#optimization tips
virtualize123 · 3 months
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Does your website Ranks on Top? Check out the latest On page Seo Checklist.
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nikonstudio · 2 years
Mac OS Ventura is Slow!
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So, if no one has told you so, then you have heard it from me. The first impression of it being “muffled” is an understatement. And yes the irritating notification “curtain” upon each boot up got flagged on Apple’s many support platforms and remains unanswered.
The following were disabled/deleted for speed just in case you have an older macbook like mine
Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices”
AirPlay Receiver
Focus’s Share across devices
Notifications (Turn off all unnecessary applications here)
Login Items
Reduce motion/transparency
Shake mouse pointer to locate
Game Center (logoff)
Animate opening applications
Minimise windows using scale effect
Even after a NVRAM/PRAM reset, I believe there’s still more to be done. The OS was so sluggish I made the painful decision to erase and create a new partition space for a fresh OS install on the Macbook Air that’s nevertheless packed with 16GB RAM. Yes, I am however, glad that I could still keep my Windows 11 Pro running on the adjacent bootcamp partition.
If all things fails, I may revert the 2 year-old laptop back to Mac OS Monterey, or do what Apple wants me to do - get the current M2 Macbook Pro!
UPDATE - Its significantly more useable when you install Mac OS Ventura over a clean partition as opposed to a quick update. In all, we may be talking about a 5% loss in responsiveness ultimately, a sign to say, Ventura will be the last version the 2019 laptop will be upgraded to.
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
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HELPP i found out about character AIs and im losing it over calling deltarune sans "a more manipulative personality" 😭😭 like whatt we've only seen this man like 2 times
sorry im being a hater hgfjdks but you're the sans understander
lmaoo character.ai, look where the fall of ai dungeon got us, smh. thank you for the compliment though!
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tj-crochets · 1 month
Do you have any tips about how to work on quilts? I’m just starting out and I’m in awe at how quickly you can make quilts and how beautiful they turn out.
Hey! Thanks, and welcome to quilting, it's a lot of fun! So, these tips are going to be a bit haphazard and out of order, because that's how I operate lol - do iron your fabric before you cut it - do iron your seams before sewing rows together, and before assembling your quilt sandwich - you can use the backing as the binding for your quilts and then you don't have to try to wrangle binding strips, it's all attached and easy to do - this one is going to sound kinda silly, but use fabric you like whenever you can. Even a super simple patchwork can be awesome if you use fabric you like, and the most complex intricate pattern can be terrible if you don't like the fabrics - sewing clips are the BEST. I think the brand name is clover wonder clips, but the generic is so much cheaper and nearly as good. You'll break the generic versions occasionally but they come like 100 for less than 10 bucks so you can throw away the broken ones and the rest still work. They are just so much faster than using pins - a rotary cutter, quilting ruler, and cutting mat make quilting so much easier - your seam allowance does not have to be 1/4". It can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you either account for it while making your pattern or use a pattern where it doesn't matter as long as it's consistent (like a simple patchwork). Do make sure you seam allowance is large enough that the fabric won't fray apart around it - never buy batting full price at Joanns, it goes on sale regularly or you can almost always get like a 40% off one full price item coupon when it's not on sale - when you are cutting fabric on a rotary mat, you can cut more than one layer of fabric at a time (might be obvious, but I did not know that at first lol) - shop around online for replacement rotary cutter blades, the prices vary wildly and seem to have no rhyme or reason, sometimes it's cheaper to get a two pack of blades than to buy just one? Most of all, make patterns that you want to make. Almost all the quilt patterns I make (except my improv scrap quilts) are really, really basic quilt patterns, because that's what I like making. I like keeping the pattern super simple and letting the fabric be the star, because my favorite part is arranging the fabrics like a puzzle. I have a quilt friend who makes really really intricate, beautiful paper pieced quilts I 100% do not have the patience for, but that's what she likes making and she's great at it. Enjoy what you're making and you'll find the parts of quilting you like best over time :)
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webxsoftech · 10 months
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Unveiling 5 Benefits of SEO that will transform your online presence and elevate your business to new heights!
Don't wait, start increasing your search engine visibility today ! Get in touch with us. We'll help you to gain more organic traffic.
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
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You suffer more in your imagination than in reality <3
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digitaldeeptech · 7 months
🔍 Traditional SEO vs. Current SEO 🚀 SEO tactics have changed considerably as the digital landscape has evolved. Traditional SEO concentrated on keywords and backlinks, but modern SEO prioritizes user experience and intent. 🎯
From meta tags to mobile optimization, SEO is no longer only about rankings, but also about providing value to your audience. 💡 📣 Let's talk about how SEO has evolved and how we can use it to build our businesses. Please share your thoughts below! 👇
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rubrumacai · 4 months
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uxtitanofficial · 2 days
❗❗❗𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟓?
