarily, my hips bucked into her and made her gasp. Then, still without meaning to, I did it again.
“Yes,” I hissed when she tightened her walls around me.
“My sweet boy,” she cooed between breathy laughter, “You’re so fucking precious. I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
As if she hadn’t already.
But I would come to bite my tongue quicker than the words could make it out. Because for all the pleasure her descent had brought, it couldn’t compare to the feeling of her hips subtly rocking throughout her ascent.
My body actually trembled, overcome with the unadulterated pleasure of her careful rolling up and down my dick. It seemed insane for such a simple motion to render me absolutely dumbfounded, but it did.
I didn’t say a word. The only thing spilling from my lips were moans and butchered attempts at her name.
My hands, however, wandered. They traced her silhouette and groped whatever softness it could find. They settled, naturally, at her breasts. Through the motions of curious, clumsy fingers, I felt her heart beating harder against my palm.
As its speed increased, so did that of her hips. She came down harder while the pitch of her moans grew higher and more airy.
“Spencer,” she whined.
It sounded like starlight igniting deep in my chest. I felt that tension growing in my gut, threatening to bring an end to the wonder of loving her.
“Wait,” I grunted. My hands fell to her hips and halted her movements before I begged, “Sl-Slower.”
She obliged me. With her head tipped back and her hands on my chest, she rode me so slowly that I could feel every detail of her twitching muscles.
“You’re so beautiful,” I groaned.
My hips caught me off guard as they started to move. They bucked up into her with increasing intensity until it broke her rhythm.
That beautiful girl fell forward, barely catching herself before she collapsed against my body.
“Fuck me, Spencer,” she mumbled against my neck. She interrupted her own pleas with sloppy kisses against my jugular that lit my body on fire.
That passion was quickly muted by her words, however. Because that was when she growled, “Take me, Spencer. I’m yours.”
I’d never been a particularly strong man, but there was absolutely nothing that would stop me then. My hands splayed over the back of her thighs and lifted her just enough for my hips to move freely.
She clung to me, her arms wrapped around my neck and her whole body rippling with each collision of our hips.
I fucked her harder, my hands carving the memory into her skin and my jaw clenched so tightly I thought I might draw blood from my tongue.
“You can do it, sweetheart,” she purred.  “Give it to me.”
Then, just before I found my peak, I felt it. The unmistakable feeling of pulsing muscles as her body seized in my hold.
I gasped, choking on a moan as I felt her body begging me to fill her with the full extent of my desire.
I emptied myself into the condom and wished that it could have been her instead. I felt the warmth dripping back down me and dared to wonder what it would have looked like on her now-marked thighs.
“Good boy,” she snickered like she could read those fantasies raging in my mind. “That’s my good boy.”
She lifted her head just enough to plant one final kiss on my forehead, and then she promptly collapsed against my chest. I welcomed her weight despite the lack of air. Breathing hardly seemed important compared to her comfort.
And it was comfortable for me, too. As I nuzzled against her neck, I found a sense of home that I’d never felt before.
She was sticky with sweat and spit from haphazard kisses, but she was so beautiful that I barely even noticed.
When she got off of my lap, I missed her immediately. My hand chased hers and, to my unending pleasure, she let me hold it. She lingered for as long as she could before she excused herself and left me to clean up the evidence of what we’d done.
Her room was still as quiet as before. The heavy bass from the frat house felt lifetimes away. The alcohol still swirled in my bloodstream, doing little to warm my now freezing body.
When she walked back through the door, my body flooded with relief. I watched as she grabbed all of my clothing she’s tossed around and placed each piece on the nightstand.
There was a strange sadness in her eyes that I would’ve done anything to remedy.
“Hey, uh…” I started, yet my throat closed when she looked at me.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“I-I have a question,” I said.
Then paused, again.
She smiled. When that didn’t serve as answer enough, she laughed.
That lovely sound granted me the confidence to finally ask the question I’d been pondering since the moment I stepped into her room.
“Are… Are you still lonely?”
I hadn’t thought it possible, but her smile grew even brighter. Abandoning starlight for the full force of the sun that would soon peek over the horizon.
“Not so much anymore,” she answered bashfully.
I smiled, too. With a playful tilt to my shrug, I asked her one more question that begged for an answer.
“Can I stay anyway?”
Again, she giggled.
“Yeah. I’d love that.”
“So would I,” I told her.
And so, we did.
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Reid Taglist: @mrs-dr-reid , @dreatine , @hopefulfangirl24 , @laurakirsten0502 , @dontcallmekittens , @rintheemolion , @andreasworlsboring101 , @imsuperawkward , @wentz2005 , @lovejules888 , @dashneydanger , @materialisthicc , @violetspoetic , @mslowlife , @conniesanchor , @trippol-threat , @will-byers-needs-a-hug
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twirlyleafs · 6 months
Hi lovely, I hope you’re doing good🥰 I have an F1 idea (any driver) for some inspo. What about being teammates with said driver and you don’t turn up on media day. Your phone is off and it’s like you’ve fallen on the face of the earth and they are losing their minds but eventually hunt you down and find you spiralling about quali or the race
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“Thank you”
Charles Leclerc x driver!reader
A/N: first request!! love!! thank you xxx
“Thank you.”
Charles forced a smile as he accepted a steaming cup of coffee, still entirely too tired to even function. He never got used to the early mornings on media days, especially not in gloomy, grey and cold England. Sinking down in his chair in the makeshift conferenceroom he pushed his chin down, trying to crawl deeper into his own sweater. With a first sip of the coffee he let out a soft breath before glancing across the table, scanning all the faces. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was looking for one in particular. A small pout formed on his face when he couldn’t find you. Normally you would’ve been here way before him, already on your second or third cup by the time he trudged into the room. Charles didn’t particularly like to talk to people in the morning but you were the exception, your cheerful demeanor somehow bringing him out of his shell.
“Where’s Y/N?” He asked, glancing over at Fred who in turn looked over at his assistant. She shook her head, a stressed frown on her face.
“We don’t know, she’s not here. I’ve tried her phone several times.” People around the table started murmuring as they too seemed to realize your absence. Charles frowned, somewhat offended that it hadn’t been the first thing on their mind like it was his. He listened to debates about why you were late, most betting that you just simply overslept, but for some reason he had a bad feeling. You’d never been late and he knew for a fact that you didn’t set your phone to silent while you slept, scared you’d miss something, so several calls from Fred’s assistant should’ve woken you up in that case.
“I’m sure she’ll turn up eventually. We’ll keep trying her.” Fred stated before going into today’s schedule. They talked about all the things they had planned on having you do, since this was your home race after all, and discussed what to move over to Charles plate instead. Charles barely listened, instead discreetly pulling his phone up under the table to text you. After sending you a few messages, asking where you were, he also texted Daniel whom he knew you were tight with. When his phone dinged a few minutes later he quickly turned it up, somewhat disappointed when it was Daniel who replied and not you. He hadn’t heard from you either. Charles remembered that the two of you started find my phone the last time you went out together with some of the others, a safety measure taken to ensure that no one got lost, and he quickly looked your phone up. The frown on his face deepened. The last time your phone had been online was just a few minutes ago, so obviously you were awake. Why didn’t you answer? On the bright side it seemed to be in your apartment in Oxford and the idea of driving out there silently grew on him.
