#now what are some stereotypical furry names
flowanon · 6 months
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I drew my edgy anti-furry brother as the most stereotypical furry ever as a joke, but I actually like it a lot more than some of the stuff that I’ve actually put genuine time and effort into and now I’m questioning everything 😭
My crusty iPad Air 2
StylusHome stylus
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satanfemme · 1 year
can I make another monday evening confession before starting my work week again in the morning?
people need to stop talking about all the gaytrans furry polycules in seattle. please. do you know how hard it is for me not to restructure my life around this fantasy? this Stereotype? I'm not even polyamorous. I don't even know how to make electronic music. but I'm a chronic running away-er, and after a hard day at work? girl I'm ready to pack my bags and start a new life anywhere but here. give me some semblance of public transport in an accepting city on the other side of the continent and you're basically begging for me to say "fuck you" to my boss and hop on the next train I see. I'm talking about a Fresh Fucking Start. new name. nothing but me and my dog and a fursuit. fuck. I'd be gone so fast no one would even know what just happened. and my disappearance would be registered as a cold case after 5 months til a decade later you're in an anarchist bookstore and pick up some independently made furry comic about the spiritual connections between nudity and therianthropy and queerness and right there on page 3 will be a fursona that looks... strangely familiar... but no - it can't be. but it is. you frantically check the back of the zine for contact information, heart racing, but the only address given leads you to a forest or perhaps a parking lot. you speak to a few locals and learn this parking lot hosts a sparkledog rave bimonthly. so you attend a few of these raves, standing on the outskirts, politely nodding along to the alternating gabber samples from marxist speeches and bluey. scanning the crowd anxiously. but no. I never show. I'm fucking gone. ok? do you understand my struggle now?? I'm fucking GONE. I'm mooching in some commune basement high off my ass, ok?!?!?! I'm full fucking puppy mode and have so many furry boyfriend-girlfriends I don't even know all their names but my collection of leftist stickers grows strong. fuck. goddamn. ok? THIS is my toxic trait. glorify the furry scene somewhere else instead. glorify taxes. anything else.
📝I'm sorry seattle residents for misrepresenting you're beautiful city as I'm sure I have. this is not my heart
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balsa-margarita · 2 years
Why I'm disappointed in Starbound (and why I still like it, somehow)
So, Starbound. It's an indie game you may or may not know of, whether you've seen it in furry art or heard people call it "ripoff Terraria" or something, or perhaps even played it. What is it, though?
To put it simply, Starbound is a 2D procedurally generated space adventuring game, created by Chucklefish. (I got some images from their press kit to show you what I mean.)
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As you can see, there is a lot going on here. First off, there are multiple sapient alien species other than humans in Starbound (it's most obvious with the Floran in the third image) and there's also a distinct storyline to follow. All of that means lore, and this is where the issues start. Immediately.
Starbound takes the idea of "culture as costume" as a model to work off of, rather than a criticism. Take the Hylotl, a race of fish-people. Everything about their culture is taken directly from Japanese culture in real life - they have anime, samurai, and Japanese-inspired architecture. None of this, though, is very deep or well-thought-out. It's just kind of... there, you know? And this is how it is with most of Starbound's alien races (Avians are ripoff Mesoamericans in a lot of ways, Novakid are stereotypical cowboy Western characters) with only a couple of exceptions. At times, this weird lack of thought can be downright insulting, such as with the Floran - who are carelessly modeled after stereotypes of the "cannibal tribe." There are also over a dozen races in the game, and you can only play as seven of them. The others' lore is even less thought out.
Now, you would think that the actual story would be better, right? Well... sort of. The overarching enemy is an entity called "The Ruin," which is a literal living eldritch planet monster (which you kill at the end of the game in a scene much more badass than anything else Chucklefish came up with) which is being aided by a xenophobic human cult that is trying to wipe out all of the other races in the universe. Pretty interesting, aside from the very generic name... but the generic name gives it away. Not only is the Ruin one side of a pure good/evil dichotomy - which, in my opinion, is a bit of a tired way of doing things - but the rest of the writing just feels lazy. Not enough actual eldritch horror in the story where the big bad is an eldritch horror, and not enough focus on the space xenophobes' xenophobia. When you play through it, it feels kind of cheap, and as someone who talks a lot about lore (and writes fanfiction) I have issues with that. But the problems don't stop there.
Guess why it feels cheap? Because it is.
Starbound is one of the worst optimized games I've ever played, up there with things like Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - possibly even worse - and is riddled with half-baked mechanics and terribly shoehorned game progression and design. (Multiplayer in particular is horrific - the game has no strict physics update at all, which basically means people playing the game at different FPS play it at different speeds. As you can imagine, this ends terribly for all involved.) All this is because Chucklefish used unpaid labor - often from teenagers trying to get into the game industry! So, of course, when these people inevitably left because they weren't paid, no one kept working on whatever they had been in charge of... it was a disaster. A total, unmitigated disaster. That's where Starbound stands today.
Unmodded Starbound, at least.
The core concepts of Starbound - bumming around on procedurally generated planets, questing, and being a space landlord, among other things - are still really cool. But it could have been so much cooler! Wasted potential in a way that no other game I've ever played is. This is where mods - and one mod in particular called Frackin' Universe - come in. Frackin' Universe does its very best to fill in the holes left in the basegame, and add new systems that rival some Minecraft tech mods in complexity. It can't fix everything, but it's the closest Starbound will ever get to being a really complete game. (Part of me really wishes I could take the IP from the idiots at Chucklefish and give it to the Frackin' Universe guys. They could make an excellent remake.)
That's it. That's the rant. I just... I really wish Starbound was a better game with development that hadn't been led by a moron who bailed from Re-Logic.
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guardian-rocket · 5 months
Fox McCloud x Rocket Raccoon Send me ships!
Who would be the big spoon? They switch because it depends on the mood of things. Rocket will often lay either across Fox or use his chest as a pillow too. There's no consistency here.
Who would wake up first? Rocket, usually. He's a light sleeper and he doesn't tend to sleep very long even on a good night, but there are times Fox somehow beats him to it.
Do they have nicknames for each other? Rocket tends to call him 'Foxxy', or 'Pretty Boy', 'Gorgeous,' and pretty much any ship with Rocket is subjected to getting called 'Baby' on occasion. As for Fox's nicknames for Rocket, he seems to give Rocket more the general pet-name treatment. (I tend to know Rocket's side a bit better)
What happened when they met each other’s parents? This won't happen but Rocket listens as Fox tells him anything about his family with fascination. He did tell Fox early on he didn't know his parents and was pretty sure they were dead. Rocket also won't talk about his creators much at all.
How do they apologize after an argument? Arguing with Rocket takes fineness, he's stubborn and has some trouble admitting fault even though he can do it if he really is obviously the one in the wrong. Rocket doesn't want to drag things out though, so it's just a matter of getting started. Even if it seems like he's just being an ass (and maybe he is) he may also just be brooding on how to open the conversation without sounding stupid. If Fox apologized first, he'd feel much easier about apologizing in return and admitting he was stupid about whatever caused the argument.
What would they be like as parents? Rocket already has Groot to raise, and he's very stereotypical in the dad role. Fox does get to play as a parental figure to Groot and honestly I think Groot sees him as more motherly. Probably cuts the crusts off his bread and would pack him a snack before he runs off to go get himself into trouble.
Who is the better cook? Fox, Rocket doesn't spend much time doing anything in the kitchen outside of grabbing quick meals or drinks UNLESS he's doing something special. Fox seems to know at least the basics of culinary.
Who is more romantic? Fox is more traditionally romantic but Rocket will try his best to make sure he's showing affection in his own way. He can be very sweet when he wants to be.
What sort of gifts do they get for each other? Rocket is the type to grab something for Fox on a far off planet, they'll probably be snacks or little trinkets that are ultimately useless as a small token to let Fox know he's always on Rocket's mind. Fox probably gets Rocket more practical things for Rocket to use that are from Corneria designed for furry-bodied people like themselves, or just things he knows Rocket's gonna love.
Who gets jealous easiest? Jealousy is rooted in insecurity and unfortunately that's where Rocket resides. He's a bit territorial. (Okay... very territorial.)
Who gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas? I'd earnestly say neither of them are too big on that, but between them, Rocket is a bit more festive. I think when he gets to share what this Christmas thing is about he's gonna be pretty dorky telling him about it. Just remember the song 'I Don't Know What Christmas Is' is from the description from Rocket's interpretation, so it probably will not very traditional.
Who is the most adventurous? Rocket can be adventurous when he wants something but this one goes to Fox. Rocket often needs to be coaxed to go do something dangerous.
Who is the most protective? I'll go with Rocket for this, as he's more paranoid about losing people now. I think they'd both be protective though.
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? I see Rocket as the type to try and lure Fox into trouble, doing dumb kid stuff like making bottle rockets and sneaking into the movies without paying.
*BONUS: Song to sum them up?*
The Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way
Do I ship it?
Yes <3
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Hello, God, it's me again ahhh! I think I may have another request for you after rereading the demon! weston boys request you did for me for the hundredth and tenth (mayhaps?) time >-< If it's okay, could I request demon! Doll, Beast, Bravat, and double Charles with a human s/o? They've been on my mind for a while now because not only do I love them to bits, but I would also love to read more of your content for them; after all, you do such a great job writing them!
YESSSS PLEASE I love the demon AUs so much!! <3
thank you aaa you're so sweet~
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She’s probably your stereotypical ‘femme fatale’ type of demon. Her image, of a pale beauty with ink-black hair, red lips, and dressed seductively with hellfire in her heels, is what most people picture when they think of a female demon. Not only is she the perfect image of one, she has the confidence to match. She never writes cheques with her mouth that her fists can’t cash, as they say.
