#oc: thomas grayson
cryptar · 2 years
au where ALL the batkids inherit bruces adopting problem, but it's for kids that remind them of themselves
When a hyper-intelligent juvenile figures out his identity and starts following him around on patrol the only thing Tim can think is that this is karma
Steph sees any spunky kid with a villain parent and a hunger for justice and goes 'mine.'
An angry, bitter kid shows up at the police station and Dick immediately starts teaching them how to juggle
Jason reiterates to himself that he's not anything like bruce while collecting crime alley kids like pokemon cards
The little redheaded techie from Barbaras workplace accidently calls her mom and she nearly cries
When a mute youth with a truly horrible father needs a place to call home, Cass doesn't hesitate when inviting them into hers.
it only makes sense for Duke to take the new meta-vigilante under his wing, right? right??
Damian doesn't realise he's mentally adopted the small, scruffy assassin sent after him until he's reading them a bedtime story.
none of them tell eachother until there's a family reunion and then it's just
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If Damian had normal friends and his family still thought he hadn't made any friends after Jon then this would be funny
Dick: Little bird what are you going to do during this summer, because this time it seems like no one can be with you
Damian: You don't need to worry, Grayson. I already have an appointment with my friends to paint on the str- Our club
Dick: I know you want to be with Jon baby bird but he still seems busy being Superman
Damian: I don't mean Kent grayson, I mean my school friend
Dick: You finally have a friend. Dami, you're not making an excuse to sneak out and almost die again, right?
Damian: No. I've been with them since the beginning of high school
Dick: okay ok whatever you said. Just don't look for Jon he's on a space mission
Damian: tt
Jason: You better not do anything strange when we are not watching you
Damian: Why are you all the same, thinking that I will do something. All I want to do is play with my friends
Jason: Until the end of the day you won't be able to make me believe you have friends other than your imaginary friend demon spawn
Damian: Whatever you think Todd
Duke: I have a suggestion for what you can do on your Summer this time, just because we're gone you-
Damian: You too . Why is everyone like this
Damian: Thomas would you believe me if I said I had school friends
Duke: Not really it sounds a bit strange
Damian: I'm done. You'll know I have friends before Todd wants to propose Harper
Cass and Steph: So did you say you have friends
Damian: yes
Steph: Then prove it kid
Damian: *Lost his phone because it fell in a paint bucket. Wait some time
Cass: I think it's okay if baby brother has an imaginary friend, let him move on by himself
Damian: tt I hate you all
Bruce: Son, you're not planning anything, are you? Cause you've been acting strange lately
Damian: *Plan to paint a giant Graffiti that says " fuck the batfam " and go party night and try cigarettes
Damian: no
Alfred: When do you want to bring your friends to manor master Damian
Damian: When my giant Graffiti is finished pennyworth
Alfred: I will allow it but make sure you don't get hurt, sir
Damian: of course
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Bruce Wayne Says ‘Never Too Old For Uppies’
Darling billionaire and former Gotham heartthrob turn DILF Bruce Wayne was spotted at his latest Gala wearing the latest season’s top designer suit.
This is of its self wasn’t surprising but the scene that unfolded sure was!
Now it isn’t a surprise for anyone who has been keeping track of the posts and polls about the most attractive men in America that Mr. Winner of 3 years in a row is quite ripped under all those layers he usually wears and when asked why he exercises to such a degree that it could rival the big bat, Mr. Wayne seemed to fumble for a bit before responding with a dazzling smile that he does so that he could carry all of his children.
Another reporter made comment about how all of his children were well past the age of being picked up.
Mr. Wayne proceed to state quite seriously to the reporter,
“They’re never too old for uppies.”
Apparently Mr. Wayne’s two eldest sons had heard their father’s statement as they shared a look before taking a running leap towards their dad with Dick Grayson Wayne bellowing “uppies!” In response.
Mr. Wayne, despite his well known clumsiness, caught both of his sons with a spin before calmly stating to the reporters that he had guests to talk to and then walked away with one boy sitting on each hip.
And let us remind our readers that neither men Mr. Wayne caught weigh less than an estimated 170 lbs!
The rest of the gala had our reporters spotting Mr. Wayne carrying his various children in various ways.
Message was well received, Kids are never too old for uppies, just too heavy!