“Charles?” His gaze snapped up, cheeks heating up slightly when he noticed the room almost empty. Fred’s assistant stared questioning at him from across the table.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Whats going on today? Y/Ns not here and you’re spending the entire meeting on your phone? I didn’t think I had to deal with this kind of stuff with you two.”
“M’sorry.” He shoved his phone into his pocket, sitting up a bit straighter in the chair. “I was trying to reach her.”
Charles shook his head. For the following hours he had trouble focusing on the tasks at hand, mind occupied with the thought of you. He pushed through the interviews, finding Daniel when he had a short break to once again ask if he’d seen or heard from you. To be honest he wanted him to say no. The thought of you responding to Daniel and not him had his jaw clenching in annoyance.
“I haven’t talked to her mate.” Daniel shook his head, checking his phone just in case, before looking at his friend. Charles was pacing, which Daniel found very out of the ordinary for the usually so calm and collected man. He watched him for a few seconds, walking back and forth with his hands on his hips, until he couldn’t take it any longer. “Maybe you should go to her house? You’ve been there before, right?”
Charles stopped, gaze snapping up to look at Daniel. Dan stared back at him with an expectant look on his face, almost surprised that Charles hadn’t already left to go find you. “Yeah, sure. But I can’t just show up at her home.” The Aussie rolled his eyes, letting out a huff.
“Just go Chuck.” Charles didn’t have to be told twice and the second he could get out of media he practically sprinted to his car. He typed in the address of your Oxford home in the car, frequently checking his phone as he drove in case you answered. When he rolled to a stop next to your car you still hadn’t responded to any calls or messages and to say that he was freaking out was an understatement. What could possibly make you not answer your phone for an entire day? Without a second thought Charles knocked on your door, heart beating out of his chest. He knocked again, and again and again, the scenarios in his head getting worse and worse by the second. He was just starting to consider calling the police when he suddenly heard the lock turn, the door being slowly pulled open a second later. Charles could practically feel the anxiety run off him when was able to lay eyes on you, realizing you were at the very least alive. He scanned you quickly, dressed in just a big T-shirt and hair loosely held up by a claw clip.
“Charles?” His gaze shot up to meet yours, frowning slightly at the look of your red and puffy eyes.
“Hey.” He couldn’t think of anything to say, not quite knowing how to approach you.
“What are you doing here?” You were confused to say the least. You had woken up from the sudden banging on your door, having spent last night and the start of this day absolutely panicking. Now Charles was standing outside your house and you were trying to piece together what was happening.
“I came to check on you-“ he paused, tilting his head slightly. “Are you okay?”
Maybe it was the way he said it. Maybe it was the fact that you’d been freaking out for months about this seasons silverstone race. Maybe it was the fact that you hadn’t eaten that much and slept badly for the past few days or maybe it was just the fact that it was Charles asking you but the second the words left his lips you felt your bottom lip quiver. Charles eyes widened when he saw the tears start to form in yours, panicking due to the fact that he just made you cry. The moment the first sob left your lips he acted on pure instinct, pulling the door open wider to be able to step closer to you. You let him wrap you up in a tight hug while your arms hung limply to your sides. Charles backed you into the house while you cried against his chest, alarm bells ringing loudly in his head. He managed to close the door before lifting your feet off the ground enough so that he could trudge deeper into the house. Vaguely remembering the way to your living room he was proud to find it on the first try, sinking down in the couch with you still in his arms. His heart broke at the way you curled yourself closer to him, your whole frame shaking with sobs.
“I’m sorry.” He think he heard you get out, frown deepening at the thought of you apologizing. Charles tightened his grip on your, hand smoothing up and down your back in a calming matter as he urged you to breath with him.
“Feel my chest move? Try matching it.” He mumbled, straining his neck to be able to look down at you. Half your face was hidden against his hoodie and he moved a hand to pull some of your hair back to be able to see the other half. Not breaking away from him, not even an inch, you tried your best to follow his instructions. Your hand was splayed over his chest and you tried to match your breathing with the way it rose and fell. “That’s it.” Charles encouraged you softly. Slowly but steadily you began to calm down and for every minute that the panic diminished the realization of what you’d just put Charles through dawned on you. With a final sniff you pulled away from Charles who, without thinking, tried to pull you back. The two of you shared a look before he quickly let go, letting you shuffle far away enough in the couch so you weren’t touching.
“I’m so sorry Charles-“ you began, wiping your cheeks with your palms, but Charles interrupted.
“Don’t. I really don’t mind.” He quickly assured you. When you didn’t answer he shifted slightly towards you, tilting his head. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” It was bold to just ask straight out, he knew that, but something about the way you’d just clung to him like a lifebouy made him feel like he had the right. You let out a soft sigh, pulling your legs up under yourself to make yourself more comfortable.
“I don’t know, I just- this race is fucking with my head.” You muttered, shrugging your shoulders.
“I thought you loved Silverstone? It’s your home race after all?”
“I know!” You groaned, throwing your head back. “I do love Silverstone and I was so excited a week ago but then a few nights ago I had this nightmare and it was so real and since then I’ve just been freaking out and now I can’t even look at my phone without crying and panicking and I cried on you now too and-“
“Y/N.” Charles stopped your blabbering, shuffling closer so he could grab your hand in his. You let your eyes land on his face, feeling yourself slightly relax when they met his green ones. Charles offered a soft smile. “What was the nightmare about?”
“Last year.” You mumbled, voice a lot more quiet than a moment ago. Charles frowned for a second before he realized what you were talking about. Last year. You crashed last year. At silverstone. How could he have forgotten about that?
“The crash?”
You answered with a nod, gaze dropping down to watch how his hand squeezed yours. “Yeah. I just, I don’t know. It spooked me I guess. I’ve crashed many times but that one was different.” Charles remembered it now, he knew it had been bad. He could still recall the smoke covering the whole wreckage and the fact that no matter how hard he looked for you as he slowly passed the crashsite he never found you. It wasn’t until after the race he found out you’d been taken to the hospital for a scan. Luckily everything had looked fine and you came out of it miraculously okay, but looking at you now he could tell it still shook you. “I remembered being brought from the car to the garage before they decided to bring me to the hospital and my mother was watching me and crying and I couldn’t even speak to her. That was probably the worst part, not being able to control anything. I couldn’t move, speak. They say it was the chock. I don’t know.” You trailed of, shrugging your shoulders again. Charles let his thumb run over your knuckles.
“Are you afraid it’s going to happen again?”
“Not really, no.” You realized when you said it that you weren’t nervous for the race. You had improved since last year, that was for sure. The weather was supposed to be better this time too and overall you felt secure. Charles hummed in acknowledgment and things went quiet for a while. You felt yourself actually start to think about it for the first time. The past few days you hadn’t been thinking, you’d been panicking. Apparently all it took was Charles presence to have you calm down enough to realize the difference.
“Do you want to skip it? You can always play sick and have Bearman drive.”
“No. I wanna do it. I’d never skip a race.” You were determined, looking up at Charles again. He raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips. Now he started to recognize you.