Isolation has been her whole life, aside from a group of other demons who she meets up with regularly. They don’t live together, they’ve spread out for safety to cover more ground across England, so she’s lonely. Perhaps that’s why she’s taken up with a human? Others would tell her she’s too desperate for company that she’d take anything. In turn, she’d give them the whip for daring to question her S/O’s value as a person.
Talking to and manipulating animals is basically her demon power. So, well… if (Name) doesn’t already have pets, they’re probably going to. Unlike, say, Sebastian, her affection isn’t limited; she loves all animals. While she’s partial to the ones she can cuddle with, especially with her S/O present as well, she doesn’t hate any animal and is appalled by anyone who abuses any kind of animal. (Though, maybe insects are an exception. Pesky bee!) If her S/O has pets, she likes to spend her days talking to them and taking care of them. One has never truly lived until they’ve seen a scantily clad demon woman reclined on a sofa, baby-talking to her lover’s furry, feathery, or scaly friends.
She goes by Beast because that’s what other demons call her as a reference to her powers. But if (Name) manages to gently take down her walls enough to reveal her softer heart, they’ll get a quiet confession that she picked a ‘human’ name for herself. Most other demons think that’s silly. She thinks she can trust them with it, though. Her name will be very safe in their mouth. And it’s Mally. And if they start to call her that frequently, they’ll see her unravel in the best way.
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This man is powerful enough on his own… and also incredibly lazy outside of serving his masters. While he does share their goals, he’s more like the executioner rather than judge or jury. He wouldn’t go out and do things to pursue those goals on his own, nor would he have ever thought them up on his own. He’s very dreamy, very head-in-the-clouds, and he does have some out-there ideas… but he needs motivation and fuel to create things. Else, he’ll simply lay around with his head in his S/O’s lap, playing with crystals and tarot cards all day.
… Has a bit of a fascination with blood? His own, and other people’s. Some of it might come from his masters’ influence and plans; some of it is just a curiosity. He’s especially interested in how other creatures’ blood differs from his own. Now, while he absolutely will not draw blood from his S/O, if they happen to be injured, he’ll be sure to lick at some of it as he patches them up. This has the potential to creep even other demons out — however, he views it as a form of bonding between himself and (Name). There’s nothing that makes one more close with another than literally consuming the other person’s blood, is there?
He comes across as quite fake to other demons, and indeed a lot of humans. The near-constant smile, the saccharine compliments, the unfailing friendliness to other people. (Name) sees it as genuine, and it is genuine, and their opinion is really all that Bravat cares about. Why care about anyone else’s? He’s not sharing his life with everyone else; he’s sharing it with his lover. It’s comical for them to watch at times, of course. He could have just been run through with a sword, and he’d just laugh and say, “Oh, dear! (Name), darling, could you take this out for me, please?”
Stargazing with his S/O is one of his favorite things to do when he isn’t being prodded at by his masters. This is one of the reasons he loves the human world. The stars. Despite being a demon, he can look up at that big sky, dotted with millions of little crystal-sparkling stars, and feel small. Powerless. He actually loves that feeling. It’s especially prominent because stargazing with his S/O, he can feel small and powerless… and immediately curl up in their lap to feel protected. It’s a strange and beautiful dichotomy that he can’t get enough of. Will they do that with him every night…?
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Their yearning for a so-called ‘normal’ life is even stronger as a demon than it would be as a human. It’s like an aching in their bones that refuses to go away, and it hurts, so bad. Being among humans makes them feel so out of place, but… they want the life they see humans living. Marriage, children, friends, hobbies, games. It’s all so mundane and they couldn’t love it more. It’s probably why they decided to pursue a human S/O rather than another demon.
The most enthusiastic, full-of-life person (Name) has ever met, including other humans. Especially considering they’re a demon, though, they’re incredibly vivacious. They’re always going, always doing something. They wear their poor S/O out at balls, because they want to dance to every single song! They don’t require food or drink so if they don’t absolutely have to stop, they don’t want to. That said, they’ll take breaks if only to try food and alcohol. They just… adore dancing. It means they get to cozy up to their beloved for a long time, in public, and move in sync. They’re just existing with one another, so close; it’s like an odd healing to Freckles’ dark, broken little soul.
Candy!!! Fire and brimstone, sweets are this demon’s biggest weakness. Their S/O can bribe them to do something by setting wrapped sweets out in a trail to whatever activity or room or what-have-you that they’re trying to lure Freckles toward. Freckles will follow them happily, despite that they’ll probably be a bit irritated when they find out they’ve been tricked. They can’t stay too mad, really, considering that (Name) just shoves a lollipop in their mouth. Sugar keeps them strangely docile.
They can float in midair, at greater heights unassisted and for longer periods than many other demons. Several of England’s citizens may have reported someone who looked like a tightrope walker, except doing so in the sky. Oops. They’ll just have to be a bit more careful, particularly due to the fact that they’re physically frail. Whenever they tumble or even fight another demon, they end up with some scrapes that don’t heal as quickly. There’s a positive to that — they get endless kisses on their wounds from their S/O just by claiming it will make them feel better!
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… One whole showboat demon, and he doesn’t even care. He’s just very careful about when and where exactly he lets loose. Fighting other demons for food or territory just comes naturally, so why should he wage war on his instincts? Those instincts are there for a reason, after all. He’s just find slashing his sword at another demon if he wants the soul they’ve cornered, or if they get a little too close to his S/O.
His possessiveness is maybe a little more intense than the average demon’s. For whatever reason, he doesn’t like anyone who seems to have the slightest bit of romantic intent around (Name). Whenever he’s somewhere he has to act like a human and blend in, that side of him doesn’t just vanish. He makes sure that everyone knows his S/O is spoken for. Anyone who doesn’t get the message or insists on approaching anyway will be straight-up challenged to a duel; he gives no fucks and pulls no punches. He’s also quite fond of calling his S/O ‘my human’. (There are many humans, but this one is his!)
He’s one of those demons who is scared right down to his core of angels. Sure, most angels leave demons alone if there’s no reason to get involved… what about the sadistic ones, though? It’s something he’s seen in person, an angel deciding to either obliterate a gathering of demons or systematically hunting down demons to kill. If an angel shows up, expect him to suddenly cower behind his S/O. Unless there are other demons around and he needs to protect his reputation, he can’t pretend he isn’t terrified. The white light they give off makes him sick. However, if an angel threatens (Name), Grey is very capable of wrangling his fear away so he can defend them. The power of love!
That stomach of his is still a bottomless pit even as a demon. The only trouble is, there are only so many souls to go around. He doesn’t want to be needlessly cruel, so he usually only targets criminals who were slated to die anyway, or people committing crimes who are unlikely to be brought to justice. He can’t just slaughter humans indiscriminately, both because of his own moral code and because it would attract attention. Being that he’s living with a human, permanently, he cannot attract that kind of attention. The good news is that if he manages to get his hands on a soul, he has a special power that will let him magnify the way it nourishes him. He can pretty much double the time it will sustain him… something to be grateful for when other demons in similar situations are often literally starving.
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He’s really a much more quiet, submissive demon than his peers. At any rate, he’s not what many people imagine when they think of a demon. He isn’t keen on fighting unless he has to, he doesn’t hurl taunts and insults at the other party even when he does fight, and overall he’s just sort of… passive. If you put him in a room with white wallpaper, whilst he’s dressed in white, you probably would forget that he was there. That’s how he likes it; he views himself as an ambush predator. If he keeps a low profile, he’ll get everything he needs using his mind, without attracting any unnecessary (and likely negative) attention.
Prefers to simply sit with his S/O and sew, or do some kind of craft. He has a friend who is also a demon (cough Grey cough) who teases him mercilessly about his ‘boring life and unsatisfying hobbies’. Those things are things that Phipps just takes in stride, because to him, a boring life is a safe life, and his hobbies are actually quite fulfilling, thank you. Other people might not see the appeal in the life he wishes to live, but that’s fine. He isn’t living it for anyone aside from himself and his S/O. Anyone who thinks they can pass judgment on it or (Name) will quickly find out that a passive demon is still a demon.
Actually, he doesn’t mind if his S/O wants to dress him up and take him to balls. It’s amusing to watch the way humans interact with each other… so much goes on behind closed doors, doesn’t it? People who claim to be the best of friends will turn around and say horrible things about each other once one person’s back is turned. So-called loyal employees will silently plot the downfall of their superiors. Politics and intrigue is something that, while he wants it to stay far away from his own life, is something he very much likes to watch. All in all, a ball is just free entertainment — he gets to grab a glass of wine and take in a show.
Humans in general, and especially his S/O are… fascinating to him in general. It’s all the little things for him. Feeling the texture of their hair as he runs his hands through it or plays with it in some other way. Seeing the way their face flushes either bright red or with a more subtle shade of pink when he flusters them. Their body language, their voice that is uniquely theirs, the feel of their skin as he dances his fingers across it. His favorite things are when he lies next to them at night, wide awake as they sleep, and he holds them. He can rest his head on their chest and hear the lullaby their heartbeat creates, and feel the gentle puffs of warm air as they breathe. They’re so… wonderful. He feels so very lucky that he gets to be in their life.
