#one of them is panicking
twoanons · 5 months
An just let it happen. Their nose was bleeding. Their eye was bruised, they couldn't see out of it. Old scars had reopened, both physically and mentally. Tears fell from their eyes.
I deserve this.
Blood stained the carpet below An. Their legs gave out from under them.
'This is what disobedience gets you.'
'Y-yes mum...'
It was over. Footsteps faded away as An was left on the floor, bleeding, beaten, bruised. It wasn't enough, they deserved so much worse. Picking themself up, An broke a window, climbing through it and tried to ignore their arms getting cut by the glass.
It was raining, the water mixing with the blood pouring out their ear, nose, arms and head. They slowly staggered back to the clinic, their hair now damp from both blood and rain.
[There was a knock on Dr B's door]
( @dismay-of-a-lonely-sailor / @dr-bernards-clinic )
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aceofstars121 · 4 months
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I made the guys in the style of the cursed etho skizz built
Cursed skizz (my first attempt)
Etho but if I built him the same way I built the other guys if that makes sense
Me for fun (:
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 174
Despite what people complain and snark about, Bruce does in fact have contingency plans for pretty much everything. And while he doesn’t have an exact contingency for Jason apparently accidentally kidnapping the apparently prince of the Realms- some infinite space where the dead resided according to Zatanna and Constantine, he’ll have an existential crisis about it later thanks- he did have one for his kids accidentally kidnapping someone. 
He just doesn’t think that exact plan will work in this case, seeing as that plan had to do with civilians and not very large kings that could obliterate the entire world with a hand wave, nevermind the fact that they have so many armies. Not to mention what is apparently both the king’s second-in-command and brother. 
Well, if none of his usual contingencies won’t work and Constantine’s attempts at making a deal isn’t working, nor is the other’s attempts to talk the two down, then it’s plan Z time. Seduction it is. 
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
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Cross has trouble getting to sleep alone in his room and goes looking for a distraction, but ends up finding a solution for both of them
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aru-art · 1 month
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happy 2nd anniversary to what continues to be the game of all time!! 🪐
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
It's always funny to me when in an lu fic the chain is offered bananas and don't accept them. Like, you're offering these high energy adventures free food?? Fruit they'll have never even heard of before??? A ridiculously expensive imported good at best?? AND it boosts your attack?
Not ONE of these idiots would ever turn down something new and interesting to eat at least once. They'd be all over those bananas and immediately get dubbed yiga and I'm honestly surprised no one has used it in a fic yet 🤭
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daily-hanamura · 1 year
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brazen-art · 2 months
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Attack on @rolex-kaard for Art Fight!
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puppyeared · 2 years
tw flashing images, implied death
please for the love of god reblog this, it took me 3 days
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radioroxx · 1 month
funny thing about aus in which another one of the party joins the loops with siffrin is that, while the others are 10x more likely to mention the loops, i cant imagine any of them would go to siffrin first.
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twoanons · 5 months
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blackcathjp · 3 months
animagus cat harry runs a rescue cat shelter, where he sometimes goes into "foster cat dad" mode for the kittens. during one of his "cat dad" sessions, curious adopter draco malfoy walks in.
harry panics, trying to transform back, but he's stuck! he meows loudly to get a colleague's attention, which just draws malfoy's attention. "hmm, you're a cute little thing, aren't you?"
harry closes his eyes, bracing himself for malfoy's inevitable petting... and oh boy... he is NOT prepared for how his cat reacts, purring so LOUD like a complete engine, body melting against malfoy's hands and (embrrassingly) loving it.
an hour passes, cat harry with malfoy, of all people! and malfoy takes an immediate liking to him, wanting to adopt him. but the staff, bless their hearts (but clearly not enough to save harry from humiliation), say he's not adoptable. malfoy stubbornly replies, "we'll see about that."
he comes back every week, asking about the adorable black cat with green emerald eyes. and harry, for who knows WHY, turns into a cat. every. single. time. and malfoy doesn't know it's him.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 290
Ghosts have the habit of taking names of those they’ve defeated. Not in spars or play-fights of course, and one has to actually be an adult for the instinct to hit, but it happens. It happens far more often than one would think. 
Jason? Actually has no clue when he comes back to the living why he stole one of the Joker’s older names, nor why the Pit goes so angry when he thinks about Robin- HisTitleHisFraidNameFromFamily- 
Now the Pit? Not a baby semi-near the cusp of adulthood, in fact is Very Old even if it’s more hivemind-esque then a full on realms entity. Very offended for the Baby it was gifted, because who takes that from a literal infant?! 
Oh! Oh that’s another baby! Hm, change of plans, obviously the baby is also its. Because while adult ghosts trying to forcefully take a Name is a direct challenge? A ghostling- or in this case liminal- doing it is an open invitation for adoption. 
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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day 4 is reach and naturally my brain reached for an arkco moment...
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theoppositeofprofound · 3 months
my other dungeon meshi belief is that laios and falin get their propensity towards magic and seeing ghosts from their mom’s side of the family. amid all the superstitions she knows to chop falin’s hair off! unnamed toudenmom who had a cousin die young with hallucinations, who gets nauseous in forests and wild places, whose grandmother used to make charms with strands of her own hair. she blames herself for her babies needing to go away. neither of them ever learn that she’s right.
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theladyofrosewater · 3 months
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this just hit me like a truck
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