“Are you sure?” The teasing voice was one you were familiar with, one you loved. You couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh, nodding quickly. The sound made Charles heart flutter.
“I’m positive.”
The two of you fell into your normal jargon after that and Charles told you everything you’d missed during media. You noted that he never let go of your hand and that every time you laughed he’d squeezed it slightly. You didn’t mind. After a while Charles offered to make dinner and despite you telling him you had nothing in your fridge he got started. You were impressed with what he managed to whip up using close to nothing. You were in awe of how Charles had managed to completely turn you around in less than a few hours and you were incredibly grateful that he’d taken time out of his day to actually drive out and check up on you. Honestly, the thought made your stomach flutter.
Eventually Charles had to leave, the sun was far gone and both of you had an early morning tomorrow, and you watched him shrug on his jacket in the foyer. He had you promise him to call if anything were bothering you and you gave him your word. He’d be the first to know. Charles watched you for a moment before nodding, a satisfied smile on his face.
“I’ll see you first thing in the morning then?”
“Yep, unless I get murdered for missing media day.” You mused, making Charles chuckle. You leaned against the wall, eyes following Charles check his pockets for his keys before turning towards the door. “Charles?” He paused for a second, hand on the door handle. Charles savored the way his name sounded coming from your lips. Your voice was soft, like silk, and he almost longed to hear it again.
“Hmm?” Charles just had time to turn back around to face you when you basically threw yourself at him. He stumbled at the impact, quickly regaining himself as you slung your arms over his shoulders. It took a moment of comprehension before he wrapped his own arms around you, holding you against his chest. Maybe he took it too far when he pressed his nose against the top of your head, but you didn’t say anything and he couldn’t stop himself.
“Thank you.”
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trueebeauty · 4 months
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Does it hurt?
Of course, it does.
Being forced to watch someone else have everything you want... everything you need... everything they knew you desperately wanted.
It's pretty painful. Would you be wrong to flip the script?
But you could never turn your back on your sister; she was family.
And you shouldn't hate her just because she succeeded.
So you swallowed your hatred, approached her, and offered your blessings as she accepted them with a grating, cunning smile.
But none of the kind blessings that came out of your mouth held any truth, and somehow you could tell she knows.
So would it be wrong of you to…
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"Satoru... what are you saying?" I managed, my voice barely above a whisper.
The words sent a jolt through me. "I want this… and you. Having you by my side is all I want."
He closed the distance between us, his presence overwhelming. Up close, I could make out every striking detail of his face - those high cheekbones, the strong jawline, full lips quirked in a knowing frown.
"I- I don't understand–"
"You know exactly what I'm getting at," he murmured, sending shivers down my spine. "I'm tired of settling just so the next person has their happy ending. Shouldn't you be too?"
I felt my face flush hot. Had I really been that obvious?
Of course, I was tired, but I didn't want to ruin my sister's, no, my family's life.
Then again, you thought about it. What had your family ever done for you? What else had your family given to your sister when it should've been yours?
Part of me screamed that this was an unforgivable act against my sister, my flesh and blood. 
But the other part didn't care, consumed by the burning need to have Gojo for myself, to take away the one thing you knew would devastate her.
But doesn’t that make you just her…just like them?
Ceasing the anger, “We can't," I said, trying to reject him, but yet, as much as I knew this was wrong, I couldn't help it. Just being near him set my nerves on fire.
Gojo's thumb stroked along my jawline as he held my gaze. "Maybe once upon a time, those rules mattered," he murmured. "But look at us now– we can choose. I'll force them if I have to."
His eyes shone with a seriousness I had never seen directed my way before. Gojo was always so carefree, so unshakable. But now–, you just didn't know.
"Don't overthink this," he urged softly. "Not when I've waited so long just to get you alone like this."
One of Gojo's hands came up to cup my cheek, calloused thumb brushing over my skin reverently. "Tell me you don't feel the same way," he said, voice almost a whisper. "Tell me, and I'll walk away. You have my word."
I searched his face and found only affection and patience there. He would respect my answer, whatever it was.
And at that moment, I couldn't bring myself to care about the consequences. His embrace was all I craved, moral objections be damned.
Slowly, I shook my head. "I can't lie to you, Satoru. Not about this..." I licked my suddenly dry lips. "I feel the same way."
A look of profound relief and joy washed over Gojo's features. He stroked my cheekbone with such gentle reverence.
Then, ever so slowly, he closed the small distance between us and brushed his lips across mine in a feather-soft kiss. An electrifying jolt went through me at the tender contact.
When he pulled back, I could see the depth of emotion shining in his eyes, everything he felt was laid bare. At that moment, I knew I was forever lost to this man.
Let them condemn me.
"No more hesitations and no turning back. You're mine now," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin. 
"I wouldn't have it any other way." With trembling hands, I pulled him closer, savoring his warmth, his scent, his very being. 
Tonight, we would be each other's ruin, and I couldn't wait to fall.
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therainscene · 8 months
There upon a rainbow is the answer to a Neverending Story: Will's time-travelling coming-of-age
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[Spoilers for The First Shadow ahead, though they don't begin until after the cut. And obligatory disclaimer that I haven't seen the play for myself yet.]
Will Byers is a character haunted by his past.
I mean, obviously, right? After the awful events of S1, Zombie Boy finds himself getting literally hunted down by a giant metaphor for trauma; by S3, when all his friends are starting to grow up, Will is still clinging pathetically to childhood escapism while that trauma metaphor continues to bristle under his skin.
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That's not to say that Will's refusal to conform to other people's ideas of what growing up means isn't one of his strengths -- but there's a difference between that and refusing to grow up at all, and Will is very much digging his stubborn little heels in when it comes to the inevitable changes of adolescence.
Because Will is also a character haunted by his future.
As a gay boy growing up in an era that despises gay men, Will's fate has been quite clearly spelled out for him: if he's lucky, he'll just be looked down upon as a pervert; if he's not, he'll get murdered or become an AIDS statistic.
It's hard not to be a late bloomer when you know how quickly undesirable flowers get pruned.
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So the prickling at the back of his neck doesn't just flare up in moments that remind him of his past, but also in moments that remind him of his future.
The dark intimacy of the cinema and the sweltering eroticism of the sauna remind him that his feelings for Mike are developing into something new and terrifying...
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...while Milevn's heteronormative antics remind him of how unlikely it is that Mike would ever want that sort of future with him anyway.
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Even his debriefing on the Mind Flayer's return hints towards his struggle to accept this truth about himself:
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Will describes his encounters with the Mind Flayer as like being frozen in place, and I think that applies to his timeline too: the Shadow surrounds him on both sides, boxing him in, preventing him from moving forward or backward.
The only temporal direction open to him is sideways... towards that equally frozen realm the Shadow came from in the first place.
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And he's not the only one in this predicament.
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Like Will, Henry was trapped in an alternate dimension as a child, and like Will, the Mind Flayer followed him home and possessed him -- allowing past and future to torment his adolescent self in tandem.
Brenner pressures and manipulates young Henry to give in to the dark urges demanded by the Shadow, sending him helplessly down the path towards becoming Vecna.