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freyjathelynx · 8 months
i’m not really sure if i get “community”.
it’s not that i don’t respect the efforts everyone puts into having one. it’s kinda beautiful how people work so hard to make sure other people are kept safe and included. the term itself just feels… watered down, representing the loosest forms of social association.
take the average discord “community”. what really binds them together, especially anything larger than, say, 100 people at most — some cultural icon, a loose identity status, a meme, a video game? i run two public discords, both of which are healthy and have many active users, but i can hardly call them “community” in the sense that i think these people are bonded.
i think about old queer associations a lot. i’ve been thinking about it tonight, reading about early queer publications and raids on gay bars, and how they were the main ways of queer expression back then. we live in times with far greater access to queerness — we’re broadly more accepted, technology gives us queers at our fingertips, and yet it’s not hard to feel lonely. certainly i wouldn’t wish to go back to the time of the lavender scare, but i can’t help but feel like as queer people become more normalized the idea of “community” among us inevitably will break down.
it’s not hard to imagine why, in my opinion. association solely based on common traits is the most fickle — human nature loves to divide and categorize individuals, and this isn’t even uniquely negative. we’re not naturally inclined to think so abstractly — pack animals at nature, we’re always willing to bow to the tides of social pressure even when it might not be a sound idea.
the viciousness people try to leverage what little social power they have in any “community” may never go away. it feels inevitable. it doesn’t help i feel largely disconnected from my own queerness due to things as simple as not liking a lot of the things “queer people” are into, at least in a stereotypical sense.
when i moved to san francisco i quickly tried my hand at getting into the “trans community” here so i could meet friends and find that community so many promise. i found out a lot out that community is locked behind a few social events that are living hell for an autistic dweeb like me. loud lesbian bars with EDM just aren’t my speed — my attempts at participating in this “community” ended mostly in regret, overstim, and retreating into my little turtle shell like every time i tried to reach out throughout my developing years. that’s not to say i didn’t ever successfully meet people and find connections, but that i just didn’t find “community” like i promised. the gateway events feel not aimed at queers, but a section of queers, ones interested in things i have no desire to partake in. this same thing happens with furries too — much of it is centered around cons which i just have very little appetite for despite my attempts at going to them since i started my adult life after college. the only community i really feel a real part of, even slightly, is one forged entirely within my extended polycule, and even that feels precarious given that i feel substantially different to many of my partners and metamours.
i feel like a social vagrant often. floating between different places and not feeling accepted wherever i go. i know part of it is me getting in my own way, im sure of it, but you’d feel like at some point someone would just try pulling you in, yeah?
at the end of the day most “community” feels like adhoc friend groups with some pizazz applied. this has happened in the past, happens now, and may never stop happening. people will always use each other for clout. “communities” in name only will serve to perpetuate hustle and certain social interests, never just association on an inherent trait.
am I just too neurodivergent for socializing? am I so much an alien I am doomed to a life of bouncing between people who all seem more capable of “community” than me? am i just the problem? or is community in of itself a problem?
for neurotypicals i imagine “common interest” groups work well. going to disc golf saturdays with the boys probably builds strong friendships. as a neurodivergent person i find those groups scary — not just because of my general anxiety, but because of my past trauma trying to fit into neurotypical life and failing to.
i want this idea of community so many of us are convinced exists, but its so hard to see the proof. i would love a community founded on mutual love and respect, one inclusive of people with all sensory needs, one based on interest in each other and not board games or intoxicated clubbing. i guess thats why im so into polyamory — it feels like my only legitimate venue for social attention that doesn’t give me panic attacks just for existing in.
do i dislike these events because i just don’t vibe with them? or is it just a fear of rejection? i have no idea. i’d like to see a therapist and hash this out but they’re so expensive and i’m so unsmployed.
i hope that community is out there. it doesn’t need to be perfect, but it needs to be better than i’ve experienced. am i just expecting too much? do i just not do enough for myself? what do i need to do to not feel like an outcast even among my own kin?
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bandtrees · 8 months
hello o//
i heard you had a fursona and i was curious to know about them if you’re willing to share :]
(/nf of course)
oh of course!!! :]] here he is!
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i <3 robot furries so he's a robot dog! i based him most obviously off of transformers (specifically idw tailgate and ironfist) (named kibble both cuz dog and cuz that's the term in transformers fandom for extraneous robot-parts that don't serve much purpose on a 'human' body ie wheels etc) but i also wanted to, in 2024 redesigning him for this ref sheet, make him a bit easier to follow as an anthro dog design and able to be worked into furry stuff, while still being visibly mechanical ^_^
in the ways of lore i really don't have much for him - honestly he's just a standin for myself - but i have the concept that he was made to be a sort of living computer. genius database, future of technology, etc... but his storage capacity's small and his scope of interests even smaller, so he doesn't really have much actually technically helpful knowledge... he does, however, have encyclopedic levels of knowledge about nonsense things like tvtropes and trivia for whatever show he's into now.
(^really this is just a way (FOR ME PERSONALLY i should say as i know 'autistic robot' is a bad stereotype for a reason) to express autism as that's what it feels like for me a lot of the time. having a lot of passion and drive to learn but only in the few things your brain's latched onto - and of course the social hurdles that will come with being a robot in 'human'(furry?) society)
he's very inexpressive - doesn't have pupils, doesn't blink, has no mouth (the robotic muzzle isn't a mask, it's just what his face looks like), and i imagine he speaks mechanically too (i waffle between making him mute, giving him a text-to-speech type thing, or limiting his communication to pulling up webpages haha)
he's also one of those fursonas that has a few different designs and such depending on the 'verse, i've drawn him in the context of transformers designs for selfshipping a few times (specifically w/ mtmte first aid, and moreso idw/es tarantulas) and i should do that again :] depending on the situation his design falls in many different places along the furry-mech scale lolol
to get real: i've been a furry and had fursonas since. like. im gonna say as far as 2008, since i was very small :]c but kibble's the first one in a long time i feel actually suits me in both a "feels like me" sense and a "fun character to draw with some degree of fun fantasy" - cuz for a long stretch of time, when i stopped being into sparklecats and the like as a teenager, i fell hard into the "truesona" type of furry designs...
...which, nothing wrong with those, but as someone with crummy self esteem, just kind of led to me hyperfocusing on myself as a kind of "boring slob" type of character. not interesting enough to be anything but a plainly colored realistic animal, and too self-conscious about my appearance to feel too comfortable straying from "fat, depressed, tired and messy slob", as to portray myself as anything but that felt dishonest.
until one day, and this was at the height of my transformers hyperfixation so i'd grown attached to very inhuman robot-y designs, i just kind of realized, "hey, if i wanted, i could make my sona anything i want, right? i like robots and my friends compare me to dogs, i could make a robot dog! i could have fun designing a mech anthro dog!" and. i did lol. and it's the happiest i've been with a fursona, both from a design standpoint and a 'me' standpoint :]]
thank you for the ask! sorry for suddenly getting so real, i don't think you expected me to, kibble as an oc just means a lot to me :'D
(i also have other, non-sona, furry ocs if you ever wanna hear about furry boy band drama lol. i only recently reopened asks again so i'm trying to get more comfortable with em despite my constant Inbox Paranoia. ty again!!)
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abracadaxbra · 1 year
♡︎Welcome To My Blog!♡︎
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Hello, I’m Dax! I use He/They pronouns and am transmasc. I mostly do art but I’m also into music! I currently live with my boyfriend and our very silly cat. Also I lean more into goth aesthetics IRL!
Here’s some more info about me and this blog!
➥︎What is this blog?
This blog is an art/personal one! I’m trying to expand my reach as an artist so, I came back to Tumblr as a part of that. This is my main I guess in simple words.
It’s just gonna be my art or me promoting my Redbubble and such mostly on here but sometimes I’ll say thing a little bit.
➥︎What Am I Into?
A lot of things actually! I engage in activities a little.
A comprehensive list of things I do:
Draw (usually Sonic or my creation the Smumkleverse)
Video game (usually Persona or BlazBlue Cross Tag or Guilty Gear!)
Write (I’m currently working on a google doc of my personal Sonic OC lore)
Making Master docs on my interests
Watch silly things on the television
Want some specifics? Here you go 🫵😋
Paradise Killer
Guilty Gear Strive
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle
Madness Combat: Project Nexus
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R
Cookie Run: Kingdom
My Singing Monsters
Dorohedoro (completed)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (caught up)
Chainsaw Man (caught up)
Trigun (completed) + Trigun: Stampede
One Piece
Smiling Friends (caught up)
Mob Psycho 100 (completed)
Madness Combat (caught up)
Dr. Stone (caught up)
Hunter x Hunter (caught up)
Like every Ghibli Movie I can find
Promare (completed)
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (completed)
Beastars (caught up)
All Persona soundtracks
Paradise Killer soundtrack
Tyler The Creator
The Vanished People
Limp Bizkit
Austin and The Powers
Sleep Token
Joey Valence
The Guilty Gear Strive and Xrd soundtracks
+ more…
➥︎︎Fun Facts
I have a cat named Selene! She’s silly
I’m Italian/Puerto Rican!
I was once a Homestuck fan but now Andrew Hussie is my sworn enemy 😁
At one point I aspired to be a vet tech but now I’m more interested in music and being a Behavioral Technician for special needs children
I love building gundam model kits sm you don’t understand a demon possesses me as soon as one is in my hands and I don’t stop until it’s finished
My favorite YouTubers are Nexpo and every channel that uploads ocean documentaries
Mermaids and sea animals (sharks and the ping pong tree sponge) are my current special interests! I have a huge merfolk google doc I’m slowly working on
Spider-Punk is my fav Spider-Man
I’m a former competitive Smash player but I’m very slightly considering getting back into competitive fighting games due to my love for Skullgirls and Guilty Gear
I’m not super invested in most fandom spaces but I will draw just about anything and am technically a furry I suppose as I do have a fursona
I used to Cosplay! I plan to eventually revisit this when I have the means though
My persona I draw myself as is a creature named Smumkledorf and here he is:
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➥︎Other Things I Like?
Alright this is mostly just so I can talk about Baja Blast but:
Baja Blast…..
Kola Champagne
Cucumber lime Gatorade /shame
Pasta (I am a stereotype I’m sorry)
My boyfriend’s dad’s cooking tbh
Taco Bell
Cherry tomatoes
➥︎Where Am I?
➥︎What Am I?
I am every single creature ever. This is my kinboard for reference:
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crackicrossiships · 1 year
(Pinned Post)
🌼🐊General Stuff🐊🌼
My name is Alligatia (Gatia for short) and this is my shipping/general posts account!! My other account which I will admit is basically my main but also my self shipping account @floragators
I basically just post oc stuff, anthro art, hot people/monsters, and shipping, whichever work’s honestly. Expect to definitely see a lot of crack ships or crossover ships. OC x Canon included!! That is after all how I got my name because I especially love shipping, either romantically, platonically, queerplatonically, of family-like!!