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wordshaveteeth · 7 months
Not so long ago, it was acceptable to be an amateur poet or essayist. Nowadays if one does not make some money (however pitifully little) out of writing, it’s considered to be a waste of time. It is take as downright shameful for a man past twenty to indulge in versification unless he receives a check to show for it. And unless one has great talent, it is indeed useless to write hoping to achieve great profit or fame. But it is never a waste to write for intrinsic reasons.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: the psychology of optimal experience
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sharkrocket · 1 year
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(Twitter link)
The clothes stay on but the horny energy is OFF THE CHARTS
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kazifu · 2 months
Penelitian Kata Kunci
Langkah pertama dalam strategi SEO yang sukses adalah melakukan penelitian kata kunci. Kata kunci adalah istilah atau frasa yang orang gunakan untuk mencari informasi di internet. Menggunakan alat seperti Google Keyword Planner atau Ubersuggest, Anda dapat menemukan kata kunci yang relevan dengan niche Anda dan memiliki volume pencarian yang tinggi tetapi persaingan yang rendah. Setelah Anda menemukan kata kunci yang tepat, masukkan kata kunci tersebut secara strategis ke dalam konten Anda, termasuk judul, subjudul, dan teks utama.
Optimalisasi On-Page
Optimalisasi on-page adalah langkah penting berikutnya. Ini melibatkan pengoptimalan elemen-elemen di halaman website Anda agar lebih ramah mesin pencari. Pastikan setiap halaman memiliki tag judul yang unik dan deskriptif, tag meta deskripsi yang menarik, dan URL yang bersih serta mudah dibaca. Gunakan heading tag (H1, H2, H3) untuk membagi konten menjadi bagian yang mudah dipahami. Selain itu, pastikan gambar dioptimalkan dengan menggunakan tag alt yang deskriptif dan ukuran file yang tidak terlalu besar agar halaman dapat dimuat dengan cepat.
Konten Berkualitas
Konten adalah raja dalam dunia SEO. Mesin pencari seperti Google memberikan peringkat lebih tinggi kepada website yang menyediakan konten berkualitas tinggi, informatif, dan relevan. Pastikan konten Anda orisinal, menarik, dan memberikan nilai tambah bagi pembaca. Menggunakan berbagai format konten seperti artikel, video, infografis, dan podcast dapat membantu menarik berbagai jenis audiens. Selain itu, memperbarui konten secara rutin dapat membantu menjaga relevansi dan menarik kembali pengunjung yang sudah ada.
Backlink dan Link Building
Backlink, atau tautan masuk dari website lain, merupakan faktor penting dalam algoritma peringkat mesin pencari. Mendapatkan backlink dari website yang memiliki otoritas tinggi dapat meningkatkan kredibilitas dan peringkat website Anda. Anda bisa memulai dengan guest blogging, yaitu menulis artikel untuk website lain dengan menyertakan tautan kembali ke website Anda. Selain itu, pastikan internal linking atau tautan internal di dalam website Anda terstruktur dengan baik, sehingga memudahkan navigasi bagi pengguna dan mesin pencari. Penggunaan Media Sosial
Media sosial dapat menjadi alat yang ampuh untuk meningkatkan visibilitas website Anda. Dengan membagikan konten di platform media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, dan Instagram, Anda dapat menjangkau audiens yang lebih luas dan mengarahkan lalu lintas ke website Anda. Gunakan strategi konten yang berbeda untuk setiap platform agar lebih efektif. Interaksi dengan pengikut melalui komentar dan pesan juga dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan dan membangun komunitas yang loyal.
Meningkatkan visibilitas website Anda melalui SEO membutuhkan kombinasi dari berbagai strategi dan teknik. Dari penelitian kata kunci hingga backlink dan penggunaan media sosial, setiap elemen berkontribusi terhadap kesuksesan SEO Anda. Dengan menerapkan trik-trik SEO yang disebutkan di atas, Anda dapat meningkatkan peringkat website Anda di mesin pencari, menarik lebih banyak pengunjung, dan pada akhirnya mencapai tujuan bisnis Anda. Ingatlah bahwa SEO adalah proses berkelanjutan yang memerlukan pemantauan dan penyesuaian rutin untuk tetap relevan dan efektif.
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akgtechinfo · 18 days
SEO Hindi Me Kya Hai? Know Complete Information In Just 2 Minutes
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Curious about SEO Kya Hai? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving website visibility on search engines like Google.
By optimizing content and following best practices, you can increase organic traffic to your site. It involves keyword research, meta tags optimization, link building, and more.
Understanding SEO is crucial for boosting online presence and reaching a wider audience. Stay tuned for more insights on how to enhance your digital marketing strategy with effective SEO techniques!
. 🌐 Click the link above to read more! . Contact us here:-👇 . 📧 Official Gmail ID: [email protected] . 👉 Follow us to get more informative posts: @akgtechinfo
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anupamchaudhary36 · 22 days
Best Social Media Marketing & Graphic Designing Service provider in the segment, Ping us a message and see our work, would provide a demo file for free and then we will talk about any deal.
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