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It's the classic self-fulfilling prophecy that dooms many a "difficult" (traumatized/neurodivergent/queer) child whom the adults in their life have no idea how to handle: Henry is deemed too broken to be worth treating with patience or compassion, and when the abuse finally does break him... well, that's just proof they were right about him all along.
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The Shadow possessing Henry in 1959 somehow presents not as a formless cloud of particles, but as the spider monster he himself would shape twenty years later...
...and I think this is evidence of a predestination loop.
El didn't just banish Henry to Dimension X, but sent him back in time, allowing him to create the same monster that possessed him as a child. The Shadow was never an alien -- it was a manifestation of Henry's worst possible future, bootstrapped into existence by Brenner's meddling.
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Note that this means El is also trapped in a self-creating loop:
If El hadn't used her powers to send Henry to Dimension X, then he never would have been able to sabotage his own childhood... which means Henry might never have become an asset to Brenner, which means Terry would never have been injected with Henry's blood, which means El would never have been born with powers.
To be clear: I'm not saying that El or Henry brought this on themselves.
This is all an allegory for the cycle of abuse, so the self-sabotage going on here isn't about these characters literally being to blame for what Brenner did to them, but about how they self-blame: internalizing the abuse and perpetuating harm in turn.
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Let's return to Will and consider one of the show's biggest mysteries: why was he taken in S1?
The play heavily implies that Henry's powers were acquired in Dimension X, and outright states that the lab kids' powers came from Henry's blood, so it's unlikely that Will was born with powers.
Maybe Will was just in the wrong place at the wrong time... but then why was it so important that this random kid be spared from Vecna's plans to kill everyone in S2? Perhaps something happened during his week in the Upside Down that made him an asset to Vecna... but given the similarities between Will's connection to the Mind Flayer and Henry's, I propose an alternative explanation:
Whatever made Will a target in S1 is something that won't happen until S5. Because Will is also trapped in a predestination loop.
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If predestination loops are what happens when a self-sabotager is linked to the supernatural, then frankly it's almost impossible for Will not to be trapped in one.
Every season since returning from the Upside Down, Will has sacrificed himself to help his friends fight the horrors... and all three of those sacrifices have been deeply entwined with his feelings for Mike.
In S2, Will was willing to die to save his friends from the Mind Flayer after Mike's heartfelt monologue broke through his possession.
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In S3, Will bottled up all the pain he was feeling after his fight with Mike and refused to address it again once he realized the party was going to need his help with the Mind Flayer.
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And in S4, Will pretended that his painting was actually from El in an attempt to support Mike -- and save the day once it started to look like a S2-esque monologue from Mike was needed once again.
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Over and over, Will takes the love he feels for another boy and channels it into The Greater Heteronormative Good as though he's trying to atone for something. But the older he gets, the less effective that becomes:
S2's sacrifice was crucial to saving the day.
S3's sacrifice was helpful... but like... his role was to be a glorified Geiger counter; he didn't exactly need to shut down emotionally to pull it off.
S4's sacrifice did fuck all to save the day, and he definitely didn't need to meddle with Milevn's relationship by injecting a lie into it -- the painting could have passed as platonic if he wanted.
If this pattern holds, then we can expect Will's next move to start causing harm.
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I usually interpret Troy's above line as Vecna foreshadowing... but what if it's actually foreshadowing how Will's nearly-adult self is going to start the chain of events that lead to 12 year-old Will's kidnapping?
Homophobes often accuse gay men of being a threat to children, which is rich because homophobia is the actual threat to children. In his desperate efforts to suppress the desires that make him a target to homophobes, all Will has accomplished is to hurt himself on homophobes' behalf. He's become a homophobe.
And thus he dooms an innocent child to needless horrors.
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It's tempting to believe that Will's S5 coming-of-age is going to involve breaking the loop and undoing all the horrible things that happened...
...But I don't think this is likely to be the sort of time travel story in which the past can be undone. For one thing, Will breaking the loop would also undo the entirety of Stranger Things; for another, this show isn't really about defeating abuse so much as surviving it.
My bet would be that Will can't destroy the loop any more than he can destroy 80s homophobia. But once the loop completes, he'll also be free to leave it in the past and take a brave step into the future -- one in which he fully accepts his right to be in love and lust with a boy.
As scary as that future is...
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...he might be pleasantly surprised by what he finds there.
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chukys-mouthguard · 7 days
sharpest tool
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we were going right, then you took a left
featuring -> trevor zegras x female reader
genre -> angst
word count -> 1.1k
note -> i truly struggled writing this one, and I’m not entirely happy with how it turned out so i apologize if it is not my best. But i hope you enjoy? I am trying to get my writing back on track since I’ve been MIA 🤞🏼
-> short n’ sweet masterlist
Things had started in such an atypical way, yet somehow Trevor was still hanging around. You thought for sure that a chance encounter which led to a hook up would’ve ended there, but you were pleasantly surprised.
When Trevor invited you to a teammate's birthday party, you weren’t sure if you should accept at first. Nervous for what they might say or ask, you and Trevor not having put a label on things. Though he always said that with you, things felt different.
That birthday party turned into multiple parties, weekly date nights, spending the night at his place or him at yours. And while you still hadn’t put a label on things, you were confident in saying that Trevor was yours and you were his.
With Trevor being a professional athlete he’d often found himself navigating the pool of those who were interested in him for his status, and only ever finding a handful of girls who liked him for who he was away from hockey. But he’d thought he’d finally found his person in you.
You were everything Trevor could ever ask for. Supportive, selfless, so caring; it was easy for him to see that you weren’t just hanging around for his money or fame. He’d not experienced someone like you that could put him in his place while also putting up with his shit. He wondered how he’d gotten so lucky. A random night out led to you coming back to his place, and he couldn’t let you go from that night on.
As he’d begun navigating the new found feelings, he was now in a position of questioning from his friends and teammates. Were you his girlfriend? What was his status? And it made him unsure as this wasn’t a situation he’d yet been in during his young career. While he enjoyed what things were, he was afraid of labels. Thinking that by taking the step, it would change everything. But he never shared these fears, simply ignoring them.
However, ignoring those fears only made him begin to distance himself. No longer inviting you to parties, weekly date nights were kept to nights in. And while you assumed it was due to his schedule, you never thought to ask. Not wanting to ruffle any feathers or cause an argument over whether or not you were his girlfriend, despite it seeming obvious to you that you were.
Though now that Trevor was acting differently, you weren’t entirely sure.
And soon enough, the date nights ceased. And it had been over a week since you’d even gotten a simple text from Trevor. No explanation, nothing. And you wished you would’ve spoken up, raised the question when you had the chance to possibly prevent being left to pick up the pieces of the jumbled puzzle that you two were.
The idea of reaching out crossed your mind, but you didn’t want to seem attached or come across any type of way. Especially if he’d never seen your relationship as anything more than casual. But to sit around and question what the explanation was, also wasn’t fair to you.
You opted for texting his teammate, hoping that maybe he’d at least spoken to them about his decision making. Thankful that he’d introduced you to them multiple times that you knew any of them well enough to send such a random text.