I may or may not make a list here of some of my favorite crack/crossover shippings but who knows really!
My messages/inbox are always open for questioning so don’t be afraid to!
A bit on me:
I’m Aroaceflux Bisexual and Nonbinary going by they/them preferably! At the rare times she/her
I’m currently 18 and my birthday is Feb 3rd !!
I’m currently attending college and am a psychology major!! I do also intend to try to pursue animation/art if I even can
I’m hispanic, half Uruguayan and half Cuban. I was born in Florida too.
I’m a furry/anthro artist and my fursona is a flowergator also named Alligatia. Though if you know from my other account, then you would know I have more then one self insert.
I simp over a lot of fictional characters and do self ship myself with them, which is primarily found on my other account. Im also a huge monster/non-human lover and my taste is very strange indeed
I do wanna make it clear that self shipping and selfcest ARE NOT the same thing. Selfcest is iffy to me and I personally don’t like it so you won’t see any of that here. However I suppose I don’t mind if people do?? Take this with a grain of salt though because it’s something that’s just confusing/weird to me and I would rather not go into a whole debate about whether or not it’s right.
I love horror stuff mainly and did in fact grow up with some gorey horror movies and I do appreciate a great psychological horror
I also have an interest in psychology, art (obviously), reading/writing, and science!! I also have an interest in baking and I’m starting to get into that hobby
I’m into so many fandoms to the point where I can’t list them so if your curious on what fandoms I am in, just ask or even look through my accounts to see. I am also in some dead fandoms, even if ofc, the fandom isn’t relevant I still am! Sometimes my fixations never die and just go into hiding you know? That is ofc, unless I do specifically I am not longer in that fandom (such as Danganronpa or BNHA). Would I possibly post some stuff about them? Maybe but don’t get your hopes up because there are reasons I’m no longer in the fanbase.
I love making redesigns and being creative because creativity is my strive!! Though do keep in mind that me making redesigns ≠ to me hating them.
Here’s an example of some of my artworks:
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Now obviously I do have Do Not Interacts, which is the basics: racism, antisemitism, zooph*les, anti-lgbt, proshitters, aro-ace exclusives, etc. etc. I shouldn’t have to say this but I do.
Another dni to note is to not try to defend problematic things in certain media (ex. the racist og designs of Yogurt Cream Cookie/Lilac Cookie and racist stereotype of Purple Yam Cookie) and instead criticize and acknowledge it. It’s also completely understandable to just not be comfortable with it at all, I myself got very uncomfortable with it. However I’ll make sure to be aware when posting content related to Cookie Run.
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waterdroplet02 · 2 years
What are their names? Are there reasons for this?
ahhh, trying to be sleazy and get a full list of OCs from me with this broad-as-hell question, aren't you?
well, lucky for you, it's working!!
you have!!:
Water, my most direct self-insert, a waterslime that's the typical 'unlikely hero' stereotype, except he's *actually* incapable and messes everything up in most of the timelines
Water {Wellspring Clinic}, the same waterslime, except he starts a hospital out of spite instead of becoming one of the fifteen guardians of the earth
Flect, a young bird person who'd been shunned by the rest of his family for not being born with wings, to the point of being disowned by them, and ended up finding himself under the care of Water instead
Tarity, a four-armed Tiefling with a kind heart and desire to help people; she'd become this way after a younger life of being discriminated for having more limbs
Vair, an abstract ghost-like being from another plane of the universe who just vibes and can form weird magical laser beams through re-arranging his limbs
Merix, a pessimistic foxperson that literally could not care less, who currently takes up the role of janitor in Wellspring Clinic after having to get digital prosthetics and needing consistent maintenance for them
Gess, formerly a girl with an interest in strange, magical rocks; atleast, until she one day dies in her sleep with a pink rock on her bedstand, and wakes up with her soul encased within it. said rock is now a necklace worn by Vair
Willow {Dimensional}, the same human boy except in a future where he keeps finding himself through different rifts and ending up in all sorts of worlds and dimensions, attaining multiple god-given curses and magical enhancements, and learning far more than a boy from a medieval fantasy era should. oh and also he's pet so many things.
Willow, a human boy from a medieval fantasy era who's sole desire in life is to pet as many different things as he can. that's it. he does whatever he can to get his hands on the head of everything and everyone he comes across, and keeps track of everything in a notebook he keeps with him. used as a DnD character of mine in a few sessions. yes, he has caused plenty of trouble. especially when a foxgirl goddess appeared before the party.
Nallu and Mito, a pair of candle-people siblings who are just trying to get by
Sepra {Space}, a leader of a criminal space group, and an enthusiast of chemistry, alchemy, and all things poison.
Jylliere {Space}, a member of the aforementioned crime group and co-worker of Sepra, who specializes in hexes and curses and the supernatural
Ensayo {Space}, a roboticist second and botanist first, who used to be a member of the crime group, up until she creates a killer robot that dismantles the group from the inside out of spite for not having more.. magical powers like her other co-workers. is currently on the run from the previous two characters for, y'know, destroying the crime group
MIJOPA {Space}, an AI and travel buddy of Ensayo, created to help maintain the ship she uses to get around, and the various plants onboard. despite being a roughly fully-formed AI, it speaks like an internet user from 2006 types, and it's a furry
...and that should be everyone i want to talk about? i have more characters, but i don't feel like talking about em yet! they're either used in a personal writing project of mine i want to share at some point, or just forgotten about! ...i need to write these things down.
in the meanwhile, though, feel free to ask about literally any of these guys!!! i'll be Absolutely happy to rant my ass off about any of them! sorry for your notifications in the future.
...oh, and for the second half of the ask, um. i forgot. Lol
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sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
what are some of your favorite romance animes? I haven't really watched any, and I trust your taste ✨
Shoujo animes are a mess BUT they are my mess so it’s okay 💖 I haven’t watched a few of these in years, so I might be masked by nostalgia but shoujo animes are all about having a good time at the end of the day, and I’m pretty sure these will give that to you 🕺
Fruits Basket (2019):
Genres: romantic comedy, supernatural, drama, slice of life
Length: 3 Seasons, 63 episodes in total (+ a movie, but I don’t like the relationship in the movie so I don’t talk about it 🥰)
Okay okay, so like the plot to fruits basket out of context sounds like wild heterosexual bullshit. BUT I SWEAR, it is such a wholesome show, and it’s probably my favorite shoujo anime. It’s even complete with soap opera drama on occasions 😫 (I would definitely look up triggerwarnings though!)
Synopsis: orphan girl moves in with three guys, they are secretly furries 🤨 (aka they are cursed so when the opposite gender hugs them, they turn into the Chinese zodiac animals 😭) surprisingly this is not a reverse harem anime, and you actually want her to live with the guys 🤨 it also like handles toxic family relationships, and grief really well. It also has a lot of queer coded characters 😭 2001 is a lot goofier, but 2019 is way more dramatic, and actually has the full series. :)
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki Kun:
Genres: parody, romantic comedy, slice of life
Length: 12 episodes
This one is really fun!! It’s also very cute.
Sakura Chiyo has a crush on this guy Umetarou Nozaki, and somehow ends up joining his manga team? Nozaki basically writes shoujo manga under the pen name, ‘Sakiko Yumeno’. He’s actually really open about it, but nobody believes him. 🦧 anyway she basically just gets to meet his team, and it’s a really fun and cute time <3
Ouran High School Host Club:
Genres: drama, romantic comedy, harem (but like it affects nothing, they are all mainly besties)
Length: 26 episodes
This is really unsurprising 🦧 BUT it’s a really fun time. A lot of things haven’t aged well in it, but for its time it really was changing things. Its a very episodic, romcom, making fun of a lot of common shoujo tropes, while still acknowledging that it’s basically the same thing it’s parodying.
Synopsis: Haruhi Fujioka is a scholarship student, at a big fancy school. She accidentally breaks a vase, and it puts her in debt with one of the clubs. Which happens to be a host club?? 🦧 so now she has to dress up as a guy and flirt with women <3 basically everyone is a stereotype, and it actively is making fun of rich people. 😭
Yona Of The Dawn:
Genres: romance, high fantasy, adventure
Length: 24 episodes + 3 OVA
Admittedly I haven’t watched this one in years, but I remember absolutely loving it. And luckily a friend of mine has watched it like this year, and she loved it as well. So I’m hoping that means it stands the test of time LOL.
Synopsis: Princess girly gets a reality check, and now has to girlboss too close to the sun <3 but it’s very fun. (This is all I can say without giving spoilers ig 🦧)
Snow White With The Red Hair:
Genres: fantasy, romance
Length: 2 seasons, 24 episodes in total + 1 OVA
I also haven’t watched this one in years, BUT I remember being obsessed with it. Sometimes I still check in on the manga to see what’s going on, I do not understand what’s going on. 💖 it’s very relaxed and cute though. And also nobody is in high school, which is always a good change 🦧
Synopsis: Shirayuki is a pharmacist who gets proposed to by a prince for straight up just having red hair?? 🦧 doesn’t want to marry said prince, so she then cuts off her hair, and runs away.
My Love Story!!:
Genre: romantic comedy
Length: 24 episodes
This one from what I remember is really wholesome from what I recall :)
Synopsis: basically a guy who is seemingly “scary” is actually really sweet, like he’s not even a bad boy. He’s like anime equivalent season two Sam Evans. Gets a girlfriend, and the whole plot is just them being cute + the guys best friend being their bestie.
