#but i could still see her going to isabeau first. if only bc she believes he might provide more insight on it
radioroxx · 16 days
funny thing about aus in which another one of the party joins the loops with siffrin is that, while the others are 10x more likely to mention the loops, i cant imagine any of them would go to siffrin first.
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ofshampain · 4 years
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{ marilyn lima, 23, cis female, she/her } hey, lux marseille? good to see you, with all the insanity going on! still working as a youtuber & instagrammer? that’s good. i mean, you’ve been around a week, what do you make of this insanity? hey, i heard that people have been saying that you’re into filming your true crime youtube videos, crossing town to find exactly the right selfie background, and planning to set up a french restaurant. you also remind people of a polaroid camera around your neck, the legend of mothman, helix piercings, and relentless extroversion, which i like. well, stay safe out there and remember to listen to the fog warnings.
tw: parental death
lux was born lux bellerose, the younger twin ( by a few minutes ) of her and her brother, knox ( @bizarrc​ ). where he was born in darkness, lux was born in light, and that’s quite poignant to their personalities & indeed, their lives. because while knox has had to grow up in pinehaven and the darkness of the bellerose house, lux — when her father, a frenchman who had moved to the states to be with dehlia, had had enough of their battles & fighting — tried to take their children away. 
however, he could only get lux, and when he tried to return for knox, they were gone. 
so he took lux back to his home city of marseille, in the south of france, and kept trying to find his ex-wife and son. unfortunately, that endeavour came with no success. lux’s new last name matched the city she now lived in, and given that it was actually a fairly common last name in france, it raised no questions. 
rather than tell his daughter of the family — the twin — they had lost, her father avoided telling her. saying her mother had died, and that she’d never had any siblings. and what reason did she have to disbelieve him? apart from that — which he believed would keep her happier — he has never lied to her. 
lux was popular, the leader of the popular girl gang at her school in france. her father began working as a restaurateur ( as he had been when the twins were small ) and made a modest fortune. enough for lux to live comfortably. enough for her work ethic to be a little... lacking. if she was interested in the subject, she was rapt ( like when she began to study criminology & sociology ) but if she wasn’t, then, well. getting her involved was frankly like pulling teeth. 
but they managed to find a way to connect it to what she thought her goal was at the time: to be a police detective. because she’s always been fascinated by true crime. like, it’s an enduring love of hers. investigating. pinboards with red string, old cases. 
it was something she enjoyed at home at first so as to not impact on her reputation, but eventually she began to share it: on instagram & youtube she’s made a considerable following, racking up several million followers, and lux marseille has since become a bit of a genre celebrity. 
it secured what she wanted to do with her life, however, so she never did attend police academy in france.
however, her father became ill, and on his deathbed confessed to his child that she had a twin brother lost all those years ago. she took it in stride, at first, not wanting him to die with her on bad or awkward terms with him. she asked if she was the older twin, he laughed and wouldn’t tell her, saying she’d have to work that out for herself if she ever found him. 
truly, lux is struggling with both that sudden revelation about her life and her father’s death about three months ago, but she’s not going to admit it.
she ended up in pinehaven where knox is — though she hasn’t told him, at stern instruction — by chance: she heard about the rumours surrounding the town and it was an irresistible chance. how could she not take it? so lux marseille is pinehaven’s new celebrity and it’s her intention to tell the world: no matter how the fbi, or whoever, might feel about the matter. she didn’t initially plan to stay, but now, seeing how deep the mystery runs? she just might.
yeah i’ve pretty much stolen buzzfeed unsolved and given it to her bc that’s my baby. she’s extra, too curious, and pushy. marmite. you either love lux or you hate lux, and that’s just the way it is.
esfp-a. gryffindor. 
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