But the response was nothing more than confusing. They’d said they had no clue what was going on either. Simply that Trevor had stopped mentioning you, as well as stopped inviting you to things. All of his teammates assumed you’d broken up or he was keeping things more private. Despite them all encouraging him not to lose you as they’d all thought you were perfect for him. However, the conversation only left you with more questions than answers, questioning why Trevor had taken such a harsh turn when things seemed to be going so right.
Figuring it was a stress for another day, you opted to scroll Instagram, let your brain wander and think about anything else for a bit. Watching reels of cooking, dogs doing funny things, liking the occasional post of a friend that caught your eye on your feed. Then opting to aimlessly click through stories, until you’d landed on one that you swore made your whole body seize up in shock. The range of emotions you’d felt in the ten seconds the photo was on your screen seemed almost impossible for one person to feel so quickly, yet you’d done it.
The image of Trevor, though his face not shown, you could spot his hair and tattoos anywhere. Arms wrapped around a girl you’d recognized as an ex of his, as they were waist deep in a pool at what you guessed was her house because it didn’t look familiar. You felt tears welling in your eyes but you fought it, not wanting to waste any on him after he’d strung you along rather than being man enough to end things if he wasn’t interested.
Though you knew it was best to leave it be, not respond or try to get the last word, you couldn’t help yourself. Feeling it was only right you got to say something since he’d shut you out for the last several weeks with no explanation.
Typing out a quick response to the post, you hit send. Immediately exiting the app and heading to take a shower.
Trevor finished off his beer before exiting the pool to search for his phone, finding it on a chair as he checked his notifications. Smiling at a group chat with the boys before heading over to his Instagram. The arms of his ex snaked around his waist as she kissed his back, urging him to get off his phone and head inside with her. Trevor’s focus on the message you’d sent him.
Guess I’m an idiot for thinking we were anything more than casual.
Trevor’s smile had faded as he saw the message, his heart immediately aching as he felt awful for that photo. He felt awful that he’d simply chosen to never talk to you about how he was feeling, simply distancing himself and ignoring it all. As if that was a solution. Now he’d been seen at his ex's house, clearly cozied up with her and he knew that broke your heart to see. It was dumb, and to say he didn’t regret it now instantly would be a lie.
His guilt was creeping in as he questioned whether or not he should respond. Should he call you? You’d probably blocked him by now. He was mentally cursing himself for not being man enough to talk about his feelings, letting the best thing to have ever come into his life go because of his stupidity and fears.
Grabbing his things he knew he had to fix this, or at least try. Hurrying to his car as he checked the time, knowing it was late but hoping somehow you’d be awake. Shooting a quick text, a simple hey, impatiently waiting as he started his car. His heart racing as he watched the word delivered soon change to read.
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indigosunsetao3 · 4 months
Older CIA Alex
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NSFW | 18+ | Age gap/dad's employee/forbidden
Perspective: Female reader
We're going to work this like Ex-Husband Price where I expand on things here and there. I just had to get this listed out.
So much for 'next few days'. I swear these ideas will eat me alive if I don't write them out.
OCIA!Alex - Was in your father's office when you walked in to meet him for lunch. He rose from his chair the moment you entered, a sign of respect and also that he would be leaving. You give him a small smile which he returns before slipping out the door.
OCIA!Alex - Casually asks your dad about you, and how the lunch went, when he returns from an overseas mission weeks later. It's not very out of place, Alex is an observant man, but the fact it was over a month later and he recalled where you went to lunch together struck your dad as interesting.
OCIA!Alex - Accepts your father's offer to join a few of the group for dinner. Your father always extended the invite to his whole team which Alex declined each time with an excuse. Except this time when he finds out, you'll also be at this dinner. Your father questions his sudden change of heart to which Alex answers charity is important.
OCIA!Alex - Is careful to make sure he is seated next to you at the charity gala. He's in his dress blues looking polished and the attention he pays you has you flustered. All evening he keeps you engaged in conversation, pulls out your chair for you, and makes sure your glass is never empty. In an effort to make a friend you give Alex your number as if he didn't already have it, and your social media accounts, saved in one of his burners after a bit of digging so he could learn more about you. Your father notices the friendly exchanges and makes sure to have a conversation with his subordinate. (Lunch and Dinner Date can be found here)
OCIA!Alex - Barely bats an eye at the fact you are almost twelve years younger than him. What's age really when you were both adults? He's even less phased by the fact your father lets him know you're fresh out of a long-term relationship which is why you were living with him for the time being. That explains why Alex hadn't seen you before and why you subconsciously ran your thumb over your ring finger all evening to play with a ring that was no longer there. Your father warns him, in a casual but firm tone, that you are off limits; he kept family and work separate for a reason. Alex assures him he was just being friendly, Sir.
OCIA!Alex - Volunteers to assist you in moving to your new apartment in exchange for a couple of beers. You texted him out of desperation, no friends in town, and your father is not the young man he used to be. It was the first time you had messaged him, he had been waiting none too patiently. Alex agrees, he's got the time and it's an excuse to see you again. Your father would have been more suspicious of this if he wasn't relieved to not be the only person lugging your furniture up three flights of stairs. (Move In Day can be found here)
OCIA!Alex - Swings by when you send him a message at one in the morning that the AC unit is on the fritz. The landlord didn't deem it an emergency and your father was out of town. The apartment is beyond sweltering and there isn't even a breeze to help. It was more of a venting session, you had been talking more often via text through the past couple of weeks, but Alex takes it upon himself to give you a hand.
OCIA!Alex - Fixes the unit enough that it's at least blowing semi-cool air. He insists on hanging around to make sure it doesn't go out again, promising it's not a problem. "Too hot to try and sleep without some air." You offer him some leftover pizza before joining him on the couch, a good distance away because it's too hot. Yet somehow you end up with your feet resting in his lap and his fingers massaging out the soreness from wearing heels all day.
OCIA!Alex - Texts you even when he's gone overseas. He's polite in his timing, making sure he doesn't disturb you when you should be sleeping or at work. You are less restrained, finding you stare at the phone waiting for the next message like an impatient teenager. You tell yourself it's because he's the only real friend you've got around and it's lonely when he's gone. Then when he sends you an audio message you nearly fall out of your chair listening to his silky smooth voice as he tells you about his day.
OCIA!Alex - Smirks to himself in his bunk at night when you start sending him pictures. Innocent ones of course. Things you saw on your walk, sighing in frustration at another video meeting at work, the dinner you made (and didn't burn!), and the weird neighbor downstairs who only checks her mail at night. But then a not so innocent one pops on his phone after you've had a few glasses of wine.
OCIA!Alex - Avoids your father's questions as he tries to probe and see just what your relationship is. He had tried you when he saw your phone buzz with a text from Alex when he stopped by. You maintained you were just friends, that Alex was a nice guy but too old for you. That was, if friends sent lingerie and shower pictures to one another...and instructed the other just what to do when they were feeling particularly needy and lonely.
OCIA!Alex - Doesn't let your dad know he took a flight back two days early, and neither do you. He barely makes it into your apartment before you jump him and insist the uniform stays on. Those two extra days are spent solely at your apartment before Alex reports back to your dad, who is none the wiser. Even if Alex has hickeys all over his neck and his clothes reek of your perfume.