Kamisama Kiss:
Genres: romantic comedy, supernatural
Length: two seasons, 25 episodes in total + 2 OVA
OKAY, so this one is a very good time from what I remember :) it’s main flaw is that the girl is in high school, and her main love interest is immortal?? So like an Edward Cullen type beat 😍
Synopsis: a girl ends up homeless (this is a very prominent trope if you can’t tell 🦧), and she runs into this guy, who kisses her on the cheek?? Turns out he’s a god, and has just given her his god title? So she’s just a god now. And she has to go to his shrine, and do god things?? And his old familiar (which is basically like if instead of working for Jeff Bezos, he just adopted you 🦧) isn’t very happy about it.
Anyways they are very much fun to watch <3 even if a lot of the time there’s a lot of “🤨” moments in shoujo anime, (they have an awful age gap issue) but they have been a very long time guilty pleasure of mine LOL. My friend and I have been purposely watching the bad ones, because they are equally as fun as the good ones.
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
Corey and Oats in…
Corey and Oats VS Dragonsnow.
NOTE: Please note that this story is satirical and part of a fictional series, this story makes fun of Changed and the fandom, I am aware the creator is Asian but I am going to keep him as being Caucasian in the story to go with his 'stereotypical edgy basement dweller/evil villain' persona, this is a work of fiction and nothing to do with the real person.
Everyone’s favorite duo went on adventures together all the time and were always there for their owner Mel, one afternoon Mel was on her computer and she was on Youtube watching videos when a recommendation for a game she didn’t like…’Ugh, Changed AGAIN? I don’t care if everyone has their own opinion, I am going to say this game is evil and corruptive.’
She clicked on the gameplay video and posted a comment and got a nasty response…’It’s his game and if he wants to add something to it, he can.’ ‘Screw him then, Dragonsnow is a horrible nasty pervert who gives furries a bad name. Why do some people simp over transfurs? There is nothing hot about turning into a transfur. All that forced mind changes and horrifying transfurs, i’m sorry but cute graphic designs don’t distract from the horrors I was no doubt forced to watch.’
“What do you have against Puro?”
“He sexually violated me, you idiot.”
Mel broke down in tears as she remembered how Puro sexually violated her and tried to assimilate her, she hated that black latex weirdo and she was glad Corey and Oats sorted him out last time. ‘Mommy, do you want us to stop him for you?’ ‘Yes, that would be nice.’
Corey and Oats raced into the bedroom and pulled out a special item from the bedbox, they used the item to open up a secret tunnel which they went through, with their friend AIyido the beholder following them they went through the tunnel and arrived at where Dragonsnow lived.
Dragonsnow was in his evil lair which was actually in his basement that he hadn’t moved out of yet (because he was repulsive and nobody loved him and he didn’t have a girlfriend because no woman would date a man like him), he laughed evilly to himself as he added yet another addition to the fetishistic game. ‘With this next addition, I shall brainwash every single innocent player in the world and transform them into transfurs to be part of my unholy army of transfurs. Muwahaha!’
“Oh no you don’t Dragonsnow.”
“Who are you and what are you doing in my lair?”
‘I am Corey Covid and this is my friend Oats, and our friend Aiyido.’ ‘And i’m their owner Mel, and your horrible game is evil and you are grooming innocent kids into having fetishes they aren’t old enough to know about yet.’ ‘It’s not my fault Roblox players are easily fooled.’ ‘Oh yes it is.’ ‘And now we are going to stop you.’
“Oh no you’re not.”
Dragonsnow summoned an army of transfurs to come after Mel and the group, they were all goopy animal-creatures made of goopy black latex and they all wore a white mask just like Puro. ‘Those creatures do not scare us.’ ‘Yeah, let’s do it.’
The masked transfurs lurched towards the duo, but Aiyido zapped them with his eyerays…’Your puny latex powers are nothing compared to the sheer power of my eyerays’, he floated around and zapped more of them.
Mel screamed and panicked as transfurs crept up to her and tried to assimilate her…’No, no…I don’t want to be a masked abomination like you, no no no…’ She broke down in tears before mustering the courage to use some magic.
She was immune to being corrupted/brainwashed and she used some magic to make things better by curing all the brainwashed victims, turning them back to normal. ‘Where are we?’ ‘You’re in the lair of the man who brainwashed you.’ ‘He did that to us?’ ‘Yes, he did THAT to you guys, he brainwashed you into being mindless transfurs who only exist to transform people into more of the ilk. As much as I like transformations, that is one transformation I don’t want to undergo myself.’
Corey roared a powerful roar which shattered all of the screens and he used a spell to destroy the last remaining copy of the game, in turn he used another spell to hack into Dragonsnow’s computer and deleted every single piece of data consisting of the game.
Aiyido zapped Dragonsnow with an eyeray that froze him in place. ‘You cannot escape my gaze, I am the almighty beholder, a beholder sees all, I know and see all and I know you brainwash innocent players and kids into playing your fetishistic game and now I am going to put an end to it.’
The duo floated around and finished off the remaining groups of transfurs before curing the brainwashed fans of the game, said former fans realized that they weren’t really fans of the games and were just brainwashed into liking it and that’s what made them feel sick, they felt like Dragonsnow had violated them mentally.
“Noooooo, my perfect plan.”
“Has just been ruined.”
‘Yes, and because of your horrible behavior and because you unleashed that horrible game, you are grounded until a remake of An American Werewolf In London comes out.’ ‘You cannot ground me.’ ‘Oh yes, I can. And while you are grounded, you will be confined to the Nightmare Realm’s prison dimension.’ ‘Not only that but you will eat lumpy potatoes like in those Yvyond videos Mel’s friend Adam makes.’
A vortex appeared in the middle of the floor which sucked up Dragonsnow and transported him to a prison dimension, where he wasn’t allowed to be in any contact with any creatures, all the transfurs had been improved last time to be horror characters and Tim Burton characters, and the transfur terror had officially came to an end.
‘We did it, yaaaay!’ ‘Yes, that horrible man has been punished.’ Corey and Oats hugged Mel and they looked around for a bit before gesturing to Aiyido who used hi powerful eyerays to clean up the mess. ‘That should fix this for good.’ He produced a copy of the improved version of the game from earlier and erased all copies of Changed, replacing it with Monsterfied, which was the improved version.
The duo looked over at Mel who told them it was time to leave as she used her powers to make a tunnel that they went down and into, going all the way back to Nile Road, they all arrived at their home in Nile Road and told the staff about the nasty comment that Mel had gotten, saying that the person bullied her for having a different opinion.
Corey reported that user and then made a grounded video about him being grounded and forced to have a tea party with Oats. He also made numerous grounded videos about Puro and Dragonsnow and the Changed fanbase which were all funny as all hell.
They had afternoon tea and an hour later it was dinnertime and they had some delicious food for dinner, while back in the nightmare realm’s prison dimension, Dragonsnow ate lumpy potatoes (which he would eat for the rest of his life because he was grounded), they emailed Jill about their adventure afterwards.
After dinner they relaxed and had fun, and they all sang along to a few songs, and when it was time to go into the bedroom they went in. Oats put on his pink nightgown, Aiyido put on his dice themed pajamas and Corey put on his bat pajamas as they all gathered around, they gathered into the bathroom to brush their teeth and an hour later they played around for a bit before getting ready for bed.
The duo and Aiyido got into bed with Mel and turned out the light, drifting off as they did so. Their horrifying ordeal was over.
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
The Hobgoblin Argument (goblins are 100% anti-Semitic, however-)
“I’m trying to thank you you pointed eared hobgoblin!”
I feel like the Star Trek fandom tends to forget since JK Rowling went “you know what sounds like a great idea? What if the goblins in my books are super obvious antisemitic stereotypes?!” People get very up in arms (as they should!!) about the word goblin, they’re roots are antisemitic as well! However, just because a word contains the name ‘goblin’ doesn’t mean it shares the same anti-Semitic roots, even if it does share the same unpleasant association.
Hobgoblins, on the other hand are actually an entirely different mythical creature that, not goblins at all, as it turns out, don’t have their roots in anti-semitism unlike goblins.
For example Puck from a Midsummer Night’s Dream is called, and is meant to be a hobgoblin. They’re part of the broad faerie lore, they’re similar to Brownies, little furry faerie creatures that do chores in exchange for food but will WRECK your SHIT if you’re rude to them or piss them off. Other examples of Hobgoblins are:
Billy Blind is another famous hobgoblin who helps endangered humans with advice and information (think Na’vi, “hey listen!”).
Blue Burches is a hobgoblin shapeshifter and prankster who made it his business to harass an old man until his family got some clergymen banished him.
Robin Roundcap is the truest to the hobgoblin name as a hearth spirit, as helpful as much as he was a terrible prankster
Dobby (NOT from Harry Potter!) there are actually multiple hobgoblins by the name of Dobby in folklore. One was a classic prankster that sabotaged household chores, the other lived in a cave and cured children of whooping cough. Dobby is more of another moniker for hobgoblins and brownies.
So when Bones calls Spock a hobgoblin in Bread & Circuses he’s calling him a “tricksy smartass little bastard”, as opposed to a slur for Jewish people. Even with the difference cleared up, goblin (and associated monikers) have a lot more heat on them now because of Rowling than in the 60s. I highly doubt the intentions of the writer, Deforest Kelley or Dr. McCoy were antisemitic and even if they were, I feel like Nimoy and Shatner (who are both Jewish) would’ve had something to say about it!
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cloudninetonine · 4 years
Cogito, ergo sum
Chapter: 2
Pairing: Connor (RK800) x fem!reader
A/N: Hey guys! I want to apologise for the long wait between chpaters but seeing as I’m on my last year of college my school work is coming before everything else so it’s a little hard working between them! Don’t worry, I’m not dropping this series or anything just expect chapters to take a little long to be loaded and everything! Also, this chapter seems a little too far paced for me, so sorry about that as well!
Tags at the bottom once again!
I do not own Detroit become human this is merely fanficion
Warnings: Bad language, physical assault, threats (?), hints of abuse, (Name) being weird like always, also angry (Name), mentions of drugs, there’s a bit of slander against drug abusers that I do not condone!