But nothing less can be expected from the dad of the year.
Though, he may have competition here in Gotham, as eye witnesses have stated that they had seen our own Big Bat taking after our resident rich man.
But who can say? Maybe the two have a closer relationship than we know.
It had been stated that both Bruce Wayne and Batman have a similar physique to each-other with Batman being just slightly larger in size.
Maybe they share a workout routine?
We can only speculate.
What we can be sure of, is that Bruce loves his kids and would be willing to do anything to make them smile.
As always I am Vicky Vale.
*there are two photos shown along with the article. One of Bruce Wayne carting a staggering number of his children. With Cassandra and Damian Wayne on his shoulders, Dick Grayson Wayne and Jason Todd under each arm and Tim Drake Wayne clinging onto his front like a koala. It is noted that Duke Thomas is to the side seemingly recording the entire scene.
The second photo is of Batman with an annoyed Red Hood slung over his shoulder, trying to get loose.”
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thrushforreal · 3 months
In my version of the batfam, the kids, in their bat persona's, will give themselves alibis by going to the police and having them lock them up. No crime was committed, other than that of vigilantism, but every time, without fail, they are behind bars when the thing they need an alibi for goes down. Bruce isn't sure if he should be proud or frustrated, so he settles for a weird mixture of both and moves on with his day. The batkids are responsible for getting themselves out of jail, though, and sometimes that takes a bit. The longest it's taken was 2 and a half weeks for Jason, and that was because he forgot to clear his other, totally not real crimes, what are you talking about, from the police database. He now owes a favor to babs to be paid out at an unknown time.
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platitudinalteen · 6 months
Damian realizing that the Teen Titans make up rumors about him to haze new recruits>>>
“Why do you look so frightened?” Damain asked calmly, his hands clasped behind his back. “You’re not scared of me, are you?”
“Scared?” Arlo repeated with a guilty expression, shaking his head quickly. “No. No, of course not. Who cares if the Teen Titans say you hate everyone and everything and dispose of kids who make mistakes?”
Damain’s expression remained stern and guarded, completely unreadable. “Is that what they say?” He mused curiously. “Interesting.”
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fantasy-cursedkrystal · 2 months
jason and Tim write batman fanfiction or batman ship fanfiction (maybe duke also writes fanfics of batman or he reads them)
Dick and steph read batman fanfiction damian and cass would just be confused
bruce finds out and is traumatized for life
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melody-han-wayne · 6 months
overheard someone say "if the Waynes are always being kidnapped why don't they just hire bodyguards?" and I LAUGHED
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duketectivecomics · 8 months
Since it’s 2024, I think it’s about time for my yearly PSA:
Hey, Hi 👋 in case it isn’t obvious, this is a Duke Thomas resource/archive blog, dedicated to raising awareness for Duke! I’ve got all sorts of great resources linked in my pinned post, including a Reading Rec list, FAQ, and info about our annual Duke Week! (& so much more!)
I want to especially encourage my followers to reblog this to help spread the word. I’m seeing more and more posts in Duke’s tag that are completely missing the mark when it comes to understanding Duke. One on hand, it’s great news bc that means more people are at least aware of duke (yaaaay)! On the other, it means he’s being subjected to fanon flanderization (boooo).
I want to encourage y’all because those kinds of posts are exactly why I made this blog in the first place. Duke is by FAR the easiest batfam member to read for. I’ve also curated a lot of great meta on him over the years & im always looking forward to adding more! Give this blog a follow, shoot me an ask, let’s learn more about Duke in 2024!!!
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slythepuffle · 3 months
I'm getting writer's block for my Spooky Month stuff, so I'm now going to share some of my DC stuff. Here's my Cryptid Batfam Guide, starting with the "official" main family members (feat. my OC).
I tried to name them all after birds/bats. Mostly birds.