OCIA!Alex - Has to play nice when your father has an award ceremony and he insists you meet a few of his friend's sons. Your father determined you've been alone for too long, not enough friends, and is trying to get you back out there. He doesn't see Alex staring down each man as if they are his next target. Nor does he see the two of you slip away before his speech.
OCIA!Alex - Is unimpressed when you start spending time with others, men your own age in particular. You insist it's to keep your dad's suspicions away because he's been asking very leading questions, he's not dumb. And also, you had both agreed that whatever this was it was only a hookup, no commitment. Alex had his job and you wouldn't risk your father's ire.
OCIA!Alex - Agrees, two can play this game. He starts making some other 'friends' of his own and grins as he notices the worry in your tone that he's turned the tables. Jealously is a young person's game and he knows exactly how he feels about you, it's just getting you to admit it yourself. Your father seems a bit more relaxed that the two of you seem to spending less time together.
OCIA!Alex - Is sent out on a particularly long assignment in Europe. After three weeks of being gone and radio silent he knows he won this battle of wills when he gets a notification of an airfare purchase. He's hardly shocked to find you waiting outside of his hotel room he booked under his fake name. You are your father's daughter after all.
OCIA!Alex - Tells you to let him worry about your father as you lay sprawled on top of him. He's dealt with bigger issues from smaller targets before. You attempt to talk about it more but he silences you as he rolls you under him.
OCIA!Alex - Has a conversation with your father. (We're not going to give away the ending here 😉)
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heavenlylie · 1 year
unwinding tensions
pairing: tara carpenter x fem!reader
summary: you and tara hadn’t had much time together lately because of finals and seeing how stressed you are, she decides to make you forget about everything for just one night.
warnings: smut (+18), fingering, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, overstimulation, dom!tara + sub!reader
word count: 2.9k
a/n: i've never wrote smut, so please bear with me on this one <3
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"I'm gonna go take a shower." You said looking towards your bed where your girlfriend Tara was laying on her stomach going over her revisions for finals.
"Yeah, just don't take long," She said without looking up from her notebook, "We've barely had time to see each other this week and I need to be home by nine."
You stopped dead in your tracks, looking back at the brunette "What? That's in like, an hour," You said with wide eyes when you checked the time on your phone "Tell Sam I'll drop you off at 11. I promise you won't be a minute late." Tara sighed, her eyes hovering over the towel wrapped around your body "What? The worse she can say is no, in that case, I'll take you home after I shower."
You said leaning on the bathroom door, Tara blinked rapidly, snapping out of her thoughts, quickly grabbing her phone and dialling her sister's number "She's gonna kill us, you know?" She said chuckling while waiting for Sam to pick up the phone. 
As soon as Sam picked up, you sat on your bed beside Tara so you could listen to the conversation "Come on Sam! It's almost finals week, and we haven’t been able to spend time together, it's just two more hours, please?"
Tara was frustrated, it was obvious that her sister wasn’t budging, she sighed. "Let me talk to her." You whispered, hoping that somehow you'd be able to convince the older Carpenter. She wasn’t your number one fan but she had been more accepting of your relationship with her sister in the past few weeks.
Which was an improvement since you'd been dating the smaller girl for almost a year now and she still hadn’t warmed up to you.
Tara waved you off, rolling around your bed, and then she looked back at you "Go shower." She mouthed, you sighed and got up from the bed.
As you made your way to the bathroom, you couldn't help but feel a bit stressed out. You and Tara had barely spent time together in the past few days because of college, and also because her sister wasn’t one hundred percent fond of you yet. So any time you had together was like a blessing lately.
As you turned on the water and stepped into the shower, you tried to shake off your worries and focus on the warm water cascading down your skin. But your peace was short-lived.
Just as you were about to grab the shampoo, you heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Hey, babe, can I come in?" Tara's voice called out softly from the other side of the door.
"Uhm, sure." you replied, feeling a little thrown off. It's not like Tara had never come into the bathroom while you were showering before, but this just wasn’t a good time since you needed to take her home soon and you didn’t have time for distractions.
You heard the door open and Tara's footsteps approaching the shower curtain. "Mind if I join you?" she asked, pulling back the curtain without waiting for an answer.
Before you could respond, she had stepped in the shower, naked and with a wicked grin on her face, pushing you against the nearest wall, hard enough to send vibrations through your body but not to hurt you. She kissed you so passionately and so quickly that you didn’t have time to properly react to her getting in the shower with you in the first place.
You quickly kissed her back with the same passion, her hands found their way to your waist and began to explore the rest of your shower-wet skin, she let out a soft moan and yet another kiss, trailing down to your neck, leaving a line of kisses from your lips to your collarbone.
You quickly pulled her hair tie, letting her long, wavy hair fall down her shoulders in dripping wet waves. You ran your hands through her hair as she moved her head down, her lips hovering over your breasts, her tongue sticking out to lick your nipples.
A soft moan escaped your lips, Tara's grin not leaving her face, she pulled away and looked you deep in the eyes "I want you," she said with a seductive tone, making you shiver, then she kissed you again.
You could feel yourself getting wet against her as she pulled back to look at you again, a soft smirk on her lips, quickly both your lips were back on each other’s, kissing hard and passionately again.
Tara wrapped her arms around your neck, while you grabbed her ass and pulled her a bit closer to you. Her left hand found its way down to your pussy, while her right hand was still wrapped around your neck, keeping you close to her body.
You let out a surprised gasp into Tara's mouth, as she pushed her fingers into your entrance wet with water and your arousal. "You're so wet baby." she said with a smirk, she removed her right hand from around your neck and used it to move your head back, licking and sucking your neck.
You could feel her fingers moving in and out of you, you were letting out moans, both from the feeling of her fingers inside you and the sensation of her lips leaving marks that later would become dark purple hickeys.
The brunette stopped sucking on your neck, but you were too busy with the feeling of her fingers pumping in and out of you at a rapid pace to even notice that she was moving down.
Suddenly, you felt something warm and smooth between your legs, you moaned louder as Tara began to lick and suck your clit. "F-fuck." you let out a loud moan, as she pushed in another finger, curling it slightly and hitting that spongy spot inside you again.
Tara was still sucking and licking you, then she looked up at you and grinned "Already?" she asked, your eyes widened as she moved her fingers harder inside you.
You gave her a quick nod, making her smile as she moved up again, wrapping her free arm around your waist and pulling you closer to her. You wrapped your legs around her waist, your eyes locking as she pushed her fingers into you and kissed you passionately, and you moaned into her mouth, biting on your bottom lip at the feeling of her tongue exploring your mouth and making you taste your arousal.
She began to move her fingers faster, hitting your g-spot every time, you were pressing yourself closer to Tara, trying to get her closer to you, you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge. You wanted to cum so badly.
You were moaning louder and louder, you felt yourself tightening around her fingers, and you tried to slow down your ragged breath, but you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm.
The feeling of Tara's tongue inside your mouth, her fingers inside you hitting your g-spot and the feeling of her body hitting yours was enough motivation for you to cum. "Tara, I'm gonna-" you could barely speak through your moans.
"Not yet," she said as she pulled her fingers out of you, you let out a whine as she broke the kiss and got on her knees again, her tongue licking your pussy ever so gently. Tara snickered, slowly licking her fingers, "You taste so good baby." she said seductively, you blushed and tried to cover your face with your hands.