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Undercut babes!
It’s fascinating, it really is, the way her beautiful gaze follows you as you round her, studying her feverishly, your eyes wide and bright.
She’s...well, words cannot describe her. Her beauty lies beyond your imagination and you’re not quite equipped to say anything that her magnificent ears deserve to hear, your words are below her and she’s just-
“Ms (Last), please-”
You raise your hand towards the younger engineer, silencing with a small utter of ‘hush’ and he’s shutting his mouth, falling back to the side of your desk with not much else to say.
The android you’ve been un-shamelessly ogling for the past 10 solid minutes is still very quiet, she’s just watching you in her manufactured attire, shy, nervous, scared- everything you really wish she wasn’t right now because there is no way you want her to see you as some sort of threat, far from it.
“Henry” Turning back towards the engineer, he stiffs up like a board, sweat forming on his brow “Why didn’t you dismantle her?”
It’s rude, it’s horrible to say and it sours your mouth when you form those words, but it’s an honest question, you want to know why someone would do this, keep her alive, see her for all her glory.
The public spoke strongly about their opinions of androids, like toys to be played with, slaves to be worked, not the thing you so desperately wanted people to see them as. The masterpieces that stood beyond human comprehension.
The android lets out a noise similar to a whimper as Henry stammers out.
“I-I couldn’t she- um- I-” Finally, he sighs with frustration, Henry makes eye contact with you “She said was scared and...I couldn’t”
You snap back to face her.
“Is that true?”
She hesitates, one second, two seconds, three seconds, four- it takes a whole 30 seconds before she’s finally responding. “Yes…”
Your chest bursts in excitement.
“You’re incredible” Henry deflates in relief, placing a hand against your desk while you grasp her cheeks, her warm grey eyes glancing between your two hands then meet your own stare, confused. “Amazing, beautiful, fantastic, so, so much more”
“...thank you”
You sniff, then you’re pulling away, trying to keep your tears abay. You really can’t believe that your work has gone so far, that new forms of sentient are evolving from a human’s hand, you’re so overjoyed by it all but you’re also kind of realising how weird you’re being.
“Sorry, I’m becoming the creepy stereotypical scientist, let me just-” Pulling off your lab coat, you throw it over her shoulders, pulling it tighter around her for her dainty hands to grasp and hold, a smile growing on her face in gratitude. You’re really still in awe of it all but send her a giddy smile back “Henry get Kamski I’m sure he’s gonna love this”
When the man disappears, closing the office door behind him, you guide her to a chair, kneeling before her kindly.
“Tell me” She waits patiently for you to continue “What’s your name?”
When she opens her mouth, you interrupt her, grasping her hands “No, not the name you were given, the name you have chosen. What is your name?”
You’re at the beginning of history right here, you can already see the books that are yet to be written, all starting at this very moment, with you and her. This android, this amazing, piece of living metal, is the start of something great and you can’t wait to be a part of it.
“My name is….”
“(Name), I’m sorry, but there isn’t really anything I can do”
Your hands come down on the desk, expression unbelieving.
“But he attacked Ortiz in self defence, it’s not fair for him to be shipped to Cyberlife! That hellhole already has enough test subjects with other deviants, why can’t he be let go!?” Pushing yourself back up, you drag your hands down your face in exasperation “He’s a victim! He was defending himself, why can’t we let him off with a lesser offence?”
Billie sighs, shutting the file softly. “Because in the eyes of the law, he’s not a victim. He’s property and there isn’t much we can do about that. Besides, because Ortiz is dead, his ownership basically goes back to Cyberlife, so they have the authority to take him back”
Billie’s right, you know that they’re right, but it’s just so frustrating, so vexing that this is the case. An android, in the eyes of society, is nothing more than their components, why should they be given the same privilege as those who eat, shit and breathe?
Billie may be a judge, but they didn’t make the law.
You remember years ago, when something like this would have been seen as detestable, that the masses would have stood up to fight this kind of horror, but for some reason, with age came stupidity and ignorance it seemed. What the fuck had happened to you all?
You open your mouth, then close it, then open it again before huffing, taking the file from their desk and ripping your coat off the hanger.
“I’m sorry, (Name)!” Billie calls and you wave them off, shouting back a ‘Don’t worry about it’ then close their office.
The courthouse is only a few blocks away from the precinct, a good walk away, a good way to calm yourself down until you’re having to face the frustration that comes in with having to work in such a high strung place. It’s funny really, you used to say ACAB when you were younger, still believed it too, so it’s really a wonder as to why you joined, but then again sometimes to make change you have to become the very thing you hate-
“Detective (Last)-” 
You scream, almost dropping your files and jumping a meter within the air. Passerbys don’t even spare you a glance, a generation raised on the weirdest websites like Vine, Tiktok, Youtube and god forbid, Tumblr, have them desensitised to whatever shit people like to play at now-a-days.
“Oh my God, Inspector Gadget” A hand falls to your chest, checking your racing heartbeat “You can’t just sneak up on a bitch like that”
Connor, the big old puppy, tilts his head in mild confusion “But I called your name twice, detective”
“What are you doing here, Connor?”
The android joins your side and you continue your way. “Lieutenant Anderson informed me that you were heading to the courthouse, so I decided to come and brief you about a new case”
A new case, of course a new case, deviancy keeps popping up all over the country rapidly but you can’t hold your surprise about the fact that it’s been a  few days and there’s already a new case.
Wait, you hadn’t mean to say that-
His eyes narrow “Deadass?”
A snort escapes you “Oh my God I can’t believe you just said that, it sounds so cursed coming from your mouth. I meant, seriously?”
You swear on your life, on everything that may be above and so much more, that the android lets out a laugh when he continues, explaining the details as you finally enter the office.
You realise, as he talks, you feel a whole lot lighter than you had earlier.
“This guy is as scummy as it gets” 
Unfortunately, you can’t help but agree. Todd Williams is about as charismatic as a dumpster fire, messy hair, messy face, stained clothing and the stench of alcohol clung when you finally met him, having to hold back a wince of disgust.
You don’t usually speak ill of others, but you know his type, from the way he carries himself to the way he speaks. You’ve had to face men like him before, his whole demeanor brings back bad memories and you’re so glad that you’re not the one having to get details from him, to have to speak to him.
One thing’s for sure though, you don’t blame whatever deviant decided to book it from him.
“Why doesn’t he just...get a refund from Cyberlife?” You take a sip of your milkshake, staring at Hank, Connor and Mr Williams who looked to be ending off their conversation. “They do that for deviants, don’t they?”
Yes, if you remember, the new flashy CEO of the hell corp spoke it for all to see, that deviance is guaranteed to offer you your cash back.
How inhumane it all sounded.
Gavin scoffs, drinking his coffee “You think a guy like that cares about refunds?”
No. You know why he’s doing it. It’s all about power for fuckers like that.
Mr Williams leaves, Hank is looking through his notes, Connor is heading your way, probably to refer all the information back to you and Gavin is taking in a breath to start his bullshit again, despite your civilness that you had been sharing.
Eh, peace was never an option-
“Your metal boyfriend is heading this way”
The noise you make isn’t human, it’s a mix of a wheeze and scream, like you’ve just choked on the air your breathing and in all honesty, you have, but you’re not letting that mother fucker get away with catching you off guard, especially when he starts laughing.
“Shut up, furry”
Your actually feel the air from his head snapping towards you. “I’m not a fucking furry, quit fucking saying it!”
You pat his shoulder “It’s alright, Reed, we all know you wrote yiff fiction in your spare time-”
You dodge his fist, running away from his red, angered face and petty insults, dragging Connor away from the break room to the side, all while laughing up a storm.
Having your attention on the android again brings back Gavin’s words, his tease of ‘boyfriend’ which makes your face heat up, in what? You’re not quite sure, but it’s enough to make Connor notice your oddity.
“What were you and Detective Reed-”
“Nothing” You cackle, patting down his shoulders to distract yourself “He’s just being an arsehole again, nothing to worry yourself over”
And worry himself he didn’t, because he couldn’t of course, android and all.
Connor was quick to fill you in, an AX400 by the name of Kara had stolen (the word kidnapped comes to mind but you know that the robot detective will just ‘correct’ you on your wording) another android, Mr William’s ‘daughter’, model YK500 named Alice after assaulting him the night before. Mr Williams had been knocked out after the ordeal, as to why it had taken him so long to report it. 
“Were there any signs of assault that you could see? Ones that could lead to a potential take down or unconsciousness?” Connor takes a moment before shaking his head “Yeah, I didn’t think so”
What a lying fuck.
“Let’s head to the briefing room”
Hank is there, as well as a whole group of other police officers, talking amongst themselves as you situate yourself behind the podium, screen remote in hand and smiling brightly. Your partners are at your side, Connor in his usual stoic stance while the old fart has his arms crossed, bored as always and you’re ready to debrief the many uniforms but they keep talking, even after you clear your throat.
You’re not one to get angry at being talked over, annoyed, yes, but anger leads you nowhere with a crowd, so instead, you use your most favourite tactic to date
“Pay attention to me or I am gonna start screaming people” You sing. Not a threat, but a promise. “And you all know I will screech like mother fucker”
The room is silent in the next second.
“Great! So-”
The door to the room bursts open.
“Fucking really-”
“Detective (Last)'' It's the front office assistant and by the looks of it, he is panicked, worried even, as he addresses you. You suddenly feel your stomach knot up  “I’m sorry, but there’s been an emergency with your relative Carl Manfred”
You swallow, hard. “What?”
The meeting ends right then and there.
Hank hurls to a stop right outside the entrance. You’re already halfway out of the car when he shuts off the vehicle, Connor is taking off his seatbelt and you’re already racing down the soaked concrete path to the front door, rain pelting down on you.
You barely feel it though.
You startle the receptionist when you slam your hands down, eyes wide in panic, breathing coming out in fast, short pants and just looking as though you faced the masses to make it to this spot, right in front of her.