Bruce Wayne-
Alias: "The Bat"; Brucie
Cryptid Type: Vampire
Media Portrayal: Rich, Ditzy Playboy as Brucie; Demonic Shadow Creature as The Bat
Richard "Dick" Grayson-Wayne
Alias: Robin (Formerly); Nightingale
Cryptid Type: Angel/Winged Humanoid
Media Portrayal: Naive Socialite as Dick; Vengeful Ghost Child as Robin; Fallen Angel as Nightingale
Jason Todd-Wayne
Alias: Robin (Formerly); Red Hood (Formerly); Red Hawk
Cryptid Type: Ghoul
Media Portrayal: Rebellious Punk as Jason; Vengeful Ghost Child as Robin; Resurrected Crime Lord as Red Hood; Zombie-Turned-Demon as Red Hawk
Cassiopeia "Cassi" Costella-Wayne
Alias: Spirit (Formerly); Pipistrelle
Cryptid Type: Undead/Ghost Witch
Media Portrayal: Shy + Sweet Groundskeeper; Anguished, Resurrected Ghost as Spirit; Ghost-Turned-Stone as Pipistrelle
Timothy "Tim" Drake-Wayne
Alias: Robin (Formerly); Flame Robin (Formerly); Oriole
Cryptid Type: Wereavian
Media Portrayal: Introverted Genius as Tim; Vengeful Ghost Child as Robin; Robin's Shadow Come to Life as Flame Robin; Demonic Shapeshifter as Oriole
Cassandra "Cass" Cain-Wayne
Alias: Orphan (Formerly); Noctule (Formerly); Starling
Cryptid Type: Siren
Media Portrayal: Silent Social Butterfly as Cass; Deadly Assassin as Orphan; Demon of Gotham as Batgirl; Living Shadow as Starling
Damian Wayne
Alias: Robin
Cryptid Type: Half-Vampire
Media Portrayal: Fierce + Socially Awkward as Damian; Vengeful Ghost Child as Robin
Duke Thomas-Wayne
Alias: Signal
Cryptid Type: None (? - Meta-Human)
Media Portrayal: Polite Foster Child as Duke; Sentient Android/Bat-Signal as Signal
Questions, comments, suggestions, leave down below!
EDIT: Decided to change 'Batgirl' to Noctule after the Noctule bat because I wanted to give them more unique names
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rokishimizu4 · 1 month
Superpower for an older gentleman that’s not who he appears to be?
An older gentleman that looks to be around late 50s, early 60s, but still has the health, and strength of a late 20s, early 30s, mix martial arts master. He’s quite interested in the world around him and learning new things from the ‘younger’ generation. No one is quite sure if he is human or not, many of the gang members call him ‘Uncle Vampire’ due to his ability to make himself look much younger than he is, and when a fight is involved the enemies seem almost frozen under his gaze.
No one is quite sure where he was originally from, somewhere in Europe, as he likes his tea and coffee but also loves pasta with his very soul (will threaten to stab someone who breaks the pasta noodles with their hands) and knows far too many recipes from around the world to be normal.
Very much a gentleman,(might remind you of an Italian Alfred), but will not hesitate to break a plate over a rude customer’s head.
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ainspluto · 28 days
does anyone have a robin/superkid/dc universe sona? If so please share...
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lokalblackie · 7 months
"-In other news, Gothamites rummage to pack their bags because a sudden wave of death has spread through the nocturnal streets of the more crime ridden parts of Gotham. The spontanious deaths of three of Gotham's supervillains has put citizens in a panic. Is this the rise of a new crime lord or... something worse?"
News reporters everywhere scrambled to get a few good words in before this story gets swept under the rug. Before exaggerated headlines like; "NEW GOTHAM CRIME LORD HAS PEOPLE ESCAPING TO CALIFORNIA OF ALL PLACES?!" are forgotten in the matrix. Before this story isn't relevant anymore.
Podcasters and commentary media outlets are getting their few good theories in too. Saying things like; "Y'all, the government is messing with us. Scarecrow ain't dead. It's probably the same fake terrorist attacks Hitler implemented to get the German's under his rule. Don't fall for this trap y'all."
And homeless druggies are getting a few couple bucks out this story too. Charging journalists a big buck for false news. The street scammers are jumping for joy right now. "I was there! I saw it happen! It was one of them Russians. The Soviets are comin' for us."
Bruce was amused. Everywhere he went, this shit was smeared. Popping up in his face as if he hadn't seen the other hundred different pop-ups of this story yet. He thought what any other reasonable citizen thought. "This shit's gonna disappear in a week. Trust me bro"
Its been a week.