Tara got up and grabbed your hand, pulling you down and kissing you again, you let yourself get lost in the moment, "Don't cover your beautiful face when I'm about to make you scream my name." She whispered and broke the kiss, pecking your lips so softly that you'd wonder if she was the same person that was thrusting her fingers into you like her life depended on it just a minute ago.
"I'm not gonna scream, I can't. I'll get complaints from other students, again." You said looking into her eyes, now it was her time to blush, remembering all of the times you'd have sex and she made you scream or vice versa.
Then the next week you'd get a warning from the university dorm on behalf of all of the students that lived on your floor.
"But you will, babygirl, whether you like it or not, I'm gonna make you cum so hard and so good, you're gonna scream my name and beg me to fuck you until you can’t take it anymore. That’s what’s gonna happen," She said it in such a seductive tone that you knew you wouldn’t be able to say no, not that it would matter to her anyway, she'd do it her own way and you both knew that, and that just made you love her even more.
She got her knees again, a bright grin on her face. "Ready to get off baby?" Tara asked as she pushed herself down, her lips meeting your pussy.
The brunette sucked hard on your clit, sending waves of pleasure through your body as she grinded her teeth a little bit on your clit. You let out a loud moan, surprised by the sudden feeling but loving every second of it.
Tara made sure to keep sucking and licking you in the right spot, her hands found their way to your breasts, squeezing and pulling at your nipples as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
Once again, you felt yourself tightening around Tara's mouth, making her suck you a little bit harder. You couldn't take it any longer, you were at the edge and you wanted to fall off it, you grabbed her hair and pulled it, forcing her head into you, you were almost screaming as you came hard, your hips bucking against Tara's face, making her moan.
She moves one of her hands down, her fingers making their way inside you and she wasted no time in moving them quickly, hitting your g-spot.
You were moaning like crazy at the feeling of her fingers thrusting into you right after your orgasm, you let go of Tara's hair and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her closer to you, grinding against her fingers.
You couldn't believe how amazing it felt, it almost felt better than when you did it yourself, then again, there was something special about the way she'd drag her tongue across your clit before she focused on it, and other times when you'd feel her moan against your pussy, making you shiver from the vibrations.
You'd come to believe that she found your weak spots and would always hit them when you were close to an orgasm, it was like she just knew. "I'm gonna cum again," you said as you felt yourself getting closer to the edge again, Tara had stopped moving her fingers and began to lick your clit at a slow pace, teasing you, you let out a loud moan.
"Tara, I'm gonna cum again." you said, your voice raising a bit, you could barely talk as you got closer and closer to your second orgasm, Tara put one of her fingers in your mouth.
"Suck." she said, you smiled as you sucked her finger and got it as wet as it could.
She pulled it out of your mouth and moved it up to your pussy again, pressing it against your entrance, you were quivering as you felt her fingers inside you, but she didn't move it, she just teased you, you couldn't take it anymore "Please!" you begged.
"Please what?" she said as she licked your clit, making you moan loudly, she smiled "Please move your fingers?" she laughed "Or you want me to lick your clit and make you cum again?"
"Yes!" you yelled in reply, shutting your eyes, she smiled again and grabbed your legs, wrapping them around her neck,
"Are you sure?" she asked, and you nodded as you felt yourself tightening around her fingers. Tara finally pressed both of her fingers into you, moving them a little bit inside you, teasing you.
"Please, fuck me," you said, hoping that your begging would get her to finally move her fingers inside you.
Tara pressed her tongue against your clit, she sucked it and pressed it against her mouth, then she moved her tongue down, pressing it against your entrance, you were grinding against her like you were trying to fuck her face.
Her fingers were still inside you, but she still wasn't moving them. You were getting desperate, she was teasing you like you were a fucking toy for her to play with, and you decided that you were done with her teasing.
You pulled her face against your pussy, pressing her tongue against your entrance, she moaned against your pussy and moved her fingers into you almost all of the way, but she kept going in and out of you at a slow pace.
"Please fuck me!" you screamed loudly, Tara squeezed your thighs and moved her tongue so it was barely touching your entrance.
Your hips moved on their own, trying to grind against her, but she didn't let you, she began to suck on your clit while she was fingering you, her hands were holding your thighs and your hands were back on her hair, you were moaning loudly, you couldn't hold yourself back anymore, you were about to cum.
Tara knew it as well, you were tightening around her fingers, then you came hard, letting out a loud moan, Tara's fingers and mouth moving away from you, she licked her fingers and smiled at you. You kissed her hard, your hands locking around her neck and her arms wrapped around you. "I love you," you said breathlessly as you broke the kiss, still shaking from the overstimulation she had put you through.
"And I love you, baby." Tara said as she pulled you in for another kiss, you sighed trying to recompose yourself. After you had calmed down, the brunette washed your body and your hair with such care and love, she didn’t seem like the same person that was making you beg just minutes ago.
When you both got out of the shower, the cold titles on the floor snapped you back to reality; you had to take Tara home as soon as possible or Sam would have your head on a stake, undermining any progress that had been made to improve your relationship with her.
You panicked, running towards your closet and putting on the first pair of clothing you could find, when you turn around to call Tara's name, you saw her leaning on the bathroom door, still in her towel and laughing at you.
"This is not funny Tara, put on something quick, I need to take you home or Sam is gonna kill me, then you, ruining any chances of her letting you go anywhere near me ever again!" You say frustrated looking at the girl who was still laughing at you with a big smile on her face.
"Come here," She said softly, you sighed, looking at the clock on your bedside table, eight forty-nine, you closed your eyes for a second, taking a deep breath and walking towards Tara. "Calm down, yeah?" She said, wrapping her arms around your waist.
"Please, I don't want her to hate me even more than she already does." You whispered looking into her eyes, hoping she's take your plea and get moving. When she saw the look on your face she gave in and pecked your lips.
"We're in no rush baby," she said calmly, you looked at her confused by her response. "She let me stay the night, why else would I have fucked you in the shower?"
You rolled your eyes at her, resting your head on her shoulder and smiling "Did she really?" you said hopeful.
"Mhm," She mumbled and kissed your cheek "And I think you've been way too stressed out about your finals, you're smart, and you study your ass off every time, so, as the amazing girlfriend I am, I'm gonna make all of that stress go away. " she whispered and squeezed your waist, making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
"Lay down and let me take care of you, please." She whispered and moved you both to the bed, laying you down gently and letting the towel fall off her body, kissing you while her hands move down to the hem of your sweatpants.
"I should get stressed more often then." You laughed and pulled up your shirt so she could kiss your stomach. She smiled and kissed it, then she moved back up, kissing your neck and collarbone.
"Mhm, just the stress," She kissed you again, a little bit harder and moved her hands down to your sweatpants and her thumbs hooked under the waistband.
"Wanna get out of these?" She whispered against your lips, you nodded and she pulled them off of you, smiling at you when you were completely naked. You knew this was gonna be a long night and you would probably regret not studying more, but that was a problem for future you.
Because when Tara sets her mind on something it was hard to get her to think otherwise. Not that you were complaining anyway, you made a mental note to thank Sam the next time you saw her because her sister was about to rail the shit out of you all night long thanks to her.