“Carl Manfred, he was brought here about an hour ago is he-”
She interrupts “Are you family?”
“Yes, please, I-”
“In what relation do you have to the patient?”
Is she really fucking serious right now? You debated leaning over and strangling your answer out of her, letting her know what kind of fucking pain you could put her through in this very moment-
But the hand that is placed against your back keeps you still. It’s warm and comforting and keeps you from mauling the fucker right out of her chair, though it doesn’t calm your anxiety, no, but at least it’s there.
You turn to see Connor, who nods towards you politely.
Huh, what a twist of events.
Hank leans over from your other side, looking just as angry as you feel, though he keeps his voice civil when he speaks “Listen, her old man’s just had a heart attack, could you drop the formal shit so she can see him?”
Her voice is sharp, just like her stupid fucking face and she snaps back “I can’t let you in unless I know your relation, unless you’d like to be escorted out by security”
Damn, she’s playing with fire and you’re ready to throw oil all fucking over her.
“I don’t fucking think so-” Pulling out your badge, you slam it against the desk, with nothing short of a growl “Police. Now, tell me where my fucking dad is or you’ll regret the next words that come out of your mouth”
You never abuse your power as a cop, it’s inhumane and back in your younger days you sneered at the disgusting police who would use their authority for their own gain, so you hate to admit but the nervous look that crosses her face when she sees your badge and Hank’s when he pulls it out for extra effect scratches an itch you begged to be scratched.
“Floor 3, the front desk will inform you what room”
“Thanks” You spit, already rushing to the elevator, the other two following.
Connor is quiet, to your surprise. Honestly, you expected him to speak out about your behaviour, your attitude, your unprofessionalism, but he says nothing, just trails after the two of you in silence, obediently, just like he was made for. 
It’s comforting having him here, even if he’s just following orders.
The next receptionist is kinder than the last (she even scowls at the mention of her coworker) and points down the hallway, to where two officers stand with cups of coffee within their hands. They stiffen in surprise at your arrival, but you pay them no mind, pushing your way into the room where you finally pause, taking in the scene of your beloved father figure, laid still within the bed, pale, heart monitor beeping occasionally. 
The doctor by Carl’s side looks up at you. “I’m sorry, but who are you?”
Hank and Connor wait outside.
“(Name) (Last), Carl’s daughter and emergency contact” You explain, walking further into the room “Is he- Can I-”
“He’s fine” She explains with a comforting smile “And yes, you can come closer, though the medication has him knocked unconscious so he won’t be talking any time soon”
The relief almost has you collapsing, brings you back from the panic attack that threatens to kick your arse right in front of everyone and you finally breathe normally.
“Thank you, and you are?”
“Dr Collins” Collins offers her hand and you shake it weakly. “Your father is going to be okay, (Name), but he’s going to need a lot of rest. Cardiac arrest at this age can be fatal, so we were lucky that he lived so close”
You nod, tiredly slinking to Carl’s side to drop into the cushion chair, taking his hand in yours. Kissing it lovingly, you place it close to you in comfort, in reassurance.
‘He’s fine, he’s fine, he’s going to be okay-’
“What are you doing here?”
Your anger shoots right back up, as does you head when you turn to look at the doorway.
“Leo” The name is dragged out of your mouth, it’s spoken with a heavy coat of venom and dirt and for all the participants who are about to see this wild shit show, is a clear indication that you’re far from happy to see the man that stood there. “The fuck are you doing here?”
He scoffs “I’m family, what else am I here for?”
“Oh I don’t know,” You’re standing, stalking closer to him with a raged gleam in your eye “To mooch off him a little bit more?”
The tension can be cut with a knife, everyone can see it, feel it, even Connor, who looks ready to intervene at any given moment.
“No, detective” One of the officiers starts, cutting in in hopes to keep you both calm. “He was there when it all happened, he saw everything-”
“He was there?” No, her words only add fuel to the fire and you’re glaring at your brother once again “You were there? The fuck were you there for? You did this?”
“Please calm down” Collins cuts in “I understand the anger but the other patients-”
You ignore her, glancing around the area when a thought struck you.
“Where’s Markus?”
Connor’s the first to respond, “Who’s Markus, detective (Last)?”
“Dad’s care bot” A pin drops, no one is speaking, the two cops are quiet, Leo is scowling, but he’s not looking at you and your anger is quickly making room to fear, cold and stabbing when you push again, harsher, angrier “Where the fuck is Markus?”
The second officer speaks this time, hat in his hands and you know what happens next is not going to be good.
“He was leaning over your father when we walked in detective, Mr Leo Manfred told us he attacked him” The man gulps, hesitating. He’s not nervous for what he’s done, no, he’s nervous about the dark look that seems to be slowly taking over your eyes, “I shot him”
A beat goes by. Then another, another, another, another, another-
“Why were you there in the first place?” It’s soft, curious, but the rage behind it is big, your need for an answer is keeping it back “What was the call for?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t-”
“Answer the question, officer”
His partner offers up the answer “....A break in, ma’am”
There’s silence, then you nod in understanding.
No one is quick enough to stop you from shoving Leo into the wall, hands wrapped tightly around the lapels of his jacket and holding him up so you can scream at him properly, face feeling hot from anger, eyes wild from rage, practically feral. 
“You fucking did this! This is your fault, you good for nothing fuck!” You pull your hand back and punch him right in the face, he’s too in shock to react but everyone else is trying to pull you off “What?! Were you off your shit from snorting that fucking powder again, you damn druggie!? Huh!? HUH!? You high right now, too!?”
“Jesus fucking Christ, (Name), let go!” Hank yells but he’s fucking impressed by your resistance.
“He could have died because of you, you good for nothing cunt! Worthless piece of shit! Now, Markus is fucking dead because of you, the person who was actually fucking taking care of him! This is all your fault! He’s in that hospital bed, because of you! You! Did! This! All for those stupid drugs! You’re fucking pathetic!”
You’re finally tugged off by someone, their arms slipping under your own to stop you from going back at him again. The officers are acting as a wall between you and your brother, Dr Collin’s is checking his nose as blood drips down his face, Leo is still in shock and Hank is leaning over, hands propped onto his knees. That leaves...
“I’m sorry detective (Last), but I’m going to have to restrain you until you calm down”
You scream in frustration and try to fight against it, but damn, you have to admit in a moment of clarity, Connor is fucking strong.
“Lieutenant Anderson, if you could take her legs, we can escort her out of the building without much trouble” Hank huffs something under his breath probably a grunt of ‘fucking android’ but complies, glaring at you when he leans down.
“You kick me and I’ll kick your ass”
Your respect for him makes you comply, but the anger doesn’t stop you from cussing both him and the android out, naming every threat under the sun as they carry you out of the building, back to the car which you are shoved placed into.
“Let me out of this fucking car, Hank!” You bellow, glaring at the man with sharp eyes who stood outside the vehicle, leaning against it “I’ll break this fucking window, I swear to fucking God!”
“You can try, but we both know you won’t!”
Once again, you’re screaming, tugging frantically at the door’s handle that you know is locked, but are way too angered to care right now.
Connor sits by your side, a good distance away to not antagonise you, silent, waiting and watching as you slowly fall from angry to desperate, tears welling within your eyes and falling down your cheeks. It only takes a few more moments for you to stop altogether, your shoulders shaking as you sob, quietly but strong.
The android finally speaks “Detective (Last)-”
You’re on him in a moment, arms wrapped around his frame, face buried into his shoulder, wetting his suit jacket as you cry, shaking.
It’s a new one for Connor. An android built for detective work, to sniff out the bad deviants, to question suspects and actually built with a comforting feature for victims of crimes. But this is a first, a first he’s seen anyone to tears, more importantly, a first of seeing you so broken. Sure, he had seen you defeated those few days ago, but this is different, you’re not trying to hide conflicting feelings behind your bubbly smile and weird jokes, you’re just...crying. Nothing more, nothing less.
His arms are hovering at your sides, hesitant, unsure and it’s not until Hank gestures from outside the car to ‘fucking do something, you stupid machine’ that the protocol finally kicks in, his arms coming to wrap around you securely and comforting, reassuring you through your whimpers.
Connor is a robot, a machine that feels nothing.
But seeing you cry isn’t something he can just let happen.
Software instability.
Tags: @dillxpixkles @1950schick @pinkittwice @iris-suoh @loveflowsthroughme @thatlonelyalto @starcatcher-kay​ (ya’ll I’m half asleep if I forgot you in the taglist I am SORRY-)
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kirain · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel and VivziePop Drama
I've been hearing/seeing a lot of drama concerning Hazbin Hotel and it's creator VivziePop, and while I don't know her personally or really care what people think, I do hate slander and the spread of misinformation. Truly nothing in this world upsets me more than when people believe rumours while making no effort to fact check, and that's exactly what's happening right now. That said, I wanted to try and clear up some of the rumours going around about Vivzie and the show, because I think some of them are absolutely outrageous and need to be addressed.
1. Vivzie hired an abuser onto the show.
Now, I’m not here to burn anyone at the stake, especially since I don’t know anything about Chris Niosi (the alleged abuser), who I believe openly admitted to the allegations? Regardless, this is a moot point. He’s not credited anywhere at the end of the episode. So either he was booted before production wrapped up or he had nothing to do with the show in the first place.
2. Vivzie supports bestiality.
Admittedly I thought this one might be true, since she draws so many anthropomorphic animals. In the very least, I figured she was probably a furry, but I haven't seen any evidence supporting this accusation either. Near as I can tell, this rumour started for two reasons. One, because of her famous Zoophobia comic, which revolves around a therapist named Cameron who gets assigned to work with human-like animals. Ironically, poor Cameron suffers from crippling zoophobia, which makes for some pretty decent comedy. I didn't read the whole comic because, quite frankly, it’s not my cup of tea and I just don’t have the time. But from what I saw there are no examples of bestiality anywhere in its contents.