People are still on this?! Maybe it is serious... Should he take a look into this? Nah it's fine. Give it another week or so. It'll blow away like all other "viral" stories...
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edi-storm · 8 months
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Finally doing commissions!!!
Dm me anytime, I'll answer in the next 24h for sure!
Please read the info sheet!
I'll try my best to finish the art work as fast as possible
If I get multiple people asking for commissions at once I might take a few slots , so if I can't accept your commission when you text me , I'll make sure to text you once a slot is open!! (Doing this based on the order of people texting me !)
Edit: Hi yall 🤧 I’m going to close commission for three weeks due to school
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thrushforreal · 4 months
I threw names in a quote generator again!
Duke: Do dragons fart fire?
Trace: I don't know
Duke: I thought you went to college?
Cass: I reserve the right to judge a movie based on when it was made, thank you very much
Babs: You consider everything made before 2000 old and bad
Cass: And I reserve that right! After all...
Cass: I bet you wouldn't like the average movie made in 1879!
Babs: There were no movies made in 1879
Cass: *slams table* WRONG! There was ONE movie made in 1879! The first movie! A zoopraxioscope of a horse galloping!
Duke: Oooh! Let's ask Dick if he saw it in theatres!
Duke: If you really want to get back at a man, scare him with a pregnancy test. I've got a whole box of old positives back at my house.
Steph: You're an American treasure.
Trace: I'm going to get myself some soup
Babs: Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot
Trace: Pfft, I won't burn myself
*30 seconds later*
Trace, entering the room: I burned myself
Tim: You know what I've learned from my friendship with Jason?
Trace: There's no such thing as too mean?
Duke: Never let your family know for sure if you like them?
Dick: Always hold a grudge?
Jason: They can't make me admit France exists, right? Legally, that's not allowed.
Jason: Sure, if France was REAL I'd say I liked it
Jason: But who's to say
Duke: I think France isn't real
Tim: Duke, you've been to France
Duke: And???
Babs: Yesterday, I overheard Damian saying, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" And Duke replying "Trust me," and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Steph: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée"
Steph: *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You're supposed to say I have 'the right to remain silent'! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Duke: *in the cell next to her* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
Tim: As a responsible adult
Steph: *chuckles*
Tim: ... As a responsible adult—
Dick: No, this is not a mess. You know what I consider a mess?
Cass: Your life?
Dick: I- well, yes, but-
Damian: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way.
Steph: I almost died
Damian: That...was my favorite memory.
And that's all for now!
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random-sparks-98 · 1 year
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Excerpt from chapter 1 of ‘Sunlit Gotham’ by Sparky441 on Ao3
Arriving at the media room Bobby and Skylar pause, taking in the scene in front of them:
Jason, Cass, and Stephanie are in the process of trapping a struggling Dick in a blanket burrito. Conner is restraining Tim in a hug as he tries to lunge for Damian. Jon is pulling back Damian to stop him from stabbing Tim with a katana. And Duke is standing on a chair, trying to tie a blanket up to the ceiling.
They watch as Jason and Steph give another shove to Dick - who trips as he is trapped in a blanket burrito - and rolls into the chair that Duke is on. Duke falls with a shriek, landing on top of Conner who drops Tim in an attempt to catch Duke. Tim lunges for Damian, grabbing the katana while his younger brother is still restrained by Jon, and turns to sprint out of the room. Damian licks Jon, who releases him on instinct to wipe the sensation away, and gives chase once he’s free. Upon seeing the Richardsons in the doorway Tim attempts to stop, eyes wide, but skids on a spare blanket and Damian takes the opening to tackle him. The katana goes flying as the brothers go down and Cass gracefully grabs it out of the air.
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batmansplatinumcard · 3 months
quotes/dialogue prompts (dc oc + canon) pt.12
Dick: you should download Roblox! we could play together!
Rory: .. sure, okay-
-not even 12 minutes later-
Rory: TIM!! I need you to- i dunno- hack Roblox or whatever it is you do- AND TURN OFF THE CENSORSHIP. 
Tim: …I’ll do it if you tell me why.
Rory: some asshole pushed me off the fucking rainbow stairs and now I gotta start all over!
Tim: hm..
Jason: … I dunno, seems valid to me.
Tim: alright.
Dick: Tim, please don’t-
Duke: .. and so it begins..
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