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leclerc-s · 7 months
paint the town red - part eleven
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tony stark i expect every single one of you at the lake house for the next few weeks.
bianca stark-potts i can't. sorry dad. tony stark you can't? what do you mean you can't? you don't have work for the next few weeks. bianca stark-potts i have plans
tony stark WITH FUCKING WHO?
bianca stark-potts with my boyfriend
may parker oh how exciting! where are you going?
bianca stark-potts i'm not saying because my dad will literally track me down.
pepper potts have fun
james rhodes use protection!
harley keener and that is the sound of tony fainting. peter parker and that other sound was tony's unholy screeching.
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biancastark_potts and charles_leclerc have posted new stories
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amore mio (my love)
something about her looking at the view but i'm looking at her
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liked by harryosborn, charles_leclerc, katebishop and others
biancastark_potts ¿qué horas son, mi corazón?
comments have been restricted by user
katebishop someone tell the winch to be gone!
peterbparker listen, i'm not saying the old man is spiraling but the old man is spiraling
↳ biancastark_potts oh i know he is, harley is sending me a hour by hour update on him. happy is also complaining.
lilymhe it's 5:39 pm in new york!
↳ biancastark-potts thank you corazón!
yelenabelova i love knowing something stark doesn't.
tonystark WHERE ARE YOU?!
↳ biancastark_potts here, there, everywhere.
↳ tonystark THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER!
steverogers bianca, why is your father trying to track you down at the tower?
↳ biancastark_potts i'm on vacation and he wants to know where i am.
↳ steverogers she's a fully grown woman anthony. not everyone is harry.
america_chavez the wicked witch of the west is here? someone tell him to fuck off
wandamaximoff having fun?
↳ biancastark_potts yeah
↳ wandamaximoff good. if someone breaks into his apartment, it wasn't us.
↳ biancastark_potts he says it's all good. it's finally clean.
joaquintorres nice apartment, it's not yours.
↳ biancastark_potts shut your trap torres.
↳ joaquintorres TELL ME WHO IT IS!!!
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do you have time to talk soon?
i'm out of the country and if i was in the country, the answer would still be no.
we have nothing to talk about.
don't be like that b, i still love you.
this is exhausting. we are never ever getting back together. like ever.
did you just fucking reply with taylor swift lyrics?
i did.
and i have a boyfriend so please leave me alone.
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biancastark_potts and charles_leclerc have posted new stories
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told him the last one only gave me flowers on anniversaries and he said, "that is not acceptable. you should be given flowers all the time, for no reason."
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kate bishop where's my monegasque man to sweep me off my feet and buy me flowers for no reason??
yelena belova that is gross. who needs love? kate bishop we get it, you're allergic to love. yelena belova i just do not see the point in it. all i need is my dog and i am happy.
maria hill i have to say it, this one is so much better than the last one.
wanda maximoff have you told him about harry?
bianca stark-potts i did, we talked about. it in hungary, when he found out about him.
america chavez she's in looove. she's literally playing paddle with him
natasha romanoff who are you and what have you done to the bianca we all know? you hate sports
bianca stark-potts i don't like tennis or baseball. they're boring sports. i can enjoy soccer or football. but i hate participating in sports. bianca stark-potts he also told me, "i have to train somehow" and i knew andrea would be on my ass if this man didn't do some training
hope van dyne he bought you flowers? for no reason?
bianca stark-potts yup. he disappeared for like 20 minutes and when he came back he was holding a bouquet of tulips in his hand.
kate bishop again where's my monegasque man??
bianca stark-potts he has a brother?? kate bishop he doesn't seem like my type.
pepper potts i'm glad you're happy bianca.
bianca stark-potts thanks mom!!
bianca stark-potts by the way, he says hello!
bianca stark-potts and he said that if nat and wanda break into his apartment to knock, his brother is staying over because his apartment got flooded.
natasha romanoff but where's the fun in that?
bianca stark-potts "i'd rather not explain to my mum that my brother died of a heart attack because black widow and the scarlet witch broke into my apartment because i'm dating you" - silly vroom man
wanda maximoff we'll set off the home alarm on purpose as a warning.
bianca stark-potts "that works! thank you! and if my brother gets scared please send a picture of his face. i need new blackmail material." - silly vroom man
america chavez typical sibling move.
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george russell you dragged her into a paddle game??
charles leclerc i didn't drag her george.
alex albon he has to train somehow george. can't you see he's too busy wooing a stark-potts?
carlos sainz wrong. he's 73 points ahead of me.
max verstappen is this what you guys felt with me last year?
pierre gasly 100% yuki tsnuoda absolutely oscar piastri totally. daniel ricciardo yes. max verstappen you only drove like 6 races?? daniel ricciardo i wanted to be included maxie!
pierre gasly he's in looove!!
charles leclerc shut up?
oscar piastri he bought her flowers. i saw the instagram story.
lando norris STAND UP CHARLES!!
george russell and i thought alex was the biggest simp. turns out it was charles.
logan sargeant oh come on, this guy had the worst year of his career last year, let him have this.
charles leclerc thank you logan!
max verstappen then tell him to stop flirting with me??
yuki tsunoda that is like asking me to stop loving food. it is impossible. carlos sainz no one will ever love anything as much as yuki loves food
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tony stark hey, how y'all doin?
bianca stark-potts get off my dad's phone samuel.
tony stark WHO THE FUCK IS HE??
carlos sainz oh boy can't wait until they find out. tony stark TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW SAINZ!!
isaiah atkins oh my god, when will my nightmare end??
peter parker NEVER BITCH!!
charles leclerc you should've never taken the job then?
isaiah atkins yeah, you would like that wouldn't you? charles leclerc oh fuck you.
harley keener your girlfriend does that enough for you.
harley keener have neither of you seen his stories?? he's been with a girl all break??
tony stark bianca come home! the children (america, mj, kate and me) miss you!
bianca stark-potts i literally hate you so much samuel.
sebastian vettel i can't wait until this exact text bites all of you in the ass
ollie bearman you're included seb. we ALL know.
tony stark know what?? what am i missing? arthur leclerc ignore him. he's in summer break mode still. ollie bearman your brother is literally a better liar than you.
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scuderiaferrari posted new stories
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SPOTTED: lightning mcqueen with mater
SPOTTED: spongebob and patrick, i'll let you decide who's who.
enjoy this picture of tony because he pissed me off.
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series taglist: @burningcupcakefire @spilled-coffee-cup @evans-dejong @elliegrey2803 @bingewatche @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @ironspdy @mypage-myfandoms @be-your-coffee-pot @celesteblack08 @vellicora @enchantedthoughts @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @embrosegraves @justtprachisblog @bionic-donut @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @jamie-selwyn @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @int3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @skynel09 @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @nothaqks @nataliambc @jensonsonlybutton @octopussesarecool @vroomvroommuppett @ragioniera @iamapersonwholikesunicorns @sargeantdumbass @namgification @mgmoore @moonyzsworld @loloekie
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this one's a little short, but i swear the next one will be longer. it lowkey sucks too but oh well, the next one will be better, also this serves as a reminder that yelena is canonically aroace!!!!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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