Two, this message, which blew up all over social media:
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To me, this just proves that people are more interested in virtue signalling than checking to see if their claims are actually true. Everything about this message is 100% false, which I’ll touch on in my next point.
3. Vivzie is a pedophile and she’s drawn child porn.
This is hands down the worst allegation and holy shit, I really wish people would stop using it to defame someone when they don't have any proof. This is a life-ruining accusation and you're disgusting if you believe it based solely on hearsay. This rumour began to spread when Vivzie allegedly shipped the two underage characters in the above photo and drew them NSFW-style. At the time, one character was 19 while the other was 14, and the relationship was a very illegal student-teacher relationship.
This is WRONG! The characters were not 14 and 19, they were actually 18 and 19, the legal age of consent! Additionally, the relationship wasn't student-teacher. One character is a student and the other is Alumni (a student teacher). This one pisses me off the most because it’s obvious the person who sent that message didn’t even bother to conduct any research. They said, “He’s a teacher, she’s a child.” Both characters are MALE!
Since then, Vivzie has apologised for any NSFW art she drew in the past and stated that it's not a reflection of her art today, and I'm inclined to believe her. Almost every artist has drawn NSFW content at some point in their career, and hers wasn't even distasteful. Other than this one example, there is no evidence anywhere that suggests she’s drawn “child porn”. In fact, she’s never even drawn explicit NSFW.
Please stop spreading this rumour. It’s dangerous and completely incorrect.
4. Vivzie said the "N" word!
No, she didn’t. It was a fabricated tweet. That is all.
5. Vivzie is copyright striking every video that criticises her!
No she isn't. YouTube’s DMCA is automatically striking people who are using full clips without permission. Vivzie has gone public several times, telling people exactly how to avoid getting a copy strike from the algorithm, which is something she absolutely does not have to do. At this point, she doesn't owe you anything. In my opinion, she should just sit back and watch these channels burn.
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6. Vivzie copies and traces other artists’ work.
This is another one I’ve seen going around, but I looked into it as thoroughly as I could and failed to find any concrete evidence to support the allegations. As of right now, there are only two examples of Vivzie “copying” or “tracing” other artists’ work, and both of them can be explained. The first is a gif she made with a character from her Zoophobia comic, which looked a lot like the girl from ME!ME!ME!:
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Damn, that’s pretty incriminating. She obviously stole-- oh, wait. This gif was part of a ME!ME!ME! MEP (multi editor’s project) and Vivzie didn’t take full credit, despite the fact that it’s not even a direct trace. It’s supposed to look like the original, which she fully cited. The second example comes from a short dance sequence from her Timber video, which seems to have been inspired by several Disney movies. As Vivzie herself stated, that was an homage to the original animations. Lots of artists and shows do this, including the beloved Stephen Universe series.
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Regardless, this doesn’t count as stealing character designs or plagiarising someone’s work. It’s meant to be respectful, an admiration of other projects. Other than these two instances, however, there is no evidence of her tracing or stealing other people’s art. From what I’ve discovered, all other designs she’s been accused of “stealing” are characters she bought and paid for. They’re quite literally HER characters.
7. Vivzie supports problematic creators.
I’m getting really tired of guilt by association. Vivzie follows and enjoys some controversial figures, but who cares? We can argue all day about whether or not the accusations against them are true, but it ultimately has nothing to do with the show or Vivzie as a person. I do the exact same thing, to be honest-- follow and listen to people on all sides so I can learn, understand, and form my own opinions. The fact that some people think this is bad, to me, is absolutely mesmerising. Vivzie doesn’t control what the people she follows post, and if they do something overly questionable she publicly criticises and denounces it.
From Vivzie:
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Now that that’s been dealt with, I’d like to address some complaints/claims about the actual show.
8. Vaggie is an angry Latina stereotype and a lesbian stereotype. Vivzie is appropriating Hispanic culture and misrepresenting the gay for profit.
First off, I see a lot of people passing around yet more misinformation regarding Vivzie's race. So many people seem to think she's white? Well, I'm here to tell you they're wrong. Very incorrect. Vivzie is in fact Latina, and Vaggie is meant to mirror some of her own personality traits.
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Second, who is Vaggie mad at? Context matters, and if we take a look at the episode, we see that Vaggie is literally only mad at two specific people: Angel Dust and Alastor. Why? Well, for starters, it's her girlfriend's dream to run a rehab hotel for sinners, and Angel Dust nearly demolishes that dream single-handedly. Vaggie has every right to be over-the-top vitriolic. Then there's Alastor, a known sadist, narcissist, and murderer who loves trapping people in his nefarious schemes. He invites himself in, effectively takes over the hotel, and pushes both her and Charlie aside. At one point he even sexually assaults her by slapping her butt during his musical number. So yeah, I think her seething ire is totally justified. Keep in mind, however, that when she's around Charlie she's calm, collected, and happy. I wouldn't call that a stereotype.
Thirdly, the lesbian stereotypes. I keep hearing this argument but I really don't see it. Both Vaggie and Charlie have so much personality and trust for each other. Maybe I'm wrong, but the stereotype I know always totes a more butch, tomboyish woman with a ditsy, innocent, naive woman. Charlie is optimistic, but she isn't stupid. She refuses to shake Alastor’s hand because she knows he’s likely trying to screw her over. She’s also not entirely innocent herself and uses words like “fuck” and “shit”. I also wouldn’t call Vaggie butch or tomboyish. She has a cute, girly presentation, complete with a pink ribbon in her hair, lace stockings, and a dress. She's protective of her girlfriend, as I think we all are with our partners, and there's nothing wrong with that. They're flawed characters, as every character is meant to be. This isn't a problem.
9. The show is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, blah, blah, blah.
I’m amazed this is even an argument. The show is supposed to be a dark comedy that takes place in HELL. You know, the place the worst of the worst end up after they die? What were you expecting? Everyone gets a shot or two fired at them, but that doesn't make them bad characters nor does it make the show itself horrible. Take, for example, Katie Killjoy, the news reporter so many people are up in arms about. She says she doesn’t “touch the gays” because she has “standards”. Well, here’s a newsflash of my own: we’re not supposed to like her! She’s an antagonist. Not to mention ten seconds later Charlie insults her and isn’t the least bit slighted by her pretentious attitude. The characters are strong and don’t take shit from anyone, because to some degree they’re all terrible people who can throw down when it’s called for.
Obviously if you don’t like the show or think it’s offensive, I’m probably not going to change your mind. That’s perfectly fine. You’re entitled to your opinions and you don’t have to watch the show. Just stop lying and stop trying to take it away from everybody else. Stop attacking Vivzie and spreading misinformation without checking the facts. I realise a lot of people probably aren’t trying to be vindictive and only want to do something good, but just remember this: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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innocencelives · 2 years
taking another moment to try to understand my sexuality. whatever it was originally supposed to be in my brain before i was traumatized is now indistinguishable from what trauma turned it into, its an amorphous blob of both, either, and neither. my current assesment that im aspec really doesnt have to do with my inherent sexuality, and more a reflection of me still never having had a healthy relationship with sex, and choosing to abstain from it until i find it. not really choosing, i dont want physical sex. but that will definitley not be forever, im not forever hanging up the towel. i can tell there are ways to have sex that i would enjoy. assesing my sexuality from the perspective of masturbation, from the perspective of what i masturbate to, is also complicated. its a long long long list of fetishes and categories and kinks that work for me. but while all of it works for while im masturbating, alot of it feels horrible after. ive toyed alot with the concept of, what kinks i have because of trauma, and what kinks i have regardless of trauma, and the overlap!! some of it works for my dick (the kinks that trauma gave me) and some of it gives me genuine joy (what i beleive is my real sexuality). obviously theres no way to make any of it go away, its all apart of me. but i think the KEY to having a healthy sexuality is encouraging the kinks that give me real joy, and discouraging the kinks that are upsetting to me, those kinks that i dont even know if i was meant to have. what i can never seem to convey to anyone whos not abdl, is that abdl as a whole feels like a huge huge huge part of my “real” sexuality. which is like, SO ironic and impossible for people to understand because abdl sounds like, the poster child for a trauma affected sexuality. but the difference between entertaining that kink, and lets say, CNC (consensual-non consensual) is night and day. abdl, which falls into the lifestyle category of fetishes similar to furries, or bdsm relationships, exists both inside and outside the bedroom. its both something sexual, and something non sexual; the joy it brings me is not just in the bedroom. going back to the differences in kinks, when i masturbate to something CNC, it feels gross. it feels disgusting, it doesnt feel right. its not truly satisfying, it makes me sad, it makes me think about my traumatic past. regardless of whether it makes me cum, i feel like it really hurts me mentally and emotionally to entertain that side of my sexuality. but with abdl, and its just like, so frustrating that anyone i try to explain this to can never really understand it bc there not abdl. i have a furry friend who i think really gets it. its just joy, its just joy. its little things like listening to this song about missing childhood, or noticing innocent things about my personality, or naming a stuffed animal, or the feeling of a diaper, or this vivid fantasy world in my imagination where i am cared for. its like. people call sex dirty, people especially call fetishes dirty, or nasty, abdl is like- feels like the exact oppsoite. its not like i want my whole life to revolve around it, (unlike some people) its just a very very real part of my life that ive grown to accept and love. a part of myself that so many think i should be ashamed of, and yet a part of myself that i hold so close to my heart. going back to the original point of discussion- my sexuality. yes. for god fucking sakes yes i need to push myself back into the realm of enjoying sex- with other people. but god im 24 and ive never had that in my whole life, ive never had a healthy sex life, not that i cant but, im just terrified. im not learning anything new with that, its something that will come and i just need to be patient with myself. but if the end goal is to break all stereotypes and barriers and actually finding a healthy sexuality after the worst of the worst sexual trauma, i think im on my way. and who said i had to be vanilla?
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